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Big ben
Middle 2
“First term”
Module 1: Shopping
1.1: Internet Shopping

Definition Synonym Antonym

√ X
Expiry (n) the situation in which something that Expiration -
lasts for a fixed length of time comes
to an end or stops being in use
Credit card (n) a small plastic card that can be used -
as a method of payment, the money
being taken from you at a later time

Verification(n) the act of verifying something (= affirmation denying

proving or checking that it exists, or
is true or correct)

Camcorder(n) a small video camera that can be -

held easily in one hand

Sensor (n) a device that is used to record that sensing element -

something is present or that there are
changes in something
Angle(n) the space between two lines or -
surfaces at the point at which they
touch each other, measured in

Lens(n) a curved piece of glass, plastic, or

other transparent material, used in
cameras, glasses, and scientific
equipment, that makes objects seem
closer, larger, smaller, etc.

Extend (V) to add to something in order to make Enlarge lower
it bigger or longer
Store (n) a large shop where you can buy magazine -
many different types of goods
High- a system for showing very clear - -
pictures on a television or computer
screen or for producing very clear
Footage (n) (a piece of) film especially one - -
showing an event
Built-in (adj) If a place or piece of equipment has Component Extra
built-in objects, they are permanently
connected and cannot be easily
Advertisement a picture, short film, song, etc. that Commercial -
tries to persuade people to buy a
Groceries(n) the food and other items that you buy -
in a food store or supermarket

Appliance (n) a device, machine, or piece of Device

equipment, especially an electrical -
one that is used in the house, such as
a cooker or washing machine
Addictive (adj) An addictive activity or food is one habit-forming Non-addictive
that you cannot stop doing or eating
once you have started

Read and answer the questions:
The Surtsey is an island suddenly appeared in the sea near Iceland. Many people
wondered about this island and how it is made. It appeared forty years ago. It was
made by a volcano which erupted under the water. The rocks of the island, Surtsey
are made of lava. The first people to see Surtsey were some fishermen on a boat.
They saw smoke and thought that it was coming from a burning fishing boat. Then,
they saw lava, dust and fire coming out of the sea. They didn't stay to watch
because it was very dangerous. Today plants grow on the island and lots of people
live there. It is very beautiful island.

Answer the following questions:
1-What is the name of the island?
2-Where did it appear?
Find from the text:
1- Two adjectives…………..,…………….,……………
2-Three verbs ……………,………………..,……………
3-Three nouns…………..,………………,……………....
Find the opposite from the text:
1-ugly …………………..
2-safe ………………..

Write a paragraph about the pros and cons of online shopping. Write about your
personal experience. Mention your opinion about online shopping if itis good or


The present simple tense
1- Activities that we repeat regularly (routines and habits)
e.g: He watches TV every day.
2- Facts, states, opinions and general truths
e.g: I live in Egypt. (State)
e.g: French is easy. (Opinion)
e.g: The sun sets in the west. (Truth)
3- Timetables :(event in the future)
e.g: The train to Cairo leaves at 10 tomorrow morning.
*Time expressions:
-always , usually , regularly , every + time
-twice a week /year ..etc.
- rarely, seldom, never
- in the morning /afternoon …etc.
- at night /the weekends , on Monday…etc.
I , You , We , They , Plural nouns V. base form
e.g: I play football every week.
He , She , It , singular nouns V+(s ,es , ies)
Note: 1- verbs end in (ch – sh – o - x –ss) add es
go :goes watch: watches
2- verbs end in (y) after a vowel add (s) only
Play: plays say: says
3- verbs end in (y) after a consonant, change (y) into (ies)
Cry :cries carry: carries

*Negative form
I , You , We , They , Plural nouns don't+ inf
e.g: We don’t go to the cinema.
He , She , It , Singular nouns doesn't+ inf
e.g: She doesn’t like fish.
*Question form:
(Do / Does ) + subj + V. inf ?
Yes, subj + do/ does. No, subj + don't/ doesn't.
e.g: Does he go to school by bus? No, he doesn’t.

Choose the correct answer

1. Where _______ she ______________?

was / live
does / live
do / lives
is / lives

2. Emilia ____________ every evening.

washes up
wash ups
wash up
was was up

3. She __________ French.

don't study
doesn't studies
isn't study
doesn't study

4. My parents ________ work on Saturdays.


5. What time _______ your father go to work?

6. They never __________ Maths.
were study

7. _______ you feel happy?


8. Susana __________ TV after school.

is watch

9. He __________do his homework every day.


10. When does he __________ his room?

does tidy

Change the verb into the correct form

1. I usually (go) to school.

2. They (visit) us often.
3. You (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom (work) every day.
5. He always (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually (dance) a lot.
9. Linda (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely (leave) the country.
11. We (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always (teach) me new things.
15. She (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

Do as shown

1- She sometimes studies Arabic. (We)

2- You sleep early. (not)
3- They don't play football in the street. (never)

4- They go to the cinema on foot. (Ask)
5-Do you like meat? (answer)

6- They study English every day. (He)

7- Heba eats pizza. (We)
8- I have tea after getting up every day. ( My father )
9- Yes, Ahmed likes reading short stories. ( Does……? )
10- Yes, Nesma refers eating shrimps to eating fish. ( No )

Correct the mistake

1- I sometimes reads short stories. ………………………………

2- He often visit us on Fridays. ………………………………
3- What do you doing now? ………………………………
4- Look! A cat ran after a mouse. ………………………………
5- Stop! A taxi comes. ………………………………

-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue

Salma: Do you have a mnute, please?

Randa: Yes, ……………………………………………………………………?
Salma: ……………………………………………………………………………..?
Randa: To go to the nearest hospital go forward and then turn left.
Salma: Does it open on Fridays?

Randa: You’re welcome. Good luck.

Adverbs of frequency

Position of frequency Adverbs:

We put them before the verbs and after verb to be.

*Always (every day 100%)

*Usually (most of the time 75%)

* Often (many times 50%)

*Sometimes (a few times 20%)

* Hardly ever ( 10 %)

*Never (not at any time 0%)

1- I sometimes walk to school.

2- He never sets the table for


3-My mother is always


Examples :
1- Do you ever listen to music?
Yes, I usually listen to music
2- Does she ever talk on the phone?
Yes, she always talks on the phone.
3- Does he ever drive a sports car?
Yes, he often drives a sports car.
4-Do they ever have an accident?
No, they hardly ever have an accident.
5- Does he ever get a sunburn?
Yes, he always gets a sunburn.

6- Do you ever put on make-up?

No, I never put on make-up.

7- Does he ever wear a wig?

Yes, he sometimes wears a wig.

8- Does he ever take a nap?

Yes, he usually takes a nap.



1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- ……………..he ever wear a wig?
a) Do b)Does c)Has d) Is
2-No, he …………….. puts on male up.
a) ever b) never c) always d) often
3- I watched TV twice a week . I …………… it.
a)never b)often c)hardly ever d) always
4-Hala is my neighbor so I ……………..see her.
a) never b)don’t c)hardly ever d) usually
5- My brother usually goes to work with a friend. He …… goes alone.
a) always b) never c) always d) doesn’t

6-I go swimming five times a week . I …………… this.

a) never b)often c)hardly ever d) always

7- Every day I have four eggs for breakfast. I ………..have this meal.

a) sometimes b) always c) hardly ever d) never

8- How often you help your mother in the Kitchen?

a) does b) did c) do d) doing

9- Omar… polite.

a) always is b) always c) is always d) are always

10- I……………….. programmes about history and geography.

a. to love b. love c. loves d. loved

11-Children……….. to school early every day.

a.goes b. go c. going d. to go

12-Mohammed sometimes……………. computer studies at school.

a.has b. have c. having d. had

Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one:

1-always usual never often …………………..

2-falls wears has puts …………………..
3-sign take talk gets …………………..
4-hard sometimes always usually …………………..
5-shirt leg hand head …………………..

4-Rearrange the following :-
1-a - car – sports – Do – drive – you?
2-An actor - make - put - doesn’t - on – up - by .
3-taking - is - a - The man - nap.
4-listen - Do - to - music - you - ever ?
5-drives - He - a - sports - often - car.
6-hardly - They - ever - an - have - accident.
7- Does - ever - get – a - he - sunburn ?
8-I - make - put - never - up – on.


Definition Synonym Antonym

√ X
a tall modern building with tower block low-rise
High-rise (n)
many floors
the machines and devices, such -
Mod cons(n)
as washing machines and
fridges, that make the ordinary
jobs in a home easier

Communal (adj) belonging to or used by a group Shared Personal

of people rather than one single
the act of making something - Traditional
more modern
A house that is semi-detached is - -
one that is joined to another
(adj) similar house on only one side
someone who has recently -
Newlyweds (n)

to leave your job or stop leave accompany

Retire (v)
working because of old age or
ill health
a small house, usually in the cabin -
Cottage (n)
Estate agent (n) a person whose job is to arrange
the sale, renting or management house agent -
of homes, land and buildings for
the owners

someone whose job is to use executive -
and control a machine or
an object or objects that belong assets -
to someone
a customer or someone who Customer Owner
Client (n)
receives services
Stressful (adj) making you feel worried and nerve-wracking Relief
Negotiate (v) to have formal discussions with consult agree
someone in order to reach an
agreement with them
the official in a local lawyer -
government who deals with
legal matters
Budget (n) a plan to show how much spending plan -
money a person or organization
will earn and how much they
will need or be able to spend
Applicable (adj) affecting or relating to a person suitable inapplicable
or thing
an amount of money paid for a - -
Fees (n)
particular piece of work, or
a person whose job is to measurer -
Surveyor (n)
measure and record the details
of areas of land
Bungalow (n) a house that usually has only cottage -
one floor (= level), sometimes
with a smaller upper floor set in
the roof and windows that come
out from the roof
an area on the edge of a large Environs City centers
Suburbs (n)
town or city where people who
work in the town or city often
Maintenance (n) the work needed to keep a road, keeping desertion
building, etc. in good condition

Read and answer the questions:
In North of Pompeii, there is a volcano. The people who lived thousand years ago
were not afraid of the volcano; It had been quiet for eight hundred years. One day,
in August, strange things started to happen. People heard noises under the ground.
The water in their well disappeared. The birds flew away from the town and the
animals were frightened. On August 24th the volcano erupted. Red, hot lava and
rock poured down the sides of the mountain. The wind was blowing towards
Pompeii. Many people ran away. A wall of lava was coming at more than 100
kilometers on town. Pompeii was buried under four meters of lava. The town
stayed buried until 1860. When people started to move the rock which covered the
town, they found temples, theatres, shops and houses. They found paintings on the
walls, jewellery and coins. They found the town just as it was nearly three
thousand years ago.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What happened before the volcano erupted?

2- What did the people find when they moved the rock which covered the town?
B) Choose the best answer:
1- The people of Pompeii were ……………….. by living close to volcanoes .
(happy – not frightened – angry )
2- When the volcano erupted ……………… left the town.
(moaned – every one – many people )
C) Find from the text:
1- Three nouns: …………………………, ……………………………..,
2- Three verbs: ……………………….., ………………………………,
3- Three adjectives: ………………………, …………………………….,

Translate into Arabic
1- Scientists started cave exploration in the 19th century.
2- You have to be physically fit for caving and the minimum age for club
members is usually 16.
Translate into English

.‫يمكن أن تجد كثير مه الكتب عن التاريخ القديم في المكتبة‬-3


‫ أذهب الي الريف ألستمتع بالهدوء‬، ‫ عىذما أشعر بالملل من انحياة في المدينة‬-4
.‫الهواء االنقي‬

The present continuous tense
(Present progressive)
Note that the Stative verbs are not
*Usage usually used in the present
1- Temporary states. progressive. Like:
e.g: I’m taking music lessons this month. Seem, like, want, understand,
2- Actions happening at the moment of speaking. know, imagine, need, believe…etc.
e.g: The girl is eating her lunch now.
3- For habits that are not regular, but that happen very often or to talk about an
annoying habit.
e.g: She is always chatting with her friend. I don’t like that.
4- Future arrangements.
e.g: We’re visiting the museum tonight.
*Time expressions
Now – Look! – Listen! – at the present – at the moment – today –tonight.
*Form “Positive”

Subject + (V. to be ) + V. ing.

I am + V. ing I am taking piano lessons these days.
You, We, They are + V. ing We are going to Paris this weekend.
He, She, It is + V. ing He is playing football now.
*Form “Negative”

I am not “’m not” + V. ing I am not working as a nurse.

You, We, They are not “’aren’t”+ V. ing They aren’t studying French.
He, She, It is not “isn’t” + V. ing She isn’t cooking now.
*Question form:

Is + he, she, it + ? Is she working as a doctor? No, she isn’t.

Are + they, we, you + Are they traveling to Canada ? Yes, they are.
Yes, + subject + “am - is – are” / No, + subject + “am not - isn't - aren't”

Underline the correct Answer:

1- She ( is sleeping – sleeps – slept ) now.

2- She ( doesn't - isn't - didn't ) writing now.
3- I ( am not - don't - didn't ) drinking at this moment.
4- ( Are – Do – Did ) you reading now?
5- ( Does – Is – Will ) she eating at this moment?
6- Is she ( walks – walked – walking ) now?
7- They ( don't - aren't - won't ) swimming at the present time.
8- I ( reading – read – am reading ) at this moment.
9- They ( eat – are eating – ate) at the present time.
10- Ahmed and Ali ( don't - isn't - aren't ) studying their lessons.
11- How many sandwiches ( are they eating – they are eating – they
eating ) at the moment?
12- What ( you are doing – are you doing – you do ) now ?
13- ( Is – Are – Am ) Ali hiding under the table?
14- She ( is studying – still studies – studied ) her lessons now.
15- Why ( she is collecting – she collects – is she collecting )stamps at present?

Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1- Rami watches a film on TV. (now)

2- They are playing chess now. ( not )
3- I am watching a film now. ( not )
4- Yes, I am reading now. ( Are )
5- She is carrying 10 books. ( How many )
6- We sweep the floor. ( at the moment )
7- Yes, she is singing. ( No,…………….. )
8- No, she isn't watching TV. ( Is )
9- He is making three kites. ( How many )
10- Yes, they are listening to music. ( No,……………….)

Correct the verbs in brackets:

1- He ( learn ) English at the moment. ……………………………

2- Look! A bus ( come ) quickly. …………………………….
3- Mother ( cook ) dinner now. …………………………….
4- Heba ( do ) her homework at present. ……………………………..
5- It ( get ) dark now. ……………………………..

Rearrange the following sentences/ questions:

1. golf – are – at – They – moment – the – playing.

2. you – to – What – write – going – are - ?
3. is – books – She – now –reading.
4. homework – Omar – present – is – at – his – doing.
5.doing – are – now –What – you - ?

1.3: Shopping for a car
Definition Synonym Antonym
√ X
not expensive low-priced expensive
Affordable (adj)
a line of people, usually standing row disorganization
Queue (n)
or in cars, waiting for something
not pleased with something; displeased satisfied
feeling that something is not as
(adj) good as it should be
to take the place of something, or redeem keep
Replace (v)
to put something or someone in
the place of something or
someone else
the putting and keeping of things storehouse -
Storage (n)
in a special place for use in the
the quality of being able to be trustworthiness unreliability
Reliability (n)
trusted or believed because of
working or behaving well
relating to experience, real sensible impractical
Practical (adj)
situations, or actions rather than
ideas or imagination
not using a lot of money, energy, thrifty unreasonable
Bargain (v) to try to make someone agree to Compromise agree
give you something that is better
for you, such as a better price or
better working conditions

Read and answer the questions:
My family lives in a village near Cairo .My grandfather died in 1945 .He used to
go to Cairo either on a camel or on foot to sell his crops .If my grandfather was
alive today .He would be greatly surprised .My grandfather would see modern tall
buildings, many different schools, a hospital, a club and quick means of transport
.My grandfather wouldn’t believe his eyes to see all the houses supplied with
running water and electricity. In almost every house, he would find a TV, a
washing machine, a telephone , a computer and many other things. Above all, what
would he say on seeing many people everywhere carrying their mobile phones.
Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was in the past.

Answer the question:

1-Where can you see people carrying their mobile phones?


2-When did the grandfather die?



1- Life today is…………………………………………….......

Find from the text:

Three nouns…………..,………………,………………

Three verbs…………….,…….…………..,………………

Design an advertisement for any product and mention all the

information about it.


Choose the correct answer:

1- She ( is sleeping – sleeps – slept ) now.

2- She ( doesn't - isn't - didn't ) writing now.

3- I ( am not - don't - didn't ) drinking at this moment.

4- ( Are – Do – Did ) you reading now?

5- ( Does – Is – Will ) she eating at this moment?

6- How many sandwiches ( are they eating – they are eating – they

eating ) at the moment?

7- She ( is studying – still studies – studied ) her lessons now.

8- Why ( she is collecting – she collects – is she collecting ) stamps at

present ?

9- A: What ................ ? B: He's an engineer. (is your father do- does your father

do- is your father doing - does your father doing)

10- Why ................... sunglasses? It's cloudy today.

(do you wear -do you wearing -are you wearing -are you wear)
11- A: How often .................... to the cinema? B: About once a month.

(do you go -are you go - are you going - do you going)

12- ............... a really good book at the moment. (I read -I reading -I'm reading)

13- He................... an iphone, an ipad and a computer. He's so lucky!

(have- is having –has)

14- Bill ................... really hard at the moment because his company has just
received a big order from China. (is work -works -is working)
15- It ............. a lot in La Spezia in winter. (rains- rain -is raining)

16- A: Where's John? B: He's in the bathroom. He ............... a shower.

(is making- has- is having -is doing)

Do as shown:
1- We are playing a game. (not)
2- I'm drawing a picture. (Are)
3- Danny phones his father on Sundays. (not)
4- Ben does his homework in the kitchen. (Does)
5- Dad is working in the kitchen. (Where)
6- The children like cats because they are nice. (likes)
7- He has two older sisters. (not)
8- Susan and her brother are taking photos. (not)
9- Johnny does not swim in the lake. (positive)
10- He is making pizza right now. (everyday)

1- market/Shanti/going/to/is/the
2- walks/school/Sheela/to/everyday
3- wakes/usually/Ali/up/early/morning/the/in
4- they/playing/park/the/in/are/cricket/?
5- fit/new/baby/does/well/the/dress/the/not
6- usually / I/ library/go/to/the
7- laughing/clown/at/funny/Salma/is/the
8- I / buy/ every Saturday/ newspaper
9- Where/ work/he/does/ ?
10- music/not/lessons/Raj/taking/is

Correct the following:
1- I am often playing tennis on Saturdays.
2-We're working on the Smith account this week.
3-We usually take three weeks to complete a project.
4- We rarely go out for dinner, but this week we go out on Saturday.
5- He is believing every word she says.
6- Angela gets up at 7 o'clock and is having breakfast every day.
7- Peter is asking a lot of questions every day.
8- Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He is knowing the other
9- We attend a meeting in Chicago this weekend.
10- She is wanting to buy a new computer.

Fill in the gaps:
1- ………………..(speak) French? Go and ask directions from that man.
2- My uncle ………….(work) at the zoo, but I………… (not know) exactly what
he (do).
3- Hello, Cindy. Beth…………. (eat) her dinner at the moment. She can call you
4- The train usually………… (leave) on time but it's late today because it
5- My father …………(let) my brother play computer games on Saturday
6- Neil and Steve………….. (walk) to the beach because the bus (not run) on
7- The manager of the supermarket always………. (close) the door at 7pm.
8- It ……….(rain) right now, but I ……….. (not/want) to stay at home.
9- Jerry and Mathew ……….. (usually/play) in a band , but today they………..
(relax) at home.
10-What …………….(Peter/do)? I ………..(not/know), I think he is a policeman.

1.4: Something to sell
Definition Synonym Antonym
√ X
graceful and attractive in chic Unfashionable
Elegant (adj)
appearance or behaviour
the designing, making, and high-fashion -
selling of expensive fashionable
clothing, or the clothes
(in some countries) the title of a -
woman who has a very high
social rank, or who is the wife
of a duke, or the person of that

to praise someone in order to Complement insult

Flatter (v)
make them feel attractive or
important, sometimes in a way
that is not sincere
a piece of thread sewn in cloth, -
Stitch (n)
or the single movement of a
needle and thread into and out
of the cloth that produces this
a small, coloured, often round -
Bead (n)
piece of plastic, wood, glass,
etc. with a hole through it. It is
usually put on a string with a lot
of others to make jewellery
Pearl(n) a small, round object, usually -
white, that forms around a grain
of sand inside the shell of a sea
creature, especially an oyster.


Question Words in English
The most common question words in English are the following:

WHO is only used when referring to people. (= I want to know the person)

 Who is the best football player in the world?

 Who are your best friends?
 Who is that strange guy over there?

WHERE is used when referring to a place or location. (= I want to know the


 Where is the library?

 Where do you live?
 Where are my shoes?

WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion. (= I want to know the time)

 When do the shops open?

 When is his birthday?
 When are we going to finish?

WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a reason. (= I want to know the reason)

 Why do we need a nanny?

 Why are they always late?
 Why does he complain all the time?

Normally the response begins with "Because..."

WHAT is used to refer to specific information. (= I want to know the thing)

 What is your name?

 What is her favourite colour?
 What is the time?

WHICH is used when a choice needs to be made. (= I want to know the thing
between alternatives)

 Which dish did you order – the pizza or the pasta?
 Which day do you prefer for a meeting – today or tomorrow?
 Which is better - this one or that one?

HOW is used to describe the manner that something is done. (= I want to know the

 How do you cook lasagna?

 How does he know the answer?
 How can I learn English quickly?

With HOW there are a number of other expressions that are used in questions:

How much – refers to a quantity or a price (uncountable nouns)

 How much time do you have to finish the test?

 How much is the jacket on display in the window?
 How much money will I need?

How many – refers to a quantity (countable nouns)

 How many days are there in April?

 How many people live in this city?
 How many brothers and sister do you have?

How often – refers to frequency

 How often do you visit your grandmother?

 How often does she study?
 How often are you sick?

How far – refers to distance

 How far is the university from your house?

 How far is the bus stop from here?

Complete the dialogue with these words: are, do, does, did, has, have, is.
MIKE: (1) ____________ you go to the training day they told us about at the last
SUE: (2) ____________ you talking about the computer training?
MIKE: No, not the computer training, I meant the sales training.
SUE: Oh yes, I went to that. It was quite good. (3) ____________ you ever been
on that course?
MIKE: No, I haven’t.
SUE: Well I found it very useful. It helps you to think about the type of questions
we ask our
clients during a sales conversation.
MIKE: When you go on these courses (4) ____________ the company pay or (5)
____________ you
pay yourself? I know that good training isn’t cheap.
SUE: Oh, the company pays – they can afford it. It doesn’t cost us anything.
MIKE: And (6) ____________ it helped you in your day-to-day work? Be honest
SUE: Yes, I think it has.
MIKE: OK. I’m interested. (7) ____________ the course running again in the near

Write a short reply for each question, beginning as shown.
1 Did you speak to Kate? Yes, ________________
2 Have you been to Brazil? No, ________________
3 Do you play golf? Yes, ________________
4 Does Bill play golf? No, ________________
5 Did you have a good trip? Yes, ________________
6 Can you speak German? No, ________________
7 Are you coming with us? Yes, ________________
8 Is Maria coming with us? No, ________________

Ask for the underlined word(s).

1. _______ did you do that for?
2. _______ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one?
3. _______ opened the door?
4. _______ keys are these? – I think they’re dad’s.
5. _______ does this CD player work?
6. _______ is bothering you?
7. _______ is the car?
8. _______ money do you have in your bank account?
9. _______ are the sisters going to leave?
10. _______ is your favorite actress?
11. _______ did the party last? – Almost two hours.
12. _______ did you do in Australia?
13. _______ jacket is this? - I think it’s mine.
14. _______ do they normally do their homework?
15. _______ don’t you get up earlier? It’s so sunny outside.


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