The Effect of Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate On Structural Changes of Wheat Gluten

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Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

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The effect of sodium stearoyl lactylate on structural changes of wheat gluten T

in a model system fortified with inulin: Investigation with Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy
Amir Pourfarzada, , Zahra Ahmadianb, Mohammad Hossein Tavassoli-Kafranic

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Department of Food Processing, Research Institute of Food Science and Technology (RIFST), Mashhad, Iran
Lipid Chemistry Group, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Keywords: Inulin production and application is widely growing throughout the world because it is a functional and pre-
Gluten biotic compound and an appropriate substitute for lipid and sugar. In this study the secondary structures and
FTIR changes of model systems containing gluten and inulin were investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
Secondary structure spectroscopy. The effect of Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL) was also investigated in order to cover the un-
desirable properties of inulin on the properties of the dough, bread quality and shelf life. Curve fitting methods
were used on the initial range of models and in the range of 1600–1700 cm−1 (amide bands I) to analyze the
secondary structures of the models. Upon performing Gaussian–Lorenzian curve fitting, it was observed that by
adding of 0.8% SSL to model systems, the relative contribution of α-helix and intermolecular β-sheet peaks was
minimized while the content of β-turn and intramolecular β-sheet was maximized.

1. Introduction of inulin and related raw materials (Roberfroid, 2005).

Eremurus spectabilis belongs to the Liliaceae family. Its geographic
Following nutritional advances, a wide range of foods include or distribution is mainly in South Asia from Turkey and Palestine to
will be, functional foods, which, improve health and reduce the in- Central Asia, including the countries of Turkey, Palestine, Lebanon,
cidence of diseases due to the presence of effective components on the Syria, Iraq, West Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Caucasus. The
body's activities. Nowadays consumers are worried about their health Eremurus is one of the plants that has been used for industrial and food
and tend to buy foods that in addition to good taste, are low in calories use since ancient times (Rubin, 2002). Its roots and tubers are rich in
and low in fat, and are beneficial for health. Cardiovascular diseases, carbohydrates, among which sugars are more abundant. In total, the
cancer, high cholesterol, high weight, osteoporosis, and diabetes are the amount of sugar that is obtained varies from 14% to 22%. The extracts
common diseases of today. Inulin is a functional product that can satisfy from the tubers contain cellulose, but the extract and the remainder
the needs of the food industry to produce healthy foods. Accordingly, it lack starch. Thick syrup is converted to a solid and brittle material that
is thought that the use of prebiotic components such as inulin can be is extremely moisture absorbent and sticky, by adding alcohol and
important in preventing these diseases (Roberfroid, 2005). Scientists drying in moderate heat. In the extract of this plant, there is a small
have introduced inulin in an indigestible oligosaccharide group, and amount of reduced sugar (Levulose), cellulose, extracts, albuminoidal
AOAC has also introduced inulin as a food products-soluble dietary materials, ash, and minerals, but the main ingredient is inulin. Powder
fiber components. Various studies have shown that a diet containing β of Eremurus contains 60% inulin, 20% levulose, and 20% water, ash,
(2-1) fructans (such as inulin) stimulates the growth of Bifidobacterium and minerals (Hajebi, 1974; Rubin, 2002). Regarding the nutritional
and Lactobacilli and selectively prevent the growth of pathogenic or- importance of inulin, its increasing production and application, and the
ganisms. In addition, inulin is a soluble and fermentable fiber that helps presence of various inulin-rich plants in a wide range of countries,
improve intestine function by improving regularity, increasing the unfortunately, due to the high cost of purchasing and importing this
frequency of excretion and volume of excretion (Gibson, Beatty, Wang, substance in the food industry, it remains unclear in domestic industry.
& Cummings, 1995). The recent issue implies an upward trend in prices Therefore, the possibility of extraction and optimization of inulin from

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Pourfarzad).
Received 24 May 2018; Received in revised form 30 November 2018; Accepted 14 December 2018
2212-6198/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Pourfarzad, et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

Eremurus root is considered as a step towards the introduction of new accurate method, secondary structures and gluten changes were eval-
and native sources, as well as self-sufficiency and no need for imports of uated by determining the absorption bands of specific functional groups
this product. of this biopolymer. This assessment will help us better interpret the
Infrared spectroscopy over the past 10–15 years has evolved with behaviour of the inulin content system. Also, in order to cover the
the overall improvement and revolutionary changes in the components undesirable properties of inulin on the properties of the dough, quality,
of the spectrometer, the available equipment, and the emergence of fast and shelf-life of the bread, the effect of sodium stearoyl lactylate in-
and powerful computers. The use of this method in biological appli- teraction on the model of the gluten-inulin-based model was in-
cations, especially in determining the characteristics of proteins, has vestigated.
had unprecedented increase. The basis of this study in the use of in-
frared spectroscopy is that the effect of infrared proteins is unique, in 2. Materials and methods
other words, for spectroscopists, it is considered as a fingerprint in
terms of composition and structure. Duplicate structural units of pro- 2.1. Materials
teins are peptide groups that are divided into 9 infrared groups in-
cluding A, B, and I-II. Amide Ι (1600–1700 cm−1) and ΙΙ Root powder flour of Eremurus, a product of Khorasan province was
(1500–1600 cm−1) are two major groups of infrared spectra of proteins prepared from a grocery shop. For this purpose, the powder needed for
that are commonly used to determine their structural properties. Amide testing was prepared simultaneously, the particle size was adjusted by
region I (1600–1700 cm−1) is related to stretching vibrations C˭O and using a mesh of 50 micrometres and kept in a dry and cool place. Other
is directly related to the peptide spine of the protein molecule. The materials used in this study included reagents of dinitrosalicylic acid,
amide region II (1500–1600 cm−1) shows the C-N stretch, which is phenol crystal, potassium sodium tartrate, D-fructose, and sulfuric acid
strongly related to the N-H flexural band and is susceptible to protein 96% were purchased from Merck (Germany). Reagents of dini-
structure changes. The amide region of ΙΙΙ (1200–1350 cm−1) is related trosalicylic acid, phenol crystal, potassium sodium tartrate, calcium
to the N-H flexural band (40–60%) and is dependent on the stretching hydroxide, phosphoric acid, activated carbon, D-fructose (purity≥
band of C-N (18–40%) and also includes vibrational changes of C–N and 99%) and sulfuric acid (purity≥ 96%) were purchased from Merck
N–H (Cai & Singh, 1999; Shuowei & Singh, 2004; Susi, 1969). (Germany). Dahlia inulin with a purity≥ 98%, gluten (protein≥80%),
A food is made up of a molecular mixture of biopolymers. Gluten as and sodium stearoyl lactylate were prepared from Sigma Company.
one of the major biopolymers in wheat flour plays a fundamental role in Ethanol (purity≥ 99%) was also prepared from Scharlau Company.
the structure, rheology, and other physical properties of the bread as
well as its taste and its sensory aspects. It has been shown that the 2.2. Methods
properties of bread vary with it. In addition, the functional properties of
the bread reflect the physicochemical properties of each of the mac- 2.2.1. Extraction, purification, and drying of inulin
romolecules and the network including all of them. Therefore, the in- Inulin extraction was performed in a water bath. The Eremurus
teraction between macromolecules is involved in the diversity of bread powder was mixed with distilled water at a weight ratio of 1:50 and was
structures (Tolstoguzov, 1996). The mechanical energy involved during stirred for 30 min at a temperature of 85–90 °C (Pourfarzad, Habibi
the mixing of the dough causes structural changes such as breaking and Najafi, Haddad Khodaparast & Hassanzadeh Khayyat, 2015). The sus-
forming covalent and non-covalent bonds, such as hydrophobic and pension was then filtered by a linen cloth to isolate the insoluble par-
hydrogen bonding in wheat proteins (Aït Kaddour, Barron, Robert, & ticles. The solution was opaque due to the presence of colloidal particles
Cuq, 2008). In the baking process, the heat and mass transfer occur, and materials such as pectin, protein, and cell wall materials (Hansen &
which heat causes structural changes or denaturation of proteins. In Madsen, 1992). The extract was then mixed with 5% calcium hydroxide
addition, due to the increase of sulfide and di-sulfide exchange reac- latex and placed in a temperature of 50–60 °C for 30 min until the im-
tions between gluten polymers, transverse bonds are formed and purities were deposited and the color of the extract was turned into a
polymerization is obtained (Falcão-Rodrigues, Moldão-Martins, & brighter yellow. By this technique, the pH of extraction increased from
Beirão-Da-Costa, 2005; Lagrain, Brijs, Veraverbeke, & Delcour, 2005; 5–6 to 10–12. The pH of the extract was adjusted in the range of 8–9 by
Tiwari et al., 2011). Due to the importance of interactions between adding 10% phosphoric acid after filtering with Whatman No. 4 filter
biopolymers in analyzing their content systems, several studies have paper to deposit excess calcium and organic materials flocculation. The
been conducted on the interactions between different biopolymers such mixture was placed at 60 °C for 2–3 h and again filtered with Whatman
as phospholipid and wheat gluten (Mohamed, Harry-O′kuru, Gordon, & No. 4 filter paper. To ensure the proper purification process, calcium
Palmquist, 2009), gliadin and dextrin (Secundo & Guerrieri, 2005), hydroxide and phosphoric acid were added twice. The purified extract
water and protein (Haque et al., 2010) and Carrageenan and flour was bleached by adding 30 g of activated carbon per kg of Eremurus
components (León et al., 2000). Also, the interaction between inulin powder and stirring for 15–30 min at 60 °C, and activated carbon was
and other compounds such as phosphatidylcholine (Panchev, Delchev, separated by filter paper. The solids concentration of extract was ad-
Kovacheva, & Slavov, 2011) and lipids (Vereyken, Albert Van Kuik, justed by a rotary evaporator, at 40° Baume, and mixed with 99%
Evers, Rijken, & De Kruijff, 2003) has also been studied. ethanol at a ratio of 8.5 (v/w). After 3 days of storage at 25–30 °C, the
One of the ways to improve the health of the food and reduce the upper part was separated and the precipitate was washed with ethanol
food health threats in the community, enrichment of these products (Pourfarzad, Habibi Najafi, Haddad Khodaparast, Hassanzadeh
such as enrichment of bakery products with inulin. In this way, the Khayyat, & Malekpour, 2014). In order to increase the purity of inulin,
health of the traditional bread of the country can also be increased. the purification steps were repeated 5 times. Freeze drying was used to
Various researchers have examined the effect of inulin on the rheolo- dry the precipitated samples.
gical properties of dough, the qualitative and sensory properties of
bakery products. As mentioned in various sources, inulin, despite the 2.2.2. Determining the properties of inulin produced
nutritional effects and benefits, also has undesirable effects on bread The moisture content of the produced inulin samples was measured
quality and shelf life (Brasil et al., 2011; Filipović, Filipović, & Filipović, by drying in an oven at 105 °C (Aoac, 2005). The phenol-sulfuric acid
2010; Hager et al., 2011). In none of the studies, due to the mechanism method was used to measure the total carbohydrate in inulin samples
of interactions between inulin and biopolymers of the enriched system produced (Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton, Rebers, & Smith, 1956). To mea-
especially bread, the improvers have been provided for the quality and sure the reducing sugars in the samples, the dinitrosalicylic acid was
shelf-life of it. used (Miller, 1959). To measure the amount of inulin in the produced
Therefore, in this study, using infrared spectroscopy as a quick and samples, the amount of reduced sugar was deducted from the total

A. Pourfarzad, et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

Table 1
Physicochemical properties of produced inulin from Serish.
Degree of Polymerization Purity (%) Inulin content (%) Moisture (%)

13.08 93.84 86.07 6.55 Content

± 0.493 ± 0.224 ± 0.242 ± 0.336 Standard Error of Mean

Each observation is a mean of three replicate experiments (n = 3).

sugar content (Lingyun, Jianhua, Xiaodong, & Yalin, 2007; Paseephol, infrared spectrum analysis were analyzed using Minitab 15 (State
Small, & Sherkat, 2007). The average length of the inulin chain was College, PA, the USA), and the means were compared with Duncan's
calculated by the following formula (Lingyun et al., 2007): multiple range test at 95% confidence level.

Degree of polymerization = total amount of carbohydrate

3. Results and discussion
/total amount of reducing sugar (1)

The purity degree of the produced inulin samples was calculated 3.1. Chemical properties of inulin produced
and evaluated using the following formula (Lingyun et al., 2007;
Paseephol et al., 2007): The physicochemical properties of inulin produced from Eremurus
are shown in Table 1. The quality of powdered food is based on the type
Purity(%) = (inulin content of dried sample of properties that depend on their specific uses. As the results show, the
/dry matter content of dried sample) × 100 (2) inulin content, purity degree, and a polymerization degree of the
sample produced were 86.07%, 93.84% and, 13.08, respectively
The solids content of the dried sample was measured by the weighed (Table 1). The purity degree of inulin produced was largely similar to
method and by drying it in an oven at 105 °C (Aoac, 2005). commercial ones. The low polymerization degree of inulin may be due
to its initial source (Eremurus) or hydrolysis during the extraction
2.2.3. Preparing model systems process. However, the extraction, purification, and drying conditions
The components of the model systems used in this study were inulin, were adjusted to achieve the highest degree of polymerization.
gluten, and sodium stearoyl Lactylate (SSL). The level of inulin addition
in the models was 10% gluten (Morris & Morris, 2012). To investigate 3.2. Infrared spectrum of models components
the effect of emulsifier on model systems, sodium stearoyl lactylate at
levels of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1% of total solids were added to The infrared absorption spectrum of the model's components is
model systems containing inulin and gluten. The weight ratio of water shown in Fig. 1. In this study, all components had bands in the range of
was considered three times the total solids (total of all components). 2800–3000 cm−1 and a broad band of about 3300 cm−1. The first is
After weighing, the components were mixed with distilled water. The related to the C-H stretches and hydrogen bonds, and the latter to O-H
mixtures were then placed at 30 °C for 16 h in order to the components stretches (Nikolic & Cakic, 2007). The gluten spectrum had peaks at
of the model reacted well together (Mohamed et al., 2009; Xu, Kim, wavelengths of 2934 cm−1 and 3397 cm−1 (including, CH, NH or OH
Hanna, & Nag, 2005). The mentioned models were frozen using liquid stretching, respectively). Inulin had other bands in the range of
nitrogen to be powdered with fine particles after drying. Then they 800–1200 cm−1, which is considered as an index of polysaccharides. In
were dried using the freeze-drying method. It should be noted that the the inulin spectrum, absorption in the range of 600 cm−1 to 800 cm−1
moisture content of all models after drying was 6.5%, which was shows the C-H bending absorption of aliphatic compounds. A relatively
measured by Aoac (2005) method. Inulin, gluten, and sodium stearoyl strong absorption peak in the range of 1653 cm−1 shows absorption of
lactylate were also subjected to the above conditions to be used as OH bending signal in absorption water (Pal, Mal, & Singh, 2005). The
controls for analysis. stretching vibrations of sodium stearoyl lactylate led to the formation of
larger bands in 618 cm−1 and smaller bands in 722 cm−1 at the in-
2.2.4. Evaluation of the infrared spectrum of the model systems frared spectrum of samples (Kizil, Irudayaraj, & Seetharaman, 2002). In
The interaction of sodium stearoyl lactylate with the system con- the infrared spectrum of inulin-gluten models, in a range of C-H
taining wheat gluten and Eremurus inulin was investigated using in- stretching (between 2800 and 3000 cm−1), a band at a wavelength of
frared spectroscopy. For this purpose, samples were mixed with po- 2929 cm−1 was observed in all models. In this way, the importance of
tassium bromide in a weight ratio of 1–100 and after pressing it became the role of the components of the models in interacting with them and
tablet-shape and then exposed to infrared rays of Spectrophotometer, the development of the Gluten network can be highlighted (Haraszi,
(Paragon 1000, Perkin Elmer, USA). The measurement of the spectrum Larroque, Butow, Gale, & Bekes, 2008).
was carried out with a precision of 4 cm−1 and in the range of
400–4000 cm−1. The interference of the water and carbon dioxide 3.3. Interaction of inulin, gluten, and sodium stearoyl lactylate
spectrums with air during the scan was deducted (Panchev et al., 2011).
In order to compare the spectral changes created in different models, The stretching vibration of the N-H bond was related to gluten and
the secondary derivative of the infrared spectra was obtained, and then was observable in 3433 cm−1 (Fig. 2). In the same range, there are also
vector normalized using the Unscrambler software (version 9.2, Camo the stretching vibrations of OH in sodium stearoyl lactylate
process AS, Oslo, Norway). After baseline correction, the spectra were (3418 cm−1), inulin (3434 cm−1) and, gluten (3424 cm−1). Thus, the
fitted with a Gaussian–Lorenzian mix function and in I amid band position of the N-H stretching vibratory bands overlaps with the OH
(1600–1700 cm−1) (Panchev et al., 2011; Sivam, Sun-Waterhouse, stretching bond give bands in the range of 3433 cm−1, which was ex-
Perera, & Waterhouse, 2012). panded with increasing sodium stearoyl lactylate. Therefore, the in-
crease in the water enclosed in the model systems due to the increase in
2.2.5. Statistical analysis the amount of emulsifier in the models is consistent with increasing the
In order to compare the infrared spectrum of the model systems, the absorption of bands in 1654 cm−1 (OH bending) and 3433 cm−1 (OH
spectrometry of each model was performed in three replications and stretching). Small bands in the spectrum of the gluten-inulin model
factorial completely randomized design. The data obtained from the (cm−1 2164 cm−1 and 2371 cm−1) and sodium stearoyl lactylate

A. Pourfarzad, et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of models components.

(2103 cm−1 and 2368 cm−1) which were related to the C-O stretching stretching, and 10% C-C stretching) in 1561 cm−1 and amide III (The
state, were transmitted to higher wavelengths, indicating a stronger complex band due to several simultaneous movements) in 1241 and
bond formation. Absorption bands in 1241–1472 cm−1 which are re- 1413 cm−1. Peaks of 1500–1800 cm−1 are dependent on the amide I
lated to the stretching vibrations of C-O-O and C-N, and also the and II proteins, stretching states of sodium stearoyl lactylate and inulin,
bending vibration of gluten, inulin, and sodium stearoyl lactylate N-H and the O-H bending state of water (Kačuráková & Wilson, 2001), due
(amide III) (Su, Huang, Yang, & Yuan, 2008) are likely to be ex- to the importance of this range, are examined by curve fitting. To
acerbated by increasing the level of the components in the models. analyze the effect of sodium stearoyl lactylate on the secondary struc-
Bands of wavelengths of 1022, 1079, and, 1161 cm−1 were appeared tures of inulin and gluten content models, curve fitting methods were
due to the stretching state of gluten C-OH groups as well as C–O groups used on the initial range of models and in the range of 1600–1700 cm−1
of inulin and sodium stearoyl lactylate (De Marchi et al., 2009; Parker, (amide bands I). The results of modeling and fitting data are shown in
1971; Shen, Wu, Chen, & Zhao, 2010). Peaks appeared at wavelengths Fig. 3 and Table 2. The intermolecular β-sheet structures, random coil,
less than 938 cm−1 (C-C stretching and C-O-C vibrations) were devel- α-helix, the β-turn, and the intra-molecular gluten β-sheet in the
oped due to an increase in emulsifiers (Frushour & Koenig, 1975). It is models, were 1600–1640 cm−1, 1640–1650 cm−1, 1650–1660 cm−1,
also notable that peaks of wavelengths of 477 cm−1, 618 cm−1 and 1660–1680 cm−1, and 1680–1695 cm−1, respectively. The amount of
722 cm−1 were due to the out of plane bending vibrations of the C-H on each structure was obtained by calculating the relative level of the
its molecule. Their absence in system models can be attributed to the bands (Mizutani, Matsumura, Imamura, Nakanishi, & Mori, 2003;
complete mixing of sodium stearoyl lactylate with gluten and inulin and Sivam et al., 2012). The range between 1600 cm−1 and 1625 cm−1, as
eliminates the mentioned vibration (Tipson, 1968; Widjanarko, well as the observed absorptions at frequencies of 1630 cm−1 and
Nugroho, & Estiasih, 2011). On the other hand, in the same wavelength 1640 cm−1, were the result of inter molecular structures of β-sheet that
range (863 cm−1), the stretching vibrations of C-O-C and also out of show hydrogen bonds in interactions between proteins (Wellner et al.,
plane bending vibration of C-H of sodium stearoyl lactylate increased 2005; Wellner, Belton, & Tatham, 1996). All models have strong ab-
(Sivam, Sun-Waterhouse, Perera, & Waterhouse, 2013). sorption bands in the ranges of 1640–1650 cm−1 and
1650−1660 cm−1, which probably reflect random coil and α-helix
3.4. Secondary structures structures, respectively (Li, Dobraszczyk, Dias, & Gil, 2006; Wellner,
Bianchini, Mills, & Belton, 2003). The presence of α-helix with the
Gluten index bands include amide I (80% C-O stretching and 10% C- presence of an II amide band in 1560 cm−1 is also confirmed
N stretching) in 1654 cm−1, amide II (60% N-H bending, 30% C-N (Naumann, Schultz, Goerne-Tschelnokow, & Hucho, 1993). Peaks

Fig. 2. Effect of sodium stearoyl lactylate on FTIR spectra of models containing inulin and gluten.

A. Pourfarzad, et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

Fig. 3. Curve fitted FTIR spectra for models containing inulin, gluten and Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate using Gaussian–Lorenzian mix function.

appeared in the range of 1660 cm−1 and 1680 cm−1 probably related to emulsifiers in the models, the amount of this secondary structure gra-
the presence of β-turns and are caused by lateral branches of glutamine dually increased. The highest amount of secondary structure of intra-
(about 35% of the total amino acid content of wheat protein) (Belton, molecular β-sheets was observed at 0.8% emulsifier level. Increasing
1999; Wellner et al., 2005). All spectra had two peaks at 1686 cm−1 the amount of sodium stearoyl lactylate emulsifier from 0.2% to 0.4%
and 1694 cm−1 (the index of intra-molecular structures of β-sheets) led to an increase in α-helix in the models, but by increasing it from
(Zhang & Yan, 2005). 0.6% to 1%, the amount of this secondary structure decreased. This
As seen in the fitted infrared spectra (Fig. 3 and Table 2), when behaviour is consistent with the results of Gómez, Ferrer, Añón, and
sodium stearoyl lactylate was increased in the models up to 0.8%, the β- Puppo (2013). Adding higher than 0.4% of the emulsifier in the models
turns increased from 33.23% to 34.4%, but the increase of emulsifier leads to an increase in negative electrical loads in the gluten network
from 0.8% to 1% resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of β- and thus increases electrical repulsion, which leads to an increase in
turns (34.3%). The change in the amount of intra-molecular β-sheets molecular disorder and also the opening of gluten proteins (Gómez
also showed similar behaviour, so that by increasing the amount of et al., 2013). As it was shown in Table 2, addition of SSL resulted in the

Table 2
Effect of sodium stearoyl lactylate addition on the secondary structures content in models containing inulin and gluten.
Secondary structures Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (%)

Intermolecular β sheet (%) random coil (%) α helix(%) β turn (%) Intramolecular β sheet(%)

42.5a 9.23a 14.04ab 33.23e 1.00d 0

42.49a 7.95bc 14.04ab 34.06d 1.46c 0.2
42.49a 7.63c 14.08a 34.29c 1.51b 0.4
42.39ab 7.80bc 14.01b 34.29bc 1.51ab 0.6
41.38c 8.21b 13.6d 34.4a 1.52a 0.8
42.27b 9.16a 13.65c 34.3b 1.52ab 1
± 0.044 ± 0.193 ± 0.017 ± 0.002 ± 0.006 Standard Error of Mean

Means with the same letters are not significantly different at 5% probability level.

A. Pourfarzad, et al. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 17 (2019) 100175

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