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Numenera slush pile

a spelunking expedition into the voil chasm. It's full of razor sharp glass and strange crystalline
creatures, and an ancient burrowing machine the size of a stadium

the floor of the desert gives way, plunging them through the glass ceiling of a leaning, long buried
scyscraper to the streets of a buried city, where previously buried survivors have an encampment

recruited to protect merchant ships, some of which have been mysteriously disappearing. They were
sailing into a stasis field projected by an ocean floor installment preserving a massive biomechanical
creature in the water above

the aldeia is overrun by a mimetic plague, conveyed by ideas, the symptoms of which are usually minor
mutations, but some have higher reactions. Signs will warn those who approach

a man comes falling out of the sky. It appears he has an artifact that lets you jump incredible distances
but not survive the landing

a powerful psychic recently discovered an artifact that is, unknown to her, driving all the local wildlife to
be unusually aggressive

Underneath their feet, mechanical creaks echo up through the drit. A strong wind uncovers a clear synth
window, through wich they can see a cache of (material they need). Nearby a gap in the ground allows
them into the massive machine through an old cragworm burrow. Unfortunately, a conundary lairs in the
entrance. Further in, transdimensional energies warp rooms into impossibly bent dimensions, attracting
abykoses and a yellow swarm that has been plaguing the region.

rain that seems to increase the passage of time, as evident by the passage of the sun and moon. The
drops, if examined closely, have streams of glowing blue data running through them and evaporate
within seconds. Plants grow, bloom, and dissolve into spores in the few minutes the shower lasts

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