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July 7, 1936. H. f.

PHILLIPs 2,046,837
Filed July 3, 1934 2 Sheets-Sheet

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Z-1 Allsv R Y F PHILL 1 P5
BY KS-224-1
July 7, 1936. H. F. PHILLIFPS 2,046,837
Filed July 3, 1934 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

A/ENRY A. PH/L / Ps.


Patented July 7, 1936 2,046,837
Henry F. Phillips, Portland, Oreg., assignor, by
mesne assignments, to Philips Screw Com
pany, Wilmington, Del, a corporation of Dela
Application July 3, 1934, Serial No. 33,621.
3 Claims. (C. 145-50)
This invention is directed to a composite struc present form of composite invention are Con
ture of a Screw and a tool or driver therefor, and structed along complementary angular lines to
more articularly to the provision of co-operative effect a positive wedging engagement when the
means in each of said elements, which, when Screw and driver are joined together in operative
brought together in the ordinary manner of pre relation, instead of the driver merely occupying s
the space defined by the recess as is the case in
senting a screw driver to a screw, will cause the the
two to become securely united. aforesaid separate screw and driver inven
The present invention relates more particu tions. Such failure of the slotted Screw to retain the
larly to improvements in the type of screw and
0. Screw driver shown and described in the follow blade-driver, especially in power driven opera- 10
ing allowed United States patent applications: tions, is not only dangerous to the operator, but
Screws, Serial Number 670,118, filed May 9, is likewise, always injurious to the work, espe
cially in the construction of furniture and other
1933, allowed April 21, 1934, in the names of types of work wherein the elements to which the
Henry F. Phillips and Thomas M. Fitzpatrick.
5 Screw drivers, Serial Number 670,117, filed May screws are being applied become badly mutilated 15
9, 1933, allowed April 24, 1934, in the names of when the power driver leaves the slot, usually
during high Speed operation of the driver which
Henry F. Phillips and Thomas M. Fitzpatrick.
The present invention comprises a screw of any is most difficult to stop in time to prevent in
of the well-known conventional types, such as fiat jury to the work.
Accordingly, therefore, the principal object of 20
head, round head, filister head, oval filister head,
and the like. The head of the Screw, regardless my invention is to overcome all of the foregoing
of its shape or size, is formed with a tool-receiv objectionable features in the operation of a screw
ing recess of an especially designed configura by a driver, by providing a composite structure
tion substantially the same as that shown and de as aforesaid, wherein a screw may be first se
scribed in the aforesaid allowed patent applica the cured to the end of a driver, and presented to 25
tion. This recess is formed within precision limits iencework to be dealt with without the inconven
of the screw dropping from the end of the
of manufacture to co-operatively receive a tool
formed at one end of its ends with a bit formed driver. The screw is also centralized with respect
to the driver, not only during its starting opera
somewhat similar to that shown and described in
30 the aforesaid allowed Screw driver patent appli tion but also throughout its entire advancement, 30
cation. The tool is also precisely constructed at and during such advancement, the driver is
one of its ends into a bit formed with certain locked in its proper centralized working relation
angular faces arranged in definite relation to with the screw, and any danger of its leaving the
certain angular portions of the recess to cause Screw is thus entirely eliminated. Another ob
35 a firm Wedging engagement between the bit ject of the invention is the particular angular 35
and the recess when the two are brought formation of the walls of the recess in the screw
together. The results of such a union are obvi with respect to the angular formation of the
ously highly advantageous in presenting screws Working end or bit of the driver to establish a
to be driven, either by hand or by power-driven Wedging engagement between the two when
40 types of tool, to work to be dealt with, especially united. This same angular formation of both 40
in places difficult to approach, that is to say, in elements is especially designed to also create
places where neither hand of the operator can be what might be termed a camming action during
placed. In applying screws of the slotted type to the approach of these angular faces toward one
Work in any location, both hands of the operator another with respect to any Substances which
45 must be applied, one to guide the screw, and then might have become lodged within the recess of 45
to stabilize the screw during its advancement, the screw. It has been found by experiment
and then to further stabilize the driver in a cen that a downward thrust of the bit into the recess
tral position with respect to the Screw. will instantly dislodge any substance within the
The Screw and driver shown and described in recess by causing it to move upwardly and out
50 the aforesaid allowed patent applications, com Wardly over the walls of the recess. -
Still another object of the invention is the pro
prise a tool-receiving recess formed in the screw. vision
head and a tool formed at its working end with of angular faces in such relation to each
a bit made to fit precisely the recess in the other that the wedging engagement may be ob
screw. In other words, the precision limits of tained by the mere gravitation of the driver and
55 manufacture of the recess are idehtical with those the operator's hand applied to it. The angular 55
of the correspondingly shaped end of the driver, faces, in other words, are so related to each
so that a perfect fit between the two without other that even a slight downward thrust of the
binding or wedging is accomplished. driver into the recess will cause a firm wedged
In contrast to these structural characteristics, engagement between the two elements.
60 of identical form, the elements constituting my Another feature of the invention is that the 60
2 2,046,837
same gripping relation, as aforesaid, may be ac Figure 8 is a side elevation of the lowermost end
complished in screws which are provided with re of a driver formed with only two oppositely dis
cesses having any number of grooves, whether di posed flutes for engagement with the type of
ametrically opposed or not, to receive in Wedged screw shown in Figure 6.
engagement, drivers with a corresponding num Figure 9 is a top plan view of another modified
ber of vanes. I also wish to point out that my in form of invention wherein the recess is formed
vention provides means in the grooves which are With three tool-receiving grooves.
diametrically opposed, to receive the Ordinary flat Figure 10 is a sectional side elevation of Figure
blade-driver such as is now commonly known and 9 taken on the line O-O of Figure 9.
10 used. These blade-drivers may or may not be Figure 11 is a side elevation of the lowermost 0.
tapered at their lowermost ends for operative e end of a modified form of driver provided with
gagement with said grooves. This particular fea three flutes merging into three vanes for Opera
ture enhances the utility of the Screw by reason tive engagement with the type of screw shown in
of the fact that any blade-driver may also be used Figure 9.
s to actuate the ScreW. Figure 12 is a top plan view of a still further
A still further object of the invention accom modified form of screw wherein the recess is
plished by this specific angular relation between formed with five tool-receiving grooves.
the driver and the screw is that only two sizes Figure 13 is a sectional side elevation taken on
of my improved form of driver are needed to fit all the line 3-3 of Figure 12.
20 types of screws in sizes ranging from number 5 to Figure 14 is a side elevation of the lowermost 20
16 inclusive, instead of six or more sizes of the end of a still further modified form of driver pro
slotted drivers required to fit the same range of vided with five vanes for operative engagement
sizes of slotted screws. with the type of screw shown in Figure 12.
Moreover, by reason of the perfect fit between Referring now more particularly to the draw
the driver and the screw, the Screws may be driven lings:
and removed innumerable times without the The actuating tool or driver consists of a shank
slightest indication of mutilation to the head. l, provided with any suitable gripping means in
This highly desirable feature is made possible dicated at 2, at one of its ends. This gripping
by the firm contact of all the angular faces of means may be either in the form shown or that
the driver into the corresponding angular faces of a reduced portion on the shank to form an 30
of the recess formed at many different equidis engaging means with a power driver. The end
tant points around the longitudinal center line of of the shank opposite to that of the gripping
both the screw and the driver. Thus, is provided neans is formed with a plurality of flutes 3. sub
many times as much gripping area as is provided stantially concave in the direction of their length
in the slotted screw. This obviously, gives greatly and likewise concave in the direction of their
increased strength and torsion with the result that width. The transverse formation of each flute, as
my screws can be driven into material which shown in Figure 3, is made up of Converging an
slotted-head screws could not be made to pene gular panels 4, 5, 6, and 7. The panels 4 and 7,
trate. forming the side walls of each of the adjoining
40 These and other objects will appear as my in flutes, converge into lands or vanes 8, as best 40
vention is more fully hereinafter described in the shown in Figure 2. The intermediate angular
following specification, illustrated in the accom panel portions 5 and 6, are partly concave and
panying drawings, and finally pointed out in the partly tapered in the direction of their length, as
appended claims, and as said invention broadly best shown in Figure 5. For the plpOSe of fur
45 comprehends any Screw and driver constructed to ther and more convenient description of the
unite in wedged relation, it is apparent that I am invention, it will be noted in Figure 3, that the
not to be confined to any Specific form or mere lines of convergence of the angular panel por
construction of device, inasmuch as a variety of tions 5 and 6, in each flute are arranged on im
modified mechanical structures may be adopted aginary intersecting transverse centerines of the
50 in embodying my said invention. shank. In Figure 3, these imaginary centerlines :
In the drawings: are indicated by the letters A and B. These lines
Figure 1 is an assembly view of a screw firmly of convergence of the said center panels 5 and 6,
united with a driver in accordance with my in form four diametrically opposed and equidistantly
vention and adapted to be presented to work to be Spaced lines of contact to be hereinafter more
55 dealt with from any angle of approach without fully described. 55
danger of the screw falling from the driver. With reference to Figure 2, it will be noted
Figure 2 is an enlarged side elevation of the that the vanes 8, are formed with Substantially
lowermost end of the driver. parallel walls extending downwardly and taper
Figure 3 is an enlarged end elevation of Fig ing from points indicated at 9, on the shank to
60 lure 2. equidistantly spaced points around the longitu
Figure 4 is an enlarged top plan view of my dinal center line of the shank. The terminaend 60
new and improved form of screw. of the shank beyond these points of Convergence
Figure 5 is an enlarged fragmentary Sectional may be of any suitable blunt shape.
side elevation of the combined screw and driver My new and improved form of screw especially
in operative engagement with each other. This designed and adapted for CO-Operative use with 65
view is taken on lines 5-5 of both Figures 3 the driver is best illustrated in plan view in Fig
and 4. ure 4, wherein it will be seen that the head of
Figure 6 is a top plan view of a modified form the screw is formed with a generally inwardly
of the invention wherein the screw is formed with tapering punched incision or recess generally in
only two tool-receiving cavities between which ta dicated at 0. The side walls of the recess are
pering and angularly disposed side walls of the made up of angularly related and tapered panels 70
recess are provided for engagement with the l, which are angularly disposed to lines of CO
Vergence indicated at 12. These lines of con
Figure 7 is a Sectional side elevation taken on Vergence,
the line 7-7 of Figure 6. it will be noted, are arranged on imag
inary intersecting center lines of the SCreW in 75

2,046,887 3
precise conformity to the lines A and B, as previ ber of vanes, and recesses in the screws formed
ously described in connection with Figure 3, but, with a like number of grooves. The angular re
it will be noted in Figure 5, that the taper of lation of the walls of the recess with respect to
these lines 2, in the screw are of a lesser angle the angularity or concavity of the flutes is the
than those of the corresponding lines A and B same as has been heretofore described in connec- 5
of the driver, and it is imperative that these two tion with the preferred form of the invention, and
series of lines converge along two different de a definite wedging engagement between the mod
grees of angularity SO that the most efficient ified forms of screws and their respective driv
wedging engagement between the bit and the re ers is accomplished.
O cess in the screw may be accomplished. The side While I have shown a particular form of emi 0.
walls , of the recess merge at their ends, oppo bodiment of my invention, I am aware that many
site to those converging to the lines 2, into dia minor changes therein will readily Suggest them
metrically opposed grooves f3, which are formed selves to others skilled in the art without depart
with angular and inclined side walls f4 and an ing from the spirit and Scope of my invention.
s inclined bottom wall 5, and conform substan Having thus described the invention, what I 5
tially to the configuration of the vanes 8, on claim as new and desire to protect by Letters
the driver. In other words, the construction of Patent, is:-
the punch used for forming the recess in the 1. In combination, a screw having a generally
Screw is similar to that of the driver. inwardly tapering recess extending into its upper
20 With further reference to Figure 5, it will be face along its longitudinal axis, the side walls of 20
noted that the bit is firmly engaged with the said recess comprising alternate ribs and flutes,
recess in the screw at points indicated at C, and and a driving tool, said tool having its bit end
it will be further noted that in such engagement, generally tapering more sharply than said recess
and being constructed with alternate ribs, and
the outside walls of the vanes 8, are slightly out flutes,
of contact with the botton walls 5, of the grooves which are received in Operative position 25
3, and likewise, the lowermost end of the bit is in the flutes, and ribs, respectively, of said re
out of contact with the botton of the recess. In cess, the difference in taper of Said recess and
other Words, space is provided around all points bit end making said recess and bit end Sufficiently
of the bit for further advancement thereof into unlike in horizontal Cross Section that rib pore
30 the recess to accomplish an even greater degree tions of one part are wedgingly engaged with 30
of wedged engagement between the bit and the acooperating flute portions of the other part by
relative rectilinear movement of said bit end
recess. Moreover, this slightly spaced relation into
permits of a camming out or crowding Out of rarilysaid recess, whereby said screw is tempo
held on said driver by the friction be
any substances which might become lodged in tween said cooperating wedged portions.
35 the recess without disturbing the predetermined 2. In combination, a screw having a generally
relation of the driver and screw. The downward inwardly
thrust of the converging angular faces of the face alongtapering recess extending into its upper
bit toward the diverging faces of the recess will of said recess comprising axis,
its longitudinal the side walls
alternate ribs and
cause the substances within the recess to be flutes, and a driving tool, said tool having its 40
40 crowded upwardly and outwardly over the in bit end generally tapering differently from said
clined walls of the recess.
With reference to the modified form of in recess and being constructed with alternate ribs
vention shown in Figure 6, it will be noted that and flutes, which are received in operative posi
the recess, instead of being provided with tool tion in the flutes and ribs, respectively, of said
receiving grooves as defined in connection with bit end the
recess, difference in taper of said recess and
making said recess and bit end sufficiently
the type of screw shown in Eigures 1 to 5 inclu unlike in horizontal cross section that rib por
sive, is provided with two converging semi-cir
cular cavities 6 and f, between which are tions of one part are wedgingly engaged with
formed inwardly projecting and opposed tapering acooperating flute portions of the other part by
relative rectilinear movement of said bit end 50
50 walls 8 and 9, which merge at their outermost into said recess, whereby said screw is temporarily
edges with the ends of the cavities 6 and 7. held on said driver by the friction between Said
These walls converge to diametrically opposed cooperating wedged portions.
center lines 20. 3. In combination, a screw having a recess ex
The driver shown in Figure 8, is especially de tending into its upper face along its longitudinal 55
55 signed to co-operate in wedged engagement with axis, the side walls of said recess comprising
the cavity in the screw shown in Figure 6 by alternate ribs and flutes, and a driving tool, said
being formed with two diametrically opposed
flutes whose side walls are convex in the direc tool having its bit end generally tapering with
tion of their length and substantially concave respect to the walls of said recess and being con
60 in transverse cross section. These walls converge structed with alternate ribs and flutes, which are 60
transversely to lines 2 which correspond in loca received in operative position in the flutes and
tion with the lines 20, defined in connection with ribs, respectively, of said recess, the taper of said
Figure 6, but are formed on an angle of lesser bit end making said recess and bit end sufficiently
degree than that of the lines 20, so that the unlike in horizontal cross section that the taper
65 wedging engagement between the two may be ing portions of said bit end are wedgingly en- 85
accomplished. gaged cooperatively with the uppermost edges of
The description of the operation of the pre the walls of the recess by a relative rectilinear
ferred form of invention shown in Figures 1 to 5 movement of said bit end into said receSS, where
inclusive, may also be applied to the operation by said screw is temporarily held on said driver
70 of the modified forms of invention shown in Fig by the friction between said cooperating porr 70
ures 9 to 14 inclusive. These modified forms, as tions, HENRY F. PBLPS,
previously stated, show drivers with an odd nun

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