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 Student can easily understand through symbols and gestures rather than the

words. ... Student show good performance in whenever teachers teach them with the
help of non verbal communication. They feel themselves more motivated and
enhance their learning capabilities through the non-verbal communication.
 After analyzing the data the conclusion was drawn that the teachers made the learning
environment active and interesting through their non-verbal communication whereby
students felt alert in the classrooms and participated in the learning process, which
consequently enhanced the level of their motivation, retention and understanding if the
teacher use their body language properly in the class room. It was concluded that non-verbal
communication play more then 70% role in the field of teaching. The non verbal
communication play more effective role in the class room management. This way is more
effective to motivate and facilitate the student toward learning. Student can easily
understand through symbols and gestures rather than the words. Mostly teachers try to
create the link between the wards and body gestures. Students are more follow symbols,
gestures and body movement when ever teachers worked with the students. Student show
good performance in whenever teachers teach them with the help of non verbal
communication. They feel themselves more motivated and enhance their learning
capabilities through the non-verbal communication. It was concluded by the teachers and
student both are the partners in the leaning process that it could be more difficult to give
and take without using the symbols, gestures, body movement and body postures.
 How non verbal communication is used in teaching?
- It includes overt behaviors such as facial expressions, eye contact,
touching and tone of voice. ... Teachers should be aware of nonverbal
communication in the classroom for two basic reasons: to become better
receivers of students' messages and to gain awareness of the
student's communication.
 Group behaviour is a situation where people interact in large or small groups. Group
behaviour refers to when two or more persons who have similar goals come
together in a group and behave the same way. It can also be referred to as
collective action.
 Group Behavior – Example
Let us understand group behavior with the help of an example.
To work on a specific project, we make a group of four members: Rohit, Raj,
Sid, and Rahul. It is not possible for anyone of them to complete the project
individually, as it may be time-consuming as well as not all the members as
individuals have mastered the skills required to complete the project. This
indicates the need to come together as a group.
Moving ahead, now let us specify their roles. Rohit is the initiator as he
proposes the idea of the project. Raj collects all the information and
resources required for the project and becomes the informer. Sid is the
clarifier as he interprets the data and saves refined information, while Rahul
is the summarizer as he concludes the result of project stating what is to be
achieved by the end of the project. These are the task-oriented roles.
When a group of people come together and present their ideas there is a fair
chance of collision. Rohit tries to resolve all the disagreements and disputes
in the first place and acts as a harmonizer, Sid makes sure that everybody is
giving their full support and effort in the project and acts as a gate keeper, Raj
is the one encouraging everyone and motivating them when they fail to try
harder to complete the project and is the encourager, and Rahul tests the
project at each stage and examines the major decision to be made and is
acts as the consensus tester. These are the relationship-oriented roles of
each member.
Individually each of them have different tasks to fulfill. Rohit tries to be the
group leader and impose his ideas on others and we consider him as the
dominator, Rahul is always up with excuses to avoid the task given to him
and acts as avoider, Raj is the one who opposes everything but is never up
with some new idea and becomes the blocker and Sid takes part in every
group activity in a non-productive way and becomes the cavalier.
 Powerdependence theory posits that actors in social relations are dependent on
each other to meet certain goals or needs. ... In an exchange relationship, the first
actor has power over the second actor insofar as the first actor controls resources
that the second actor values.
 The standard theory is that power is the capacity for influence and that influence is
based on the control of resources valued or desired by others.


1. How can a young teacher convince her co-teacher who is too old and abut to retire from
the service to continue her commitment in teaching?
 Adults are packed with experiences that can be a resource of learning. They are equipped
with skills and knowledge that result in successful instruction. With that, they should be
reminded how important they are as an experienced teacher. They should be encouraged to
share those experiences, knowledge and skills with their colleagues and even with their
students for a meaningful learning outcome. If they wish to continue their teaching they will
have a chance to innovate their ideas that can be useful for their personal growth and
professional development. Intrinsic motivation also should be used, for them to realize that
teaching is not just a job that they have their purpose and that is to touch the lives of every
learner, help them bring the fire back in their hearts why they teach young minds.
2. ?
3. How can a teacher make advantage of the various intelligences of the learners?

In every group of learner, there will be different in learning but all of them are gifted
with intelligence. Some student may prefer to watch video or pictures related to the lesson,
some of them are good in integrating their learning by making poems or songs and some of
them would like to express their ideas, and even their feelings for them to learn.

Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligence helps students to discover their weakness

and strengths in learning. Students who discover their learning styles would be able to understand
what is being taught even if it’s not aligned with his/her learning styles, with this students also
would be able to identify his/her own ways on how to learn to have an meaning learning outcome.

With the help of Multiple Intelligence, teachers tend to assess the strengths and weaknesses
of their learner and adjust to the needs of their students, they will be able to determine how
students will learn. In this case we, as nation builders can have various ways in planning effective
lessons that incorporate different learning and teaching styles that can accommodate the multiple
intelligence of learners. Just like formulating differentiated instruction that could highlight the
interest and the hidden potentials of the students. By this, students become more productive and
eager to engage themselves in the learning process.

4. How can non-verbal communication influenced learning?

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