Evaluation of Grain Cleaning Based On Rebound Trajectory

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Nigerian Journal of Tropical Engineering

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011, PP. 36 -48, ISSN 1595-5397.


A.O.Lawal*, A.N.Jibril** and M.M.Jaliya*
National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
Department of Rural Development,
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Abuja.

Grain-impurity separation based on differences in the rebound trajectories of the grains
and impurities was investigated. Tests conducted using different roller materials and sizes
showed that the parameter which significantly influenced the rebound distance is the
roller diameter. The average rebound distance of the agricultural materials used ranged
between 27.4cm for palm kernel to 38.2cm for soybean. In a mixture of crops and their
common impurities, separation effectiveness achieved were 49% for soybean, 31% for
palm kernel and 29% each for rice and groundnut. Pending improvement in the
separation effectiveness, the concept can only be used in a pre-cleaning unit that will
reduce the proportion of impurities from an admixture of crops and impurities

1.0 Introduction degree of separation achievable could

Separating undesirable elements from also be imprecise [3].
first-stage processed agricultural
produce is one of the most important Grain separation has been based on
post-harvest processing operations for differences in physical properties such as
the production of high quality seeds and length, width, thickness, shape, density,
food crops. The commercial value of surface area, volume, etc and electrical
these items depends on their grade factor properties such as differences in
which, in turn, depends mostly on the response of materials to electromagnetic
cleanliness of the grain [1]. It was waves (optical, gamma, or X-rays, and
asserted that the presence of impurities electrical conductance) [4]; [5]; [6]).
especially stones in locally produced Similarly, differences in the colour of
grains has been one of the greatest the materials making up the mixture is
impediments to their acceptance by used [7]. Magnetic separators, used
consumers [2]. The need for effective more as pre-cleaners, are used for
grain cleaning cannot be over- extracting metallic impurities from the
emphasised. grain. [8] reported the cleaning of
soybeans by aspiration. Emerging crop
Traditional methods of grain cleaning cleaning methods include machine-
include winnowing and handpicking. vision-based systems [9], [10] and that
Apart from being laborious and slow, the based on the path (trajectory) followed
by produce after bouncing on a rotating

Evaluation of Grain cleaning based on Rebound Trajectory

roller. The rebound trajectory has been One each of the two sizes was wrapped
found to be different for various crops with 3mm thick automobile tyre tube to
and crop impurities [11]. act as rubber rebound surface while the
other group acted as metal rebound
While the rebound trajectory concept has surfaces.
been used to separate potatoes and The collector was a rectangular tray
onions from clods ([12]; [13]), there is made from 2mm thick G.I. sheet and
neither a report of its use to separate filled with sand to prevent further
grains from impurities nor data on the rebound of any material that lands on it.
rebound distance of grain crops and their
impurities. Yet, this information will be The set-up was operated by manually
invaluable for the design and analysis of dropping test samples on the belt such
machines utilizing the concept of that the belt’s forward movement
rebound trajectory. projected the material on the contra-
rotating roller which bounced it in the
This study was therefore undertaken to: direction opposite to that of its approach.
determine the factors that influence the The material was then collected in the
rebound properties of soybean, rice, sand box and the distance of the
groundnut and palm kernel and their attachment point relative to the
commonly associated impurities; centerline of the roller, rebound distance,
quantify the rebound distances of these was measured and used to quantify the
crops and their impurities; and examine trajectory.
the possibilities of using the rebound
trajectory concept as a basis for 2.2 Experimental Design and
separating grains from their associated Procedures.
impurities. It was initially considered that a large
number of variables may influence the
2.0 Materials and Methods rebound of the test materials and their
2.1 The Equipment impurities, and it was therefore
The apparatus used for the study is considered necessary to conduct a
similar to that used by [12] and it is preliminary experiment to sort out the
shown schematically as Figure 1. It important ones. More elaborate
comprised a conveyor, roller and experiments were then conducted to
collector. The conveyor and the roller study the influence of the identified
were each driven by a dc electric motor variables on different materials using the
whose speeds were controlled by rebound principle.
rheostats. The instrumentation of the
rheostat control is shown in Figure 2. 2.2.1 Screening of Variables
The two motors ran in opposite
directions. There were a total of seven variables
considered. The seven are listed in Table
Four rollers, made from 2mm thick 1 along with their considered levels.
galvanized iron sheet, were used for the Five of them are shown in figure 1. The
investigation. Two of the rollers had other two variables that cannot be shown
diameters of 75mm, while the other two are grain type and rebound surface. The
were 200mm. screening was the first stage experiment

A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya

to determine the most important variables.

Figure 1: Schematic of experimental apparatus showing some studied variables

Evaluation of Grain cleaning based on Rebound Trajectory

Figure 2: Instrumentation for varying the speed of the dc electric motors using rheostat

A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya

Table 1: Experimental Variables and their considered Levels.

Level of Variable
Exptal Experimental Low(-) High (
Code Variable +)

1 Grain type, T Soybean Rice

2 Speed of conveyor, 0.125ms- 0.188ms-
1 1
3 v
4 Roller diameter, D 75mm 200mm
5 Rebound surface, S Rubber G.I.
6 Roller speed, n 200rpm sheet
7 Horizontal distance 290mm 400mm
d 530mm 550mm
Vertical distance, h 400mm
(relative to sand

Referring to Table 1, it could be seen of 40o – 50o from the vertical axis were
that the last two columns have minus (-) ignored.
and plus (+) signs respectively,
representing the high and low levels of 2.2.2 Effect of Experimental Variables
particular variables in response to the on Rebound of Experimental Materials
demands of this type of factorial From the results of the screening
experiment introduced by [14], [15], and experiment, a more elaborate set of
[16]. When the system is run with the experiments were conducted to study the
variables as dictated by the design effect of roller size, conveyor speed,
matrix the rebound distance of the rebound surface, roller speed and the
materials are measured. For this study, vertical and horizontal distances on the
10 rebound measurements were taken rebounds of various crops and their
during each run. Materials that do not commonly associated impurities as
impinge the roller at the preferred angle presented in Table 3. The experimental

Evaluation of Grain cleaning based on Rebound Trajectory

materials used and their states are also listed in Table 4.

Table 3: Magnitudes of the factors used in studying the effect of experimental
variables on the rebound of experimental materials.

Experimental Experimental Magnitude

Code Variables
1 Experimental As listed
2 material in table 4
3 Speed of 0.185m/s
4 conveyor, v 200mm
5 Diameter of G.I. sheet
6 roller, D 300 rpm
7 Rebound 490mm-
surface, S 580mm
Speed of 530mm
roller, n
distance, d
distance, h

Table 4: Experimental Materials used for the substantive experiment

S/No Experimental materials used for the Moisture content %

substantive experiment
1 Soybean 9.2
2 Soybean 10.1
3 Soybean 13.8
4 Rice grain 9.2
5 Stone particle < 100mm N.A
6 Groundnut seeds 9.4
7 Groundnut shells N.A
8 Palm kernel seeds 9.2
9 Palm kernel shells N.A
N. A. Not Applicable

2.2.3 Determination of separation various fractions along a collector

effectiveness partitioned at 100mm intervals were
To investigate the separation recorded after each run. Each of the
effectiveness achievable using the runs (4 in number) was replicated once
rebound principles, experimental crops to make a total of eight runs.
and their commonly associated The separation effectiveness of a
impurities, listed in Table 5 were fed separator can be determined as the
onto the system. The distribution of the

A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya

product of recovery and rejection [17] I i = Impurities in impurities collection

given as: zone
Cc Ii I c = Impurities in crop collection zone.
E= X
C c + C i I i + I c ……………(1)
In applying the above relationship, the
collection box was assumed to be
C c = Crops in crop collection zone
partitioned according to the optimum
C i = Crops in impurities collection zone rebound distance of the crops and
bordered by those of the impurities.

Table 5: Crop impurity mixtures used for separation effectiveness study

S/No Seed Grain Impurity
1 Soybean 9.2% Stone particle
m.c. (2.0-3.5mm dia)
2 Stone particles <
Rice 9.2% 1.0mm dia
3 m.c. Groundnut
4 shells
G/nut 9.2% Palm kernel
m.c. shells.
Palm kernel
9.2% m.c.

3.0 Results and Discussion The effects of the experimental variables

Effect of variables on crop rebound on the rebound trajectories of the
experimental crops are listed in Table 6.

Table 6: Effects of Experimental Variable

Experimental Experimental Effects
Code Variable
1 Grain type, T 1.81 n.s.

2 Conveyor speed, V 0.96 n.s

3 Roller diameter, D 14.1*

4 Rebound surface, S 1.46 n.s.

5 Roller speed, N 3.21

6 Horizontal distance 0.64

7 4.4
Vertical distance, H
n.s. = not significant *= significant

Evaluation of Grain cleaning based on Rebound Trajectory

By comparing the effects of the variable distance of the two crops used in the
with the standard error (se) calculated as screening experiment.
5.04, the roller diameter, D was found to
be the only significant variable. This 3.2 Interaction Effects
implies that only the roller diameter has The effects of two factor interactions are
a pronounced influence on the rebound given in Table 7.

Table 7: The Effects of two factor Interactions among Experimental Variables

Interaction Variables Involved Effect
1-2 Grain type vs conveyor 2.04 n.s
1-3 speed 2.76 n.s
1-4 Grain type vs roller 3.09 n.s
2-3 diameter 1.24 n.s
2-4 Grain type vs rebound 1.41 n.s
3-4 surface 5.41 n.s
Conveyor speed vs roller
Conveyor speed vs
rebound surface
Roller diameter vs rebound
n.s = Not significant

Comparing the se (5.04) with the With coefficient of variation all less than
interaction effects it was found that none 0.300 (or 30%), the data are quite
of the effects were significant. This acceptable in agricultural research [18].
implies interplay between any two of the The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of
experimental variables will not the data is thus given in Table 9.
significantly influence the rebound The ANOVA shows replication to be
distance of the experimental materials. significant which implies that the results
obtained are due to the intrinsic
3.3 Influence of variables on properties of the materials and the
rebound of materials influence of equipment variables, and
With the roller diameter fixed at 200mm not due to chance factors or errors.
for maximum rebound, and other Similarly, treatment effects were found
experimental variable chosen based on to be highly significant which means
convenience and expedience, Table 8 there are great differences in the various
shows the rebound parameters of various factors being studied in the conduct of
materials used in the study. this study.

A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya

Table 8: Rebound parameters of various materials at fixed experimental conditions.

S/No Experimental material Rebound Distance Co-efficient of

(cm)* variation
1 Soybean at 9.2% m.c. 38.2 0.101
2 Soybean at 10.1% m.c. 37.8 0.113
3 Soybean at 13.8% 37.9 0.069
4 Rice at 9.2% 38.1 0.090
5 Stone particles 1mm dia 29.2 0.094
6 Groundnut seed at 9.4% 34.8 0.095
7 m.c. 29.7 0.138
8 Groundnut shells 27.4 0.152
9 Palm kernel seeds at 9.2% 30.4 0.143
Palm kernel shells
* = Average of 15 readings
m.c = Moisture content

Table 9: ANOVA of materials rebound at fixed experimental conditions

Source DF SS MS F Fo.o5 Fo.o1

Replication 14 408.3 29.16 2.48* 2.26 2.82
8 2431.43 303.93 25.84** 2.03 2.68
Treatment .
(t – 1) 112 1317.57 11.76

Error (r –
1) (t-1)
* = Significant; ** = Highly significant.

3.4 Pattern of crop impurity in a separator, there will be a high

separation achieved chance of collecting clean crops with
relatively fewer impurities than when the
The pattern of separation achieved when collector is placed anywhere else.
crops and their impurities were fed onto
the experimental equipment is illustrated A similar reasoning applies to soybean
by the charts of Figures 3(a) – (d). Figure 3c in which the collector will
Figure 3d shows that relatively greater need to be placed at a distance of 40-
quantity of rice collected between 70cm to collect the proportion of clean
intervals 20-30cm and 30-40cm. crops with the fewest impurities.
Incidentally, these two intervals have
higher crop impurity ratios of 3.2:1 and The collector for groundnut will need to
9.2:1 respectively. Thus, if the “clean be placed at distance interval 30-60 cm
crop” outlet is positioned at this interval

Evaluation of Grain cleaning based on Rebound Trajectory

to collect the greatest proportion of clean proportion of crops that occur with the
seeds Figure 3b. impurities are quite considerable which
puts limitation on the suitability of the
The separation pattern of palm kernel system as a crop impurity separator.
(Figure 3a) shows that the collector will
need to be placed at interval 40-70cm for 3.5 Separation Effectiveness
the greatest proportion of impurity-free The result of separation effectiveness
crops to be collected. determined using this approach is given
in Table 10.
In all cases however, it is noted that
wherever the outlet is situated the

Table 10: Separation effectiveness of the various crop-impurity mixtures

S/No Crop impurity mixture Separation
1 Rice and stone 29
2 Soybean and stone 49
3 Groundnut and groundnut 29
4 shells 31
Palm kernel and palm kernel

Thus the separation effectiveness of the collections therefore distorted the

four crops using differences in their separation effectiveness results, as it was
rebound distances as a separation not possible to isolate them.
concept ranged between 29% and 49%.
This can be considered low. Hence, 4.0 Conclusion
unless the separation equipment is The following conclusions could be
modified to improve the separation drawn from the above results:
effectiveness, it may not be able to
function as a sole crop-impurity • The parameter that significantly
separator, but may be used as a pre- influences the rebound distance
cleaner to reduce the proportion of of spherical or almost spherical
impurity from an admixture of crops and crop materials and their
impurities. impurities is the diameter of the
rebounding roller.
It is however, pertinent at this juncture to • The rebound distance of the crop
state that separation effectiveness was materials used in the study
low because it was not possible to cause ranged from 27.4cm for palm
all the materials (crops and impurities) to kernels seeds to 38.2cm for
follow similar projection trajectories. As soybean. The rebound distance
such while some of the materials of impurities ranged from
impinged correctly on the roller, others 29.2cm for stone particles to
did not; and nonetheless they fell into 30.4cm for palm kernel shells.
the collection box. Such undesirable

A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya

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A.O.Lawal, A.N.Jibril and M.M.Jaliya





palm kernel shell
palm kernel




Fig 3b

Mass of Materials Deposited (g)


Groundnut shell



1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance (cm)

Fig 3c


Mass of Material Deposited (g)



Soyabean Stone

1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance (cm)

Fig 3d

Mass of Deposited Material (g)

Rice stones

1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance (cm)


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