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Essay Mind Map

Introduction Paragraph
Check which style ❏ Question
of lead you would ❏ Interesting fact or statistic
like to use

Lead In the US, 300+people have a medically assisted suicide in a year,

should a patient with terminal illness have the ability to request a
medical assited suicide?

Context A medically assisted suicide is when a paitent gets assited/medical

(introduce idea) aid in dying. The assisted suicide occurs when the physician gives out
1-2 sentences. necessary information to enable the patient to perform the life-
ending act.
Tran’s class, click
here, slide 41.

Claim/Thesis Delete this and write your thesis, but include broad reason 1, broad reason
2, and broad reason 3.
Click here for a bank
of verbs. A patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a
medically assisted suicide because the law doesn’t object it, it is a
Follow parallel nonviolent request, and it can put an ease to the patient’s
structure! mind/suffering and etc.

Ways to Write an Introduction Paragraph

According to a 2015 article, “Sugary drinks cause 184,000 deaths worldwide annually”
(Wanjeck). An issue that has been debated over time is whether or not sugar should be removed from
the American diet. In the end, it is clear that sugar is a grim reaper that should be vanquished. Sugar
needs to be removed from society’s diet because it leads to obesity, shortens lifespans, and causes life
threatening illnesses.

Should society remove a key ingredient in the American diet to prevent illness and death? An
issue that has been debated over time is whether or not sugar should be removed from the American
diet. In the end, it is clear that sugar is a grim reaper that should be vanquished. Sugar needs to be
removed from society’s diet because it leads to obesity, shortens lifespans, and causes life threatening
Body Paragraph 1



Counter Argument + Topic Sentence:

To being, while some people say a patient with a terminal illness should have the right to
medically assisted sucide, although the law doesn’t object in certain states, having a physician
assist to sucicide conflicts to what a physician's job is suppose to be, which is to keep a
patient alive.

^ reason 1 from claim/thesis appears in the topic sentence

Evidence #1:

In the article “Physician-Assisted Suicide: the law and professional ethics” by Faith Lagay it
states, “Three years prior to the high court's decision, Oregon voters had approved a
referendum legalizing P-AS by a slim margin of 51 percent. Following the Supreme Court
ruling, Oregon offered the question to voters again, in November 1997, this time receiving a
60 percent majority in favor of legalizing the practice” (Lagay 1).


Through all the votes, whether it was from the Orgeon voters, or moving the question onto
the Supreme Court ruling, in the end, 60 percent marjorty showed to be in favor of legalizing
practice for medically assisted suicide.

Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

In addition, 3 years prior to the high court's decision that was then used to decide on whether
or not medically assisted sucide should be up for legal practice, let me know that after great
consideration, and went through the understanding,so the voters finally saw that medically
assisted sucidide isn’t a harmful thing to practice kegley.

Evidence #2:

Also in the article “The Right to Assisted Suicide” by Ester B.La Torre it says “Legalization, with
medical record documentation and reporting requirements, will enable authorities to
regulate the practice and guard against abuses, while punishing real offenders” (Torre 1).
In order to do the medically assisted sucide a patient would need to have legalization with
medical record documentation and reporting requirements in order to get the medically
assisted sucide.

Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

Furthermore needing medical record documentation and reporting requirements for the
medically assisted sucide, proves that the medically assisted sucide is fully approved and legal
to do, in that no other law objects in any way, whether a small legal object or etc.

Concluding Sentence (All in all, To conclude, Overall,):

All in all, a patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted
suicide because the law doesn’t object it
Body Paragraph 2



Topic Sentence:

A patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted suicide
because it is a nonviolent request.

^ reason 2 from claim/thesis appears in the topic sentence

Evidence #1:

In the article “Physician-Assisted Suicide: the law and professional ethics” by Faith
Lagay“Most terminally ill patients who wish to commit suicide want to do so by medical
means, nonviolently, out of respect for themselves and others” (Lagay 1).


Medically assisted sucide is done by medical means, with nonviolent ways for respect for the
patient and for others.
Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

Additionally, a patient would like to have such an option because of personal reasons, such as
family. as it is not a violent request that can hurt others, it should be a request that can be
made for patients under the right condition.

Evidence #2:

Furthermore, in the article “The Right to Assisted Suicide” by Ester B.La Torre it says, “ Some
terminal patients in the past have gone to their doctors and asked for a final medication that
would take all the pain away— lethal drugs” (Torre 1).


Lethal drugs would be a type of nonviolent medical way to die, by an injection or lethal
chemicals. This is a nonviolent way because it doesn’t include force to have the patient pass

Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

Furthermore since a lethal drug is non violent and doesn’t require force or could hurt others,
this request should be alright for a physician to perform. For the lethal drug would only be
affecting the patient internally and wouldn’t so much affect the outside appearance when
used as the right lethal drug, which currently is an anesthetic.

Concluding Sentence (All in all, To conclude, Overall,):

To conclude, a patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted
suicide because it is a nonviolent request.

Body Paragraph 3



Topic Sentence:
A patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted suicide
because it can put an ease to the patient’s mind/suffering.

^ reason 3 from claim/thesis appears in the topic sentence

Evidence #1:

In the article “The Desire for Death in the Setting of Terminal Illness: A Case Discussion” by
Maytal Guy, M.D it states, “During this admission, Mr. C's oncologist informed him that all
curative options had been exhausted and that he had approximately 3 months to live. Mr. C
responded by saying, “I have enough pain pills at home to do what I need to do.”(Stern 1).


Mr. C was in loads of suffering, having to deal with all the exhaustion, with his brain tumor,
and the thought of only having 3 months to live. Cutting everything out sooner felt like the
best decision to him because of all the suffering he tried to endure. For him it gave him peace
in the end.

Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

Also, overdose on pain pills is a medical sucide. The use of pain pills tells me that Mr.C
wanted to pass away without having to feel the suffering. Indicating more that what was
going on with him mentally was such a burden that the need of pain pills to pass away was
the best option.

Evidence #2:

Additionally in the article “The Right to Assisted Suicide” by Ester B.La Torre it says,“They will
not be seen as people who are waiting to die but as human beings making one final active
choice in their lives. As Dworkin puts it, “whatever view we take about [euthanasia], we want
the right to decide for ourselves . . .” (Torre 1).


Patients who request medically assisted sucicde don’t do it because they want to/wait to die.
But because it would be their last decision in their life, and they decide it would be the best
decision because it can end whatever they are going through.

Analysis (tip...try adding a transition word):

Moreover, letting a terminally ill patient decide for themselves, and have the right to decide
for themselves when they can end the suffering and pass away peacefully, would be a great
favor to them.

Concluding Sentence (All in all, To conclude, Overall,):

Overall, a patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted suicide
because it can put an ease to the patient’s mind/suffering.

Conclusion Paragraph

Start with a transition phrase, then restate the topic and why it is important. (In conclusion,)

In conclusion, A patient with a terminal illness should be able to request a medically assisted
suicide because it has a positive efftecs.

Restate thesis/claim in a fresh way! (Use synonyms)

A patient with a terminal illness should be able to ask for a medically assisted sucide because
it brings relief over the patient, it is not legally denied and is a nonviolent sucide.

Call for action or overview future possibilities. (Sentence starter: In the future…)

In the future, terminal illness patients should have the ability to request medically assisted
sucided so that they could have a peaceful end to their burden.

Example Conclusion Paragraph

In conclusion, sugar should be banned because it has negative effects. Sugar needs to
be eliminated from peoples’ diet because it leads to obesity, shortens lifespans, and causes life
threatening illnesses. In order to live a healthier lifestyle, society should take the necessary
steps to ban sugar.

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