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CATEGORIES Poor / 0,2 Fair / 0,3 Good / 0,4 Very good / 0,5

There is no attempt to form There is some attempt to Paragraphs are somewhat Paragraphs are clearly
paragraphs. form paragraphs but there structured but there is structured according to
Construction of Sentences length is not are not grouped by thoughts. difficult to identify main thoughts.
paragraphs appropriate. Sentence length is ideas. Sentences are of an
appropriate. Sentences are generally of appropriate length.
an appropriate length.
The sentences are not Few sentences are Some sentences are All the sentences are
related each other. connected each other. connected each other. connected each other
through linking words.

The writing lacks sequencing The ideas could have been There is generally All the ideas are structured
Coherence of ideas. expressed more sequentially. sequencing in the order of in a logical and sequential
ideas. way.
A large amount of grammar Some mistakes in grammar A few inaccuracies in Students express a clear
mistakes and limited and misused vocabulary that relevant vocabulary and mastery of appropriate
Grammar and vocabulary vocabulary frequently at times impedes grammar that do not disrupt grammar and vocabulary.
impede communication. communication. communication.
There are no punctuation There are just a few There are just a few The sentences are written,
marks at all. punctuation marks but some punctuation marks but they making a good use of
are not used appropriately. are used appropriately. punctuation marks.

______________________________________ Mark: __________ /2,5

Student’s signature

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