Drug Study Oxytocin

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Nursing Department

GENERIC NAME: -Oxytocin is a hormone -To induce or stimulate -hypersensitive to drug when CV: Hypertension, -Because of the potential of cervical laceration,
Oxytocin that helps with labor and Labor. vaginal delivery is advised increased heart rate, uterine rupture, and maternal and fetal death
delivery. The hormone is -Administration of - cephalopelvic disproportion is systemic venous during the first and second stages of labor, the
BRAND NAME: made in the exogenous oxytocin is present return, cardiac patient should be continuously monitored.
hypothalamus and then indicated in the -when delivery requires output -Monitor contractions, fetal and maternal heart
Pitocin secreted from the antepartum period to conversion as in transverse lie GI: Nausea, vomiting rates, maternal blood pressure, and EDC on a
paraventricular nucleus initiate or improve RESPIRATORY: regular basis. If uterine hyperactivity occurs, stop
CLASSIFICATION: to the posterior pituitary, uterine contractions for Anoxia, asphyxia the infusion.
Pharmacologic Class: where it is kept. It is then vaginal delivery in OTHERS: Low APGAR -Assess fluid intake and output. Watch for
Posterior released in pulses to situations where there is score at 5 mins. signs and symptoms of water intoxication.
Pituitary trigger uterine fetal or maternal
Hormone contractions during concern.
childbirth. -Oxytocin may be used
Therapeutic Class: -During pregnancy, the to reinforce labor in
Uterine-active number of oxytocin select cases of uterine
Agent receptors on the inertia and as adjunctive
myometrium increases therapy in the
ROUTE: dramatically and peaks in management of
Oxytocin can be early labor. When incomplete or inevitable
given intravenously or oxytocin receptors on the abortion. In the
intramuscularly. The myometrium are postpartum period,
intramuscular (IM) route activated, a downstream oxytocin may be used to
has the advantage of cascade occurs, resulting induced contractions in
ease of administration in increased intracellular the 3rd stage of labor
and requires relatively calcium in uterine and to control
less skill to administer. myofibrils, strengthening postpartum bleeding or
Following IM injection, and increasing the hemorrhage
the effect on the uterus frequency of uterine
appears within 3–7 min contractions.
and persists for 30–60 -Most hormones in
min humans are controlled by
negative feedback,
DOSAGE/ whereas oxytocin is one
FREQUENCY: of the few that is
Available Forms: controlled by positive
10 units/ml in 1ml feedback. The fetus’ head
ampule, vial or syringe pressing on the cervix
in compatible IV causes the mother’s
solution. posterior pituitary to
release oxytocin. After
then, oxytocin flows to
the uterus and promotes
uterine contractions. The
uterine contractions that
have been triggered will
then stimulate the
release of more oxytocin.
Until parturition, this
positive feedback loop
will continue.
PREPARED BY: Billones, Rica S.


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