Universidad de Guayaquil Facultad Piloto de Odontología: Wonder Video Task

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Universidad de Guayaquil

Facultad Piloto de Odontología

Wonder video task

Eva María Mascaro Benites

Names and surnames

Alexis Vladimir Cando Ortiz


School year
2020 – 2021 CII
1. What's the setting of the video?
The events in this episode took place over 24 hours in the Pacific Ocean off Costa Rica.

2. Who are the personages of the video?

Will Slatttery
Tonya Handle
Many Sánchez
Giles Fabris

3. What's the problem?

The problem was when the plane went into turbulence, the sky was with very clouds and they
couldn't see his around, then the plane crashed.

4. What's the solution?

I think the solution was the log that the found in the middle of the ocean, it helped to will to
float for a long time he was very tired.

5. What's the most exciting part of the video?

The part more exciting of the all video if was when Will thought he was going to die, he
thought in his family, friends, his life and too in the skydiving club, these part was very

6. What's the message?

I think the message is always to fight in life, in this case he didn’t give up and was saved.

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