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Prepared by: Jiayue Li (21840135)

School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
21840135 Jiayue Li

1. Introduction
The venue required to be conducted with a noise assessment is located at 88 Broadway,
Crawley WA6009, based on the requirements of the client, the owner of Varsity Bar Nedlands.
Varsity Bar Nedlands is an American college themed bar delivering sports, food, drink and
happiness to customers. This bar is open between the times of 11:00 am until late 12:00 am,
Monday to Sunday.

This report prepared for the client is to clarify the assigned noise level in this neighbourhood
as per WA Noise Regulation and Main Road Data. Additionally, analysis and discussion on
the assigned noise level and the following field noise assessment will be shown in this report.
2. The assigned noise levels
Figure and Figure illustrate the site plans of the assessed bar at 88 Broadway including two
circles with 100 m and 450 m respectively. The noise sensitive premises have been marked on
Figure 1 with yellow circles.

Figure 1. A satellite image of the assessed venue at 88 Broadway, Crawley with two circles of 100 m inner radius and 450
outer radius
21840135 Jiayue Li

Due to the reason that the venue is close to the University of Western Australia, the closest
premise of the university to the assessed venue is Barry J Marshall Library (around 320 m from
the venue). Additionally, Nedlands Primary school which is approximately 230 m from the
venue is also supposed to be treated as noise sensitive premise. At last, Kingsway Methodist
Church at 38 Kingsway, Nedlands is the nearest noise sensitive premise from the venue, and
the distance between two spots is 145 m.

With the consideration of worst scenario, Kingsway Methodist Church is the nearest noise
sensitive premise from the assessed venue. Hence, the assigned noise level at the location can
be calculated as per the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulation 1997. The brief
calculation of the assigned level can be referred to as follows:

Step 1: Industrial and utility Zones

As per the definition on the industrial zones in WA Noise Regulation, premises used for the
purpose of providing water, sewerage, electricity, gas, drainage and passenger transport etc.
are not present in the relevant outer circle. Hence,

0% in the 100 m circle

0% in the 450 m circle
I = (0+0)/10 = 0

Step 2: Commercial Zones

Considering the location of the assessed venue is at Broadway Shopping Centre, most of the
premises in the shopping centre are commercial premises within the 100 m inner circle. Then
the residential zones still play a dominant role within 450 outer circle. Hence,

70% in the 100 m circle

10% in the 450 m circle
C = (70+10)/20 = 4

Step 3: Traffic Factor

Based on the records from Metropolitan Average Weekday Traffic, the average daily traffic
count at Broadway at the south of Stirling Hwy is 17860 in 1998/1999, 2002/2003, 2003/2004.
On top of that, this major road is present in the inner circle with diameter of 100m, hence the
transport factor is 6 dB

TF = 6

Step 4: Influencing Factor

IF = (I+C+TF) = 10

Step 5: Assigned Levels, including influencing Factor

At last, based on the calculated influencing factor and Clauses on WA Noise Regulation the
assigned noise levels can be summarised by Table 1.

21840135 Jiayue Li

Table 1. Assigned noise levels at 88 Broadway, Crawley

Type of Assigned
premises Time of day Level (dB)
noise LA10 LA1 LA
0700 to 1900 hours Monday to Saturday 55 65 75
Noise 0900 to 1900 hours Sunday and Public holidays 50 60 75
sensitive 1900 to 2200 hours all days 50 60 65
premises 2200 hours on any day to 0700 hours Monday to Saturday and 0900 hours 45 55 65
Sunday and public holidays

3. Analysis and Discussion

Based on the calculation for the assigned noise level, the greatest assigned level which is not
to be exceeded for more than 1% (LA10) is 55 dB at the time of day from 700 to 1900 hours
Monday to Saturday. For the greatest assigned level which is not to be exceeded 10% is 65 dB
from 0700 to 1900 hours Monday to Saturday. The upper limit that cannot be exceeded at any
time from 700 hours to 1900 hours Monday to Saturday is 75 dB. On the other hand, the lower
limit for these three types of assigned level, LA10, LA1, LA max are 45dB, 55 dB and 65 dB
respectively at 2200 hours on any day to 700 hours Monday to Saturday and 900 hours Sunday
and public holidays.

In terms of the discernible noise sources, the following may contribute to the noise spreading
around this community, which are (1) traffic noise from the major roads and car park (2) noise
from the commercial zones inside the circles (3) noise from the residential zones (4) Noise
from the 88 Broadway, Crawley, Varsity Bar Nedlands.

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