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Paper Bookmarks


To make a paper bookmark using handmade papers


Handmade paper, Marker/ sketch pens, ribbon, tape, glue(optional) and scissors


 Cut the handmade paper into a small, less obtrusive bookmark only an inch long, or choose to
make a more traditional sized bookmark measuring 2-3 inches wide.
 Draw over your bookmark with markers or pens to add words, phrases, or quotes that you
particularly like.
 In order to protect the paper from becoming frayed or damaged, add a protective covering to your
bookmark. You can also create this effect by using wide packing tape in an even strip on both
sides of your bookmark.
 Use a hole-punch to create a hole at the top of your bookmark. Cut a piece of ribbon to be 6-8
inches long, and fold it in half. Then place the loop-end of the ribbon through the hole punch and
slide the tail ends through the loop, pulling tightly.
Photo Frame


To make a simple and beautiful photo frame with ice cream sticks


Ice-cream sticks, glue, marker, glitter/gemstone, ribbon and a photo of your choice


 You will need 1 stick for each side of the frame. If you’d like a thicker frame, glue 2 sticks together
to make a wide popsicle stick.
 Glue 4 popsicle sticks together to make a square and wait until the glue dries. 
 Paint your frame using markers or acrylic paint. Let the frame dry, then decorate it further. You
can write something on it or you can also paste few gemstone/glitter on it.
 Trace your frame onto your photo using a pen. Cut the photo out.
 Glue or tape your photo to the back of the frame. Add a ribbon to the back of your frame if you
want to hang it.

Pot Making


To make the best out of waste clothes using plaster of paris


Plaster of paris, water, plastic gloves, balloon, ice pop stick,empty container, paint brush and paint
(any colour)


 Put on the plastic gloves.

 Scoop the plaster of Paris powder into the bowl .Mix the water with the plaster of Paris using the
ice pop stick. It should have the consistency of pancake batter. 
 Dip old cloth in plaster of paris mixture, cover balloon with this cloth and then let it dry. After 30-
40 minutes apply another layer of plaster of paris on it. 
 After 2-3 layers your pot is almost ready, now poke the balloon with any pointed object and your
flower pot is ready.
 Using a paint brush paint any design of your choice on the pot with your favorite color.

Wall hangings


To make a beautiful wall hanging using quilling papers only.


Quilling Strips, fevicol, scissors, threads and a slotted quilling tool.


 Insert a piece of quilling paper into the slot of your quilling tool. 

 Roll the tool with your dominant hand either towards your body or away from it; whichever feels
most comfortable to you. Hold the strip taught with your other hand.

 To make a closed coil, as you near the end of the strip, place a small amount of glue near the end
of the strip and roll to complete.

 To make an open coil, remove the coil from the tool and allow the coil to expand. Once it has fully
expanded, add the drop of glue and press the strip down carefully to secure.

 Now start pasting all those coils forming a pattern of your choice.

 After 2-3 patters are ready, you can attach them with thread or a ribbon. Add a ribbon to the back
of your frame if you want to hang it

Puppet Making


To make puppets with minimum amount of material


Ice cream sticks, glue, scissors, learning chart paper of animals.


 With a pair of scissors cut out all the pictures of your favourite animals from the learning chart
 Attach you favourite animal on a ice cream stick using glue.
 Now color the remaining portion of your ice cream stick with the same color as your animal.

Cake Making


To bake a cake with the simple ingredients at home without oven.


Oil, leftover biscuits, milk, baking soda, cake tin and a pressure cooker.


 Crush a medium-size bowl full of leftover biscuits into a fine powder, then add some milk in it and
mix it well till it turns into a thick paste. You have to make sure that the mixture stays thick like
chocolate syrup.
 Add a tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of milk into the mixture.
 In a heavy large pressure cooker, add salt and spread it out. Remove gasket and whistle from the
lid and cover the cooker. Heat on a medium flame for 15 minutes.
 Pour the mixture in a greased and lined cake tin and place the cake tin carefully inside the cooker.
Cover and set the flame to low.
 Bake for 30 – 40 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
 Remove from the cooker and cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Then flip the cake onto the wire
rack and allow it to cool completely before decorating it with the frosting of your choice.

Poster Making




 Get a large piece of paper, poster board, or another backing material. A thicker poster will look
more professional, but you can make a poster out of almost anything.

 Write a list of the elements you need to include in your poster.

 Sketch out your design on a regular piece of paper.

 Have your main slogan or headline in the center of the poster.

 Use the top, bottom, and sides for any important details.

 Sketch your design onto the poster board with pencil.

 Color your poster with colored pencils, crayons, markers, or paint.

 Add embellishments like symbols, graphics, and glitter.

Lippan Art


To make Traditional Lippan Art with Clay


MDF board, shilpkar clay, 6mm glass pieces, glue, acrylic paint and a paint brush.


Port with the size as per your comfort. Draw beautiful design on it

Take shilpkar clau of your choice. Make dough in correct proportion. Read the instructions on the Shilpkar
package properly .

With help of hand or roller make clay ropes. Now cover the designs with thin clay ropes . Take help of
Talcum powder to shape and scissors to cut where required.

Let the design dry completely for a whole day. After the design has dried. Color the board with Acrylic
white color. Let the board dry again.

Now time to color the designed board as per your choice. Highlight the clay lines with acrylic white.

Finally decorate with mirrors. Add the mirrors to board with help of fevicol glue.

Matki Decoration


To turn a regular matki into a decoration Item.


Matki, Acrylic colours and paint brush


Paint the pot your desired colour with a clay-friendly paint. Both acrylic paints and water-based paints work
well on the clay surface of matki pots.

Wait 24 hours for the paint to dry. It is important to wait for the paint to dry; otherwise, you risk it

Paint dots onto your the jar.

Paint lines on the jar to add another element. Both straight and squiggly lines are incorporated into most
matki jar designs.

Experiment with different coloured paints to create patterns. Use different colours to make your designs
stand out. For example, white and yellow patterns would look great over a red base coat. Gold and red
would look eye-catching over a navy base coat.

You can few more elements for decoration like, glitter, pompoms, small mirrors, etc.



My objective was to take part in every possible opportunity available in our Institution. So that I can gain
more confidence and achievements by taking part in all the activities. I was not ready for these stages as
we received information about all the tasks on that day only.


Our event was divided into three stages. Our first stage was about Introductions in which we had to give
our intro. In front of all the students and faculty members on stage, I was a little nervous at the beginning,
so I was constantly trying to be calm.

The second stage was the talent hunt, in which we had to perform/showcase our talent. I was very
confused between poetry and singing. I love singing and writing both; however, I was not very confident
about doing it on stage. Therefore, I picked singing as my talent to showcase.

In the final stage, our task was to give a speech on any random on-the-spot topics given to us by the
organizers . It was the toughest out of all the three stages. I gave my best in all these stages and in
return, judges declared me as Ms.Freshers of that day.


Performing on stage was one of those skills in which I was not confident enough; yet, I took part in this
event to get rid of my stage fear. I was fighting against myself and all those fears within me.

In the end, I was happy about my performance, results, and for conquering my stage fear.



Out of all the activities available in this event, I picked anchoring and dancing, for which I prepared well. I
took every rehearsal practice seriously and practiced a lot for on-stage speech and anchoring.

My objective was to polish my presentation skills and be more confident while performing on the stage.


From my previous experiences of events in this Institution, I was highly motivated; Though I was not sure
about anchoring.

It was my first time being on stage as an anchor. I was happy and nervous at the same time. The event
was very hectic for me cause I was preparing for two things, for dancing and as well as for anchoring.All
those dance practices were very tiring, but it was fun.

Our dance form was based on Navratri and Garba/dandiya styles. I enjoyed all those rehearsals, staying
late on the campus with friends, and all those praises I received after the final performance.

In anchoring, my co-anchor and I messed up a little bit, but in the end, everything was fine and


Through this event, I learned that it's not who you are that holds you back it's who you think you're not.

All those fears and nervousness, I faced since my childhood from being on stage were gone, and after this
event, I was so happy and full of confidence.

Cultural Event


This event was one of the biggest events of our Institution in which Director Sir of SCERT was the chief
guest; therefore, I wanted to take part in this event, to show how amazing our Institute is by performing
with my fellow batch mates.

For the preparations, I took part in 2 different dance forms and,I practiced a lot for both.


The two dance forms for which I opted were Gujarati and Punjabi. From my experience in the Dusshera
event, I was sure about one thing, that I can dance with confidence, but the thing I was not aware of is
how tiring this whole rehearsal is going to be?

Gujarati dance form was still manageable, but The Punjab dance "giddha" requires a lot of energy and
movement, and I was not aware of how exhausting this whole rehearsal is going to be?

Before the final performance, my legs were in pain but I wanted to give my best shot; therefore, I tried my
level best to focus only on my performance and not on the pain in my legs.


After facing all the pain in my legs because of ulcers and exhausting rehearsal; In the end, all those
appraisals and cheering made me realize that sometimes it's better not to give up on a few things.


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