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C.L.R.JAMES’S CARIBBEAN Edited by Paget Henry and Paul Buble DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Dudamis5: 4 Temul Eeleaions And yet no simple, stsighorward oad opens to an salting higher ‘wath The uray om the sate ad toward the realmol langue and ‘signers couldnt havebeen conceived widhoutstcturalim ad pos ‘Sstucurlisn. The wo apreacies have provided theoreti bases fot - entng and analyzing signe This elles shi partly eleanor reading of James, Noted post Maret sucha» Comelos Castes ad ea Fangts Lyotard were a fact key iellectuals the ros French provp Soiliane om Babar, which sated + com ‘mon plitealeestaton ao fae contacts with fess Det ‘sed Conespondence and Facing Rest reantations Cantidad Lyotard, slong with Jean Bawllrd and Michel Foucel, have been major Burs in the uncoupling of iba rfet fom the allie “Marsa formulation and their thooretel easng on the model of the open sige” "The esoys by Wyte nd Lazar ely apply the semlo approach 104 numberof James texts dlng they demonstrate the emack- “be peness cl these texts by reveling the creative tesion within het ‘Marsa sumptions. Thi openness ei ler Marit hikers and 0 appealing in Jame, bs prompted ere Sandra Dake to Hen: ‘fy James as a precoious postmodernist” Inthe esey by Heary and Buhle the mde fealals bs ben reversed an evaluation of the post strctualist reading of postcolonial dscourses i atempted through (he jean neo “Tite eto sya ne ape wth he pal ne of Cae td pore pe "Ste ae, Wo ar dh drs eon A New ac of he Wout per Conan Six Beyond the Categories of the Master Conception: The Counterdoctrine of the Jamesian Poiesis ‘Sylvia Wynter CLR Jamesisanexeedingy cmplexand sul thnks. Hs thought ‘moves on sev levels and coters a wide vey of domains, Tis ape focuses co the decnstersve thrusts in aes works andthe ‘ountedocsine that they produce. anes’ deconstvctive ers a ‘ein sevel directions stnltoeosl explodingthe there exthe- {cand metaphor foundations ofthe ocenes tat sustained Western Inperaiom. However, Janes also dected many ofthese catia das eater formulations of hs owe thinking, thus subverting tel Wy foundations. ‘One result of this extended cial ans as been « methodology ‘tha employs «pun conceptual famework. In this feework the J ‘unis of multiple modes of domination ang from such factors 28 ‘ros, color, clos sndeduetuon re nondognatial integrated {Coaseuenthy Wt challenges nt only the bse eategaries of colonial ib- calm, but also the Itor-cenrc atari of hod Maris, Di ‘lacing bot alo retcorporting te laters notion of aor epi {na dynamic conception of domination as proces that operate song ‘number of dimensions. Against these vaiousfaes al dmiatan, ames pitsthecenive determination lwmea, workers Jominstedracs ad ‘ther groupe oreist and alin themselves. wl eal this plus-eocepus fumework the ‘pizza fmework™ 6 spa ymer projets of gal apt ecumlation, The second outines me's de Iegimating equ ofthese mane conception om te wandola ot 1s ples fmework The third examines James Beton in relia to this eamework The furhprovies abe summary ofthe famework, andthe fn ep takes wp the implications fora contemporary pas ‘he Leptinating Concepts of Globe Catal Accumlaion ‘The homology between the histccl and the Stina univers is sotreaizedw thelevelol sparclaclement tat the level othe ‘ster. es he tional system in ts ensemble which profaces an leat ofrealiy.—Pleee Macher, 1972 “The norl in steve pedagopel function, hee Macheey argue, 6 tov the product of «docu, not the forming mechanism fa ready peeled cont Tes, rather, he conn of possibilty ofthe emergence of dctine ‘The lamin pil aken a system, the does roving reference forthe stead ce res, provides te eatin of yr ily forthe emergence Of mesa Sting one that sve ‘wn centre labor conceptual Kamewerk This dctine—polnting Te doce toward «gebl mode of muliple modes of accumalation nd of moll concomitene modes of eoxrcion—beene he reais Alon f the Matianfcory modelo expataton, x pret the fare throvh conceptions of the pst and reresetaions af the noW, which Tends coherence to al the amesian Wangs. These conceptions of past And preset ae rote poplar lur-onceplfamework whose ‘ras erupted in the global aon revolution ofthe postwar esiod {ndin the saa revolution ofthe sities. "The "docene” poduced by the atosocloprapy of Beyond «Bound: ary cotiats tata of dftion whichis tel apr ofthe sol “river idee frmes ata both he astrument of iscovery and ‘of defini Becta of tht sel npsed margnality he chose fr him fell when «bulge young sehlusip wines, healed to wa the ‘Suse by ilting the cent eden, ut Heep your eye 8 hecoure andlor your ations choles an desires tothe couse? ‘The stubborn yong boy ws pushed nwo theoreseal and ext mar- ial when hebiseed the categories an meet wanting lay oft own concep! code ts lnsature ts organized opr, ts ob. “ly constructed network of accumulation, the ba revolution Wha launched upon the word nd whichis tempted and ates to conta bythe development of the mephorcs that sabtenis both ts thought systers ands socal system “Togrsp the sigatcance ofthe counterdberine that meres om the whole, and of the que eorshipol themaster ‘necessary o replace thefarmal monarch yatem ef inition with ‘coltral model vat elects valuesasnormatv. The elenency ‘altura conceptions ypon which the oar ye of slafcs ton reed canbe desigsted asthe “symbole of oad" They gave ‘over eo socal setae whos icachy was based on he peice of the possesion of noble loo a the nanposesion of oole Rood We conttted what Hutson has ellen sbucton system Based on ‘he fantasy of lod, hissytem eid te tty + Owneahip 66 sla emer of landed wealth, andthe maginaliing of mercantile and aise ‘esta facies Fart, thisabductionsytem legitimated both the categories of cleric feudal thought andthe macrometphor ofthe Poolemalc universe andthe herria eategoies of es socal ode mated in atts paltieneigious pols as totemismlegeimated he poltcoeiious wal of uations societies. Te was thee elementary cultural conceptions of power and thet ab cute extnsons that had o be upoted bythe bourgeois i the ‘whole system of monarchicl power mas tobe overhrowe. The ise of ‘he ibe state and bourgeois hegemony were the esl nt only of ¢ ‘evolution in economic production, but alo in thecltaral conceptions ‘ol power ifthe organizing leimatingdacourssol he asterscy ‘were Based on the symbols of Moo, those ofthe bourgeoisie were based onthe metaphors of natural eason and lack of natural reason. ‘Ths repcrented a doplcemens of theological justifeation by the new sotionf astaralsght This ction was constuction witha an abduc- ‘on system hat wasbasolonananalogy witha representation efmaure ‘3 oppove to concrete atuein thecae of totais Abductve extension of this sae of mature map provided the categorie that sutured the mde clas oil ode, patel ts ‘Sytem of power and prestige: Accumulated property leapt displaced Tanded wealth asthe source of legis, nd this new property wat reprtened in the Lackean formulation a having been aquired adhe State-of aaare outset "amp" othe sate of society. Thos who Td popety only reveled the high dec of "ature reason that ‘satu hadendowed hem with those wholacked property revealed the degees of lack of reason that nate had endowed them with. Tit ‘ltr the English Ci Wa, vo protect ther new segue pope, the Independent forced trough and the Levellers aquiwced socal Avision based on men-f propery, Meno gropery-armen-ofseavon [otthe vot, and were governed only by thelr consent end were there for svtonomous"The ‘eran and alates” dependear on other, ‘ethou property, without atu reason, wee exloed om the ote ‘They became signif the body tothe sg af the reason ofthe ‘properied. The central division of eateguis was ees athe etl of ‘helndvidua This head/reaton pur ofthe mete naural tate-of mature ‘government coal hsboyinstines part of rate nate, het ptt ‘tata which lacked the reston of nator wdeal-osel. ‘TheCoumecuine ot ames Polss 67 ‘The colonial ystems of power ebithed brad were also shiped by these caltralconeepons. Ths iFioteraly, the servants and sa takers eatgor represented akalteaoninvelation othe mide cs, ‘hen a he global level was nonWeatern calace and peoples that represented varying degrees ol the lack of reason. Inte reat chain of tehich was thus erected he rote o-eon and herelte of ing was the "Neg" the zero term-ofeler, the cultures ht [ere with re nae he “Ne” mee wih he ey, wer cultures of alice Consequently, he cata eateries of th clo social orders embodied dheratioof human valerepesetedby each up inthis ao valu forthe bourne had replaced the be baad the nobility the stats orang pice ‘sum, the governing cultura categores ofthe socal orden both ‘center and periphery became the governing etgoie of thelr ytes ‘knowlege apd of aesthetics Purter, both knowledge nd sestetcs ‘ystems constituted the sococalrl environment an vionaeat hich encoded its concepeons in the very sucralfate. ‘These struct endings of alta conception ae mad omible by the fact the suuctre serves a he abeton system for he thought ‘ems and vice-versa, Consequeady, for undaental chang othe ‘lc, it must ae place bth tn he coneption snd dhe pater of ‘elton. Sach hangs masher el into question both the strc: ture of soil reality andthe suet oft analogical epsemlogy, they must involve sig our whole ssn ofabctons [Todo ti] ‘we must passthrough the tes ofthat chaos whee thought becomes Imponebe “The Jamesian journey tok place trough he Sey and Chrys of that chaos: Hispotesishes Deena constantand sustained attempt shit “the prem of abdvetion” Birt of colo Liberalian, late of Stalinist snd exsist Maras, and overall of the Bourges cultural model nds undying hen body, reason inane etapa. Pedogiuimating the Master Cocepions [is class ihe bourgeoisie must be seen «a being ecu, ‘rom the ejgheenh ceaury on... with forming a spect body 2 els body with health yee descent and ace... These ad wee doubse many reasons fr eis... it fal there was ‘Tinsponton into differen forms ofthe metas employed by the ‘ably or markingand maintaining seat distinction forthe tristoctcy had loss the special character tbody. ‘he oma ood Fest, The Hisar of Sexual, vol James was nthe tak of econucing these conceptions by his Senty as Neg. Here one must contradic James and sage that {snot only noreven primal because eis an deren ofthe Least “ply” tha is solution to che Neg question emphasizes the u- ‘cnomy of the race question, however much he insists en the hegemony ‘ofthe bor question. Rate It Isbeanse of the mult of his con ‘elounes 2 mulpicty shaped bythe complex srocture ofboth the rch-sdaden soll stem andthe Mstricl proceses that ha shaped his system “The Jamesan consclousness growing up a8 adult, was molded by ‘he "morphopenet atin dha shaped wn intcatepermotaton of ol levels of education, levels of wel, and levels af alae” Te ‘wana permutation in which these pec ystems of values themslvos took ral om the eat categories based on the abd system fs Heal/Boly,Reseanstiet nalogy. The male permutations fave ise comuliple denies: othe ecumenism" eno being & ‘Negol eng Cab, ‘The selativey smal umber of whe setts Bish colonial Tl ud ead 0+ sci erarchy based on cultural model in which the era of degrees of whines permuted with other ave sy xem ‘nd warlated the ace question na color question, The late us, Iowever, premised onthe lore, tht onthe soil vale of white: tee the non ale of Hacks Mack athe agian could ow. 1 everbe “edema? by dees edcstion and wealth The hte could rake up fr” deers flakes, which ould ale lees of lr ‘atonal of wealth, Witenes fanconed—exsly a money a the Marsan geet equivalent of vale “Tie eollhirrchy wo vale the igh pescipve white/black categorie of the United Sate native mel” Aa Aaron Legs has polatd out, "neo the many immutable pesrpierulst Amen fe the clasacain of human beings into Hacks and Whites. These ae ‘mutually exlaiecatpais inthe sense tht oe canotbe both Black “nd White tthe some ie: One cannot help but be peed bythe ‘The Comeroctineofamesan oles rig ofthis nave mole denis te fait hat Blacks and Whies ‘enter int elboate lel sel sna The myth ofthe two aes preserved by the simple oe tha al the fspeing of interracial uaions ‘reswomatcalycsied s Blacks”™ 1 Tinldd color, wealth edveatin, and clr dams ne sete no only 8 makers of eal socal stata, but also ss elt ‘mating valu satems in which the tof distsbution ofthe national ‘welt engendered throughthelile scvites of proictin,oasumy- tion, and celaon ofall Tendadlane—vws rato ajsted 0 the eget of coor/welth,o education, one bad acumtlted. I other ‘words theliving standards a each up was uated with he groups Value standing in che plut deed octal oem poe ‘Acenual mot of Beyond a Boudry isthe analytes ofthe perme talon of race edcation/ cure nd il. Owneraip of Whitease™ Pal dividends in the Kind of os that were reserve or whiteness e- ‘ards of met, jobs that wer lolly equated with ment ead ‘esson) athe han wid manval (bins! bor, And James ves ‘several examples of thisin Bye Boundary ‘Col tha, acted a nother Mod of meri, an unearned soll mrt ‘A sya of Str wale eitoT a By sie with capa valu, ec ton value, mextvalvandlabor vale Tosingl ot ay of thse fears ‘was negate the complex ws of the fonctioning ofthe sotl ore, ‘he multiple modes of ceri and power elatonsexoting ot all levels of ce socal spam. Because of the mulple modes of coaion and ‘of explotaion, the factry model wa nly one of many models. Thus ‘here could be no mono cencptal amework—no put revelutonsry subject no single lcs ofthe Great Refs nosing “core” ine. ‘Gren the plu consclonses ofthe amesan ently Negro yet ‘Ben clonal atv yet catwll + part of the publ chal code, seuachedtothecauseof te proletariat yet amemberolthe idle class, 1 Maraan yet «Pusan, an itllecul who plays echt, of Aan escent yet Western, Trotyiat and Pn Afaeanit,« Marat ot + ‘suppor of bck stds «Weston alot bck yetan American ‘minority Black—i was evden thatthe Neo question, and the figure ‘of Matthew Bondsman tha lsked behind it, could not be solved by tither/or--thats by eltherraceor ls, proletariat or bona: Ibe, ot danas del ur a-Acan natalia ot abr ntermatona sm. The quest for ame to contin them al cae oconstitte the James pte 7 silvia yer “The amasian mage epent hy in eft that head ved the ‘condicons Theoblematico ice eaatonalis clas ancl: {age was no new ned cis rllematie nks the dual quest of the young ames for thew anaoseny with the quest of Tenia or ‘atonal independence andcaltrel autonomy. a ie suturing mols ‘of Bepend a oudary, thi problemeslo medlatesamesian hore. les and esthets,fsing them ints countedocie fis ths counter ‘dctne that then reve that che naonal and racial quertona were ‘uertionsreprened by the master concep of Uber, repressed ‘reciely intone teat n which the Kral conception relied elf at {ts bes thet i ts aiuto of the pul school code" though ‘he tal codef elke: “a stg bat andi ant cicket became the ‘wntchwords of manaers andre and he guardians of beedom and power, 163) ‘Thus the “neray” system of Bejood «Boundary uses ames’ Pe sonal quest for cule awareness the lawselthesocalorde fone ‘oning to revel the existence of race snl nationalin a ving, beating prt of his sctl ality andthe epessiveeusion ofthis eat fom the “Eien” ofthe school, se dewmine by the public tehol cde “This cade saved the youg ames om the naked ici isntins that so harshly mak the American socal edt The ple school code Insist thatthe eter that separated the ealontzer ruling whites ‘fom the ruled natives was reason nd lck rather than merely ae Reason/mert was the prescipeve ater), not blatantly ace a6 athe ‘native model” of the United States. As James real: ths sehol we a colony rled autocrat by Englishmen, What then ofthe atonal, (Question! didnt exist forme. Ouzeaipal was on Englishman ofthe nineteenth century [No] more devoted conscientious an sl ‘scclng india ever work in he clone Pe] wat beloved by pneraton of boys and was heldin petal sation througout sheealny” 3,28 or the hesdmaster a fo the other mater, all of whoen Lived vp to and doctinaly pasted on the public ichool cole? querwons of ace ‘dof naonalism wee at best mapas for ortodox Maraans— ‘worst not erika wo discuss. The operating of his code sso mae inal for senting of tleated native Indl wo be ooptable {nto the lower levels ofthe ruling elements, but never quite upto the level beth. “he Counerdocnineof mesa Pies 7s James schoclmastes were abl oral at les, to alterslze thi cole—the apogee ofthe Bish Empire as cltrlodr wascon- ‘comin with ths moment of univeralzauon—Secause they ten- elves lived up tothe vison of le" embod inthe cae Thay bel surly tostsrules sbordnating Sin pensnal rejiies anditrests {eltedemands In the context ofthe code while tere wis no question tat the clo. lal elation between ngshmenandautuiveswasin he nature of ings, ‘the individual level ings had wobe dilerent Here tall or national ‘rg could not mater Mes tent and he aly to play the game ould be found amoag the excepeonl clas of natives. These natives ‘ould bereruitedino the alin group could shart the vision ofife, ‘sd could come tobe boundby it ton, toplay by the rles™ “The schoolmaster dither duty scoring wo the eaten npr tive what was riche abd wht wn no I wnt ket tba ‘cet chap coulda’ help being Hack What mattered wi satu talent that he hep stzlghe band hep tothe eles Not the party line, bt the palieschoal ode, ‘he race question did aot have tbe agatd. It was there, But ‘urlitde Eden, never woubled ws I the maser were sce {olin asuling and mataaining thelr Beh pices te ea nd the norm, Guowever much fils ght flay was ‘ecause within he chooladpualaly onthe playing ety prcied them themelven «They were comet te leet and {nthe spit When weatbecktothecllgeto tech... the then incipal « Me AM, Lower, aman of pronounced Ty, Bt say ‘havin Leas amazed me bythe nest be ook ne. Once a nexpnaivemoment be mutre “We your workatdin ine ‘you people wil ake ove... Tht must havebeen bowt 934 and ‘tas the dest and ony toe im some Been years dha etd ‘word tout the non othe tcl @stion (3.3.9) Here the voyage quest mot of Bejend «Boundary functions the level of here awstnes James was neve tole hte om the pubic school code, nor did he wat to" He would, howevet, have to fhe inset om the mater conception that underlay ehecod the oa tion hat elected the sepratonef the “ative lite fom the native mates, binding the loyay ofthe former not het wn eaity But wo ‘hat of ther cooniere 72 Spear ‘he Jumeslan quest fr autonomy would have to stage agaist a conception that had accorded the elt and he among them place of leg, « encepon tat prod the pastoral potion of ade and School sins the eastntil brutalzatin to which « Matbew Bond ‘man was condemned, tht conceded for «few an Ben in which bath ‘mind and body Tse, che as wells Vanity Fat, chat excluded the ‘Callen niggerdom rom thse and hat enclude those ike Bondsman che absolute 226 of oll and metaphyseal vale ‘The parlor was tat he pub col code, qucheed bythe revi- ‘ying sweepo Mar’ scaique ofthe soci orde of Thackeray's cisque ‘lth arstcrcy was belted tthe famesianconcem He would be ‘uated andimpslledby the hough Lathe dere ie value se- ‘coded by the social cre this ow ian that of Matthew Bonds ‘an sly wae'erichet” Nor was the oncepon thet legate ‘ochre awed nt only by ts epreson ofthe key questions ‘fee, nto, and les, but lio though te represetaon of the ‘Stars sin dhe very "are ofthngs "ewes only long yaar ‘hat understood the lita on spl, vision and el espect which ‘was posed onus bythe fact tht ut maser, ur cual, ou eae ‘of moras, everthing, began fom the bass that Bean was he source ‘tall lightandleading and cr bosne west adi wonder, ate, lea our eteron of scceswuwo have suceeded in approving hat distant alte attain twas f couse posable. Both masters and boys accepted it asthe very ature of hing. AS forme, Iwas the ‘etc tha beckoned me on” (28,21 “Hee eventually ad once aga, the ames polss woul constitute ‘ts own ground, Calin establish bis wn Ment ina eustalned ae of separation fom the ver “beacon that had lea im on" Yet hisbescon ‘et alo to prvi him withthe tol of thght to question pe poston Like alban be culd use thelnguag hha been aught to posh ato regions Prospero never Knew. The tos of thought were ch chatting the elon that “cet cape do mt quaton ‘heseckalnatre of hiags aes coulbein his sere ofsocahistoe ‘lations by posing the eressed question. The natlonal question ‘heme and mou ofhsfsebock, The Life of Captain Cipeen, prof ‘which wastepeated The Ge for West Indian Self-Coverament “The national question wat als to form part ofan even more unde mental questing hat ot autonomy othe body etegery. A sch, ‘init ealng question of abduction sea oT bas ‘The Coumerdotin of mesin Poles 75 whose analogy the ene pol rested. at Cmts Canis tells {his Soctalame ot Barbare group was obs theoreti elution fon thefact tht a certain moment dey pulled the ght tng. tht ‘of -bureacetstio, and. -lmpyandruhlealy kept pling” the ‘lng that thefamestan poets pled ws the cenclly elated ueetion ‘of atonony, the utonomy ofthe body eategatiee, Pulling ths eng James ealledinto question then “socal leideatedcoletve ep: resentation" the sect imaginae( Casto on the ba of which both the mode of vocal relation (Le, Bourgeoisie nd its economic expen pate propery eptalis ndaatonlice propery socal. ‘ig, ae legate. The question of atenomy one posted, mea would standin sth ere that the doctioe that emerge fom ood day psn ly heathy leon ‘The Jamesian Pico Syst an the Pza Caespaal Fame He was genuinely shocked at what Philemon had so carts e- ‘vealed. He had gone on bis way aking ell for grate. To what ‘Serilss had he pur the good woman wo feed hm egal while ‘he reat ofthe household waved He would have todo something ‘shoutit ames, ny Alley D tn the Jameson ememble, he hemes the poles The pols that 4s, hemo of being vogeber inthe ple shaped by the sro of ‘2otps and indvuals ro maintaln of dee the tens of thle ‘ns to tours domination The perpetuation of the middle cas a8 ‘ruling group los form of plitcs that deploys ecrsvly both the negro the estes theoreti and othe economies a tea ‘oer a lb ‘Tus an exe dierenal value setup between fie #0 on ise aru replicate, and herby sais and lepine, the dierent ‘alucerpiialyexressedberweenthelife valet emldlecassand ‘he fev of the popular forces. Ths deena ave then vally spree inthe deren afew, hati of the dierent betwee ‘the consumption rato ofthe mile cle aod the consumption ratio othe popular force. ‘The este catego ofan at rk ike Berard Berenson dase through edcacon, et eletey totale athe now mide cara 74 haa yt sense of heirown neon therownlower le wiv. nec, what] 'sdftsd, encoded in these cite categorie s+ mode of messe-| ‘ment acording o which bth the dstibuton of the mater wealth ‘cumulated andof the new life chance tloded by thie bl proces ate aceaptedaslepitimate ndvalid. 1m other word, the categres both of borgsts tbe and its theoretic provide shoe ala clr! a f value in which the ti ‘ol vale between the ead/cion abd the body init categories le tlmnes the yeem of direc rewards necessary to the eos of ‘he accumulation of ve the tlo upon which be loa mle class ‘seis clas domination, whether in capital orlaber fom Theat ‘uty Wetwcen copies Saini fotms of oc oganizton was {taportant in er’ thinking, Thin, he poled ou tht "the loo. ‘hyo the planed econo sd ne party tate dtingushabl om {ha ofthe bourgenseoal bys morecompleteraonlism I on ‘clos sch to pln ad ogni the vison af bor the means to farhersccumslaton of epi... 1 podut ofthe modern nats movetent,ceate by the cenzltion of capil bd bolts prion only because of this movement At the sme nei cannot ‘Conclve the sects fr abolishing the division of aber in produc tion BY #remorecls lol, therfore, epesataton of the leat turns imo tsoppost, tenon over the prolerist Because ot this law of cultural ve he apt snd bor concep ames can ‘ot by themelvesprovdescencally exact modes of mesuement of fceurte ats of ditto. Oaly motes and toe are seen a a "At fern Bdilnd suggests, the capital conceptual fame and the lakor concep frame, which defie eter capa i he case ofthe Sito bor nthe cave ofthe scond a the ingle o ems determi ‘ant of vale, both meton through their piviepngof the proiuction ‘end of the multiple processes to set up « mode of calculation that ex 3 Ses mile lass hegemony through the legate accumulation of ‘ot only material goofs bt also powe!, welt, and mulpe fe opp Tn Bevand a Boundery, the organizational strctre imply us- taposes Bondsman sad Se Donald Badman, both equally talented Cricketers, ye the ater ieee ll opportuni towel is power, to ewim withthe current in oder to aeeve fn and fortune while ‘TheCamerdoinctlanesin Reis 75 ‘Bonaman ends in ancbcuriy oly edemsedby memory, bythe sroke he lef impeatd in Young lames’ comsciousacss. A motel is thus et up w reveal the extenceof an ebjectve ratio of ditbuton of fe ‘ale and af opportunites to reac one's powers. Inthe tonal ee- ‘em of fares novel int Alley ad short try“ thls model ‘merges to provide the ineaments of «new popula here, fan erative concept fame, ‘Thelnerply a calor and clasin the Stina este of Minty Alley revels patter of interaction in which «parallel between the pbs ‘det andthe social order of Tad betwen the mid-late anon and the noe-midde-las on, beeween the caoniation of the ist andthe stgmatzaton ofthe second an be cet dacermed. fn these pattem arelawlike equivalence betwee the bitte degees ‘of socal valu, whether ensured in tengo the possesion of cpt, Profs, sil, obs, whiten, edycation, fie at, “pt Enh, ood hal, snd the rao ofdistbuton of ie chances Between the ‘octal vale aseibed bythe “imagine socal” apt cult lw of ‘ale ae the opportunities provided ether to “ealize oe pow" or onegate this elation even debe there powers ns Bin! quest fovsefatfiemation, or anageemiveeacape sine cate ol Bont, from thencredibl pressures ofthis elenss “The tional ystems of both Mine Alley and ofp cone tate the ste ofthe yard, tat a tenement house, recrowded, ts fe piling ou ito the yad, whee people lol cach othr, and most ‘sreoblessor underemployed world ruled by hance a tail. ‘Theae are people whoye soles ate eee siees dawn ato the sytem when the profs of sage cops boom, and expelled when the tinge erop booms bust. tn this world ob become not x mater of use ph but mage possion, The det oabo int the ‘son, cisrathera pepe stats a Fanon oat out Bonds, the ‘Lame, and che dees deere ate the norm Inte vale code of thehegemoni system, most ofthe dul othe yr ate Condemned ike Bondsman to accept ct cucated seo wale of em, thet ren notingness Here the her ofthe Jamesan pol places the contradiction not eeween the progressive profutivetores andthe bachwarreations of production a8 in the labor concep me, but abe nthe cote Alcon between the thr of men and women oreslie thi power, to te cher humanity upon axoun and the mode of wcll reltons 16 sya Wye hat lactis dst node to perpetuate ts casa. 1950 the Jamelantheoctes ied the following conchso: II not the two of nto that conf mans an len power tobe overcome. It [Sthealien pewerthathehashinedfceated....Theend wards which Imankindisiocamtly deveopingby thecostnt onecoingofinteral agents eno the exioyment ownership or we of goods, Du sl feast, eet based Opn the lcarparation into the nd ‘esonlgy ofthe whol previous development of humanly. Freedom it eative umes, no iy" ‘Similar he Biol system fhe aoe had already enacted his ocsoe—the mpeaive nature the poplar quest or sel xaiation or ereniveoniverality, od for feedom ahr than for ity, athe quest or thay which peopl ive "The tina characters of Mine Alley nd “Taamgh” lus to ae- cepttbelr valet nothings. The hese spent n constant combat toveluse this eepation of the beng, wo ale, by any means, feof foo usally chelates, dha they ave eve and hate powers that ‘must bereied They dothis come bellor high wate, ant ell ith {he eonsequners. "The sting ofthe drama that they enacts bth the global network ‘seemulitin a which they aeasered ad thenerplay ool clas, cute value in dhe coment of which they stout thet pts For ‘ramp the Nose, almoat white and with profession however ‘ous ber ceation, eerie etn doanance in he yd When {he showdows comes betwen herself snd Me. Rose the ower af the ous, over wham should have the macho swetnan Beso, the Nurse wns hands down, Sh reales herowa powers and lhe Wenty ‘within the only way open in he strctre ef the system, by delening tomeone es, SheKnows tht Benet wllbavecaleated the points hat place he higher on the wotem ple dn Ms. Rouse, that her color “ale and her ob profession vale. Like Mamita the endo the short ‘tory “Teoh who ples ber oom with lar noes given o ee ‘by er butcher boydend and aunts the pork and chicken coking in he ot fining er olla vale"as kept woman ander sperity ‘over ersval, the Nurse eliaes fe entity lng the lines peserbed ‘bythe formal system of sigucation on which Bourges clssrchy ‘bed. The yrdandts elles, shboogh ving part in an alerativepopo- lar coumolog}—Beant tes the Nurses magic bath to help he ad a Ioband Mamie end ges her a mage batho belp her Bader bid ‘ah teady man who can pode in exchange fr the labo power a her seal favars—hveha opr Intralze the cae of ale of the ‘ung toured in oder to uve. And in that conception, a Spttow ut iin acaypo, “itis dog eat dog and only the test survive The ‘Tovulne that emerges fom the faneslan tion nchues, among other ‘ings, Ave points 1 What ules Tuna nos much ruling group ae rl on- ception, amoral of mores” which, itemalzed to pester reset depres at alleves"is valuceystembased onthe sceptanee by allot ‘hehigher dential valueot the nde clam In Minty Alley ale the ‘nile-class Me ayneshas bad inmate serrations with Maile, {he young ace of Mes. Rouse, she il all im Me nes” ad te sees nothing stage ln this bese the mde els eit the “elernce gous the gecaleqltalet of socal value ‘The ene scl tora asd on the sceptnce and ple smentton of poweeseltions asthe normative moe of laos Far ‘rample, Maistels determined vo keep Pilesion in be lowe plc “eran ands "ool e, East nin indented Labor et Malte {sept ines by + system that ces her blesioenrefsing er sy role otthat of servant. Ye keeping otheroup of people below one 1 The"factorymedelofeaplottion’andthelabor conceptual eae work hs Ide explanatory power with respect othe modes of social cocci and dominio, modes that werk ins, keate not aly tostasture the irra eateries ofthe Taniadan sd the cba system, but also to cone ilviduals an groups ito the eateries {or which they have been deterministic selected bythe rug value ‘system, by the intcralzed ling conception. 1. The system of expt ccumltion not only cae out trough labor stv bt though tee ates ofthe poplar eoupe at woken as consumers or merely assigns of on-ae, that hose Wk natibew Bondsman who serve athe ese’ of the ester, the ‘mbolc inversion of orm vale, he ial xtegny that eines the ‘orm from which social valve iseckone apd themode of meseuement ofthe consumption ato leetted 5 The Betlonal system of Miny Alley enables the emergeace of 43 Inelible mode ofglobal accumulation, tbe model whose dynamic newts 7 Sola Weer vo ock each eategry it ts lative places hat the Sci sytem ean Serve athe empiiealabdtion ster ofthe mode of distubuton of ‘renal rewards based a birateial ent system. This lta ‘mode of scumulaon unt the ator model of explatation a the labo conceal rame can encompass both the proletriatand the ml- tiple pups sd groupings whose made of coerion ap oppression are ‘use the explanatory power of he concepts ame In the fame ofthe trea, those ike Bondsman ad the ghetto shani-town achipelag stand condemned stigmata! at the lrpen, "aon prguctve labor" hat ot ely eplted. So, to, do Ms. Rouse Minty Alley nd Marie of “Tugh inches toon Marsan canoe. Ms. Rouse, baking cakes nd sopping them tthe shaps, sing the ‘ged labor of Piemon spd ofthe yardboy—although se ves onthe ge of poverty asthe do, xing at as they do would dfaitely ‘estigmataed in such eanons a Hula. That she would be pot in {he elas of Ruslan uadre who gow sch not by thelr wa abr, but through the labor of others. Solhentsym bas shown the way In which thi ategoy wasosedas the moraanhess ofthe rola orale ‘vastmbers of pean into exlaate abject. The same would be {eur of amit, thekept woman selinghe sexual labo She exchanges ‘er emul aor noo forthe chicken and ook the pt with which She alfims her tumph ovr her als che yard. Through ths ex ‘hang she i able orealz her powers in the ony avenbes open ther ‘tet, othia the lb system of soll ole allotation ad ints oc ‘Dinkddin variant Inorbodor Meriancanons such slfafemation wou be stigmatized a antisocial che very negation ofthe “new nan” ‘acaba, auch concepetal fame, what happens w those hike Bondsman encept they ate represented as “cums or alee "—cannotlogially te any concen. They ate “ovtsie of history. Nor can what happens 1 Philemon and to the others ofthe Yard in Mat lle an nT ‘ump bea sgnfcance Yethescae the characters throughwhom the ‘clonal system eves the concept of level of awnsumpton aio and the dynamics of glbal system socal savings scumulted hough low cot ot of lao sone but ofthe lower catego of han ves. ‘These caters revel dhe increasing minimallevel of consumption of food, clothes, shee, al eduestion vo which chose lke Philemon The Coumenocuineefamesan Poles 39 1d Bondonan a condemnel na bal ten whom cctv in inthenegnoey fhe pos olsun th pre ut oe ert tel poaed cane tes hon, he Estat coer te econ he tte tole. Astrngeitcy ofept nates Palcmen teste thy and ceo» apt fone ely wo the ely noucanaaee {eye The bl ete nich he yong middle her eyo, ‘ele the pre “ergo thee he rd hat mabe po le sewn wellpyed msn har Gu signance ase trends the Maran hoy aor ait the prt ie ‘ale sod pute Ne gueon snd theta tet to ‘rope anes Sead insane lo ee acemlepete he ‘Bulle mechan of rece ot satn sic neared ot though elle mos catia sa eal econ sl le clthesocl ore eenethelevof ereavlvesefBondma end Pilon, ” ‘Wn he eos seo nt Aly rere spect hinge ‘eerie keel ot he wang hip tine bt he ses the lsat the ship 9s nthe Bt ace he burg th ‘cuulio tthe wat sd aloes ‘hen wich thy have cota ie kes tego eer Pilcmon naa coset, and t it Heyes: The cy sfthenore tareshimintqesonog Hayaes normaly shoctore ‘ills aldo te ge ef Ale ces ena Sreunsunces alts the dled intron separ Sok howe "down He takes om st No 3 Miny Alle, Bursar ‘tots he stb ope ean the socal ime tt ‘aleshisowawaplardoflvng ponte esonel ems potal ‘elmoving sto snr whe tue napa a nan oan drut Rap Mas Raed, ‘Man in the 19508, a ne Hoes acme wh Pinon, ds ut ht omen, sac for his own mea are se dey whanfand xed aos Nocsing ae. ‘Not cook al fo the day" ence, “ny Tat noting” So Sela Wymer ‘thas she to cok forme!” "Ye, bu hat I illeen. Se mst cook for yo. Yau give et “hod what do youll at* “ay ie thing We cook sometines. But we cay get money tomabecake othe pours, we ca et anything” “But why dot you cre tthe shop” ald Haya, and knew ‘even bore e wat od tate dake stupid queso. ‘But ever once was any mel le. Momning, non and igh eveything was edly panctal he ble for him. He ad gone on his way king ial fran. To what sarees had ‘be put the good woman ted him reply wile the testo the owehld starved” Hayoes/ames was to sped + esime ding someting aout this social eae. The doce ofthe amesan Seca este, a6 well as ‘fhe “aed ent” of Beyond Boundary, eee goes beyad the Jamestan toate beyond his independent Mari, In at together dates the ib conepta cameo il mile-lass ‘taeepualframeworkbound wo thelaw ai code of knowledge with ‘popula ete, popular encepual amevsh. ‘Towand¢Pexa Conceptual Prams 1 cy the ved saver of he wage wakes in Europe needed, ot ‘pedestal slavery, pate and simple ars, Capita volt ‘Ue use Matthew Bondsman andthe Nero question a pot of dep tare porbleconeteh he naments othe ne popular theoreti frame, the ne unifying dea tha emerges rom the famesan poi ‘This ides takes us on the sage ofthe Jamesan journey tha ead bckto ‘Alc, buck to the serial importance of he Alan lave use. The Ine in priulartkes ws back wo s paiflly coerced ullay- ‘el sytem of bl domination chaeteazed by party of points ‘rst of ostance As Wallsesin as pote ut, “nthe stent ‘arary, there was the iffental ofthe eae of the Bcepean world economy versus ts eiperal seas, within he European core between the tats within sates etween rena and seat, wii esos be weeny and county a. win ores uals Tesla of {Gesyem waobsedo lately hs ane delopmeny ses tbe ‘nl Layered empl provided sepa o the muted ‘icncaon™ Thee deal reer for any ateng to dplce the metonymic bacon hel pase ohn gta ste or lesen tra development. th wad hy ase real for ly stent wo desnsrvethe muted pal sd ibor mono ‘Socepins oc mom concepta ames, 1 doplacing tees coneronn, James deepal» pee there framework in which pasa er a geet equaen f a fer thevaiy of pons War coud be epated within ep ‘ast world jt The pia wash une gen y te Torso, (ng sve esos Akan whe st a abd Spear ewer orf wenn Toe pany oy ea cleaned woe a eain amet of pyacal labor He sere ‘Sth eral eure of sya orale inst whch the Scheel besa fr name ee een ing Se pander men and women ova ins borane the lene system, ca esa fle coatings ees Iorpower “Testing point formers lceneaviacnparton fe bor concep anerek his niece on th rin! nortan of {Bede in Alcano nate, be wan end repesion ‘nsomave Westen concp me. log with ths epontoning i Ateany jes ao sive theca snd afr Sapte by ‘veg etch ss pect othe lange feo ‘Scond thea amewod eae spstning fe mode of uodusonin lin Sle roe faoninsin, Te former becomes eto the ter. Tat, cornea sal Tallow fn does wot peel, he mode of doa ea tos ‘pile stl ts oureole Conc te al ee a jrouccoa oa sue of the Bourge male asain which ‘onsuats thant mie epeny The Wallerstein as called te wd yt ws conned ty ame tatoresla siege newer ne umslson Ta aeptteaa delim es pes )Eveatonlor cman pn on fo scumulaton and B)2oosuopin fer ect ech 3 lia Wymer these phases, the pleza—the source exact values diferent In the ft, was the Aten slave inthe sean the working else, din the thd apd caren phase, lt has been the conser fst 39 "he ples tle eluced the Ain fom the specie of his/her mul tiple denies to quantifiable Negolabr, so too baths lin dle ‘ext ways reuced the weking eas and consumes to peeducive value ‘rough unending ejles ef ensumpn. Thus inal the pls, the pees (lac, abr, cansumenl were locked into paste coed en ty tls 8 ll socal athe then «teen division of abr. ‘Ths division of abr was lepmatedss natural bythe metapboces =) the hes/bedy opposition, and sistriaby the representation a he | party's vanguard asthe consumes of the polar : Fourth, this itermational network of scumuation lea othe ab- ductive dabrton erential aoa dtebuton of pons nd ty, ‘rewards which ia utn provides atonal legacy The econ: taingof tia etin teal uneoning ro cade ferent ‘ete, which will eed the diferent rat of reward nore #2 reaiaestatue dent, a opposed to spe enty, Consequently this io fupetionsto prt ayers fetes and must be changed ‘ai hat supports reste sharing of oman expel grounds Furey, she eal categorie tht lepimat this rat alo distort ‘sd minimize the contributions of vais pees ups tothe procese ‘of loalcaptal accumulation, Hhin the scusiv constactons of ‘his cater amework, cumulation represented gly = => Salting trom production, a opposed tothe contin ofthe bower Me activin he peoples of the lobe. Thus It minimizes the ral productive activity, thes participation in procene of exchange, and thet Mestyle and cular pattems. This dplacement ofthe miror of ecumlation bythe mistor of productions sustained bythe same ‘etegoil sater tha dplaced and repent mportance of Alt ‘an saver inthe Bt phase of capital development. aso the Same categorical system thet in he present constitutes lack lesb ‘he Matthew Bonen of the wld ules and therefore expe the nally, because recngnae the historical constitute an subse ration fs vay of pestis faemark eopmzes mole points %F of resistance. These points of resistance ned to be specifically coded 8 eanerace, ranecly ane rovp, enable popular eau revo- The Comerocuie of mesa Pols ution to emerge rom the whole boy ofthe pope Thus, ether than the Neg or women'sstrugalebeingnlued unde the ui ober, ‘the rubee of ples inluds al the experimental eategare ofthe co. ‘eed the non-norm. The mode of oppression must dictate the epecific ‘mode of eranization to ght tht oppresion There no unrealized ‘mode of ognization which seni coret sine the moses of fppresion re muleple Mickel Foucault snd Giles Bleue made the Sine posne 5 soon a we struggle ast xlotaion,the pelea ot caly leads the arogale but lo defines ages, meth nd the places and instuments for cofontton, and tally onsel with {he proletariat sto ccepits postions, elo andltsmouves. fer comb. This mean eal daiaion. Bat the Sets ‘ected guns power, thn all hose on whom powers extesed 6 ‘het detriment all who Bod itll, can beg he sage ‘on ther own enn and on the bas thei proper acy fo ‘vey ineagagingin a struggle tha concema he wn nee, ‘whoseabjectives they clea understand, and whosemetbods cay ‘heya determine they enter into aevaluonty proses Whatver the Game: A Prac fr Mathew Bondsman ‘ope this bok wil convince. ha tnt cxcket ola game sr tceal or shell orwhueverthe ge maybe Thishall and farewell the ances red may bef some send in #7 casei cand no atm fumes, BB ‘The “cultural revoluon” which respon othe adealize! lose of cpt to indepth penis eno the developed fom ‘economic aia revolution esse the basis of reversal cf materia lope... Specie race ex ae, lnguag, culture, sien olether sn anhroplopelorcltral ype—alltheseenteria ‘secnteriaoderenceofsgacatonandofcade lesa simpliie Iypotheis eat mates them al “esoendens” nb Last nstance, cfeconomic explain. On the cot itistue tose tha this Iypotheis is tselfoaly + atoalizston ofan cde of domination seproduced though st—-Buudellat The Minor fPedoction 4 Spee Water ‘A plutconcepeual dere, «universal based onthe parca Ce Sale isthe log rsolt and outcome ofthe amin poles es the producto the umey thet he tok ote that eal seperation ‘beeweenhimself and Matthew ondsna, ofthe elit och hei ‘ments of tec common dazee ad of thelr common destiny. ‘Such pluronceptal theoreti eas necessnly to «pes thet certepoadingly plural a nate Moe special, ea prane that ‘wl not ell ou the game because of Bad o seat commitments {© parcular monococepual ames ti ths context dat we st undertandJamevs act of separating moe km the eth Pan-Aean “Congres congren be ad worked hard to orgaize He negated both {De congress ands doce and moved thenatioal pd Ue as Ques ‘on iat he wider dimensions of the popular question. “The docuioe that hed come out the congress wssastolshing When Sek Tour deste Pan-Acanim ae ad of rc bed 00 scaled Black Nation” he was beck by Mosambuue's Feline: “The Vie President of Pili reterted Peden Samara Macets esupeiation of Back Power and wag apt theese” ea ‘dency of dfsng the enemy on the bal of shin colo. And fom Tullos Nyetere msl "if we eactwothe continued need defend ‘ur potion Black men by repading ourelves a diferent frm the feat of mankind, we sll weaken crselves” Oberver Leone ‘Bennet reports the leader of ane delegation a expresing to him ‘personally sconce abut “eng commited toquertionabe poit- ‘l poations bythe perceptions of Back American who wee, be sai, cues by ce™ ‘The final declaration ofthe congress summed up the definitive t- ‘ung of the Marxist Lenin interpretation of the Alcan aod Back ‘experience "The General Declaration ofthe Congres fully endorsed {the Maris, or propresive postin thas come wo be called and po- ‘nounced definitively and astonishingly chat Pan Afsana therore eludes all racial ib, thn, elo or atonal conserations™ “The dently frac, capliom, and impenlsmund dhe ames lulecicofthe autonomy of teblack question {und even rude ‘ebegemony af thelsbor concep are, thetrame ofthe strusle ‘spiast cepts) that Sel subordinated cam wo lbors. This ‘Ried the represion of he poplar questn, both ns ck expen In the United Sats andi ts class expeson in Alcatel, cht the ‘The coterie of amen oles 85 ‘powing dusionnent ofthe popular masts with ter neeangly ‘oualtaraneies, > "The Negro question « question compelled to challenge not only the conn expen cf Durgrlsn, (Capitals but lo bourgeois {im Hel, eochalenge ks etnies, one which the "Negso™ fctonedae the ceatalsymbolicinverlo of human ale, had always Limeratively ben «poplar her than pezay nationale clase questa, Assueh, te mode of evaludansywansornton woud have ‘Squestin tou pest heey all andthenewAficaneltesarethe sew bourse “Ar the eater campradr bourgeolse had lecked themselves ino ber mero-conerpion nd servedsthe tlt aes of the Wes, so ‘thenew pena bourgeoisie csured the class hegemony by locking ‘Bemsttes into the master conception ofa Sulla Marismaod Hs let ‘fumed wotaltarianfraultons. Thos they andsomect the governing ‘hts inthe Canbbeas lolly refased to tow any aongovement™ Sponsored delegations to attend the coneence “Although James was special invite he rele vo ated. He made fanfare But nis talk i 1976 0 the Fest Congreso al Afian ‘eters, in Dak, Senegal he fist dsmised the conference and then Ith plane forthe Seventh Pan-Aican Congres tusorned the Pes ‘Asc ational quest nto «Popular quest nd lad the explicit bans of ‘popular theres. "plans are expt Because the imp theoreti Is hee every ‘wherein the aesian ples These pan parallel Jame’ etn wo the yo ent and the reevaluation of Sparrow’ art In para, the ‘cnn that iat ad evolved it wm conepion ofthe wok ts ‘wntorms, ad is own imagery was vioaton oa cldbod ere: ‘on that mathe the cuca vbionof fame’ eur to Bondsman, ‘Similar in gaficance was his quick aut to the serial gaif- cance ofthe popular thweticsinvaed in Fane's eosin of he Dithert inva Bondsnan—fer dane de I eres an aot of ‘stor. ls reeogltion of the crust was the new dame spectacle ol he popular eres nthe suey in motion, demndinga relavenion, fhe wou al inventing for heen outer mapiie Thos) James was one of the Bt to see the salcnce ofthe great Orphle eves ofthe Rastafarian to understand that Bondsman tly would be Rastafarian 1 updestand unite apparent sbourdiesofthe ater ‘ative conmloy, «determined rela he “eat exons that pour 6 sya Wynter ‘upon them fro eer se” He was also mong the Best asp chat hey were reaveting the magia sca sling that of Babylon, nd resins new vision off or the whe body af people Tesvastromoutethe roduc roses, tom those expelledcom ‘inal cote categorie, that the reviving prescipione must emer, they emerged fom the Roman Catacombs of «dying work fea ‘hem and che men of the word, the dfsers who prove the ulin, frame, the sents f thew syle S ames concluded his eiew cl Fano: “he werk done by Black nella, multe yee eels (ofthe lak people, ad beter be unersed by the condemaed fee ‘arth, whether they are in Ale the Uniced States or Europe Because the condemned othe eth do not understand thes pasts, and know the ‘esponahlies that le up tem in the fru allon shear wil be ‘oademaed: That ithe ind of word welive n= in sketching his lan forthe Seventh Pa Alcan Congress, fame who ha strug wich Nrumah for atonal independence ow ag ‘Bet with the unedvesed mane olla a popular social andor ‘maton. The ct of eperaton rm the lng eles was dare twat there everteless. Ths refusing lhe game” even ote sake of ‘ils pus comradeship with the now erly intalledrulingelits, mee _erond inn the clash of interet tween the Aen elite nd the pe Souy. "Therelsan Alcan elie in every Alan trary which had ‘Moped the ways andes of Western cezston sad i ing athe ‘expense ofthe Alcan peasant And we in elhing about dhe Sevench Pam-Alscan Congress must nae it clear hat this Alvan elite what \webaveto dal with pd thatthe ian eaant must be cur msi con ‘Geen He then insisted on the canal of the danas dee rz: "We ‘havetobe concerned wa te masses oft popuaion. ~The masses of the population mater ns way thet eey di at mater ewenty-ve years go, Weal the Conference ooKag forward oa new eon ‘leaders and masses a Ale end in countries of Afien descent" He then eakes ay the “ational ai” pectin a seis federations ‘er word, we are not going to lds conference and hold up the ‘tinal sate a a eal sytoe That belongs to the ls century” Tames’ proposed felerstions az: 1] A Was Alcan Federation, southern Alvan Felerstion with Angls and Mezambigut, (3). West ‘Alecan Federation with Unis, Kany, and Tapani ad (3 « North ‘Airen Feeration, Moroes, Tunis, Alger and Libya. Here here “nyents Pan-African in comtemporary ems but boreal concept ‘The ComerdasineofamesanPleis ‘las like Padre log ag, and Ces ater, redation in which the Solidarity of he abr cole, tats of the worl proletariat, must not ‘negate the nperaive slay ofthe Asan people The oad othe ‘Univeral passes trough the velo the parculr—at east in the popular encepeual ame "Phe great unifying forms of our times ae no longest in the cate of eet ended, under the hegemony of middle aural meres Whe wear experiencing is calural shi of Miso maga, = shit chat ames pointed to ince leares oa ner polis given in ‘Dinided The gre unfying altura forms four ties beginning with ‘he zz clere ants svat are popular This isthe sgnieance ‘of ealypo and Carita ofthe reggae and Rasalan. This the SiaiScance of the Jmestn poses. the dimensions af the popular ese of knowlege chat our work functional welletal rather han ‘ssarulngclement now ies We ao, mustinitethereeun chat ames ‘pale ut at cecal of his talk tothe wry empress (ur repudiation ofthe national sate, ou epdiation of the ete, tour eapect forthe reat mae of the population aod the dmsnant tole that would playin dhe reonstrvcton of oly, ou eng ‘oa that or elitsm s moral esponsble for whats happening ‘0 the ordinary man, ou cognition ofthe capacity they have i ‘hens ou recopaton ofthe need 0 elese dhe enormous enres ofthe mas of people, in pra n women nd pessnt, sch * conges could be the Seventh or Pan-Acanisn,but—for hat ‘ery reasoothe Best fnew world-wide sca onder ™ He ves the theoreti reprseastion esthetic dimensions by quoting (corse Lamang’ ment ott seatsion of experience tht marked out dflerent destiny for Lazamings own version of Matthew Boads- ‘man-—Fowell Powell snow «thie, murder, and rapt Lanning, ‘amped by the eal of eocationecaped Powell ate by becoming 2 water Ye Lammngkoowsinhisbonesthathisescapeliom the pheto ‘Sf norealzaon his powers had impaled Powell toreaizehis power ‘of seuon in he only way open omy eo mesure up if pepsi [amming mours the price of this separate peace ames quotes ‘alive deep in my bones, thatthe mad impulse which dives well ois rial defeat, was ley my doing would not ‘nove chisexplainedawayby alk about envionment, aorcaal alow 6 sylvia yer ‘my ows moral infemityw be wanslened wa foregn conscience Iubled imperial. Powell stil eis somewhere ia my Beart, witha dubious love. Some wang nmees shadow of eet, and {etthe deepest nostalgia for have ever ele myselta be an honest Pat ofanything sinc the world of his uldhood deseredine™ ‘Thesigalcantiorm, the “ow of modo” of Bondsman biting, 8, forlames hismemsry ofanother Powell. Andon the bass ofthat mem. ry James maken Beyond 0 Boundary, anesthe demand that by Neeleedenesthe mode a dest, the code of what humanity vesby. Beyond Boundary as genre cas srs the ines setup and deen ‘eteen the indidal andthe sola theory abd a estet, then the chape refered vo a the Sana othe Jel poe completes the [amesian quest for Bondsman. Ie ss he fame in which we Baw ‘Bondaman dierent rom the tat, because we know ourselves mote ‘Weknow inthe frustrated noaealeton of Bandara powers the laos tobe personal Theres no way 0 cut that os, no way to dea i The ‘vain of th “coordinated le cannot be nade—theloee hat un ‘ers I can 0 morebe doe than «scene accurate division of ‘he cambladveectaomi we of nan coextene and lobe iting together canbe done Then stow theline are anya loll only tn elation tothe Bourgeois inayinay. “This bourgeots mapa soctl~creveln ts ane, purely deste lie ints dime, dangerous ow withthe stm pit the socal sll Any of humanity nd the bosphere we nhaie—hat become the pe mary imperative eclls for an naga oil ble to link everyone ‘Thuswe ive thedarkage os meaningless as ames poats outst theendol Beyond «Boundary 90 ‘halide remains of “le nt excel tied by the eovy, the hatred he malice and the unchartablnes the shaclesiess of be memset waten by some ofthe nceters themselves Com pared with these books, st Donalds rath autbiogaphy of + orenyearsagonow eadslkea Vitren novel How oblindone's tye wall dis Body line was only link na cain Modern oe ty took tur downwards in 3g and "I'he one of ‘he csulies There sno need to despalrf eicet Much, much smote cha ccketis at stake, i et evrythng is astake Hand whensociety regenerates ell cricket wilde thesame Theowlof ‘The Coumerdovtineof mes Pls 8 Migerva les oly a dusk. Andi canco get much ater witout becoming night impenetrable “Te Jmesin suming of popula esthetics penta unit clearing ‘ur present inpenetebiiy:vison of ethat afr new visas on 3 livable ote, bodhforoameves and forthe solo bophere we inhi. "Prolegomeny” James wiles of Grae “is a tough word but my Pu se Being what ts Its the only one Tan honestly wee means the soc, poled, Ierary and eke antecedents of some oustanding figure in he art and slences, Grasp the act that a whole nation ad prepared the wey forhin andyou begin see hissetsas.ananal em ‘odnenr” 15.5, 68, The same canbe sudo lmes—with oe rua ference. WG. Grace embodied national proce [anes embedes entire wold sori pusas_ And so, o0, doe fis pies, With vas fas at what pe alae the he ew ety of Calan. Te repion snot only Snead + CLR ae oat te Bans Hache Rt ae > “A med a ply tard cer et et ey et te ‘fe ednouagconnopme When cl ny ets npr mln rwanda endearment open edn ‘oe Ou three ay deol ipa ote he {Patan io wel bret of fer soe tho thang ‘eure hegume Teompne my ote ih ny ed ty (3: Que Soy Cage tthe tee oy ceo apa ee {are Scone nce hay tat eer Yay a Tce) ed inant oer lee Ae Tye a tele ‘odialtoghtnocine theoreti epee rym ae ‘vere 87 Bic ml HET Tosn he aay of Sey Oe Ye Rand Howe 78, 2 Save se innane ogee inva sin, wine heme et ‘ice Mined Nan te tan, 79 2 en Mind Nene 1 Ran ee, Coie Te ppc tothe Sty An Sey Boe ache es rao Ny hers er one mtr min wader aut one ge tes, ronan oie steal umstoen egos ee tan mae arsine yea bey white me 1) ey "ihe ewe cole cane tna ome me, whe ovo ‘item fom te nd lhe nah en Ont ae Cage ‘He ie he com the bl ede cco eld ot ‘SeneivanemnyscecibaneBetaonnar meee these ‘aol mee prcty te eae Se a ar changed We wee ‘dey ee ache soared buncmes millet (Set edmonton sue whee pr tl ope ake Engh inn topes whe pn cl sk nba so ‘Sporty wh a won ean or rr ed od ‘Seon ficial nd merepenag sexed emer (mig he any an B.S > Jenmemets ete there oie! by thee “er vey eg ‘Scueds dino whic cote ered eet ‘pte domonnel hgh bem co nerd wh ‘Serum etait ea moon arte ede ‘Seniteng wero cr boy All med wrth nd ste som py we eae 1 Rickie Ferman eyo Macaln 77 365 2 Romar Titre pm 2% ede, Maer ef Pro Se Le 3 EER ee ic rca gs hte 6 oe Ste Capat 1 Cohewemenns rath wich he cael moa stm be ‘arpa by por Ral ing erp cee ‘hem mx, pte br eo meaning eat ‘Sages scowtranie sere em ropa oe are {Stew fof meat of er dt al cea ae ‘Syme cae” Water Ly Fe Bae Wage Ne (Now Yat Maer Leys} end). “The Commeroncine famesan Pies ‘Aiptelnuci stent tne weethenprecaionteetiae (Sates ny pve Mar, ac miedo Se cneton ab malo gts at and tte Slrteapave metas wo malar eo oer sgh mana {eat tend Maa abntr lc loge tet (Bes al cy ee oc SR ment le Rotor Scent Wau. 8- ‘anal Wari Te Modes Wad Sten ew ek Ae Pr, ree leomie remeron ew Yen fl bein ‘Chery "Tefen anc a trenton Bp ‘Ace gbiel pe 7. CLR ne eth rn Raa! Acs shape ag ELE es Ake ena my hana Ace sn by

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