N - Improving Surface Hardness of Steel Using Rice Husk Waste

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Nigerian Journal of Tropical Engineering

Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011, PP. 107 -115, ISSN 1595-5397.



P. A. Ihom*, G. B. Nyior**, M. U. Suleiman*, and G. Z. Ibrahim*

National Metallurgical Development Centre,
PMB 2116 Jos
Plateau State- Nigeria
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Dept.,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria-Nigeria
*E-mail: paulihom@yahoo.co.uk

The study improving surface hardness of steel using rice husk has been undertaken. Thermal
diffusion penetration method was used to introduce silicon from the waste rice husk into a
hypoeutectoid steel. The steel had 98.1% iron and 0.383% carbon. The ash from rice husks had
91.9% SiO2. The siliconization process was carried out over a temperature range of 700OC to
820OC and a modeled mathematical equation was used to predict hardness values at elevated
temperatures. The result of the hardness test indicated that the hardness increased from 40.0HRC
to 47.7HRC with increase in temperature of siliconization. The modeled mathematical equation
predicted that at a temperature of 1100OC a hardness value of 66.56HRC can be obtained from
the siliconization process. The study has shown that waste rice husks can be used for metal
siliconization thereby turning waste material into a useful one.

1. INTRODUCTION traffic problems. In dry season smoke is

seen emanating from these waste dumps
The management of agricultural waste is a continuously while in the rainy season it is
very serious problem in the developing difficult to burn the waste whereby the
world. Agricultural solid wastes constitute a waste decompose, producing bad odour and
very serious pollution problem, as every pollute close by water sources.
year millions of tons of agricultural wastes
are burnt around the world releasing large Rice husk is the shell of the grain of Oryza
amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere [1,2]. sativa and it is removed during the
In Nigeria, for example, the agricultural processing of the eatable grain which is
areas of the North with commercial centers within the husk [2]. Rice husk is a good
for processing of groundnuts, rice and maize source of silicon [2]. It contains silicon in a
have continued to pose serious problems of reasonable quantity. A lot of work has been
contamination to the environment. Heaps of done on industrial and municipal waste
groundnut shells, rice husks and maize cobs however, probably because majority of
can be seen taking up vast expanses of land. agricultural wastes are not hazardous, not
These heaps of wastes sometimes spread-out much attention has been given to the
to cover the roads creating very serious processing of agricultural waste in

Improving Surface Hardness of Steel using Rice Husk Waste

developing countries. According to Itoh et al as against the conventional method of

[3], a large amount of industrial and physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour
municipal waste is discharged from deposition, and wet processes for metal
manufacturing process and public or deposition.
household activities. Some of the wastes are
hazardous when they are incorporated in the 2. Experimental Procedure
human body as stable solids or dissolved
2.1 Materials
heavy metallic ions. Other wastes impose
much environmental burden on the ecology The materials used were plain carbon steel,
and the circulation system of air, water or sodium hydroxide, rice husks and water.
soils of the earth. Agricultural wastes fall
into the last category of wastes. Itoh [4] has 2.2 Equipment
explained that the management of bio-waste
in the advanced countries is not much of a The equipment used for the work included;
problem. He said that bio-waste (raw refuse) electric furnace, spectro-lab metal analyzer,
can be used for methane fermentation, x-ray fluorescence, steel boxes, lathe
synthetic gasification, aerobic microbe machine, hack saw, oven, Rockwell
decomposition for compost fertilizer, hardness tester, grinding machine, polishing
carbonization for environment cleanup disk and metallurgical microscope equipped
materials, while methane fermentation and with camera.
synthetic gasification is used as biogas and 2.3 Methods
in fuel cell and power generation [4].
The method adopted in the introduction of
The use of surface treatment to improve the SiC phase to the plain carbon steel using
corrosion resistance, wear resistance, heat rice husk was the thermal propelled
resistance, ornamental properties and diffusion penetration method.
functional properties, friction reduction,
hardness improvement etc is now a known The plain carbon steel rods of 16 mm
practice [5, 6]. Surface treatments may be diameter were machined to remove oxide
applied at the completion (or finishing) of coatings. It was then cut into lengths of 10
mechanical fabrication of components and mm. All the specimens were washed in a
are in every sense finishing processes. mild solution of sodium hydroxide to
Advances in surface finishing technology remove oils and dirt. The specimens were
have given rise to high performance then dried and ready for use. The chemical
machines and automobiles [7]. Silicon- composition of the steel specimens was
carbide coating have a micro-hardness of determined using a spectro-lab analyzer at
3000- 3500kg/mm2 [7]. The use of surface the National Metallurgical Development
treatment of cutting tools has led to Centre (NMDC), Jos. The chemical
improved cutting tool performance as well composition of the specimen siliconized at
as prolonged tool life [8, 9]. 820oC was analyzed for the composition of
The objective of this work is to investigate
the efficacy of waste rice husks as a source The chemical analysis of the rice husk used
for silicon carbide deposition on metal. It is for the study was determined in a leaching
also to investigate the possibility of test; the result was confirmed in NMDC Jos
depositing Si-C/SiC on the surface of metal using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Part
using thermal diffusion penetration process of the rice husks was destructively distilled

P. A. Ihom, G. B. Nyior, M. U. Suleiman, and G. Z. Ibrahim

under air-tight conditions to produce rice the untreated specimen was also measured.
husk ash, during the thermal propelled All the readings were confirmed using a
diffusion penetration process; this rice husk standard hardness block.
occupied the layer next to the samples.
Untreated rice husk was then used to fill the 2.6 Microstructure Examination
remaining part of the siliconizing boxes.
The specimens were prepared using a
The loaded specimens for siliconization grinding machine with 240 - 600 grit. Two
were then charged into the electric furnace. polishing discs were used; one for pre-
The specimens were heated to a temperature polishing using SiC powder paste (6 and 1
regime of 700OC to 820oC, with a 40oC microns) and the second disc was used for
interval and a consistent holding time of 6 the final polishing using alumina powder
hours throughout the period of the work. At paste (0.5 micron). The polished specimens
the end of each temperature regime the box were etched using nital and examined under
was removed and the content quenched in a metallurgical microscope equipped with a
water to maintain the silicon and the carbon camera. The microstructure was
in solid solution. photographed using the camera.

2.4 Ageing 2.7 Statistical Analysis and Modelling

The quenched specimens were then The relationship between the hardness
transferred to the electric oven which was (degree of siliconization) of the
set at 150oC and the ageing of the specimens hypoeutectoid steel and the siliconization
was done for 3hrs for each set of specimens. temperature was determined using product
This treatment was carried out with the moment coefficient of correlation (r) [10]
possible hope of precipitating SiC on the using equation 1.
surface of the steel.
r = nΣXY – ΣxΣY/ √nΣx2 – (Σx)2 x √ nΣY2
2.5 Hardness Test
– (ΣY)2 (1)
The age hardened specimens were tested for
Where x is the temperature (T) and Y is the
hardness using Rockwell hardness tester.
hardness (H), n is the number of
The scale C was selected for the test. The
experiments. The hardness is in HRC and
hardness of the control specimen which was
the temperature is in degree Celsius (OC).

Improving Surface Hardness of Steel using Rice Husk Waste

Table 1 : Calculation of the Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r )

X Y X2 Y2 XY
(Temperature) (Hardness)
700 40.0 490000 1600 28000
740 42.3 547600 1789.29 31302
780 45.8 608400 2097.64 35724
820 47.7 672400 2275.29 39114

ΣX=3040 ΣY=175.8 ΣX2 =2318400 ΣY2 ΣXY

=7762.22 =134140
r= nΣxy- ΣxΣy/ √nΣx2 – (Σx)2 X √nΣy2 – (Σy)2 = + 0.99.
Based on data in Table 1 the following The modeled equation is as in equation 5
simple linear equations were used to model
a mathematical equation for the prediction H=-6.59+0.0665T (5)
of the hardness (degree of siliconzation) at
3. Results And Discussion
elevated temperatures.
3.1 Results
Y=a+bx (2)
The result of the chemical composition of
a=ΣY/n-bΣx/n (3)
the rice husks ash is shown in Table 2. Table
b=nΣXY–ΣXΣY/nΣx –(Σx) 2 2
(4) 3 shows the hardness test result and Table 4
shows the chemical analysis of the hypo-
where, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants representing eutectoid steel used for the work. Figures 1-
the intercept and slope. 5 show the microstructure of the siliconized
plain steel.

Table 2: Chemical Composition of Rice Table 3: Hardness Values of the Siliconized

and Unsiliconized Plain Carbon Steel using
Husk Ash Rice Husk at various Temperatures.
Composition % Content
Moisture content 1.30
Protein 0.43 Temperature (oC) Hardness (HRC)
Ash content 1.50 Control sample 39.1
Silica (SiO2) 91.90 (unsiliconized) 40.0
Calcium oxide 0.35 700 42.3
(CaO) 740 45.8
Ferric oxide (FeO) 0.19 780 47.7
Magnesia (MgO) 0.45 820
Alumina (Al2O3) 3.00
Others -

P. A. Ihom, G. B. Nyior, M. U. Suleiman, and G. Z. Ibrahim

Table4: Chemical Composition of as-received Hypo-eutectoid Steel used

Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Al Cu Co Ti Nb
% Content 0.383 0.196 0.74 0.066 0.032 0.082 0.038 0.0059 0.010 0.258 0.0055 0.0020 <0.003
Element V W Pb B Sn Zn As Bi Ca Ce Zr La Fe
% Content 0.002 0.020 0.0055 0.0009 0.015 0.0049 0.0058 <0.002 0.0059 0.0041 0.0024 0.0037 98.1

Table 5: Hardness Values of the Empirically Determined and the Hardness Values using the
Mathematical Modeled Equation.

Temperature Empirical Hardness Values Hardness (modeled

C (HRC) equation) HRC
700 40.0 39.96
740 42.3 42.62
780 45.8 45.28
820 47.7 47.94

Fig.1: Untreated Specimen with Ferrite Matrix and Uniform Fig. 2: Specimen Siliconized at 700oC, showing a thin dense
Distribution of pearlite X100. Diffusion Layer and a much Lighter Core X100.

Fig. 3: Specimen Siliconized at 740OCShowing Fig. 4: Specimen Siliconized at 780OC Showing a Much Thicker
a thin Dense Diffusion Layer and a lighter Core and Denser Diffusion Layer and a Lighter Core X 100.

Fig. 5: Specimen Siliconized at 820oC Showing a Large and Dense Diffusion

Layer with a Lighter Core, the Precipitates are Coarse x100.

Improving Surface Hardness of Steel using Rice Husk Waste

3.2 Discussion the siliconizing temperature was increased

from 700 to 820OC. This agrees with
3.2.1 Chemical Analysis of the Rice observations made by Oki [5]. This process
Husks and the Hypoeutectoid Steel used. is obviously a temperature dependent
process. According to Oki [5], siliconization
Table 2 shows the chemical analysis of the
of steel using thermal diffusion penetration
rice husk ash used for the siliconization
method requires heating for several days;
process, the silicon in the rice husk was
however, he stated that the time could be
converted to silicon dioxide during the
reduced by the use of elevated temperature.
ashing process. The result showed the
The process is a diffusion controlled process
silicon dioxide (SiO2) composition of the
and so it depends on temperature and time,
leached ash to be 91.9%. This was
because the silicon atoms have to move
confirmed using x-ray fluorescence
through interatomic spaces of the iron atoms
spectrometry; this is a clear indication that
to occupy interstitial positions. This is made
the rice husk is a rich source of silicon.
easier at elevated temperature where the iron
Other researchers have equally confirmed
has gamma (γ) phase and FCC cubic
the richness of this waste in silicon [11, 12].
structure [15, 16 ]. The degree of
Table 4, shows the chemical composition of
siliconization, therefore depends on the
the hypoeutectoid steel that was used for the
temperature and the holding or resident time
work. The result showed that the
of the material at that temperature and obeys
hypoeutectoid steel has a carbon content of
this diffusion equation:
0.383% and iron content of 98.1%. The
composition of the hypoeutectoid steel D = D0 exp (- ED/ RT)
indicates that the microstructure will consist (6)
of pearlite within a ferrite matrix with a
much higher percentage of the later [13, 14]. Diffusion in a solid is a thermally activated
This type of structure exhibits poor hardness process, where D is the diffusion, D0 is the
and low wear resistance. The introduction of diffusion coefficient, T is the absolute
Silicon will increase the silicon content of temperature in kelvin, ED is the activation
the steel which is 0.196% in the surface of energy required to move an atom, and R is
the steel leading to increase hardness and gas constant [16].
wear resistance [5]. This was observed in
one of the specimens siliconized at 820oC, For the silica formed during the process to
which showed an increase in silicon dissociate, elevated temperature is required
composition to 1.124%. The tendency for [5]. The degree of siliconization is indicated
the precipitation of SiC phase on ageing of by the hardness of the material. The higher
the steel will also increase leading to the degree of siliconization the harder and
increase hardness and wear resistance. the thicker the silicon diffusion layer [5].
The relationship between the hardness
3.2.2 Hardness Test (degree of siliconization) of the
hypoeutectoid steel and the siliconization
Table 3 shows the hardness values of the temperature was determined using product
siliconized and the unsiliconized moment coefficient of correlation (r) using
hypoeutectoid steel used. The control equation 1.
sample which is the unsiliconized steel has a
hardness value of 39.1 HRC. The table The product moment coefficient of
showed that the hardness value increased as correlation (r) is + 0.99. This is a further

P. A. Ihom, G. B. Nyior, M. U. Suleiman, and G. Z. Ibrahim

confirmation that there is a strong equilibrium structure and is not saturated

correlation between the hardness values of with carbon [12, 17]. Figures 2-5 show a
the material and the siliconization diffusion layer with possible small
temperature. The temperature is the precipitates of SiC. The dense area is the
independent variable and the hardness is the diffusion layer whereas the lighter area is
dependent variable [10]. the substrate. The micrographs were taken at
the interface of the case area and the
According to Oki [5] siliconization takes substrate; this explains the dark and lighter
time, but to speed up the process, elevated areas seen in the microstructure. The
temperature is required. diffusion area increases with the temperature
and holding time but in this case the holding
The degree of siliconization is reflected in
time was constant. The microstructure is the
the hardness of the hypoeutectoid steel. The
confirmation of the hardness and the
degree of siliconization is also higher at
siliconization process. A higher resolution
higher temperature [5, 10]. Using equation
microscope is however required to clearly
5, we can predict the degree of siliconization
see the phases present in the case area.
at 900oC, 950oC and 1100 oC, as 53.26HRC,
Further work to study the diffusion layer
56.59HRC, and 66.56HRC, respectively.
using scanning electron microscope (SEM)
This is because hardness values determined
and x-ray diffractions (XRD) is ongoing by
using the modeled equation give very close
the authors. For now based on the hardness
figures to those of the hardness values
values and the microstructures the authors
determined empirically. For example at a
can only say that there are precipitates in the
temperature of 740oC the empirical hardness
case area nothing can be said about the
value is 42.3 HRC, while the calculated
composition of the precipitates or of the
value using equation 6 is 42.62 HRC.
presence of silicon and carbon in the
This result agrees with literatures reviewed diffusion area. The essence of the research
that the degree of siliconization is higher at work has however been achieved, which is
elevated temperatures where formed silica to increase the surface hardness and wear
can dissociate into nascent silicon [5, 7]. resistance of the hypoeutectoid steel using
waste rice husks. Some researchers have
however said that higher temperatures and
longer holding time will yield bigger
3.2.3 Microstructure Examination diffusion layer in the surface of the
The microstructure examination covered the hypoeutectoid steel [5, 18]. The aging period
untreated specimen and the siliconized leads to the precipitation of SiC in the
specimens as represented by Figures 1-5. diffusion layer [16].
The untreated specimen which is a rolled 4. Conclusions
stock has a sparsely distributed pearlite
structure within a ferrite matrix. Because of The study, rice husk waste utilization for
the low magnification of 100 the grain improving surface hardness of steel has been
boundaries are not clear, but the dendrites of carried out and the following conclusions
cementite can be clearly seen in the have been drawn from the research:
microstructure. The hardness of this
untreated specimen which is 39.1 HRC
agrees with the structure which is more of an

Improving Surface Hardness of Steel using Rice Husk Waste

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