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th sume uncononioun nouree gives erigin to both he funy tals andthe fantany Mle of the ch” Cop. wo 11. The diogue ts fotowed by a caseup of panty ‘eervarsed Henry Frameasten 18, slgnfcantty, the monster nmol ptfuly sympathetic, “jffering as adoleoante babeve ony they con rues, fom unsttsecive physes)eppeuzanon, ecios hey font understand, Topued attexpts st love, general Inlounderstanding, “Though endowed by Ms’ singe ‘Rtegenate paren with Yorininel ben,” the mom ‘Ror cleey gully ot te bat uginees and taro ice, and ie by any tera lve culpable than the pane impiety uinervanted forcings and bat~ {ge he bs Dry Vulsenan only after hat northy loves tm he "pailsry destroyed" the meter (Gea for'murder), and na the svtr fs pre™ Daring fo iste fam, the Ponce whieh propels Tis detrction te drowning of the Me uy Is certany the reel of cunaines tnd tgnorence Shenae tat hn foal Bowers on he ibe ond, fgwee tllng, in 8 viral meepioe word af izascunan tures, the master in hn lgnornt fey had cvs est ony for the pe the only Slatin had ser shorn i'n cay dove, Sut tren affecdon, to son the lke se od the Dower Sis loa trch tomar her ster baving ead He Byer tes tnyand a doubt, the most pete and ‘alga rch in th atry oF ns ‘The release of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining-three years tnd $16 alllon fn the mabing--provided 1 faring o> Ste tn whole deoude of horror fine, but ft same une {ton Sane Son ova, Ting ana Ro ‘ewital neltaton on thet wine gear, inthe form {hue seme by sane oe of it enduring shane. ‘The Shining seems too perfect, too calculated; tke John arpenter th The Fog and George Namero in Dawn of the Dead, he appanrs Te have fongatten thatthe sain POE St {Syotvor Gis ie to fiighten ur, or rath to play on our {enna Given enough money, the successful gente aiestor {2"guleny smitten with art, whch can hinder he visceral, Sanipulative interchange between Ghanaher and spectator. ‘by any cay i acy ctor wth an ato Ws ees oitSout to understand why people ake Roe ror fins than why they go to then, or wi these fine ‘Prosper duving certain periods, Popular in genres ua fete making. But fight and terror have never Peay boon out of trl, not stnee the carete chillers lho The Cbtest of Dn. Cage (191), when hows ue hte fsooeh {he eyez of 4 madness Manaus orignal Noster (1222), based on Bran Stoker'e Desa, which party aafuraseed the genre and took it cut of dares andthe fous Lon [Chaney version of The Phantem of the Opera (1026). "The 6 / Planks of Reason tele surge of popularity in America dusing the seveoties foggesed currents of oguil Ut ware not alneys vile ‘on th surface af ou national He. [set phase Sf the Viciam War, when © grost deal of vio™ lanor wan projected onto lees taboo subject, such as the West in he Wis Bunch, the urban Jungle ih Dirty Herey, Sine lehrangy ani Saony of Sat of ncoomle Sma the ctnsnon of the younge "Ths io raly 1 fo get sick 1m Chainsaw ot lost the threat retains a human form, owaret denen: the berserk butchers even aXe UD «| rosler fanily, ith their omen Me intiete ita. But In'more recent horror fins Hke Allen, the monster iz & s+ Eixeo'e on the vic estonia poweresanens. TMs ‘cco roughiy to molec ¢ post Viet sense of Impotence ha futity Bolom vast array of inaslble probleas, from {nfuton, Jobe, and vrben crime to Amerioes deteriorating World peation’ ‘None of our current fm are Neboat™ these ore pornography of vislonca nede poestble by the virtua ‘Sinton Sf ouveoreps. the prteayel of expe so and Stigrophe violence developed tn tandem. Horror fn Soart Tron the ways they aay nitror the socal mood, Alep payenoloical source tha often involve © sea ‘spiced Into aggreosion the seneuel bite of Drezuey the lng loufe plunging ito to female wets tn Htehcok's ete nd fbn Capen aoa. These ot oo iter, Shu murderer ea voyeur nraged by hs own excite ent, ond the samara eppees to our comply by puting sme spoon, sing wn be ons, eed me with gront desl of gore int ‘Tha Aesthetios of right / 67 oreurion im mater wey They sates abot gape be toy shown, A Jolin Carpenter ines! has pointed ‘ut, "The reason that these Sins ae popular i that na ‘ne toy with the rage and anger we have within usr That’ the tentang anpect of moh fils aa Night of the Living Dead end The Texas Chains Masaasss, wh Ihe that nerve. And the mare frbigdan, the nore luring"? ana the fekerig ineges rested «ind of dream spaoe. ‘The tecinoiogy of fin iso mate Kt poesibe for these images {o'be styled ana manipulated in's may that brought thes Beyond simple vison=-the recorcing of how thing ol td toward subjecive ewaronoss, the novenent of Our tings,""As thet hsterien Erwin Penofahy wrote tn ¢ {amous eacey, "The movies have the powar, entirely denied to the theatre, lo convey peychologieal experonces bya feetly projecting thee sontent to the screen, aubeutatng trent fantasies, eacapiat fables in which the knotty ewe the of eal to yeid apply to wil and dosrey Dut many ther ine Neve been say nightmares hat touch on he Shae asre fat ala sal vulnerable ‘Today it scons that more people are peying money to be erphtenes than ta ba mused. Hardy weak passes thot the eles of some cheaply made shocker. ite Save reat was aeny steno fg ora tp 0 {tu tallweds "George Renervs Nigh ofthe Living Dead’ {86) not only found « new midRight Tooage wualonos Bot Sima een te de oul sips of he (Ps Sauer Cale, Slot ‘Sere, a Pid th, Benn of thu Deady and Ridley Scot's expensive Alen, © 8 / Planks of Reason ‘These aueitouted examples, ate i Si'eiy prt atthe story tc oer itt foe fie ae never Tren de Givens and existe tous, ary hey Ri'Soults with acs plotures and mack actin fk, Fs Misr oer the a Trews poten eee bor Ths "Sey ts mon coomersnlyexpiateive, Ia gensinly ‘besarte tne la ue ta om neve be une seme i the actnguee Horror ane pOrOm™PHY “eu sete of all lm oper the ones most Slates chen, and beethe spect of back stent Suto ce ae carer, Rata Wee, ae Sask Robe Ter Shacted for Vel Lovin at AKO in tho cary fortes, serie et Peeps or Roger Cormunrs tacky versions of Powis tie peace, hee The Tomb of Be saicsously ensy to arocaer-fow prope ze neceanary to drew Teco stone Salton ie muah wore conceptual ies Kind of Siveratve hardware could only funper the way Dorror oF NESSES sone ane lute ther impect. Why people pay EE VSEITG fo mystery, but t's much harder to gues why Sepralaety ie Ukeneelee be treed, and wy theyre SEO noes sumbere thos aye it (oe esptranen to court a cen cangr, t0 Hak be iy Satubad sain apy uted nach of popu ce sat Sree ue mthoot realy voaching us. Many people WSp'tnae television sete on al doy as cbadowy back round fo sir regulr ives, peehaps ae 0 defense egsnst Grates oevmvarutons bat oven the soup operst ey USM. lene ener sovious or aghast when 1 tld hen Pvt Siena, evor ne twee seeing in preparnon for thi arti= ‘SED? Bien tistbutors were Gabious when 1 arranged {0 S55 nats than one att time ab CT men diintegrato ur- Sr fhe shou of tht ondond weipution, ws 2a ‘The Aasthetin of Fight | 60 Poor Cazanvater, who pays an nsiioualy good vill, fs blown apart nd sent to ll by e young gle! who as {ttoknctic Mpowere'ss when ahe fouehen peope's handay #be fun raed the etary of thor Evees when thi upsets her Sed te is sally Upestesahe olde on wore Ughtly, and they begin to bleed at avery once. This et kind of Se able to noud our minds; and if they ep Ue to tgif seiner eae stings, or how up, or Be ‘he four of dent Ss the utiate attraction of al oe ror filma. "Thoas who avbait to them are general” Youney ‘Sh they go soaking th hinds ofthis thet con only be ihn through sisk and danger. In Bayond Uh Pleasure Prin- ‘Sple, an inquiry ino the nogetive dnensOne f oor laxtary {Bhes, Inluding our nighenenes and death wiehes, Freud der rerited bow eilazen creas ganes around the very things {yon ng a wy of ung tow fee tn Playing with death, ike gang on the salar conser or pare: ute Jump ot an euseoent perk. Thore is awaye sone ‘tunce, however tenotey that the cat wil janp the ioc ‘hernias the toil wou be gane™-bet tus death tp te ‘ieenialy viarous Ging to oro fn wy of nsraaing ent Hiving share must come fm on tug fy ton sesh and paychatry bare both shown that deans 0 ia to the payhie econony. (Repested interruptions can ring en the symptoms of poyehosis.) Horror fine have tna probe our sneer Fund Gras ft forbogs we ‘The fe why horror Ses work best when they roman sieple and fundamental ike Halloween und Might of the Li ing Dead wos have hn ese sah fC st ur rors wh ecoped madmen, iivong of phous tid feables, -— Crpure motonaa insint*)-tha Geant specceip eating af Allen, the an Sxtaw of Donn at the Dead (et Ine ahopplng center), fe eee ge meses Toc nich Bere fms ur fear of tring ton, fear of encoure, fear of the super fertes, the ungulet spisite of the dead, and 60 on, sogle! esounte of peinisive tebe than in eonenpornry ‘Batic “civdzed san, as Do grows out of ehhood end [eeScancete tought ts rund hls fears and super Nido"tha to eccept tha notin that society wl protect Him. Weete td thet Ee Behave with rational sef-estrait (Shere wit Go ikewse, "Bot on some level we never realy people throughout History have told each other ghost stones oe a may of both arifying and exsnurng thom Stet oy meking thar feu expt. Gohn Carpenters SS"Tne Fog togine with an caborate ghost oto Shares with wesw lw ay Zt Sher releesey far they nave clenreut conte, vine we ce eine, and resolutions. Prive pan rebeara fib foes which gave fra wna cman © Se om "Olt pesmtetons of the Drecula tnd Frankenstaln Stove Seep a hse ese sen oserete ‘Tm dng of retin and the rcremsingsecuariton ot saute nove given ove snd pore apt snnance 2 seota tre un pos a mth ping a oo re ty atlas teoe priiie ede, The ee Sit atl ihe Hine ee form of iT sepeuta meee ar "Ocean ehren, we stu Sore SAnE ace nates te tein aloe ener i i cette teary reaction SF eee osnas) Toe pareve imc Im Sainante te hoe eet fre it a ean Nina cw ae thy appeat= abe at woe ‘he Aesthetic of Fight 11 erperienes, going to terror fine Ie «repetition ompuleon, "hove moguls dfeam, We are "eceret le deit" but Tre” Send Sad Aaa ea ty wml, oy # ba reat ta a ce rt pa en 2 ee aegee sn cree Sake ee, Grameen ete etree race ore a sect Se erchea Bhar vates avaeeeee ieee buried corpses gain & now lense on life, ie, death. Aen ie the And of fin thet hon away a0 meh money ‘ot In the faite sehlocky way. Uke The Shining, whlch 1et, mumbled dialogue, which the diroctor hoped would prove dsosonting but is merely annoying. Far too sal ‘Gnsciour for ite own goody Aen plays with mya! imegse th tl paren, ab Robi lee th ingen hi" wong sth Ulery alsons to Conred and Met. (ifaice evolae the word of Seatt Pieper.) tn the traiion of 200, Aen mates tle effort to he> mesise Ine crew of thn SpHCesKin except for Une taasl gare iene nave ire by slay ewer Sr inhan scentnts who tamper wih nature for the sake SE forbaden knowledge or power. It tz he win beings te ‘owns the ship and the computer which runs it, of the cost St the Aves o€ noesiy all the crew- All the technology of the mova fe thee to be watt is quite useless agaist the Mportectcepunan thet te twin ee f tense end ‘hltdlom ace determined toring bask to earth. wtp, isthe cust quality of the ship, when Ie {t'about cancers and’ can abe Be poll feraly to tw insapereio power of the monster, Hin t= flncnble trations and ekberess. Many recsot geere ns nove tl fatto ana Perec ua tha monsters ‘Sette nanan rere af eles any, wna {ES Mime tte shoroes™ tue chenee of efeting then. ton fms daubervtey Psy tavor wih tbe expectcens we tine fom previous fins.” Sumetnar there titer and isle ego wots a hgh of the Living Den, where the ine savior e's nso ine lek ol sesorcnuingss hd. in the fn fs only mesure of Sel bys weal who fakee hi for one of the ‘he pain of tis ending In thatthe rescuers, who sip poss present lili, tar out obo dangerout Sr the wonsrsy and tw vcine ae hard te el frm The Romtn-sounng ghouls who prey on then: The sane hd overs ocurs Fred Wala When Stung Cala ‘Gown su eeepedpayehopahy sot ou to Ml im inetnd of clnping hin Docks he ters once tle ore then # v= Slum aay hs onan fr eae ith OU Bo'nuad for Micon and nanan contest. In one scene we Sc 'im covering. nuked and Sone, in w pubic tet, foy- fag tnd tne parson behind the face fn the miror.” The Ss ines berone thw vst, the forme ira hea come a ind of svenging monster, ad our natural sya prinie are confused ana persed ritheosk, wlth he ruevely ingratiating viens and subtly aly ete, a master of i pebnclpe of © fring wore snd’ enotinal cenplesty. {ine Alan svoid giving the monster any redeentng quit Dor Ae cera not tron of the sae borer Ale the thiedees uch a Prankenstsn, ov King Kong, or the mounds erste pyee by Gest ah king Kong on tsloviston as the east, already Drought my ive, te stacked by planeesactooy poted by the Iwo dieeetorst~-and falls to Me death rom the Empire Sate ‘Buliding. Meng of the odber cuseie monstare leo fave ‘ele warm, fuzry side and thelr own poignant pred ents. Av Stuat Kanlnshy has noted, "Pie tree vinings ‘St many Portor lige 2e hat the nonetare, But he people ‘hase Gino are true to the conception of Mary Shaley's fed experiaenter who foye with is bat then ebendona | 1s own offspring. At fest the erature, far from wanting to tl, seoke only warmth, afecton, and comms, but ‘ecaive of is mlahepen appeerance he gets then ey from blind an. He i utter ated fom ean fel hip, Tor everyone fudges him by whet be loka tke, Hie ‘aly, their sronty snd soection turn Bi fo the very {hing te eppeare to be, and he begins to lane fevenge of {he fail of hs creator. Janes Whe wovie versions, ‘Spell the wonderfl sequel, Tho Bride of Franken” By prove got ea ot bis symptb ne fe, bed, he's Just misunderstood, and his tormentors 266m more In the naxt grout horror perod, the Stes, thee are sti some man-tke ereetures that haunt fms ka Ths Thing nd Grarture trom the Bick Lagoon, saetiner Sone Gp ‘ith very good spactel effete. Dut urually the danger ix [nore pervasive and lapelpsbe: someting from outer spuce ora oe! mutton, er somthing thn tbe eo ‘Peranoia, « doomedey psychology, enters the horror-odft Fetg. The i een stnbuted to oold war anfetien and (0 \eaneparont stan-ine for the RusSlans, and the Sine ue tips onerous mutate onthe tdaion te nok But the most reveaing Sine of the period are those hich deal withthe monster shin. in Porson Para, {hr ingenioury Fevudion sdeptauon of Shakespestos Tampest, the caltban-ke creature ie « detrusive electromagnetic ‘eld woloh ie en sending projection of the roprentod wishes of tho benign eclonist mel. (This Proopeo has the ‘Quker shadings people usualy ius Inthe origina ply) ‘And in Don Siegel's celebrated tavasion of the Body Sehr ‘he allen presence is nt the pods But 8 growing a=} St fatenaa and any who have been transformed by thet STrurned nat into ghotie with viable fenge Sut into cose Versions of umociven, trangulsed'enentores wtb anbd- ‘he poten of thls fin ae exceptionally ambiguus 1m one ranee hese aok-allkan enbogy an ant-Ceomni Srey of ey e ballet that They are gradually taking over. [BUC in ther mnotionees normaity and eall-content, the Pod ‘People ae eurely aring sbovt conformity and the lose ‘SF dentty int wonobte socety. ‘The monuters tn tis Om ‘inary town are'no more tan ou ordinary, Und, comple ‘ent sever: In a gradual reversal, the few Who hold ut [fulot them, the dasentese who eng to thelr naiicankty, ‘Sees ite abject of a icant paca by the hind of ‘he Intsguing principle of exchange fn the Sn ie that people turn” fst By Inting gor falling asleep--they can be rage napping as thle freedex ete nay--ye stl ok ‘Ue same way in Night of the Living Deed, At first, in the ‘ie paranda ensef, he Ris portays tho ghouls a a whey Siler and unctoppeie foree. But eventeally eetor Romero ‘Rte on the tick that even the eslogedistina can turn fe {5 praustors and Join the logon of sambioe within minutes ter "dying. thou thy ean be Iibed persanently, By 2 ‘iow or a bullet to the bra ‘This erentee more of © Bue nos of forces, with las feng of utter heplessnens, but ‘aes heigtsne the peracal tension tie the Delngscred ‘hols: the enemy is aso win, (Romero eplls tie de= ‘ice and ite for comedy Down of the Dead by turn Ing the mbes into Jlcike fgurar iw abeting gallery, tito mest al be methodiealy reklld ater eing Pale.) xcept for han a Stranger Cal, most of our resent ‘The Aestheios of Bight 15 er uso conpety sen threst, spore eri (enya Dond Peatenee in Halowesn), susrogate for the Devoven ‘hate tare ail fnew on Tw aca, Sha Danian, "rhe obscene reoping vole of Mefeeder He mariage ie rot realy 8 past of poor Linda Bin in he SEER TCT eda bere oo ctl tt at one of {he crewmen in aun is caraniy giving ® new tod sore Ileal twist tothe iden of the monster witine The ithe Noval in Frbiaden Pane the muro inconsloss i bo wor impiated, ony Ti eigentonsPuturate advances ‘Tho many incarnations of the Devil since Rosemary's ‘Baby have an especialy onlous Lelie! ng, TheUER they make for ingeniously decadent horror, fall of peeudor gious overtones. Tha Slakesn innocence of the ‘fowes {ald in sates myiboigy has given wey to the sbslste evi ff these postesiea ciluren, who must alter be eradiestec Sr Wiatnty wrenched fre of ther inner salvar. Tide tot fev refutes al visions of socal progrest. all Shlleyan, Sr Rouavesilan sonceptona of honan navre, fort cart B¢ nly be exorcisods atthe end of 7h (regry Peck Sbene ise for hesttatng to deve a take through the oust of the Beruf chil he has raed aa tow sone ‘his ie an apology for hardheareaness worthy of Miter Friedman, an aarelt on srtinentalty that would warm he heart of & neoconservative It ie nevenie-stye becash ‘Sand spoctyptie peaslelon--with « vengnonce Ing tnd aes the father the agent of the Devilna poss Paustian posture for a would-be wiiter-mith the payetic is, the walftke sien wife, and the tndly (Ost Doncible) block an as his avilable victna, He subettaen se iy or te ae on Tha ie to Denia sCewseulon, somes to gust othe Eon of motion, ‘Kubrick Gevomphestose {hw thume oe evil hase” which Inked Stephen Kings novel tothe gotie tradition, n= feud, he Shining becomes thw fri horror Gin which nso many cheap horror Sine Soy ae om ‘rplaneion for sl Kinky and wnnt behavior.” This tn [senenet's cop-ost wach makes inordinate demande 08 Jsex Nicholson's mba fase end leering sane grin 82 & ‘better for motiraton Yet Kubrick compcatan the plture by showing the credoat Gf loc drastic) derangement of the ile dbl Eval. (the boy, Une Tony Perkins in Peyoho, withdraws Increasingly tnto ho altr ego, while the wife etually ‘tues Che tet Blows wits sebal Dat and nlf.) “Perhaps with swsonances from Kubrie fim soto ty danse ge wry wae the Bs prorogeives of fen: bo Not Distr (PAI work snd no ")e_ At fs wost convincing, The shining ts not & ‘ley going insane together. owrr fine resin exception ively to lok at even seten thn pint of view t Bony and th weterial sorta ‘Toy often hove s soning wisual quay that teem qun~ tly cosnaic, an fy asc nouns bt vitally ‘Monad lcestns who ae ath captivated by sharply ete ‘Sidiend mone” rhe Univer fine of te tire, wih ISr othe trentaa, boon tyneg youn aa erty ‘is seamed ute son tbe epitopes, Some {he naw hoeor fine were shot y the gree Gorman st {ogrupher art Freund, who ed worked with Fate Lang en ise CEnoue fin even sete ths of Citen Kane seg tact fhe yn Inet Sw of {rand talc! ele ee sowslone for orgie ener {eye De Pamala probaly tho Dest erectar to work {2 (ile pew wave of hotory fallwed at rome ditance by arener, Rano, ar perhaps Hone, Toke fn, tet ‘Tho Aesthetics of Bight / 77 fea, seen tron «low enpisy surgig trwsrd typrotealy {in Bgh othe Living Dead's shone inane, Teprouccton argh ts Sms of above” _ Event somes pas of teh Sriunted Sera, {be ag tet owe ny opty corn in Te Sg, fone breathing heevily bain is ispersona, Tnglecate Stok te star whling sound dexency ts Ma aeoke 10g wuity fete ef thea, tine SEE, Seett™ Intoe Puss are wd Tae Hy” Sea ides ee ‘sores forertt sibivdonce set Tone tia oy Sa Rar ce ese ct ‘Sela cvereentng with gore and leet whit can etn nee parser vay eas ara ec Sirhan tad od mama aee toate Shag winiwnnens fas" errr ae Si atta tad Biidera ane tegen RES eat eng cag op entonay, whing ot rune and ea lr it or oy Schad ay atednts why they rubfested hance fo ouch Fuvedang expen, beg revered autesea ‘elie sso bong, so toting” nets elo kos {he bie tay «ted Sneed ih ae a ate ‘of bravery) thit Halloween was the scutest novi she'd few acest wld Se that iy ie oy en {Seine young, i ot of tur wih eae of cat ert ‘ors ad nxn Feros Morais soso Dave exorcise co much of our senet of es Perteps the enya nd sox nb wean Una taboon and explore deply buried wats, have nm voted by alean Marnetz, "Cheep and Froabia, Hor Tor Maa Ave hulipying,” haw Tork Haas (Oc imp. p eh & BOC in Mia Theory and Goa Induct eating c27 Gerad Wart and ara ban CRS SEE Sada Gniveraty Pan, 104), pe 1b "Tenies Strachey (New York: Bantan Books, 1955), pe aes, Stuart Kenineky, Amecoan Fla Genres (Dowling Green, ‘hos Popular Press, 1010), Pe 10 5. or site view see che! Cinent, Nubriok, trans, ‘cert Adair Glew Yorks Hat, Rinehart and Wine fon, 18), pe 1 ‘ohn Carpenter intervie by Todd Mecarthy., "Eck by Charlane Burnet been gute pervasive. ts early wefters kn the Gotive period fron 116 to Ina) gathered the Wnente of the Romances {he Renuisance drama, and the sonality novel t sot ish genre that continued to dovelap and Aousiah tong {er the publenion of Seinen the Wanderer (3800), euppored- lance ofthe othe ware walter iter aba’ css Res Ilo to ite nineteenth centary, the genes ajstery, terror /horor, fentasy, and eslnce felon schous began 10 aerge. The Oothe's prevalence n el Hinge end ranges of ‘rire instant tar ad continued appeal for bath Moreover, it is not resteted to Htaature lone St has tepted te realy to the twontotrsestury median of ‘ny “Winess, Tor example, the many fim alapations of ‘ha “monster novelo~Drcula, Praensein, and Dre Jekyl nt Mey ye,” Pilm ss varied as Peo Star Wang He Swoon, Polietgelst, nd The Thin Mey a have Tote punted ‘nthe cotnie genre which war need and shaped in eght= seoticentury English Sotion. As exanpies of te Goths {Sandon indo the fim metiun, two Eine which Reve beer {ip com nove wb sed int meny” Rabe ists The Haunting (1983), based upon Shiley Jechson's ‘he haunting of Hil onse' (is, tod Stoney Kubees ‘Bis Shining (1980, Dased upon Siophen King's The Shining sri). “Thove patiular stories were Shonen bear n= oth nova and iim form, they represent the contincetion of the tratonal tersor/hornot Clie ities the Cght= fenth century by Wapaie, Lowa, and Redelfe, Defore ‘odying thete fins, however, 1 Govt we te sxanine three

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