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resource to teach science-related sub-

jects and allow students to learn in an

environment quite unlike established
classrooms. Additionally, a school gar-
den, if used properly can be a tool to
teach a multitude of subjects ranging
from traditional science, to math, his-
tory, art and language arts (Eames-
Sheavly, 1994). School gardens can
also promote active and experiential
learning through lessons and activities
that are taught with the garden (Mabie
and Baker, 1996). Studies have shown
that active and experiential learning
enhances students’ knowledge levels
(McCormick et al., 1989; Meichtry,
the benefits of school gardens, there is 1992; Harvey, 1989). Through hands-
The Importance little empirical evidence documenting on learning and active participation in
their impact. In Fall 1997, the the learning process that students may
of School University of Florida hosted a experience in a school garden, stu-
competition for the best elementary
Gardens as school garden in Florida. Results from
dents’ learning may become more
meaningful. While there is anecdotal
a research questionnaire completed by
Perceived by participating teachers indicated that support that praises the merits and the
benefits of a school garden for stu-
teachers used school gardens infre-
Florida quently, with the majority using the dents (Barron, 1993; Bowen, 1989;
garden as an instructional tool no Canaris, 1995; Kutsumai, 1994), little
Elementary more than 10% of the time. Many research has been conducted to deter-
teachers did, however, indicate that mine the benefits of school gardens to
School Teachers school gardens were used for environ- students. This paper is intended to
mental education (97.1%) and address the perceptions teachers have
experiential learning (72.9%), and
of school gardens and the role these
Sonja M. Skelly1 and 84.3 % of teachers said that related
activities enhanced student learning. perceptions play in the use and success
Jennifer C. Bradley2 Findings also indicate that the of school gardens.
teachers surveyed had relatively new In Fall 1997, researchers at the
gardens and teachers lacked, or were University of Florida (UF) hosted a
unaware of educational resources to school garden competition. The goal
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Elementary assist with garden learning. This of the competition was to promote the
education, gardening, children, paper describes and interprets the use of school gardens and reward
experiential learning, environmental results of the teacher questionnaire. schools that had outstanding school
gardens. Researchers at UF conducted
SUMMARY. While gardening is the a research study with participating

number one hobby in the United ardening is the most schools to explore the benefits of school
States, elementary schools are just popular hobby in the gardens to students.
beginning to explore the use of school United States, with an indus-
gardens as a means to enhance try worth $22 billion annually (Peyser Materials and methods
classroom learning. School gardens and Weingarten, 1998). While the In 1997, 35 schools, including 71
can reinforce classroom instruction by general public has embraced garden-
offering opportunities for experiential
teachers, entered the competition and
ing for years, America’s schools are just agreed to participate in the study.
learning. The benefits of experiential beginning to do the same. School gar-
learning allow for a better under- Teachers from participating schools
dens provide a hands-on learning envi- were asked to voluntarily complete an
standing of concepts as the hands-on
approach provides meaningful and ronment that may help improve the anonymous questionnaire about their
tangible experiences. While many understanding of subjects taught us- garden programs to be returned to UF
teachers have anecdotally attested to ing traditional classroom instruction at the end of their school term. The
(Barron, 1993; Bradley and Skelly, questionnaire, written by the authors,
1997; Bowen, 1989; Canaris, 1995; contained 18 close-ended and par-
Department of Environmental Horticulture, Univer-
sity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0670. Kutsumai, 1994; Ocone and Pranis, tially close-ended questions. Questions
Contribution as Journal Series Paper no. R-06783 of 1983). Gardening can facilitate stu- surveyed the amount of time students
the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. The cost dent interaction with teachers, par- spent in the garden, the amount of
of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the ents, and volunteers, primarily through
payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, time the garden was used as a class-
this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertise- growing plants and discovering the room tool, the type of garden, and
ment solely to indicate this fact. relationships between people, plants other questions relating to the garden
Research assistant. and wildlife (Alexander et al., 1995). program. The questionnaire was de-
Assistant professor. The school garden may also serve as a signed to gain an understanding of the

January–March 2000 10(1) 229

importance of school gardens and how that some schools were using veg- (Table 1). While 39.4% of teachers
they were being used at participating etable and butterfly gardens to supple- indicated that the garden was used at
schools. The data were analyzed with ment science lessons while flower gar- least 20% of the time as an instruc-
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social dens were being used to enhance their tional tool, most teachers indicated
Sciences, 1999). Descriptive statistics, schoolyard or classroom building. that they were using the garden mini-
including frequencies and percentages The majority of the teachers mally. Teachers may not have, or were
were computed for each question on (67.6%) indicated that their students unaware of available resources (Eames-
the questionnaire to determine data spent an average of 1 hour in the Sheavly, 1993; Jaffe and Appel, 1990;
trends. garden per week (Table 1). The re- Ocone and Pranis, 1983; Skelly and
maining teachers (16.9%) indicated Zajicek, 1997; Waliczek and Zajicek,
Results and discussion that their students spent 2 to 3 hours 1996) on incorporating gardens into
Seventy-one Florida elementary in the garden and 15.4% of teachers existing lessons and, hence, failed to
school teachers representing schools indicated that their students spent be- effectively use the garden as a teaching
throughout the state completed the tween 4 and 8 h in the garden each tool. Furthermore, Spooner and
questionnaires. The most common week. These results indicate that while Simpson (1979) reported that neutral
gardens used in schools were flower the participating schools may have gar- or negative attitudes towards science
gardens (84.3%) and vegetable gar- dens, most were not being used very itself might be why elementary school
dens (71.4%), with additional popular often. A large percentage of teachers teachers tend to teach little or no sci-
garden types including butterfly and (60.5%) indicated that the garden was ence, leaving little opportunity for us-
herb gardens (Table 1). Follow-up being used as an instructional tool ing the garden as a tool to teach sci-
interviews with several teachers revealed either 10% or less than 10% of the time ence.

Table 1. Results of a school garden questionnaire completed by Florida elementary school teachers.

Question (N = 71)
Type of garden at school
Flower 84.3
Vegetable 71.4
Butterfly 41.4
Herb 39.4
Amount of time students spend in garden (hours per week)
1 67.6
2–3 16.9
4–5 2.8
6–7 1.4
7–8 4.2
Other 7.0
Amount of time the garden is used by teachers in the classroom
<10% 23.9
10% 36.6
20% 19.7
30% 8.5
40% 4.2
50%+ 7.0
Reasons teachers use a school garden
Environmental education 97.1
Helps students learn better 84.3
Experiential learning 72.9
Personal love of gardening 67.1
Encouraged by the administration 54.3
Number of years the garden had been established at the school
6 months or less 42.2
1–1.5 26.8
2–3 26.8
4+ 4.2
Sources of school garden funding
Donations 69.9
Personal funds 52.1
Garden grants 49.3
School funds 27.4
zPercentages are not cumulative.

230 ●
January–March 2000 10(1)
When asked what the garden was that, for this group of teachers, gar- Eames-Sheavly, M. 1994. Exploring horti-
used for, all but two of the teachers dens were used minimally for class- culture in human culture: An interdiscipli-
(97.1%) indicated that they used the room instruction. However, the length nary approach to youth education. Hort-
garden for environmental education of time these gardens had been estab- Technology 4(1):77–80.
and 72.9% indicated that the garden lished was also minimal, with most Eames-Sheavly, M. 1993. The three sis-
was used for experiential learning gardens in establishment less than a ters: exploring an Iroquois garden. Cornell
(Table 1). Eighty-four percent of the year and a half. The reasons cited most Coop. Ext., Ithaca, N.Y.
teachers felt that the garden helped often for incorporating a garden into Harvey, M. 1989. The relationship be-
students learn better. the curriculum was for environmental tween children’s experiences with vegeta-
Perhaps one of the most impor- education and for fostering experien- tion on school grounds and their environ-
tant reasons that the teachers surveyed tial learning. While some of the results mental attitudes. J. Environ. Educ. 21(2):9–
were not using school gardens very of this survey may seem discouraging 15.
often was the length of time the gar- to proponents of school gardening, it
Jaffe, R. and G. Appel. 1990. The growing
den had been established. A large num- is important to note that, regardless of classroom. Addison-Wesley Publ. Co.,
ber (42.2%) of school gardens used by the time spent in the garden, teachers Menlo, Calif.
teachers in this study had been estab- are using school gardens. It is apparent
lished for 6 months or less, with 69% of from findings in this study that teach- Kutsunai, B. 1994. Our garden is a grow-
the gardens in establishment less than ers need to be made aware of the ing place. Kamehameha J. Educ. 5:1–10.
a year and a half (Table 1). With many resources available to help them effec- Mabie, R. and M. Baker. 1996. The influ-
of the gardens being established and tively integrate the garden into more ence of experiential instruction on urban
put to use for a year or less, teachers classroom lessons. Integrating the gar- elementary students’ knowledge of the
may not have had the opportunity to den and garden activities into class- food and fiber system. J. Ext. 34(6):1–4.
use and incorporate the garden into room lessons will not only enable the McCormick, F.G., D.E. Cox, and G.M.
their classroom instruction. Addition- teacher and the students to use the Miller. 1989. Experiential needs of stu-
ally, teachers may not yet have been garden more, but may also enhance dents in agricultural programs. Agr. Educ.
comfortable with this teaching tech- students’ learning. It is apparent that Mag. 62(4):10–1.
nique. many teachers understand the useful-
Meichtry, Y.J. 1992. Using laboratory ex-
Several explanations exist as to ness of the garden and the impact it periences to develop the scientific literacy
why more teachers did not use school may have on student learning. This of middle school students. School Sci.
gardens. One explanation may be that finding helps support the belief that Math. 92(8):437–441.
teachers were unaware of how to suc- elementary school gardens are valu-
cessfully incorporate the garden into able, conceivably indicating that edu- Ocone, L. and E. Pranis. 1983. The Na-
tional Gardening Association’s guide to
an already existing curriculum to en- cators are beginning to understand the
kid’s gardening. Wiley Sci. Eds., New York.
hance student learning. Another ex- benefits of gardening to children.
planation comes from the expense of a Peyser, M. and T. Weingarten. 1998. A
garden. Teachers in this study indi- growing experience: Spring is here and
cated that they received donations Literature cited children’s gardens are in bloom. Newsweek
(69.9%), grants (49.3%), and even paid Alexander, J., M.W. North, and D. 4/13/98:65.
for the garden with their own money Hendren. 1995. Master gardener class- Skelly, S. and J. Zajicek. 1997. Project
(52.1%) (Table 1). Teachers noted room garden project: An evaluation of the Green book 2: Interdisciplinary activities.
that many of the donations came from benefits to children. Child. Environ. Texas A&M Univ. Instructional Material
parents as well as local garden centers. 12(2):256–263. Serv., College Station.
While close to half (49.3%) the teach- Barron, J. 1993. The greening of St. Spooner, W.E. and R.D. Simpson. 1979.
ers had received a garden grant, most Patrick’s. pathways. Ont. J. Outdoor Educ. The influence of a five day workshop on
of those not receiving a grant were 5(4):5–7. attending elementary teachers toward sci-
unaware that such grant funding ex- Bowen, D. 1989. Gardens of knowledge. ence and science teaching. School Sci. Math.
isted. Funding a school garden can Sci. Teach. 56(5):53–55. 70(3):415–420.
become an expensive task and may Statistical Package for the Social Sci-
discourage many teachers from using a Bradley, J.C. and S.M. Skelly. 1997. Chil-
dren and gardening—Implications for the ences. 1999. Statistical package for the
garden. social sciences 9.0 for Windows. SPSS Inc.,
future. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 110:405–
407. Chicago.
Canaris, I. 1995. Growing foods for grow- Waliczek, T. and J. Zajicek. 1996. Project
Responses from a 1998 survey Green book 1: Science and math. Texas
given to 71 Florida elementary school ing minds: Integrating gardening and nu-
trition education into the total curriculum. A&M Univ. Instructional Material Serv.,
teachers indicated that school gardens Child. Environ. 12(2):264–270. College Station.
are gaining popularity as a resource for
educating children. Findings reveal

January–March 2000 10(1) 231

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