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Research on Pedestrian Behavior

and Traffic Characteristics at

Unsignalized Midblock Crosswalk
Case Study in Beijing

Jiangang Shi, Yanyan Chen, Futian Ren, and Jian Rong

Pedestrians are vulnerable road users of the traffic system. In China, crash is 0.87 and 0.25, respectively. In developing countries includ-
many pedestrians lack a knowledge of traffic rules and are not fully aware ing China, researchers paid more attention to vehicle traffic in the
of safety problems. A high-risk area for pedestrians, the unsignalized mid- beginning of their research, so they lack knowledge and experience
block crosswalk is a conflict zone between pedestrians and through vehi- in regard to pedestrians. Systemic research on pedestrian behaviors
cles. In this paper, behaviors and traffic characteristics of pedestrians and traffic characteristics will improve the safety level for pedestri-
walking through the unsignalized midblock crosswalk without being dis- ans walking on the roads and increase the efficiency of the traffic
turbed by other pedestrians are analyzed. The data, including pedestrian system. It will also be useful for effective countermeasures against
speed, waiting delay, and clustering, are obtained by counting and mea- pedestrian injuries.
suring with a video camera. Pedestrian behaviors are analyzed with the Hazardous to pedestrians, the unsignalized midblock crosswalk is
use of comparisons between various categories and through statistics a conflict area between pedestrians and vehicles. The behavior and
analysis. Pedestrian behaviors are interpreted further by analyzing traffic characteristics of pedestrians walking across the street are foun-
pedestrians’ tactics when they cross the street and the valid gap in the dations for traffic design and management. Pedestrian behaviors and
vehicle flow, based on observations and measurements of pedestrians traffic characteristics at an unsignalized crosswalk were observed and
starting to walk across and of vehicle arrivals. Finally, the similarities and measured from video. Results of the research will be a reference for
differences between this research and other research is explained by com- improving the research on pedestrian characteristics at interrupted
paring pedestrian speed studies. Results of this research will not only help pedestrian facilities. It is not only effective for traffic safety work and
improve research on pedestrian characteristics at interrupted pedestrian management in practice, but also for developing traffic safety audit
facilities but will also help in developing traffic safety audit work and work and related countermeasures, which are guaranties for safety
related countermeasures. management.

According to the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention by ROAD TRAFFIC CONDITIONS
the World Health Organization (1), fatalities and injuries involving
road traffic have already been a burden to global economic develop- The crosswalk in the survey is near the south gate of Beijing Uni-
ment, seriously influencing safety and the quality of life of people in versity of Technology (BJUT). It is an unsignalized midblock cross-
countries worldwide. walk between two signalized intersections; the distance between the
In developing countries, road users are complex. Pedestrians are crosswalk and each intersection is approximately 150 m. Because of
vulnerable road users within the traffic system, and many lack knowl- upstream traffic controls, vehicle arrival is discrete and continuous
edge about traffic rules. In China, the damage in traffic crashes is more alternatively, according to upstream phases.
serious than in developed countries (1), thus pedestrians are in more To the north of the road is the BJUT campus. And to the south are
danger on the roads. Comparing the reasons for crashes, pedestrian public communities, including a bank, post office, supermarket, and
and bicyclist noncompliance directly accounted for 12.8% of fatal residential area. During the observation period most of the pedestri-
crashes in Beijing, and about 70% of fatal crashes are at least partly ans there crossed the road for daily living trip purposes. Because the
related to that cause (2). According to the record of pedestrian- traffic volume on the side street was low, the crosswalk on the main
related crashes at intersections in 2003 and 2004 in the Beijing road path was studied. The width of each direction of the through
urban area, there were 867 crashes in total, with 753 injuries and roadway is 12 m, and the median is 1.8 m. The survey included two
220 fatalities. The average number of injuries and fatalities per 2-h periods during two afternoons.
Figure 1 presents a photograph and an illustration of the surveyed
Key Laboratory of Traffic Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, No. 100 spot. During the survey period, the traffic volume on the north road
Pingleyuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Corresponding author: J. Shi, was 698 vph (vehicles per hour) from east to west and the average vehicle speed was 38.9 km/h; for the south road it was 815 vph and
33.5 km/h, respectively.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2038, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, The north road was selected for analysis. The upstream (to the east
D.C., 2007, pp. 23–33. of the crosswalk) intersection is a signalized intersection with 52 s
DOI: 10.3141/2038-04 of east–west green time and 60 s red in the cycle. Vehicles appear

24 Transportation Research Record 2038

Surveyed crosswalk

South gate of Beijing
N Univ. of Tech.


Residential area Bank Post office Supermarket

South gate of BJUT

Legend: Direction of walk Bus-stop

Waiting zone Attract spot of pedestrian


FIGURE 1 Survey location: (a) photograph and (b) illustration.

downstream regularly at intervals of about 2 min. The essential CHARACTERISTICS OF PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC
relationship between vehicles and pedestrians is that a gap in the AT CROSSWALKS
vehicle flow can give pedestrians a chance to walk through. And
within a period how many times and how long will valid acceptable Pedestrian Speed
gaps be provided to pedestrians to cross. Acceptable gaps allowing
pedestrians to walk across can be determined by measuring vehicle There are 565 pedestrian samples in the survey period, excluding chil-
headway and observing pedestrian behaviors. dren and elders. Pedestrians walking at a reasonable speed, 520 sam-
Figure 2 shows the intervals between two vehicle arrivals in line ples, were kept for analysis, after excluding samples whose speed was
with the dots. The diamond dots show whether a pedestrian walks greater than 3 m/s. Samples in two road transects are combined, thus
through the crosswalk during the headway period; 1 is for “yes” and there are a total of 1,040 samples. Gender, number of pedestrians in
0 is for “no.” Because the upstream signal regulates vehicle arrival, the group, and trip purpose (direction) are analyzed in relation to their
the acceptable gap occurs with regularity. Two continuous acceptable influence on speed.
gaps are infrequent, and three continuous acceptable gaps are more Table 1 shows the speed statistical data divided into different
infrequent. categories: gender, walk group, and trip purpose (direction).

25 2
Headway of vehicle (s)



0 0



















Time (s)

FIGURE 2 Headway of vehicle and related pedestrian decision making for crossing at crosswalks.
Shi, Chen, Ren, and Rong 25

TABLE 1 Pedestrian Speed in Different Categories

Category No. of Pedestrians No. of Speed Samples Average Speed (m/s)

1, gender
Male 299 598 1.574
Female 221 442 1.474
2, group constitution
1 pedestrian 247 494 1.579
2 pedestrians 200 400 1.478
3 or more pedestrians 73 146 1.520
3, direction (purpose)
South→north 220 440 1.672
North→south 300 600 1.435

NOTE: Number of pedestrian in group constitution means the number of individuals.

Difference in Gender basis of the results of paired sample tests of speed (t = 0.576, Sig.
(2-tailed) = 0.565, P > .05, α = 0.05.) in the two stages, there is no
Men walk at a higher speed than women, with a larger range. Figure 3 obvious change in the before and after speed data. So, on the sections
shows the speed histogram and normal curve by gender. of crosswalk separated by a median, pedestrian walk courses are
independent and there is no consequence relationship between the
speeds in two stages.
Difference in Group Constitution

Figure 4 shows pedestrian speed box plots by group constitution.

Waiting Time
When two pedestrians walk together, they walk at a slower speed than
in other categories. The reason is that most pedestrians of this type are Pedestrian waiting time on the roadside or median depends on two
talking as they walk and are at ease and less cautious. When pedestri- aspects: (a) the gap between the pedestrian and upstream vehicle
ans go out for a particular purpose, most will be absorbed in the trip. arrival and (b) the use of a crossing opportunity, which depends on
When pedestrians are in larger groups, they will pay more attention to what is considered an acceptable gap according to the physical and
gait harmony, which results in the smaller range shown in Figure 4 for psychological condition of the individual. Risk-taking types and
groups of three or more pedestrians. impatient pedestrians will make use of a shorter gap to cross, com-
pared with the more guarded types and patient pedestrians who wait
for a longer gap.
Difference in Trip Purpose The pressure involved in the trip will also influence what is consid-
ered an acceptable gap by the pedestrian; in urgent conditions a pedes-
Because most pedestrians are going to or from campus, the direction
trian will make use of a shorter gap than his or her desired critical gap,
should show trip purpose tightly. Pedestrians traveling from north to
and in easy conditions only longer gaps would be used. These behav-
south are “going out” and those from south to north are “returning.”
iors influence the waiting time and delay. Table 2 shows the waiting
Pedestrians walk out of campus from north to south at a slower speed
time statistics for pedestrians on the roadside and median. Figure 6
compared with those who are returning.
presents a histogram of pedestrians on the north roadside and a dia-
gram of pedestrian position changing over time. There the behavior
differences between walking and waiting are shown directly. There
Pedestrian Speed in Different Stages samples cluster in a short waiting time range, but in the long waiting
on Crosswalk time range, the distribution is discrete, which explains the different
conditions, situations, and individual decision-making behaviors.
Depending on the situation, pedestrians cross at different speeds using
various approaches, which can be differentiated into four categories:

1. Walking at an even speed; Analysis of Acceptable Gap

2. Halting to stay on course;
3. Accelerating midway, mainly after the midline; and There are three conditions in which pedestrians walk across the
4. Decelerating midway, mainly after the midline. road (3):

Pedestrian speed varies with the condition of upstream vehicle 1. Waiting for opportunity to cross. Only when there is a sufficient
arrival and the tactics used by pedestrians when they walk across gap to cross or a vehicle stops will the pedestrian walk across.
the road. 2. Rushing walk. There is no sufficient gap in the vehicle platoon,
Figure 5 shows pedestrian speed distribution in two stages. Pedes- but the pedestrian walks in a rush or runs across the road.
trian speed on the first half (from roadside to median) is 1.54 m/s, and 3. Meeting a sufficient gap on arrival and walking across normally.
the standard deviation is 0.44 m/s. For the second half (from median When pedestrian arrives, there is a sufficient gap, so the pedestrian
to opposite roadside) it is 1.52 m/s and 0.45 m/s, respectively. On the walks through normally without waiting.
26 Transportation Research Record 2038



Number of samples




10 Std. Dev = .43

Mean = 1.47
N = 442.00
.50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75
.63 .88 1.13 1.38 1.63 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.63 2.88
Pedestrian speeds (m/s)


Number of samples



Std. Dev = .45
Mean = 1.57

0 N = 598.00
.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75
Pedestrian speeds (m/s)

FIGURE 3 Pedestrian speed histograms and normal curves, by gender: (a) women
and (b) men.
Shi, Chen, Ren, and Rong 27


3.0 12
8 656
7 562
649 16


Pedestrian speed (m/s)





N= 494 400 146
1 2 3 and up
Group types

FIGURE 4 Pedestrian speed box plots of various group constitutions.

In the third condition, a minority of pedestrians will use the ANALYSIS OF PEDESTRIAN BEHAVIORS
whole headway as the gap because they arrive at a time that a
vehicle has just driven through. Most times there is a lag between Walking Tactics
the pedestrian’s arrival and a vehicle leaving the crosswalk, but
the remaining gap is still sufficient for the pedestrian to walk Pedestrians have their own particular ways of crossing roads; the
through safely. During the critical gap, a vehicle can run through tactics are sorted into four types (3):
with its original speed and the pedestrian can finish walking
1. Walk through directly perpendicular to the roadside in crosswalk
through safely at an ordinary speed.
area given a sufficient gap;
The lag should be excluded in discussing the accurate valid
2. Cross noncompliantly in a sidelong direction (not perpendicular
acceptable gap. Actually, to determine the critical gap, the focus
to the roadside and in the direction of the crosswalk);
should be on the condition in which most pedestrians would not
3. Walk through the road by lanes, using the gap in each lane
refuse the valid gap to start and finish crossing at the crosswalk.
instead of a gap in the whole road; and
Pedestrian samples from north to south on the north crosswalk
4. After at first misjudging the gap, retreat and wait for a sufficient
(and adjacent area) were analyzed for the critical gap. The valid gaps
gap, then finish walking using one of the three tactics mentioned above.
pedestrians used were in the 3.81- to 34.89-s range; the refused gaps
were in the 0.28- to 6.33-s range. That means that when pedestrians
Pedestrians use tactics according to their own personal styles,
encounter gaps in the 3.81- to 6.33-s range, the decision making is
vehicle traffic conditions, and some factors in the environment.
ambiguous and the answer will be yes or no according to gender,
One principle in walking is the least cost. Some pedestrians take
trip purpose, weather, and so on.
shortcuts. When their destination is not directly across the crosswalk,
Figure 7a shows cumulative frequencies of samples of the two
they walk across the road toward their destination, instead of walking
types above. The upper blue diamond dots in the graph are samples straight along the crosswalk.
of acceptable gaps and the lower pink round dots are the refused In the survey spot there are three lanes in each direction, and some
gaps. There is a flat section in which gaps are near to 10 s; in the pedestrians walked through by lane according to the vehicles upstream.
range from 10 s to 15 s with 50th percentile cumulative frequency, When they met insufficient gaps, they waited on the lane line.
there is a leap in the trend. When the gaps become longer, more During the observation, the following two tactics were added for
pedestrians will accept them, and there is no difference in deci- a detailed description:
sions for different pedestrians. Only short gaps show the influence
of personal decision on gap choice. Refer to related research (4–6); 5. Walk through perpendicular to the roadside but outside the
in this paper samples were selected with a 12-s threshold. With regres- crosswalk area on the road and
sion curves and equations of revised acceptable gaps and refused 6. Run instead of walk.
gaps (Figure 7b), the critical gap can be obtained with the solution
of two regression equations. The critical gap at which pedestrians Figure 8 shows the percentage each tactic was used at the south
walk across the crosswalk should be 4.8 s. and north section of the road. Tactic 2 was used a greater percentage
28 Transportation Research Record 2038


Number of samples



Std. Dev = .44

Mean = 1.54
N = 520.00
.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75
Pedestrian speeds (m/s)


Number of samples



Std. Dev = .45

Mean = 1.52
N = 520.00
.50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75
.63 .88 1.13 1.38 1.63 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.63 2.88
Pedestrian speeds (m/s)

FIGURE 5 Pedestrian speeds in two stages at crosswalk: (a) samples at the first-half stage
and (b) samples at the second-half stage.
Shi, Chen, Ren, and Rong 29

TABLE 2 Pedestrian Waiting Time Statistics of acceptable gaps for pedestrians in the waiting condition and the
without waiting condition. It shows that acceptable gaps for with
Samples Samples waiting are centralized in a smaller range than that for without waiting.
on Sides of on Sides of
This can be interpreted as vehicles restricting pedestrians’ personal
Index North Road South Road
walking characteristics.
No. of samples (pedestrians) 565 565
No. without waiting 118 114
No. with waiting 447 451 Pedestrians Assembled in Waiting Zone
Waiting samples Because pedestrians and vehicles appear at any particular spot at
Maximum waiting time (s) 53.22 56.11 random intervals, the waiting time and the number of pedestrians
Minimum (nonzero) waiting time (s) 1 0.96 assembled in the waiting zone are stochastic variables. On March 25
Mean waiting time (s) 7.95 9.78 from 16:00 to 16:55, there were 97 pedestrians from north to south
Average waiting time (s) 8.56 9.34 and 698 vehicles passed through. The number of pedestrians waiting
Whole samples
was counted in 15-s intervals, and the average value was 0.3.
According to the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM2000), the
Average waiting time (delay) (s) 6.77 7.46
number of pedestrians in an unsignalized crossing is determined by
pedestrian and vehicle flow rate. The number of pedestrians in the
waiting zone is obtained by using the following equation (7):
of the time in the south section than in the north section, which shows
+ ve − vtc
v p tc
the influence of destination on pedestrian tactics. There are several v pe
Nc = ) (1)
destinations on the south side. But on the north side, the south gate
(v + v ) e(
v p − v tc
of BJUT is directly toward the crosswalk, which resulted in less
noncompliance using Tactic 2. Noncompliant pedestrians may cause
many hidden problems at the crosswalk. In the observation, about where
one-fifth to one-fourth of pedestrians in Category 2 cross using Nc = typical number of pedestrians (p) in waiting zone,
Tactic 3 simultaneously. vp = pedestrian flow rate (ped/s),
v = vehicle flow rate (veh/s), and
tc = single pedestrian critical gap (s).
Relationship Between Gaps and Waiting Times
In the observation spot, vp was 0.03 ped/s, v was 0.19 veh/s, and tc
Pedestrians require a longer gap in crossing an upright vehicle flow was 3.81 s and 4.8 s, the minimum of observed and calculated critical
than vehicles because they are vulnerable road users and easy to injure gap. The values of Nc were then found to be 0.31 and 0.23, respec-
in a conflict. Although pedestrians occupy absolute priority in the tively. The calculated value of 0.31 is almost equal to the observed
crosswalk, they seldom walk in a rush even if they arrive earlier at a value of 0.3. This verified that the equation in HCM2000 is useful
place in the road with a high potential for collision with an oncoming for estimating the number of pedestrians waiting in unsignalized
vehicle (earlier than the vehicle does). There are interactions between crossings in China.
pedestrians and vehicles. Many factors, including driver behav-
iors, walker behaviors, and the traffic environment, will influence
acceptable gaps; as a result these factors influence waiting times. COMPARISON OF PEDESTRIAN SPEEDS
Pedestrians continue to wait for an acceptable gap, but when the
waiting time is too long to bear, the behavior and traffic characteris- “Pedestrian speeds, in addition to being directly related to traffic
tics of pedestrians may change. Some pedestrians will accept a shorter density, have been found to vary for a wide range of conditions,
gap after refusing several longer gaps. They may run across at risk, including individual age, sex, personal disabilities, environment
and drivers will have to slow down or change lanes to maintain a safe factors, and trip purpose” (8). Generally, the distribution of pedes-
space, which disturbs the traffic system. trian speed is stable in similar spots. In this section, pedestrian
If there are many pedestrians, the times that pedestrians accumu- speed at the crosswalk in the observation spot is compared with
late together and walk across in large groups will increase. Because pedestrian speeds at other spots.
driver behavior can be influenced by pedestrian behavior, pedestrians
in a crowd will use shorter gaps for crossing. Most drivers slow down
when they encounter pedestrians in a large group, but they will main- Comparison with Speed at Signalized Crossing
tain their speed when only several pedestrians are in the crosswalk.
In the observation, few pedestrians took risks and most yielded to Pedestrian speed at an unsignalized crosswalk in a roadway is higher
vehicles. The situation of a vehicle yielding to a pedestrian did not than that of a signalized crossing because at the former conflicts are
occur, which forced pedestrians to wait a long time for acceptable more intense. At a crosswalk in a signalized crossing in Beijing,
gaps. Pedestrians did gather and walk across in a platoon or crowd. In pedestrian speed is in the 1.25-m/s to 1.29-m/s range (9). Many pedes-
similar spots, the acceptable gap depended on physical and mental trians do not know the time at which stages shift, so on the first half
condition and waiting time. section of the crosswalk pedestrian speed is higher than in the latter
The relationship between changes in pedestrian behavior and half, which is from 1.30 to 1.35 m/s. And the speed is slower than at
waiting time is very complex. In this paper, the relationship an unsignalized crossing. At a signalized crosswalk, the speed for
between pedestrian behavior, the action of waiting, and the accept- males is 1.29 m/s and for females it is 1.24 m/s, a smaller speed
able gaps are discussed in simple terms. Figure 9 presents box plots difference between genders than at an unsignalized crosswalk.
30 Transportation Research Record 2038



Number of Samples




20 Std. Dev = 8.7

Mean = 6.8
N = 565.00
























Waiting Time(s)





Time (s)






-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Position (m)

FIGURE 6 Pedestrian waiting time: (a) histogram of waiting time and (b) diagram of position
versus time elapses.
Shi, Chen, Ren, and Rong 31

40 5 6
35 10.0% 11.8% 1
30 4 2
Time (s)

25 0.9% 3
20 1
3 4
15 7.6% 51.7% 5
2 6
5 18.0%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Accumulative frequency
(a) 5
14 4 5.8%
1.0% 1
y = -8.1002x2 + 15.171x + 3.7726 3 2
10 18.8% 3
Time (s)

8 4
6 1 5
2 61.4% 6
y = 5.7154e-2.3554x 4.8%
2 (b)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FIGURE 8 Pie charts of pedestrian tactics during the
observation: (a) south and (b) north. (See Key, page 27.)
Accumulative frequency

FIGURE 7 Scatter dots of pedestrian accepted gaps and refused The average speeds are 1.25 m/s, 1.07 m/s, and 1.03 m/s, with stan-
gaps: (a) all samples and (b) filtered samples. dard deviations of 0.25, 0.20, and 0.21, respectively. Pedestrian speed
on the footpath is from 0.89 m/s to 1.37 m/s (Figure 10).
Because of the calming environment, pedestrian speed on the
Comparison with Speed on Walkway footpath is slower than at a crosswalk, no matter what type of
To make speed comparisons between different types of facilities in Researchers in Beijing University of Technology conducted pedes-
the same area, pedestrian speeds on a walkway were also observed. trian speed surveys in the 1980s in Beijing (10). In that decade,
There are 208 samples sorted into three categories according to pedestrian speed was in the 0.5 m/s to 2.17 m/s range. And most
platoon constitution, including 77 sets of single pedestrians, 50 sets samples were in the 1.0 m/s to 1.33 m/s range; 12.7% of samples were
of two pedestrians, and nine sets of three or more (four sets of four). lower than the range and 22.6% were higher.



Acceptable gap (s)


N= 51 46

FIGURE 9 Box plots of acceptable gaps for pedestrians in the waiting

condition (Y) and the without waiting condition (N).
32 Transportation Research Record 2038

30 20





Std. Dev = .25 Std. Dev = .20

Mean = 1.25 Mean = 1.07
N = 77.00 N = 100.00
0 0
.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .69 .81 .94 1.06 1.19 1.31 1.44
.88 1.13 1.38 1.63 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.63 .75 .88 1.00 1.13 1.25 1.38
(a) (b)

10 50

8 40

6 30

4 20

2 10
Std. Dev = .21 Std. Dev = .24

Mean = 1.03 Mean = 1.13

N = 31.00 0 N = 208.00
.69 .81 .94 1.06 1.19 1.31 1.44 .63 .88 1.13 1.38 1.63 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.63
.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
.75 .88 1.00 1.13 1.25 1.38

(c) (d)

FIGURE 10 Pedestrian speeds on walkway in different group constitutions: (a) single pedestrian, (b) two pedestrians,
(c) three or four pedestrians, and (d) all samples.

TABLE 3 General Comparison of Pedestrian Speeds

Pedestrian Average Speed

Researcher Spots or Condition or Main Speed Range (m/s)

Beijing Univ. of Tech. Uninterrupted facilities in Beijing 1.0∼1.33 (10 and 15)
Walkway 0.89∼1.37 (this paper)
Unsignalized midblock crosswalk 1.46∼1.67 (this paper)
Crosswalk in signalized intersection 1.25∼1.35 (9)
Bowman and Vecellio Elderly Swedish, 15th percentile 0.7
Coffin and Morrall Elderly pedestrian, 15th percentile midblock 1.0
Signalized intersection 1.2
Griffiths et al. Unsignalized crossing, young 1.72
Unsignalized crossing, middle age 1.47
Unsignalized crossing, elderly 1.16
HCM2000 value Average walking speed 1.22 (7)
ITE recommendation Crosswalk 1.1∼1.2
John J. Fruin Normal walking speed 0.76∼1.76
Knoblauch et al. Excluded elders, 15th percentile 1.25
Lam et al. During the Walk indication 1.27
Noncompliant pedestrian 1.5
Pushkarev and Zupan Normal walking speed 0.73∼2.0
Tanaboriboon et al. Elderly pedestrian, Singapore 0.9

NOTE: Excluding those sources with citations, all others are cited in Milazzo et al. (12, 13).
Shi, Chen, Ren, and Rong 33

General Comparison • Install a guardrail in the middle of the road to regulate pedestrian
behavior and enhance safety.
In a comparative study of the work of various researchers on speed,
flow, and density relationships for walking facilities, Pushkarev and
Zuban found that although pedestrian speeds were widely distributed, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
most fell within the range of 0.73 m/s and 2.0 m/s (11). According to
other researchers’ results, depending on the pedestrians’ age and spots This paper and related research were sponsored by the Beijing Munic-
surveyed, typical speed values are 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.25, 1.4, and 1.5 m/s ipal Science and Technology Commission. The authors express their
(12). A crosswalk is an interrupted pedestrian facility, and the gratitude to the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions.
speed there is higher than in uninterrupted facilities (13, 14), such as
walkways or station halls.
Table 3 presents some pedestrian speed research results. REFERENCES

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• Promote a traffic calming campaign to advise drivers to slow
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