Activity1 GuintoIceAlexisYvonneM - BSN2A

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Activity 1

Guinto, Ice Alexis Yvonne M. BSN 2A

Read the following Passages:

1. Acts 2: 42-47, Acts 4:32-37
How did the Early Christians show their brotherhood?
There are many ways that the Early Christians showed their brotherhood.
First, they shared everything they had to as a brother for example by breaking their
bread and sharing it with everyone. Second, they pray together as one. Third, some
apostle who has the land and house sold their property to provide the needs of

another apostle.
How can we emulate their example?
We can emulate their example by being kind to each other. In an effort to
encourage goodness in these troubling times, I'd like to share a few simple ways to
spread kindness. Another simple way to be kind is to offer my help and support. I
want to be one of the reasons for easing the burden of another person by completing
a difficult task or providing advice on serious matters. By doing this, I can show
them that kindness is one of the most important that everyone can give to each

2. Acts 9:1-22
What did Saul experience conversion?
On the road to Damascus, Saul experiences resurrected Christ. In an instant,
he actually realized that all of his dynamic personality's zeal was being wasted, and
his life changed at that very moment. That’s why he went from despising Jesus'

followers to fervently embracing the Gospel of that same Jesus.
What is your own conversion experience?
Personally, I admit that before my faith in Jesus was weak. But when the big
challenges come in my life that is when I experience and feel Jesus at my side. I may
not see him physically but I always feel His presence. It all starts with myself inviting
Him into my heart. That’s when I seek more to God. Also, that’s when I’m truly sorry
for my sins. He shares and shows to me the deep love of God and that’s what my
conversion experience with Him.
3. Acts 15
What happened during the Council of Jerusalem?
The apostles assembled to discuss the issue of circumcision among the
converted Gentiles. The Jews viewed the Gentiles to be unclean and refused to
associate with them as a result. They argued and discuss which Mosaic laws must be
followed and which did not apply to those that have received salvation through
Christ. The apostles couldn't decide whether they should follow Moses' laws or
break them. Peter discussed his encounter with the Gentile Cornelius and how he
did not need to be circumcised in order to be saved. This was due to Peter's belief
that circumcision did not want to be physical, but could occur within oneself. He
contended that God considers people unclean not on the basis of their flesh, but on
the basis of their heart. Following this, the apostles came to an agreement. They
debated the other laws they should still follow, as well as the common laws they
shared with the Gentiles. After that, the two got into an argument and parted
company. Paul chose Silas to accompany him on his next journey, while Barnabas

chose Mark.
If you have conflicts and issues in your group, How will solve them?
I believe that we all have own perspective and thoughts in life that’s why this
conflict and issues is not new in our life. And if I’m in this situation, I will stay
focused on the matter at hand. I would discuss and speak my thoughts about a
certain topic and I would be clear and precise about my side. I also want the other
side to discuss his or her opinion and I would always listen and try to understand
their point of view. I will try my best to acknowledge the opinion and understanding
of what she or he saying. I will also want to explore underlying issues. Lastly, I will
accept that each other’s perspective is different but it does not mean that other’s
perspectives are wrong. Most importantly, I’m willing to apologize and forgive.

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