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Corporate Assessment Questionnaire

Corporate Management Meeting – Washington DC Monday & Tuesday October 3rd & 4th

Name: _________________________________ Country: ________________________________

This assessment is to be completed and returned before 5pm EST Friday September 30th. Please ensure
to return prior to the due date in order to participate in next week’s Corporate Management Meetings.
The next set of questions are a tool to assess your current skill set and management style. Please answer
the questions honestly and to the best of your ability, as there is no wrong answer. The assessment
should be taken in one session and “closed book”. Should you not know the answer to a particular
question, do not search for the answer. Only use your current knowledge of the subject to provide the
best answer to the question.


1. What is Premier’s Mission?

2. Describe yourself best in three words.

3. What are your top three weakness?

4. What engages you most during the day?

5. What are your strengths as a manager? What qualities within you, do you feel you need to
improve on?

Page 1 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
6. Would you consider yourself a person of initiative or strategy?

7. On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, please rate you're skills on:
 Time Management
 Strategic & Critical thinking
 Leadership
 Team Attitude
 Positivity
 Engagement
 Loyalty & Honesty
 Social
 Customer Service
 Creativity & Innovation

8. Are you happy?

9. What are you missing?

10. What are three goals you want to complete in 2017?

11. Would you describe yourself as leader or a facilitator?

12. What is the difference between empathy and compassion? Which would you say you are more

Page 2 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
13. What is the difference between responsibility and accountability? Which one of these do you
have as part of your management role?

14. In your opinion, what are Premier's best assets?

15. In your opinion, what are Premier's top three "needs for improvement"?

16. What change would you like to see in Premier in 2017? How will you contribute to this?

17. What do you believe are the top three strengths of a leader?

Department - Operations

18. Please explain Premier’s communication reporting processes.

19. For coordinators working on US business, who do they report to?

20. For a departure service, who makes the initial contact with the assignees?

Page 3 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
21. What role does a Country Manager possess within Premier’s operational structure?

22. Are you deleting the RE & FWD off of your subject lines every time you reply and/or forward an

23. Do you see any gaps in process effecting the overall operations of the company?

24. Do you have any suggestions to improve any existing processes or procedures? How would you
execute this plan?

25. How much is our tenancy fee?

26. What 2 services are included within our destination services package and are only charged
separately if independently authorized?

27. What is the difference between property and tenancy management?

28. What is Premier’s SLA or company policy for intro emails to the assignees?

29. What are the different policy/move types we managed, and what is the difference in between

Page 4 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
Department - Human Resources

30. What is Equality? Do you treat everyone equal? When would you not?

31. Would you hire a trans-gender candidate? Why?

32. What is diversity and how is it used within Premier?

33. Do pregnant women pose a liability to a company’s production?

34. Do you believe it justifiable for a team member to say "this is not my responsibility"?

35. What are the important aspects you need to know about someone before hiring them?

36. What would you do to keep morale high and the team engaged? Do you actively do this every

37. How would you manage an employee/team member that is dependent on your guidance and
need for approval in order to execute their daily responsibilities? Do you currently manage this
type of personality?

Page 5 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
38. Do you find it appropriate to display and/or express any type of objects, feelings, or opinions of
any religious belief in the office or work place?

39. What is your hiring process?

40. What are the "next steps" once you have hired someone for the job?

41. Do you feel you encounter language barriers with your team, and/or have difficulty to express
your thoughts to others?

Department - Finance & Administration

42. What is a balance sheet?

43. What is an income statement?

44. What is a general ledger?

45. What is a debit and a credit?

Page 6 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
46. What is the difference between a variable and a fixed cost?

47. What is an operating cost?

48. How you do calculate profit?

49. What is the difference between revenue and net income?

50. Are you currently comparing your actual monthly costs to your projected monthly budget and
tracking operating expenses?

Department - IT

51. What is a domain?

52. What is an IP address and what does it stand for?

53. What is a POE switch?

Page 7 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
54. What is VOIP?

55. What is the difference between an Ethernet cable and a phone cable?

56. What is a wireless router?

57. What is an access point?

58. What is an ISP and circuit?

59. What is the quick part function in outlook and what is it used for?

60. What is the difference between a network printer and a wireless printer?

Department - Sales

61. What is considered a sale?

62. What is your secret selling tactic?

63. What is your approaching in bringing in new business?

Page 8 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
Typing Speed

Please Fill in your WPM (Words Per Minute) Score Below per the exam taken.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is the capacity of individuals to recognize their
own, and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them
appropriately, to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and to manage and/or
adjust emotions to adapt environments or achieve one's goal(s). Coleman, Andrew (2008). A Dictionary of
Psychology (3 ed.). Oxford University Press.

Please take the assessment and print our your answers and bring them with you to DC. Please ensure to
submit a digital copy of your results by due date of this assessment.

Cultural Diversity Assessment

Please click on the purple Tag below to open the Cultural Diversity Document you will need to fill in
or you can find then on the right side of this PDF as Attachments

Page 9 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.
I, _____________________________, acknowledge that I have filled out this assessment to the best of
my ability and that all information and responses are my own original compositions. I understand that
this information will be used in the assessment of my current skill set and management style and will
only be discussed by and with the Management Team, if necessary.

Name:________________________________ Date:_____________________

Signature: _______________________________________

Page 10 of 10 Our Mission is to deliver the highest levels of

service excellence and professionalism through strategic creative solutions
and responsiveness to our partners, clients and their relocating families.

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