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Prepared by: Miss C. Mighty


 The SBA must be written using font size 12 and font Times Roman.

 It must be double spaced.

 Headings must be bold and centred. Only the first letter in the heading must be

capitalized. DO NOT WRITE IN ALL CAPS!!!!

 Do not use spacing to indicate the start of a paragraph, you should indent.

The SBA has four (4) parts:

 The Expository Section – 16 marks

 Discussion of issues and challenges (5 marks)

 Evaluation of effects (4 marks)

 Organization (3 marks)

 Delivery (4 marks)

 General Introduction - 12 marks

 Theme and Purpose (2 marks)

 Treatment (4 marks)

 Relationship to Academic Interest (2 marks)

 Relationship to Work-Related Interest (2 marks)

 Relationship to Personal Interest (2 marks)

 The Reflective Section – 14 marks

 Preface (4 marks)

 Reflective Piece/ Creative Piece (10 marks)

 The Analytical Section – 18 marks

 Content (8 marks)

 Expression (5 marks)

 Organization (5 marks)

Total – 60 Marks

The Expository Section

This section is both written and oral. This section includes a:

1. Rationale: this gives a brief background of the issue you are investigating (not more

than two sentences).

 Show the sense of issue or debate surrounding the topic by briefly mentioning

the two differing views on the issue.

 Be sure to explain why you have an interest in the studying the selected topic.

Recommended length: 150-200 words



The permissive parenting style is debateable in terms of its effects on a child’s

academic performance. Many argue that the mentioned parenting style has a negative effect

on a child’s academic performance. However, this can be contradicted, as a child with

permissive parents also attain excellence in academics. The researcher has seen cases where

the permissive parenting style is adapted into families within the community she resides. The

researcher seeks to gain a knowledge on how this parenting style affects students
academically. Hence, the researcher chose to tackle the topic “Does the Permissive Parenting

Style affects the Academic Performance of students ages 15-18 in a Rural Community?” in

order to uncover both negative and positive effects of permissive parenting on students’

academic performance in her community.

2. Statement of Issue: The use of two secondary sources about the chosen topic giving

opposing views; that is, one negative and one positive.

 Where sources agree on the same point, use connectives to show similarities

and differences. Example: According to Williams (2019), hospital facilities

are adequate. Conversely, Robinson (2019) states that hospitals are less than

equipped with all the necessary facilities.


The parenting style employed is said to be a contributing factor to the academic

success of a child. The permissive parenting style’s effects on a child’s academic

performance can be argued to be both positive and negative, and as such, the researcher must

examine both positive and negative views on the topic ‘Does the Permissive Parenting style

affects the Academic Performance of students ages 15-18 in a Rural Community?’ in order to

achieve an accurate conclusion.

According to Merlin et al (2013), “this hands-off kind of parenting could ultimately

harm the academic progress of the child.” On the other hand, Garcia and Garcia (2009)

contradicted that statement by saying “adolescents who characterised their parents as

indulgent obtain equal or higher scores.”

3. Sources and Description: The use of four secondary sources about the chosen topic;

that is, two negatives and two positives.


Information was collected using both primary and secondary sources. A questionnaire

was employed as the primary source as it could be easily analysed and is time effective.

Thirty (30) questionnaires were issued to respondents within the researcher’s community and

25 were returned. Secondary sources were used to acquire supporting information on the

topic as well as contradicting information on the topic.

According to Etham et al (2012), “it is likely that adolescents from highly permissive

environment do not have clear rules and expectations for high achievements which

consequently may lead to low achievement, motivation and low academic performance.”

Additionally, Odame-Mensah and Gyimah (2018), stated that “the permissive parenting style

which is characterised by high levels of warmth and assurance with moderate levels of

disciplinary strategies and expectations of maturity and control has tendency to lead children

toward lower academic performance.”

Dewar (2010), expressed a different view when she said that “permissiveness was

associated with strong academic performance and relatively few behaviour problems. Puri

and Alicia (2018) added to this stating that “adolescents from permissive parenting style

families showed equal to, or better scores in youth outcomes (academic, social, emotional,

family and physical) than their peers from authoritative style families.”
4. Analysis of Data

In this section, both primary and secondary data are evaluated. You may

evaluate the secondary data first followed by the primary, or the primary first

followed by the secondary.

Questionnaires are used to gather the primary data. Twenty (20) questions

should be used to form the questionnaire. You are allowed only TWO ‘yes’ ‘no’

responses and ONE open ended response. A minimum of 25 questionnaires should be

distributed to persons within the specified age group mentioned in your research

topic. Each question from the questionnaire should be evaluated. This means, if you

have twenty (20) questions, all 20 MUST be evaluated.

For the secondary sources, ALL six (6) sources MUST be evaluated. The

evaluation MUST include:

a. Full name of the sources

b. Place of employment

c. Qualification

Having mentioned the above, you are going to say if the sources are credible/reliable

(can be believed or accepted), Authoritative (based on credentials, educational background,

affiliation that is credible) and valid (based on evidence that can be supported, convincing,

logical, irrefutable - year of publication- is it current?)


 Is the source authorized or qualified to give information on the topic?

 Is the source reliable/credible?

 Is the information from the source fact or opinion?

 Is the information valid, that is, up-to-date and correct at the point of use?
 Is the information relevant to prove or support the claims made by the source?

Recommended length of the Data Analysis 750 words


You are required to write a sentence or two to say whether or not the independent

variable has a positive or negative impact on the dependent variable.

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