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Text and Annotation

Assoc prof eng Simona Sofia Duicu phD

Text, annotations and dimension text could be imported from a text editor or could be draw with text commands. For inscribing text, annotations or dimension text,
first of all it must be formatted the text style. This new text style could be used as the current text style in the blocks attributes, dimensions text, or text lines.

Text style
“Text style” dialog box allows introducing modification into an existing style or creating a completely new style. Being a formatting command, “Text style” is found is
“Format”” menu
In the dialog box it is possible to create a “New” style, using different fonts. In the figure 8.1, the used font was the “roman” one, with its variant “romanc” or roman
complex. The same “roman” font could be “simplex” as “romans”, “duplex” or “romand”, “triplex” as “romant”.
The “University” style is formatted with “romanc” font, having the width factor 0.8, a straight letter (oblique angle equal to 0). In the lower part of the dialog box can
be set some special effects such as: “Upside down”, “Back wards”, “Vertical” or a different “Oblique angle” or “Width factor”. After choosing the right values, fonts
and effects, the new style must be applied (“Apply” button) and the dialog box must be closed. When the user wants to “Rename” a style, or “Delete” one but not the
current one, those options could be done from the same “Text Style” dialog box. Keep the Height equal to zero to have the possibility to change it every time a text
command is used otherwise only that set value can be used.
Managing Text style
Text syles can be managed like Layers
Text inscribing commands can be set in two categories: commands for inscribing “Text” lines, line by line, and multiple text lines “Mtext”. The firs line of a Text
command announce the current text style and the height of the text. There are two different possibilities: to change the text style by using Style option and change
the alignment of the text by using Justify option (Left, Center, Right, Align, Middle, Fit, TL, TC,TR, ML, MC, MR, BL, BC, BR).

Also, “Text” command from “Draw” menu realizes single lines text inscribing, with the current text style set before that operation, with a controlled justification, or
indicating the start point of the text line, having a certain letter height, and a specified rotation angle of the text line. Between the oblique angle of the letter and the
rotation angle of the text line is a big difference.
Multiline text

Text could be written down in a delimited rectangle when Multiline text command is used from Draw menu , or it can be imported from a usual text editor. “Mtext”
uses a dialog box in witch is possible to modify all sort of things regarding the “Character” such as font style, character or letter height, the layer, or allows
introducing the symbols: %%c for diameter symbol Ø , %%d for degree symbol º and %%p for ± sign. Text style, justification, the width of the circumscribed text
rectangle, and also the text line rotation angle are also available. Other options from this dialog box are “Find/Replace” function , the same one like in text editor,
“Spell check” option etc.
Text editing
Any modification regarding the text must be done according the way in witch text lines were inscribed. Texts inscribed with “Multiline text” could be edited by
making a double click with the left button of the mouse. The dialog box is opened with Text Editor.
The Single line text can be modified in the same way, by making a double click with the left button of the mouse, but only some of the properties of the text can
be changed.
Text editing is possible also from “Modify properties” (Modify menu) or with “Modify Object” (also from Modify menu) for contents editing “Edit”, “Scale” for
scaling the text, and “Justify” for modify the alignment of the text.

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