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We have below mention doubt to be clear:

What is Azure Private Endpoint?

Azure Private Endpoint is a network interface that enable you to connect privately to a Azure
Storage (File Storage, blob storage, SQL etc). Private Endpoint uses a private IP address from your
What is Azure Private Link service?
Connection between two different private endpoint
What is ExpressRoute?
ExpressRoute is a private connections between Microsoft cloud and you’re on premises
ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public Internet, and offer more reliability, faster
speeds, lower latencies and higher security than typical connections over the Internet.
What’s is Blob storage?
Azure Blob storage is a cloud base storage service for storing large amounts data, such as
documents, images/video or binary large object. Common uses of Blob storage is opening images or
documents directly to a browser similar as google drive.
Normal binary data (documents/images/video) save as block blob
Hard disk’s image file (.VHD) save as page blob
Microsoft routing vs internet routing?
Azure P2S VS Azure S2S VS Express Route?
Access Key VS Shares Access Signature?
Access Key used for trusted user as he got whole storage a/c admin rights & Shares Access Signature
untrusted user.
Shares Access Signature or Access Key don’t need AZ account or login at AZ portal, just need Azure
storage explorer software.
To access a folder anonymously (like admin access for all) under Azure File share?
User need connect & copy ‘storage account key’ & paste at Power Shell to connect to this Azure file
share from Window.
Difference between recovery services vault vs backup vault?
How to create pay as you go subscription after free a/c?
How create multiple subscriptions under that management group (it’s a group collection of
How & when to uses ‘Authentication method: Active Directory’ within File Share?
Difference between backup of vault & snapshot of vault (file-share of storage a/c)?
Backup also create snapshot & backup service manage this snapshot when try to recover the file. We
can schedule the back-up service but snapshot need to take manually.
If we take backup for file-share that will not store in vault thus MS not changes extra.
Other all backup will store in vault thus MS charges extra for vault space.
What is Role Base Access Control (RBAC)?
Owner >> Have full access/admin & can delicate role further to any user
Contributor >> have full access/admin but can’t delicate any role
Reader >> read only access
How to create AZ a/c to practice in regular basis after free a/c expire?
We have still few part from AZ104 syllabus pending:
10. Server less Computing
11. Data Protection
12. Azure Monitoring

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