Elllo #1405 Meg's Travels

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1) In Spain she lived _____ .

a) with a host family

b) in a big city
c) alone

2) She was there during _____ .

a) the rainy season

b) the spring
c) the summer

3) She went to Belize for _____ .

1405 Meg's Travels a) vacation
Meg talks about traveling to three continents and what she
b) work
liked about each place she visited.
c) school

4) She was in Indonesia for a _____ .

Todd: Hey, Meg. We ___ talking about
traveling and visiting other countries. What a) week
countries have you traveled to? b) month
Meg: I've been to quite a few different c) year
countries. For example, Spain, Belize and
Indonesia. Meg Todd 5) She says ______ was her favorite place.

Todd: Wow, three different continents. a) Spain

b) Belize
Meg: Yeah, pretty far apart. c) Indonesia
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Todd: Wow, that's cool. So Spain, Blanks!
that must ___ a really nice country. Complete the gaps.
What did you think of Spain?
Meg: Spain ___ really beautiful. I have __ leave soon. Vocabulary
There's a lot of beautiful nature Write
and also some nice cities. While I I have to leave soon.
___ there, I lived in a small city
called Caceres. continents

Todd: Oh nice. ___ the people really friendly in Spain? Wow, three different continents.

Meg: Yes. Actually, the people ___ very friendly and very helpful, Continents are the world's largest
especially if you're lost. groups of land mass , such as Australia
and North America. Notice the
Todd: Oh, that's great. I hear Spanish food __ really, really good. following:

Meg: Spanish food ___ delicious. I lived with a Spanish family 1. I've visited three continents: Asia, Africa and
and my Spanish mom cooked delicious meals every day for Europe.
lunch. In Spain, seafood ___ really popular. So I ate a lot of fish 2. Is Africa the biggest continent?
and shrimp.
Todd: Oh, I love fish and shrimp.
I love fish and shrimp.
Meg: Me too.
Todd: Now, Spain ___ really warm, Shrimp is a type of seafood. The food
right? shrimp comes from the tail of the sea
creature also called shrimp. Notice the
Meg: Yes. Spain ___ very hot while following:
I ___ there during the summer. 1. I love to eat shrimp salad.
2. I do not like seafood, but I love shrimp.
Todd: Oh yeah? How hot? How hot
does it get?
Meg: It got up past 40 Degrees
Celsius during the summer. It got up past 40 Degrees Celsius
Todd: Wow. Celsius is a unit to measure
temperature that shows if the weather is
Meg: Yeah. It ___ pretty hot. hot or cold. Notice the following:
Todd: ___ it rain? 1. It is 33 degrees Celsius today.
2. Americans use Farhenheit, not Celsius.
Meg: It ___ rain. But when I ___ there in the summer, it didn't rain
very often.
Todd: So what about Belize? Belize ___ a really small country. put my fee in the water
Meg: Belize ___ very small, but it's also hot similar to Spain in I just wanted to put my feet in the water.
the summer.
When you put your feet in the water,
Todd: Why ___ you go to Belize? you put your legs in the pool, sea, river
or ocean, but do not swim. Notice the
Meg: I went to Belize on a study trip for school, and I stayed following:
there for about two weeks.
1. He cannot swim so he just puts his feet in the
Todd: Okay. Now, ___ Belize have good food? water.
2. I do not have a swimsuit, so I can only put my feet
Meg: Belize also ___ good food. There ___ a family that cooked in the water.
for us and we ___ a lot of delicious almost Mexican type food.

Todd: Oh really? So for example, what do you eat? Like, what do scenery
people eat in Belize?
Bali also has very famous scenery
Meg: People eat – it's kind of like a taco but flat with a tortilla, and
some meat and vegetables on top and some spices that make it Scenery is the natural landscape or
really delicious. view of an area such as a nature spot
or city. Notice the following:
Todd: So the last country is Indonesia. When did you go to
Indonesia? 1. California has beautiful scenery.
2. On vacation we took in the scenery.
Meg: I actually went to Indonesia just last year.
historical spot
Todd: Oh wow. How long did you stay?

Meg: I only stayed there for about a week. I did go to some famous historical
Todd: Oh yeah? Oh, short trip.
A historical spot is a famous place that
Meg: Yeah, it was a short trip, but I was just visiting some friends has a connection to history. Notice the
there. following:

Todd: Where did you go? 1. Euroupean cities are old so they have many
historical spots.
Meg: I went to Jakarta and Bali. 2. On vacation, we visitied many historical spots like
the Great Wall in China.
Todd: So I hear Bali has really beautiful beaches. Is it true?
Meg: Yeah, it's true. There are a lot of famous and beautiful Vocabulary Quiz
beaches in Bali.

Todd: Oh, did you surf in Bali?

continent • shrimp • Celsius
Meg: I've never surfed before. Usually, when I went to the beach, put my feet • scenery • historical
I just wanted to put my feet in the water.

Todd: Oh yeah. Now, Bali also has very famous scenery on the 1. China is on the Asian .
inside like the rice fields. Did you see the rice fields of Bali? 2. It was cold I only in the water.
Meg: No, I didn't see the rice fields. But I did go to some famous 3. The nature park has great .
historical spots. 4. It is an old, city.
Todd: So of the three countries – Spain, Belize and Indonesia –
5. It is ten degrees today.
what country was your favorite? 6. I do not like to eat fish, but I like
Meg: Maybe Spain was my favorite because I love learning
language and it was really nice to stay with my Spanish family.

Todd: Yeah. I could see that. I really want to go to Spain, and I

hope to go soon. Speaking Challenge
Meg: I hope you can go too. It's beautiful.
Q1 What continents have you visited?
Speaking of the Topic - Vacation in Spain A1

Match the activity and the image. Q2 Is the scenery pretty where you live?
[ _ ] eating paella,
[ _ ] exploring cities
[ _ ] hanging out in Barcelona Q3 How much is zero degrees Celsius in Farhenheit?
[ _ ] watching bullfighting A3
[ _ ] trying flamenco
[ _ ] attending a football match
[ _ ] hearing Spanish guitar Q4 Do you like to eat shrimp?
[ _ ] seeing a windmill A4
[ _ ] vistiing a museum
Rank the activities! Q5 What is a historical place you want to visit?
(1) interesting ... (9) not interesting. A5

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