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SIR CHHOTU RAM INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING MECHANICS (BT-419) NOTES ON MOMENT OF INERTIA Chapter 15: Moment of inertia 365 mont of ma8S. But all such secon (8 are bro: nome! second moments are broadly termed as moment of inertia 0 pr 6 Shall SEUSS the moment of inertia of plane areas only. iyoment of Inettia of a Plane Area loraptane area, Whose moment of in ePrumber of small elements, nto 2" sito yy Areas of small elements, and Fi Tipton wertia js required to be foundout. Split upthe whole Corresponding distances of the elements from the line about Which the moment of inertia is required to be four ow the moment of inertia ofthe area, ma Meow. aR tag + aye te Lar 49. unis of Moment of Inertia Asa matter of fact the units of moment of inertia of a plane area depend upon the units of ea and tbe length. 1. Ifarea is in m? and the length is also in m, the moment of inertia is expressed in mt, 2, Ifarea in mm? and the length is also in min, then moment of inertia is expressed in mm 154. Methods for Moment of Inertia ‘The moment of inertia of a plane area (or a body) may be found out by any one of the following two methods 1. ByRouth’s rule 2, By Integration, the Routh’s Rule is used for finding the moment of inertia of a plane area or a body 185, Moment of Inertia by Routh's Rule ‘The Routh’s Rule states, if a body is symmetrical about three mutually perpendicular axes*, ‘en the moment of inertia, about any one axis passing through its centre of gravity is given by: A(orM)xS 3 _ AlorM)x$ 4 (Fora Square or Rectangular Lamina) a .. (Bor a Circular or Elliptical Lamina) Alois (Fora Spherical Body) 5 whee A= Area of the plane area ‘M-= Mass of the body, anc smoulseien ‘is, other than the axis, about '§-= Sum of the squares ofthe two semi-axs, 0! ‘which the moment of inertia is required w be found out, Note : This method has only academic importance and is vey ssn hs eh ot sense ‘aetiology these days. The reason forthe sameis that iti sally convenient iouse "Nsgration for the moment of inertia of a body. i ak AX axis, Y-Y axis and Z-Z axis. nena An» 366 © A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics 15.6, Moment of Inertia by Integration ry ‘The moment of inertia of an aren may also be Found ‘out by the method of integration as discussed below: Consider a plane figure, whose moment of inertia is required to be found out about X-N- axis and ¥-Y axis as shown in Fig 15.1, Let us divide the whole area into a no, of strips. Consider one of these strips. Let Area of the strip © = Distance of the centre of gravity of the : strip on X-X axis and y= Distance ofthe cnr of arity OF THe ig. 18, Moor nag, strip on ¥-Faxis. ty We know that the moment of inertia ofthe strip about ¥-¥ axis ada. ‘Now the moment of inertia of the whole area may be found out by integring equation. £, v Iyy= Edda? Similarly yy =A .9? In the following pages, we shall discuss the applications of this théthod for Finding og moment of inertia of various cross-sections. 18.7. Moment of Inertia of a Rectangular Section Consider a rectangular section ABCD as shown in Fig 15.2 whose moment of inris inning to be found out. Let ‘Width of the section and Depth of the section. Now consider a strip PQ of thickness dy parallel to X-X axis ‘and at a distance y from it as shown in the figure Area of the strip aby ‘We know that moment of inertia ofthe stip about X-X axis, = Area x y?=(b, dy) y= by? dy Now *moment of nena ofthe whole section may be found out by integrating he store equation for the whole length of the to+ Tarnina ie. from — 2 2 ‘This may also be obtained by Routh’s rule as discussed below : tax Where ares, A= xd and sum of the ‘Square of semi axes ¥-Y and Z-Z, Fig. 15.2. Roctanguar see ey, (foe rectangular Chapter 15: Moment of inertia m 367, =p [2 asa] _ ta 3 3 12 lye gaits 19 ot Cube is to be taken of the side, which is at right angles to the line of reference, Je 15:1- Find the montent of inertia ofa rectangular section 30 mm wide and 40;nm sar axisand YY axis, “ joemjion. Given: Wid of the section e = 30 mm and depth of the section (@)=40 mm, Se know tat moment of inertia of the section about an axis passing through its centre of allel 0 X-X axis, ane bd? _ 30x (40)? Ig A = GO" 16010? mt Ans. jp = 22 40x30 sity Ie 58. Moment of Inertia of a Hollow Rectangular Section Consider a hollow rectangular section, in which ABCD is the main section and EFGH is the aout section as shown in Fig 15.3 Breadth of the over rectangle, Depth of the outer rectangle and Corresponding values for the cutout rectangie. ‘Weknow that the moment of inertia, of the outer rectangle. ABCD about X-X axis =90x10? mm? Ans. bud, = oa) 32, and moment of inertia of the cut out rectangle EFGH HOAKX aris, bai 2 Mil.of the hollow rectangular section about X-X axis, Igy = ML. of fectangle ABCD ~ MLL. of rectangle BFGH Ali) Fig. 18.3, Hollow rectangular section, bd _ ha yw 12 Sia, a _ bh 2 it secti Note TH]. relation odd 00d aly ithe centre of gravity of ne main setion as well that ut out s¥etion coincide with each other : ee Baample + i inertia ofa hollow rectangular section about its centre 15.2. Find the moment of inerti 3 feminine eae dirs vo breadth 60 mm, depth 80 nun and internal dimensions are "30mm and depth 40 mm respectively. he ineering Mechanics ook of Engl 368 = A Texth 1s) = 60 mm External depth (a) = y, 1m somal bre sansion. oma dept (d,) = 40 hy bret ()= 30 mandi low rctangularsetion about ais Wve tnow that moment fin "se igscentre of gravity and parallel 10 X-X ais 4 sc? y at dl, DON _ t = 2400% 10" nyt 4 ~ 12 =P ; Any 2 0G a 0) _ MOCO 1350 10° ant Similty, hy D1 2 ta 18.9. Theorem of Perpendicular Axis - a sof inertia of a plane section abo states, If Ibe the moments of nerta of 50 pe is mathe a be men of inertia i, abou the ais ZZ, penendicnty the te passing through the imersection of X-X and Y-Y is given by: Plane day = My hy Proof: 7 7 P Consider a small lamina (P) of area da having co-ordinates Zz as xand y along OX and OY two thutually perpendicular axes on i aplane section as shown in Fig. 15.4. 4 Now consider a plane OZ perpendicular to OX and OY. SS Let (r) be the distance of the lamina (P) from Z-Z axis such that y+ er) "| oP=r. From the geometry of the figure, we find that Fig. 15.4. Japey Perpendcuar ag We know that the moment of inertia of the lamina P about X-X axis, yy = da. 2 la. la. P= da (2+ 2) la. + da. y? = Dyy + Ty Similarly, Ly and |, 15.10. Moment of Inertia of a Circular Section Consider a circle ABCD of radius (x) with centre and X- ‘and Y-¥'be two axes of reference through O as shown in Fig, 155. Now consider an elementary ring of radius x and thickness tx. Therefore area of the ring, da= 2m x. de and moment of inertia of ring, about X-X axis or ¥-V axis rea x (Distance)? Rade x st 2axde Now moment of inertia of the whole section, about the central axis, can be found out by integrating the above equation for the whole radi from 010 r od ae nfo. r Chanter 15: Momdnt of neria 969 Inert, 42 “Bay {ote rf) ay from te Theorem of Perpendicular Axis ha We Toa bre fae (UeTU 2009) 46.3. Fd she moment of inert of ag x0 jong is centre Facrcular section of $0 mm diaineter about sspion. Given: Demeter) =50 mm so ment of inestin i i sy kao that mo Of the eitcular section about an axis passing theough ils an Kwik Inn = Gq OD" = X50)" = 30710? mam Ans, 1 Moment of Inertia of a Hollow Circular Section i siger a hollow circular section as shown in Fig. 15.6, ponent of ner equied 0 Ge found ou, : ‘D= Diameter ofthe main eitcle, and d= Diameter of the cut out circle, ‘We know that the moment of inertia of the main circle X” pat Xai Zayt = (D) Foy j nftorent of inertia of the cut-out circle about X-X axis up =F Fig. 18. Holow creular section Moment of inertia of the hollow circular section about X-X axis, yg = Moment of inertia of main circle ~ Moment of inentn of eut out circle, # pt. ®t aL ted © (py -£ ay =Z ot (oy (ay (ot =a) Siniay, yy = (DS a") faq NOt * This relation holds good only ifthe centre ofthe main circular section as well as that te cut out circular seecion coincide with each other. ‘ay also be obtained by Routh's rele as discussed below As or cleat section} Where area, A= Boe? and sum ofthe sguate of sen ants ¥-Yand 2-2, d a s-fgj oot by of Engineering Mechanics mn extertal diameter wv een section is am ext oF 80 example 15:4. Ah aries abou te rice as peasing yy diameter of 60 min. Pid its = 80 mm and infernal diameter iy a «External diameter (D) = 80 min eae 'e hollow circular section abo ‘We know that moment of inertia of th oH passing through its centre, 370 # A Textbook My, 4 vans -(ooy"y = . {(80)* ~ 60)"] = 1374 % 10° spy Epi -dy= 64 Ixy fr « 15.12, Theorem of Parallel Axis " in plane area about an axis through ates, Ifthe monent of inertia ofa plane area at BN its Cony, des ie voment of inertia ofthe area about any other axls AB, paraten ee ata distance h from the centre ‘of gravity is given by: Ne Igalg tal I4g=Moment of inertia of the area about an axis AB, {= Moment of Inertia ofthe area about is centre of gravity denoted by lex i, ‘ay where a = Area of the section, and dr= Distance between cen of gravity of the section and axis Proof Consider strip of a circle, whose moment of inertia is required to be found out gy, ABas'shown in Fig. 15.7. aie Let a= Area of the stip _y= Distance of the strip from the centre of gravity the section and ‘A= Distance between centre of gravity of the section and the axis AB, . ‘We know that moment of inertia of the whole section about an axis passing through the centre of gravity of the section = 8a.) ’ ‘and moment of inertia of the whole section about an axis passing through its centre of grav 1,=Zba.y" + Moment of inertia of the section about the axis AB, Tg = © 8a (ht yP = E Ba (H+ y+ 2 hy) = iP. Ba) + (3 92,8) + (2 hy Ba) =aky 1g+0 is Iemay be note BY Sima Banded iy above) ON — my benoted that i#. 8a=a i? and Sy? ba = Ig [as per equation (i) above] yy fa ee eum Of moments ofall the areas, about ay axis through centre of ot section and is equal to a, where F is the dict e id the as ihioaga tau of, {8 the distance between the section an ‘gravity, which obviously is zero, 4 Fig, 15:7. Theorem f plas y Chapter 15: Moment of inertia = 371° oment of Inertia of a Triangular Section é wie y engutar setion ABC whose moment of inetia sil found out é 8 b= Base of the triangular section ang n= Height of the triangular section, e jgerasmall strip PQ of thickness data distance of eo Fig. 15.8.5 sot nse shown in Fg. 15.8. From he geomet th - vert pe (0 triangles APQ and ABC are similay, KP shew" 0 Fi. 188, hangar section Mee DAE oe (Bc base =) pow at area ofthe strip PQ = wdx oe it ofthe strip about the base BC = Area x (Distance)? = * de (hx = (h-aP ae ‘moment of inertia of the whole triangular section may be found out by integrating the No i : veg forthe whole height ofthe angle. fom O10 nox 2E (n-x? qh ae fix a? +2 22K de 2 [= 4 aT be 3 Weknow that distance between centre of gravity of the triangular.section and Base BC, 2: Moment of inertia of the triangular section about an axis through its centre of gravity and Well to X-X axis, +a) Se = cnskasia iout ci aman gts wenden se Liga (BIE y sie at 2.This relation holds good foray Fe oF SAREE 372 m A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics “An isosceles angular section ABC has base width 80 nan end hig, Example. 15.5. esermine hevnomens feria of te secron cout the centre of gravity of the ection and te ‘Solution. Given ; Base wilh (0) =80 nim and height (1) = 60 mm. | of the section Moment of inertia abou the centre af gravity it Wie knca that moment of inertia oF tring section about His centre of gravity, | BAR _ 80x (60 _ 439 x 10" mm oe we Moment of inertia about the'base BC ‘Wealso know that nioment of inertia of triangular section about the base JC, 3 3 bh _ 80% 6 _ 440 x 10 mp 2 12 Exmple 18.6. Hollow rianguta section shown in Fg. 15:.9is symmetrical about es vera ~p 100 mm L 4 4 1120 mm-—>1 k-— 180 mn Fig. 15.9. Find the moment of inertia of the seetion about the base BC. Solution. Given : Bese width of main triangle (B) = 180 mm; Base width of cut out (©)= 120 mm; Height of main wiangle (H) = 100 mm and height of cut out triangle (h) = 60 m ‘We know that moment of inertia of the triangular, section about the base BC, ; BH? _ bh? _ 180x100) 120x 60)" me 2 12 Ro = (15 x 109) ~ (2.16 x 106) = 12.84 x 10°mm* — Ans, 15.14. Moment of Inertia of a Semiciicular Section Consider a semicircular section ABC whose moment of inertia is required to be found out as shown in Fig, 15.10, Let r= Radius of the semicircle. ‘We know that moment of inertia of the semicircular section about the base AC is equal to half the moment of inertia of the circular section about AC. Therefore moment of inertia 4 of the semicircular section ABC about the base AC, ° 2 [¢— pisatnetee — 1 lao = 5% gq (ay? = 0.398 4 ‘We also know that area 6f semiircutar section, Chapt fer 15.5. centre of gravity of the set ‘5 Moment of inertia 373 4r Hon and 1 3n on syoment oF =" ia Of the section through its centr eof gravity and parallel to. f= lac al [Baeo'] [ze (ee fot teeta ete moment of inertia about pene ol ye ; he base AC, raais, wn “Y-axis will be the same as that about the base AC wt hb 45:7. Determine the moment of tnerli ang contre of gravity and parallel Sn nae Ii YY axes, % ™ i jp ion. Given: Diameter of the section (f) = 100 = 100 mm or radius (r) st inertia of the section about 5 est of ut its Centre of gravity 50 mm ial “gw that moment of inerti ‘gravity and parallel to he erie Otis ee ee ee out is cenre of gravity and AA 0.1 x6 a = 0.11 x (0) = 687.5 108 mnt wet ofthe eto aot ie cra af gy and pot ioe malo know that moment oj ice en te 2 inertia of th somicvelar action hosts conte of of gravity sipolelto PY axis. Iyy= 0.393 74 = 0.393 x (50) > (50)* = 2456 x 10? mm* A Example 15.8. A hollow semicirclarsecion has ts ower andi ii Se ecihamnanp ter and inner diameter of 200 mn 4 B H-120 m4 }<—200 mim ——>4 Fig. 15:11. What sits moment of inertia abot the base AB ? 5) = 200 mm or Outer Radins (€) = Solution. Gi i ti 1. Given: Outer diameter (P) nee (2) = 120 mam or inner radies (7) = 60 mM nesta of the hollow semici 0.393 [(100)" 2007 mm and inner jroularseetion about the base AB, = gy] = 3421 10? mt Weknow that moment of i yy 2 0.393 == vt Exercise 15-4 section 60 nm wide aml 40 5 deep about 1, Find the mom er moment of inertia of a rectangle pou its centre pices! jones tars. [yy 2 920% 10? mum! hy = 720% 10 om 7 2 Find the moment of inert + eton about is cere BA if an de and inert the external dimensions are 40 mm 427 =e a le mmm deep and 15 mm wide. ams. fe J dimensions a 32970 nam) S74 ma ‘Textbook of Engineering Mechanics 3 Find the moment of inertia of a cireular setion oF 20-910 deo tory gnvity, . mh 4 Calculate the moment of inertia of a hollow cireular se diameters 100 mm andl 80 yum respectively about Mw TAs, 790%, iF extern passing rong iti Vans, 2 gg eg 8. Fite moment finn ting etn HW 50 Basen ay about an axis through its centre of gravity and base. "hy [ins 300 108 my ogy 6. Find the moment ofinedtia ofa semichcuar setion of 30 mn rag ao Pas 1 89a hg et 15.25. Moment of Inertia of a Composite Section “The moment of inertia ofa composite section may be found Out by the Flay 1. Firstofall, split up the given seecion into pfane areas (ie. rectangular, tian, ete., and Find the centre of gravity of the section). Find the moments of inertia ofthese areas about their respective centres o Now transfer these moment of inertia about the required axis (AB) by qh Parallel Axis, ie, gd 08 He, i avi Tay [jp = lg tal? whee akeiet of inertia of a section about its centre of gravity and paral a =AN of the section, Het ir= Dishine between the required axis and cente of gravity ofthe sat, 4 Themomens oferta ofthegvea section may nowbe Obineby te ics the moment of inertia about the required axis. Exainple 15.9. Figure 15.12 shows an area ABCDEF. Fe 4omm 20 mm cy 40 mn ai R fi 100 mm — 240 mm —>} Fig, 15.12. Compute the moment of inertia of the above area about axie K-K. _ Solution. As the moment of inertia is required to be found out about the axis KK, there is 20 need of finding out the centre of gravity of the area. K| 3 7100 sae — 240 mam — t ; Fig. 15.13, Letus split up the area into ewo'reétangles | and shown in Fige15.13- a Chapter 15 : Moment of inertia m 375 ent of inertia of section (1) about its centre of gravity and parti oMIBKK, 20x 40)" . 2 = 640 nt Ia 2 Su arweens conte ‘of gravity of section (1) and axis K-x, ya 48 5 120 mm e 2104 120 mm ment of inertia OF Section (1) about axis KK +a I = 640 x 10°) + [0120 x 40) x (120¥ nent of itiertia of section (2) about its centre of gravi Iga = ~ 69.76 x 10° mm? ‘nd parallel to axis K-K, 46.08. 10° inm* ’ 12 scence BrINLY of estion (2) ond ani KK, i nt a y= 100+ 82 = 220 mm Moment of inertia of Section (2) about the axis &-K, = Teqn + a Wh = (46.08 x 10°) + [(240 x 40) x (220)7]= 510.72 x 10 mmt ment of inertia of the whole area about axis K-K, gg = (69.78% 40%) + (510.72 x 10) = 580.48 x 108 mm! Ans, xample 15.10. Find the moment of inertia ofa T-setion with flange as 150 m2 30 mm bes 150 na % 50 mm about X-X and YY axes through he centre of gravity ofthe section. Solution. The given T-section is shown in Fig, 15.14. Fint ofall, let us find out centre of gravity of the section. éezaionissymmetrical about ¥-Y axis, therefore its centre of iy will ie 08 this axis, Split up the whole section into two ssuigesviz., and 2 as shown in figure. Let bottom of the web Ines of reference. : (Rectangle (U) a, = 150 x 50 = 7500 sm? Now ” ai 350452 =115 am (i) Rectangle (2) 7 a =150 x 50= 7500 ram? 150 mmle— 150 Fig 15:14: of yy == 75 mm i ‘and botom of the web, We know that distance between centre of gravity of the section. 3) Yuck cy yo, (TSO 75) + (150047) 425 mm 7500 + 7500 Hovey a +a "of inertia about X-X axis , is 3 grovity and parallel oun? know that M.I. of rectangle (S) about an axis thao its centre of g ye 15050)" 5625 x 10° mm* gi 2 ‘Ssance between opntraof gravity of xectans (1) a KoX ans hy, = 175 ~ 125 = 50mm 376 @ A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics ©. Moment of inertia of rectangle (3) about X-X axis (1.5625 x 10°) + 17500 x ($0)] = 20.3125 x 10° mm* Sin ¥. INoment of inertia of rectangle (2) about an axis through its centre of gtayi parallel to X Yay Figg = — = 14.0625 « 10° mm? and distance between cenire of gravity of rectangle (2) and X-X axis, A, = 125-75 =50mm ++ Moment of inertia of rectangle (2) about X-X axis = [gg + ay hE = 14.0625 x 10°) + [7500 x (50)7] = 32.8125 10° mq! Now moment of inertia of the whole section about X-X axis, Zgq= (20.3125 x 105) + (32.8125 x 108) = 53.125 x 10° mm* Ans. Moment of inertia avout Y-Y axis We know that MLL of rectangle (1) about }-Y axis 50 (150) aS" 2 = 14,0625 x 10° mm* and moment of inertia of rectangle (2) about ¥-Y axis, _ 150 607 = 1.5625 x 10° mm* Now moment of inertia of the whole section about Y-Y axis, (14.0625 x 105) + (1.5625 x 10) = 15.625 x 10°mm* Ans.

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