Adverb Placement: Only Only Only Only

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Adverb Placement

Only I have fish and chips; nobody else has it.

I only have fish and chips; I don’t have a drink.
I have only fish and chips; I don’t have anything
I have fish and chips only; I don’t have rice and

They secretly decided to leave the town.

They decided to leave the town secretly.

We often visit museums.

She speaks English well.
She looked at me suspiciously.
She looked suspiciously at me.
She looked suspiciously at everybody in the room.
However, the plan wasn’t fully discussed.
He worked until six o’clock. Then he left the office.
Next, I’m going to speak about the advantages of
the plan.
Suddenly there was a loud noise.
Fortunately, we could take a bus to the village.
My father often travels to France.
We rarely go out on Mondays.
Her brother has never flown an airplane.
I’ve definitely decided to leave this town.
She will probably be absent at the meeting.
The party has obviously been cancelled.
We see our cousins quite often.
She is very nervous sometimes.
They eat out occasionally.
Perhaps they can’t find the way to the village.
Maybe you’re right, or maybe not.
The secretary read the letter slowly.
He answered all the questions correctly.
Did you phone her last night?
Tomorrow we’ve got a meeting with the general
This week I’m staying with my uncle in the country.
Soon you’ll see a church, take the second street
behind it.
Here we can stop.
The train slowly crossed the bridge.
He angrily shouted at the doorman.
They will possibly be late for the party.
She suddenly ran out of the room.
Would you kindly wait?
I knew she played the piano very well.
We were extremely annoyed with his manners.
I’m terribly sorry about last night.
Let’s meet in front of the cinema just before seven.
He kicked the ball almost over the building.
I’m really sleepy now.

Adverb Examples (with Different Types)

Adverb of Frequency:
always(vg;gTk;), sometimes(rpyNtisfspy;),
often/frequently(mbf;fb), normally/generally
(nghJthf), usually(tof;fkhf), occasionally
(,Ue;jpl;Lvg;gthtJ), seldom(mupjhf), rarely/hardly
ever(kpfmupjhf), never(vg;gTk; ,y;iy), etc.
I often go to the beach.
He sometimes visits his grandma.
They usually drink coffee in the mornings.
I hardly ever help my mom in the kitchen.
He is usually very happy.
We are always helping the children at school.
I have never done anything bad.
I always have my lunch at school.
He seldom has English classes.
We often had dinner late at night in college.
Occasionally, I go to the beach.
Sometimes he visits his grandma.
Usually, they drink coffee in the mornings.
I always go to the beach.
I often go to the beach.
Do you often go to the cinema?
He doesn’t always eat grapes.
She never sleeps at home.
Do you often go to the beach?
Do you sometimes visit your grandma?
Is she always late for soccer practice?
Are they usually so grumpy?
Adverb of Manner:
cheerfully(kfpo;r;rpahf), efficiently(nray;jpwd;kpf;f),
painfully(Ntjidahf), secretly(,ufrpakhf),
quietly(mikjpahf), peacefully(rkhjhdkhf),
carefully(ftdkhf), slowly(nkJthf),
badly(Nkhrkhf), closely(neUf;fkhf),
easily(,yFthf), well(ed;whf), fast(Ntfkhf),
quickly(tpiuthf), etc.

He ran quickly.
She spoke softly.
James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
He plays the flute beautifully.
He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
He writes well.
The dog quickly ran after the ball.
She stood up slowly.
They happily ate the food.
He asked angrily.
It was beautifully drawn.
The cake was lovingly made.
'What?' he said loudly.
She whispered softly.

Adverb of Time:
now(,g;g), yesterday(New;W), soon(tpiutpy;),
later(gpd;du;), tomorrow(ehis), yet(,Jtiu),
already(Vw;fdNt), tonight(,d;wpuT), today(,d;W),
then(gpd;du;), last(fle;j) month/year, etc.

She arrived early for the meeting.

When I bake, I make cookies first.
When I clean, I do laundry last.
I will stop by later to see how you are doing.
He never wants to go to the park with me.
The movie is starting now.
I have many things to accomplish today.
Tomorrow, we are going to the movies.
She came over for a visit yesterday.
Adverb of Place:
above(NkNy), abroad(ehl;Lf;FntspNa), far(J}uj;jpy;),
on(NkNy), away(mg;ghy;), back(gpd;Nd), here(,q;Nf),
out(ntspNa), outside(ntspg;gf;fk;),
backwards(gpd;Ndhf;fp), behind(gpd;gf;fk;), in(cs;Ns),
below(fPNo), down(fPo;Nehf;fp), indoors(cs;sfkha;),
downstairs(fPo;khb), etc.

They often holds meetings downstairs.

Jack looked everywhere for his missing keys.
She will plant her garden here.
We stayed in to watch a movie.
Kumar likes to read inside.
The children love to play outside.
I want to go fishing somewhere.
We stayed there for three nights.
I went upstairs to see my grandma
Adverb of Degree:
quite(nuhk;gTk;), fairly(ghFghbd;wp), too(ck;),
enormously(ngUkstpy;), entirely(Kw;WKOjhf),
very(kpfTk;), extremely(Mff;$ba),
rather(nfhQ;rk;mjpfk;), almost(fpl;lj;jl;l),
absolutely(Kw;wpYk;), barely(nfhQ;rq;$l),
completely(KOikahf), enough(NghJkhf), etc.

I almost stopped there

He also enjoys playing the guitar
I only take the bus to work on Mondays.
He is not running that race today.
I was quite pleased to see my son's progress in
school this year.
I am rather tired after spending the day at the
I am so hungry, I could eat a horse.
It is too loud in here for me to concentrate.
Emily was very tired after missing her afternoon
Adverb of Certainty:
apparently(njupe;jtpjkhf), clearly(njspthf),
definitely(cWjpahf), doubtfully(re;Njfkhf),
doubtlessly(re;Njfk;,d;wp), obviously(njupe;jtpjkhf),
presumably(vLj;Jf;nfhs;Sk;tpjkhf), probably
(rpyNtis), undoubtedly(re;Njfj;Jf;fplkpd;wp), etc.

He definitely left the house this morning.

He surely won't forget.
He is probably in the park.
He is certainly a smart man.
She is definitely going to college.
He has certainly given much of his time.
We will probably eat at home.
She surely looks like her mother.
He probably passed the test.
They clearly do not enjoy this class.
She is definitely unhappy at her job.
He is undoubtedly a hard worker.
The singers are certainly talented.
Adverbs of Attitude:
frankly(Neu;ikahf ntspg;gilahf), fortunately
(mjp];ltrkhf), honestly(Neu;ikahf),
hopefully(ek;gpf;ifahf), interestingly(Mu;tkhf),
luckily(mjp];lkhf), sadly(Nrhfkhf),
seriously(jPtpukhf), surprisingly(Mr;rupakhf),
unbelievably(ek;gKbahjjhf), etc.

Clearly, he doesn’t know what he is doing

Unfortunately, there is no more room
Frankly , I don’t think we’ll win.
I don’t think we’ll win, frankly.
He obviously doesn’t want to come.
She’s apparently the best person for the job.
Predictably, he ate the last chocolate in the box.
Hopefully, the rain will stop and we can go fishing in
the morning.
Personally, I don’t think the plant will flower this
Look, she’s got her hand up, obviously she knows
the answer.
Apparently the class starts at 5pm.
There is no electricity today consequently, classes
will be cancelled.
He’s not 65 years old actually, he’s 75.
Clearly, it is a gum tree not a mango tree.

Adverbs of Judgement:
bravely(ijupakhf), carelessly(ftdkpy;yhky;),
fairly(Neu;ikahf), foolishly(Kl;lhs;jdkhf),
generously(jhuhskhf), kindly(,uf;fkhf),
rightly(rupahf), spitefully(ntWg;ghf),
stupidly(Kl;lhs;jdkhf), unfairly(Neu;ikapy;yhky;),
wisely(Qhdkhf), wrongly(jg;ghf), etc.
Conjunctive Adverb (Linking adverb):
besides(mNjhl), comparatively(xg;gPl;lstpy;),
conversely(khwhf), equally(rkkhf), further(NkYk;),
hence(vdNt), in comparison(xg;gPl;lstpy;),
incidentally(mjpUf;f), namely(KiwNa),
next(mLj;jjhf), now(,g;g), rather(nfhQ;rk;),
undoubtedly(re;Njfk;,d;wp), additionally(mNjhL
Nru;j;jhw;Nghy;), anyway(,Ue;jhYk;),
certainly(epr;rakhf), elsewhere(NtWvq;fhtJ),
finally(,Wjpahf), in addition(mNjhL), in
contrast(khwhf), indeed(cz;ikapy;),
moreover(NkYk;), nonetheless(,Ue;Jk;),
similarly(mNjtpjkhf), subsequently(gpd;du;),
thereafter(mjd;gpd;du;), yet(,d;dKk;), also(ck;),
meanwhile(mNjNeuk;), consequently(mjd;
tpisthf), nevertheless(,Ue;Jk;), etc.

The workers are demanding better pay.

additionally, they want longer breaks.
You must do your homework; otherwise, you might
get a bad grade.
I missed my interview. Consequently, I didn't get
the job.
Simon won't be attending the show; therefore, he
has an extra ticket for anyone that can use it.
The freshmen haven't finished their project.
Comparatively, the seniors have been done for
We broke up years ago. Still, I have feelings for
Amy practiced the piano; meanwhile, her brother
went out with his friends.
Cody can't afford a new car. Nonetheless, he
bought a huge truck.
My mom loves dogs. However, she is allergic to
We watched the fireworks show at night. All in all,
it was a great experience.
Adverbs of Evaluation
apparently(njupe;jtpjkhf), clearly(njspthf),
presumably(vLj;Jf;nfhs;Sk;tpjkhf), probably
(rpyNtis), frankly(Neu;ikahf> ntspg;gilahf),
unfortunately(Jujp];ltrkhf), hopefully
(ek;gpf;ifahf), bravely(ijupakhf), rightly(rupahf),
wrongly(jtwhf), stupidly(Kl;lhs;jdkhf), luckily
(mjp];ltrkhf), sadly(ftiyahf),
fortunately(mjp];ltrkhf), unbelievably
(ek;gKbahjjhf), etc.

Clearly, he doesn't know what he is doing.

Obviously, you are acting silly.
Personally, I'd rather go by train.
Presumably, he didn't have time to go to the post
Seriously, I can't give this speech.
Surely you tried to get here on time.
Technically, we cannot fly to Mars and back.
Undoubtedly, he has a good reason not to come.
Bravely, I kept on walking.
Carelessly, she threw her book into the pond.
Certainly you should be there.
Cleverly, Sally hid the jellybeans.
Definitely, you are smart.
Foolishly, they cried out.
Generously, he donated the money.
Stupidly, they played in the street.
Obviously, we are lost.
Kindly, she fed the cat first.
Luckily, you got here on time.
Fortunately, we found the boat.
Naturally, you cannot be in the circus now.
Wisely, she stayed home to take a nap.
Confidentially, I never gave him the envelope.
Theoretically, we could send astronauts to Mars.
Truthfully, I don't like chocolate much.
Disappointingly, she got fourth place.
Thoughtfully, I turned away.
Simply, I don't want to come.
Unbelievably, she showed up late again.
Unfortunately, there is no more room.

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