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Qing, A Swift Glaive who Needs No Weapons

Effort 1Might 15 Edge 1 Speed 18 Edge 1 Intellect 9

2 cyphers limit

Trained in armor - speed effort cost -1 Can use any weapon without penalty

Trained in initiative, running, and climbing, inability with understanding, salvaging, or crafting

Clothes, explorer's pack (Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for three days, three spikes,
hammer, warm clothes, sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor glowglobes), 5 shins, bow
and 12 arrows, knife

Phase Changer cypher (handheld device, lvl 3), Speed Boost cypher (liquid vial, lvl 4), oddity
(comb that glows when used)

Combat prowess: +1 melee damage

Fists of Fury: +2 damage unarmed attacks

Flesh of Stone: +1 armor if unarmored

No Need for Weapons: unarmed attacks can be medium weapons

Trained Without Armor: trained in unarmored speed defense

Augmented with biotechnology, Qing is a prodigy in the realm of martial arts. As a young
woman, she was orphaned and lost her faith in the spirituality of her fellow villagers. With no
stock in her own life, she volunteered to be the subject of an experiment by her aldeia's aeon
priest in order to save the village from a threatening demon. Her muscles and bones were
reinforced in a painful procedure with metallic fibers and hydraulic pistons, and her hands, feet,
head, and joints were plated with synthsteel to become tools of destruction. However, she
could never get used to the way the villagers watched her with awe after that fateful battle, and
left to find adventure elsewhere.

Harlan Jag, A Curious Jack who Exists Partially Out of Phase

Effort 1 Might 10 Speed 13 Intellect 15 Edge 1

2 cyphers limit Inability with heavy weapons

Trained in perception, detecting falsehoods, piercing illusions or disguises, and seeing past facades.
Trained in stealth.

Flex skill: once a day, focus to become trained in a noncombat task for the rest of the day.

Light armor, clothes, dart thrower and 12 darts, war hammer (medium), 8 shins, explorer's pack
(Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for three days, three spikes, hammer, warm clothes,
sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor glowglobes), pack of light tools (Contains small tongs,
pliers, screwdriver, small hammer, small pry bar, lockpicks, 10 feet (3 m) of string, 3 feet (1 m) of wire,
and miscellaneous screws and nails), 3 books on security systems, extraterrestrials, and interdimentional

Transdimensional Sense cypher (injector, lvl 3) Catseye cypher (pill, lvl 2), oddity (short metal rod that is
insubstantial except to carrying pouch and glove that goes with it)

Walk through Walls - 2 Int: Can pass through physical, non-energy barriers at a rate of 1 in. per round

Phase Pocket - 2+ Int: Create a 1 cu. ft. pocket out of phase to carry things for 1 hr, every extra 2 int
extends duration by 1 hr

Trained in Armor: can wear any armor, reduce speed effort cost by 1.

Harlan Jag wasn't always interested in numenera. Growing up in Ledon, a large city on the coast of
Ghan, he would do pretty much whatever work was required: transporting goods, fighting off monsters,
delivering messages, or whatever he could to pay the bills, but he didn't develop his current curiosity
until a recent accident. On a routine delivery to a client who lived some ways from the city, the ground
opened up and swallowed Harlan. The ceiling of a buried ruin collapsed, plunging him into some sort of
machine that altered him inexplicably. When he finally awoke and saw the stars above, he rubbed the
sleep out of his eyes, and was terrified to realize he could see through his own hands. However, he is
recently coming to grips with his new ability to shift his body in and out of phase with the physical world,
and is beginning to get some ideas on profitable ways to use his new talents.

Lleka Luminae, A Prepared Delve who Posesses a Shard of the Sun

Effort 1 Might 11 Speed 13 Edge 1 Intellect 14 Edge 1

2 cyphers limit Inability with heavy weapons

Trained in initiative, sight perception, navigation, and salvaging numenera, inability in crafting or
understanding numenera
Clothing, medium hide armor, a scrap metal broadsword, a pack of light tools (Contains small tongs,
pliers, screwdriver, small hammer, small pry bar, lockpicks, 10 feet (3 m) of string, 3 feet (1 m) of wire,
and miscellaneous screws and nails), an explorer’s pack ( Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for
three days, three spikes, hammer, warm clothes, sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor

Adhesion Clamps cypher (lvl 2), Pressure Detonation cypher (lvl 6), oddities: crystal lens that doubles the
distance of light that shines through it, large clear synth bag that keeps food inside fresh indefinitely

Tool Aficionado: If a tool allows a non-combat task but doesn't provide an asset, you get an asset

Inflexible: After a surprise or when attacked before you have acted, first action is hindered

Illuminating Touch- 1 Int: use an action to cause touched object to illuminate everything within short
range, 1 item per tier at a time until touched to turn off

Find the Way: free level of effort when navigating while lost, blazing a new trail, or choosing equal paths

Trained in Armor: can wear any armor, speed effort penalty reduced by 1

Lleka Luminae follows in his father's footsteps as a scavenger of the past. His genes are the results of
ancient therapies that were meant to raise humanity to new heights of perfection, diluted after
hundreds of years without the technology to keep up the program. However, his family has always
manifested certain blessings, which have been put to good use to dig up the technology of the ancestors
they revere. With reverent preparation and execution, Lleka replicates his fathers excavation techniques
to bring more of their holy knowledge to light, so that those who understand it can make use of it and
carry civilization forward to light.

Gerrard Parse, A Serene Nano who Touches The Sky

Effort 1 Might 8 Speed 11 Intellect 17 Edge 1

3 cypher limit Inability with medium and heavy weapons

Trained in understanding numenera, intellect defense tasks, overcoming fear, intimidation, or panic

Clothing, ornate dagger, book about numenera, 4 shins

Eagleseye cypher (lvl 2), Immobilizer cypher (lvl 4), oddities: a small electrically crackling glass sphere
that protects a person you give it to from your abilities, blue crystal that glows like a candle when held

Hover- 1 Int: Move up to a short distance in the air or remain motionless in midair, moving with the
breeze or your own momentum.
Zap- 2 Int: Emit a short-range electrical discharge dealing 4 damage and dazing, hindering target's next

Scan- 2 Int: Scan up to a 10 ft. cubic area within short range, revealing the level of objects and creatures
and any pertinent information about the materials within.

Gerrard Parse was a sought-after proffessor in Thriest, the capital city of Malevich. He made a decent
living working for Counselor Rashik, advisor to the royal family there. Often thought of as a wizard,
Gerrard makes no attempt to downplay that notion, instead keeping the strange light blue markings on
his skin revealed and wearing clothes that constantly flutter in the slight breeze he always seems to have
around. Upon being called to use his ability to stay afloat in midair to explore the Voil Chasm far to the
south, he set out at once, hoping to get a good learning experience. What he found miles down he
never told anyone, but it is assumed that the fact that his companions did not return from that
fathomless pit are what permanently darkened his countenance. He now wanders the world looking for
knowledge for reasons of his own.

Serria Montpelier, A Clever Arkus who Crafts Illusions

Effort 1 Might 10 Speed 11 Intellect 15 Edge 1

2 cypher limit Inability with medium and heavy weapons

Trained in persuasion, intimidation, lies and trickery, defense against metal effects, and identifying or
assessing danger, lies, quality, function, or power. Inability in crafting, salvaging, and understanding
numenera, tasks involving lore, knowledge, or understanding with trivial knowledge.

Stylish clothing, fine light rapier, 19 shins

Harmony Lamp cypher (lvl 1), Monoblade cypher (lvl 4, glove), oddities: clear glass in a synth frame that
shows strange images by manipulating switches in the frame

Demeanor of Command - 2Int: For one hour, people see you as an important or authority figure. People
who are not attacking already give you at least a round to have your say. Get a free level of effort
once in this time to any persuasion task.

Minor Illusion - 1Int: Create an illusion (including sound and motion if desired) of an object or creature.
It must remain within a 10 foot cube, and you must remain within immediate range of it. Lasts up
to 10 minutes, 1 round of concentration to alter illusion.

Anecdote - 2Int: Entertain a group with a helpful, one-minute story. For the next hour, those who pay
attention to your story are trained in a task you choose that's related to the anecdote.

Trained Without Armor - trained in speed defense actions when not wearing armor.
Always the lady, the ingenious Serria Montpelier acted affronted when her enemies made it clear she
was no longer welcome in her home city of Stirthal. However, she knew quite well that they were part of
a list of people there she had surpassed in social standing, rousing their jealousy. It didn't help that her
skill with illusion-projecting numenera was often used as entertainment at the expense of an
unsuspecting noble. When things got serious, though, Serria was smart enough to get out of town,
claiming a sudden desire for a chnage of pace. She never did prefer confrontation. She would prefer to
let her illusions face that.

Chaak, A Vicious Glaive who Howls at the Moon

Effort 1 Might 15 Edge 1 Speed 12 Edge 1 Intellect 7

2 cypher limit Can use any weapon without penalty

Trained in climbing, tracking, additional ease of difficulty tracking those who've wronged you, inability in
crafting, salvaging, and understanding numenera.

Cheap clothing, medium piecemeal brigandine armor, maul, crossbow, 12 bolts, explorer's pack
(Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for three days, three spikes, hammer, warm clothes,
sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor glowglobes), 5 shins, book of names of those who've
wronged you

Strength Boost cypher (lvl 3 injector), Tracer cypher (lvl 5 wristband mounted launcher), oddities:
accurate chronometer that tells when your next "change" is coming

Trained in armor: reduce speed effort cost from armor by 1.

Combat Prowess: +1 melee damage, Bloodthirsty: +2 all damage

Berserk: once you begin fighting, it is a difficulty 2 int. task to stop, even on surrender or lack of enemies.

Aggression - 2Might: asset to melee attacks, speed defense rolls are hindered, lasts up to rest of combat

Fleet of Foot - 1+Spd: move short distance as part of another action, move long distance as action, or
apply effort to move long distance and make a hindered attack.

Beast Form: on five consecutive nights each month for up to an hour, you turn into a monstrous beast,
gaining +8 might, +1 might edge, +2 speed, +1 speed edge. You can't spend intellect during this
time unless trying to turn back early (difficulty 2.) You attack every living thing in short range. When
you revert, you take -1 to all rolls for an hour, unless you didn't kill and eat one substangial creature
during this time, which gives you -2 to all rolls for the next day.

Chaak is not a hero. He isn't even a nice person. Once an applicant to join the Redfleets of Kaparin, he
was rejected and bitterly swore revenge on the crew who turned him down. Some time later, the
captain was found murdered, his body past recognition, and Chaak took his cue to begin wandering from
town to town, never wanting his violent reputation to get him into more trouble than he could handle.
That became more important when, one moonlit night, Chaak awoke to the sounds of carnage amidst
the caravan. He grabbed his trusty hammer to defend himself, but was gravely wounded by a horrible
humanoid beast of scales and claws. Only did he realize a month later that he was now a lycanthrope,
the evidence of which lay scattered around him the next morning when he rose, now alone.

C9011 the Mechanical Wright who Augments Flesh With Grafts

Effort 1 Might 9 Speed 7 Intellect 14 Edge 1

3 cypher limit Inability with medium and heavy weapons

Trained in crafting numenera, healing, surgical procecures, withstanding pain, inability to charm,
persuasion, or deception

Clothing, light homemade shortsword, explorer's pack (Contains 50 feet (15 m) of rope, rations for
three days, three spikes, hammer, warm clothes, sturdy boots, three torches, and two minor
glowglobes), a book about crafting, box of crafting tools, 5 shins.

Lvl. 1 Gazer Swarm automaton, Lvl. 4 Force Screen Projector cypher, 4 io, 4 responsive synth, 6 parts,
plans for Gazer Swarm automaton and Force Screen Projector cypher, oddities: two 5 inch metal disks
that hover around your waist, amulet that projects holographic fish when worn

Always tinkering: if you have tools and any material available and are below your cypher limit, you can
spend an hour to create a random cypher at 2 under normal level (min 1.) This temperamental cypher
falls apart if you give it to anyone else.

Autodoctor: you can perform surgeries on yourself while concious.

Surgical Graft: you can surgically attach a cypher to yourself, activating it with just a thought and giving it
depletion 1 in 1d10. It still counts against your cypher limit. You can also graft creature parts to
give yourself one of the creature's abilities, with a surgery skill roll. The less human the creature is,
the more difficult a successful grafting surgery. It functions the same as a cypher and counts as one.

Sense "magic": study an object or location closely for a minute to get a feel for the presence of

Hedge Magic - 1Int: this esotery lets you perform small tricks, like changing the color or basic
appearance of an object, cause small objects to float in the air, clean a small area, mend a broken
object, prepare food, or other small things, if you have a free hand.
Awakening deep underground in a darkened pod, a creature beat on the lid until the ancient hinges
burst, and the door fell to the ground with a terrible clatter. It stumbled out and examined the ruin that
had birthed it. The once gleaming facility was losing its last bit of power and ejected it from its stasis to
save as much as it could. Before wandering around, learning as much as it could from an intense
curiosity, it glanced at the lid, labeled C9011. Taking that name, the creature read logs of an unkowingly
old script that it regardless recognized, learning of its nature: the true fusion of biology and machine,
able to heal and think, but also to interface with technology now long gone. In the many decades since
then, C9011 has wandered far and wide, learning the language of the new world while striving to
recreate what it can of the past.

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