4 Mark Questions

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4 mark questions

 What was the East India Company?

 What was the Wardha Scheme?
 What was the Direct Action Day?
 What was the Canal Water Dispute?
 What was the Pucca Qila massacre?
 What was the Faraizi Movement?
 How has the Pakistan government promoted the development of Balochi since 1947?
 What was the Swadeshi Movement?
 Who was Dr Allama Iqbal?
 What was the Simla Agreement?
 Describe the achievements of Shah Wali Ullah in reviving Islam.
 What happened at the battle of Kanpur?
 Describe the Rowlatt Act
 Describe the Nehru Report.
 What problems did Nawaz Sharif face as Prime Minister during the 1990s?
 Who was Titu Mir?
 What was ‘The Loyal Mohammedans of India’?
 Describe the hijrat.
 What were the Basic Democracies?
 Describe Pakistan’s involvement in the U2 crisis
 Describe the battle of Plassey.
 What was the Lucknow Pact?
 Who was Chaudri Rehmat Ali?
 Describe the constitutional crisis of 1954–55.
 What problems did Benazir Bhutto face as Prime Minister of Pakistan?
 Describe the ‘Hindu-Urdu Controversy.’
 How has the Pakistan government promoted the development of Punjabi?
 Describe the Chauri-Chaura incident.
 Describe the refugee problem.
 Describe Bhutto’s downfall from power.
 Describe what the Marathas did.
 Describe the events of the War of Independence, 1857–1858.
 Describe the Cripps Mission.
 Describe the Simla Agreement.
 Describe General Pervez Musharraf’s coup.
 Who was Ranjit Singh?
 What was the Simla Deputation?
 What was the Amritsar Massacre?
 How did Ayub Khan achieve power?
 Who was Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman?
 How has Pakistan promoted the development of Sindhi since 1947?
 What was the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental School?
 What was the Quit India Resolution?
 Describe the 1956 Constitution.
 What were the Hudood Ordinances?
 Describe the achievements of Haji Shariat Ullah in reviving Islam.
 What were the outcomes of the provincial elections of 1937?
 What was the Cabinet Mission Plan?
 What was the Co-operative societies scandal?
 What was the Kargil Conflict?
 What was suttee?
 What was the Nehru Report?
 Describe the terms of the 1973 Constitution.
 Describe the problems caused by family feuds that faced the Benazir Bhutto
 What was the All India Khilafat Conference?
 What was the ‘Afghan Miracle’?
 What has been the importance of the Siachen Glacier to both India and Pakistan?
 Who was Robert Clive?
 What was the Simon Report?
 What was Operation Searchlight?
 What is the Karakoram Highway?
 What happened at Cawnpore in 1857?
 What were the terms of the Indian Councils Act of 1909?
 What was the ‘One Unit’ Scheme?
 Describe Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s health reforms of 1972.
 Who was Nana Sahib?
 Describe what happened at Lucknow in 1916.
 What was the June 3 Plan?
 Describe General Pervez Musharraf’s rise to power in 1999.
 Who were zamindars?
 How did the name ‘Pakistan’ originate?
 What was SEATO?
 Who were the Thuggee?
 Who was Warren Hastings?
 What happened on Direct Action Day?
 What happened at Pucca Qila?
 What was the Radcliffe Award?
 What was the Swadeshi Movement?
 What was CENTO?
 Who was Lakshmibai?
 What was the Communal Award?
 Describe the refugee crisis of 1947
 What was the Eighth Amendment?
 Who was Ahmad Shah Durrani?
 Who was Lord Wellesley?
 Who was Rahmat Ali?
 Describe the Zakat Ordinance.
 What was Satyagraha?
 What was the Cabinet Mission Plan?
 Who was Mir Qasim?
 Who was General Dyer?
 What was the ‘Day of Deliverance’?
 Who was Fatima Jinnah?
 Describe the Jizya tax.
 Describe the Hijrat Movement.
 Describe the OIC.
 Describe the Security of Tenure scheme.
 Describe the achievements of Ranjit Singh.
 Describe what happened at Allahabad in 1930.
 Describe the terms of the Simla Agreement.
 Describe the main events of Muhammad Khan Junejo’s political career.

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