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Signal-noise neural network model for active

microwave devices

H.Tor p i

Indexing terms: Neural network, Microwave devices

tion results. Usually these model parameters cannot be

Abstract: A new method for concurrently determined by direct measurements because of device
modelling the small-signal and the noise nonlinearities. Traditional device modelling is based
performance of active microwave devices is upon the following two fundamentals which may be
proposed. Here, the device is modelled by a black considered as penalties. (i) Studies of small-signal per-
box whose small signal and noise parameters are formance have been separated from those of noise per-
evaluated through a neural network, based upon formance. Published literature is either concerned with
the fitting of both of these parameters over the only the small-signal model or concentrates on the
operational bandwidth of the device. On using noise behaviour description based on existing small-sig-
the concurrent modelling procedure, it has been nal equivalent circuits that have nothing to do with the
found that, not only can the small-signal device noise characteristics [l-51. In [6] and [7] these
performance be simulated accurately, but also the two behaviours are combined in a unified classic circuit
prediction of noise performance is in much better model. (ii) The standard approach for characterising an
agreement with measurements than those of integrated microwave device and its enclosing package
recent published models. is to model each part separately by an equivalent cir-
cuit which is fitted to electrical measurements. This
approach has been shown to lead to an inaccurate
description of the contribution the package makes to
1 introduction the overall electrical characteristics of the packaged
device described in [8].
Small-signal and noise behaviour of a microwave tran- Furthermore, the widespread optimiser-based extrac-
sistor around a bias point are usually determined by tion techniques suffer from the nonuniqueness of solu-
the scattering parameters SI1,SZ2,S,,, S12and the tions [9]. Although, for example, some improvements
noise parameters Fopt, rapt, RN over its operational have been aimed at taking into account additional
bandwidth. Both S-parameters and noise parameters measurements using a partitioning approach [lo] or an
are frequency-dependent and intrinsic properties of the automatic decomposition technique [ 111, uncertainties
device. S-parameters are used to represent the device still exist with respect to the starting value problem.
signal power gains and mismatch losses, whereas the In this work the device is modelled by a black box
noise figure describes the degradation of the signal-to- for which signal and noise parameters are evaluated
noise ratio between the input and output of the device. through a neural network, based upon the fitting of
both of these parameters to the corresponding meas-
Adequate representations of circuit elements for both
ured data over the whole operational range from DC
the signal and noise behaviour over their whole opera-
to more than 10GHz. The main purposes of the work
tional ranges are essential for the design of monolithic
are ordered as follows:
microwave integrated circuits. Even the characterisa-
tion of passive elements, whxh is relatively simple for (i) Establish a novel neural network of feedforward
low frequencies, can be difficult for microwave frequen- type with a single hidden layer.
cies. In the case of semiconductor devices, that are (ii) Using back-propagation and nonlinear types of
characterised by highly nonlinear models with a large activation functions, train the network for both the sig-
nal-noise behaviours over the operational bandwidth
set of parameters and complicated relationships for any type of active device.
between them, a proper selection of values for these
(iii) Establish performance measure of the network.
parameters is a nontrivial task. Indeed, if performed
inadequately this can significantly distort the simula- (iv) Predict the small-signal and noise behaviours at
any operation frequency using the neural network
0 IEE, 1996 which has already trained to make functional approxi-
ZEE Proceedings online no. I9960150 mations of the device nonlinear characteristics in the
Paper first received 26th June 1995 and in revised form 7th November vicinity of the chosen bias point.
F. Giines and H. Torpi are with the Electronics and Communication 2 Determination of small-signaland noise
Engineering Department, Yildiz Technical University, 80670 Maslak- behaviours of active microwave devices
Istanbul, Turkey
F. Giirgen is with the Computer En@neerhg Department, Bogaziqi The signal and noise performance of an active micro-
University, 80815 Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey wave device around a bias point are usually given by
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 143, No. 1, February 1996 1
the scattering S and noise N parameter vectors at the where k is the Boltzmann's constant, 2,is the normali-
w-domain and the measured performance data over the sation impedance, kt is the normalised temperature
operational band can be arranged in a table-form func- energy and kt and Toptare, respectively, given by
tion as follows:

the transducer power gain of an active device is defined

as the ratio of the power delivered to the load to the
available power from the source. It is expressed in
terms of the scattering parameters S and Tsand r, ter-
minations in the following forms [13]:
where S(l),N(l);... ; S(N),N(W are, respectively, the scat-
tering and noise vectors at the f,, ..., f N sample opera-
tion frequencies, and S(W and N(W can be given as
[S(N)I'=[ISlI/(N) ISI2/(N) pi;' IS211(N) JS22/(fi)
t ) /r.ptl(N)
[ I .o' (p N
[N(N)]t= p
i R r )] (2)
The functions defined by eqns. 1 and 2 are utilised
for training the neural network model of the device.
Then, the performance vectors S@)and N(k), at a Mia and MO,, conjugate mismatch loss, respectively,
desired frequency, fk, can be obtained from the net- at the input and output ports of the active device. They
work output by inputting the frequency&. If s@) and are given as
N@)are unmeasured, they are determined by the gener-
alisation process of the neural network, which can be
considered as the ability of the network to give good
outputs to inputs it has not been trained on.

. S

Fig. 1 Black box Yepresentationof an active microwave device where

Once the performance vectors SCk) and NCk) are deter-

mined, an active microwave device can be represented
as a black box at the frequency f k (Fig. l), which can
be characterised in the following form [12]:
The noise figure of an active device is defined as the
ratio of signal-to-noise ratios available at input and
output; the N vector describes the dependence of the
where c, and c2 are the noise waves that are the time transistor noise figure F on the input termination
varying complex random variables characterised by a (source) reflection coefficient rs.These are linked
correlation matrix C,, given by through the relationship [13]


where the overbar indicates time-averaging with an Today, a method called subnetwork-growth (SGM)
implicit assumption of ergodicity and jointly wide-sense [14], has been utilised for the CAD signal and noise
stationary processes. The diagonal terms of C, give the analysis of the multiport networks. These are arbitrar-
noise power deliverable to the terminations in a 1Hz ily configured by all sorts of passive and active two-
bandwidth. The off-diagonal terms are correlation port devices. Many general purpose microwave CAD
products. The noise wave correlation matrix C, is Her- programs based on the SGM are implemented to ana-
mitian and its components are referred to as noise lyse the microwave integrated circuits. As a result,
wave parameters which can be given in the terms of the black box characterisation of the active microwave
performance vectors Sk), NCk) by the following expres- devices over their whole operational frequencies has
sions: become especially important. After having fixed the S
and N vectors of the two-port active device at an oper-
ation frequency, the (rs,r,) termination couple can be
determined by making compromises among the per-
formance functions G , F, Ml,, MO,, in some opera-
tional bandwidth. A typical application has been given
in [15], where the (r,y,
r,) couple is determined for the
maximum stable gain G , under the required F and Min
at an operation frequency.
2 IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 143, No I , Febvuavy 1996
3 Neural network model T, is the weighting vector between the ith output node
and the hidden layer which can be written as
The multilayer perceptron (MLP), with a single hidden
layer having the same number of units as the output Tt = [Tit Tzt T3t Tht T ~ h t ] ~ (19)
layer, has been found to be sufficient to simulate an W is the weighting matrix between the hidden and
active microwave device; a back-propagation (BP) input layer which can be expressed as
algorithm is utilised to train this network, [16-181 w = [Wl, W2,.. . , W h ,. f . , WNhI (20)
(Fig. 2). where W h is the weighting vector between the input
layer and the hth hidden node and is given by
W h = [Wlh, W2h,.. K h I t
f f (21)
In eqns. 15-17, Thoand T, are the thresholds of the hth
hidden and ith output nodes, respectively, is the
local memory belonging to the hth hidden node.
As the result, ith output can be expressed in the form
of the function F(P, x) defined by the network architec-
ture, that is, the number of hidden layers and nodes of
each layer, weights of the connectivities between the
nodes etc.
In our application, the learning process corresponds
to the computation of P values to minimise the error
between yL, the measured value, and F(P, x), over all
training example pairs {[x,], y,} using a distance meas-
ure, the sum of square errors, for example:
hidden output
layer layer
Fig.2 MLPfor an active microwave device
{[.cl >YZ 1
Thus, we start with any set of weights and repeatedly
change each weight by an amount proportional to dEl

where q is the stepsize in descent. We assume that the

training is completed when the error fails to decrease
Xn I any further. In this case we take the best so far.
Fig.3 A perceptron node 4 Performance measure and results
fAF = activation function; M', ,..., w n = weights; w o = threshold (local memory);
XI,..., X, = inputs
To evaluate the quality of the fit to measured data the
An additive bias is utilised as the second network following error terms are found to be convenient:
input to ensure faster convergence which is taken as

where Ns is the sample number. In Fig. 3 a block dia-

gram of an operational node of an MLP is given. Thus,
the resulting signal from the hidden layer to the ith where Sq and Ni are, respectively the signal and noise
output node can be expressed in the form parameters. n is the number of discrete frequencies
used. Total average error can be defined as the average
of the signal and noise errors,
a t ( T tW
, ,
X) = T h t g h ( W h ,x) + Tho (15)
and the net output of the ith output node is obtained
as follows
In Table 1 the measured values for the S and noise
4a(Tz, w , x) = Totgz(@z) + 'r, (16) parameters of FET N24200A are given from its cata-
where g h and g, are the basis functions for the hth hid- logue data file. The outputs of the neural network
den node and the ith output node, respectively, which model of N24200A are given in Table 2 for the band
are a sigmoid type of nonlinear function. In our case, from 1 to 30GHz over which both signal and noise
g h ( W h , X ) can be expressed in the following form: parameters are simultaneously present in the catalogue
file. The errors defined for each signal and noise
parameter by eqns. 22 and 23 and the total average
error eqn. 24 are also added to the end of Table 2.
For each case of the simulation, the optimum
number for sample and iteration used has been
In eqns. 15-17, x is the input vector searched against the error. To give an example for their
x = [Zl, 2 2 , . * ,%I f

(18) variations, the transistor N32684A was chosen due to

IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 143, No. I , February 1996 3
Table 1: Manufacturer‘s values for signal and noise parameters for N23200A FET
! BIAS CONDITIONS: VD,=2V, /os= 10mA
! GATE: TOTAL 2 WIRES, 1 PER BOND PAD, EACH WIRE 0.0132in. (335ym) LONG.
! SOURCE: TOTAL4 WIRES, 2 PER SIDE, EACH WIRE 0.0070in. ( 1 7 8 ~ mLONG.
! WIRE: 0.0007in. (17.8~m)DIAMETER, GOLD
S I1 s
21 SI, s22 Fmin ropr RJ50
GHz mag. ang. mag. ang. mag. ang. mag. ang. mag. ang.
0.1 0.999 -1 5.04 179 0.002 89 0.62 -1
0.2 0.999 -3 5.02 178 0.004 89 0.62 -1
0.5 0.999 -6 4.97 175 0.008 87 0.62 -4
1.0 0.997 -12 4.88 170 0.016 84 0.62 -8 0.30 0.81 10 0.39
2.0 0.990 -23 4.70 161 0.030 77 0.61 -15 0.31 0.79 17 0.36
3.0 0.980 -34 4.54 152 0.042 71 0.61 -22
4.0 0.970 -44 4.38 144 0.052 65 0.61 -29 0.33 0.75 31 0.33
5.0 0.950 -53 4.22 136 0.062 59 0.60 -36
6.0 0.930 -62 4.08 128 0.071 53 0.59 -41 0.38 0.72 45 0.30
7.0 0.910 -71 3.93 120 0.079 48 0.59 -46
8.0 0.890 -79 3.80 113 0.086 43 0.58 5 1 0.43 0.70 59 0.27
9.0 0.870 -87 3.76 106 0.092 38 0.57 -56
10.0 0.860 -94 3.54 99 0.099 34 0.56 41 0.50 0.68 77 0.24
11.0 0.840 -102 3.42 92 0.104 30 0.55 -65
12.0 0.820 -108 3.30 86 0.109 27 0.54 -70 0.60 0.66 92 0.22
13.0 0.800 -115 3.19 80 0.114 24 0.53 -74
14.0 0.790 -121 3.08 74 0.119 21 0.51 -78 0.71 0.64 108 0.19
15.0 0.770 -128 2.97 68 0.123 18 0.50 -83
16.0 0.750 -134 2.87 63 0.127 16 0.49 -87 0.85 0.62 126 0.18
17.0 0.740 -139 2.77 57 0.131 14 0.48 -91
18.0 0.720 -145 2.68 52 0.135 12 0.47 -95 1.00 0.58 140 0.15
19.0 0.710 -150 2.59 47 0.138 10 0.46 -98
20.0 0.690 -155 2.50 42 0.142 8 0.45 -102 1.20 0.55 153 0.13
22.0 0.660 -165 2.32 32 0.148 6 0.43 -109 1.50 0.52 164 0.11
24.0 0.640 -175 2.16 23 0.153 4 0.42 -116 1.80 0.49 175 0.10
26.0 0.610 177 2.01 15 0.159 3 0.41 -122 2.10 0.48 -176 0.08
28.0 0.590 168 1.87 7 0.163 1 0.41 -128 2.40 0.46 -168 0.07
30.0 0.570 160 1.73 -1 0.168 0.1 0.41 -134 2.80 0.46 -160 0.05

its sufficient number of supplied signal and noise 0’26r

parameters. The variations are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
0.26 r 0.24

0.18 ’ 2 0 ~

0.12 c 0.10
O ’l2I
b k

0.08 .,
0.045 12.5 . 20 27.5
0 35 6

sampling number
0.0430 ’45 60O 75 6 90 i
Fig.5 Error against sampling number for which various iteration num-
bers are taken as constant
iteration number xl000 Iteration numbers (thousands): a 30; b 50; c 80; d 100
Fig.4 Error against iteration number for which various sampling num-
bers are taken us constunt
Sampling numbers: a 5; b 6 ; c 41; d 11; e 21 operational range of frequency for both signal and
noise parameters (1 30GHz) where 16 samples are

The transistor N24200A was chosen to demonstrate found t o be sufficient for the network to learn. Simula-
the capacity of the neural network model for wide tion results for the N24200A transistor are also given
4 IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 143, No. 1, February 1996
Table. 2 Outputs of neural network model for N23200A
Signal and noise parameters for learning
f, GHz S,, s21 s
12 S22 F,," ropt RhJ50
_ _ ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .

1.0 0.997 -12.000 4.880 170.000 0.016 84.000 0.620 43.000 0.300 0.810 10.000 0.390
2.0 0.990 -23.000 4.700 161.000 0.030 77.000 0.610 -15.000 0.310 0.790 17.000 0,360
4.0 0.970 -44.000 4.380 144.000 0.052 65.000 0.610 -29.000 0.330 0.750 31.000 0.330
6.0 0.930 -62.000 4.080 128.000 0.071 53.000 0.590 41.000 0.380 0,720 45.000 0.300
8.0 0.890 -79.000 3.800 113.000 0.086 43.000 0.580 -51.000 0.430 0.700 59.000 0.270
10.0 0,960 -94.000 3.540 99.000 0.099 34.000 0.560 -61.000 0.500 0.680 77.000 0.240
12.0 0.820 -108.000 3.300 86.000 0.109 27.000 0.540 -70.000 0.600 0.660 92.000 0.220
14.0 0.790 -121.000 3.080 74.000 0.119 21.000 0.510 -78.000 0.710 0.640 108.000 0.190
16.0 0.750 -134.000 2.870 63.000 0.127 16.000 0.490 -87.000 0.850 0.620 126.000 0.180
18.0 0.720 -145.000 2.680 52.000 0.135 12.000 0.470 -95.000 1.000 0.580 140.000 0,150
20.0 0.690 -155.000 2.500 42.000 0.142 8.000 0.450 -102.000 1.200 0.550 153.000 0,130
22.0 0.660 -165.000 2.320 32.000 0.148 6.000 0.430 -109.000 1.500 0.520 164.000 0.110
24.0 0.640 -175.000 2.160 23.000 0.153 4.000 0.420 -116.000 1.800 0.490 175.000 0.700
26.0 0.610 177.000 2.010 15.000 0.159 3.000 0.410 -122.000 2.100 0.480 -176.000 0.080
28.0 0.590 168.000 1.870 7.000 0.163 1.000 0.410 -128.000 2.400 0.460 -168.000 0.070
30.0 0.570 160.000 1,730 -1.000 0.168 0.000 0.410 -134.000 2,800 0.460 -160.000 0.050
Predicted signal and noise parameters
f, GHz S,, s
21 Sl2 s22 Fln, r0pt ad50
-__ -__ ___- I_-

1.000 0.992 -13.829 4.875 169.717 0.017 83.465 0.617 -9.134 0.297 0.812 10.917 0.386
2.000 0.985 -22.417 4.707 161.419 0.028 77.715 0.614 -14.916 0.305 0.786 16.516 0.365
4.000 0.959 -44.373 4.382 144.512 0.053 65.511 0.606 -29.678 0.333 0.745 30.971 0.328
6,000 0.931 -60.962 4.080 127.820 0.069 53.1 58 0.593 -40.074 0.380 0.724 44.336 0.297
8.000 0.895 -78.936 3.781 111.545 0.086 42.050 0.577 -51.1 61 0.441 0.703 60.658 0.267
10.000 0.857 -94.854 3.533 98.415 0.099 33.606 0.560 -61.167 0.508 0.683 76.692 0.242
12.000 0.822 -108.12 3.314 86.946 0.109 26.602 0.539 -69.757 0.590 0.661 91.846 0.279
14.000 0.788 -120.82 3.092 75.322 0.118 20.354 0.514 -78.232 0.701 0.635 107.991 0.195
16.000 0.752 -133.38 2.872 63.605 0.127 15.329 0.488 46.831 0.844 0.607 124.823 0.172
18.000 0.716 -144.84 2.675 52.244 0.134 11.762 0.465 -94.819 1.012 0.579 140.145 0.151
20.000 0.689 -155.12 2.497 40.936 0.141 9.238 0.448 -102.017 1.214 0.553 153.077 0.732
22.000 0.662 -165.10 2.322 29.859 0.147 7.275 0.434 -109.009 1.475 0.526 164.537 0.113
24.000 0.635 -175.07 2.149 20.548 0.153 5.714 0.422 -1 16.052 1.795 0.499 175.182 0.095
26.000 0.610 175.998 2.000 14.310 0.158 4.593 0.412 -122.471 2.119 0.474 -175.64 0.081
28.000 0.591 168.947 1.885 15.288 0.162 3.659 0.405 -127.601 2.391 0.455 -168.58 0.070
30.000 0.570 159.9 1.729 -6.5 0.168 1.o 0.410 -134.0 2.801 0.460 -160.0 0.05
Error analysis
E,, = 0.011053, = 0.024918, E12= 0.027162, E22 = 0.009100, E t = 0.018058
Fl = 0.011 198, Fz = 0.012857, F. = 0.016921, Ft= 0.013659

in Figs. 6-9, Figs. 10-13 and Figs. 14-17 which show 180-
quite good agreement of the signal and noise parame- 150-
ters over the fairly large operational bandwidth. 120-
90 -
60 -
0.95 -
z 0.8-
a 0.75-
0.65 -
0.6 - freqrlency, GHm
Fig.7 Angle ojS,, agumt frequency
0.551 I , , , , , , I , ,
0 3 6 9 12 1518 21 24 27 30 said to be valid for the noise parameters too. Fre-
frequency ,GH z quency variations of the extrapolation errors of the S-
Fig.6 Amplitude ojS,, uguinst frequency parameters and N-parameters are given,respectively, in
Figs. 20 and 21 for the contracted band between 4 -
Frequency variations of the interpolation errors for 24GHz, where the data points used for thc training
the S-parameters are given in Figs. 18 and 19 where within the band are shown too. As seen from the
one can see that the network has a high capability to related Figures, the neural network can fairly well
interpolate between the data points used for learning. extrapolate within the fairly large bandwidth outside
Similiar interpolation properties of the network can be the trained band region.
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Sy.rt., Vol. 143, No. 1, Februury 1996 5
0.168r _. 168-
0.156 - 156 -
0.144 - 144 -
0.132 - 132 -
120 -
- 0.120 -
; 0.108-
108 -
5 0.096- 84 -
0,084 - c 72 -
60 -

0,072 - In
j;0,060- 48-
36 -
24 -
. \

0.012- -1 2 1

Fig.8 Amplitude of SI, against frequency

72 - - 0.56-
66 -
60 - 2 0.54-
.? 0.52-
- 54- n
0 48- 5 0.50-
v 42- 2 0.48-
2 36- In
0.46 -
30 -

0 1 , , , ,
- - - .-

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
frequency, GHz
Fig.9 Angle of SI, against frequency -12 -
-24 -
-36 -
-48 -
-- -60-
C -72-
2 -84-
-1 32 -
-144 I

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
frequency, GHz 2.6 - I

Fig. 10 Amplitude of S,, against frequency 2.4 -

2-2 -
2.0 -
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& 0.01 -

0.001 -

0 2 4
, I ,
, I ,I I YFminn ’ ‘
I 9 ’
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
frequency. GHz
Fig.21 Error-fvequency variationsfor the extrapolation of Nparameters
for contracted band from 4 to 24GHz
Values used in training: 0 (Fmm),W (ropr),
A (RH)

IEE ProcCircuits Devices Syst., Val. 143, No. I , February 1996

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