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Volume 1, No.17

unveiling o
breathlessly-awaited Super
and to blast off tbe proceedings
Cadet Allan A sherman's carefully FORBIDDEN PLANET:
lovingly wrought film book on that 1956 MGM full report about what happens when a crew of repressed
Allan Asherman has the
classic, THE FORBIDDEN PLANET. Join the American spacemen encounter Freudian monsters of the mind. Here’s looking at you.
crew of the United Planets Cruiser C-57-D as they
soar from Earth to Altair Four, where they find a FANDOM’S FLASH:
humane robot named Robby, a beautiful girl Fanzine reporter Robert Napier takes a look
named Attain, a tormented genius named devoted exclusively to Bash Gordon, the greatest. in
Morbius, and a monster of the mind called the . . .

In keeping with our Sci-Fi theme, we More lugubrious letters and nefarious notes from c
dispatched Media Editor R. Allen Leider to pen a hordes of faithful readers all over the world.
profile of the Tube’s most sterling Sci-Fi ace, ROD
SERLING. Rod, it seems, has a number of axes he SERLING SPEAKS!:
wishes to grind, so remember to keep your neck a TMT Media Editor R. Allen Leider profiles the most prolific and a
safe distance from the page when you read it. Our writer on the tube. Rod Selling, who also has a few remarks of his
tireless film researcher Gary Gerani is on hand
with Part I of his compendium of SCIENCE
FICTION FILMS currently on display on the
Those Mysterious Mysterians set out to conquer the world, starting with Tokyo
late-night TV
movie shows, phis a visually (where else???), in Gary Gerani's moving story of the Japanese Sci-Fi classic.
breathtaking report on those mysterious
Abo on view is a generously illustrated review of a TMTs political correspondent takes you behind the sinister scenes with an
fanzine devoted entirely to the history of the up-to-the minute report on the most bizarre presidential election ever recorded.
greatest intergalactic hero of them all. Flash
Gordon, as he appeared in all his virtuous glory in
comics, and film. Plus we’ve got an exclusive
Mark Evanier reports that signs of life h
preview of a film that might turn out to be the as he covers the 30th Annual World Science Fiction Convention, held
supershocker of the year— ASYLUM— and our
Media Editor was fortunate enough to be on the
set during the filming and his conversations with THE OFFICIAL MONSTER TIMES SCI-FI GUIDE:
stars Peter Cushing, Richard Todd and Barbara
Being Part I of Gary Gerani’s painstakingly researched compendium of
all those Sci-Fi films currently haunting the late-night terror tube.
Parkins are also contained within.


Our latest superstrip takes you Around Saturn
Back in issue 15, TMT editor ahd indoor a surprise ending that’ll keep you guessing even after you finish
spaceman Joe Kane incorrectly stated that Earl
Lee played tbe part of the black chauffeur h GET THEE TO AN ASYLUM!:
Arch Oholer’s FIVE, whereas the role was actually So advises R. Allen Leider, who previews Amicus Productions’ latest »
essayed by an actor named Charles Lampkin. We and converses on the set with stars Peter Cushing, Barbara Parkins and
realize thismay seen trivial in view of the larger
errors we might have made in the past, but the
author in question is nothing if not a dedicated Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of movie moguls? Bill Feret knows! And here he is

trivialbt and we know he would have wanted it with a full report on thelatest plans of the monsters and men of Moviedom.
this way.
SPELL IT RITE DEPT: John Wyndham, not
Wyndam. Back again is our ever-popular Monster Scene, which includes this time
That about takes care of the mistakes we’ve the true story of a genuine Egyptian mummy
who’s looking for a home.
caught so, rather than waste any more precious
space and time, lefts get on with the business at

paw. And remember: You can’t keep a good man

. but you might be able to get him
down . .
to look
the other way for a minute.

. .

The Monster Times

In 1956 (the same year that

witnessed the INVASION OF THE
film that pitted Sci-Fi against Freud
and one that emerged as an instant
classic. With high production
values, a good script, and
spectacular special effects, In the year 2200, a space
FORBIDDEN PLANET followed a cruiser reaches the remote
cr ew o f interplanetary travelers led
by L&lie Nielsen on their journey planet Altair... and a
to the mysterious Altair 4 where
they encountered the tortured and
k fabulous forbidden
sometimes menacing Dr. Morbius KL world opens up
(Walter Pidgeon) and his daughter
Altaira. FORBIDDEN PLANET also Hpl*- to the earthmen I

featured one of the strangest

» An electronic monster!
"monsters" ever to haunt the
a lost super- race!
screen, a monster of the mind that
battles that mental masked hero.
A captive blonde

Superego. You'll see what we mean

when you read Allan Asherman's
below which, if nothing else, will at
you never to take
least learn a brain
boost from a stranger. .

The saucer-shaped spaceship cut like

some cosmic razor blade through
hyper-space. The first ship of its kind, it
included everything with which the
combined sciences of 2371 A.D. Earth
could equip it. Safe inside the silver circle
rimmed with red, the 21 crewmembers of
United Planets Cruiser C-57-D went about
their routines.
Commander John J. Adams sat
reflecting on his mission. These were
hand-picked men. . the best Earth had

to offer, in terms of physical' and mental

fitness. Twelve months travelling time
using the cruiser’s Quanto-Gravitum
Twenty-one years before, the
colonization ship Bellerophon had left
Earth and come this same road to Altair
Four, an Earth-type planet. The first such
mission outside Earth’s solar system. The
first world settled out in space where men
could live without breathing equipment
and pressure domes.
But in all that time since the
Bellerophon’s landing, no transmissions
had been received from any of the
depressing assignment of going to Altair
crew of scientists, technicians, guards and mission on Altair Four and requested
hopeful settlers. Earth didn’t really landing co-ordinates. A silence followed,
expect to find them alive, but they could after which Morbius recited a set of
always hope. figures.All seemed routine, except for
They were in normal space now, the stranee. almost hostile tone of Dr.

where speeds could be measured in terms Morbius’ voice. Then came the strong
of thousands of miles per hour. voice again, urging Adams to reconsider
Immediately, the crew became aware of about landing and announcing that it
an immense heat. They had materialized would take no responsibility for the
exactly where they should have, and were crew’s safety if they did land. Adams
approaching the great star Altair; a yellow clicked off the radio, fed the co-ordinates
sun. Glowing buttons were pressed, levers into the ship’s navigational computers
thrown, and standard orbit was achieved and prepared for the landing.
around Altair 4. Immediately the crew Even before the sound of the engines
jumped action, taking readings,
into died away, three sleek stairways
checking figures, making entries into the descended from the interior of the saucer
ship’s record-banks.Then the engineering and touched the ground. After a year in
panel went crazy. Lights flashed, an alarm outer space. Commander Adams and Lt.
sounded and Engineer Quinn yelled that “Doc” Ostrow, (his medical officer,
the ship was being radar-scanned. from . .
friend and confidante) wallowed in the
an area over 20 miles square. A city? Or view.
“ Look at the color of that sky"
just some computer banks, affected by observed Adams. “But I’ll still take blue.”
the jag? Adams had no time to theorize,
“I think a
“I don't know,” answered Doc.
as a deep, forceful voice blared through man could get used to this . .
grow to
the ship’s speaker-circuits: love it.”
"The crewmen were pointing to a cloud
YOURSELF/” A voice. . . and it sounded
of advancing dust. It was coming toward
human. Adams replied carefully. “This is
them. As it neared it slowed down, and
United Planets Cruiser C-57-D. Who are
finally stopped just inches away from the
you?" “Morbius," came the reply. “. .

” huddled crew. A mountain of steel

of the Bellerophon. stepped down from the vehicle. With
Lt. Farman quickly checked the
spinning discs, dancing patterns of light,
micro-records of Bellerophon personnel.
small and precise movements and whirling
Dr. Edward Morbius. PhD in literature,
gyroscopic levers, it strode toward the
with an expert rating in languages and
men. Eight feet tall, looking as if it
their origins.
weighed a couple of tons, it stopped. The
-FROM EARTH TO robot, built roughly in the shape of a
ALTAIR FOUR- human announced, “For your
convenience, I am monitored to respond
Commander Adams announced his to the name ‘Robby.’” Then it gave a
The Monster Times

limped weakly to a far corner of the

room. Robby could not possibly harm
anyone, even if ordered to. Most of the
tension between Morbius and the men
was gone now, though Adams still looked
at the scientist through slightly narrowed
Now that the question of Robby had
been settled, the question of what
happened to the rest of the crew of the
“Bellerophon ” had to be tackled. Since
their arrival on Altair Four, Adams and
his men had heard only Morbius’ voice,
seen only the scientist and his robot.
Where were all the others?
“Others? But there ARE no others.
Commander. Before a single year had
passed each and every one of them had
succumbed to a frightening force. One by
one my fellow travellers were found
dead . tom literally limb from limb.”
. .

Those who survived these terrible

symptoms tried to leave Altair Four.
polite little bow. All you could do was They took a vote and
look at it and feel like laughing. That everyone . . . everyone except Morbius
robot didn’t know it, but it had just made and his wife decided to return to
. . .

21 new friends. Earth. But as they tried to take off in the

A barrage of questions were aimed at Bellerophon, their ship was vaporized by
the robot, who obviously spoke English. some unseen force, killing all those on
He (?) showed a sense of humor by board. The shock had been too much for
commenting on the high oxygen content Mrs. Morbius, and she died of natural
of Altair Four: “I rarely use it myself, causes soon after the others. Morbius
sir ... it promotes rust. ” pointed to a nearby hillside, strewn with
Finally Robby invited Adams, Doc graves and monument stones. Nineteen
and Farrrian into his vehicle. He would years ago he had dug those graves with his
take them straight to Morbius in a ride so own hands.
swift that without their seatbelts they
would be thrown halfway across the
desert. After security check-ins were
arranged, the trip began.
The desert was a blur to Adams and
his men, but Robby obviously knew the
terrain and the ride was amazingly
smooth. The vehicle slowed down near
the edge of a clearing. A large circular
house, designed like an umbrella to keep
out the strong Altairan sunlight, could
now be seen. It was here Adams, Farm an
and Doc met Morbius for the first time.


Dr. Morbius was bearded and vaguely
resembled some ancient picturizatjon of
the devil. But his smile showed him to be
a warm person. “Please forgive the ill
manners of an old recluse, gentlemen,” he
said,beckoning the men into his living
room. Robby followed.
Adams was still uneasy about Robby,
mainly because of his great size. He was
made even more uneasy when Morbius,
noticing Adams watching his robot,
explained that Robby was tremendously
strong and was, in fact, capable of
toppling the entire house off its
foundations. But, Morbius added, a
special safeguard was built into the
mechanical man, to prevent him from
being used for violence.
“May I have that formidable-looking
sidearm of yours. Commander?” The
question came as so much of a surprise
that Adams, despite his suspicions, gave
his ray blaster to the aging scientist.
Handing the gun to Robby, Dr. Morbius
asked, “Do you understand the nature of
the weapon ?” “Yes, Morbius,” Robby’s
machine-bass voice answered. “A simple
blaster.” At a command from Morbius,
the robot pointed the blaster toward a
statue outside the open room. The beam
snaked from the gun, and struck the
statue dead center, quickly spreading over
the entire object. For an instant the
statue was outlined in pale blue. Then the
blue spread out in a sort of vapor that
disappeared. The statue was gone along
with it. Morbius spoke to the 'robot.
“Now point it at the Commander. That's
it. Steady. Aim right between the eyes.”

Adams froze. Once more Morbius

looked at Robby. “Fire!” he shouted.
For an instant nothing happened. Then
Robby’s arm started to waver. Sparks
began to appear in the robot’s huge
glass-encased head. The gyros went wild,
sparks flying and outlining him in
electronic flame. He was perfectly still
now, and still shedding sparks. “Order
cancelled,” barked Morbius, and Robby
handed the gun to the scientist, then
The page 5

The job had been done, and the rushed to examine it, and found the unit was sleeping. Then a piercing scream
Monitor components, too large for working perfectly again. “Listen," one awtoke the night.
storage inside the ship, were parked for said to the other.“Did you hear anything Adams’ belt-radio came to life.

the night just inside the force-field. just then like a kind of breathing?”
. . .
Switching the speaker on, he heard:
hands were inside the No, he hadn’t. No more was said, and “Skipper ... Quinn's been murdered."
Making sure that all
posts were resumed. No one noticed the Morbius watched as Adams and his men
area, Adams
activated the field. Instantly
ground at all. rose in one sweeping motion, and ran
the defense-perimeter posts surrounding
There was a breathing. Big and raspy, through the door into the tractor. His
the ship came to life and joined each
accompanied by an electronic hum. And face became contorted in fear and Alta
other with glowing, deadly energy.
wherever the sound passed over the cowered near him as memories that were
Anything interrupting this energy flow
ground there appeared a hole in the shape almost forgotten came back to frighten
would be reduced to ashes.
of some huge, grotesque footprint. her. Morbius’ lips parted, and he softly
Something unseen but there, impossible said, “It's started again!"
-A VIOLENT VISITOR- but real, was walking slowly up the ship’s Surveying the damage, Adams fumed,
stairsnow, and turning the hatch-cover in over the impossibility and tragedy of it
In the morning the field was shut off.
He hated to lose men; besides, now
the compartment where Engineer Quinn all.

the ship’s delicate equipment might never

be repaired. It was time to pay another
visit to Morbius. And this time they
would leave with some answers!
It was late, and Adams and Doc were
greeted at the door by Robby. “I am
sorry, gentlemen,” said the machine, “but
All instincts and opinions left Adams
at that time, however, when from the I am monitored to admit no one at this
comer of his eye he saw beauty. hour.” Guns were drawn from two
holsters, but as Robby prepared to
-ENTER ALTAIRA— neutralize the weapons, Altaira appeared.
At once the robot lumbered off into a
A barefoot young woman with golden corner. Alta had told them that Dr.
hiir and movements as human as Robby’s Morbius was in his study, the place where
were mechanical. She wore a white he had always spent most of his time. She
minidress and to had instructions not to enter there, and
quite beautiful. for the moment Adams honored the old
man’s privacy.
Suddenly Adams realized that much
time had passed, and no sound had been
heard from within Morbius’ study. He
rose and entered the room with Doc.
There was a ceramic desk, walls that
pictured the stars as seen from the Altair
system, a couple of chairs, but no signs of
Morbius. As Adams and Ostrow theorized
where the scientist might be, a stone wall
slid open behind them, without a sound.
Morbius stood in a passageway behind the
wall. “You'll find the household silver in
the dining-room, and my daughter's
jewels on her dressing table." Adams did
not reply. “It seems," said Morbius, “that
the time has come for explanations.” He
could now see how obviously Adams
distrusted him. He actually liked Adams
and felt he owed him an explanation of
the secrets that Altair Four had hidden
for millions of years.


“In times long past,” Morbius began,
“ . . this planet was the home of a race

of beings who called themselves the

Krell.” The Krell . . . mysterious creatures
who, after millenias of evolution, had
long surpassed the human race in
intelligenceand everything else. “Long
before the appearance of mankind, the
Krellhad visited the Earth, bringing back
the animals you saw.” Morbius lifted a

Continued on
"But if such creature existed," points out the astute Jerry Farman, "it should defy every known scientific law!"

“Gentlemen ... my daughter, after only a momentary short-circuit

Altaira.”. during which nothing was seen. But,
Before Mrs. Morbius had died, she’d visibleor not, something had visited
given him a child. Growing up alone, with them . the
. .communications device had
her father as the only human being been smashed by an expert. It would take
around to talk to, she had made friends Engineer Quinn a week to repair, if he
with Altair’s animal-life. Deer, racoons, could do anything with it at all. Adams
otters in the lake and wild geese in the patted Quinn on the shoulder and told
air. You’d think you were on Earth, to him to do his best. He knew his engineer
see the vegetation and the animals that was a genius.
flourished around Morbius’ home. Now nothing remained for Adams to
Alta joined them shortly in the house, do but visit Morbius. So with Farman and
as a high-pitched beeping started to come Doc Ostrow, he was off in the ship’s
from Adams’ belt-radio. “Security tractor. Adams thought of Robby ... the
check. Sir” Adams heard through the only creature they had seen on this planet
tiny but powerful device. Adams capable of ripping casings and wirings
activated his television attachment. apart, and of going through a force-field
“Everything okay here, Quinn. As you fence. Could be the amazing robot had
can see, we are under nC restraints the power of invisibility, too! Adams
whatsover.” aimed to find out.
The situation on Altair had not been The evening turned out to be pleasant.
covered in Adams’ orders, so he was Alta was there, and after Morbius learned
forced to construct a Clystron relay if the damage, he volunteered Robby for
transmitter to contact Earth. Ibis would any help in rebuilding their transmitter.
permit radio waves to travel faster than Adams’ suspicions were rapidly
the speed of light, and reach Earth with disappearing. Dr. Morbius seemed to want
only a minimum of waiting time. But it them to leave Altair Four as soon as
meant dismantling the propulsion section possible, so he had no logical reason for
of their ship. They would be stranded for sabotaging their equipment. Adams
a time, along with that mysterious, started to look elsewhere for his villain.
nameless horror Morbius had tried to At the ship, there was another
describe to them. momentary short-circuit. Two crewmen
page 6 The Monster Times

Throughout the history of science assorted enemies and most of all

fiction.Flash Gordon has been a the hateful Ming, The Merciless-he
most important character. He has captured the hearts of millions.
started in comic strip form back in HERITAGE is devoted solely to
the mid-1930's and since then has Flash Gordon for that reason. His
made his way into movie serials, reputation is so great, so
comic books, television, radio and overwhelming, that a publication
lots of other fields. He is a classic like HERITAGE was simply
character in a science fiction world, something that had to be done.
already replete with super-men And, in typical fashion, THE
super-pilots and super-lovers. MONSTER TIMES is there to cover
Flash's success might be partially the earth-shattering publication of
attributed to his great combination HERITAGE. Top-notch fanzine
of these assets. Along with his expert Robert Napier looks at all
ever-present companions—delicious the angles of Heritage and Flash
Dale Arden, Doctor Zharkov, Gordon.


“FLASH” by Robert

ou’re a young college man in the year

S. Napier

1936, a gifted scholar and a superb

athlete. You’re flying home for a final
family reunion— final, because life on
Earth is about to be destroyed by the
influence of a huge asteroid closing in on
your plahet, causing Mother Nature to
run completely amok.
There’s a girl on the airplane with you.
She has hair like white comtassle, lips full
and sensuous and a svelte, supple body
that fairly sings with soft femininity,
look at her and she looks back.
Suddenly, the, airplane lurches in a
storm brought on by the asteroid. Over
the intercom comes a command to bail
out and you slip into your parachute.
You look to the girl and see she is having
trouble with hers. Without hesitating, you Gordon, friends, is what HERITAGE is

scoop her into one arm and leap from the You understand and volunteer to help all about.
doomed skyship. him fly hisspaceship on one condition: You probably know the history of
Upon landing, you notice two things: The girlgoes along. After all, Garth isn’t Flash Begun as a newspaper
One, a stran^e-teoking aircraft stationed a the safest place for her at the moment. comic 1934 by Alex Raymond,
strip in
short distance away, and two, a man It’s settled, you’ll all go. The man
then picked up by Universal Studios a
stepping from the bushes holding a gun introduces himself as Dr. Zharkov, a
couple of years later and turned into the
on you. The man and the aircraft belong scientist; the girl is Dale Arden. And you, screen serial of all times. Flash
to one another, he says, and he accuses you’re Flash Gordon. several comic book incarnations
you of coming down to sabotage his plans The rest is history. No, more than over the years as well.
to fly the ship to the asteroid, remove it
history; excitement, drama, incredible
from its proximity to Earth, and save the

space opera and adventure. The asteroid,

planet. of course, is really the planet Mongo and HERITAGE is an impressive vehicle
You convince him otherwise, telling it’s purposely being placed to upset countdown of super-talent that
him of your own In-flight dilemma. After Earth’s gravity and cause earthquakes, us into the world of Flash
all,you had little to say about where you storms and floods by the coldest and Gordon and company with a powerful
landed once you left the airplane. The most cunning villain in the universe, Ming Even the name— HERITAGE—is a
gun is lowered. What does it matter, the Merciless. good One. Indeed, what finer heritage do
anyway, he says, as his pilot chickened So introduces the story of Flash have but the dreams and schemes of
out at the last minute and he’ll never be Gordon to the cinema ur early mythmakers? And
able to reach the asteroid without help. serials. And Flash this magazine tells the story with
depth and dignity. An excellent
compendium of 20th Century Americana.
Look at the cover. The original Flash
in a drawing by his late and great creator,
Alex Raymond. There he stands in full
color glory, sword in hand, upon the
barren and sinister world of Mongo. It’s
so simple a scene yet so stirring; an
summary of
artistic all the exciting
adventures which will befall this
exceptional being.
Crack open tne magazine and inside
you’ll find some of the finest tributes to
Flash Gordon and thfe people associated
with his name that have ever appeared in
one place.
The best way to describe the contents
of HERITAGE are as “appreciations.”
HERITAGE is a series of appreciations
set forth by some of the top talent in the
graphic world of today, each saying his
own thanks and paying his own tribute in
own way.

Jeff Jones starts things off with "Flash

Gordon Faces Reality," a strip which
The Monster Times poge 7

Laconic Jeff Jones, another frequent TMT contributor, uses a minimum of dialogue to achieve a maximum of excitement in his Heritage offering,
"Flash Gordon Faces Reality," in which the costumed crusader makes a startling discovery. (Sorry, but you'll have to get a hold of Heritage to share Flash's surprise.)

brings Flash and friends into contact with the job (and he gets a nice assist from character of Flash Gordon. It’s a match Bing Bang—that’s it!”), his TV series.
another outerworid explorer of later Doug Murray) since it was A1 who drew made in heaven and what follows is a Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion
fame. On the heels of thisis a full page must for every Flash fan in the world. (asked who his favorite person to work
illustration of Flash holding a swooning The talk opens with Buster explaining with was: “That’s easy. My son in
Dale Arden as depicted by the master of how he managed to snag the role of Captain Gallant.”), and he further covers
the fine line illustration, Reed Crandall. Flash-something he didn't think he had a everything from his days as an Olympic
Following Reed is TMTs Allen chance of doing—and from there he leads swimming star to his current work. And
Asherman with an article entitled, "Flash and is led into such topics as his work in Buster’s schedule is no less hectic now

Gordon: Super-Serial." Old Allen hasn’t Tarzan and his experiences with other than was when they were churning out

lost his terrific touch when it comes to screen Tarzan s (he roomed with Bruce the Billy the Kid serials. Aside from being
writing a clear and captivating article and Bennett and nearly drowned Johnny an executive in a home swimming pool
this one has him telling it like it was Weismuller while filming the movie company, Buster is in demand as a
about the cast, crew, sets, props, plots, SWAMPFIRE), the Billy the Kid serials campus lecturer. No doubt the nostalgia
special effects, and even the music from (“Some of those things we did in four boom plays a role in those latter
the Flash flicks. Allen’s work is liberally days! Ride the horse, fight like the Devil, appearances, but he’s a lively and
spotted with stills showing Flash, Dale,
Zharkov, Ming, Prince Barin, Vultan,
Thun the Lion Man, and High Priest Tao,
to name a few.
Coming back with a strip is fantastic
Frank Brunner with a humorous piece
called Smash Gordon, in, "A Funny
Thing Happened on the Way to Mongo."
This time, Smash and crew encounter
some fictional space explorers of modem
times and it turns out to be bad news for
our silver-crested space hero. Fitmdom'i Flash, Busier Crabbe, as he
appears today —one of the Geritol Generation's
Following this is HERITAGE'S first
cowboy star
hardiest specimens— in the role of
portfolio, an eyeopener by graphic giant
"Duke Montana" in Harry
Gray Morrow. Gray shows scenes of Flash (THE PROJECTIONIST) Hurwitz's upcoming
in Mongo’s jungle, undersea kingdom and comedy, THE COMEBACK TRAIL,
the lair of Ming himself. A truly engaging due to be released in the "near future."


BUSTER TELLS ALL many of the comic book appearances of

Flash Gordon and Al’s drawing style is
But what good is a magazine devoted patterned aftef the following lines and
to Flash Gordon without a talk with graceful compositions of the early work
Flash himself? Not much, huh? Well, it of Alex Raymond. Williamson gained
appears the guys at HERITAGE are much of his reputation working for the
inclined to agree because they managed classic EC Science Fiction comic books
to hustleup a first for themselves in the and has gone on to take over the Secret
form of a genuine interview with none Agent Corrigan syndicated newspaper
other than the King of the Serials, Flash strip.
in the flesh, Buster Crabbe. So here we have A1 Williamson,
And as if this wasn’t enough, the interviewer, the man who most identifies
interview conducted by the world’s
is with the creator of Flash Gordon, and
biggest fan of Flash and Alex Raymond, Buster Crabbe, interviewee, the man who,
A1 Williamson. A1 is the perfect choice for for all intents and purposes, is the

“You shoulda
The guileless Flash Gordon often had a hard time holding onto Dale Arden. Here we see Vultan, king known me
trfthe Hawk men, trying to marry her, while the Gray Morrow sketch to the right shows Ming being his
usual merciless self, attemDting to abduct a dark-tressed Dale.
in the old days,
Girls useta
flock ’round me
like flies to a
sez Ming
who could use
some grammar
The Monster Times

No. 10, Exclusive E.C.

Comics, $1.|0 The Witches
revisited in an exclusive
interview, Snide
Seymour, E.C. in the movies.
The E.C. Horror comics book.
The Spawn of Dr. Wertham
and an exclusive interview
with Bill Gaines and Al
Feldstein. And art like you
wouldn't believe!

No. 1, Collector's Edition

(Kong, Etc.), $2. Monsterous
premiere issue containing
on the saviours of King
Kong, NOSFERATU, and NO. 14. THE WOLFMAN! $1.


filmbook, Peter Cushing
GHOULS, art by Berni
Wrightson and Grey Morrow, a
interview, Godzilla's 1st


and a special treatment of PLANET OF THE APES,
Behind the Scenes of SILENT
Buck Rogers.
debut of The Monster Scene
Column. Plus The People Vs.
NO. 11 PLANET OF THE The Phantom in mixed bag
APES filmbook, exclusive.

Hemisphere's Blood -movies, i


MONSTERS, Conan the
Conqueror thru the ages,*
Graham Galleries' Comics
Show, Tales of Witch Willow
No. 8. HAMMER Horrors. It strip, Fritz the Cat feature,
All Hammer, Horror! An
and much more in Mixed Bag
exclusive interview with Chris
Lee. the CURSE OF THE.
No. 5. CREATURE. Featured. WEREWOLF comic strip,

$1. Auto-biography and THE HORROR OF

centerfold of the one and only DRACULA filmbook. The
CREATURE FROM THE Hammer Checklist, The
No. 2, STAR TREK, Special.
Beauties the Beast and
$2. A special issue dedicated
Also, of
exclusive interview with Joe much more. Horror galore!
to all aspects of STAR TREK. 1

Kubert, author-artist-editor of
The Star Trek Saga, The
the new TARZAN comics,
review of the STAR TREK
missions, an interview with GWANGI, $1. Spectacular
con, ESQUIRE'S new hip-
Capt. Kirk, The last days of feature and centerfold of the
comics, Jeff Jones comics.
the ENTERPRISE, STAR ever-popular Valley of
TREK comics, and a special Gwangi. Also included is a
parody, STAR YECCH! Star survey of vampires in the
Trek Lives! comics, review of a Lovecraft
fanzine and Plant Monsters.
Plus: Interview vyith Alfred
Hitchcock, Blacula, Godzilla

NO. 12. GORGEOUS and Children Shouldn’t Play

With Dead Things.
GORGO! $1. Special issue
containing Gorgo filmbook
and centerfold. Part Two of
BLOOD series. Behind The
Planet of The Apes, BEN,
Steranko's History of Comics
and much more in a grab bag

No. 9, SCI-FI Special,

Flash Gordon and Buck
Rogers, sci-fi in the comics, a
Metaluna centerspread, sci-fi
reviews, and, introducing:
No. 6. ZOMBIES on Pwad*.
No. 3, Giant BUGS on the
$1. A survey of all the
Munch, $1. Our all bugs issue.
zombies in movies, plus the
Review of the great bug
movie, bug-heroes in
the comics. Mushroom DEAD. A feature on zombies
two of KONG's
Monsters, part
review of No. 16, MIGHTY JOE
in the comics, a
SAVIOURS, and THE Berni Wrightson's BADTIME YOUNG, $1. Special election
EMPIRE OF THE ANTS by issue— Godzilla announces his
STORIES, and a Dan Green,
H.G. Wells. Plus a Rich candidacy for President. To
zombie strip. Plus, a perfectly
Buckler comic strip and a celebrate, there's a
foulzombie centerfold.
tremendous Kong ce nterfol d. GODZILLA FOR
PRESIDENT centerfold.
Interviews, art, posters, on say in our feature story,
SPIDEY. Also: Monster Movie comics go to college campuses,
Goofs, Doc Phibes, Captive a review of PHASE
Wild Women, more from the MAGAZINE. Dr. Phibes
BLOOD Baths, and a special makes a comeback and a mess
report on COMIC CONS: also of other good things in
UFO, a new T.V. show. another mixed bag issue.

P.O. Box 595. Old Chelsea Static
New York, N.Y. 10011

No. 4, BRIDE OF No. 7, GODZILLA, Sty The

FRANKENSTEIN, $1. A giant king of the monsters gets his
reviewof THE BRIDE OF own issue, complete with giant
FRANKENSTEIN, features on feature and colorful ADDRESS.
THE PULPS, comic book's centerfold. The King Kong
GREEN LANTERN-GREEN Commercial for Volkswagon,
ARROW, and E.C. movie, King Kong comics, the Comic
TALES FROM THE CRYPT. Art Awards, Mushroom
Plus the ten crumbiest horror Monsters, Hot Prints, DARK STATE.
fficks 1971, DRACULA
of DOMAIN by Gray Morrow
goes to court and Jeff Jones end more.
comic art in color.
The Monster Times page 9

entertaining enough gentleman in his own

right to outlast any fad. I know, because I
had the opportunity to see Buster when
he appeared as the guest of honor at the
1970 Southwestern Con in OklahomaCity.
Itwas apparent that he’d never been to a
collector’sconvention before and the
impact of the scene had an obvious

effecton him.
“I don’t know what to say. I never
knew anything like this existed. This is


But few lines like that
after repeating a
a couple of times over, he came out of
shock and proved to be the most engaging
and entertaining speaker I’ve ever heard
at a con. He held the audience spellbound
for hours with anecdotes and
recollections that spanned the past forty
years of his life.

Buster Crabbe, although he is now over

sixty years of age, could still slip back
into his original Flash Gordon suit and
fasten every button. His frame is still that
of an athlete’s; squared, broad shoulders,
slim waist, no flab or excess baggage. His
hair still runs thick and wavy across his
head and there is a bounce and kick to his
Dear People,
step. You can see or sense all of this in
the HERITAGE interview. There are a
The Times is fantastic! I
flock of photos showing Buster as he
especially liked your all science fiction
looks today and his easy-going talk, good
issue. hope that that little paragraph on

humor and quick mind make you feel “The Day the Earth Stood Still” won’t be
you are right there listening to him speak. all you’ll have to say about it.

Naturally, the interview is loaded with

The review of John Baxter’s Science
stills and photos from an array of Crabbe Fiction in the Cinema surprised me. I
classics: Flash, of course, Tarzan, Billy thought the book was quite good
On view here is an excerpt from Mike Kaluta's strip, "Crash Landing." Mike's formidable
the Kid, Captain Gallant. Swampfire and. finesse once earned him a nomination as Best Young Talent from the Comic Book Academy throughout and I dislike weighty analyses
perhaps more -Importantly, some scenes and his fine, original artwork has graced the pages of this publication in the past as well. of s-f films as much as the next person.
from a new, unreieased movie called The Your reviewer is incorrect, by the way,
Comeback Trail, directed by Harry (The when she states the book is all we have.
Projectionist) Hurwitz. Studio Vista Ltd. just last year published
such that it requires a close examination Ohyeah, in case you’re not sold on the
Denis Gifford’s Science Fiction Film, a
It stars Buster in a role that should fit by everyone. I’d prescribe it, but you’ll book yet, take a gander at what’s on the very sketchy work, and of course there is
him like a glove, that of an old serial star make your own diagnosis.
have to back cover, A rendition of Flash “Buster” Carlos Clarens’ book on the horror film
needed to work western because the
in a Behind Smith is the last of Gordon by the biggest kahuna of them which includes an excellent chapter on s-f
producers are looking for someone who HERITAGE'S interiors featuring a strip all,Frank Frazetta. Frank’s back cover film, “Keep Watching the Sky!”
stands a) chance of getting injured, by someone who is one of the most job is done in pencil and allows him a Incidentally, I agree with Mr. Baxter’s
thereby collecting a fat insurance payoff. promising young talents in the graphic chance to do a portrait with excellent evaluation of STAR TREK. As much as I
Buster calls The Comeback Trail a big enjoyed the show in its first season I
industry today— Mike Kaluta. Mike’s strip tonal values.
could not honestly say it was consistently
challenge for him and promises it to be a has Flash trapped in a runaway spacecraft
very funny movie. Keep an eye out for it. zooming through the great city of Mongo.
FLASH IS FOREVER good, or nearly as good thereafter, nor
that it was the best television s-f series.
The interview closes with these words: Here just missing a tower, there slashing So that, good people, is what Which brings me to a request: I’d like to
“We at HERITAGE have found much to beneath a bridge, all the while sending HERITAGE has in store for you as well see an article soon on THE OUTER
admire in Buster, and wish him nothing people diving for cover as it jets through as a few goodies I haven’t mentioned. LIMITS, which I also think represents TV
but the best in the years to come.” That’s streetsand gardens barely a few from
feet You say you
monsters? Then take
like (General TV and movie fans
s-f at its best.
a sentiment echoed by all of us here at the ground until, inevitably, it spins and a good look at the artwork with all of the might note, too, how many now-famous
TMT, also. crashes in a fiery finish. Flash’s limp body scaly, crawly, wingy and wild wonders actors and actresses appeared in the
Well, that’s a tough act to follow, so is recovered but there is no hope. lumbering across the alien empire of the series-Martin Landau, Robert Duvall,
what comes up next is a portfolio by a Sally Kellerman, William Shatner,
Meanwhile, watching all this on a viewer malevolent Ming.
guy who’s used to felling giants in and Leonard Nimoy-and how many talented
from his hospital bed where he lays old You say you want science fiction?
non-stars appeared in it-the late Steve
out of the graphics industry, Dr.
Kenneth and dying is Ming the Merciless. He savors Brother, this is the granddaddy of them
Ihnat, Arlene Martel, Warren Stevens,
Smith. Ken comes through with a the moment as long as he can and then, all! Sleek, finned rockets, beautiful girls,
Robert Webber, to name a few.) I know
four-page portfolio of Flash on Mongo happy that he has seen the demise of his ray guns, the light bridge, creatures that it’s unnecessary to ask you to keep up the
drawn in his own inimitable style. Ken hated foe, he slips quietly into death. But defy description, a tyrant bent upon good work. With your fine staff, you
doesn’t depict Flash as we’re used to that’s not the end of the story. For that, conquering the entire universe and a can’t do anything else!
seeing him, but the good Doc’s artwork is you have to see HERITAGE. dashing hero who seems the living Sincerely
definition of the word, ‘good!’ Arlene Lo
You want great artwork? Look all you Plainview, N.Y.
want, you’ll have a hard time finding
better. Thanks for the all those compliments,
You like a magazine which is going to and we’ll certainly try to live up to all
last a while? HERITAGE uses only the your kudos. Concerning excellent
finest reproduction available, extra heavy science-fiction books, we did review
slick paper and those stills are as true to
back in issue 14.
the original 8 X 10 glossies as they could
be. And since you mentioned it, Robert
Culp, David McCailum, Eddie Arnold and
There’s no doubt about it, HERITAGE
going to become a
Robert Vaughn also appeared in
is real collector’s item
adventures of THE OUTER LIMITS.
in a few years. You have nothing to lose
And, in view of its popularity, the show is
and a lot to gain by investing the $3.50 in still making the television rounds in
it, so c’mori, check out the ad for syndication. And, for all you OUTER
HERITAGE on page 25 and charge up LIMITS bugs, a story is forthcoming in
that raygun, strap yourself into the TMT 19.
cockpit, begjn the countdown, push the
button and get ready to launch yourself
into the vastness of space. We’re going to
Mongo and we want you there when we Send us so many letters,
postcards, boosts, detractions,
face the jeopardies of the jungle, the
bomb threats, etc., that the Post
lurking dangers of the undersea kingdom
Office will have to deliver our mail
and the perils and pitfalls set to snare us
with a bulldozer. Address all
by that evil incarnate, Ming the Merciless. correspondence to: THE
And don’t worry too much about the MONSTER TIMES. Box 595, Old
risk, cause Flash Gordon’s gonna be with Chelsea Station. N.Y. ,10011.
us every step of the way.

r-r£d*. .rtBfcr-

page 10 The Monster Times The Monster Times page 1

When the subject of science fiction mean to the average writer? He can, for would be unsuitable for their viewers.
and television when does the most part, write only about things
arises (as
that are bland, conventional, safe and
it not), there is one name that is Rod was considered one of the "whiz
completely uncontroversial. Before his
likely to be mentioned first and kids" of live TV, a coterie of dramatists
script goes before the cameras, the
most . . . and that name is Rod networks, the sponsors, the ad agency who often turned out as many as three
Serling. Rod is the man responsible men censor it; so that by the time it’s live dramas week.
a When live television

seen on the home screen, all the message, drama quietly went the way of steam
for two of the tube's most popular automobiles and oldtime radio. Rod was
all the quality has been squeezed out of
weekly forays into the unknown, forced to make the transition to television
TWILIGHT ZONE and NIGHT As a case was asked to
in point, Serling
series writing. Fortunately,' for him and
GALLERY, and has also won write a play for "PLAYHOUSE 90"
for millions of viewers, the series he came
respect and admiration for his about racial prejudice. He wrote it and to write and engineer was the TWILIGHT
ZONE, and it earned him the fanship of
movie scripts and teleplays, not to was paid. All except one of the sponsors
hordes of fantasy buffs, in addition to
mention commercials (and if we rejected the play. At the moment Serling
Is your monster collection we have known and loved from the
has grave doubts that will ever be
three more Emmys.
suffering from new material?
a lack of 19th century to the present. It has were a bit kinder, we wouldn't). In One of Rod’s quirks is his fear of
Is the dust collecting where books them all: Frankenstein, Wolf Man, order to find out more about Rod losing what he has. Recently he made his
Mr. Serling says he isn’t allowed to see
should be? Well, THE MONSTER Dracuta. Dr. Cyclops, King Kong and Serling, we dispatched TMT Media the scripts of NIGHT GALLERY, sit in on
first parachute jump in over 15 years just
to prove to himself that he wasn’t getting
TIMES BOOKSHELF has the answer dozens of others. Editor R. Allen Leider to the casting sessions or participate in any
too old for such
for your problem. investigate the prolific fantasy of the decisions involving the new
MONSTERS FROM MONSTERS FROM THE MOVIES half-hour episodes due on Sunday nights
it a point to wri
It's called
available from THE MONSTER
writer who
has probably done more for fear that hi
160 page is in September. Although he owns the
THE MOVIES, and it's a
than any other individual to foster otherwise. He never slackens
soft-bound book just loaded with TIMES BOOKSHELF for only $1.95 show, Serling says he hasn’t been able to
sci-fi and- fantasy on the tube, pace and is currently at work on several
and 25 cents postage. And, as a final "sell" a script to the series for next to escape
monsterous text and illustrations. Its pieces for NIGHT GALLERY and a few
comment, may we remind you that establishing fertile oases of season. from THE PLANET OF THE APES . . . but scriptwriter Serling had still other woes in store for
ghoulish survey of the movie monsters movie scripts. We might do well to the hassled Heston (see TMT 11). Rod also penned the screenplay for the paranoid suspense
the front cover is illustrated by the entertainment in the normally “They,” he maintains, referrring to remember that it was Rod Serling who film SEVEN DAYS IN MAY.
famous Robert Quackenbush. So, we barren soil of that infamous vast NBC and Universal Studio executives in wrote the screen treatment for PLANET
ask you, how can you go wrong? Get wasteland. After spending several Hollywood, "apparently want to make it in bomb threats. The film had such
a predictable thing, a formula series.” OF THE APES. He also wrote a script
it now. impact on network television that a few
furtive nights slaving over the hot
Serling wants to deal with occult themes called DOOMSDAY FLIGHT, a
unbalanced viewers began emulating the
typewriter that sits in a dusty in an intelligent, thoughtful manner controversial story about a bomber who
tactics of Serling’s hero, a turn of events
corner of his underground crypt, R. which the networks presumably feel extorts money from an airline by phoning
that led some stations to refuse to carry
Allen Leider has completed the the film. Serling apologized but later
TMT report on the most talked rescinded his apology because he felt that
about science fiction writer in the he had no responsibility for what he
termed "the pathology of idiots."
history of mass media . . .
Rod is by no stretch of the
Rod Serling. imagination a one-trick magician. In
addition to his movie and television
^Sodman Serling was
Syracuse, bom in scripts,he has also edited and written
New York on Christmas day in 1924. He paperback volumes of the best of his
grew up with his older brother Bob in the NIGHT GALLERY and TWILIGHT
atmosphere of a quiet suburban town, ZONE episodes. He is also well known on
experiencing a childhood reminiscent of the lecture circuit and is a frequent talk
that of the boys in Ray Bradbury’s book show guest. And let’s not forget the
SOMETHING EVIL THIS WAY COMES. commercials. Those one minute films
Rod found something evil soon enough, which expound upon the rirtues of
though . . . something called prejudice, everything, from soup to nuts, from
when he was barred from a non-Jewish deodorants to detergents. And Rod did
high school fraternity. Shortly after this, most of this while simultaneously
he discovered the terrifying evils of World attending to his duties as president of the
War II when he served as a parachute can empathize with the psychological National Academy of Television Arts and
jumper in the Pacific, making over 40 plights of his characters. Sciences for two years. Whew!
jumps into a very real kind of hell. In
1945, his father passed away and Rod Returning to school after the war, Rod
graduated Antioch College in 1947. It SERLING SPEAKS!
was forced out of what he remembers as a
“ safe but dull job ” at a small radio was here that he met and married his
wife, Carol, with whom he now lives Mr. Serling also has very definite
station in Cincinnati.
(along with their two daughters) in opinions. Here is a sampling:

E For a few
psychoanalysis in an effort to cope with
this pile-up of personal problems. Even
weeks Rod tried
Rod has several impressive distinctions
to his credit. He is the most oft-decorated
though he gave up the sessions, their
on much of his writing is clearly in playwright in the business, having won six

T effect
evidence. His characters are usually
carefully and consciously motivated and
his weird occult types possess
Emmy’s for such works as REQUIEM
THE COMEDIAN and other gems from
This is going to be the last season for
Night Gallery. The show is going to a half
hour format like Twilight Zone did. They
are, in fact, making it another Twilight
the long lost days of live television drama.
psychological processes all their own. Zone which is NOT what 1 intended it to

These processes are evidently the work of Mr. Serling was also the narrator and be. I am being alienated from the show in
a writer who knows his own mind and executive producer of THE TWILIGHT that I cannot sell them any scripts for this
ZONE, a fantastically popular series of season. The
first week I worked on the
half hour offbeat dramas. Of the 26
show network was twisting
I felt that the
episodes for one of the show’s seasons,
XIS The Vincent Price was selected to star
in the season premiere of NIGHT GALLERY in
an episode entitled "The Return of the
Rod wrote 21 of them ... 11 of them
original scripts!
it around from what 1 had told them I

wanted it to be. I intended to go beyond

Twilight Zone and expand into a type of
Sorcerer." In addition to the venerable Vincent.
TWILIGHT OF THE ROD show with more than fantasy. I wanted it
NIGHT GALLERY has played host to such
to have social significance and the
notables as John Carradine.
RE! other
Welles, Agnes Moore head, Adam
(Batman) West, Victor Buono, and Pat Boone.

been quoted as saying: Toward the end I
has networks don’t go for this in
entertainment shows. They like
was writing so much that I felt I had excitement and action with no time to
begun to lose my perspective on what was think it over. That rules out a lot of the
Is your collection
of THE else you care to keep in your own now
good or bad." He is at work on a occult stuff I had envisioned. I don’t
MONSTER TIMES getting wrinkled personal library. Looks and feels movie about World War I aviators. think that after Twilight Zone I have to
with neglect? Aging faster than like leather ... or dead "Movies offer several advantages oyer TV go through this mill again.

Dorian Gray? Don't you think it's skin . with 23-carat gold
. . writing," Mr. Serling declares. “For one

only fair that your copies of TMT, lettering and they are washable.
. . .
thing, a writer has more time to prepare ON THE NEW TREND
and polish his script and can avoid the IN SCI-FI.
those copies that have brought you Cheap, too. Only $4.25 each.
pressures and compromises imposed by
hour upon hour of reading pleasure, Satisfaction unconditionally TV. In addition, while TV continues to I dislike the new trend because of its
be kept in comfort for the rest of guaranteed or your money back. impose restrictions over the themes that pessimism. I got that feeling the days I
their unnatural days? Well, now its writers may explore, the worked on the Planet of the Apes script.
THE THE MONSTER BOX. c/o Jesse Jones motion-picture business has opened-up.
your back issues of I
The point of view of a lot of the NEW
Box Corp., Dept. TMT, Phila. 41, Pa. You can really say things now in the
MONSTER TIMES can be kept on |

movies.” This new-found freedom, he
sci-fi is disaster and the inability of man
to conquer his basic destructive self. /
neat and permanent display and be j j
believes, was clearly demonstrated in
Please rush me my Monster Times' think we have had only a few good
ever accessible for future reference
| 'SEVEN DAYS IN MAY, for which he science
"Monster Box." Enclosed is my measly fiction films in past years.
with these famous Jesse Jones prepared the script. The movie was Kubricks 2001 was one of them. Silent
I $4.25. Hurry can't wait! I

allowed to say some provocative things Running was another. Also some of the
volume files. The Monster Times' j
about extremism and the military. Bradbury pieces. It isn't hard to do good
"Monster Box" holds 26 issues, a I NAME : I He becomes fervent when talking of contemporary science fiction with a
whole years' worth. Just think of ADDRESS I
the handicaps imposed on writers under social point of view if you take the time
I :
These Who is this man and why is he looking so thoughtful? For those who might not have already guessed, he's Rod Serling and he's looking
it ... no more soiling, tearing, the current set-up of TV. to do it. Most sci-fi writers are chasing the
thoughtful because 1) it's very impressive to look thoughtful like that, and 2) because he's eyeing a tense moment from PLANET OF THE
wear, or misplacement of copies! restrictions, he pointed out,- are not buck and copying each other. I prefer to
APES, which Rod himself adapted for the screen from Pierre Boulle's novel. Rod donned the greasepaint and beard to make a rare dramatic
STATE merely trade matters affecting a few
These durable files will support 150 what do these restrictions
appearance as Thyros, a magic shop proprietor, in "Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Murder," an episode on NBC's "Ironside" series.
writers. Just Continued on page 31
lbs. of TMT issues, or of anything

7k Monster Timas The Monster page 13

Once upon a time, if an outsized THE MYSTERIANS, Toho devised their

monster of either earthly or second major fantasy formula, the

unearthly had spectacular, and rarely has there been a

origins an
finer example of sci-fi spectacle than in
understandable urge to conquer the
this initial offering.
world, all he had to do was journey
THE MYSTERIANS is, in a sense,
to Tokyo, disintegrate a few American sci-fi
comparable to
buildings, battle the Japanese achievements such as THIS ISLAND
Army, outwit a team of brilliantly EARTH and WAR OF THE WORLDS,
malicious scientists, and take it since all three films seem to require little

from there. Unfortunately, with the or no character development to

rapid rise in their number and the effectively convey their meaning. Simply,
increased desire on their part to the phenomenon itself is the most
destroy Tokyo, monsters are now important element of the story and all

other plot devices must yield to this

required to apply for World
central statement. This is evident during
Takeover permits several months in
the first few minutes of the film, as the
advance and often have to wait calm and serene atmosphere of a village
several years before getting their festival is shattered by the outbreak of a
turn. But TMT
movie maven, Gary raging forest fire, undoudtedly caused by
Gerani, takes you back now to the the soon-to-be-discovered invaders.
good old days, when monsters were Already there is an indication of
monsters, for a full report on those something amiss in a quiet, peaceful,

beloved MYSTERIANS of yore . .

ordinary world . . . something
fantastically strange and unearthly.


The Japanese Film industry,
Toho apparently felt compelled to
particularly Toho films, has distinguished
interject a monstrosity not unlike their
itself as the world's foremost monster
earlier creations, and before long those
factory, the largest commercial exponent
same frightened villagers enlist the aid of
of terror in motion picture history. As far
the Japanese army to combat a 500 ft.
back as 1955, Japanese moviemakers
tall give or take 100 feet) Samurai-like
discovered that many a yen was spent
robot with a penchant for incinerating
watching their initial effort GOJIRA Snap, crackle, pop! and another earthly weapon bites the cosmic dust as the Mysterians Rockets swirl and brave men curl before the awesome fury of the mighty Mysterians! This
human beings with its eyeball-activated . . .

(GODZILLA to us English-speaking folk), begin their invasion of our poor, bedraggled planet. These illos are original production paintings citizen obviously had h« head "in the clouds," learning too late that it pays to be alert when
death ray. Finally the good people of conceived by Lt Colonel Robert Rigg for ads used in London.
thus producing Toho's veritable those malicious Mysterians are around!
earth come face-to-face with their
menagerie of monstrosities whose
other-wordly adversaries as a group of
popularity has dimmed little over the
scientists meet the aliens to discuss terms.
happy, holocaustic years. Although
The invaders are a dying race (so what
GOJIRA originated the company's
women to
modem man else is new?) who require Earth
eventual "formula" ( vs.
maintain their species. When we refuse
bellicose beast, bellicose beast vs.
the loan of our nubile lovelies, a state of
bellire. s beast, etc.), a 1959 effort
THE war ensues which permits the real star of
heralded the arrival of
the film-the special effects man-to do
MYSTERIANS, super-intelligent beings
whom his eagerly awaited thing. The late Eiji
from the dying planet Mysteroid
Tsuburuya was the fellow responsible for
Japanese filmmakers exploited in
the colorful spaceships and optical
exciting and colorful fantasy flick. With
matte-work which resulted in an exciting
full-scale battle of the earthman vs.
space-thing variety. We win, of course,
and the film ends on a somewhat
confused note, praising the unity of
mankind's nations in their battle against
the evils of outer space. I suppose the
correct word here is "teamwork," but the
fact that man unites only when fighting a
stranger being than his fellow earthly
neighbors is a sad but ultimately true
human failing.


The Mysterians' mystifying Dome of Destruction proves too much of a match for the American machine only to wind up getting
This reviewer happened to see THE Army this time out, but don't worry— just wait till next war! juiced beyond redemption. Oh well, you get what you slay for.
MYSTERIANS when it was first released
back in '59 and I can still remember the
line of people around the theater waiting
to feast their eyes and spend their money.
It seems very strange now that a film such
as this merited a line of anxious
movie-goers, yet its publicity campaign
exceeded the‘ usual amount of
moyie-selling, offering everything from
comic books to color tattoos of the
irreverent invaders.
Critically, THE MYSTERIANS is a
competent film. It is not the
"masterpiece" many film buffs claim it to
be, but it does provide the viewer with an
inordinate amount of fast-paced, exciting
and imaginative moments that will not
soon fade from his memory. Plotwise it
seems to borrow liberally from THIS
SAUCERS and several others, but it is
unique in its depiction and satisfying in

its result. MYSTERIAN elements pop up

in many of Toho's later space-operas,
Where Have We Heard This Before Dept.: A most notably MONSTER ZERO and
hostile alien' race attacks Earth to kidnap Earth
ATRAGON, but none of these have the
Women for the perverse purpose of prolonging
their evil existence (the aliens', not the Earth
style or charm of their predecessor. Alas,

Women’s.) But all alliterations aside, our author the people of the dying planet Mysteroid
insists this 1959 Toho offering really isn't that are gone forever. It was fun while it Tanks .but . . no tanks are going to stop these monstrous machines manned by the It's back to the robot, whose highly destructive walking tour of Earth sends the populace

Bad ... in fact, he maintains, it's quite good! Mysterians— even if they were made in Japan. scurrying for shelter in this moving sequence that seems to spell the end of civilization as we
lasted, film fans.
knew it. But never fear . . . with Toho Films on our side, relief is just a laser beam away.

page 14 The Monster Times


Where can you get the latest and greatest books, posters, BOOK SHELF. The MONSTER TIMES BOOK SHELF
and other assorted goodies in available on this or any is always filled to overflowing with the finest books and
other world? There's only one place we know of and . . . posters imaginable. If you don't believe us, then take a

we've been around and that's the MONSTER TIMES . . . look at the list below!
volume by comic artist
Jim Steranko. This issue
the far-out heroes
Of comics "Golden A giant fan magazine
fully devoted to Flash

1 « Age," back in the

far-away '40's. Chapters
on Blackhawk, Captain
artwork by comic book

giants Jeff Jones,
» Marvel and family,
Kaluta, Ken Smith,
Bulletman and many
Frank Brunner, Reed
more. Plus a special
Crandall, Frank
chapter on The Spirit
Frazetta and many
and a never-before others. Interview with
BATMAN - published Spirit story. A
of the dark Buster Crabbe, review of
bargain, and the
the Flash Gordon Serial.
Crusader in color and wrap-around color cover
black and white. Forty Read TMT's review in
issue 17. ..$3.50 + 25* FLASH GORDON IN FLASH GORDON-
years of The Batman,
FILM Denis Gifford’s first
with art by comic [The second great postage.
Denis Gifford's latest "pictureback" that immortals Bob Kane, Flash and the - gang WORLD
book chronicling the covers the great monster Jerry Robinson, Neal versus the evil hordes of Flash and his erstwhile
history and develop- ( a I it Adams and many /ienui^jn FULL COLOR POSTERS fl Ming, The Merciless.
ment of science fiction all)... and the bad others. Introduction by Thrills and chills galore Arden and Doctor
in the film industry. ones. The book has E. Nelson Bridwell, ^^QsuPCRHeROnO as Ming sets icy traps for Zarkov, plunge into the

fw# M M 0ff
Includes a list of over more photos, than most writer and editor of the our intrepid trio. And surrealistic watery
500 A must for
sf films. books around and Batman Newspaper you've never seen an ice depths of Mongo to find
anymovie collector.
sf excellently written to strip. Hardcover with kingdom until you've < nent and
TMT reviewed this make it enjoyable for full color dust-jacket seen one drawn by Alex i re . . . and
masterpiece in the monster fan, and the . . . $$.95 + $1.00 Raymond. Hardcover i

TMT. ..$2.50 + 50* non-monster fan alike . $12.95 + 75*

. . •

(check out the yeat

review in MT). . . $250 MARVEL SUPER Mariner, Spider-Man, and Thor -all in glorious
HERO POSTERS Iron Man, Dr. Strange, color on super-heavy
Eight of Marvel's Capt America, The poster paper. 12" by
Mightiest heroes— Sub- Human Torch, The Hulk 16". ..$250 + 25*.

Dr. Kenneth Smith, the PORTFOLIO
CHAPLIN Full-color cover houses
master of fantasy
conjures up a nookful of
68 pages of Charlie this monsterously
Chaplin at his very best. beautiful collections of
fanciful stories written
and drawn to bring total ROGERS
from his early years to monsters, demons, A THOUSAND AND CALENDAR
enjoyment. See funny 380 page book own
his recent triumphant warlocks and a whole ONE DELIGHTS Massive, Each month has its
mon ters. ugly Over 260 stills of those in color and black and poster-size illustration
return to America this mess of other gruesome
year, the book contains baddies. Not for the
old favorite movies from white reprinting all the by a famed comic artist,
many collector's the 1940’s. Text by classic Buck Rogers plus a biographic
rare faint of heart. . . $2.50
Alan G. Barbour, the newspaper strips. The paragraph on each hero
stills and excellent, + 25* postage.
perceptive text. Special foremost expert on first sf comic character illustrated. Calendar
films of the 40's. 300 is still a marvel even comes with giant black
pages of humor, and forty years after his light color poster for a
mystery and the serials debut. Color interiors color. And it’s drawn by
PHANTASMAGORIA 2 E.C. HORROR old ads and editorials
all in one book. . . $3.95 and dustjacket. . . $755 Steranko. . . $3 + 25*
The second volume of COMICS OF THE '50'S plus artist biographies.
+ $1.00 postage.
Comic greats like Al
+ 50* postage. postage.
Ken Smith’s love affair Beautiful, 208 page
with the creepy and the book in full-color, giant Williamson, Frank
10" by 14" size. Wood,
Frazetta. Wally
between the full-color Twenty-four E.C. Jack Davis and many
covers are two Horror classics of horror others. Hardcover
sf/fantasy stories in the and gore all in one book. . . . $19.95 + $1.00
Crimefighters finally
E.C. tradition and a Also included are all the
massive portfolio of
THE MAKING OF take up cape and cowl to adventures of America's
STAR TREK DAYS OF THRILLS fight social injustice in most famed comic team.
sailor and spinach The Green This time the Green
Over 400 pages of inside AND ADVENTURE America.
connoisseur in three of Lantern and the Green Crusaders take on a
information on the Monster-sized softcover
lost—but still loved—sf- book covering the movie his earliest stories.
Arrow take them all on: Charlie Manson type
show, STAR TREK. serials from Including the Jeep, lunatic and inspire a
Ace the corrupt landlords,
Written by Star Trek's
Olive Oyl, Sweepea, poverty, injustice, crime tribe of Indians to rebel
Drummond Zorro. to
Grandpa Popeye,
Creator, Gene Written by film expert in the streets. Join them against their oppressors
Roddenbery, it contains Brutus, the Sea-Witch on their search for the ...75 cents + 25*
Alan G. Barbour and and all the others in
biographies, show America aided by
synopses and other
loaded with stills and
from the
rare serial shots
si. -s? rib-tickling high-sea
Denny O'Neil stories
adventures. Hardcover
pages of Star Trek 30'sand 40's. .$3.95 + and Neal Adams
-material. .$1.25 +
. . . $7.95 + 50* artwork. 75 cents +
50* postage. . .

25* postage. 25* postage.

Exciting new book by
famed sf writer, Philip
Jose Farmer. Farmer, a P.O. Box 595, OW Chehea
long time ERB fan,
proves the
of Tarzan.
Where do you go to get the latest and
the newest of the nefarious titles now

add this to book price ar

handling. Please
New Yoriu N.Y. 10011

Also included is a 1970

neatest in the wide world of weird books? available. make checks and money orders payable ti
interview with Tarzan
and a Tarzan family Why, THE MONSTER TIMES BOOK NOTE: The figure next to the book THE MONSTER TIMES.
SHELF, of course! And here's a sampling of price represents cost of postage and
. . $5.95 50*
The granddaddy of all
II S5.00 & 251

superheroes now in his -HISTORY OF COMICS CALENDAR S3.00 a 2SC

BADTIME STORIES own fabulous 385 page |

Bemi Wrightson, the color and black and — FLASH GORDON-INTO THE WATER WORLD S1Z95 a 7S
baneful one, produces white book. Classic

stomach churning cartoons from all of

masterpieces guaranteed Supie's eras. Art by the — HERITAGE S3.50 a 25 < —MARVEL SUPERHERO POSTERS S2.50 & 25
to chill the soul. originator of Superman


Beautifully done color and many others. Also a
cover and simply Superman
— PHANTASMAGORIA I S3. 00 a 25C —superman
graphics. See a complete
review in TMT 6. . . $5 + . . . $9.95 + '$1.00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED
25* postage.
The Monster Times


looks like the heat b on in
will surely be recorded as the
bizarre election in
one which
from such
locales as Japan, Skull Island,
compete for


presidential honors. The first of the

abovementioned, Godzilla,
announced his candidacy several
weeks ago (see TMT 16), followed
will see

headquarters, a TMT correspondent

reported that the scene there was
one of “ utter chaos." Apes of every
description were milling about the
rooms, grunting orders, making
cryptic, exaggerated hand gestures,
and manning the dixie cups looped
with strings that are serving as
Kong’s primitive switchboard

King Kong’s

shortly by the second. King Kong, system. Taped to the walls were a
while the third, incumbent R.M. variety of inspirational slogans

Nixon, has been running as long as

reading DON'T JUST
anyone now living can remember.
For a full report on the latest OUTTASITE.
developments in this unorthodox Outsidethe offices, Kong had
campaign, here is TMT political stationed himself in front of his
correspondent J.J. Kane . . .
illegally parked VW, flanked by
running mate Joseph (Mighty Joe)
Young and several high-ranking
aides. The tall, ruggedly handsome,
Ever since that fateful day when scantily clad candidate drew an
Godzilla announced his candidacy outsized bullhorn up to his loose,
for the office of President of the rubbery lips and began to address
United States, politicans, citizens, the sparse crowed that had gathered
and media folk alike have been there.
following the Green Beast’s “/ guarantee ” boomed the
campaign with
a fascination sonorous Kong to the small
sometimes bordering on sheer gathering of simians who seemed
morbidity. Shortly after ‘God’ (as more involved in picking
he is affectionately called by unidentified insect life off each
admirers) got his campaign other’s torsos than in listening to
underway, another unlikely vainglorious campaign promises,
candidate surfaced in the person (?) “that if I am elected, you won't
of King Kong. Further find me aping the mistakes of the
complications ensued in this present administration. I guarantee
already unorthodox presidential that if I am elected there will be a
race when Kong chose the banana in every paw, a missionary
Young as
controversial Mighty Joe in every pot, a ” . . .

hisrunning mate. Undocumented The King went on making simil ar

but persistent allegations that promises, promises that sounded, to
Young had once been given shock our reporter’s ears at least, as
therapy treatments for injuries empty as any that have ever been
sustained during a fall from a uttered in the dizzying delirium of
burning orphanage resulting in a a raging case of ego fever.
” “And, in conclusion ” Kong
“ severe loss of moral imperative
arose alm ost immediately, casting concluded, “I believe that every
an additional pall over the already American, regardless of race, creed,
awkward efforts of the team to color, sex, species or national
GODZILLA GAINS SUPPORT One thing the poll makes clear
secure public support. The team is origin, has got the God-given right
whose candidacy was beyond a doubt is that the majority
running under the banner of the Godzilla, to crawl on his
of Americans are not verv sure
MLF ( Monster Liberation Front ) announced weeks in advance of KNEES!”
about anything. However, of those
but have been accused by many Kong’s, has so far managed to Following Kong’s speech, the
members of the Monster subculture gamer a greater support from a who have been following the impromptu street podium was
campaign, more cast positive rather
of not representing their desires and broader segment of the voting
than negative comments.
turned over to MLF
of not being concerned with their public, according to current polls at Vice-presidential candidate Mighty
needs. In a recent televised press least.The results of the most recent Godzilla won kudos from people Joe Young, a smallish simian with a
conference, incumbent R.M. Nixon, poll,which included a majority of of otherwise widely differing dynamic manner and sincere,
political opinions when he patted
without mentioning any names, humans along with a sprinking of sparkling eyes.
cast implicit aspersions on both “others," ran something like the his great green stomach bravely and
“/ am not thinking,” Mr. Young
Godzilla and Kong when he called following: announced that, “from here on, all
“ extensive revisions of existing told the small but ever-diminishing
nuclear testing will be done
crowd, “of myself. Nor am I
immigration laws." internally .” “If he can swallow the
GODZILLA CAMPAIGN POLL problem of nuclear testing said
primarily concerned with the future
LACKS BROAD BASE Agree Disagree Not Sure one previously uncommitted of our party. What I am concerned
“then can swallow the
about is the plight of the little
Kong has also been widely politico,
ape . . the little tree-owner .
. the . .

criticized for his reluctance to deal idea of his being president of these
little working ape who, after a hard
with the broader issues currently United States"
That Godzilla has devoted a good day of sweat and toil, is forced to
troubling our times. His campaign
return to his modest, heavily
has thus far addressed itself almost deal of energy to appealing to the
human portion of the populace mortgaged home, who is forced to
exclusively to the plight of the ape
cannot be denied. “Da you face the little missus, who is forced
in American society and many to look into the abject, tearful eyes
critics feel that in so doing he has realize," he pointed out during a
recent press conference, “that mad of the little ones, and bitterly
succeeded in alienating the sizable
doctor’s assistants are not covered declare: ‘Yes, we have NO
human section of the population. bananas!”
His campaign has also come under under the present administration’s
guaranteed minimum wage laws?” An appreciative snarl of
considerable fire from Women’s Lib
And this is only one instance of the recognition erupted from what
spokeswomen who have been quick remained of the crowd, as several of
to label him a
“ male chauvinist Green Beast’s determination to
bring previously closeted issues out their number began repeating
ape," as well as from opponents on
into the bright light of day. Already Young’s rallying cry—one that we
both the left and right sides of the
Godzilla’s campaign has won him might soon hear chanted wherever
shaky political fence the King has
unparalleled support from the ranks disgruntled gorillas get together.
been straddling who have termed
Till next time ...
him a “sheep in wolf’s clothing" of the Monster subculture. When
and “an aggressive woolly-minded members of the AM A ( American
Madmen’s Association) voted
political hack .” “ Kong certainly has
his cut worked out for him," unanimously to switch their votes GateZMtJfc
snorted one opposition worker from incumbent Nixon to Godzilla, SEND ALL YOUR MANGY MAIL
( who wishes to remain the Green Beast was so TO THE BIG G!
. . .

anonymous), implying that rumors overwhelmed that aides announced

c/o The Monster Times, Box 595,
surrounding the King’s alleged that he couldn’t comment on the
Old Chealsea Station,
mishandling of campaign funds decision just then as he was “feeling
an emotion. ” NYC 10011
might be more than just rumors.

The Monster Times

Every field of endeavour has its

gathering place— the one time every

so often that all members of the
group come together to discuss
their mutual interest. The political
parties discussed politics and
electioneering at their Miami Beach
conventions, shoe salesmen gather
in Houston every year, comic fans
from around the country trek to
New York, and on and on. The
Science Fiction enthusiasts of the
world are no different; this year
over 7000 of them converged on
Los Angeles, California for the 30th
Annual World Science Fiction
They got together to talk about
the new trends in the field, award
honors to deserving writers and
artists, hear panels on science
fiction, and generally just get
together to chew the proverbial fat.
TMT West Coast correspondent
(who also happens to write such
comic books as Super-Goof, The
Chan Clan and The Osmond
Brothers) Mark Evanier was there,
and he filed this exclusive report
with our vast Los Angeles bureau.

WORLDCON REPORT McDonald's stand where, instead of

Frederik Pohl gave the opening address
that first morning In September, and was paying eight dollars for some
followed by a special presentation by the mass-produced Halibut steak, you get
Space Division of North American change from your dollar. spent the I

Rockwell. {There are a lot of s-f fans who duration at a Woody Allen movie but am
are interested in taking up space, still able to report that Hugo Awards

apparently. ) The whole convention went to Philip Jose Farmer (Best novel:
schedule was well-packed with many To Your Scattered Bodies Go), Pout
must-miss panels, covering every aspect of Anderson (Best Novella: The Queen of
fandom except comic books. In fact, the Air and Darkness^ Larry Niven (Best
convention seemed to be going out of its short story: "Inconstant Moon"),
way not to have any program item on Three TARZAN artists for the price of one! Clockwork Orange (Best dramatic
comics; this in spite of comic dealers Burnt Hmpill i. Mike Royer and Russ Manning. production), Frank Kelly Freas (Best pro
dominating the hucksters' room and the artist). Magazine of Fantasy and S-F (Best

presence at the con of many fine comic recent anthology. Again, Dangerous pro magazine). Locus (Best amateur
people: Jack Kirby, Gerry Conway, Len Visions, was brought up and its contract magazine) and to Harry Warner Jr. and
Wean, Rim Manning Don. Glut, Steve snafus singled out
"evidence" of
as Tim Kirk (Best Fan Writer and Artist,
Engfehart, Jesse Santos. Mtfte Royer, etc. Ellison's ‘'bungling," the audience respectively).
There were a few atypical items, too. hurdled to his defense and couldn't have
There was an actual wedding, in medieval been less needed. If there was one
The thirtieth World Science- Fiction garb, for Kathleen Sky and Stephen "superstar" of the con, and
it was Ellison,

Convention rotated to Los Angeles this Goldin. There were belly dancers. And any future opportunities you might have
year, just a stone's throw from the there was a fine collection of vintage to hear him speak come highly
roulette wheel that Mayor Yorty cartoons, followed by a panel with Bob recommended.
laughingly calls an airoort. The Mayor dampen. Carl Stalling. Ralph Bakshi and The Costume Ball boasted less

also designated it as "Science- Fiction darence {Donald Duck) Nash. costumes than expected but those that
Week," which would have been a nice As for lectures, there were some. If we showed were of a notably higher quality
gesture, if he'd bothered to tell anyone missed Pool Anderson and Ray Bradbury than usual. Jock Root handled the M.C.
about it. I found that bit of information (and we did. though both were reported chores, as the costume names went from
buried on page 133 of the Worldcon to have been fascinating) we made a the sublime to far beyond the ridiculous.
progra m book between an ad for Mr. special point to catch an hour titled Tim and Julie Zell took the Best of
Spocfc panty hose {it runs, but you don't "Professionalism in Science-Fiction" and Show " award as Ker-nu-nos and
get emotional about it) and a recruiting enunciated by the supreme professional. Ker-id'-wen (the origins of those names
pitch for the Harlem Lord of the Rings Harlan Edison. Always witty and usually are so obvious, / won't even bother going
fan dub. (You never heard of the Tolkien polemic, Ellison fielded questions until he into them!) in costumes that consisted of
Ne&oes?) vlas embroiled in an awfience crossfire. grease paint-blue skin, animal furs, lit

It was a typical convent mn-the kind Speaking extemporaneously, though. candles and a shepherd's staff with a live
Ellison is no less the deatky animal to a snake coiled about it. Jon and Joni Stopa Author Don Glut has always been a big fan of
where things start on time by accident, as
seriate, but to come as "Franken berry" was
infrequently as by design. Guest of Honor detractor from the crowd. When hts took Judges' Choice for "Perseus and to
commit a terrible pun. Don walked away with a
Medea" Writer Don Glut donned the number of prizes but, fortunately, they caught
guise of General Mills' own Franken-berry him in time and made him gave them back.
from the cereal box of the same name.
Underground cartoonist Scott Shaw
donned the guise of his own character, Total attendance at the convention was
the Turd, ina costume made up of jockey 1,956, of which about three-fourths
shorts and peanut butter. {He took a passed on the banquet. (Ronald
special award for “Most Revolting." He McDonald must have been pretty busy!)
also took several showers to get the The honor of hosting the 1974 Worldcon
peanut butter off his skin!) All this and went unanimously to Washington,
more D.C.. . . {Next year's site, decided last

The Hugo Awards Banquet was year, is/will be Toronto). Dealers— at

toast-mastered by Robert Bloch and least those hawking comic books
saluted Pro and Fan Guests of Honor, reported high sales. And the Woody Allen
Frederik Pohl and Bob and Juanita movie at the Meralta Theatre was
Coulson respectively. Despite that excellent, although I did spend the next
line-up, most fans have become fed-up three days acting like Humphrey Bogart.
with being fed slowly and badly at This is The Monster Times' Hollywood
banquets. One 9^oup advertised their correspondent, Mark Evanier, sinking
competitive “ranquet" at a nearby slowly in the West Play it again, Sam.
I .

The Monster Times page 19

We at TMT are hopelessly

addicted to reading lists, lists BEYOND THE TIME
in BAI
fact,of absolutely ANYTHING, (1960). Some tool breaks the
be it horror films, barrier and winds up so man\
averages, or obscure
diseases. In these WORLD WITHOUT END-
an effort to slake this
unnatural fiascos around, the fu tufa's an
thirst, to satisfy our insatiable story, and a melodramatic om
listiust, we are continuing the
famous NIT Encyclopedia from the John Wyndham
BLACK SCORPION (1957). Some Highly recommended.
Filmfannica feature . . . this time excellent animation effects almost
with the first installment manage to compensate for an utterly
TMT Researcher-Critic Gary outrageous script. Cast members
STILL (1951). Also known as The
Gerani's Richard Denning and Mara Corday
Official MONSTER are in good
Day Science Fiction Fans Rejoiced".
TIMES SCI-FI TV GUIDE, form, as are the One of the few classic fantasy flicks '

an alphabetical listing
of our time. Michael Rennie peace
of the is
emissary Klaatu, who
greats, near-greats, and BRAIN EATERS (1958). Ed Nelsor. arrives on
Earth with a shattering ultimatum.
long before moving to Peyton
Place Performers are all excellent, including
Sci-Fi-filmdom, complete Lock Martin as hothead robot Gort
dates, facts, and caustic capsule and Hugh Marlowe as Judas (credit
reviews. Incidentally, just AllenAsherman for that parallel!)
in case
Music by Bernard Hermann, direction
you, too, suffer from this by Robert Wise, a sci-fi masterpiece
obsessive craving for FROM PLANET AROUS with something to say.
lists, we'd
like to recommend a great book
that will provide weeks
(1961). Talk, talk. talk, most of
fascinating reading for it
list interesting but ride connotates
addicts. It's called the NEW something visual. Even a little bit
more of Janet Munro would have
DIRECTORY, published in 5 Some good
(1958). sufficed. .

effects in this slow

volumes by Bell, and the best moving but imaginative Paramount
Part of
the DEADLY MANTIS (1957). A
all is . . . it's free! entry concerning a robot
with the big one flies into the Holland
mind of a man. tunnel
Passable, considering and disrupts traffic. Average bug
ATTACK OF THE FIFTY the far-fetched premise.
WOMAN 11958). Misunderstc

subject to more indignity than any

other fantasy flick in the history
filmdom. Always the subject
of some
reviewer's joke; always the
foil of an
established classic. Now for the first
time it emerges as a screen rarity, a
gem to be treasured by film
historians and fantasy freaks. To be
brief, this movie is perhaps the finest
science fiction film satire ever
devised. Whether or not this was the

recognise ATTACK
I1957).fl,g guy stabs his doctor
effort. While trying tl

death with a hypodermic needle

sets out film of

SCI-FI TV flip-flopping
to lay

big dam for a damn big

man in
otherwise microscopic offering.


Cardboard spaceship journeys
(1953). Harryhausen's
and probably his best, as

Bat- RatSpider-Crab.
GERANI Mars is angry; this
coasters before Coney
infuriated! Along f.
rocket ride are CRACK STOOD STILL
sci-fi i IN THE WORLD (1965).
Mohr and Les Tremayr Dana Andrews cracks the
world as a
group of scientists try ,o remedy
ATLANTIS THE matters. Exciting if not spectacular
CONTINENT (1961). Geor sci-fier. some good phorooraohv and

(1962). Study of social
robots as a minority

and all. and
in teres ting enough
endless talk and a
o' any action whatsoev
indicate that idea wool,
ATOMIC SUBMARINE (1959). Dick far more effective
in play
Foran. the dependable than as a film.
ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN OF THE mummy-burner of the forties joins HOLLOW MOUNTAIN
HIMALAYAS (1957). Expedition forces with Arthur Frans (1956). Stil,
,o combat
an outer-space monster
him. (Good grief! Do with an eye
monster movie (only one) for world
conquest. An
expeditions ever fail?!!) pe ,e,
Cushing and Forrest Tucker are
principals caught up in
this frozen
“*IN G OF THE END (1957).


h' ^
MONSTERS (1957). Roger Cormar^s
crabby creations have a splendid
horde of oversized locusts'
appalling appetites. Another
(1966). Frankly, none of
seen this one. which
features a
monster and Scott Brady,
harassing a band of Bert I. but
this low budget
adventurers in G 0n 1**' comp 'e,e With an
we used a still from this
bur entertainmn
y p,il r."" Pictures
fiasco. production for our c
THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLE ra/Ldt and we've got to justify it some,
Only one. really, some pc
. .
Den,s Gifford, authc
turns into a 'gator and waddle SCIENCE FICTION FILM se,
disgrace. Franz Kafka ov though and he called
purely coincidental.
it "cheap
alligator-tear jerker with
bunch of guys
town! Well-made, if not at
successful fantasy, dire
LAGOON (1954). Fit
Jean-Luc Godard and starr.
Constantine. Some good
some tally adequate.
sappy ones, ultim
interesting hour and
Computer-run commu DIE MONSTER DIE (1965)
threatened by super-agent Miserable adaptation of
Caution. Symbolic, pi f"?ATURE WALKS AMONG US Colour Out of Space" despite
pretentious, a matter of rest 11956). Not exactly. "Gill" Karloffs presence and
is given a Nick Adams-
seeing, anyhow. nosejob and scientists comical mugging. May Great
Jeff Morrow Cthulhu
and Rex Reason have avenge himself
reason to
FROM 20.000 FATHOMS Continued next issue
page 20 The Monster Times

. /

The Monster Times page 21

Might as well . . . I'll tell 'em alright.

I'll shout it right

to their big smug face.

"The meek shall not
inherit the Earth . . . \J & Jw
by God, we'll DEMAND it!" J l§t§tf^""THL

Why did I ever agree to this?

What could I have been thinking of?

Uh-oh . don’t know

. .

how much longer I can hold out

I'm gonna wind up
like this clown in a minute.

Next time I’ll take my chances

with the EXTERMINATOR* . .

£ — v

•meet the EXTERMINATOR back in TMT 3.

. ) ). .

page 22 The Monster Times

When TMT Media Editor R. Allen

Leider told us he had been on the
set towatch the filming of some of

Productions' latest (and,
according to all advance word to
reach our outsized ears, greatest)
horror chiller, ASYLUM, we
figured that this probably meant
that he was bound, gagged, and
stashed away in a dusty corner of
the sound stage, permitted only to
observe, nod his head in a vertical
direction, and make quiet
whimpering sounds. We had no idea
that the gracious folk at Amicus
would let him roam about the set a
free man, laughing as if he owned
the world and talking to luminaries
like Peter Cushing, Richard Todd,
and Barbara Parkins but . . .

exactly what happened. And

to preview what may prove to be
the super-shocker of the year,
ASYLUM, and to tell you about his
is our own R.
adventures on the set a coffin. When Smith, unable to pay for the
suit, demands it from Bruno, a struggle
Allen Leider, Media Editor
follows . . . and so do some eerie events
Extraordinaire and Confidant of
that are nothing short of horrifying!
the Stars. . .

Barbara ( Charlotte Rampling) has

other problems. It seems that while she
was under a nurse's care for a drug
^Pet Thee To An Asylum" but . . .
problem, her friend Lucy (Britt Ekland)
beware! The asylum in the new Cinerama carved up her husband and the nurse. The
release of the same name is not your problem now is that Barbara can see Lucy
average, ordinary, everyday, in the mirror . . . but no one else can. Is
run-of-the-mill mental institution. It Is.
Barbara really the mad Dr. Starr?
however, an eerie place of confinement
for the bearers of grim and fantastic case
histories. And the weirdest, deadliest case
of on the wrong side of the bars!
all is

A young psychiatrist ( Robert Powell

comes to Dunsmoor Asylum to find
employment. He is greeted by Dr.
Rutherford [Patrick Magee who tells him
that the head of the institution, a Dr.
Starr by name, went raving mad some
time prior to Powell's arrival, but that The mad Dr. Byron (Herbert Lorn) looks lost in thoughts about his latest protect. . .

Rutherford, as acting head of the asylum,

willtest Powell for the job. The test
Rutherford conjures up consists of Powell
listening to the case histories of several
inmates and deducing which of them is
the mad Dr. Starr. Simple? Not quite.
Powell begins a test that leads straightway
into several tales of terror, madness . .

and murder! Richard Todd's late but unlamented wife lends

him an unrequested hand in the FROZEN
Mr. Smith [Peter Cushing ), for
FEAR episode. Todd, incidentally, completed
example, has a dead son whom he wishes hisASYLUftA role in "four" days!
undead. To bring about this supernatural
resurrection, Mr. Smith buys a magic
Richard Todd's nemesis is the
book and weaves some strange material.
dismembered corpse of his wife, who
He engages Bruno, the master tailor
won't stay dead. Todd plays the part of
(Barry Morse), to make a suit from the
Walter, a man who buys his wife a freezer
cloth. When Bruno delivers the suit he
for her birthday and then proceeds to
finds Smith in the living room of a large,
dilapidated estate with his deceased son in
make her its first resident. Limb by limb
he wraps her up in brown paper and
plonks the chunks of freshly butchered
Peter Cushing as ft*. Smith takes aim at unseen
flesh into the fridge. Walter goes upstairs
tailor reluctant to give up the magic suit that
would restore dead son's life just one of
. . .
to await the arrival of his girl friend
many touchiija scenes from Amicus Bonnie (Barbara Parkins). He hears a
Productions' ASYLUftA. thumping sound. He goes back to
investigate and finds the freezer alive with
some decidedly undead limbs, all of
which are groping at him!
Now the piece de resistance . . . the
mad Dr. Byron who claims he is the real
head of the asylum, whose job was
usurped by Rutherford. Byron is a mad
genius who has created the Mannikins of
Horror miniature robots complete
. . .

with mini-guts into whose brains Byron

thinks he can transfer human
consciousness! But the question remains
so far unanswered . . . who is Dr. Starr?
Well, for the answer to that one, you'll
have to see the film.
For the discriminating, let me assure
vou that ASYLUM is on par with Tales
From the CrYPt in every respect. It broke
house records in London theatres and is

well on its way to becoming another

. . . until they, too, are crushed under the heels of this cruel world of ours.
j ..

page 23
The Monster Times

One wonders what Richard Todd has

to learn from a picture in which he
brutally dismembers a woman, wraps the
limbs in brown paper and tucks them
neatly away in the ice box .! . .


Unfortunately, none of the other stars
of the film were available that day for my
questions, but hopefully TMT will bring
you interviews with them in future issues.

ItIS interesting, however, to note that in

ASYLUM Peter Cushing has a role similar
to the part he played in Tales From the
Crypt. In both pictures he portrayed men
who are despondent over the loss of a
loved one. In CRYPT he was Grimsdyke
who communicated with his dead wife via
ouija board. In ASYLUM he is Smith who
makes the magic suit to bring his dead
son back to life. I do not know as of this

date if Peter picked the role of Smith

himself (as he DID pick Grimsdyke . .

See TMT #14). but the similarity of

purpose the tvfo characters share is
interesting ana look forward to seeing if

Peter will have more such roles to play in

future films.
When spoke to him last Spring in

England he had already finished his

episode in ASYLUM and was working on

Too many people feet that Death is just like Life . . . that it only happens to other people. Here it's just about to happen another picture. Still, he had a few
to Todd's screen wife in FROZEN FEAR episode. She may be dead, but she ain't down yet. remarks to make which now pass on to I


Amicus Productions classic. I was on the put Miss Parkins through her paces, which ASY LUM you play a man who cuts up his
TMT: When you attack a role such as
set for the shooting of the "Frozen Fear" consisted of chasing the dismembered wife and deposits her in the freezer he
episode with Barbara Parkins and Richard
Mr. Smith, who is a well-to-do man who
limbs across the basement floor with an bought for an anniversary gift How do you
is very broken up by the death of his son
Todd and had a first-hand look at what axe. Most of the limbs used belonged to work up to that?
and hopes to bring him back from the
goes into a few feet of cinematic terror. the extras, who grabbed for Barbara TODD: Before I can get into a
Director Roy Ward Baker is a master
dead. how do you go about it? How
. . .

through openings on the floor aid walls character, I have to believe in it. If I can
of his craft with an eye and feeling for
do you as an actor convey Smith's
of the basement set. For the limbs that believe the character, if I can believe in
feelings to the audience?
the weird. The script by Robert (Psycho) scurry across the floor, a few mannikin the role, then I think I can work at it to
Bloch lent itself easily to Baker's genius.
CUSHING: Whatever part you are
arms were employed, tied to an invisible transpose that to the screen or to the
there we were
ready to shoot the playing, the personality and tb
Stf, line manipulated by a stagehand. The end the*re. If you don't believe it, then you
finale of "Frozen Fear" in a sound studio
the actor is very 'important When you
result is quite horrifying and suspenseful. have to "act" and you cease "being" the
on the Shepperton lot in London. think that your face on the screen is

Located in the corner of one hangar was about six foot by three foot, the very
Anthony Curtis' basement setting, as real twitch of an eyebrow tells us much more

and creepy as any under-lit damp crypt than a whole string of words. I think
one could imagine. While waiting for most of everything comes from the
Barbara to finish being briefed by Roy
TMT: Doesn't that make you very
Baker, chatted with the extras, muscular

people sipping the traditional lukewarm,

self-conscious of what you do with your
face when you act?
gooey English tea. Their arms anc legs
were wrapped with brown butcher's CUSHING: No . . not for me anyway.
Whatever part I play ... I read the script
paper and string, and they covered
and decide what the character is meant to
themselves with cloths to prevent damage
portray and when I am doing that part I
to their “costumes." Then "Quiet on the
react the way myself or this character

Set" {yes, they really do yell that), and

would react in the given situation. Acting
Barbara was ready to go through the
for me must be an instinctive thing ... I
scene in which she is attacked by the
believe that reactions must be instinctive
dismembered limbs of her lover's wife.
“takes" they broke for
rather than planned because I do not find
After several
planned reactions believable. Let's say
lunch and I had an opportunity to talk to
that a part calls for the actor to react to
the death of a loved one. The unschooled
CRAZY ABOUT ASYLUM actor or director would have the

oh the set, although he had

Also character you There is
are playing. character with tears streaming
TMT: When you do a film that's already completed his part of the nothing worse than watching an actor down his face moaning something like . .
episodic like ASYLUM, do you find
"Frozen Fear" episode, was veteran actor who is uncomfortable in his part "acting" "No ... No I can't go on . . . etc."
yourself under great pressure because it and producer Richard Todd, who made it out. Well that's not at all the way that
has to be shot in one or two weeks? his mark as a British movie idol in the TMT: What type of audience do you everybody would react. When my own
BARBARA: Not for me. After 40's. Todd is well known to the “older" think would want to see you chop up wife passed away I was very quiet .
working in television, nothing could be generation and is now engaged in a your wife who do you think will see
. . . almost stunned. was not hysterical as I

faster or more hectic than that. number of exploits, of which ASYLUM is ASYLUM? some director might have had me act in a
TMT: In ASYLUM, you play a only one. After the shooting was over, I TODD: Let's see when the film comes similar part. Mr.Smith in ASYLUM loses
murderer's nistress. You get trapped in chatted with Todd in the offices of out gets good reviews then it mould
If it his son and does not go to pieces. He
the basement with the corpse of your Amicus Productions. get types of people who come not just
all quietly seeks a way to regain his son by
lover and the lethally living (imbs of his to see an actor or the content, but a film means of this occult book and magic suit
dismembered wife which are trying to do that has been well-made and he has made. don't approve of the I

you in. Now, how do you prepare for an TODD TALKS well-reviewed and accepted as good occult business but the reaction of Smith
unusual role like that? entertainment. If it gets poor reviews, is entirely my own based on my own
TMT: Is this your first suspense-horror
BARBARA: Well, in my everyday then there will be another audience who experience and for that reason it is more
type film?
living, for example, I have become more are fans of the performers and devotees believable than if I played it for
TODD: No. By no means. My first was
aware of shadows. have become very
of the type of film it is. histrionics.
a Hitchcock film, SIAGEFHIGHT. and
aware of the nervousness in people. I've
since then many others. have tried to do I TMT: Do you watch your own films? Peter had more to talk about and most
sensitized myself to fears so that it might
other than the war movies and the TODD: Yes, I do. I used to refuse to of it about his uniqiie view of Dr.
trigger something in me that will carry off
thrillers. But the problem is that the see them. Now, of course, some of the Frankenstein, which he has played more
my characterization of the girl I play in
theatre-going public likes to see their stars older ones crop up on television and I do than any other actor, but we'll save that
the film.
performing in one type of role and won't watch them and now I think I'm learning for another time. What Peter did want me

accept them in any other. from them. An actor is never too old to to remind you was to see ASYLUM at all
MEANWHILE. BACK ON THE SET TMT: How do you go about getting go back to school, or too good for that costs . even if you have to come back
. .

Just then the bell rang and Roy Baker into the role you are playing. In matter. from the crypt to do it

The Monster Times

Being optimistic, and perhaps rightly S*j77?e Cramer company has set for its
American-International is preparing first production a suspense mellerdrama
for a Christmas release . . . readyyyy? called WHO’S BEEN MURDERING IN

BLACKENSTEIN, riding in on the wings MY BED?

(aha) of their current BLACULA Another example of strange casting is

syndrome. Will you be prepared for KKI, Inc.'s presentation of THE

BLACKZILLA? GARDENER. Billed as a Gothic Horror

Bountiful Monique Van Vooren is

Tale it stars, Andy Warhol alumnus. Joe

news, reviews, previews, starring in a new with the unlikely Dallesandro, Katharine Hepburn's niece,
. . . Prints

grues-flashes ferreted out by BILL title of THE SUGAR COOKIES for Katharine Houghton, and beauteous
FERET, Monsterdom's answer to Armor Films Inc. You think they might European star, Rita Gam. There'll be

Rona Barret, Bill is in show-biz ; a. have meant that as in THE CAT CREEPS. more than just a little erotica.

singer, dancer, actor and has many There'll be a musicalization of an

Hallmark Releasing, responsible for

contacts in the domain of updated version of the Ulysses legend MARK OF THE DEVIL, has another due
Entertainment ; films, TV, live called THE FREEL1FE. Filming has any day called NIGHT OF THE BLIND
and all like that. Where other
stage, taken place in Thailand, Australia, Macao, DEAD.
monsterpubs get news to you f Hong Kong and Tahiti. Eurasian beauty
months after a film's already been Nancy Kwan has a starring role. I'll sure COME TO CREATION
released. Bill Feret’s TELETYPE see that Circe's sorcery.
Now is the time for all good people to
lives up to its name, and reveals to
MGM's BLOOD SONG has undergone come to a convention. And the convention
you info of horror flix & cetera a title-change and surprisingly returned to we mean is the Thanksgiving Con,
when they're still only in CREATION "72, to be held in New York
the title of the book from whence it
production. Impress friend and from November 24th to November 26th.
came. DEADLY HONEYMOON. CREATION '72 certainly won't be a
fiend alike with inside info on American Eagle Films has currently turkey. If your interests lie anywhere in
monster movies that haven’t even before the cameras DEMENTIA the fields of comics, science fiction, horror
been made yet! Gosharootie, gang! PRAECOX. or fantasy, you're certain to love
John Philip Law as the sightless angel in Roger CREATION. It will have a host of fine

w Well gang, ring the

and extinguish the
EXORCIST is before
bell, close

candle... THE
the cameras at
the book
Vadim's pop fantasy opus based on the popular
French comic strip, BARBARELLA. The Long
Wings of Law will be taking flight again soon in


here’s just a
ART DISPLAY: Art by such famous
quick rundown:

Steranko, Kaluta, Brunner. Wood. and a
kaboodle of others will be on display.
Warner Bros William Peter B tatty's novel Law, previously the angel
FILM SHOW: Six hours of fantasy
John Philip
films each night Included will be Richard
looks like it is going to be a blockbuster. inBARBARELLA, will be doing the Corbop's already classic NEVERWORLD.
Ellen Burstyn, Oscar nominee for THE sailingin SINDBAD’S GOLDEN GUESTS: It'd take a week for us to
LAST PICTURE SHOW, plays the VOYAGE, Ray Harryhausen pic tensing name them all but suffice to say that
•heroine. Kitty Winn, award winner for for in Majorca, Madrid and London. among others will be: Neal Adams, Isaac
Asimov, and Kelly Frees.
PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK plays her Raquel Welch starring in LAST OF PANELS: Highlighting this year's
secretary. Ingmar Bergman's favorite SHEILA will be joined by James Mason, CREATION are ten, count 'em, ten
actor. -Max Von Sydow, plays the part of '
James Cobum and Richard Benjamin. panels! Included are panels on
a pries: Father William O'Malley, a It's official. Roger Moore is the new NATIONAL LAMPOON, underground
comix, Isaac Asimov, fanzines and others.
priest, pH-ys the part of a .. priest And . James Bond, and takes the helm in the
By now, of course, you are panting for
William Friedkin, himself an Academy new production of Ian Fleming's LIVE the information on how to get to this con.
A ward winner, is directing this AND LET DIE. Well, in our never-ending quest to please,
distinguished cast in what is a grisly little Now for a few words about the boob here it is: Convention Chairman, Adam
tale of demon possession, sort of a soul tube. Things are SWELL. Lotsa new Malin. 16 East 2nd Street, Freeport. New
York, 11520. Admission is $4 at the door
monster. series, NBC has SEARCH (formerly for three days ($3 in advance), and $2 a
William T. Orr, an executive for years PROBER, and GHOST STORY starring day at the door. It'll be held at the
with Warners, has joined United National Cabot ABC’s back with the
Sebastian Statler-Hilton Hotel, 7th Avenue and 33rd
Pictures and as one of his first projects is / know anything about it, but
don't SIXTH SENSE and the movies, the
. . .

readying WICKED, WICKED for the with a tide like FENGRIFFEN, a director TV Movies are unbelievable . .

like Roy Ward Baker, and a cast like Peter

screen. THE MAN WITH THE BRAIN The U.S. entries of SILENT
Anthony Franciosa has the lead in Cushing, Herbert Lorn, Guy Rolfe (Mi. GRAFT from Paramount
will issue forth RUNNING and BEWARE THE BLOB
Balaban & Quine's first independent SardonicusJ, and Stephanie Beacham Ewa Aulin, who
Buxom teenager won the Gold Asteroid and special jury
production entitled TRICK OR TREAT. /The Nightcomers/, you can bet this essayed the title role in CANDY, turns up prize, respectively, at the recent Trieste
Location shooting starts this month in Amicus Productions (TALES FROM THE a Spanish Horror flick tided BLOODY
in International Science Fiction Film
Vermont CRYPT, ASYLUMj won't be a comedy. CEREMONY. Festival. Other award winners to keep an
eye out for are a Czech sci-fi comedy


utilized some superb special effects and a
French film called


Leonard Nimoy and Susan Hampshire

WILDERNESS (a sequel to William
The Second Sunday
McAlpin Hotel Shatner's THE PEOPLE,/, John D.F.
no special features, but
November 12 Phil Seuling
7th Ave. and 34th St. SI at the door Black's classic THE MAN WHO FELL TO
621 Avenue Z all buying and selling
December 10 New York City EARTH.
Brooklyn, New York

FANTASY FILM FANS CON 72 hours of fantasy

PO Box 74866 AMBASSADOR HOTEL $15 at door Ray Bradbury,
Nov. 24-26 Los Angeles, Cal. 9/4
Los Angeles, Cal.
$8 til
DC Fontana) Bob Bloch

Creation "72 Statler Hilton $3 in advance

SF, comics, films, auctions
16 East Second St. Hotel for 3 days
Nov. 24-26 professional guests
Freeport, N.Y. 11520 New York, New York $2 a day at door

guest of honor
Philadelphia Sci-Fi Convention Sheraton Hotel $3 at the door Frank Brunner,
Nov.17-19 Matt Howarth, 18 Hawk Road Philadelphia, Penn.
hucksters, movies
Levittown. Penn. 19056

Detractors of such events put them down by or if you wish to see classic horror and science
TTie CON-CALENDAR is a special exclusive
saying that they're just a bunch of cartoonists fiction films, or meet the stars o< old time
feature of THE MONSTER TIMES. Across this
The CBS "made-for-TV movie" entitled
of ours quaint and curious
are and science fiction writers and comic book movie serials, or today's top comic book artist
great land
gatherings of quaintly curious zealots. The publishers talking, and signing autographs for and writers— or if you just want to meet other GARGOYLES, originally slated for

gatherings called "conventions," and the fans who, like maniacs, spend sums on monster or comics science fiction freaks, like October 31, that magic night, has been
out-of-date comics, science fiction pulps, and yourself, and learn you're not alone in the
zealots, called "fans," deserve the attention of re-scheduled for sometime at the end of
fans and non-fans alike, hence this trail-blazing monster movie stills. But that's just the reason world, OR if you want to meet the affable
November. It stars Cornel Wilde and deals
for going. If you want a couple of glossy demented lunatics who bring out THE
pictures of Dracula or King Kong, or a 1943 MONSTER TIMES, go ahead and visit one of with the "real things" ambling about
To those readers who've never been to one of
these hair-brained affairs, we recommend it. copy of Airboy Comics (God alone knows why) those conventions. yVe dare ya! Carlsbad Caverns in Mexico.

The Monster Times page 25

“Fly me ... to Brooklyn!”

Continued from page 11

do it my way. This is the Serling formula

for science fiction and I think it works


. I think the change in the medium and the
audience demands. You don't have any
more live TV
drama so there is no
demand for it. Even the TV movies are
just that—MOVIES. Occasionally there is
a TVdrama special but usually it is a
classic revival, not an original piece like Although he professes to know nothing about
Requiem for a Heavyweight was. Also thk the "pathology of idiots," Rod Serling has
costs of live drama as opposed to tv tape managed throughout the years to maintain his
or film make a big difference. Producers position as one of the Tube's most popular
Vampires in Brooklyn Heights? That's
want to make a whopping good profit.
right, in a New York production of a
TV live drama is not a profitable medium
satanic satire called simply VAMPIRE. any more.
they have to cope with in television. I
Now the street will be unsafe for learned and it was rough. The censors will
butcher the best idea you have and for
DO YOU LIKE DOING that reason many dramatists got out of
Johnny Carson's unde, Leonard Barr COMMERCIALS? live tv and even tv films. Legitimate
I?) is starring ina film called MANSION
I like eating. I also like not having to slave
playwrights, you know, have no censors.
OF EVIL. Mr. Barr and his facade are a Also the market for original stuff is
over a hot typewriter producing less than
my best to make a few dollars. At least getting smaller. Every series is not new.
Nino Castelnuovo, star of THE They are adaptations of old movies and
the commercials pay well so I can write
what I like when I like. I never do one books. Pre-censoring your own stuff
starring role in an Italian Production, that I don’t believe in. I do credit myself
cramps your freedom and style. I think
VAMPIRE 2000. with honesty even though I admit new dramatists should look to films or
commercials are a bit undignified. If the legitimate theatre first and then feel
people like my voice I feel they should their way through the industrial briar
ATTENTION COMIC FANS! have it. Right? patch.
Ed Summer, filmmaker and comic book
Mr. Serling is currently working on
collector, has just opened up a comics
store called "SUPERSNIPE" where all
screenplays and his own private writings
kinds of comics, original artwork, and TO ANXIOUS WRITERS? which, if we are lucky, we will someday
related goodies can be browsed through A menacing Milo O'Shea played the villain For one thing they can be aware of what
and purchased. Ed's store is located on be back to take another bow
Barbarella. He'll
in marvel at.
83rd Street beteeen 2nd and 3rd Avenues Cineman Productions' THEATRE OF BLOOD.
on New York's Upper East Side. Stop
by... and tell him THE MONSTER

TIMES sent you. I've mentioned a few times the

Cineman Production's film now tensing in
London called THEATRE OF BLOOD.
And iust a few of the stars lined up for Vincent Price and Diana Rigg are top lined,
STORY are Patricia
Windom, Carolyn Jones (Morticia
Neal, but the supporting cast reads like a who's
who of British cinema, notably Jack
on the ADAMS FAMILY^, Stella Stevens, Hawkins, Cora! Browne, Milo O'Shea,


ABOUT us?r
Everyone this side of STAR TREK Williamnn, Flash Gordon’s greatest
knows about the world’s most fan. And stills? Like you wouldn’t
reknown sci-fi character, FLASH believe.
GORDON. Flash and And in case you’re worried that this
compadres— irasable Doc Zarkov, super Flash keepsake is fragile, forget
delightful Dale Ardeen and the ever it. This 80 page masterpiece is printed

despicable Ming The Merciless— have on super-heavy, super slick stock

made the scene just about everywhere. bound to last several lifetimes. The
Starting off as a comic strip, then
cover is illustrated in full-color by the
transferred to the serials, it even made
original Flash, delineator, Alex
television and comic books. 01’ Flash
has sure been around, and now to Raymond. And' the cost? Fifteen
chronicle those trials and
all dollars you say? Ten dollars? No, sir,
tribulations comes HERITAGE— this book is available from the friendly
devoted to Flash and Flash alone. folk at The Monster Times for only
HERITAGE has .just about $3.50 and 25 cents postage and
everything for the Flash freak, or even handling. So what are you waiting for?
the most casual reader. Is it comic
strips you want? Well, there’s Jeff
Jones and Mike Kaluta and Frank The Monster Times, 11 West 17 Street, I

Brunner to name a few. Is it an article I Dept H„ New York, N.Y. 10O11

that you desire? You won’t find a I Dear Monster Times,
better one than "Flash Gordon— Super Please rocket me copies of !

Serial" by TMT's own Al Asherman. the all-Flash Gordon HERITAGE. |

They don’t come more informative I Enclose $3.50 plus 25 cents postage
than this, people. Are portfolios your |
and handling for each copy. A total of
bag? Will Gray Morrow and Kenneth $3.75 ... a bargain!
Smith contributions fill the bill. Not
to mention illustrations by Fritz |
'And hope you will accept this not as merely an old football worn beyond further
Frazetta and Reed Crandall. And if it’s Address
use, but as a symbol of the hopes and aspirations of the entire simian community, an interview you demand, don’t go J |

and one that will be carried— and let me be perfectly clear about this— past the way. Heritage has a long, free-wheeling a” j

scrimmage line of disappointment and down the field of accomplishment, past the discussion with Mr. Buster I j

goal line and into the touchdown zone . . Crabbe— “Flash in the flesh”, if you sot. zip
1; |
will—conducted by none other than Al ^
page % The Monster Times

Nowadays, it seems like you never

can tell where your favorite fiend
might pop up next. Just peel those
peepers and take a fearful look
around! Today you'll see the
WEREWOLF in mouth-wash Again we're indebted to the New York 1972 edition of that great metropolitan Russell Myer's cartoon depicts a paranoid
Daily News, that solid pioneer in the field newspaper ever battling for Truth, fantasy that all horror film buffs have
commercials! KING KONG for
editorial horror, for this Broom-Hilda Justice,and The American Way ... or for probably been plagued by at one time or
Volkswagen! SUPERMAN in cartoon that appeared in th$ June 19, The American Way, at least. At any rate. another ... a theater full of monsters!
soapsud promos! Monster . . .

T-shirts, monster jokes, monster

1939. Chute has since moved to

model kits, monsters even Florida, where officials have been unable
competing for your girlfriend! to contact him and Tothmea has since
There are Transylvanians on TV.
monsters in media, zombies in zines
aid, as we've all known for a long
FROM HOME worn out her welcome at the museum.
Museum director George Cole claims
he has been besieged with offers from
If the English immortalize their monsters people wanting to give the Princess a
time now, marcemery madmen on
in glass and stone, we Americans make up home ever since a local paper, the
Madison Ave! There are bats in the for this excessive kindness by treating Knickerbocker News-Union Star, first
belfry. Zombies on Broadway and ours almost as badly as we treat poor reported the Princess' plight. J. Jonathan
(eech!!!) roaches in die sink! And it people, minorities, and old folks. Take Martin, an amateur Egyptologist
seems like wherever you go Princess Tothmea, for example... operating in New Jersey, offered to pay
nowadays, the media-mad-ad-men please! That's exactly what the officers of shipping costs if he could have her, while
are always out in full force trying the Schenectady Museum in upstate New the proprietor of a store in Alexandria,
to get their claws on you! So, in York are saying when they refer to a Va. volunteered to swap a copy of the
keeping with the current revival of 3,600 year-old mummy who has managed "Montgomery County History" for the
things macabre, all the eerie to outlive her usefulness even in death. mummy. Even a few museums were
Princess Tothmea is the mummy's name willing to take the elderly lady but the
ephemera that's been appearing
where madmen and Schenectady Museum spokesmen be forced to continue to
Princess will
lately in places
have announced that they're looking to occupy a dusty coffin in the basement
normally fear to tread will be duly
give thebadly battered mummy up for until her rightful owner shows up to
reported in our brand new irregular adoption, but are as yet unable to do so surrender his claim. If you are looking for
column, THE MONSTER SCENE, without the consent of its owner, a Mr. J. a mummy to love, better get your
by your friendly fiends-in-the-fields Franklin Chute, who loaned the Princess application in now. After all, she's been
atTMT. (unearthed in 1888 ) to the museum back waiting over 3,000 years for you.

of others. Also included will be many episodes

of your favorite fantasy television shows.

HONORED GUESTS: Ray Bradbury {award

winning sf writer ), Gene Rodden berry (mentor
or Star TREK). Jim Danforth WHEN (


Alyn (the SUPERMAN serial). Robert Bloch
Ifamed sf television and movie writer), Forrest
J. Ackerman (editor. FAMOUS MONSTERS),
and many others too numerous to mention.

EXHIBITS AND PANELS: amazing array of

special features ranging from STAR TREK to
LAGOON. Featured along with speakers will be
models, props and many other visual aids.


be three special guests at the convention:
George Pal. representing science fiction. Chuck
Jones, representing animation and John
Carradine, supernatural. A new
ACHIEVEMENTS, will be presented in three
categories: science fiction, fantasy and
supernatural and horror. Each category will give
two awards, one for television presentations
and one for theatrical presentations.


screening of the new, but unreleased movie,
Milland and Roosevelt Grier. There will also be
a special prop demonstration of the heads.
AND. a special showing of a never before seen
RUNNING by Doua Trumbull.
We certainly hope that's enough to convince
you that you should be at this convention. If
it's not, men you might consider the special

CARTOON room for children of all ages, the

costume ball, the amateur film contest, the
banquet and the special sales room where
publishers from all sections of the fantasy field
(including THE MONSTER TIMES) will be
selling their wares.
The convention will be held at Los Angeles'
from November 24 to 26 of this year. this con if we had all day, just take a gander at luxurious AMBASSADOR HOTEL, and the
The convention will be like nothing you've this abbreviated list of scheduled activities: registration rates (not including banquet and
ever seen. Naturally, it will be showing movies hotel costs) are $10 for attending and $5 for
(72 straight hours), but it will also be holding a MOVIES: Scheduled movies include the supporting. We urge you to write to the
costume ball, sponsoring panels, honoring followingclassics:. THINGS TO COME. committee for further information at:
guests and handing out awards. Not even to MAROONED, 20 MILLION MILES TO FANTASY FILM FANS INTERNATIONAL,
mention the cartoon room! And since we can’t EARTH, 20.000 LEAGUES UNDER THE P.O. Box 74866 L.A.. California 90004. Be
possibly tell you all the tremendous features of SEA, THESCARECROW OF OZ. and dozens there, by order of the head monster himself.
The Monster Times page 27

and the Monster Posing with Kong Joey
If King is 5-year-old
Liberation Front marage to overcome Munro, whose father created this fibre
some drastic odds and win the 1972 glass tributeto the Supersimian which
election, we'll probably be seeing a lot sports a 15 foot arm span and stands in
more where this came from. As it stands Birmingham, England. It would be a
now, however, the statue of the King foolhardy pigeon indeed who would risk

shown here might be the only of its kind the wrath of Kong by seeking to further
to be found anywhere in the world ... or
anywhere west of Skull Island at least.
decorate this meancing monument.

One of the hardest working

editors in the
Vic Ghidalia, whose e°rie
have been published by
What!? You say you’re a loyal
THE HOUSE? correct this ghastly error of
MONSTER TIMES reader but you ommission right away . . . this
don’t belong to instant . . . NOW! It’s easier to do
TIMES FAN CLUB? Why, a than you might imagine, too.
MONSTER TIMES reader without All you have to do is fill out
a MONSTER TIMES SOCIETY the coupon below and sent it
membership card, special along with $2.Q0 (in check,
certificate, and badge is like money order, or good old cold
D r a c u l a without
his hard cash) and YOU too will be a
fangs . Frankenstein without his
. .
member of that proud, respected,
monster ... a fire-breathing select legion . . . YOU
too will be
dragon minus his fiery breath ! But numbered among the most
wait . . don’t panic, it’s not too
. erudite, discriminating Monster
late! We pledge to keep the fact Fans on
this or any other
that you are not a member in planet .
. . YOU
too can stand tall
good standing of the MONSTER and unbowed whenever that cry
TIMES SOCIETY a ferociously rings out, “Is There A Monster In
McFadden, Fawcett, and other quality guarded secret providing you the House?”
houses. Some of his latesttitles :hat have

made it to the TMT Required Reading

Make me a member in good standing of
(co-editor Roger Elwood, MB Books, 75 J

cents),WIZARDS AND WARLOCKS I enclosing $2.00. Please rush me my

(MB Books, 95 cents). EIGHT STRANGE
TALES (Fawcett, 75 cents), and

official MT SOCIETY
and membership card as cannot live
another day without them. too wish to

SATAN'S PETS (MB Books, 75 cents.) Another forbidding bit of statuary is this
be numbered among the most erudite,

Induded in these collections are stories

awesome recreation of a Tyrannosaurus I discriminating Monster Fans on this or
by such macabre masters as Rex, seen here being airlifted to his new |
any other planet. am of sound mind

H.P.Lovecraft. Edgar Allan Poe, Fritz

and body and fully realize that during
home in Blackgang Chime, a popular I the Dark Ages would have been burned
Leiber, Ray Bradbury, Robert Block, and British tourist spot. The British sure at the stake as a wizard for this.
H.G. Wells. know how to treat a monster.
page 28 The Monster Times

POSTERS BY . awakens your sense of

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For mood and tone and colors and details are re-

anatomy and stark por- produced magnificently,

traits of wonder, Frazetta Breathtaking to see and

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A. WEREWOLF (cover
painting for CREEPY 4).
Silhouetted against an
orange moon is the raven-
ing beast of our night-
mares, about to pounce
on the victim who has un-
fortunately discovered
him! $2.50

Alan Barbour, ed. $4.00
The world's favorite Boris Karloff was the A JOB FOR SUPERMAN. Jim Steranko $3.00
Dracula is seen in a book- magniiicent master of dis- Kirk Alyn $5.00
There is a series in-
CAPT. MIDNIGHT the original radio ful of photos of Bela guise and menace. You The first actor ever to volved here, and this is
RADIO PREMIUM program. Second, you Lugosi in his weirdest can see dozens and doz- play the part of Superman
volume one. You can find
SET. Now when get a Flight Comman- roles. Softcover twin vol- ens of photographs of his has written this memoir. few better descriptions of
de-coder badges from der's certificate from ume to the Karloff book. various roles in this 52- It is filled with film-mak-
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this reproduction of cardboard of a Captain 52-pages. and is clear and vivid. A photographs. Fun reading,
dreds of photos anrf
au thentic Capt. Midnight de-coder horror-film fan’s prize. even for non-fi.m fans. illustrations. Nifty readingr
Midnight radio program
giveaways! First, there
badge! All three items
make one set!
great art — poster-sized
full-color cover by th<
is a 45 rpm recording of 3.50


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Toe to toe, Conan fights tomorrow's big
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in every axe-stroke,against Here's a new, beautiful,
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watch in its own
decorated box! The VIRGIL FINLAY.
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box illustration are by Beautiful hardcover
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the chance to buy a nificent sampling of the Vem Coriel!, ed. $2.50
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what are you waiting outstanding color plates. covers some of the finest
Also contains a full listing black and white lineworii
15.00 of Finlay's work and where by this super-artist, Frank

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HAL FOSTER'S Foster's first four Frazetta. Each figure shows
Proves again and TARZAN (Vol. II). In Sunday page adventure detail, mass, strength, and
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$10.00 item and carrying Rockwell did for The Sat- . ...... A II » -- —^ «n« ah.. CIHr
(POSTERS ARE MAILED IN photographs of urday Evening Post
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and was the official
admission to the RADIO
BLACKMARK. rntmosai auction. See the props
Because of poor auctioned off from
brilliant experiment (flagons, throne,
was not available to a banner). Hush, Hush,
wide public. Now the SWEET CHARLOTTE
remaining stock has 20 CENTURY FOX (paintings), etc. A
been purchased and it is MEMORABILIA nostalgic trip of trips.
available here! Gil Kane CATOLOG. When one Dig item 470: "severed
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your favorite radio BOOK ONE.
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Hal Foster
HERO PULP INDEX. lules Feiffer $5.00 adventure hero offered $5.00
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Where did the Black
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And then adventure
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was a daily strip drawn by
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published at 75c,
Originally books? When did the long
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after (original) comic book
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repeated in the Sunday
comic sections. And
the book printed beneath
each panel. Designed to
available now at
Shadow series begin? How
long did Doc Savage run?
INDEX complete origin stories
of Batman, Superman,
this book reproduces
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run for a few weeks, Tar-
zan has now been going

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the Big Little Books book artists' artist, and features are listed in this the Spirit, Rash, Hawk- over Want to see the Kix strips ever drawn, re-
published in the 1930's this booksalutes his compact and efficient ref- man, and more! All in Atomic Bomb Ring printed in clear lines in a

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An excellent
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...." 1.00 4.00 The proverbial Old Abandoned Warehouse house Enterprises presents the most AWEful, NOTE: Add 20* postage and handling per
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where the published
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hardcover book! Many
artist has
writers share their
whether in comic book, FRAZETTA PAINTINGS FRAZETTA FOLIO $2.50 (Stale age)
ihemories with you of
fanzine or. newspaper.
what comic books' were S2.50 cadi or all live lor $10.00 —VIRGIL FINLAY $12.00
illustrations which like in the 1940's. They 1A) WEREWOLF
make this book both —DARK DOMAIN. $4.00 (State age) ADDRESS
beautiful and a bargain. and Harlan Ellison. 1.90 1C) BRAK THE BARBARIAN
PENGUIN BOOK OF well-filled comic art All live
COMICS. Hundreds and magazine featuring —FANTASTIC (KARLOFF). $4.00 PENGUIN BOOK OF COMICS. $4.95 STATE
hundreds of comic strip color cover and a story -J-UGOSI. $4.00 BLACKMARK. $1.00 Sales Tax: For delivery N.Y.C. add 7%. delivery elsewhere In
samples (and comic by Ken Barr, a new and —A JOB FOR SUPERMAN $5.00 —CAPT. MIDNIGHT PREMIUM SET. $150 New York

books, tool, tracing the

history of visual
powerful story by Neal
Adams, and excellent
State, add 6%.


•tory-telling. Some work by Gray Morrow, -20TH CENTURY FOX —ALL IN COLOR FOR A DIME. $1.50 AMOUNT ENCLOSED AGE
Jeff Jones, Bern' 17 MEMORABILIA CATALOG. $340 —TARZAN (VOL. II) WjM
for those who want to Wrightson, and many
see what it's all about. others. Classy product.
The Monster Times page 29

Continued from page 5

"Gentlemen would you care to see

. . .

some more of the Krell wonders?”

Morbius knew what their answer would
be, and they soon found themselves on a
subway shuttle car that moved at
fantastic speeds through this amazing
place. They exited at the start of a long,
narrow pathway floating twenty miles

about nothing. They saw corridors

branching off into every direction. Huge
nuclear furnaces. Vehicles followed tracks
Morbius takes Adams and Doc on a tour that leads to tragedy. "In times long
was the home of a race of creatures who
up and down walls and floors, connecting
past," Morbius tells them, "this planet
each other with sparks of synthetic
called themselves the Krell. Long before the appearance of the human race, the
Krell had visited the Earth." Among the many— and dangerous— Krell wonders is lightning that had been coursing through
the brain-boost machine upon whose altar Doc Ostrow sacrifices his life. these tunnels for millions of years, like
billions of nerve impulses, to keep this
machine alive.
Morbius had learned much of the Krell
science since he built Robby. Secrets that
would revolutionize Earth. But, because
of his superior brain, he announced he
would only reveal a small segment of the
Krell knowledge at a time, and only as he
thought Earth was ready for each bit of
knowledge. Adams started to argue, but
Doc cut him short. There was time
enough for that later meanwhile they . . .

had their own problems to think


Back at the ship, the barriers were set
up again. Adams and Ostrow had hurried
back to be inside the barrier before
nightfall ... it seenfed the creature
almost always came at night, even in the
days when it had menaced the
Bellerophon crew.
Everyone was tense, as if in the back
of their minds they were sure the Monster
would come again tonight, mangling
anyone and anything in its path. The
defense perimeters were all in place and
switched on. The giant ray cannnons had
been wheeled from within the ship.
Suddenly all was quiet. Patrols were
being made near the ship. Guns were
ten times the energy as the one before it. ready. It was a security-proof screen of
All the power of the universe men and destructive machines that
concentrated here, in this huge complex. guarded them all this eerie night. Then a
Twenty miles square. Adams glanced at burning sound tore through the air, and,
Ostrow. So that was the incredible power between two of the fenceposts, sparks
that had radar-scanned them when their could be seen dancing. They stopped.
ship arrived. Short circuit? Looked that way, but
Morbius explained this entire complex then that’s also what happened the night
was all one huge machine. Because of his Quinn was murdered. Better keep a sharp
study ot the Krell language, which he had lookout.
deciphered on a library-computer readout
screen, Morbius had learned enough to -MONSTER MAKES
build Robby and keep his daughter and
himself comfortable all those years. But
after all this time, no clue; he did not Then another set of sparks. Only they
know what this fantastic, huge machine didn’t stop this time. They kept
was for. It was to have changed the Krell showering toward some invisible shape
civilization but they died out
totally, that was trying to get through the
before they could make use of it. defenses. It seemed to be having some
trouble, and Adams decided that it was
.... to learn the secret of the Krell's demise at now or never. Every cannon, rifle and
the cost of his own life. "A civilization without hand-gun was pointed at the source of the
instrumentalities!" Doc, choosing his dying disturbance. At the base of it all could be
words carefully, exclaims. "But the Krell forgot seen two footprints in the soft Altairan
small pellet and dropped it into an machine. This was a Krell I.Q. tester, on one thing Monster, John Monsters from
soil, moving as though some impossible
. . . . . .

equally small container. Instantly, which their children’s minds were the ID!"
symmetrical sounds filled the room, as measured. The first time Morbius tried pair of clawed, curved feet were
Morbius explained “. . Those sounds the machine, years before, he had almost thrashing about from side to side. The

died from a tremendous shock of pure outline of the creature could now be
you hear were recorded by Krell
energy. But that shock had permanently seen. It was a bi-ped, with no arms. A
musicians over 5,000 centuries ago!"
Morbius had built his home around the doubled his' intelligence. Still,with his tooth-filled head that swayed and
hidden entrance to a fabulously huge incredibly boosted I.Q., he had reasoned billowed and roared defiance to all. that

Krell complex.

In the 2,000 centuries that a Krell child could raise the disk to lived. Then a monstrous torso that

since their sudden and mysterious end, the top. Apparently these people had abruptly turned into two strong, short,

even their cloud-piercing towers of been a race of geniuses. ape-like legs that now danced in

porcelain and adamantine steel have long The machine had still another frustration and rage.

since crumbled back into the dust of function, and this time as Morbius Farman, who had been firing all along,

Altair Four." Only their underground concentrated, a small swirling mist did not freeze like the others. Whatever
works, protected from the elements of formed in the viewing area of the made men heroes, willing to fight against
erosion, had survived to this day. For machine. A small platform was the base impossible odds had taken possession of
some unknown reason the Krell had for a miniature female outline that him. He lungec^forward: Adams yelled,
apparently vanished almost overnight, quicklytook the shape of Altaira. It but Farman was almost on top of the
leaving their wonderful culture and moved and waved and smilecTlike it was creature now.
science to be discovered by the crew of Altaira herself because, Morbius From a distance, the crew saw the
the Bellerophon. explained “.
. my daughter is alive inside
creature bend slightly. Its head glowing
my mind from micro-second to more brightly in the range of Farman’s
Morbius turned a small wheel in a
corridor just a short walk through the micro-second” rifle,the monster lifted the first officer

wall of his study. They entered a huge Adams took the I.Q. test and into mouth. Adams saw his friend

laboratory, full of coils and sensors, registered a fraction of what Morbius had. liftedfrom the ground like some fagdoll
Doctor Ostrow registered half. But when in the mouth of a lion. The head reared
gauges and machines that were centuries
ahead of anything Earth had produced. Adams tried to make an image on the up and swayed back and forth. Jerry
Morbius stepped up to a large Krell machine, Morbius stopped him. Farman shut hii eyes and screamed, as he
instrument panel. Donning earphones That’s how the Bellerophon skipper had felt his life being drained away by

died. electronic teeth. Then he was tossed to

designed for alien heads, he activated
the ground, broken and dead. The rest of
switches with a wave of his hand. As he This was only one of the laboratories
the men rushed forward, giving the
concentrated, a metallic circle rose about of a gigantic complex. Gauges to measure
creature all they had.
halfway up a tube on one side of the energy lined the walls . . each measuring
poge 30 The Monster Times

and saw Robby lumbering slowly from

“Morbius . . .
the study, carrying Doc. Ostrow looked
limp, like a broken puppet, as the robot
something is approaching!”
put him gently on a couch. He was alive,
but he knew he wouldn’t last long.
Adams bent over him, not knowing what
to say. Doc had sacrificed his life for his
captain and his friend.
The expanded intelligence of Doc
explained about the great machine. A
machine that was both the crowning
glory and the downfall of the Krell. A
device that could take molecules from the
air, from people’s thoughts, and shape

them into whatever the operators wished

them to be. Tools, machines, buildings,
even living servants, created in an
instant created from the energy of
. . .

pure thought. A civilization totally free

of instrumentality!
Doc continued, his voice growing
weaker: But the Krell “.
. .

thing .Monsters, John!

. . Monsters . . .

from the ID! ...” Then his mouth stayed

open, his eyes glazed. Adams closed his
friend’s eyes.
Suddenly Morbius strode into the
room. Looking down at the dead figure,
he saw the same burn marks that had
been on his own head twenty years ago.
“Morbius What’s the ID?” Adams . . .

was almost frantic in his tone, and

Morbius was answering almost without
“. . . . It's an obsolete term, once used
to describe man’s subconscious mind.”
So that was it, thought Adams.

Monsters from the subconscious. Swiftly,

space ..." warns Morbius, choosing his dying
words carefully. "Chain reaction . . . Krell
furnaces . . . Cannot be reversed!"

“ From micro-second to
micro-second . .
.*’ The same phrase
Morbius had used to describe the
image-making machine in the Krell
laboratory! Doc glanced at Adams. The
two simultaneously nodded, and left at
top speed for Morbius’ house.
On the way. Doc and Adams discussed
The most logical thing to
the situation.
do would be for one of them to sneak
into the lab and take the Krell
was dangerous, but it had
brain-boost. It
to be done.


As they reached the house, Alta ran
Author Asherman's inspired rendition of the Id
forward to meet them. She told of her
That Conquered Altair 4— a rare glimpse into
our sci-fi scholar's psyche.
nightmare, and John J. Adams knew she
loved him, too. They held each other
close,and neither of them noticed Doc
within a few seconds; the creature faded
Ostrow go with Robby into Morbius’
from existence, his outline and roar
study. Fortunately, the scientist had
disappearing at the same time. It was
never programmed Robbv to keep people
from entering the study when there was
-A technical advanced a
no one in it. It was very late, and chances
theory . . something about an impossible
were that Dr. Morbius was off
monster that could live through somewhere, asleep.
disintegrator beams because it was Alta and Adams talked softly, mostly
renewing its energy from micro-second to
about Farman, when suddenly Alta
micro-second. "In about a million years the human race will have crawled up to where the Krell were in their
looked up and gasped. Adams whirled
moment of glory. At that time, maybe what happened to your father will make us remember
thatwe are, after all, not Gods ..."
. .

pnge 31
The Monster Times

Adams repeated everything Doc had told -HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU 1DI—
him . . . about the super-machine, about
Alta ran to his side. Then the door
the monsters the Krell had unknowingly THE MONSTER TIMES FAN FAIR is another reader service of MT.
turned upon themselves. The night after began to turn red. Then yellow, bright
Care to buy, sell or trade movie stills, old comics or tapes of old
their machine had been turned on for the yellow and finally white. Cosmic forces
radio programs? Or maybe buy or advertise a fan-produced
of incredible intensity whistled through
First time, the incredible device had magazine? An ad costs only 10 cents per word (minimum, 25 words).
absorbed the unconscious fears, desires the air as the doors melted and flowed
Make all checks and money orders payable to THE MONSTER
and monsters and turned them into out across the floor of the lab. The
TIMES, and mail your clearly printed or typewritten ad on the
Monster was still invisible, but it was right
realities that tore them, and their world, coupon below, to: THE MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea
completely apart. Even the Krell had there with them and would kill them in a
Station, New York, N.Y. 1001 1. We reserve the right to refuse ads
evolved from primitive, savage beginnings matter of moments. The air smelled of
which would not be deemed appropriate to our publication.
and all these dark memories, buried for electricity and fear. Alta ran toward
millions^ of years in the backs of their Adams and they embraced.
minds, were freed in one horrible night, Morbius rushed forward, at the unseen
to tear, melt, vaporize ... to destroy! terror, and shouted. “Stop ... I DENY
Morbius, visibly shaken by the tafc, YOU... I GIVE YOU UP!!" For an FINDERS KEEPERS is iandom's most Wanted: KRAZY KAT and George
recovered himself. “Very good. instant nothing happened. Then the form esoteric publication devoted to comics, Herriman letters, artwork, memorabilia, for
Commander But you forget one
. . .
of Morbius left the ground, and swung to films, literature, Send
and music. 75* for biography- Wish to buy or borrow. Contact:
thing.The last Krell died millions of years and fro in midair. Looks of horror and back issue nunfer one. Order from Don M. Thomas Inge. 8624 Waxiord Road.
ago. Why is the machine working now?" revulsion crossed the faces of Alta and Jackson. 1043 Vine St-. Adrian. Mfch. Richmond, Virginia 23235.
John Adams, as they helplessly watched 49221
ID CONQUERED THE WORLD the body of Dr. Edward Morbius tom Wanted: Photos from Godzilla, Forbidden
apart and thrown to the floor. Then the Planet. Destroy All Monsters. Mysterious

Adams shouted the explanation that gauges ceased to light, one after the Island. Chidra. Reptilicus. Send list ID Ted
Fails Gazette No. One. George Orentlicher. Carreras. Rte. 6. Box 763-F, Brookswlle.
Morbius refused to see for himself. That other, and all was quiet The Monster was
1782 Homestead Aw_, Atlanta. Georgia Fla. 33512
terrible, impossible monster was the dead forever.
result of the machine drawing out the
With dying words, Morbius begged
scientist’s fears and ancient drives, and Stewart Ughtman. 144-31 41 Awe. Rushing. Queens: TV Guides 1959 thru 1967 (except
Adams to tum
a small wheel in the floor
turning them into a living creature N.Y. 11355. would like a pen pal from for pre views! bilk sale preferred. (212)
of the lab, pull a lever that sprang up
dedicated to murder! Criif. Stewart is 8 yrs. old. FL93546. Pro 1964-75* a copy, after
Li its place. Then he said, “In 24 hours, 64—50*.
Morbius buried his head in his hands,
ycu must be a million miles out in
but his thoughts were abruptly broken by For sale—£_C_ and Marvel cornices. EC.
space . Chain reaction . . . Krell
. .

the sound of trees cracking apart. There horror and so. fic. Manrel. superhero. Cal HORROR- FANTASY-SF POSTERS FOR
furnaces . Cannot be reversed."

was no other sound, but they knew . .


(201) 763-1558 after 8 pjn. or write: C. SALE. Thousands of posters, lobbies,

They ran through the cooling, melted pressbooks. and film materia
the Monster was coming to kill them all! Salomon, 18 Boyden Aw., Maplewood, NJ. related l

doors of the lab. Alta sobbed to take 07040

Morbius closed the metallic shutters
Robby along. Adams activated the
around his house. But there was a
electro-magnet on the tractor and the
howling sound, and the shutters started
robot flew from the house.
Am interested in buying old items or books
to turn molten. “Kill it, Robby,” Morbius
At the ship, take-off was immediate.
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Welcome to the Wide, Weird, Wild World of Science-Fiction. In this, our long-awaited Sci-Fi Special, you'll journey with Space
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MYSTERIANS; meet TV's most prolific and admired Sci-Fi scribe, ROD SERLING; travel into the soulless netherworld of Los
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numerous and nefarious to name. And what better choice to lead the way could there be than the greatest intergalactic hero of
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