Awake Laser Laryngeal Stenosis Surgery, 2020

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The Laryngoscope

© 2020 American Laryngological,

Rhinological and Otological Society Inc,
"The Triological Society" and American
Laryngological Association (ALA)

Awake Laser Laryngeal Stenosis Surgery

Nicole T. Jiam, MD ; Christopher D. Dwyer, MD ; Clark A. Rosen, MD

Key Words: Awake laser treatment, laryngeal stenosis, glottic stenosis, supraglottic stenosis, flexible CO2 laser.
Laryngoscope, 00:1–5, 2020

INTRODUCTION subglottic stenosis in the awake patient using the Nd:

Laryngeal stenosis (or obstruction) poses a com- YAG laser.3,4 The use of an awake laser surgery has not
plex situation for the clinician. Patients present with yet been reported for glottic or supraglottic enlargement,
variable degrees of dyspnea, and balancing airway and may be an option to traditional microlaryngoscopy
demands with phonatory and swallowing function under general anesthesia for patients with significant
requires meticulous surgical planning and intervention. medical co-morbidities, difficult intubation, or avoidance
Laryngeal airway management can be challenging as of a tracheotomy. Herein, we describe our techniques,
airway manipulation, trauma from direct laryngoscopy experience, and pearls for using a fiber-based CO2 laser
and stenosis may prevent safe management under gen- for awake treatment of stenosis at the glottic and sup-
eral anesthesia. In addition, multiple treatments may raglottic levels.
be required to achieve adequate and durable airway
In patients with significant medical comorbidities, MATERIALS AND METHODS
critical airway stenosis, and/or anatomic limitations A retrospective review of five patients undergoing CO2
deemed unsuitable for intubation or general anesthe- fiber-based surgery for laryngeal stenosis/obstruction in the
sia with direct suspension microlaryngoscopy, an awake setting by the senior author was performed (Supporting
Video 1). All patients have had prior airway surgeries. Institu-
awake procedure with monitored anesthesia care is an
tional review board approval was not required for this report due
attractive alternative. Furthermore, advancements in
to the small number of patients.
fiber-based lasers, distal-chip flexible laryngoscopes,
and laryngology training have increased the breadth
and applications of awake laryngeal surgical Inclusion Criteria
procedures.1 Our proposed indications for awake management of laryn-
The advantages of awake procedures are well recog- geal stenosis include significant comorbidities with increased
nized and discussed previously in the literature.1 Several risk of general anesthesia, unfavorable anatomy precluding ade-
reports on patient tolerance and indications for awake quate visualization during direct laryngoscopy, or severe laryn-
fiber-based laser cases have also been reported. Described geal stenosis that would require awake tracheostomy to safely
applications have focused on the treatment of benign and proceed with endoscopic management under general anesthesia
premalignant laryngeal lesions, including papilloma, in order to overcome peri-operative edema from the surgery. It is
polyps, ectasias/varices, Reinke’s edema, leukoplakia, and important to note that most, but not all, laryngeal stenosis
patients can have successful surgery with general anesthesia
dysplasia.2 The literature is limited on descriptions of
and traditional microlaryngoscopy – and that these options
awake, fiber-based laser procedures for airway stenosis.
should be carefully considered before offering awake CO2 fiber-
Only a few small case series detail the management of based surgery.

From the UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center, Division of

Laryngology, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
(N.T.J., C.D.D., C.A.R.), University of California, San Francisco, California, Surgical Technique
U.S.A. All awake surgical interventions were performed with a
Additional supporting information may be found in the online well-rehearsed airway team comprised of a senior laryngeal sur-
version of this article. geon, skilled airway anesthesiologist, and nursing colleagues
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication on
November 19, 2020 familiar and comfortable with assisting airway procedures. Pre-
Clark A. Rosen is a consultant for Olympus America Inc and procedural preparation includes nasal anesthetization/deconges-
Freudenberg Medical. He receives royalties from Instrumentarium and is tion using aerosolized spray and nasal pledgets soaked in a 1:1
a shareholder for Reflux Gourmet LCC.
The authors have no other funding, financial relationships, or con-
mixture of 4% lidocaine:0.5% phenylephrine. Patients undergo a
flicts of interest to disclose. nebulized treatment of 4 mL of 4% lidocaine. Intravenous
Send correspondence to Clark A. Rosen, MD, UCSF Voice and glycopyrrolate (0.2–0.4 mg) and dexamethasone (10 mg) are given
Swallowing Center, 2233 Post Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94115. 20 minutes prior to procedure initiation. Patients are positioned in the
upright position in the operating theater with monitored anesthesia
DOI: 10.1002/lary.29295 care. Intravenous sedation (infusion of remifentanil 2000 mcg/40 mL

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Jiam et al.: Awake Laser Airway Surgery

0.9%NaCL and/or dexmedetomidine 4 mcg/mL) are our preferred

agents and titrated based on the anesthesiologist’s discretion.
Awake laryngoscopy (Model ENF-VT2, Olympus America,




Center Valley, PA) is performed after 4% lidocaine has been topi-

cally applied using a drip catheter to the endolarynx and tra-
chea. Tracheobronchoscopy is performed to provide a dynamic
airway assessment, identify contributing levels of airway steno-






sis/obstruction, and establish a surgical plan of areas to treat.

One percent lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine may be
injected submucosally for additional anesthesia and vasocon-

DI: 21 ! 0 VHI-10:

DI: 10 ! 0 VHI-10:

DI: 16 ! 7 VHI-10:
strictive hemostasis. Injections should be performed slowly and

with caution as the resulting tissue tumescence/expansion may

Not Collected

Not Collected
DI Score; VHI

29 ! 16

19 ! 20

13 ! 11
cause further obstruction of an already narrowed airway. A uni-
lateral superior laryngeal nerve block, ipsilateral to the surgical
site, with 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine is performed

DI = dyspnea index; F = female; GA = general anesthesia; M = male; s/p = status post; Trach-dep = tracheotomy dependent; VHI-10 = voice handicap index-10.
for patients with glottic stenosis.5

A peri-operative temporary tracheotomy was performed under controlled settings. The tracheotomy tube was removed 14 days after their laryngeal surgery.
For patients with glottic stenosis, an 18-gauge needle is

Laryngeal Stenosis Patients who were Treated with Awake Fiber-based Laser Laryngeal Surgery.

Resolution of stridor and

Resolution of stridor and

inserted percutaneously through the cricothyroid membrane,
with confirmed positioning via flexible laryngoscopy. A guidewire

Resolution of stridor

Relief of exertional
is then placed through the 18-gauge needle and a metal blunt

Improved airway
needle is passed into the subglottic airway. The blunt metal nee-
dle is hooked up to plastic suction tubing to evacuate



intraoperative laser smoke. This limits aerosolized irritants to
the patient and decreased visualization of the operative site due
to smoke.
Following assessment and anesthesia, a laser surgical

12 months

4 months

7 months

8 months

7 months
timeout is performed. The AcuPulse DUO surgical CO2 laser

machine (Lumenis, Israel) uses the following ablative settings:
Off-Time:0.05 seconds; Power:4–10 watts; Airflow:On. The CO2
fiber is passed through the working channel of the flexible laryn-

Post-op temp trach

goscope (Model ENF-VT2, Olympus America, Center Valley, PA)

1. Convert to GA 2.
with a protective sheath (Lumenis, Israel). Targeted stenotic/

obstructive tissue is removed in an ablative fashion. Multiple


angles and approaches are used to remove tissue either by

changing the patient’s head and neck position, and/or by which
nostril is used for passing the flexible laryngoscope. The airway



is monitored throughout the procedure for evidence of swelling
and for signs of airway enlargement due to the surgery.

stenosis x2 procedures

prolapsing supraglottic
transverse cordotomy

transverse cordotomy

transverse cordotomy

Ablation of supraglottic
Unilateral conservative

Unilateral conservative

Unilateral conservative

Ablation of redundant

Patient had cervical spine fusion and thus, direct laryngoscopy was impossible.
Postoperative Care
Postoperatively, patients are admitted to a monitored set-

ting for 23 hours. Perioperative steroids are given for 24 hours


and patients are discharged with a 5-day steroid taper. Patients

with an existing tracheostomy are considered for same-day dis-
charge. Follow-up is arranged 4–6 weeks later to assess treat-
ment response. Some patients require multiple or combination
Trach-dep, Anatomy,

treatments depending on the severity and location of the

Awake Procedure




Avoidance of a

Avoidance of a

Avoidance of a

Avoidance of a

We reviewed five patients as representative case
examples of awake CO2 fiber-based laryngeal surgical
Bilateral vocal fold fixation
immobility s/p radiation

Contralateral vocal fold

Supraglottic collapse s/p
trauma, Bilateral vocal
stenosis s/p laryngeal

arytenoid adduction,

airway intervention (Table I).

esophageal cancer

esophageal cancer

Three of the patients had obstruction at the level of

Bilateral vocal fold

Bilateral vocal fold

s/p radiation for

Primary Laryngeal

fold immobility
and advanced

the glottis and two patients at the level of the supra-

glottis. One individual had impossible visualization of the


glottis via direct laryngoscopy due to her anatomy and

prior cervical spine fusion, and therefore, unintubatable.
One patient was a poor general anesthesia candidate due
to severe pulmonary comorbidities.

All patients reported subjective improved breathing

53 M

81 M

75 M

70 F

66 F

after surgery. In all cases, endoscopic visualization

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Jiam et al.: Awake Laser Airway Surgery

Fig. 1. Pre and post-awake laser laryngeal stenosis surgery. A, Pre-intervention endoscopic appearance of the larynx. B, Immediate post-
operative endoscopic appearance of the larynx in the operating room. C, Three-month follow-up endoscopic appearance of the larynx in the
outpatient office setting. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

demonstrated significant improvement in supraglottic/ not feasible. There are some airways so tenuous that
glottic airway patency at the post-operative appoint- induction of general anesthesia would likely result in
ment (Fig. 1). complete airway obstruction or inability to provide ade-
One patient was tracheostomy-dependent due to quate ventilation (i.e., endotracheal intubation not possi-
severe laryngeal stenosis following distant trauma to the ble and jet ventilation contraindicated due to severe
larynx resulting in posterior glottic stenosis with bilateral obstruction). In these scenarios, it may be reasonable to
vocal fold immobility and multiple previous laryngeal sur- attempt an awake procedure to improve airway caliber
geries. She has not been decannulated despite apparent and avoid tracheostomy.
improved airway diameter. Notably, these procedures should only be performed by
Patient #3 required emergent intubation and conver- a well-rehearsed airway surgical team as the possibility of
sion to general anesthesia. This occurred toward the end surgical misadventure is high when managing patients with
of the conservative transverse cordotomy, due to over- critical airway stenosis under monitored anesthesia care.
injection of submucosal local anesthetic, resulting in Patients are routinely counseled about the anticipated
narrowing of the patient’s already stenosed airway. The effects of local anesthesia on laryngopharyngeal sensation,
remainder of the operation was uncomplicated. The other which includes the sensation of being unable to swallow or
four patients had no complications. Patient #4 required even breathe. For this reason, a skilled airway anesthesiolo-
two awake interventions to achieve symptomatic relief of gist should always be present to carefully balance adminis-
dyspnea. There were no instances of bleeding or airway tration of intravenous sedation to maintain adequate
compromise. respiratory drive while minimizing the patient’s anxiety
and exacerbation of his or her airway stenosis. The airway
team should always be prepared for an emergent tracheos-
DISCUSSION tomy, and the patient is counseled on this possibility prior
Contemporary management of laryngeal stenosis to the awake surgical intervention. As discussed, we had
favors endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia. The one patient who required conversion to general anesthesia
advent of distal chip endoscopes with working channels, and tracheostomy (see Table I), which occurred in a con-
fiber-based lasers, continuous radial expansion balloons, trolled fashion as a result of a well-prepared airway team.
and increased comfort/training with awake laryngeal sur- The CO2 laser provides several advantages for the
gical techniques has led to the current era of awake treatment of laryngeal stenosis. Due to its wavelength
laryngeal surgery. Advantages of awake airway surgery (10,600 nm), it preferentially vaporizes tissue with high
include maintenance of spontaneous respiration, intracellular water content. In this manner, obstructive or
decreased FiO2 requirements, avoidance of a tracheos- redundant laryngeal tissue/scar is ablated, resulting in
tomy (even if temporary), and reduced post-operative immediate airway enlargement. The flexible, mechanically-
recovery where residual anesthetic effects may compro- robust, low optical loss, fiber-based CO2 laser allows for pas-
mise respiration leading to increased oxygen require- sage through the working flexible laryngoscope channel for
ments and hypoventilation.6 tissue vaporization and added cutting and hemostasis
In addition, some patients are poor surgical candi- features.
dates with general anesthesia due to significant com- An important point of comparison is that our
orbidities. Utilization of line-of-sight lasers requires awake glottic enlargement procedure is more conserva-
adequate exposure via direct laryngoscopy, which in a tive than the traditional transverse cordotomy. When
limited subset of patients with anatomic constraints is completing a formal transverse cordotomy, bleeding is

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Jiam et al.: Awake Laser Airway Surgery

Fig. 2. The use of additional transoral tissue retraction to improve laryngeal exposure and ablation. A, Endoscopic appearance of larynx at
maximal abduction in a patient with left vocal fold paralysis and significant right vocal paresis. Laryngeal obstruction noted to arise from pro-
lapsing left arytenoid mucosa upon forced inspiration. B, Initial tissue effects of flexible CO2 laser. C/D, Trans-oral use of laryngeal triangle for-
ceps to grasp and retract obstructive supraglottic arytenoid mucosa and provide traction for ongoing fiber-based CO2 laser ablation. [Color
figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

commonly encountered laterally from a small branch of time against airway enlargement. These important
the superior laryngeal artery. In the awake patient, aspects of airway surgery are not possible in the gen-
this is to be avoided. Thus, the lateral extent of ablated eral anesthesia treated patient.
vocal fold is limited. Redundant supraglottic tissue can
be more aggressively treated. In addition, laryngeal
instruments may be employed trans-orally by an assis-
tant to provide tissue retraction, tension, or improve CONCLUSION
exposure of areas requiring laser ablation if Our described technique provides an alternative to
needed (Fig. 2). traditional endoscopic management of laryngeal stenosis
An advantage of awake management is the contin- under general anesthesia in unique situations. Laryngeal
uous feedback and reassessment provided by the airway enlargement procedures using a fiber-based CO2
patient during surgery. Dynamic airway assessment laser in the awake patient may be an option when gen-
with forced respiration confirms adequate treatment of eral anesthesia is contraindicated, direct rigid laryngeal
obstructive tissue or identifies areas requiring further exposure is not possible, or when adequate airway man-
attention as the case progresses. Furthermore, voice agement under general anesthesia would necessitate
can be intermittently evaluated and balanced in real tracheostomy.

Laryngoscope 00: 2020 Jiam et al.: Awake Laser Airway Surgery

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