The Strand Discrimination and The Level of Confidence of HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of Business and Arts A.Y. 2021-2022

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The Strand Discrimination and the Level of Confidence of HUMSS

Learners of Laguna College of Business and Arts
A.Y. 2021-2022

A Quantitative Research Presented to

the Senior High School Faculty of
Laguna College of Business and Arts
City of Calamba

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Practical Research 2

Krisha Abunal
Carlo Cuito
Kharysse Danna Porto

Chapter 1


“We must all unite as one to abolish the mindset that there is one superior

strand that the others. We excel in our own special ways and those ways are helpful

to each and every individual.”

-Lalaine Aumentado


In a historic moment for advocates of educational equity, President Benigno

Aquino III approved Republic Act (RA) 10533, signing into law the K+12 program

on May 15, 2013.

The K+12 program covers kindergarten and twelve years of basic education

— six years of primary schooling, four years of junior high school and two years of

senior high school. By adding two years to the current educational system, K+12 aims

to provide mastery of skills for lifelong learners and prepare them for career

opportunities. The program also contextualizes lessons to students, as concepts will

be explained using local culture with the use of the students’ respective mother

tongues. The curriculum also prepares graduates to acquire mid-level skills that will

allow them more opportunities even in the global job market.

Senior High School students undertake a standard core curriculum and can

choose from four tracks of specialization: academic, technical-vocational and


livelihood (TVL), sports, or arts and design. The academic track is further divided

into four strands: accountancy, business, and management (ABM); science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); humanities and social sciences

(HUMSS); and general academic. The TVL track also has four strands and various

specializations under each one: home economics; information and communications

technology (ICT); agri-fishery arts; and industrial arts. There are two specific

specializations for the maritime industry: the pre-baccalaureate maritime

specialization—a modified STEM curriculum—and the TVL maritime specialization.

This law became controversial because half of the Filipinos said that it will be

hard for them because there will be another 2 years for high school while the other

Filipinos said that it would be helpful for them. Adding another 2 years can enhance

your skills and talents and to figured out what desired course would the students will

take in their college years.

As proven by the study “Assessment Schemes in the Senior High School in

the Philippine Basic Education” (Magno, 2016), the survey results showed that

students who took HUMSS strand exemplify English and Science skills. HUMSS

students also shows aptitude in verbal analogy, syllogism, number and letter series.

They also inclined on social science, creative arts, human relation management,

personal service, politics, etc. The finding was also supported by the Educational

Measurement and Evaluation Review (2016) which stated that Humanities and Social

Sciences are just as much pillars of society as the math and sciences are. Math and

science, while they may improve and progress our world, do not have the same effect

on culture and tradition as the humanities and social sciences thus, sciences deal with

person as organisms, but it is the social sciences that will take the person as a human


Discrimination on strand, so what is discrimination? The unjust or prejudicial

treatment of different categories of things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or

gender. In short, discrimination is the unequal or unfair treatment of a person based

upon some characteristics. Strand discrimination is not really new to experience or to

hear, especially nowadays, few years after the implementation of K-12 program.

Strand discrimination is a situation wherein individuals most specifically by students

who is under different strands under the K-12 systems, experience verbal or non-

verbal way of the society’s stigma about who among who is the best. Today, a lot

may say it is the STEM students because they are the future innovators, HUMSS

students because they are the future leaders, ABM who will lead in the flow of

business in the future. A lot also are already placing up defense for other, however,

despite these actions already taken, many of these sayings are still thrown around,

more so directed to those whose strand are not particularly known for their

specialization in mathematics or science.


These stereotypes lead to hierarchy. The hierarchy leads to discrimination.

And discrimination leads to strand degrading. Because of strand degrading, many

students are being affected by this. This intellectual discrimination and stereotyping

has an effect for those students being degraded. In terms of social aspects, since this

stereotyping happen it is of hard for students to socialize, mostly with other strands

because they keep thinking that students in a particular strand does not like them

because they are being labelled as patapon. In emotional and mental aspects,

discrimination can make students, who are being degraded, be pressured since they

have to prove other people that they are wrong. This pressure can turn into stress that

can lead for students to think suicidal thoughts that even though they will do

everything, people will not appreciate them since they already have the label.

According to Gundam (2017), strand discrimination is somehow directed

towards Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students. While other strands

study everything objective and quantitative specially for Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students and Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM). Bunch of humanities students are shunned mainly because their

subject is easier compared to other strand. What other people cannot understand is

that the likes of each student in humanities deals with everything abstract: of critical

thinking, reasoning, logic, and to understand the phenomenon’s and theories that

drive humanity as it is today.


The manner in which standards are applied is highly important in ensuring

their success in facilitating student learning and in promoting positive outcomes. To

start with, it is important to understand that standards call for a change in the

assessment and teaching approaches. Assessment and standards are intertwined, an

aspect that makes them both core parts of the instruction program and the curriculum

(Tannehill, 2015). Unlike the traditional standards application approaches where the

content that students are expected to attain is

predetermined, with testing carried out to ensure that students have known such

standards, to facilitate proper learning, it is important for the assessment process to be

based on establishing whether the students are able to apply the knowledge they have

leant as opposed to simply accumulating facts. In addition, as opposed to using

standards to foster competition among the students and to rank them against each

other, it is important for the state to ensure that the standard-based assessment is

directed at providing all the students with a level ground whereby they are assessed

against the established standards according to their needs

in order to foster achievement of an acceptable level of proficiency and to establish a

culture of success (Peacock, Hart, & Drummond, 2012)

The purpose of this study is to determine how frequent the strand

discrimination does the HUMSS learners experience. Moreover, it is to assess and


determine the effect of it to the confidence level of the learners. Also, the purpose of

this study is to see that the HUMSS strand is an exceptional one.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The Strand Level of Confidence of

Discrimination of the HUMSS Learners of
HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of
Laguna College of Business and Arts
Business and Arts

Research Paradigm
Figure 1.0

The systematic investigation was anchored with two existing theories which

distinguishes the significant relationship between the strand discrimination and the

level of confidence of HUMSS learners.

According to Eleanor Roosevelt Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds

discuss events. Small minds discuss people. Sometimes, intelligence does not really

matter. What matters the most is your behavior or on how you help other people to

improve rather than drag them down so you can be on top. Being intelligent is

different from being well-educated. But people must learn how to be well-mannered

before claiming that they are well-educated. Always remember that even the simple

joke about labeling can affect not just one but lots of people. And do not ever

discriminate other people once you know that you are not perfect. Think before you


Strands in senior high school are divided to their own path with their own way

on how to help each student academically; on which they could use to see their bright

future on their different jobs. HUMMS strand is designed for those who wonder what

is on the other side of the wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and

talk to a lot

of people. Humanities and Social Science or HUMSS is what they took in senior high

school if they desire to possibly work as part of our Government, to become a

Teacher, Lawyer, Journalist, Anchor, Historian, Economist, Police, etc. In short, these

are being the people that wanted to help and wanted to do their best for the greater

good of our country. They see these people as the hope of our nation, doing what’s

the best for all.

This strand covers a wide range of disciplines that delve into the investigation

and inquiry of the human conditions that uses empirical, analytical, and critical

methods of studying human behavior and societal changes. Students pursuing college

degrees on this strand will have a deeper understanding of arts, culture, literature,

politics, and society and how the complex interplay of these facets help them

appreciate individual behavior and social group and the pressing issues corresponding


Katrina T. (2017), my thoughts on the Academic Track Hierarchy. There are

few things more frustrating than having a hierarchy built where it was not needed in

the first place. They set to build a hierarchy where the most challenging is the best

strand for you. This hierarchy is set to be discussed for the next generation to think

that taking the strand that aligned to your course will not define how wide your

thinking skill is.

The pressure to put on students of Humanities and social studies (HUMSS)

students may know it best. There are many phrases tossed around when discussing

strands, some more insulting than others such as “walang kuwenta,” “for those who

are not good at math,”or “patapon.” However, despite their harshness, many of these

sayings are still thrown around, more so directed to those whose strands are not

particularly known for their specialization in mathematics or science. Likewise, those

who have chosen HUMSS as their strand for senior high school should not be looked

down upon or degraded by those of other strands. While it is true that excelling in

mathematics and science is highly praised and rewarded in our society, those under

the HUMSS strand are equally worked as those under the STEM strand, but in a

different way. Instead of numbers on a board, the HUMSS students are made to think

creatively by submitting carefully worded outputs such as news articles, and creative

writing pieces. Such processes and activities allow the students to hone their skills as

creative and critical thinkers; a vital aspect of a person in the 21st century.

They set their minds into “HUMSS as senseless people,” otherwise, they

should see it equally like the other strands. For it is discussing on how to make our

nation known and able to amend a great society for the next generations. They might

not see the greater side of a HUMSS student, but wait until these HUMSS students

take up the stage.

Zoe A. (2019), “HUMSS ka lang”. There is nothing new to this problem,

institutions, corporations and even families have looked down on the liberal arts and

social sciences courses for years. Their perspective was there is no point on pursuing

liberal arts other than that it is a prerequisite to legal philosophy school time. They

think that liberal arts and social sciences courses was only circulating on being a law

student and a politician. Which in fact there are a lot of job prospects that a HUMSS

student could get. Parents argue that there are no viable careers for humanities

majors. Even friends do not get the point of learning history. Asking questions “What

are you going to do in HUMSS? Become a politician?” and following up a statement

“Is not being in HUMSS easy, since you do not deal with science or math?” “How

will you make money from liberal arts? Better to become a doctor or be in business.”

The concept of self-confidence is commonly used as self-assurance in one's

personal judgment, ability, power, etc. One increases self-confidence from

experiences of having mastered particular activities. It is a positive belief that in the


future one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do. Self-confidence is not the

same as self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas self

-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goal, which one

meta-analysis suggested is similar to generalization of self-efficacy. Abraham

Maslow and many others after him have emphasized the need to distinguish between

self-confidence as a generalized personality characteristic, and self-confidence with

respect to a specific task, ability or challenge (i.e. self-efficacy). Self-confidence

typically refers to general self-confidence. This is different from self-efficacy, which

psychologist Albert Bandura has defined as a “belief in one’s ability to succeed in

specific situations or accomplish a task and therefore is the term that more accurately

refers to specific self-confidence. Psychologists have long noted that a person can

possess self-confidence that he or she can complete a specific task (self-efficacy) (e.g.

cook a good meal or write a good novel) even though they may lack general self-

confidence, or conversely be self-confident though they lack the self-efficacy to

achieve a particular task (e.g. write a novel). These two types of self-confidence are,

however correlated with each other, and for this reason can be easily conflated.

Some studies suggest various factors within and beyond an individual's

control that affect their self-confidence. Hippies and Trivers propose that people will

deceive themselves about their own positive qualities and negative qualities of others

so that they can display greater self-confidence than they might otherwise feel,

thereby enabling them to advance socially and materially. Others have found that new

information about an individual’s performance interacts with an individual’s prior self

-confidence about their ability to perform. If that particular information is negative

feedback, this may interact with a negative affective state (low self-confidence)

causing the individual to become demoralized, which in turn induces a self-defeating

attitude that increases the likelihood of failure in the future more than if they did not

lack self-confidence. On the other hand, some also find that self-confidence increases

a person's general well- being and one's motivation and therefore often performance.

It also increases one's ability to deal with stress and mental health.

Finally, the researchers conducted this study to determine the best method for

formulating firm decision-making in order to formulate a firm action. This was

inspired by current events in community, specifically the prevalence of conflicts

caused by misunderstandings. The researchers sought a methodology that would limit

the power of human actions and decision-making capacity, thereby creating a better

environment for future generations. They also persisted in educating people on how

to be critical and unbiased on various issues confronting today's generation. After all,

researchers believed that these theories would be critical to achieving their goal.

Statement of the Problem


The purpose of this systematic investigation was to determine whether there is

a significant correlation between the strand discrimination and the level of confidence

of the HUMSS learners. Specifically, the study referred to the following questions:

1. How frequent does the HUMSS learners of Laguna College of Business and

Arts experienced strand discrimination?

2. What is the level of confidence of HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of

Business and Arts?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the strand discrimination and the

level of confidence of the HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of Business and Arts?


Is there a significant relationship between the strand discrimination and the level of

confidence of the HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of Business and Arts?

Significance of the Study

This study has been conducted to discern the Strand Discrimination and the

Level of Confidence of HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of Business and Arts

A.Y 2021-2022.

In an endeavor to fulfill this study, the vital results of this research could be

highly beneficial to the sectors as follows:


The Students. The purpose of this study is to proffer self-awareness

cognizance on the existing strand discrimination. Also, to provide insight and

elucidation on the indicated issue.

The Teachers. The result of this study will benefit the teachers to gain

recognition and understanding of the matter. Moreover, to assist students in their

academic performances.

The Parents. The findings of this study will provide appropriate guidance

suitable to their child/children in building and bolstering self-confidence.

The School and other University administrators will be gaining

apprehension as to what measures are appropriate to help for the whole dissipation of

the strand discrimination in their respective institutes.

Journalists. Research on strand discrimination may serve as a contribution of

sources in certain news and publications.

Societal Organizations. The comprehension of the learners’ confidence

linked with strand discrimination may emerge advocacies in light of the inclined

concern issue.

Future Researchers. As there seems to be a dearth of information specific to

this issue, the characteristics of this research could be a primary substantial

component reference to fortify the foundation of their research paper.


The Researcher. Particularly important to the researchers are the certitude

and emerging concepts of results. This study is a medium to discover new definitions

and gratify the curiosity of the researchers.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study was a quantitative research of The Strand

Discrimination and the Level of Confidence of the HUMSS Learners of Laguna

College of Business and Arts. The study’s time frame covered from academic year

2021-2022. The respondents were the fifty (50) senior high school students from

HUMSS strand.

The content of the investigation was limited on the vigilance of the students in

formulating the strand discrimination and the level of confidence of HUMSS learners.

The limit of the study also extended to how frequent does the HUMSS learners

experience strand discrimination and how this discrimination affects their confidence


Definition of Terms

For the objective of attaining clarity of definitions, the following terms which

were used in this study were distinguished operationally:


Academic Track. This track appeals to those who have set their minds

towards college education. Divided into degree-specific courses, the Academic track

in senior high school aims to prepare students to more advanced university courses.

Career Pathways. Is a series of structured and connected education programs

and support services that enable students, often while they are working, to advance

over time to better jobs and higher levels of education.

Discrimination. Is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups

based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

Education. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,

especially at a school or university.

HUMSS Strand. It is one of the strands offered to Senior High students. This

strand is for learners who aim to take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts,

education, and other social science-related courses in college.

K-12 Curriculum. In general, educational terms, it typically refers to the

content being taught and the learning experiences students have in the school setting

in grades kindergarten through twelve.

Laguna College of Business and Arts. This is private non-sectarian school

established on June 1930 located at Elefaño Street, Calamba, 4027 Laguna,


Senior High School. Is the second part of secondary education under the K-

12 program, wherein the students would take up the subjects under their career

pathway specialization.

Senior High School Strand. Senior High School is two years of specialized

upper secondary education; students may choose a specialization based on aptitude,

interests, and school capacity. Each student in Senior High School can choose among

three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts.

Self Confidence. Is not about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner

knowledge that you're capable.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art,

theoretical, and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and

lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Senior High School strands have different competencies. Depending on

various courses and professions. Each strand differs from other practices and

specializes in its occupation. Strands are aimed to equip the students with essential

knowledge and skills that will help them prepare for the chosen path they will pursue

(Nacorda et al., 2019). Furthermore, students may strengthen their interests in classes

they like and apply their passion and heart to studies.

There are five different types of strand in the Philippines. First, the STEM

strand is the most fundamental step in the field of science, technology, engineering

and mathematics. To emphasize, STEM integrates learning through interdisciplinary

studies. It affords the application of 21st-century learning skills (Lynch, 2020).

Furthermore, students acquired certain abilities to think critically, distinguish bias,

know obscurity, acknowledge and appreciate situational conditions.

Humanities and Social Sciences devote their study skills to societies and the

relationships among individuals within those societies. In general, learning

competencies focus on oral communication, media, and information, and enhancing


the students reading and writing skills. Humanities are disciplines that investigate

human condition, and reasoning using primarily analytical, subjective, critical, or

speculative methods (Pasarin, 2019). HUMMS specializes in communication and

theories which humans used for decades to understand every meaning behind motives

and objectives.

According to Mapua University (2016), Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) is a strand under academic track in Senior High School that is designed to

effectively prepare students who seek to pursue a college degree on liberal education,

and it is about a variety of subjects, looking at the world and its people from various

points of view. Students who will take this strand will learn about ideas and beliefs

that have guided human beings and shaped civilizations for thousands of years. The

learning activities are directed towards the development of critical thinking. This

strand will take introductory courses, which will give students a wide knowledge of

subjects and will guide them later on in choosing their major discipline.

In addition to Ron Ronquillo (2017), he stated that there are so much more

than learning about people in taking up Humanities and Social Sciences. In HUMSS

strand, it revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills

because as you can see after they take up the course they wanted to pursue, they dealt

with alot of people around them. Honing these skills are crucial for them to establish

effective communication with people when they are working. More of the subjects or

½ of the subjects in HUMSS were focused on language and speech. Even if

Mathematics and Sciences are also included on their daily schedule, they are not too

broad since they do not belong to the specialization subjects of the said strand.

Bittar (2016), stresses that unfortunately, in this country, and in this culture,

Humanities and Social Sciences still need defending. It was no surprise for HUMSS

students, which they would be underestimated especially when it came to the other

academic and even non- academic strands; that to an extent, they would be treated

with lesser importance. “That’s just Humanities and Social Sciences. That won’t get

you a real job in the future.” Hence, it also came to no surprise, when this teacher,

who’s being barked at online, had this opinion. It is also going to be no surprise when

and if the number of people wanting to enroll in this strand would gradually decrease

every year as the stigma against it is still very much alive and loud. People are

diluting the fundamental importance of “soft sciences,” and are passively equating

HUMSS students to people who “still don’t have a sense of direction in their lives.” A

lot of people put so much premium on courses that will yield a “high-earning job” in

the future, to the point that everything related to the arts and social sciences are

unfairly viewed as useless and a waste of time and money; that HUMSS are for

people who are stupid, and who were never smart enough to get in the other academic


The gaining capability of student’s picked calling is said to be a factor that

impacts their vocation way. Students may discover one part of their profession that is

more monetarily compensating than another, or that working their way through the

positions holds more prominent budgetary motivation than remaining in a similar

activity. Students’ own budgetary needs are likewise liable to impact the profession

decisions they make. Opportunity is the third factor that has formed profession

decisions for students. Opportunity may impact how students have seen their future as

far as the sensible likelihood of a future specifically professional fields. The issue of

destitution has assumed a critical deciding job in the open doors accessible to all

(McQuerrey, 2006).

As indicated by Pummel, Hardwood, and Lavallee (2008), the outside impacts

that assistance to shape a student’s profession decision are likewise affected by

significant others through social help from friends. Individuals around contribute a

great deal in one’s basic leadership. Companions may impact an individual decision

of profession. A student’s interest might be influenced by peers for the reason that

one needs to be with them in satisfying specific dreams or vocation. Schoolmates

additionally assume an important role in the development of a student’s

accomplishment, related convictions, and qualities, regardless of whether these

colleagues do not generally compare with the companion gathering of relaxation time

and enjoyment. Developments of students’ interest were really affected by their peers

and classmates (Frenzel et al, 2010).

As mentioned by Elnasin (2017), in all strand that K-12 is offering, HUMSS

is being discriminated that most of the people think is the easiest strand. Elnasin,

together with the co-researchers, examined the differences in each student’s

perception towards HUMSS. They conducted an online survey with Senior High

School students in Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City enrolled in

different strands. They found out that students think others chose HUMSS to surpass

senior high school. The study they conducted aims to change the mindset of the

people that HUMSS is not a basic strand which means it covers not just political

science, but literature, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, communication, and

psychology. This finding proved that this strand is not a piece of cake like what other

people think. Handouts, research paper, speech, reports, and how can you stand up

alone in front of the class are only some of the things HUMSS students do on their

daily basis. They concluded that hearing someone saying “HUMSS ka lang” will

never be okay for HUMSS students because it is their future, passion, and happiness

that are stake on the line. All strand has different struggles and no matter what strand

you are students should not drag each other instead, focus on what you are facing and

never underestimate anyone for what they really love of doing.




This chapter presents all the necessary information about the intended process

of this study. This includes research design used in conducting the study. In addition,

the research locale, respondents of the study, research instruments, and validation of

instrument, data gathering procedures, and treatment of quantitative data are also


Research Design

This research will be utilized the descriptive method of research using impact

analysis. Best and Kahn (2007) the term descriptive research has often been used

incorrectly to describe three types of investigation that are different. Perhaps their

superficial similarities have obscured their difference. Each of them employs the

process of disciplined inquiry through the gathering and analysis of empirical data,

and each attempts to develop knowledge. To be done competently, each requires the

expertise of the careful and systematic investigator. A brief explanation may serve to

put each one in proper perspective. Furthermore, Shona McCombes (2020) a

descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population,

situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but

not why questions.

A descriptive research design can be use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher

does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures


Research Locale

The data gathered were from the School of Laguna College of Business and

Arts (LCBA). The researchers will be conduct the study in Calamba City due to

proximity. The respondents involved in the study were from the SSP data in the

Senior High School Department of LCBA.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the Senior High School students A.Y.

2020-2021 of Laguna College of Business and Arts. The table that follows provided

the number of respondents who were students that commonly a question research.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following were undertaken by the researchers to gather the needed data.

Proper way to collect information in strand discrimination and the level of

confidence of HUMSS learners, the researcher asked for their permission if they

wanted to participate in the research study conducted. ”The Strand Discrimination

and the Level of Confidence of HUMSS Learners of Laguna College of Business and

Arts A.Y. 2021-2022”. The material was make evaluate by the first practical research

two (2) teachers, then by the three research experts to establish the contents’ the

materials being permitted to distribute the questionnaires. The co-researcher asks for

consent or reviewing the approval to the guidance counselor in senior high school

department. The co-researcher carried out the survey. And the questionnaires were

collected to the record respondents were checked for clarifications on the information



The researcher utilized a questionnaire as an instrument of the study.

For easy administration, scoring and assessment of the survey questionnaire,

the Liker scale was utilized to easily obtain the responses. The four (4) point scale is

ranging from four (4) being the highest and one (1) as the lowest.

Validation of Instrument

To establish the validity of questionnaire it is presented to certain teachers of

Laguna College of Business and Arts. The purpose of this is to find out how effective

the instruments are and to measure or gauge the content to the questionnaire. It also

served as basis for identifying items that are vague, ambiguous and replicated. The

researcher made the questionnaire more specific and easier to understand in order to

acquire the information from the respondents.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical concerns were followed by the researcher as those were taken into

account throughout this paper. Consent was inquired wherein the confidentiality was

assured. All the necessary details were explained by the researcher for them to

understand their role upon the completion of the study. Information personal to the

co-researchers were assured to have its confidentiality.

Treatment of Quantitative Data

The researchers used Simple Random Sampling technique in finding the

answers that will suit to the statement of the problem. To explain, it is the basic

sampling technique where researchers select a group of subjects (a sample) for study

from a larger group (a population). Meanwhile, in terms of finding the correlation

between the independent and dependent variable of the study, the researchers first

accumulated the mean of the respective respondents’ answers from questions 1-15 in

parts 1 and 2. Then, they utilized the website of Social Science Statistics to identify

the correlation of the two variables, inputting the data from the respective parts of the

questionnaire in order to obtain the R-value and p-value.










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