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F. G. Tseng, Y. J. Chuang, and W. K. Lin
Engineering and System Science Dept.
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
*Fax: 886-3-5720724, email:

ABSTRACT equipments for fabrication, not as easy as the use of

This paper proposes a novel method to fabricate photopolymers such as SU-8 resist [4]. There are
multi-layers of embedded micro fluidic structures at least four major methods which have been
by simply employing time-controlled UV exposure reported by using SU-8 resist to fabricate buried
on thick SU-8 resist and anti-reflection coating on channel structures, including: (1) SU-8 plus filling
the bottom surface to eliminate the reflection light materials to form channel spaces [5], (2) using
induced exposure. Testing result shows the top
wall thickness of embedded channels can be well
controlled in a resolution of 2 Pm for the UV dose 46.5 Pm
120-190 mJ/cm2. Stacked channels have also
been successfully fabricated and showed no
interference on the bottom structures when 23 Pm
exposing the top structures. This simple and
inexpensive method can be applied to fabricate
multi-layers of complex fluidic systems, as shown
in Fig. 1, for the applications of PTAS, inkjet
printhead, capillary electrophoresis, and micro PCR,
etc. Fig. 1 Fabricated stacked Su-8 buried channels
by UV dosage control.

INTRODUCTION metal mask to protect from second exposure for

There have been many micromachining approaches forming channel spaces [5], (3) employing
to fabricate buried micro channels, such as wafer laminated SU-8 and Riston film to form channel
bonding after bulk micro machining [1], sacrificial spaces [4], (4) utilizing proton beam to partially
etching by surface micromachining [2], and expose SU-8 to form buried channels [6], as shown
through mold plating [3], etc. Besides, LIGA or in fig. 2 (a)-(d), respectively. The first method
micro stereolithography can also realize micro must apply two materials and at least three
channel structures. However, those processes lithography steps to finish one layer of buried
either are complex, expansive, require high channel, and the filling materials may induce steps
temperature/electrical field, or need special affecting successive processes, not mention the

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troublesome material compatibility problem source for common use. In summary, the
between two different materials. The second traditional methods for buried SU-8 channels either
process employed metal masks for UV light use more than two materials and tedious processes,
or costly facilities like proton beam, not simple
Substrate Exposed SU-8 enough for the fabrication of stacked channels.
On the other hand, it will be a simpler process if
Pattern 1st layer Expose 1st layer UV light can be employed for dosage control to
Filling material Metal mask fabricate buried channels.


Expose 2nd layer
Expose 2nd layer The reason for the aforementioned tedious methods
to fabricate buried channels by SU-8 photoresist
without employing UV dosage control is the high
transparency of the resist. When using partial
Remove filling material Developing unexposed
material exposure of UV light to get desire exposure
(a) (b) UV light UV light

mask mask mask mask

Pattern 1st layer
Cross-linked Anti-reflection
st region coating
1 full exposure

Proton SU-8

Laminate 2nd layer 2nd partial exposure (a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 2 Four buried channel methods by SU-8 resist [4-6] Channel fully filled Channel formed

protection, but the crack of metal thin film during Fig. 3 UV exposure under (a) normal situation
elevated temperature by evaporation process or the (b) with anti-reflection coating
later baking process may potentially fail the
thickness, the bottom of the channel is usually get
stacking process; besides, the metal removal
exposed by the reflected UV light from the
process could pose structure damage. Laminating
photoresist/wafer interface, as shown in Fig. 3 (a).
process in the third method may pose the adhesion
As a result, channel height is very hard to control
uniformity problem between two materials. In the
by partial exposure. The channels encounter
fourth mean, proton may be an elegant approach for
issues such as collapse from under-dosage or fill-up
dosage control on resist exposure, but not a popular
0-7803-7185-2/02/$10.00 ©2002 IEEE 70
from the reflection light with normal dosage. The
Anti-reflection coating
process window for channel formation is very
narrow and hard to hit and repeat. (a) Substrate
This paper proposes a novel approach, as shown in Standard UV exposure
Fig. 3 (b), employing antireflection layer on the
resist-wafer interface to absorb reflected UV light,
thus thoroughly eliminate the reflection issue.
Thanks to the absorption of the extra UV light by
the antireflection layer, the exposure window are Partial UV exposure
widely open for various process parameters and
allows accurate control of exposure depth. Fig. 4
shows the detail process. (c)
Fabrication starts from the spin-on of FujiFilm
Anti-reflection coating
CK-6020L resist, the antireflection coating and
commercially used for filter, for UV light
absorption, and then desire thickness of SU-8 resist (d)
(Fig. 4a). After the first exposure to define the
channel wall (Fig. 4b), a partial second exposure is Stacked channel
then applied to define the channel top region (Fig.
4c). Post exposure bake is required before the
fabrication of the successive stacking layers to (e)
ensure good structure boundary definition. The
second antireflection layer is then applied for the Channel release
partial exposure of the next layer (Fig. 4d).
Multi-layers of channel structures can be obtained
simply by repeating the processes (Fig. 4e). After (f)
the fabrication of all layers, channel structures can Fig.4 Fabrication process of stacked
be released by one developing process (Fig. 4f). channels
However, care need to be taken to remove the 45.2, 61.1 Pm, which were under UV exposure
antireflection layer by solvent during the (365 nm) for 122.5, 161.7, 176.4, 191.1, 196, 200.9
developing process to open up the developing path mJ/cm2, respectively. The relationship between
for the lower channels. thickness and exposure dosage is shown in Fig. 6,
bi-linearly related for 120-200 mJ/cm2. Above 31
EXPERIMENT RESULTS Pm the resist seems to be more sensitive to the UV
This simple process has been routinely employed to dose thus the thickness control is not as accurate as
fabricate channels with accurate top wall thickness those below the threshold value. To verify if this
and channel structure. Fig. 5 shows six different simple method can be employed for the fabrication
channel top-wall thickness of 14, 23.2, 27.2, 31, of multiple buried channel layers, a double stacked

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channels were designed and processed, and channel bottom exposure. This process shows
successfully demonstrated the possibility of good control of channel top wall thickness, and
potentially applicable to complex micro fluidic
systems and Bio-MEMS.
14 Pm 31 Pm





23.2 Pm 45.2 Pm

˄˅˃ ˄ˇ˃ ˄ˉ˃ ˄ˋ˃ ˅˃˃

˘ ̋ ̃ ̂ ̆̈ ̅˸ ʳ ˷ ̂ ̆˸ ʳ ʻ̀ ˝ ˂ ˶ ̀ ˅ ʼ

27.2 Pm 61.1 Pm Fig. 6 Wall thickness vs. UV exposure dose

This work is supported by National Science
Council through the contracts NSC 89-2218-E-044
and NSC 89-2323-B-007-005.
Fig. 5 Thickness control by different UV dosage
fabrication of stacking channels. The result has
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