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Improving the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension of Recount

Texts through DRAW Strategy at SMP Negeri 28 Palembang: A Classroom
Action Research
Aminah Nurhasanah1)

Abstract: This article reports the results of an action research which involved eighth grade
students of SMP Negeri 28 Palembang. The objective of the research was to improve students’
reading comprehension on recount texts by means of DRAW (Draw, Read, Attend, Write)
strategy. The study was conducted due to several underlying problems, namely: (1) the students
experienced difficulties in understanding reading texts, (2) the students were afraid or reluctant
to read loudly due to the lack of pronunciation skills, (3) the students reading’s comprehension
needed to be improved, i.e. by improving students’ reading comprehension on recount texts, (4)
the students did not understand the purpose of reading texts, (5) The students were rarely taught
by using effective strategies. This research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisted of
four steps, namely: (1) plan, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Findings show that
there was increasing average score from cycle 1 (64.22) to cycle 2 (75.63). It means that was
11, 41% improving reading ability to cycle 2. Based on the results, it is concluded that DRAW
strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension on recount texts through two cycles of
the implementation of DRAW strategy.
Keywords: recount text, DRAW strategy

Abstrak: Artikel ini melaporkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang melibatkan kelas VIII
(delapan) di SMP Negeri 28 Palembang. Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk
memperbaiki pemahaman siswa membaca recount text dengan menggunakan strategi DRAW(
menggambar, membaca, mengikuti dan menulis). Studi ini diadakan untuk memperbaiki
pemahaman siswa membaca. Adapun permasalahan dari studi ini adalah: (1)Siswa mengalami
kesulitan dalam memahami text membaca. (2) Siswa takut dan ragu ketika diminta membaca
nyaring karena masih lemah dalam melafalkan kata. (3) Pemahaman siswa membaca perlu
diperbaiki, misalnya dengan memperbaiki pemahaman siswa membaca recount text. (4) Siswa
tidak mengetahui tujuan dari text. (5) Siswa jarang diajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi
belajar yang efektif. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan dua
siklus, masing-masing setiap siklus ada 4 (empat) tahap, yaitu : (1) rencana, (2) tindakan, (3)
observasi, (4) refleksi. Hasil temuan menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari siklus
ke satu (64.22) ke siklus ke dua (75.63). Ini berarti bahwa ada peningkatan kemampuan
membaca pada siklus ke dua. Berdasarkan hasil ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi DRAW
dapat memperbaiki pemahaman siswa membaca recount text melalui 2(dua) siklus penerapan
strategi DRAW.

Kata-kata kunci: recount text, strategi DRAW

Teacher of SMP Negeri 28 Palembang, South Sumatera
Aminah, DRAW Strategy for Reading Comprehension of Recount Text 114
Students should learn the skills (listening, higher order thinking skills. Comprehension
speaking, reading and writing) in using of recount texts is one of the basic reading
English as a foreign language, mainly in order competences to be achieved in the eighth
to be able to use English communicatively. grade of Indonesian classrooms. Therefore,
According to Harmer (2010),” Students of this research focuses on improving eighth
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) tend to students’ comprehension of recount texts.
be learning so that they can use English when One of the strategies that can be used
visiting or communicating with other people, in teaching reading is DRAW strategy.
from whatever country, who additionally DRAW strategy can be used in developing
speak English”. Communicative strategies critical reading skills, such as getting a
do not only involve using a language in its main idea and finding out information from
spoken forms. Instead, they also involve the a text. Agnew (2000) states that DRAW
use of language in its written forms. stands for Draw, Read, Attend, and Write.
One of language competences that has The strategies involve students working in
essential function is reading. This competence groups. It is divided into four main steps.
is obtained to increase perception about The first is “Draw” (D), in which students
other people’s ideas through a book or a take a question from a container, then
writing form. By reading, students are able illustrate the question by drawing a picture.
to understand the writer’s way of thinking. It The second is “Read” (R), in which students
also helps the students in searching new ideas read the materials upon which the questions
through their critical thinking developed by are based upon and write their answers on
means of reading. According to Petel and the question sheet. The third is “Attend” (A).
Jain (2008, p. 213) there are three stages in In this step, the student-group, who drew the
process of reading: first question, read the question, answer it,
and give explanation about the answer. The
(1) The first stage is the fourth is “Write” (W). During this final step,
recognition stage. At this stage students discuss and write the answer. When
the learners simply recognize all of the questions are answered, the teacher
the graphic counter parts of the
phonological items. For instance, randomly draws questions to make a quiz.
he recognizes the spoken words At this stage, students are given the option
in its written form. (2) The whether or not to allow the teacher to grade
second stage is the structuring their answers
stage. The learners see the Sadler (2011, p.12) states that “this strategy
syntactic relationship of the items
and understands the structural involves reading, writing, speaking, and
meaning of the syntactical units. listening. It encourages higher order thinking,
(3) The third is the “interpretation motivates students in gaining information,
stage”. promotes discussion, encourages listening,
and promotes participation. The level of
Based on the researcher’s observation at questions that are chosen is important.”
SMPN 28 (State Junior High School number Moreover, Agnew (2000) claimed that
28) the result of reading test at eighth grade DRAW strategy motivates students to acquire
of SMP N 28 Palembang showed that most knowledge, encourages students to learn from
of the students obtained scores lower than the each other and facilitates full participation
passing grade, which was 72. The results of a in the classroom. The interaction among
pretest that the researcher conducted showed students during reading activities will set the
that the number of students, who scored above class more active and alive.
81, was only eight students. There were five,
who obtained a score between 72 and 80. A METHOD
number of 32 students scored less than 72. This research was a Classroom Action
It is noticed that the eighth-grade students Research (CAR), which was done in order
of SMPN 28 (State Junior High School) had to improve a learning problem on teaching
difficulties in comprehending the content and learning process. Fraenkel et al (2012)
of the reading. Therefore, it is clear that the state that an action research is done by one
teacher, who is also the researcher, needed or more researcher to solve a problem or
to find out an appropriate method to make collect information on learning practices in
students able to comprehend the reading text. the classroom. McNiff and Whitehead (2002,
A strategy is needed to improve students’ p. 39) state that “The focus of action research
reading comprehension through the use of is to observe behavior and offer descriptions
of what people are doing.” Ferrance (2000) many factors which caused this condition.
asserts that in the educational field, action One of them was the teacher’s use traditional
research is used for various purposes, namely teacher-centered strategy. Therefore, most
development of school-based curriculum, of the students felt bored and did not have
systems development, and evaluation. the motivation for practicing critical reading
Burns (2003) suggests that there are a skills, such as distilling a main point and
number of common features which can be finding information in a text. By conducting
considered in characterizing action research. DRAW strategy in the classroom, teachers
First, action research is contextual, small- engage students to work in small groups to
scale and localized, it means that action discuss a text and respond to questions that
research determines and discoveries problems involve critical thinking. In short, DRAW
with a specific situation and location. Second, strategy encourages higher order thinking,
action research is evaluative and reflective. It motivates student’s in gaining information,
means that action research has a purpose to promotes, discussion, encourage listening,
change and improve teaching and learning and promotes participation.
process. Third, it is participatory as it The classroom action research was
involves collaborative investigation. It means conducted at Junior High School 28 (Sekolah
that action research engages a team of people Menengah Pertama/SMPN 28) Palembang.
who see the value in working, receive mutual It involved 32 eighth grade students in the
benefits for the project, and systematically researcher’s classroom, which consisted of
examine how to improve teaching and 15 females and 17 males. In conducting the
learning process through an empirical study, the researcher was accompanied by a
research. Finally, changes in practice are collaborator, was also an English teacher at
based on the collection of information or SMPN 28 Palembang with eighteen years of
data. It means that action research has an teaching experience. The collaborator works
aim to change for the better, to evaluate together with the researcher to observe,
one’s own teaching practices, and to improve evaluate, help and improve the teacher’s
strategy in teaching and learning process. pedagogical practices (Haryono, 2015).
“Action research occurs through a dynamic This classroom action research followed a
and complementary process, which consists model by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988).
of four essential “moments” of planning, They proposed a spiral model comprising
action, observation and reflection” (Kemmis four steps as follows: 1) plan, 2) action, 3)
and McTaggart in Burns, 2003, p. 32). observation and evaluation, and 4) reflection.
This classroom action research examined The cycles of action can be illustrated as a set
how DRAW strategy can improve students’ of activities as described in Figure 2 below.
reading comprehension on recount text. The
purpose of this research was to examine how
the improvement takes place in a foreign
language learning classroom setting and how
the strategy increases students’ classroom
participation toward the enhancement of
their reading comprehension.

(Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988, p.11)

Figure 2. Cycle of Action Research

At this step, the researcher plans the
teaching and learning activities that consists
(Haryono, 2015, p. 115) of the following steps: a) preparing of
Figure 1. Framework of Thinking learning and teaching material, b) provision
of lesson plan, c) provision of students’ work
In the pre-condition, student’s score was sheet, d) provision of students’ observation
low. Because many students didn’t understand sheet, e) preparation of students’ reading of
and comprehend on recount texts. There are recount texts rubric assessment.
Aminah, DRAW Strategy for Reading Comprehension of Recount Text 116
Action above must be conducted in each cycle.
At this step, the researcher will apply The number of cycles depends on students’
teaching action on the basis of lesson plan of achievement. The treatment terminates when
the classroom action research that has been a minimum of 85 % of the students reached
prepared before. The teaching procedures the minimum score criterion of 72.
will be based on the DRAW strategy to teach The data was collected by using
reading comprehension of recount reading observation sheet and reading test. There are
and the researcher explain recount texts and two kinds of observation sheet. The first is to
its components to the students. observe teacher and the second is to observe
students. The score of the students’ test was
Observation and Evaluation signed as numbers or numerical from that
The observation in the classroom was done obtained through counting and measurement.
using student’s and teacher’s observation The data was taken from students’ reading
sheet which has been provided beforehand in score by using formula of percentage
the plan stage. In this stage, the researcher proposed by Richards et al.(2010).
conducted a test to find out the students’
achievement in reading comprehension FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
mastery, and the researcher asked the teacher- The researcher conducted a classroom
observer to observe the class condition while action research to solve students’ obstacles and
the students were taught by using DRAW improve the eighth-grade students’ reading
strategy. comprehension on recount text through
DRAW strategy at SMP N 28 Palembang. In
Reflection general, the use of DRAW strategy improved
According to Kusumah and Dwitagama students’ reading comprehension of recount
(2012, p.40), reflection is an evaluation about texts as proven by the results of reading tests
the actions which have been done by the in every cycle. In order to know the students’
researcher. The researcher and collaborator improvement in reading comprehension of
discussed the weaknesses and strengthen of recount texts, the researcher compared her
treatment. Results of the reflection provide students’ reading comprehension test scores
a basis for the researcher in planning for the in the preliminary stage and those at the end
next cycle. of Cycle 1. It was found that there was a
The procedures of the treatment consist of small improvement of students’ score due to
one or more cycles. The four steps mentioned the use of DRAW strategy.

As shown in Table 1, the number of of criteria.

students who passed the minimum score In order to know the improvement
improved by 10%. In the preliminary stage, in students’ reading comprehension, the
only 15% of the students passed the minimum researcher compared the students’ reading
score. In Cycle 1, the percentage increased comprehension test scores on recount texts
to 25%. The data showed that the criterion of in cycle 1 and those in cycle 2. The results
successful study was unreachable. Therefore, of the students’ score can be seen in Table 2
the next cycle was required to reach the target below.
As shown in Table 2, the number of able to identify social function, structure text
students who passed the minimum score and language features of recount texts, also
improved significantly by 60%. In Cycle 1, answer questions about general and specific
only 25% of the students passed the minimum information, find synonyms, antonyms,
score, while in Cycle 2 the percentage reference word and arrange the sentences
increased to 85 %. The data showed that into a good paragraph. DRAW strategy helps
the criteria of success could be reached and the students in overcoming the problems
that the application of DRAW strategy could in answering questions concerning recount
successfully improve the students’ reading texts. In addition, it encourages higher order
comprehension on recount texts. Moreover, thinking skills to develop, motivates students
the researcher and the collaborator found in gaining information, promotes discussion,
that all of the students participated actively, encourages listening, and promotes
enjoyed the teaching and learning process participation.
and student-centered pedagogy could be Table 3 shows the list of students’ scores
applied. in each cycle. In Cycle 1, the highest score
It can be seen from the research findings was 75 and the lowest score was 40. In Cycle
that students’ scores of reading recount texts 2, the highest score was 85 and the lowest
improved in every cycle, from the preliminary score was 65. In each cycle, the students
stage to Cycle 2. Most of the students were score always increased.

The writer also found improvement in by 59%, while Table 5 indicates that students’
students’ participation in Cycle 1 and Cycle improvement of teaching and learning
2 as shown in Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4 activities improved by 60%.
shows that students’ participation improved
Aminah, DRAW Strategy for Reading Comprehension of Recount Text 118

The DRAW strategy was proven to improve REFERENCES

students’ reading comprehension. With Agnew, M.L. (2000). DRAW: A motivational
improvements and revisions of the treatment, reading comprehension strategy for
the percentage of students who reached the disaffected readers. Retrieved from Umi.
minimum score criterion increased from 25 com/pqdlink ver= 1
% in Cycle 1 and 85% in Cycle 2. DRAW Burns, A. (2001). Doing action research in
strategy assisted students in overcoming their english language teaching, a guide for
difficulties, improved their higher order practitioners. New York: Rouletge British
thinking skills and increased their motivation Combo. Com.
in the learning process. The strategy also Burns, A. (2003). Collaborative Action
encouraged group work and engaged research for English language teachers.
the students in classroom discussions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
The result of this research is in line with Press.
Agnew’s (2000) claim the DRAW strategy Ferrance, E. (2000). Action research.
can improve knowledge, give opportunities Providence, RI: LAB, Northeast and
for students to learn from each other, and Island Regional Education laboratory a
increase their participation in the classroom. Brown University.
It is also relevant to Sadler’s (2011) notion Fraenkel, J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H.
that DRAW strategy can improve higher (2012). How to design and evaluate
order thinking skills. research in education. New York, NY:
Mc-Graw Hill Education.
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Harmer, J. (2010). The practice of English
In line with the findings of this classroom language teaching (4th ed.). London, UK:
action research, it is concluded that Draw, Pearson Longman.
Read, Attend, Write (DRAW) Strategy can Haryono. (2015). Bimbingan teknik menulis
improve students’ reading comprehension on penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK).
recount text of the eighth-grade students of Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Amara Books.
SMP Negeri 28 Palembang. It also increases Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., & Nixon, R.
students’ participation and the quality of (2014). The action research planner:
teaching and learning process. Doing critical participatory action
Based on the findings of this study, research. London, UK: Springer.
the researcher offers several suggestions. Kusumah, Wijaya & Dwitagama, D. (2012).
The writer suggests that teachers and Penelitian tindakan kelas. Jakarta,
students apply DRAW strategy because it Indonesia: Indeks.
is a worthwhile strategy, good for practical McNiff, J., & Whitehead, J. (2002). Action
critical reading skill and encouraging higher research: Principle and practice.
order thinking skills. DRAW strategy can Petel & Jain. (2008). English language
improve teaching and learning process teaching (method, tool and technique).
and students’ participation. The interaction Jaipur: Sunrise.
among students during reading activities Richard, J.C. & Rodgers, T.S. (2010).
will set the class more active and alive. In Approaches and methods in language
addition, the researcher recommends that teaching. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
DRAW strategy also be applied in teaching University Press.
reading of different genre of reading texts. Sadler, C.R. (2011). Comprehension strategy
She also recommends that other researchers for middle grade learners: A handbook
to conduct the classroom action research for content area teachers. Newark. DE:
through DRAW strategy in a longer period of International Reading Association.
time for better planning and results.

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