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Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project

Sara Jeanne Clark

Purdue University Global

HW410 Models of Health & Wellness

Dr. D


Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project


Rene Descartes a philosopher in the 1600’s changed the direction of medicine in the

Western world stating that the mind and body are separate entities and therefore should be

examined and treated as such. This dichotomy of mind and body was the truth in the western

world for centuries until challenged in the early 1900’s by Albert Einstein with his revolutionary

unified field theory which at the time was regarded as Ludacris but began to lead western science

back to the ancient belief that all points of energy and matter connect and significantly affect

each other, and back to the mind, body, spirit connection.

It was not until recently that modern science has began to reunite the connection between

the mind, body, and spirit which is quite complex as it relates to stress management but has

proven once again the importance of the intimate connection between the physical, mental,

emotional, and spiritual aspects of the human condition we had lost so many years earlier.

Stress in today’s culture is quite prevalent and with the attitude of many influenced by

their busy, rushed lifestyles and expectations of instant gratification to eradicate it altogether

rather than to manage, reduce, or control it, it is not getting better. Current studies attributes 70-

80 percent of all disease to stress including cancer and coronary heart disease which are the

leading causes of death. The need for stress management is now more important than ever.

Our Stress Management and Prevention Program is designed to educate your employees

of the concepts of stress management, teach them techniques and practices to cope, and with our

quarterly questionnaire and evaluation continue to keep them on track, aware of and applying

these techniques to reduce or eliminate potential or actual symptoms associate with the stress

response, and get them back to optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program

Welcome to The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program for the corporate


We provide regular employee assessment questionnaires and evaluations, guided meditation,

mindfulness instruction, and on-site chair massage with aroma and music therapy. Our mission is

to help your company achieve a higher level of success and performance and improve the quality

of lives for your workers with an investment in your companies most valuable assets, it’s


Through our stress management and prevention program, we are able to help your

company: Increase productivity, attract top talent, increase employee retention, decrease

worker’s comp claims, reduce health care costs, improve morale, and help prevent on the job


According to Paul Rosch, M.D., director of the American Institute of Stress, occupational

stress costs an average of $200 billion each year and contributes to 60-80 percent of all industrial

accidents as well as 80 percent of all primary care physician visits.

Explained Stressors

A stressor is defined as any real or imagined situation, circumstance, or stimulus that can

be perceived as a threat. There are an endless number of stressors in today’s busy world, and they

can vary significantly from person to person. These stressors contribute to 70-80% of coronary

heart disease, digestive disorders, decreased immune functions, and so much more.

For those in the corporate world, stressors are constant and should be addressed and

managed regularly. They can include, heavy workload, unrealistic demands and deadlines,

organizational changes, unclear direction, poor interpersonal relationships, technology, burnout,

job insecurity, poor work-life balance, and low pay among others.

Heavy workload, and unrealistic demands and deadlines leave a person feeling

inadequate and unaccomplished. Job insecurity and low pay create stress and anxiety. All these

stressors can cause burnout and without proper management lead to illness and disease.

Stressor Importance

Without stress in our lives, our bodies may always be on high alert, which over a

prolonged period, will lead to major health issues and be damaging to a person’s overall

wellbeing. Our stress responses also shut down certain areas of our brain and stimulate others

allowing us to focus and get things done quickly when needed, however, prolonged stress

without relief will lead to burnout. The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program will

give your employees a range of tools to help their mind and body adapt (resilience) to the

stressors while continuing to be productive. Mayo Clinic (Feb.26, 2021).

Program Descriptions

Successful stress management and prevention in the corporate world can be the

difference between a thriving successful company and one that is not. To address these issues,

The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program will help your company’s employees

incorporate stress management and mindfulness techniques into their daily lives that will help

your company thrive and succeed.

The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program is a hybrid program that begins

with a quarterly employee assessment questionnaire to identify and track the stressors in their

lives both at home and in the workplace followed by an evaluation with one of our skilled

coaches to educate and guide them with stress management techniques like meditation,

mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, and self-awareness. We then incorporate weekly

corporate chair massage with aroma and music therapy to promote relaxation and restoration.

Diaphragmatic breathing, guided meditation, and mindfulness instruction are effective

relaxation techniques that can be done easily from anywhere. We teach employees and

employers how to utilize these techniques to help them manage and prevent their stress.

Diaphragmatic breathing involves the movement of the lower abdomen and helps a

person re-group their thoughts, gain composures, and direct their energy to deal with challenging

tasks or stressful situations.

Meditation is a powerful tool to calm the mind and body and restore peace to the person.

In this information and technology driven world we live in today, the mind and body rarely get to

unwind, rest, and restore. Because of this, our minds and bodies suffer from sensory overload, a

term used to describe an inundation of information and distractions that overwhelm the mind,

cause anxiety. Meditation can be done from anywhere, anytime, and is extremely effective.

Mindfulness is about being present and mindful of your surroundings, interactions, and

self. It is now being prescribed by physicians to help people deal with stress, pain, and illness.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that helps a person to cultivate awareness of the mind and body

allowing them insight into habitual ways of thinking, empowering them to alleviate stress and

suffering in their own life. Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2019). The Ignite Stress Management and

Prevention Program teaches and promotes mindfulness to your employees as well as touches on

it and how it’s been beneficial during each quarterly questionnaire and evaluation. This will help

track progress and continue to enhance their understanding.


Chair massage, even 15 minutes will help prevent on the job injuries that cost companies

millions of dollars a year in workman’s comp claims. It also helps boost morale in the

workplace, combat’s stress, and will leave employees feeling renewed and appreciated.

Program Implementation

To implement The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program, we will have all

employees participating take a quarterly lifestyle questionnaire on our website, following their

questionnaire they will have an evaluation with an ignite stress management and wellness coach

to evaluate and identify stressors in their lives and teach them the stress management techniques

like meditation, mindfulness, and diaphragmatic breathing to manage their stress throughout

their day. In addition to empowering and instructing your employees to manage their stress, we

will provide weekly chair massage with aroma and music therapy in an open office or conference

room to help them decompress and prevent on the job injuries that cost companies millions of

dollars a year in workman’s comp claims. It will also help boost morale in the workplace,

combat stress and leave employees feeling renewed and appreciated!

Program Obstacles

The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program is an investment. The results are

not measured on a one-time basis, but over an extended period of time. This can be an issue for

some corporate leaders and business owners who are interested in instant gratification. In our

business proposal, we present our evidence-based experience and results and prepare them for

the investment they are making with a program results timeline and goals.

Health Professionals

Ignite Health and Wellness consists of a network of holistic wellness providers including

but not limited to life coaches, health coaches, nutrition coaches, financial coaches, psychiatrists,

yogis, many types of body workers like massage therapists, energy workers, and more who are

passionate about helping others achieve a higher level of holistic health and quality of life. The

Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program utilizes these same providers to achieve the

same level of holistic health and quality of life for our corporate clients.

The Ignite quarterly questionnaire provides our team with the information relevant to

determine the individuals needs and which professionals would best fit those needs. Our coaches

are specialists in their field and are able to provide knowledge, perspective, and guidance to help

the individual incorporate techniques and practices into their everyday lives both at home and in

the workplace to promote holistic health and wellness.

Program Measurements

The success of The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program is monitored

through quarterly participant questionnaires and annual tracking of workman’s comp claims,

health care costs, and on the job injuries, as well as overall productivity. Though we do not make

any definite claims because results vary between clients, our reviews speak for themselves. Your

company will begin reaping the benefits of a more productive and positive atmosphere, and less

stress and anxiety among workers immediately.

The Ignite Stress Management and Prevention Program’s quarterly employee assessment

questionnaires and evaluations will track the individual progress of your employees allowing

them to become aware of their progress and empower them to continue to improve their lives as

well as teach these techniques to those around them improving quality of life for others as well.


Stress and Anxiety in the workplace are common and prolonged, with long hours, heavy

workload, unrealistic demands and deadlines, organizational changes, unclear direction, poor

interpersonal relationships, technology, burnout, job insecurity, poor work-life balance, and low

pay in addition to life’s everyday stressors. Making efforts to curb the effects of the prolonged

stress and anxiety for your employees will be a game changer for your company. With the stress

management techniques, we teach and the improved moral and atmosphere our services bring,

your company will be thriving beyond what it has been. Schedule your companies stress

management evaluation today and you will soon understand why The Ignite Stress Management

and Prevention Program, truly is an investment your company cannot afford to be without.


Seaward, B. (2018). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (9th

ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2019). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook (2nd ed.). New

Harbinger Publications.

Mayo Clinic Staff (2021) Stress Basics,

management/basics/stress-basics/hlv-20049495F. M..

Cleveland Clinic, (November 2020) 12 Yoga Poses.


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