The Monster Times 31 1974-03

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The Monster Times

Fellow Terror Travelers,
Special All-World-Conquer-
ing, All-Mind Controlling,
All-Martian Issue!


menace fond of making
offers you can’t refuse, joins
us bidding you to enter
the heavy metal door of the
TMT spaceship for a fantas-
tic voyage to the Angry Red
Planet. Once Inside, you’ll
find yourself face-to-face,
nose-to-nose, and antenna-
to-antenna with many of
Mars’ most dangerous deni-
zens, including our door-
man, IT! You’ll witness
invasions of Earth, an
exciting WAR OF THE
WORLDS, and hear sci-fi &
Martian master Ray Brad-
bury tell all about strange
mysteries found on this and
other planets. Martians from
every media— film, comic
books and even oldtime
radio— have signed up for
this macabre Mars Trek ...
but there’s plenty of room
left for the likes of you, too.
So what are you waiting for?
Leave your ray-guns at the
door and hop aboard!

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page 2 The Monster Times

Volume 1 Number 31
m The World s First Newspaper of Horror,

Sci-fi and Fantasy

Thanks go lo United Artists for the
Martian menace from IT! THE
seen on our cover this issue, and to
Less Waldstein, TMT publisher,
who transferred the photo to said
cover without making a single
More morbid missives, nasty notes, praise-laden letters
Hope you’ve had sufficient time to fully recover and heinous hate mail from TMT readers 'round the globe.
from our last (All-Worst) issue. There’ll be none of
that kinda stuff time out; we're happy to report WAR OF THE WORLDS!:
that TMT has returned to its original policy of A frightening filmbook of the 1953 movie version of
stuffing the issue with high-quality horror, superb H.G. Wells’ classic about a malicious Martian invasion of Earth.
science fiction and other items of a vital, relevant
and uplifting nature. This time casts itsTMT MARTIANS IN THE COMICS:
collective eye skywards to zoom in on the Angry Comics expert Jeff Wasserman contributes a sinister survey of red planet
Red Planet, Mars. comic creatures and strikes another blow for Martian Lib.
To launch our All-World-Conquering, All-Mind-
Controlling, All-Menacing, All-Martian issue, we’ve
got a detailed filmbook on the 1953 adaptation of Writer Ron Haydock monster-maker Paul Blaisdell.
profiles prolific
H.G. Wells' classic WAR
OF THE WORLDS, who tells all about how he created a menacing Martian called IT!
turned in by sci-fi cinema scholar Steve Vertlieb.
Jim Wnoroski contributes a completists’ dream
survey of Martians in the Movies and celebrates an RAY BRADBURY WRITES AGAIN!
unsung Martian epic from the Frightening ’50s, Ray Bradbury, sci-fi writer supreme and author of the masterful MARTIAN CHRONICLES
talks of things of a vital & relevant nature in an exclusive TMT interview.
MARS. Also on view within is
an exclusive TMT
interview with premier sci-fi and
fantasy writer Ray Bradbury, conducted by Media
Editor R. Allen Leider; a round-up of Martians in Special space-oriented edition of our ever-popular Monster Scene feature.
the Comics; a helpful how-to piece on Making
Martian Monsters; a nostalgic look at Orson Welles’
panic-inspiring WAR
OF THE WORLDS broadcast I
of 1938; and, just to lower the terror tone a bit, a . We had to provide one dumb, alienating article
in this otherwise excellent issue— and this is it.

less-than-fond remembrance of
STOOGES IN ORBIT by Jason Thomas. Also
contained in this... WAR OF THE WELLES!:
TMT takes a nostalgiclook at the night America freaked out— the night of
BULLETIN!!! Orson Welles’ infamous radio broadcast of H.G. Wells’ WAR OF THE WORL
tedious editorial with the knee-knocking news that A mad Martian from the epic WAR OF THE WORLDS, suitable for framing
a planned Martian invasion of Earth has been and for keeping unwanted invaders away.
abandoned— repeat: abandoned— by Red Planet
leaders! Informed sources in the TMT Sky-Watch- THE PARANOIDS MEET THE MARTIANS!
ing and Cosmic Bugging Departments say that, Jim Wnoroski examines that ultra-paranoid, unsung epic of the frightening '50s,
due to current conditions on Earth, Martian INVADERS FROM MARS— a film that induced many a childhood nightmare.
leaders have called an immediate halt to a planned
invasion of this planet.” A reliable, expert TMT TICKS & KICKS!:
cosmic wiretapper further claims to have recorded The TMT Tefetype provides plenty of both with an up-to-the-month wrap-upj
secret Martian planning sessions and quoted one of unnatural events from the realms of film, comics, books and reality.
prominent Martian dignitary as saying, “I don’t
want to go to no planet where I won’t even be MARTIANS IN THE MOVIES!
allowed to drive my spaceship on Sunday.” Since Scare scholar Jim Wnoroski presents a complete round-up of Moviedom Martians,
the Angry Red Planet leaders wished to maintain

from the terrific through the trivial to the terrible.

tradition by landing either in Washington or New
York, they gathered scouting reports on those
major metropoles and apparently found both
“wanting in the extreme.” Though a minority of
The Reports of His Death... Letter Ratings and Horror Films
decision-making Martians continued to push for
To the editor...
invasion, their remarks remain undecipherable due In reference to the "SF & F" feature on page To the editor...
to an unexplained 18 minute gap in the tape. TMT 28 of THE MONSTER TIMES #29: Chester Before get on my soapbox once again, feel

Bonestell is certainly great, but by no means

A high-strung TMT
secretary assigned to guard
late. He celebrated his 87th birthday last
I must commend you on upholding the fine
tradition of excellence that The Monster Times
the tape claims that the erasure was accidental and January 1 st and is still painting. has become famous for. Your recent article on
offered the opinion that the gap was probably caused He is close friends with such as Clarke, Lon Chaney Sr. was obviously a labor of love;
Heinlein, George Pal and his work is in it is just a shame that the new generation will
by “intense evil thought-waves emanating from the numerous museums and galleries, including have little chance to see the great films of The
TMT editorial office.” nearly a dozen in the permanent collection of
the Smithsonian Institute.
Man of a Thousand Faces.
We now return you to the regular editorial Ron Miller
But, on to the purpose of this letter. was
apalled to find that three of the finest horror

normally seen in this space... Visual Information Specialist movies of the past year were given the ridicu-
National Air and Space Museum
Well, that’s certainly good news! And even while Washington, D.C.
lous rating of “R!" The three films in question
things may be less than ideal on this planet, at least HORROR, and TALES THAT WITNESS
Ed Summer, our science fiction and fantasy
we know that Earth will remain in the fumbling columnist, has been duly flogged and MADNESS. In each case. I found no justifica-
apologizes for laying Mr. Bonestall to rest. In tion for such a strict rating other than the fact
hands of our own homegrown madmen, and not in
fact, Ed has since bought his own plot and that each film had an excessive amount of
the tentacles of a bunch of un-American aliens from plans to retire to it as soon as he makes gore. If one would care to remember, films
Mars ... a comforting notion, that. another mistake like that. such as BULLITT and BONNIE AND CLYDE
had much more grue than these films, yet they
were merely rated “PG!" This is a case of

Oof TELL IT TO Kung Fu Fanatic

restricted attendance versus parental guidance.
I would rather have my child see imaginary
death and violence in a fantasy world, than
Managing Editor: JOE BRANCATELLI. Production/Typesetting
THE EDITOR To the editor...
Really dug your last ish of TMT (No. 25). I’m
glad to see you guys are into all forms of
fantasy films, not only the monster variety. I
witness it in gory detail as shown in “realistic"
films. Iwould also care to point out that the
most successfully gruesome horror film of the
past ten years has been NIGHT OF THE LIVING
Director: RONALD BOOKSTAFF. Media Editor: R. ALLEN Hot Stills Still Controversial dig Kung Fu T V., films, but especially
DEAD, yet this film was aired at children
To the editor. .. matinees! NIGHT had twice as much gore as
STEVE VERTLIEB, JIM WNOROSKI, BILL FERET. Contributing couldn’t believe your statement in your any of the three films mentioned above.

"Tellit to the editor" that “they are either stolen So, here's the question place to anyone

from the movie companies or duplicated from who can answer it: Is real-life horror more
DON FIOTO, DAVID STIDWORTHY, GARY BROWN, RON original prints." acceptable than fantasized horror? Where is
HAYDOCK, GARY SVEHLA, RONN STEINITZ, LON TALBOT, This is a close to libelous statement. If you the justification for such ratings?
SEYMOUR, DAVID BARTHOLOMEW, JASON THOMAS, ED had said probably, might have agreed with
SUMMER, GEOFF OLDHAM. Contributing Artists: TOM ARM- Watson Shurtz

you, but your flat statement is wrong and
Orlando, Florida
GRAY MORROW, BILL NELSON, JIM JANES, BERNI WRIGHT- Stills bought from the studios by a party do
KALUTA. Contributing Photographers: BARRY GLUSKY,
not become illegal or can, by any chance, be A movie that we previewed in THE MONSTER
considered stolen. TIMES #19 ran into a situation similar to the
EMANUEL MARIS. Circulation: RONN STEINITZ, SUSAN National Screen (at least up until 1955) sold one Mr. Shurtz alleges. If you remember, TMT
BROWN, BILL KOEHLEIN. Advertising Manager: LARRY BRILL. stills to the theatres which showed the films. correspondent Mark Evanier gave us an
Creepy Consultant: THE CREEP. West Coast Representative: Those were not stolen or duplicated from
stills on-the-lot preview of DR. DEATH. The movie
LARRY WALDSTEIN. original prints. was completed, sent to the movie rating people
Your statement, to say the least, smells of and came back with an “X” rating.
THE MONSTER TIMES, No. 31, March 1974. s published |
sour grapes and no knowledge of the true
monthly by The Monster Times Publishing Company, Inc., 11 West The producer and director were shocked, to
17th Street, New York, New York 10011. All rights reserved by The say the least. They were hoping for a “PG.”
Claude D. Plum, Jr.
Monster Times Publishing Company, Inc. Nothing may be Consequently, they have been cutting out
Hollywood, California
reprinted in whole or part in any manner without express written horror scenes for over a year in an attempt to
permission from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTIONS: U.S.A.: $6 lor Movie companies that sell stills to theaters do have the movie rated “R.”
12 issues. $11 for 24 issues, $20 for 52 issues. Canada: $12 for 24 so legitimately, of course. But, at the same
issues. Foreign: $20 for 24 issues. Please allow six weeks for time, those movie houses aren't supposed to Got a gripe? Somethin' you want to get off your
subscriptions to become effective. SUBSCRIBER CHANGE OF sell them again.
hope you can use the ones I sent. hairy chest? Or, perchance, a nice note of
ADDRESS: Allow eight weeks' notice, and please send an address And walking around at any convention you'll
Gary Garrett praise for your friendly fiends at TMT? Then
imprint from a recent issue or state exactly how label is addressed. find dozens of dealers selling duplicated— Bethpage, N.Y. send them straight to us. Remember: It takes
All subscriptions, inquiries, address changes or undeliverable illegal— stills. Duplication under any circum- all kinds ... and so do we. Address all
copies should be sent to: The Monster Times, Post Office Box 595, stances is illegal. It says it right there on the KUNG FU fans will be happy to know that next correspondences to: To the Editor, THE
Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10011. Printed in still. issue will contain a special feature on the late, MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea
And we'd know who we libeled? great BRUCE LEE. Station. New York, New York 10011.
Canada. Distributed by The Kable News Company, Inc. like to
fhe Monster Times page 3

In The Beginning(or at least closer

to it we are now), H.G. Wells,
the father of science
fiction, entertained a diabolical
fantasy about a Martian invasion of
Earth. This disturbing vision soon
found its way into print when Wells
Much later, Hollywood got its
hungry hooks on the property and,
for a change, really did justice to
Wells’ work. Here with the whole
strange story is sci-fi scholar Steve
Vertlieb in his frightening filmbook
on the Wells classic...

“No one would have believed in the

middle of the twentieth century that
human affairs were being watched keenly
and clearly by intelligences greater than
man’s. No one gave a thought to the older
worlds as a source of human danger. Yet
across the gulf of space, on the planet
Mars, intellects vast and cool and unsym-
pathetic regarded our earth with envious
eyes, slowly and surely drawing their
plans against us.” —H.G. Wells
It must have been around eleven when
they saw it. The late show at the small
theatre had ended and patrons were
streaming out onto the street. The sky
looked unusually bright. Pastor Collins
and his niece, Sylvia, turned and faced the
sky. At first it seemed motionless, like a
new and brilliant star setting the heavens
aflame. Only after a moment’s study did
they realize that the object was moving
ever so slowly across the California
They watched, fascinated, as the object
tore across the night sky, leaving a blazing
trail behind it. The object was rushing to
Earth at a startling speed! In another
moment it disappeared beyond a clump of
trees in the far distance. Its point of
impact must have been miles away, but
the fiery explosion that resulted from that
terrible collision lit up the countryside as
brightly as any noonday sun.

The fire at campside was wearing down.
The fishermen, out on a weekend trip to
the mountains, were savoring the last
remnants of their catch as the battered
station wagon entered the camp. Fiddler,
a forest ranger, emerged from the car.
“I got a message for you,” he spoke.
“You’re the guys from Pacific Tech, ain’t
you? It’s about that meteor. They say it’s a
whopper. Thought you might be inter-
ested. It’s ten or twelve miles from

here over by Linda Rosa.”
Clayton Forrester put down his pipe
and asked Bilderbeck for the use of his
car. He wanted to drive to Linda Rosa in
the morning and take a look at the
unexpected gift from the sky.

profoundly disturbing was gnawing at his

Buildings disintegrate, cities burn, civilizations topple, and populations (lee in terror METEOR FOUND!
as invading Martians choose Earth as the sorry site of an epic WAR OF THE WORLDS! brain. He couldn’t shake the feeling that
This updated, relocated film version of H.G. Wells' classic story of an attempted takeover of Earth The meteor smouldering in a gully,
lay there was something wrong here ...-
ranks among the most exciting sci-fi epics ever filmed and features amazingly realistic special effects. half covered with dirt. It wasn’t yet terribly wrong. At the insistence of Pastor
daybreak, but curiosity seekers from Collins, Forrester would spend the night
miles around had already begun con- with him and his niece.
verging on the sight. Sylvia Van Buren Nightfall found the local citizenry at the
saw the object fall hours earlier with her town square dance in the social hall.
uncle, and now they had come for a closer Forrester had chosen his partner well. He
look. She was searching her purse for a had found more than a meteor in Linda
cigarette when Clayton Forrester’s Rosa; he’d found Sylvia.
convertible pulled alongside.
“That’s it over there,” he muttered. MEANWHILE
“Did you see it come down?" asked BACK AT THE GULLY...
Sylvia, surveying the unshaven man Out at the gully three volunteer
beside her. sentries were preparing to leave for home.
“Yes, I was fishing up in the hills. I don’t The object had cooled considerably and
understand why a meteor this size didn’t further danger from fires seemed remote.
make a bigger crater.” They were walking toward their car when
The geiger counter in the back of his car Salvador heard the sound, a sound like
joltedthem out of their concentration, as metal scraping against metal. They
it away at the thing in the gully.
chattered turned, and Salvador shone a lone beam
The sheriff couldn’t conceal his alarm. from his flashlight on the gully.
“Look at this thing— goin’ crazy!" he ‘Hey, it's movin’!" he screamed.
yelled. They all saw it now. It was up at the top
Forrester looked puzzled. “It’s difficult of the object. Ashen flakes of rock were
to account for a reaction like that,” he being jarred loose from where they
agreed. burned by a force too powerful to resist. A
He resolved to remain in Linda Rosa round metal cylinder was turning contin-
until the object had cooled off. Call it the ually, lifting itself out of its hole.
Martians land Linda Rosa and Earth's problems begin. At first, authorities believe
the crater was made by a stray meteor but soon discover the monstrous Martian plot. curiosity of a scientist, but something The rotating section has grown larger

page 4

as it turned and soon fell away from the

object, uncovering a bright metal within
the opening. A silvery, metallic umbilical
chord emerged slowly from somewhere
inside the object, emitting an ominous
hissing sound. Unsheltered by metal was
its face, upon which appeared a smooth,
glass-like surface that shone brightly,
illuminating the gully with a stunning,
reddish pulsation. The long snake-like
neck twisted and convulsed, allowing the
face to scan the farthest corner of the
Wash, Alonzo and Salvador observed
the movement from behind a small ridge.
“Must be somebody in there," Wash
“Who? Where’d you think they come
from?” asked Alonzo. “I read someplace—
Mars is near the earth right now. Happens

every eighteen or twenty years, they say.

Men from Mars— whaddaya think? If it’s
men from Mars we ought to let ’em know
we’re friendly."
“We’d be in all the papers,” said Alonzo.
“We could show ’em we’re friendly, huh?
Walk out there with a white flag.”
Alonzo ran to his car, retrieving an old
sugar sack. Ripping it open, the Mexican
tied the cloth to a shovel and held it in his
arms. The three men advanced on the
gully as Wash Perry cried: “Welcome to
In the gully there was only silent
observation as a shimmering serpent
slithered across the darkened rocks to lie
in wait for the approaching prey. Its head
jerked upward like a rattler preparing to
strike, and the pulsating grew more
intense. All of the gully and surrounding
rocks were suddenly bathed in a
penetrating illumination that shone with
hellish brilliance. The intensity of
vibrations emanating from the thing was
too much for any human to bear. A
shocking blast of heat exploded in the
gully, incinerating everything that lived
and moved. When the glare had subsided
only specks of dust remained where the
three sentries had stood but an instant
It was nearing midnight when the lights
in thetown went out. The phones had also
gone dead. At the square dance, Pastor
Collins examined his pocket watch and
found that it too had stopped. Clayton
Forrester entered into the circle.
“There’s only one explanation for a
thing like this,” he said. “Got a pin?”
the sky, and his sudden cry jolted
Forrester placed the pin on the counter Forrester. The scientist snapped his eyes
and brought the cast of his watch near it. to the direction in which the sheriff was
As he did so the pin lept across the presently shaking his finger, and he saw it
counter and attached itself, like a hungry
too. Out of a far corner of the sky a second
leech, to the watch.
meteor was searing a path .through the
“See that?" he said. “My watch is night clouds, now disturbingly alive with
magnetized. That's what knocked the strange alien activity.
phones out too.” “Sheriff, you’d better get word to the
Forrester then requested the use of a
military,” cried Forrester. "You’re going
pocket compass. As he placed it on the to need them out here.” .
table, the needle bent frantically away
from the north. EARTH INVADED!
“It’s pointing out to the gully— where As endless hours wore on, reports of
that meteor came down,” he said. landings throughout the civilized world
Because the ignitions in their cars were filtered in to the army. A Professor
insulated, Forrester and the sheriff were McPherson spoke on the radio and
able to drive to the gully. A police officer confirmed the rumors of objects landing in
insisted upon accompanying them. As Bordeaux, France, in Spain and near the
they arrived at the scene they noted that Gulf of Taranto in Italy. A terrifying
something had again started the strange pattern was forming.
series of small brush fires in the area. The It was just before dawn when the plane
officer pointed nervously to the place flew over the gully near Linda Rosa. A
where the sentries’ cars had stood. There battalion of marines had set up an
wasn’t any sign of the three men. The encampment a few hundred feet from the
officer turned the spotlight on the ground pit and were awaiting a flare, dropped
around the gully until he came upon three from the expected plane, in order to see
shallow piles of gray ash. the invaders more clearly. A small green
Out of the blackness of the pit the pellet emerged from the bomb bay doors
silvery serpent reared its head and again v of the plane and dropped silently toward
prepared to strike. The police officer fled the ground.
inpanic to his car, leaving Forrester and “He’s flying high,” noted a radio
the sheriff to care for their own lives. A commentator, “so it’ll take a few seconds
blinding flash of light caught the car down to come down. When it does burst, we
the road and exploded it, burning the shall be the first men on earth to get a real
vehicle and its occupant to a blackened look at these invaders from space.”
cinder. The two remaining men ran from Suddenly the sky exploded and the tiny
the road and jumped into a clump of tall pellet became a blazing artificial sun. The

bushes. heat rays screamed through the night and
Sighting the strange form in the gully,
Alonzo and Salvador approach the alien “What is that gizmo?” screamed the pierced the pellet that floated overhead.
presence waving a pathetically hopeful white sheriff. For a moment the camp was plunged into Fleets of Martian warships glide above the
flag. Wash’s cry of “Welcome to California!” is “I think that ... gizmo ... is a machine darkness. The darkness would have been Earth's surface, spreading death, destruction
met with a hostile reception as the Martian from another planet," said Forrester. preferable to the hellish barrage that hit and worldwide conflagration. The special
death ray reduces the informal welcoming effects were so elaborate that Paramount
committee to once-human piles of instant dust. The was badly frightened. “We
sheriff the camp a moment later. Everywhere
extended screen credit to no less than SIX
The same fate awaits a sizable portion of the word to the authorities and
better get there was chaos as those awful heat rays special effects men for their wondrous work in
Earth's populace. LOOK!” The sheriffs gaze was fixed on scorched across the military camp, 1
The Monster Times page 5

A Martian warship descends on the deserted farmhouse where Forrester and Sylvia are hiding, affording the Earth-
lings their first gruesome glimpse of the spindly inhabitants. At right is a scene from the same sequence of eerie
events as rendered by an anonymous artist in Harper & Brothers’ 1 938 illustrated digest version of Wells’ terror tale

obliterating everything in their path.

Once the attack had abated, the camp
struggled to pull itself back to a semblance
of normality. Sylvia and the pastor served
coffee to the men and tended the
wounded. When General Mann arrived, he
was able to confirm reports of objects
coming down in South America, London,
Italyand in nearby Fresno.
“This is the only place we’ve had time to
surround them with sufficient force to
contain them,” he said. “What happens
here will be a guide to all other operations.
They’ll probably move at dawn.”
All eyes were focused on the gully as
dawn broke. There should have been a
symphony of birds and insects to welcome
the event, but all signs of life had been
stilled. It was as if the world had ended
between midnight and dawn. The silence
was awesome. The youthful voice of a field
lieutenant shouted excitedly over the
phone at the front.
"There’s something moving in the
gully!” he yelled. “Something’s coming
The strangely fascinating movement of
the long and delicate neck appeared over
the horizon. As more of the objects
emerged, one could see how truly graceful
and symmetrical the whole of the body
was! It glistened in the sun as it floated
proudly, dominantly, over the ground.
Beneath the ostrick-like neck was a
semi-rectangular trunk, to which all data
coming from the neck must have been fed.
Supporting the machines in the air were
three nearly transparent electrical beams
that elevated the ships to a height of
thirty feet. So these at last were the
Martian war machines!
General Mann passed his field glasses to
Forrester. “Is that some kind of flying
machine?” he wanted to know.
“No, no,” replied Forrester, “it’s
supported from the ground by legs, beams
of solid light, magnetized in reverse,
probably. This is amazing!”

Pastor Collins stood off to the side of the
tent by himself and watched the approach
of the Martians.
Cities and soldiers feel the deadly effects of the Martian heat rays, and Earth learns it has no weapons to equal
“Beings from another world,” he the might of the Martian barrage. Even the most sophisticated nuclear weaponry fails to make a dent in the the Martian armor.
“Stand by to fire,” Colonel Heffner
ordered. said softly. “They are living creatures out They could see him clearly now, walking Sylvia’s screams could not erase the
The pastor awoke from his meditation there. If they are more advanced than us, slowly down the path toward the gully. terrible sound of her uncle’s death
and ran to the colonel, protesting. they should be nearer the creator for that The Martian machines lay suspended in agonies.
“But, Colonel, shooting’s no good.” reason.” the air, watching the lone figure’s Colonel Heffner whirled toward the
“It’s always been a good persuader," Sylvia took his arm in hers. "Let’s go approach. The pastor removed a. pocket switchboard and yelled, “LET ’EM HAVE
Heffner replied. back inside. Uncle Matthew," she cried. bible from his coat and read from the 23rd IT!” The big guns began firing at the
“But shouldn’t you try to communicate Sylvia returned to the tent and psalm as he walked. Martian war machines, but it was soon
with them first and shoot later if you have prepared more coffee for the men. Her "Though I walk through the valley of apparent that the invaders had protected
to?” the pastor pleaded. attention was broken by a sudden burst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ... themselves with an invisible dome-shaped
Heffner simply turned away from activity behind her. Thou anointest my head with oil ... My cup shield that would prevent the heaviest
Collins in disgust. The old man, his hopes “Who’s that?” shouted the Colonel. runneth over ... And I will dwell ... in the attacks from reaching and damaging their
destroyed, walked solemnly out of the “What’s he think he’s doing?" house of the lord ... forever. May the grace machinery. The Martians, however,
tent. Sylvia followed him. Her uncle had Sylvia listened to the commotion and all of the father and of the son..." retaliated with fire from their own sophis-
never looked sadder to her. at once she knew. She ran, screaming, to Pastor Collins stopped reading and ticated weaponry. Their first beam struck
“I think we should try to make them the opening in the tent, “UNCLE ... looked directly into the face of the shadow a tank. It disintegrated in seconds, along
understand we mean them no harm," he UNCLE MATTHEW!" of death. It was the last thing he ever saw. Continued on page 29
page 6 The Monster Times

Howie Chaykin and Frank McLaughlin pooled their interests

to present their own interpretation-
replete with beautiful babes and scantily-clad superheroes—
Jeffrey H. Wasserman, Esq.— of H.G. Wells’WAR OF THE WORLDS
comics scholar of great renown- in Marvel’s AMAZING ADVENTURES #19.
brought you his biting vampire What would H.G. say were he alive today?

survey back in TMT 15. This being

our All-Martian issue, we set Jeff
free from the clutches of earth-
bound demons and sent him out in
search of Martian comic charac-
ters. Wasserman came back with
an eerie array of red planet
creatures and displays his dazzling
Martian menagerie here...

Wntil recently, Martians were kept in

their place in the comics world, toeing the
line with the rest of the unruly outer space
creatures. However, Martian Lib has
changed all that. Whereas before 1972
only a few "token” Martians were allowed
in the comics, Martians now have a
respectable position in the comics world.
Much of the liberation movement can be
credited to the Martian strips that
appeared over the last two years, but the
few token Martians who showed up prior
to the liberation should not be ignored.
The great majority of these pre-lib
Martians were depicted as being scaled,
tentacled and green. They were also
depicted as vicious conquerors and
would-be dictators of Earth.

One such conqueror was Thas Bakkus,
“The Martian Emperor of Earth!” Thas
was a Martian who went into hibernation
after his race died out millions of years
ago. This story, which was drawn by
Murphy Anderson and appeared in
National Comics’ STRANGE ADVEN-
TURES #152, May, 1963, shows how Thas
Bakkus used the Martian moon Deimos as
his giant spaceship and sleeping place.
Upon awakening, the Martian sets his
sights upon conquering a new planet. He
quite naturally chooses Earth. Employing
a diodetic beam device, Thas converts

almost all of Earth’s inhabitants into
beings like himself: green-skinned, with
pink eyes and a large fin running across
their heads. This conversion also puts all
those affected under his domination.
Everything runs pretty smoothly for
Earth’s latest conqueror until he is
confronted by the last remaining human
on Earth, Jim Croft.
It seems that our hero was deep under
the ocean in his bathyscaphe when Thas
Bakkus played his diodetic beam upon the
Earth’s peoples. The beam was unable to
penetrate the water’s surface and so Jim
was spared from turning into a Martian. but how to tell who
Everyone looks
it is? indeed correct. “You zee, Mister Gainz!” scrawny half-pints in six hours) McGee
This last human quickly formulates a plan like a Martian. The solution is simple- says Holstein, “I am a Martian! I shoood cancels his advertisement. The two
to overthrow the Martian dictatorship. turn everyone back into human form and know!” And there, growing from quickly draw up a “filler” about a
Disguising himself as a Martian, he takes the one person still looking like a Martian Professor Holstein’s skull are antennae, round-trip excursion to Mars. This trip
a pot-shot at Thas as he addresses must be the enemy. Thas brings the beam crackling with energy. would be for nine days and include room
the United Nations. Thas re^l- into play again and turns the world’s In another such story, entitled “The and board at a reputable Martian hotel.
izes that on e * n
population back to normal. As a result, the Ad," again by Feldstein and Orlando, These and many other little details are
audience n °t a Martian-disguised Jim clearly stands out Feldstein and Gaines are left with an written into the one page “filler.” A few
in the crowd. Before Thas can activate his empty page in one of their comics when months later, a visitor drops by the E.C.
beam again, Jim fires an anesthetic into Mr. "Muscles" (I can make men out of you offices, exclaiming how fantastic the
the Martian. The former dictator
succumbs to the drug and is relieved, of
E.C. editors had a pronounced fetish for the word “spawn.” In addition to “Spawn of Mars,”
both his weapon and his freedom. The illustrated (below) by Wally Wood, E.C. also produced “Spawn of Venus.” The whole matter has
Earth is saved and Jim Croft takes his girl TMT psychiatric staff who are currently in the process of perusing
^ into his arms again.
been turned over to the crack
the problem.

EC MARTIANS When i opened my eyes, i was lying in the midst

of the wrecked
Back in the old days when Bill Gaines’ ATOMICAR' I GLANCED OVER AT WHERE KEN SHOULD HAVE BEENf IN-
Entertaining Comics were in full swing, STEAD... LYING BESIDE ME WAS THE MOST LOATHSOME, DISGUSTING
they tried a different approach
Martians. Determined to write a scientifi-
cally correct documentary on the first
landing on Mars, A1 Feldstein and Bill
Gaines decided to go out and obtain the
serviced of an expert on the red planet In
fact, that is almost the title of this story
from WEIRD FANTASY #14 (July-
.ugust, 1952) by Feldstein and Joe
Orlando: “The Expert.” Professor Guern-
sey von Holstein tells the two E.C. editors
that the Martian canals have purple water
and gondolas and that Martians look
exactly like humans except for one little
thing; antennae sprout from their
foreheads when they are excited. Faced
Besides being the creator of Tarzan, Edgar Rice with the prospect of having to pay good
Burroughs was a fan of Mars-oriented adventure
stories. Here’s a Frank R. Paul illustration, for
money for such unacceptable research
ERB's sixth Martian-based novel, THE MASTER- findings, Gaines throws a fit and tears up
MIND. OF MARS. It originally appeared in his contract with Holstein. The good
AMAZING STORIES ANNUAL, a pulp magazine, professor insists that his findings are
back 927.
The Monster Times poge 7

Martian vacation was. Feldstein and the nation to its knees with fright with
Gaines don’t believe the guy until he their radio broadcast of the Martian
introduces them to the girl he met and invasion. The success of H.G. Wells’
married while on Mars. Her name is creation can be measured by its sales and
Glodsk. She has a fantastic figure ahd is the popularity of the 1938 radio broadcast.
very beautiful, even with her three eyes THE WAR OF THE WORLDS was first
and four arms! adapted into comic book format by the
Classics Illustrated people. For 25tf, this
MARTIAN MANHUNTER comic version of 'Wells’ novel can be
The one Martian most responsible for obtained from Classics Illustrated, 101
Martian Liberation is J’onn J’onzz, the Fifth Avenue, New York, New York
Manhunter from Mars. Introduced as 10003.
John Jones, the Manhunter first appeared According to Roy Thomas and Gerry
in DETECTIVE COMICS #225 (Novem- Conway, as illustrated by Neal Adams and
ber, 1955). Jones’ costume was simple: Howie Chaykin, the Martians did more
black trunks, blue boots, red suspenders than lick their wounds and return to their
and blue cape. J’onzz has always been home planet. As related in Marvel Comics’
depicted as green-skinned, but in those “War of the Worlds” (AMAZING
early days of the Martian Lib movement, ADVENTURES #18, May, 1973), the
he had an overhanging brow. Most Martians returned to Earth exactly one
Martians came to Earth on their own hundred years after their first attempt to
power, but not J’onzz. conquer it. Once again, mankind was at a
It seems that one quiet night Professor I
loss to halt the Martians’ advances. The
Mark Erdel decided to activate his “robot atomic weapons created since the first
brain” machine and see which part of the invasion proved powerless against the
universe it would explore. Electricity Martians; in fact, the Martians used the
crackled throughout the laboratory, and Earth’s atomic stockpiles to their own
the robot brain teleported the Martian advantage. In one infamous moment, the
Manhunter to Earth. J’onzz, a scientist Martians ignited all of Earth’s atomic
himself, understood Professor Erdel’s centers, adding untold devastation to that
good intentions and asked him to send him already inflicted upon Earth by their
back to Mars. Erdel apologetically tripod machines.
explained that he could not. The robot In a last-ditch effort to thwart the.
brain’s computer systems had to be Martians’ scheme. Earth tried to defeat
reversed for that and that .would take them with their old enemy-bacteria. This
anywhere from weeks to years. time, however, the Martians were
J’onzz calmly accepted his fate by prepared for biological deterrents and the
adopting a human guise. In the first bacteria bombs brought no ill effects to
display of his Martian powers, J’onzz the invaders. For the Earthlings, it was
transformed himself into an Earthling Edgar Rice Burroughs strikes again— this time with a comic adaptation of his John Carter of another story. In their haste to create
before the professor’s eyes. The shock of Mars character. This version was published by Gold Key comics in 1952 and featured the weird these deadly biological weapons, the
this, and all that had transpired that Martian menagerie seen here. humans had not created an immunity as
evening, proved too much for Erdel. The the Martians wisely did. And so, the world
Jones to save the planet Mars. With his is terminated, however, when the
professor had a heart attack and died, the Martians conquered was sorely
dying breath, Lu-Pov bids Jones to take a Martians realize that Carter wants to
leaving J’onzz stranded on Earth. golden medallion and to aid Mars. Taking
escape from their “hospitality.” After this,
Assuming the name of John Jones, the Into this world was brought Killraven, a
the medallion and placing it around his Carter wanders the planet Mars,
Manhunter signed up with the police force neck, Gulliver Jones is whisked back along
man who had been taught to kill as a form
discovering living plants, winged lions,
where he battled crime for many years. of amusement for his Martian masters.
the path that Lu-Pov had taken from Black Pirates, living Martian skeletons,
The Manhunter’s powers metamorphosed Killraven learned his lessons well and
Mars. and the immortal Queen Malada.
over the years until he became a sort of used them to his own advantage in
Upon arriving on Mars as it was a billion MARTIAN MIGRATION breaking free of the Martians. He quickly
“Superman.” J’onzz could also become
years ago, Jones finds cities and a wide became a free-booter, wandering the
immaterial, stretch his body and assume According to H.G. Wells,
variety of Martians. In this series, inthe year
other forms. His one dread weakness was barbaric islands of the New York City
Martians are huge and red with tails, 1901 the Earth was visited by warring
far more common than Superman’s Martians whose tripod machines wreaked boroughs.
yellow with green hair, and winged
kryptonite, and that was fire. A burning destruction and nearly won them domina- Let’s face it, Martians are here to stay!
serpentiles. To this mixture, add one
match or a brush fire could seriously tion of our planet until they were stopped
And with them, we have a wide variety of
newly-arrived Earthling whose strength other creatures to meet and stories to
weaken the Manhunter. by bacteria, “...the humblest thing that
has increased and whose hair turned wonder about. The Martians have
J’onn J’onzz became quite a popular G*d in His wisdom put upon the Earth."
white, and you have quite a collection.
character in DETECTIVE COMICS and, Wells’ novel, THE WAR won their fight for liberation.
When Jones first sets down on Mars, he OF THE
when the Justice League of America was WORLDS, has been a perennial best- Martians may not be as close to our hearts
sees one of the red Martian barbarians
formed, the Martian Manhunter was there seller since it was first issued. On the eve
as monsters like Godzilla and King Kong,
who has demanded and taken the yellow-
from the very beginning. In May of 1969, of Halloween in 1938, Orson Welles and but they are always worthy candidates for
skinned Princess Heru as his bride.
J’onzz returned to Mars to help fight in the Mercury Theatre On The Air brought conquerors of our planet Earth.
Finding that the yellow Martians are just
the civil war there (JUSTICE LEAGUE
that— yellow and cowardly— Jones goes
#71). This war devastated the planet Mars
alone to save Heru from her unkind fate.
and virtually decimated the Martian Another adaptation of Wells’ WAR OF THE WORLDS featured in CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED #124
Jones succeeds in this task and something
populace. With what was left of the (October, 1954). Many of the CLASSICS comics were illustrated by famous artists but, as you
more than a friendly relationship results. can see, WAR OF THE WORLDS wasn’t so fortunate.
Martian race, J’onzz founded a colony on a
However, this happiness is short-lived as
distant planet (WORLD’S FINEST #212,
the winged serpent-men capture Heru and
June, 1972).
set Gulliver Jones adrift on^a funeral
MR. JONES MEETS THE MARTIANS barge. Later installments have Jones
With the groundwork constructed by meeting the chameleon slugs, the
spider-people and the red Martians.
J’onn J’onzz, entries into the Martian field
multiplied. Dick Lupoff, of ALL IN
COLOR FOR A DIME fame, brought to
the attention of Marvel Comics editor Roy National Comics, who had earlier
Thomas a rather obscure book entitled Lt. obtained the comic rights to Edgar Rice
Gulliver Jones. Upon careful-inspection, it Burroughs’ Tarzan, brought ERB’s crea-
was suspected that this book could have tion John Carter, Warlord of Mars into
been the basis for Edgar Rice Burroughs’ comic form. The similarities between this
later book Warlord of Mars. Seeing the strip and Marvel Comics’ Warrior of Mars
possibility for a good series here, Thomas are great. In Burroughs’ version, Johi
adapted it to comic format. The series was Carter, an ex-officer of the Confederate
entitled Warrior of Mars and first Army, seeks refuge from bloodthirsty
appeared in .CREATURES ON THE Indians in * cave. There, he is
LOOSE #16 (March, 1972). Writers for the overwhelmed by a strange gas and
series have included Roy Thomas, Gerry transported to Mars by some mystical
Conway and George Alec Effinger, and means. In this adaptation by Marv
artists have included Gil Kane, Ross Wolfman and Murphy Anderson, the
Andru, Wayne Boring and Jim Mooney. In Earthling also saves a princess from being
the first installment. Lieutenant Gulliver carried off unwillingly. The kidnapper this
Jones, just released from the U.S. Army, time is a green Martian with fangs, four
walks the darkened streets of the arms, and two chests. Though these
metropolis. His past no longer a part of his particular Martians are about nine feet tall,
present or future, Jones walks aimlessly. they prove no match for John Carter, who,
Suddenly a blinding flash of light shreds like Gulliver Jones, also possesses great
the night and in the flash appears the strength on Mars. The beautiful princess
wizard Lu-Pov (named after the afore- whom Carter rescues also proves to be no
mentioned Dick Lupoff). Jones at first match for John Carter, as love sets in.
does not believe his eyes, but the golden- Carter is first tested by the chieftains of
skinned Lu-Pov explains that he has the Martians and, after passing his test9,
crossed both time and space to call upon is accepted among them. This relationship
page 8 The Monster Times

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The Monster Times page 9


How do you make a Martian

monster? Many and varied are the
ways. Former monster mag editor
Ron Haydock tells you how
monster-maker Paul Blaisdell
fashioned the angry red planet
dwellers from INVASION OF THE

^Afhen the newly formed American

International Pictures usurped Universal
to become the Number One Fright Film
Factory of the 50s, they began producing
monster movies at a fantastic clip. Jack
Pierce had long been the reigning
make-up man at Universal, creating such
stirring creatures as the Frankenstein
Monster, the Wolf Man and Dracula, and
AIP execs also found themselves in dire
need of a make-up maven— one who could
not only come up with original monsters
but who could meet their hectic
production schedules as well. They found
their monster man in Paul Blaisdell, who,
not unlike the noted Victor Frankenstein,
actually created whole monsters, as
opposed to only fashioning frightening
monster make-ups for actors to wear on
Blaisdell’s precedent-setting catalogue
of movie monsters included Martian Former cowboy star Ray Corrigan, as a monstrous Martian stowaway, wreaks havoc with trapped space explorers in IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND
desert creatures (IT! THE TERROR SPACE. Monster-maker Paul Blaisdell had only 6 weeks to construct the entire creature— and still beat the deadline by a full 24 hours!
FROM BEYOND SPACE), radioactive
mutant horrors (DAY THE WORLD men, as had that other infamous monster was commissioned to work up
Blaisdell those columns he described in detail the
ENDED), pint-sized saucer men with maker, Victor Frankenstein, but with some monster characters around which actual building of another infamous
giant brains (INVASION OF THE liquid latex rubber, aluminum plates, screenplays could be written and horror Martian— the lifesized monster who
SAUCERMEN), and even monsters that screwdrivers, burlap potato sacks, nuts films made. THE BEAST WITH A starred in IT! THE TERROR FROM
looked like walking, stalking outsized and bolts, plaster of paris, modelling clay, MILLION EYES was Paul’s first fright BEYOND SPACE, directed in 1958 by
carrots (IT CONQUERED THE WORLD). pins and needles ... and even chicken wire! foray and, after creating a good many of Edward Cahn and released by United
Paul’s monsters came from outer space Originally an artist, whose imaginative the most familiar AIP monsters,, later Artists. In the account, however, Blaisdell
(BEAST WITH A MILLION EYES) and paintings of fantasy and sci-fi themes had freelanced for other studios as well where rather modestly neglected to mention that
out of the past (SHE CREATURE) but ... graced the covers of sf magazines like THE SPIDER,
he worked on films like the “prop builders” were none other than
mostly, of course, they came from his own THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE, himself and his talented wife Jackie! But
imagination. And transferred then to the SCIENCE FICTION and OTHER NOT OF THIS EARTH and THE now let’s let Paul do the telling of the tale
drawing board, such horrendous creatures WORLDS, Blaisdell was working as art UNDEAD. behind about the making of IT!
as IT! director for William Crawford’s SPACE-
SPACE were soon coming to fullsized life WAYS in 1955 when he learned that MAKING MARTIAN MINI-MONSTERS MAKING IT!
in his own workshop in the distant James H. Nicholson and Samuel Z. Arkoff, In the course of his studio work, "After the original sketches of IT! THE
mountains surrounding Hollywood, Cali- heads of the new AIP studio, were looking Blaisdellhad to come up with original TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE were
fornia ... a workshop where he constructed for a monster maker. After showing a few Martian monsters. His first such creatures approved by producer Bob Kent, director
these monsters not with the parts of dead of his eerie etchings to the AIP execs. starred in a 1957 AIP film called Eddie Cahn, and scriptwriter Jerry
INVASION OF THE SAUCERMEN. The Bixby,” Paul related, “it was time for the
looks to you like some kind of creature conspiracy is going on here, you're right. These
If it
SaucerMen came from Mars via flying ‘prop builders’ to go to work, and this is
large-domed, pop-eyed mini-Martians tried to conquer Earth in INVASION OF THE saucer and, standing five feet tall or even how they did it— and on time.
SAUCER-MEN, but were repelled (along with the audience) by teenage earthlings. less, sported huge bulging eyes, giant “First, a clay head was constructed over
heads that exposed their veins and brains, a plaster replica of a normal human
and claw-like fingers that projected sharp, being's head and shoulders. This would
deadly needles filled with alcohol. They insure a reasonably good fit when it came
came to Earth to conquer the planet (what time to wear the completed rubber head.
else?) but were thwarted by a brave band The script called for a scaly desert
of teenagers. Although the bug-eyed creature that lived on Mars, and the
Blaisdell Martians failed in their attempt sketches were closely followed...
to enslave Earth, they succeeded in “When the clay head for IT was
making their presence felt in other completed, a row of aluminum plates, the
ways— by becoming the subjects of size of playing cards, were pushed into the
countless bubble gum cards, cartoon clay. They ran up the side of the neck,
spoofs, comic book lampoons, and even over the top of the head and down the
appearing in a modified version in a other side, dividing the head into two
Mexican horror film called SHIP OF THE parts, front and back. Casting plaster was
MONSTERS in 1961. mixed with water to the consistency of
In addition to his monster movie duties, heavy whipping cream and brushed into
Paul found time to work as an editor of the the first half of the head. Since the plaster
now-defunct FANTASTIC MONSTERS mold was to be a large, strong one, a layer
magazine. He also wrote a regular column of wet burlap strips was applied over this
called The Devil's Workshop, in which he first layer of plaster before it dried. Extra
gave crash courses on the art of layers of plaster and burlap were built up,
constructing creepy creatures. In one of until the mold was over an inch thick.
page Jhe Monster Times

“What's a nice guy like me doing in a face like

this?" asks angry Blaisdell Martian. Despite
this pressbook illustration, the Martians in
stood less than five feet tall.

same clay-to-plaster mold techniques as

the head. Artificial eyes were also made at
this point, but discarded later in favor of g the actor (Ray Corrigan) use his

real eyes, for greater realism

and better vision. Additional
shading and coloring with
make-up and greasepaint would ‘polish off
the head, but there still remained the
hands, feet, and body to be constructed.
There were two ways this could be
accomplished. The first way would be to

construct a giant mold of the body
two parts, similar to the one for
Nthe head. This idea was discarded
_ N on the grounds that it would
be a clumsy, time-consuming
operation that, while effective, could only
be indulged in by the largest of studios.
"A study of some old-fashioned suits of
armor seemed to indicate a faster and more
Ray Bradbury. “The World's G
When the casting plaster burlap mixture time-proven way. Half a dozen one piece Living Science-Fiction Writer,” as he
was thoroughly dry, a similar mold was molds of lizard-like 'scales’ were made up, appears on the cover of THE
made over the back half of the head. This, in varying sizes, over original clay model- MACHINERIES OF JOY, a Bantam
when dry, completed the mold for the paperback short story collection.
lings. A multitude of rubber castings was Backing Mr. Bradbury up is a one-
entire head. The two halves were pried made from these plaster molds. These, in eyed alien from IT CAME FROM
apart with a screwdriver, and all clay turn, were glued over a proper-size suit of OUTER SPACE, a sci-fi film based on
‘scraps’ were carefully removed from the heavy winter underwear, with a good an original treatment by Ray.
mold. brand of ‘contact bond’ cement. The whole
“At this point a recount of the materials effect was remarkably like Medieval
used involved the following: Modelling armor, in that the overlapping allowed for
clay from the five and ten cent store. A
sheet of ‘do it yourself aluminum from the
bending and flexing on the part of the
actor, while still retaining enough rigidity
local hardware store, and some casting so that the suit tended to support its own
plaster from the local lumber company.
Empty potato sacks from the grocery
store provided the burlap strips. The
weight. ‘Claws’ were constructed in the
same way, over heavy work gloves, and
the three-toed ‘feet’ were built over a pair
phone book, as usual, gave us the nearest
of ‘sneakers.’ Entry into the suit was
company that sold liquid latex rubber, and
a few quarts were purchased for the next
effected by a ‘zipper’ that ran the entire
length of the spine, and was concealed by
Would be going too far to call
it them, some moral messages will get
Ray Bradbury the Shakespeare of through to people who can use them to
Science Fiction writing? Undoubt- better their everyday lives. All around me
I see clashes between science and religion
edly it would, but then Ray doesn’t
and politics all because of a lack of this
need to be called anything but Ray
moral knowledge, and this is what I hope I
Bradbury, for the name has can help to cure in my own small way.
become synonymous with excit- These are, of course, the basic problems
ing, thoughtful fantasy adventure faced by the characters in Mr. Bradbury’s
and fine, insightful writing. Media fables. Amazingly enough the messages
Editor R. Allen Leider, who’s been are clear and not lost in the. intricate and
a loyal fan of Ray’s ever since we fascinating plots Ray weaves around his
learned him how to read, was lucky basic ideas. His readers do get the moral

enough to talk with Mr. Bradbury message— the crux of his works— which,
he feels, should be the basis for all
so that the Master can tell his own
literature and drama.
story here...
But if not enough people gain moral
ay Bradbury has been hailed as the
World’s Greatest Living Science Fiction
insight, is there
Ray thinks so.
still hope for the future?

Writer. How he got that distinction is a RAY: Today we have a wonderful crowd
story that begins in, of all unscientific of kids. I work with them at the

Waukegan, University, so I know them well. They

locations, Illinois in 1920. Ray
had an ideal boyhood, hanging around
circuses and carnivals in the warm
summers and writing his fantasies as fast
as they came. He sold newspapers and
hawked articles for them, before his first
story was published in 1941. Soon after
that he began to act in local radio
programs. He became a stage magician
and fell in love with the theatre, finding it
to be a mystical place of dreams and
fantasies, much Today
like the carnivals.
allthose wonderful boyhood experiences
have been saved forever in his classic
Ray has won many major literary
replete with narrow angry eyes, upturned snout, tangs
awards and has been published in almost
and protruding tongue. Not the type you’d
want to meet in a dark alley ... or a well-lit one either. every major American magazine. He has
also written the screenplays for many
phase of the operation. motion pictures, and particular credit is
the ‘lizard man’s’ backbone.
“The liquid latex was applied inside the “The completed suit was given final
due him for scripting Melville’s MOBY
head mold until sufficient layers were minor adjustments, to insure adequate fit
DICK. In trying to root out the essence of
built up to the desired thickness. Each and ventilation; then, in Jerry Bixby’s
Ray Bradbury, your TMT Media Editor
layer of latex was allowed to dry at room
ran up a huge phone bill calling the Master
action-filled script, Ray Corrigan, in full
at his California residence and got severe
temperature, according to the instructions monster dress, went on to survive heavy
eye-strain from re-reading all of Ray’s
on the jar. A few drops of brown poster calibre gunfire, grenades, Bazooka shells
paint were mixed with each application of
works in a single night. Here, then, is a
and a radioactive furnace!
rubber to give the final product a comprehensive chat with Ray Bradbury.
“From the time of the agreed-upon
desert-beige ‘lizard” color. When dry, the sketches to the completion of the operable TMT: Ray, you call your stories Moral
two halves of the head were peeled from suit, six weeks elapsed. The deadline? The Tales rather than just science fiction Like most people, Ray began life as a mere
their respective molds and seamed ‘prop builders’ beat it by 24 hours... stories. Why do you make that distinction. kid— albeit a highly serious-looking one. This
together with additional applications of “IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND RAY I do it because I find a great Jack in
: tot shot of Ray originally appeared in the May
moral leadership in the world, and I hope
'73 issue of TAKE ONE Magazine, which
latex. Ears for the head and teeth for the SPACE became IT!, the terror that got featured an excellent in-depth interview with the
mouth were cast in rubber, following the there on time!" that through my stories or fables, as I call sci-fi master.
have much more information than we do,
they have better and more sophisticated
machines to aid them. And they DO trust
people. The problems arise when we, the
older generation, take advantage of them
and lose that trust. We also give them
very poor examples to follow. As I

mentioned earlier, there is a leadership

crisis in the world today. For one thing a
scientist cannot tell another scientist what
to do with his inventions. So, they go to a
politician who goes to an Army man. The
result is that the wrong people are in
charge of the knowledge. It is a sad state
of affairs. Then religious leaders get
involved and make moral judgments and
sooner or later ... BANG! I hope that my
stories may solve a bit of this confusion.
Think of me as Aesop: 2001 if you will.
TMT: Do you really think it will all end up
in a big BANG?

RAY: I think all politics have been

changed by the Hydrogen bomb. Which
means we are shutting down our wars,
one by one. I think the major fact of our
time is that there will NEVER be another
major war ... because of the Bomb. It
guarantees us all a long life. There may be
small conflicts here and there, maybe for
quite a period of time, but there will never feature film length. We'll have more about the BEAST next issue when he’ll be starring in our TMT filmbook feature.
be the World War Three we fear so much.
... look what happened to NIGHT TMT: Did you get that time with the film is to keep abreast of
quality of his writings
BIRTH OF THE ILLUSTRATED MAN GALLERY and TWILIGHT ZONE. FAHRENHEIT 451? all new technological findings and to
TMT: Ray, where did the idea for the TMT: What do you think, then, about the RAY: No, but I think Truffaut got the observe trends in socio-cultural living
Illustrated Man and all those circus- screen treatment
Truffaut gave your time he needed. I do see flaws ... I think it such as drug use, new freedoms and ideas
oriented tales come from? classic FAHRENHEIT 451? is a bit soft in the middle. I think also that on human relations. He contends that the
RAY: I hung around circuses and RAY: That was different. I really admir e Montag gets out of the city too easy. But current uke of electronic and chemical
carnivals a lot when I was a boy. I used to that man and I like the film more each on the whole I think he did an exceptional means to expand the human mind was
go out and carry water for the elephants, time I see it on TV. Yes, I DO watch. The job with it. predictable long ago. And the future is
and help put up the tents. In my problem is in TV you always need the one TMT: Why do you say that, if it had flaws? even more predictable since the first
generation these were all the things a boy day more shooting that you can’t have. In RAY: Because Truffaut did things with it prediction has already come true.
dreamed of doing. And every Labor Day films you can re-shoot and each time you that no other director would have dared. TMT: Do you think that there is really life
weekend a small traveling carnival used to do, you get closer to the perfect product It has one of the greatest endings of any beyond this planet?
come and set up down by the lake and I you desire. Truffaut did wonderful things film made in the last thirty years. The last RAY: Certainly. If we were to send
got to know all the people connected with with it. ending as good was the finale of CITIZEN identical satellites into orbits of the same
KANE where the sied is thrown on the altitude over an unknown planet and over
fire. And it wasn’t my ending at all. It was the Earth ... orbits of, say, five hundred
starting to snow and most other directors miles, we would see the same thing ... look
would have closed up shop and gone home. at the photos of Mars taken at five
But Truffaut said, “No, we will stay and hundred miles ... see valleys, plains,
use the snow and use it well.” Well, my craters ... the same photographic features

gosh, every time I see that ending I cry. I of an area over Arizona or the Gobi
just love it. Desert. No signs of life nor signs of
TMT: You also have a thing about civilization anywhere and yet on one of
machines. Can you explain that a bit? those planets ... ours ... we know life
RAY: I see machines as extensions of exists. Why not on the other?
man’s strengths and weaknesses. The Ray still contends that science fiction is
airplane is an extension of man’s inability the only area in which a modern day
to fly, for example. The credit card is an philosopher can work. “We live in a
extension of another machine ... the science fiction world,” he says. “So what
computer. What else is there to write else can there be to write about? A lot of
about? We are surrounded by machines ... trouble with today’s writers is that they
machines are freedom if we use them to cannot master the language. The language
benefit us. Do we really think about the of a story is what supports it ... what gives
moral impact of a credit card? Think about the ideas body. Playwrighting is the best
it. That small piece of plastic enables you way to master the language because in
to fly, ride, buy, get information or even writing dialogue every word counts.” That
money. It may be the ultimate machine is why the works of Ray Bradbury will be

and what is it?— A piece of plastic! The in print long after the pulps have
automobile, on the other hand, is a danger disappeared from the shelves of the local
Rod Steiger as THE ILLUSTRATED MAN applies pressure to Robert Drivas in a tense scene from which must be controlled. Either we must candy store, the libraries, and have been
the 1969 film adaptation of Ray's novel. Ray was disappointed by the filmmakers’ poor handling become better drivers of better cars or lost in the dust of time. The appalling
of his material and also rejected a proposed TV show based on the book. thought is that those paperback hacks get
the cars will get us.
paid a fee of five cents a word for those
that particular show. There was ELEC- TMT: Would you ever write for TV? TIMELESS TALES FOR TOMORROW temporary excursions into fantasy. A
TRICO, a man who sat in an electric chair RAY: Heavens NO! Not that I have Ray prides himself on the timelessness good idea is along worth more than that.
and was fried every night. Then there was anything against the medium— it has great of the storieshe creates. He feels that a Fantasy needs more than imagination; it
the usual assortment of clowns and potential— but I must have the TIME. truly great literary work transcends all needs experience, an awareness of total
magicians and tattooed men. These Give it to me or buy it for me, but one way ages and becomes part of creation ... a being and a mastering of the tools of
tattooed people fascinated me, so when it or the other guarantee me the time to universal fable for all mankind. One of writing. Take a tip from Ray Bradbury ...
became time for me to write a lot of very perfect what it is that I am trying to do. Bradbury’s tactics to insure the timeless live today, in our science fiction existence^ .

strange fictions in my teens, I began to

word associate and came up with the term
Illustrated Man rather than tattooed. I CAME FROM OUTER SPACE
then tried to sell a series based on this
FOR ROCKET: More fantastic space then into old age. This was once a horribly
delightful Playhouse 90 in the days of live
Bradbury wrote original screen treatment.

premise to radio back in the forties, but REVISITED DANDELION WINE: A novel about a
MOBY DICK (1956) Co-wrote (with John
haunting summer in a small town ... a wax THE ILLUSTRATED MAN: The character Huston) screenplay.
the concept of visualizing a man with all Among the most impressive writings of witch that tells fateful fortunes, a human from this novel brings us weird tales right
these pictures over him was just too Ray Bradbury, these are available in time-traveller, a happiness machine and a off his own flesh. His skin illustrations KING OF KINGS (1961) Wrote uncredited

much. So, I just collected all the script BANTAM editions at your local paper- small boy who lived this strange hold horrible secrets of the past and sequences.
back store. They are a MUST for any adventure. A powerful evocation of future.
ideas and published them as the book. childhood.
FAHRENHEIT 451 (1966) Wrote original
Sci-fier’s personal library. GOLDEN APPLES OF THE SUN. MACHIN-
TMT: Were you disappointed in the film? FAHRENHEIT 451 A classic story made
S IS FOR SPACE: A collection of fine into the great Truffaut film about an age CHOLY All ofthese titles are collections, (1969) Co-wrote
RAY: Very much so. The screenwriter short stories, or fables if you will, about when books are taboo and firemen seek with

some duplications, of Ray's earlier screenplay (with Edwin Boyd) under the
was an inept one, the director didn’t know man in space, out of space and beyond and burn them. stories. Get newer editions. name "Douglas Spaulding" from his own
space. original story.
how to direct nor did he understand the THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES: The first THE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT AND
SING THE BODY ELECTRIC: More shorts Mars colony has to face the terrors of the OTHER PLAYS: Ray’s most recent effort is THE ILLUSTRATED MAN (1969) Wrote the
stories. So, between the two of them they

"Man in the
including "Lost City of Mars," Red Planet and ... themselves. A classic a series of plays that he has produced in original book.
managed to diminish the material by at Rorschach Suit," and others dealing with Sci-Fi tale. California and has now published. It
close human relationships with fantastic includes the VELDT tale used in Illustrated
least seventy -five percent. SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY movie from original story by Bradbury.
twists. Man.
TMT: Wasn’t there talk of an Illustrated COMES: Soon to be a terrifying film! A
OCTOBER COUNTRY: Features weird tale of a circus, much like the kind Ray
Ray Bradbury Filmography Ray also wrote 11 episodes of TV's
Man TV show? artifacts, machines and beings All these used to work in when he was a boy. but ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS, plus
tales are special in that they depend on THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS segments for JANE WYMAN THEATRE,
RAY: There was, but I always turned fine details for their flavor. Much emphasis
different ... and how! It has a REAL witch,
(1953)Based on original story "The Fog ALCOA PREMIERE and THE TWILIGHT
an Illustrated Man. and a terror that can
them down because I don’t like television. on reality that makes them very spooky. turn a man into a boy. back to a man and Horn" by Bradbury. ZONE.
There is no way of controlling the quality

The Monster Times

In keeping with the current

revival of things macabre, all the
eerie ephemera that's been
appearing lately in places where
madmen normally fear to tread
will be duly reported in this
irregular column, THE
MONSTER SCENE . . . broughl
to you by your friendly
fiends-in-the-field at TMT. ( . .

listen for the sound of applause).

vengeance on


This cartoon featuring a bored band DOESN’T infect our most cherished
GREETINGS of sedentary superheroes appeared in
the December 1973 issue of PLAY-
superheroes. And while our present
president didn't INVENT boredom and
It’s well-known fact that monsters
BOY and so appealed to us that we apathy, he certainly played a major
like Christmas too, and your friendly
decided to run it here. Let’s just hope part in bringing about their present
fiends at TMT wish to thank all those
that the current disease popularly revival.
readers, who remembered that and
sent us creepy Christmas cards. John
known as “post-Watergate ennui”
^ . . . FROM \C*oR
The above shot of an outsized
astronaut walking on the moon and
animated underground classic FAT
FEET and once, in tribute to fantasy
U0WN AT dwarfing its creator, artist Red film pioneer George Melies, made a
Grooms, appeared in the December film modeled on Melies' A TRIP TO
THE l’ARl.OK THE MOON, done in the early French
16 edition of the Sunday Times Arts &
Leisure section. “The Astronauts” is filmmaker-magician's style, as well
part of a larger exhibit called as starring in a Kuchar Brothers’ (of
Ruckus World of Red Grooms” on SINS OF THE FLESHAPOIDS fame)
display at the New York Cultural film, THE SECRET OF WENDELL

and Barbara Lee sent us a card

Center. A master of funny pop SAMSON. Many of New York’s
surrealism. Grooms has, over the underground artists and filmmakers
featuring Kong with Mr. Claus in his
years, applied his considerable have made use of sci-fi and fantasy
claws, and the Isaacs Family
talents to sculpture, film and larger- themes in their work, and no one does
forwarded the warm mad hunchback
than-lifesized exhibits like “The itmore humorously or more success-
greeting. Keep those cards and letters
cojping, fiends.
Astornauts.” As a filmmaker. Red fully than Red Grooms. g
created the inventive live action &

Anyone planning a trip to Mars might
fee^wise to pick up a recently
published book called MARS, The
First Authentic Guide To Another
World first. Written by Patrick Moore
and Charles A. Cross, the book is the
first atlas of another planet and is
replete with informative text and
ample illustrations. An interesting
trip across the craters, valleys and
mountains Mars,
of the work was
published by Crown and sells for
S7.95. Those disturbed by the
authors' contention that “intelligent
According an item appearing in the distance caller from Pennsylvania
life (on Mars) can be ruled out at


once" need only refer to this issue of November 6 edition of The New York played KLOO phone answerers a
TMT for instant and permanent Times, radio station KLOO in recording^ an unearthly moan that,
refutation of that argument. While we Corvailis. Oregon offered $10,000 to according to the item, "had been According to this ad for the Atlantic supercity depicted in his famous
can't say we can produce scientific anyone who could bring a living space emitted by a nine-foot hairy thing Richfield Company appearing in a FLASH GORDON syndicated comic
documentation of our claim, we have creature to their studio. Ever since the with - red eyes running around the recent issue of The New Yorker, the Though Raymond drew his
it on the best authority of our most offer was first announced, the station woods near Sharon, Pa.” Despite the only solution to the heavy traffic supercity sketch way back 1939,

reliable imaginary friends that intelli- has been so swamped with calls from massive phone response to the problems burdening our cities is a modern man has yet to catch up with
gent life does indeed exist on Mars. people claiming to have sighted station’s offer, no one as yet has new system of transportation, one Alex’s visions, and it looks like it will
Whether it exists on Earth or not is aliens from outer space that KLOO actually produced a living space that would involve the construction be quite a while yet before the Fun
another question entirely ... and one owner and general manager Bob creature. While $10,000 strikes us as of, among other things, monorails. City subway system is closed and
which we wouldn't presume the Houglum had to set up a special a pretty healthy sum, there must be To illustrate their ad, the company reopened as an underground,
expertise to answer. g telephone to handle them all. A long easier ways of making a living. | used an Alex Raymond sketch of a museum.
The Monster Times page 13

afterward, they can’t help noticing that

the vehicle is faster than it used to be.
Moe shoves the throttle forward and
unknowingly sends the craft into outer
space. When the passengers look through
the periscope, they see that they are
circling the moon (already?). Eventually,
'the craft is returned to Hawk Hill Manor.


In appreciation of the Stooges’ help,
Danforth applies eerie make-up to the
boys and makes an electronic cartoon from
BY JASON THOMAS their live action skits. This will hopefully
save their dying TV program. After the
professor leaves to have the film
developed, Ogg and Zogg (remember
them?) enter and naturally assume that
the idiots are Martians. They use the
tele-communicator to contact the rulers of
the Red Planet, who instruct them to steal
Why, you ask, would the editors of TMT mar
Danforth’s machine and then destroy
an otherwise excellent (at least not bad)
Earth (gulp!) Just as the Stooges are
issue with a pointless piece about such as about to be disintegrated, they throw a
THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT? Well, the pail of soapy water at the invaders and
truth is that all the high quality stuff fea- run out the door in typical fashion.
tured in this issue was beginning to get to Finding the vehicle on the front lawn,
us, and we further figured that the only anti' the alien agents mount their “Great
dote would be an unhealthy dose of the usual . Weapon”— a death ray cannon—on its rear
TMT lowbrow “comic” relief. Besides, if we deck. They then enter the control cabin
didn’t give and try to figure out the controls. As the
machine’s motor starts, the Stooges come
ORBIT, we would have only given you '

running out of the house. Deducing that

SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS the Martians are trying to steal the craft,
instead. Ya just can’t win... they jump aboard just as the thing takes
off. They try the cabin doors, but they’re
locked. Helpless, the idiots hang on for
dear life.
Confident of their powers, the Martians
take their time and use their ray cannon to
blow up a gasoline storage tank. Moe just
happens to have a bag of water on his
person, so he pours the liquid down the
periscope in order to “blind" the invaders.
Strangely enough, it actually enters the
sub/tank/spaceship and hits Ogg (or is it
Zogg?) right in the face. The dummies
then manage to point the Great Weapon
skyward. Unaware of this, Ogg (Zogg?)
fires the cannon and send a destructive
beam of energy straight toward Mars
The Three Stooges— Moe (sure!). The ray just happens to hit the
Howard, Larry Fine and “Curly
Martian capitol building and wipes it out.
Joe” DeRita— engage in “zany”
antics prior to taking off in a Back at Danforth’s vehicle, one of the
combination submaring-tank- invaders tries to shoot the Stooges.
spaceship that takes them, at However, Moe manages to wreg* the
one point in the pointless pro- raygun from the killer^
ceedings, past the moon (left).
ORBIT was also issued in photo-
story cojiiic book form by Gold
Key, So you’ve got more than
just the film to avoid.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that the Three Stooges were the first men to land on the moon in 1962,
although they might have been a better choice than the trio that did actually land there in 1969 ... Whatever
happened to those guys anyway?

’m bappy to report that, in my humble that an agent from another planet has professor to return so that they can steal
estimation, most films dealing with been attempting to steal the top secret his machine.
Martians and/or trips to the Angry Red plans. Some time later, the Stooges and their
Planet are fairly good. Some, like WAR Later that night, a monstrous hand inventor friend return and begin looking
Members ot the Martian Council make plans to
OF THE WORLDS, are even excellent. emerges through a hole in the wall and for the butler. Since the video-communi- invade Earth and dispatch Ogg and Zogg to
Unfortunately, there are a few that give scares Curly -Joe out of whatever wits he cator has been hidden, the Stooges think carry out those plans, which (predictably
the Martian movies a bad name. The two has. A pitiful-looking creature then causes that Danforth has a slipped gear or two. enough) soon go awry. The lilm represented the
However, they stay on to help him with Stooges’ second space venture, the lirst having
motion pictures leading the loser parade havoc among the household, but Curly- Joe HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL
transpired in
are THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT manages to knock out the intruder and his invention. An Air Force captain
(1959). The. Stooges’ comedy is timeless,
and SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE learn that it is none other than the butler, arrives to inspect the machine and, on the however; it’s ALWAYS inane and irrelevant.

MARTIANS. Not only are they terrible wearing a Halloween mask and rubber following day, he convinces the local
Martian flicks, but two of the all-time hands. The professor arrives on the scene general to schedule a display of the craft’s Using the weapon like an acetylene
worst films ever produced in any with a rifle, but the villain disintegrates it abilities. Inadvertently, the Martians help torch, Moe severs the cabin wall from the
category. For SANTA CLAUS CON- with his ray pistol. After the Stooges flee the Stooges by blasting a hole in th^vall rest of the vehicle. The Martians plummet
QUERS THE MARTIANS, we ll maintain for their lives, the spy -makes his way with their hand disintegrator, which to the ground while the Stooges cling to
a tactful policy of silence. However, if you down to the cellar, where he contacts enables the Stooges to drive the vehicle to the still-operating rotor section. To the
want to find out about the other one ... Mars via a hidden video-communicator. the airfield. Along the way, they lose eternal regret of Ogg and Zogg, their
read on. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. The Martian leaders, who are anxious to control of the craft. They can’t stop it! The useless hulk hits the ocean and explodes
invade Earth for some unknown reason, general and his staff end up having to run (didn’t forget about the atomic depth
decide to send Ogg and Zogg to replace away from the submarine-shaped inven- charge, did you?). As a gigantic mushroom
As the story of THE THREE
their bumbling agent. Professor Danforth tion. The situation worsens when the cloud forms in the distance, the Stooges
STOOGES IN ORBIT (also known as THE
discovers this, but his attempt to convince device starts crashing through buildings somehow maneuver their section toward
the authorities fails. He has no choice but and scaring everybody on the base. Alter the TV studio. They crash through the
TIANS) opens, the three title idiots are
to seek out the Stooges (who have an a while, the machine flies off and lands roof of the building just in time to sign
looking for rooms for the night. At a
secluded little place called Hawk Hill asinine TV show in the film) and ask for miles away in a remote desert area. their new TV contract (too bad!).

Manor, Professor Danforth, the owner, their assistance. Unknown to the Stooges, they are right Unless you like poorly-done slapstick
While Danforth is out searching for the near ground zero of an atomic testing site! and idiocy, don’t see this loser.
tells them that they are welcome to spend
the night there. Before they retire, the trio, a Martian space vehicle lands on the Night falls as the trio realize that they
odd- ball scientist boasts that he has front lawn of the house. Two inept-looking are in the middle of nowhere. Dismantling
THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT (1962) 87 minutes.
creatures emerge and set out to find the the engine in the dark, they accidentally Directed by Edward Bernds. With Moe Howard,
recently invented a combination sub-
butler. When they do, they force him into replace the carburetor with an experi- Larry Fine. Joe DeRita, Emil Sitka, Nestor Paiva,
marine, tank and space vehicle. Naturally, Edson Stroll. George Neise. Rayford Barnes.
the Stooges humor him, but they really the craft and send him back to Mars. They mental atomic depth charge that
begin to doubt his sanity when he insists then set up operations and wait for the detonates on contact with water. Soon
page 14 The Monster Tirpes

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A Martian invasion ol Earth
wreaked havoc on the world
in the film version olH.G. Wells'
Fifteen years earlier.
Orson Welles' radiocast inspired a real outbreak of panic
and paranoia among the citizenry of this country.
who indulged in a mass freak-out
worthy of anv science fiction film

Unfortunately, many listeners— an esti-

mated 20% of the total radio audience, in A 23-year-old Orson Welles directs the progress
fact— thought they were listening to news of the WAR OF THE WORLDS radiocast. After
bulletins describing an actual invasion of hearing of the panic they had inadvertently
wrought, Orson and crew left the studio via the
earth by murderous Martians! People all back way.
over the country flooded the streets in a
mad attempt to escape the imaginary
suit of the innocently intended broadcast
menace. No one died as a result of the
inadvertent chaos, but several were (since there was no precedent for the case,
injured, and one woman was just about to none of the lawsuits ever proceeded as far
take poison before her husband stopped as the courtroom). An editor of The New
her with only seconds to spare. The mass York Times recalled the broadcast in the
hysteria astounded many psychologists, following way: ‘The panic came in the
as well as CBS and Welles’ Mercury night. Here, there and everywhere people
Theater company, both of which were im- suddenly dropped to their knees and
mediately hit with severaflawsuits as are- began to moan and babble. Housewives
wept, tore their hair and fell into swoons.
One the most astounding
of Grown men wept, too, and dashed about
the streets. College boys trembled and
incidents of mass hysteria ever
prayed. Telephone lines were clogged
recorded in the history of our fairly with calls. In a few hours more the Red
hysterical land was inspired by
Cross and the National Guard would have
what was meant to be a harmless had to be mobilized.”


radio play based on H.G. Wells’
Welles’ Mercury Theater broadcast The whole amazing episode is recounted
turned out to be far more effective in Howard Koch’s THE PANIC BROAD-

than the then boy genius ever CAST, a slim but fascinating book
(published by Avon) that includes the
expected, as you’ll see herein...
actual script the author wrote for that
historical radio show. The terror the show
inspired in our paranoid citizenry remains

THROUGH U-S. unequaled in radio history. Farmers

grabbed their trusty shotguns and rallied
to fight the alien invaders; one man, in the
midst of fleeing the invasion by car, drove
back homewards after suddenly remem-
bering that he had forgotten to bring his
dog along. That Americans, in such great
numbers (over a million), were so ready to
believe that so unlikely and unprecedent-
ed a catastrophe was occurring in their
very midst was no doubt at least partially
Wells ... the British fantasy master (H.G.) who attributable to the widespread feeling
inspired panic-stricken citizens to run amok one that war was at hand— Hitler was already
Halloween eve in 1938.
mobilizing his troops in Europe and
American newspapers were warning of
impending global conflicts. Still, the
^Buring the night of October 30th, 1938,
American public’s propensity for believing
some six million Americans heard some
such a tale without much questioning (a
rather startling “news” over CBS radio.
simple switch of the radio dial to another
“Ladies and gentlemen,” spoke a serious
station would have been enough to dispel
voice, “I have just been handed a message
any belief in an actual invasion) was
that came in from Grovers Mill by tele-
disturbing to many, particularly to Orson
phone. Just a moment. At least forty
Welles, who had to bear the brunt of the
people, including six state troopers, lie
resultant criticism. While many faulted
dead in a field east of the village of
Welles and CBS for pulling a cruel
Grovers Mill, their bodies burned beyond
Halloween hoax, other contemporary
all possible recognition. The next voice
critics lauded him for putting the people
you hear will be that of Brigadier General
(however inadvertently) to a telling test.
Montgomery Smith, commander of the
state militia at Trenton, New Jersey.”
At any rate, the infamous WAR OF
After a brief pause, radio listeners were
THE WORLDS broadcast provided an
interesting demonstration of the paranoia
treated to the following message,
of its time. For the rest of the strange
delivered by “General Smith”: “I have
we suggest you pick up a copy of
been requested by the governor of New
Howard Koch’s THE PANIC BROAD-
Jersey to place the counties of Mercer and
CAST, a book that succeeds in asserting
Middlesex as far west as Princeton, and
the idea that truth is not only stranger
east to Jamesburg, under martial law. No
than fiction but very similar to it. — J.K.





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The Monster Times page 19







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page 20


Many of THE MONSTER TIMES’ HEAVENS-comes a menace
sprawling staff members spent
their formative years being fright-
ened by the monster movies of the
beyond all imagination!
fifties ... and one of the most
frightening of them all was William Turning people into
Cameron Menzies’ INVADERS instruments of destruction^.
FROM MARS. Though the film has A General of the Army
been much-maligned by many
monster moviegoers, we feel that it turned into a..*
struck successfully at the very
heart of the pure paranoia of child- Saboteur!
hood, especially as it was experi-
enced in the fearfui ’50s, and also
represented at least a minor
triumph of talent over economic
limitations. Jim Wnoroski feels the Fire can t burn them!
same way and explains, why Bullets can't kill them!
Invaders come to destroy
_ BY JIM WNOROSKI the world with...

he science-fiction “B” film of the fifties

ran the gamut from the eminently literate
to the utterly juvenile. Depending on how
you judge films, William Cameron
fall into either of -these two opposing
categories. Made in 1953, INVADERS
FROM MARS was a major venture into
the realm of science-fiction.
Apparently intended for the children’s
matinee market on Saturday & Sunday
afternoons, the picture included all the
juvenile cliches common to the “popcorn
and soda” set. There’s the youthful hero,
monsters, guns, action, a 4%
love interest,
more action, and more monsters. Yet
through all these obvious production
restrictions, INVADERS FROM MARS
goes beyond just the run-of-the-mill 50s
space opera.



A 1953 ad for INVADERS FROM MARS emphasizes the moronic Martian henchmen over the far more ingenious
and menacing Martian ‘intelligence,’ a tiny head and stunted torso encased in a transparent bubble. The
frightened folk of the ’50s seemed particularly paranoid about Mars. Maybe they thought the “Red Planet” was so
called because it was swarming with Godless commies.

Director William Cameron Menzies, KID SPOTS SPACE INVADERS worked on Robert Wise’s sf effort THE
noted for his work on THINGS TO COME For those who haven’t seen the motion
ANDROMEDA STRAIN, obviously tried
and CHANDU THE MAGICIAN in the to embody a dreamlike atmosphere within
picture, the story concerns itself with a
1930s. put together INVADERS as his young boy named David McClean (Jimmy
the construction of all his scene designs.
last film effort; and, although has been Long Kafkaesque void of all
Hunt), who stands as the sole witness to
panned by many serious film decoration, appear in several forms
the arrival of invaders from space. With
INVADERS FROM MARS these Martians hidden securely under-
throughout the film; first in the police
as the undiscovered golden nugget station, where the walls are a bare sterile
ground and out of sight, David’s incredible
a vein now thought to be thoroughly white— save for a wall clock with hands
story is first looked upon with laughter
tapped out, although TV editor- butchers that never move— secondly at the
and scorn, but finally believed when a
usually slash it till it’s almost unintelli- observatory, where again rooms are
positive adult sighting is offered. Through-
gible. completely devoid of any objects— includ-
out this, David’s parents, friends and
ing such necessities as light fixtures,
neighbors fall helplessly under the control
electric outlets, base boards or wall
of the invaders, who can kill their
electronically controlled “flunkies” when-
Leven’s use of stark outdoor settings
This ever they so desire. When the monsters
also lends a great deal to the film’s look of
Martian minion are finally destroyed at the film’s
doesn't being out of proportion. The dead,
conclusion, the audience is told that
look especially branchless trees, the globular bubbles of
everything presented was in actuality just
alert the subterranean Martian tunnels, and the
but that the product of David’s hyperactive
inherently simple look of the invaders’
ray-rifle imagination; then, lo and behold, his
he's holding saucer all lend themselves to the
dream starts to become reality!
is enough progressing air of unreality.
to scare
And through it all, from its original
The actors in the film are admirably
Jimmy Hunt, release to its constant re-issue on
directed by Menzies, and simulate the
our diminutive independent television stations, INVAD-
“realness” that often accompanies a
hero. ERS FROM MARS continues to draw
nightmare. Leif Erickson and Hillary
harsh criticism and rounds of laughter
Brooke, as the boy’s parents, work well at
from most viewers— when actually it
conveying the alien coldness of people
stands as one of the most brilliantly
possessed. The idea of parental betrayal is
conceived fantasy films of the 1950s.
a deep-seated fear experienced by many
For, in fact, the story on the screen is
kids at one time or another, and it’s taken
the visualization of a child’s dream.
here to its most terrifying, paranoid
INVADERS FROM MARS could readily
be labeled as a nightmarish. Expressionist
Menzies also brings his characters in
science fiction answer to THE WIZARD
and out of the picture without constant
OF OZ, the main difference being that the rejustification of their existence. When
audience suspends its belief in reality in
David discovers a neighbor’s house on
OZ when Dorothy reaches the fantastic
fire, John Eldridge, playing a Mr. Turner,
land of, witches, robots and munchkins,
rushes into the frame with a hose, water
while in INVADERS the typical viewer is
and no explanation. Secretaries and army

critical of David’s environment because of

generals also appear with expectations of
its closeness to the concrete conceptions of
returning later on— yet are never heard
the everyday world.
from again. Those who dream (and don’t
Set designer Boris Leven, who recently
w e all?) can no doubt recall a senseless
The Monster Times page 21

reveriewhere people, both known and deleting the color:is to remove small DRACULA LIVES, but it’s anything but a vampire. Instead,
DRACULA is the title of 12 new magazines direct Irom
unknown, have moved about from role to segments from the movie for easier England. Each issue is in full color throughout the book,
Menzies’ use of this technique again featuring the art of such Spanish greats as Esteban Maroto
role. programming into TV’s cherished 90 who does the character WOLFF), Enrich Sic and J.M. Bea.
generates this notion of it all being part of minute slot. Most times Arthur Franz’s These 12 books contain art like you’ve never seen before in
your life! And the color is superbly done. All on heavy card-
a drea,m. beautiful opening narration has been cut, board-like stock to insure long readability.
along with the whole build-up to the boy’s All these books are in English text, meant for the British
MARTIAN MUSIC nightmare sequence. Many viewers have
Isles, but imported by THE MONSTER TIMES for TMT
readers. There are 12 issues of these full color extrava-
Another effective asset to the picture’s never seen the parents in other than their ganzas. They can be purchased In lots of six. In lots of
twelve or individually. A “must have" addition to your comip
overall unreal quality is the terrifyingly zombie-like alien state. Menzies’ early art library. The greatest barbarians and the prettiest ladies
eerie music score by Raoul Kraushaar. presentation of the “loving and inter- inhabit these magazines.

Composer Kraushaar had up till then ested" couple is later crucial to appreciat-
never written anything sensational, ing David’s dismay when they change.
working mainly on westerns and comedy But, alas, the cutters rarely cut for art's
programs. score for INVADERS
His sake!
was a distinct departure English author John Baxter, in his book
from all his previous music in that it SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA,
employed unusual choral arrangements that INVADERS FROM MARS
performed, in most instances, completely The Martians were particularly fond of
was released in 3-D during its original infiltrating the brains of our most trusted
acappella. London billing in 1954. This unusual authoritarian figures— soldiers, cops and even
While orchestral instrumentation is
contention, though the American press army generals. The McCarthy era was rife with
used in various places, all the musical releases make no mention of any such terror tales about mind-controlling aliens from
pieces are of a calibre not usually outer space and even Russia.
dimensional photography, seems to bear
encountered in a science-fiction movie.
up under a careful watching of the film.
Kraushaar’s choral group conjures up Made during the era when 3-D was in you enjoy watching it or you don’t—
visions of a dying Martian landscape or vogue, the film’s credits are printed in there’s rarely an inbetween. INVADERS
the wailing of frightened minds in hell. It depth blocking against a background of is, in' this writer’s estimate, a good film
is truly one of the best and most effective bordering on greatness. It's all just the
different sized planetoids. The placement
scores of its type. of props and people in the front, middle or work of a young boy’s paranoid imagina-
But it is Menzies’ sense of timing and back of the scene would seem to denote tion, nothing more, but it is this that gives
direction that accounts for most of the it its charm. Accepting this, why not take
the use of common 3-D techniques. Baxter
film’s success. The fact that the motion another look next time the film is aired?
also cites the repetitive use of certain
picture is just a child’s nightmarish stock armed forces scenes, one that were You may be in for a happy surprise.
fantasy was Menzies’ springboard for a employed up to three timers each due to
wealth of interesting- ideas and innova- DRACULA 3,
the great shortage of dimensional footage. _j1 plus 25c
tions. Take, for example, the horribly cold
At any rate, it’s an interesting possibility. INVADERS FROM MARS (1953) Fox 77
alien expressions he garnered from the
To calla film like INVADERS FROM minutes. Directed by William Cameron
stock company of actors. One where a MARS a “classic” would be futile. Either Menzies. Screenplay by Richard Blake.
small, frail child is caught in the Special effects by Jack Cosgrove. With
domination of the Martian intelligence is
Jrmmy Hunt, Helena Carter, Arthur Franz,
Leif Erickson, Hillary Brooke, Morris
particularly effective and frightening. Ankrum, Max Wagner, Janine Perreau, Bill
One of the most blatant faults of the Phipps, Milburn Stone, Robert Shayne.
film, however, are the obese Martian
slaves who run stiffly about in
obviously dashed off on the spur of
moment. They could have been made with
much more care and detail in relation to
the values maintained in other parts of the
picture, and it’s really too bad the budget SET OF DRACULA 1 thru 6, $7 (save 50c)

didn’t permit it.

EYES OF MARS The sinister, Oriental-looking Mar-

In opposition, the film’s most brilliant tian ‘mankind’ watches over alien
misdeed carried out by his zipper-
conception is the encased Martian intelli-
suited slaves. Some scare
gence that silently, but maliciously, scholars argue that the Martian
controls the tactics of the attempted henchmen were dumb-looking by
Earth takeover. Cold and calculating, the design in order to approximate the
kind of monsters a paranoid kid
Martian “mankind" is probably one of the
might dream up.
most unforgettable horrors of that
science-fiction period. The uncredited
actor who portrayed it turned in what is
SI plus 25c $1 plus 25c
by far the most convincing performance of
the production. Without uttering a word,
his eyes and facial expressions conveyed
all the hatred, ruthlessness and contempt
that Was needed to strike fear into both
David and the audience. The tentacled
head was described by scenarist Richard
Blake in the following manner:
“(The Martian) is about thirty
inches in height, most of it head,
which is bald, monstrously domed,

with a tiny ageless face and deep-set DRACULA 9, DRACULA 10,

eyes that peer from their sockets SI plus 25c $1 plus 25c
with a strange ophidion luster.
There is a suggestion of a stomach,
with the appendages trailing off into
vague tentacles. He is entirely
covered by the plastic bell jar, and
sitsso frozen and unmoving that he
appears to be a wax figure until we
are suddenly aware of the eyes
moving to the right and left.”
Unfortunately the ad campaigns for
INVADERS played up the Martian
giants— with posters and stills rarely $1 plus 25c
$1 plus 25c
relying on the Martian intelligence for
seat-selling power.
SET OF DRACULA 7 thru 12. S7 (save 50c)
Today much of what Menzies intended
INVADERS FROM MARS to be has been COMPLETE SET OF DRACULA 1 thru 1 2, $1 2.50 (save $2.50)

lost to merciless independent television

presentations. In most cases the original
color print is no longer used, having
been supplanted by an inferiorduped black
& white film copy.

20th Century-Fox, the original releasing
company that handled INVADERS, has
long since sold their American distribu-
tion rights to smaller TV stations across
the country. What they’ve done, besides
In addition to being a sci-fi
scholar and all-around Wizard of
the weird, ED SUMMER owns
and operates the Supersnipe
Bookstore, a well-stocked,
'sprawling fan’s paradise special-
izing in comics, film books, and
other tomes & items dealing with
fantasy. In return for the above
plug, Ed will be scurrying about our way of getting the latest
to bring you the latest scoops
hot-off-the-wire info to you, from the world of science fiction,
serving up all the news of what’s where anything can happen and
cookin’ in every medium, from once in a while does.
the rare to the well-done: pre-
views, reviews, bulletins and
controversial comments on hor- LOW MAN ON THE
ror, fantasy & sci-fi happenings SCIENTIFIC TOTEM POLE
in films, books, comics and even There is a group of men who are
real life. We have spared no among either the greatest scientific
costs, time or tender egos in geniuses of our times, or the most
bringing you this expanded banal science fiction writers of the
past forty years ... men like Donald
edition of our beloved Teletype titillation, but it serves as a good
Keyhoe, Emanuel Velikovsky, and,
page, so feel free to send us contextual introduction to Mr. von
one of the most recent, Erich von
letters full of lavish praise for our Daniken's theories, and the lucid 10%
selfless efforts to keep you of the book will make your head spih.
Erich von Daniken's three books
GODS FROM OUTER second tome, is far more dignified
Q5753, $1.25).
and contains much more perplexing
SPACE (Bantam Q7276, $1.25) and
information. For me, the clincher is
GOLD OF THE GODS (Putnam, $6.95)
.those mysterious stone spheres that
read like a strange mixture of Jules
lie all over the jungles of Costa Rica.
Verne, Richard Haliburton, SCIEN-
It's worth reading just for that. There
is a certain amount of repetition of
Archaeological evidence the first book, but the thoughts are
undoubtedly too long for any theatre simple:
Keep your eyes out for the opening of ling top-lined, this yarn of 300 years exists which proves that the earth was
marquee, so you can look for it under
John Boorman’s looks like in the future contains striking sets, visited in ancient times by extrater-
the title TALES OF MYSTERY. It
it is going to be a blockbuster. With costumes and effects, and lots of
combines three tales of Poe, each restrial beings. “The average man,"
Sean Connery and Charlotte Ramp- writes von Daniken, “cannot carry out
with a different director and an
the ... experiments which ought to
all-star cast. The first episode,
lead to the proof of a theory. ...I want
directed by Roger Vadim is Metzen-
new organization on the to stimulate thought with my theories.
gerstein and stars his ex-wife, Jane There’s a
Fonda, and his ex-brother-in-law, scene here in the New York area No more, but also no less. ...I have
Peter Fonda. It’s the least absorbing called THE SCIENCE FICTION FILM put forward 'my new theories ... leave I

of the three. SOCIETY. Films like METROPOLIS it to the scientific world to answer
" This is certainly a reasonable
The next, William Wilson, is a tale and THE THING are shown and
of paranoia starring Alain Delon and discussed at the Good Shepherd and von Daniken certainly
Brigitte Bardot. This one is directed Church on East 31st Street. You can a reasonable attempt to
call Tom Tresser here in New York at his theories.
by Loui& Malle. And the last, and
perhaps most effective, is directed by (212) 683-3653, for further informa- All the theories in these books will

the incomparable Fellini and titled tion. familiar, if not old hat, to the avid
Toby Dammitt. It stars Terence Stamp And last but not least ... Being a sci-fi reader, with one important
and is a masterpiece of the weird and complete devotee of Anne McCaf- exception: von Daniken is writing
surreal in modern times. fery's Dragon series for Ballantine about REAL phenomenon and REAL
A personal favorite of mine, French Books. DRAGONFLIGHT and DRAG- evidence. Stanley Kubrick, in his
actress Stephane Audran, stars ONQUEST, had to find out if there is
post-2001 PLAYBOY interview, stated
opposite Michel Piccoli in the French to be more of these delightful stories that it was official government policy

film BLOOD WEDDING, a grisly little from her vivid pen. Sure enough, in the U.S.A. to hush up evidence of
tale of lust, love and murder. sometime next year we will be treated extraterrestrial visitations because of
Barry Morse, who chased David to the third installment, THE WHITE its staggering potential to shock the
Janssen through several seasons of DRAGON. If you haven't read them as average citizen. CHARIOTS OF THE
THE FUGITIVE, will co-star with yet. do so in a hurry, so you can be GODS has certainly proven this
Barbara Bain and Martin Landau in ready to ride your own personal contention, because it has shocked fleshed out better, and had less of

SPACE: 1999, currently in produc- dragon when next Miss McCaffery and aroused vociferous detractors tne feeling of being clubbed over the
tion. It’s billed as "the most takes us to the Dragonriders of Pern. and attackers. Interestingly enough, head with them.
expensive, most exciting space What a marvelous project this could many of these critics have very strong Putnam has just brought out the
science-fiction series ever produced be in the hands of Harryhausen for religious affiliations or viewpoints. latest book, GOLD OF THE GODS, in
for TV." filming. always wanted a dragon. While it is easy enough to discredit
a hardbound edition. By far the best

On this December 30th Channel

past, many of von Daniken's ideas written of the trio, it also contains the
9 in New York screened an obscure most staggering revelations: the
sci-fi satire called THE MONITORS, rnmerm-m discovery of the tunnels in South
starring Guy Stockwell, Susan Oliver, American jungles, some of them as
Avery Schreiber, Sherry Jackson, long as 65 miles, which are dated
Larry Storch, Keenan Wynn, Shep- between 3000 and 6000 B.C. and yet
herd Strudwick ... and the individual have the appearance of having been
in the above photo, an individual near dug with ultra-modern machinery.
and dear to our black hearts. The first The tunnels in Argentina lead to a
fiend to guess the identity of the huge cavern that contains what
above mystery actor, will be sent a appears to be a metal library of over
free subscription to THE MONSTER 2000 pages in an unknown and as yet
TIMES. So plug in your thinking undeciphered language. Even if it

electrodes and get to work. wasn't written by Martians, it's sure a

helluva discovery.
My major criticism of Mr. von
While we're in the realm of the Daniken is that he so often blurs the
"tube," let us hope you haven't gotten line between objective reporting and
attached to Keir Dullea's THE STAR subjective speculation. He jumps to
LOST. The series has called it quits certain conclusions much too quickly
after 13 episodes. don't think they
and has the aspect of screaming
ever find the “accident,” which may when he is, in fact, so close to your
Michael Moorcock's novel of turning up soon Jon Finch, late ot be for the better. Golden Gate films
time-travelling, computers and a Hitchcock’s FRENZY, Sterling Hay- should have their entry THE HOUSE
search for the new “messiah” entitled den and Hugh Griffith star. THAT CRIED MURDER opening any
THE FINAL PROGRAMME should be How do hate tears.
day now. I

For the first time in cinematic being the mammoth THE TOWERING
If you haven't already caught DON’T produce
history,two major studios will pool INFERNO. Irwin Allen will
LOOK NOW, this too is a must-see.
— scientifically. (e g., his Easter Island
Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland
theirresources for a production that for both Warners and Fox. g anti-gravity theories), the major
resistance to his books seems to be ear that a whisper would suffice. If he
roam the labyrinthine alleyways and
' based on purely irrational grounds. presented his evidence, then ex-
gondola lanes of Venice, a superbly ?
plained his hypothesis as POSSIBIL-
beautiful city which emits an aura of People apparently do not wish to
confront the possibility of our having ITY instead of FACT the scientific
gloom and sinister evil on the gray
been visited by space men at all— not method that was taught in high

days of winter. There are spectres and

scientifically, not emotionally, not
school (hypothesis, research, experi-
spooks and a chilling climax. DON'T
ment, statement of theory, more
LOOK NOW ... you wouldn’t want to humanistically, nohow, no way.
Unless mistake Mr. von Daniken’s research and experiment, THEN
make a Venetian blind? I

intentions, such
precisely statement of fact) the books would
Peter Collinson will direct THE it is
confrontations that he seeks, whether probably not twinge my conscience
EXPERIMENT for Aimerline Ltd. It’ll
so badly when start to believe what
it be to prove him wrong or right. And

be a psycho-shocker. An Atlanta I'm reading.

based film company starts off with he seems, inadvertently, to have hit
I’ve often felt that one of man's
their first venture being UFO: Religion right in The bread-basket.
The furor sounds just like the one that greatest mistakes was learning to
TARGET EARTH. Flying Southern walk around mud puddles instead of
Belles? Maximillian Schell has landed surrounded the Scopes MONKEY
TRIAL back in the 20s. through them. After all, you never
the choice lead role in the filming of know what you might
The first book, CHARIOT OF THE find in a mud
Frederick Forsyth's novel THE puddle. -Erich von Daniken has my
ODESSA FILE. The cloak-and-dagger GODS, has sold over 3 million copies
sincere thanks and admiration for
thriller also stars Jon Voight. in 4 languages since its initial
playing in some scientifically forbid-
Finished and ready for release is publication in 1966. The book is at
yellow journalism and den mud puddles.
BLACKENSTEIN John Hart stars. least 90%
mirror Batman & company float
completed the tail end of the parade.
Inbetween. Alice wandered through a
Wonderland of smoking caterpillars
and grinning cats. Thor waved his Uru
hammer. Loki scowled, Odin reigned
majestic over Asgard. Conan the
Barbarian staved off a red gorilla with
A long time ago, ace comic book
the aid of Ironwolf and his beautiful
writer Gardner Fox decided it would
companion, Shebaba O'Neil, while
be a good thing to gather various and
the evil enchanter Thulsa Doom cast
sundry superheroes together under
black spells upon them all. Thous-
the same roof, and so the Justice
ands of spectators lined up to see
Society of America was born. Ace
their heroes march on by: the
comic book fan Tom Fagan went one
Avengers, the Defenders, Green
step further. He created an event
Lantern and the Black Canary, Big
which once a year unites super-
Barda and the Forever People. The
heroes, supervillains, monsters and
Ghost Rider grinned demonically
spacemen, and takes them out of the
from his chrome-plated chopper.
pages of comic books and into the
Raggedy Ann waved her stuffed
streets of Rutland, Vermont. The
hands; Snoopy snoozed on his
annual Batman-Halloween Parade is
rooftop. Floats and paraders wound
certainly a sight to behold.
This year fantasy fans from across
their way through downtown (Jutland
twice before retiring to the parking
the country streamed to Rutland to
participate in the largest comic book THE FIRST ISSUE OF INSIDE COMIX
parade in the city's history. A regular
contingent from New York City joined MAY WELL BE THE BEST SINGLE ISSUE
forces with native Vermonters to
celebrate the event, together with a
Boston Brigade, a Montreal Mission YOU’VE EVER READ!
and miscellaneous personnel from
Maine, Delaware, and Buffalo, New BUT YOU CAN ONLY GET IT
York Tom Fagan, gentle wise man. FROM US BY MAIL!
knowledgeable in comic book lore,
started the parade fourteen years ago When was the last time you spent 204 on a —how the Warren Publishing Company is
comic book and telt you got your money's trying to buy the underground comix
in honor of his favorite superhero. industry.
Batman. Tom is reputed to be the When was you bought a
the last time There's plenty more information jammed
greatest Batman fan in the world (his lanzine lor a couple of dollars, then found into INSIDE COMICS, but we simply don't
have the room to tell you it all now (see
secret identity is promotion director you got ripped-off?
for Charles E. Tuttle. Book Publish- How many times have you bought a comic TMT's Teletype column (or more info). You'll
book looking for work by your favorite artist just have to see the first issue to believe it. It
er) And he can be found on All only costs SI and is available only from THE
or writer, only to find they took him off the
Hallows Eve roaming the alleyways of book without telling anyone? MONSTER TIMES. If you’d like to subscribe,
Rutland in gray underwear, with black These are problems facing all comic fans. send $4 for four issues. As an added bonus
And while THE MONSTER TIMES does alt it to subscribers, to show you we're out to
Hopping off their super-
floats, can to help, it can only devote a few pages help, we'll give you a free 30 word classified
heroes marched over to Rotary Field each month to comics. That's why, to advertisement.
to celebrate the annual parade party. answer the demand for a good, profession- INSIDE COMICS is a magazine like you've
ally-produced magazine about the comic never before seen in your life. If you are at all
The party was delayed when Tom
industry, THE MONSTER TIMES is publish- interested in the comic book medium— or
Fagan, holder of the fieldhouse key. the comic strips, underground comix, or
ing INSIDE COMICS. And It’s rssdy for
could not find his personal Batman monster comics or anything related to
immediate mailing.
suit, each year hidden in some INSIDE COMICS Is a magazine like you’ve comix— you simply cannot afford to be
secret place: this year was without INSIDE COMICS.
it never seen before. Published quarterly (and
As a special bonus, each issue of INSIDE
especially secret. No superbemgs only available through the mall) and edited
by Joe Brancatelli, TMT’s Managing Editor.
COMICS will contain complete, comprehen-
present had the power to (1) enter the sive reviews of every fan magazine
locked building, and (2) stay warm INSIDE COMICS will tell you everything
published. There’s a lot of good fanzines—
there is to know about the comics industry.
outside. Tom finally showed up as a and a lot of bad ones. We think you should
You'll never find It on any newsstand— IN-
know which ones are which— before you buy
priest. SIDE COMICS Is for the fan. The first issue,
Once inside, the party quickly for example, contains the following
warmed up. Spiderman climbed the material:
TIMES before it, will be an innovation unlike
wall. Broomhilda chewed on her —the story of the massive 1900 page
original art rip-off from National Comics
anything you’ve ever read. When THE
cigar. Clark Kent protected his secret MONSTER TIMES talks, people listen.
identity.Prince Valiant behaved And THE MONSTER TIMES says you can't
valiantly.Cthulu, elder god of the NOT to get INSIDE COMICS.

cowl and cape, and a bat symbol on wedding party. Wise superheroes ancients (and H.P. Lovecraft), was
summoned and dismissed. Odin I INSIDE COMICS 3( I
his chest wore long underwear under their A Division of The Monstar Times
This year the parade was shifted fancy skintights, while thinly-clad danced with Sheena of the Jungle. |
11 West 17 Street
from Halloween on Wednesday to the villains cursed the cool October air. For one evening, heroes made peace New York. New York 10011
Saturday before to accommodate the The parade began with the with their arch-enemies. They would,
I Please enter my one year (four issue)
rising tide of out-of-staters who traditionalBatman float, featuring the have to wait another year for that to subscription to INSIOE COMICS. I enclose S4.00
Tom Caped Crusader, Batwoman, and a happen again, for another Halloween lor each subscription. I understand that I am
couldn’t have made it otherwise. .
entitled lo a 30 word FREE classified advertise-
spent the whole of Saturday host of friends and enemies from the parade, when comic books come to j
scrambling around Rotary Field, a epic issues of Detective Comics. A life in Rutland. — Bill Lippincott
I’m a skeptic. Just send me the first issue. I

public park in Rutland where the enclose SI .00.

floats were constructed. He had spent I

months coordinating parade energy, | Name

making sure there was one at least
Darkseid for the Forever People and J

no more Thors than were absolutely I City

necessary. Now he was busy Slate OP

assigning sorcerors to the Barbarian a As a one year charter subscriber. I understand I
flqat, guiding a giant cardboard ! am entitled to a FREE 30 word classified in a
1 future INSIDE COMICS. (Note: name and
Batman to its resting place above the
I address must be counted in total.)
fieldhouse doorway, and finding an
artist to complete the red background
of a Hulk painting.
As evening’s darkness settled in, —a long interview with Robert Crumb,
superheroes and marching bands and underground king-tumed-farmer
clowns and polar bears assembled at —the story on why Chariton Comics
closeddown for two complete months I
the Depot Parking Lot in downtown —everything you always wanted to know
Rutland. Massive confusion followed, about ACBA, the professional organization I
reminiscent of the Fantastic Four’s of comic artists and writers. [

border on the insane, but the people are friendly and there’s always a

CON-CALENDAR good chance you’ll pick up some rare item for your collection. And
they’re great places to meet people— famous, infamous and plain
we highly recommend you try one. monsters— not to mention days and
THE CON-CALENDAR Is an exclusive feature of TMT. Across the If you've never been to a “con,”
country, comic nuts, sf fans, monster freaks and the like are They vary In size, emphasis, and quality, of course, but they're all fun weeks.
constantly gathering to buy, sell, trade, collect and listen to to attend. We at TMT will do our part by keeping you informed of all
Get your Monster Calendar now. Be
speeches. As with most gatherings of fans, the conventions often upcoming cons. the envy of all the calendar buffs
everywhere. Just fill out the coupon
DATE CONVENTION LOCATION . PRICE FEATURES and send $2.50 ($2.00 for the calendar
and 504 for postage and handling)
Feb. 10 COMICBOOK MARKET COMIC BOOK and your Monster Calendar will be on
$1 at the door the way.
April 14 621 Avenue Z New York City No special guests
May 5 Just in time for 1974, we might
Brooklyn, New York
comic books,
3rd Sunday
NOSTALGIA Howard Johnson pulps, toys,
4 Church Street 754
every month Motor Lodge movies, auctions THE MONSTER TIMES BOOKSHELF "1
Waltham, Mass. 02154 P.O. BOX 595. OLO CHELSEA STATION

March 8 to
March 10 645 West End Avenue
New York, New York
New York City
$2.00 per person and other antique
TIMES CALENDAR Dear Monsters: Please send me: |

copies of TMT’s
Imagine a monster for every day of the |
Monster Calendar at $2.50
year. Well, thanks to THE MONSTER
each for which enclose
TIMES, you can have it. Now available


P.O. Box 561 New York City Inquire for rates. GALORE!!! is the fabulous, stupendous ... not to
May 27 New York, New York mention timely .... 1974 MONSTER
$4 for all 4 days Enterprise Crew Each month (you remember them,
February 15 STAR TREK CONVENTION in advance. as guests. January through December) of 1974 is
53rd Street and 7th Ave. Large dealers room
to 18, 1974 P.O. Box 3127 New York City $3 for non-attending on its own 11" by “17” page, each
membership Costume Parade decorated with a monster scene from
,New York, N.Y. 10008
the venerated pages of THE MON-
HOLLYWOOD feature films,
HOLLYWOOD cartoons
STER TIMES. Monsters for January
and February and every month you
635 N. Citrus Ave. 504 under 12 & lots of
every month Hollywood, Calif.
tradings and guests can think of. It's a treasure chest of
Hollywood, Calif. 90036
page 24 The Monster Times


Okay, gang,
here’s your once-in-a-lifetime
chance to pick up some rare and valuable back issues of
[well, not exactly, our gallery of gory delights— enough to scare even the most
fearless reader. And don’t forget, each issue contains a giant color

THE MONSTER TIMES, the first newspaper of horror, science centerfold, suitable for framing or hanging on your crypt wall to
fiction and fantasy. WE’ve got issues on everything— just look at cover up the holes or even for wrapping fish.

TREK EDITION. S2. RADE. king of the monsters gets
his own issue, complete
Our special premier issue Our first all STAR TREK Filmbook of bug classic, Filmbook of the classic Features a zombie film
with giant feature and
containing pari one ol "The edition, featuring the "Star THEM. "Bugs in the Co- BRIDE OF FRANKEN- survey. “Zombies in the colorful centerfold. The
Men Who Saved Kong." Trek Saga.” interview with mics" by Marv Wolfman. STEIN. review of THE Comics," THE ASTRO King Kong Commercial
NOSFERATU. DER GOLEM William Shatner. profile of "The Empire of the Ants'" PULPS, article on GREEN ZOMBIES, THE OMEGA for Volkswagon. King
and BUCK ROGERS. Also Leonard Nimoy and story by H. G. Wells, a Rich Lantern/Green Arrow, a MAN. a Dan Green comic Kong comics, the Comic
included a Berni Wright-
is on Gene Roddenberry. Also Buckler comic strip and a Iwo page Jeff Jones comic of Berni Wri- Art Awards. Mushroom
Roger Cor- ghtson's BADTIME STOR- Monsters. Hot Prints,
son Frankenstein color Gray Morrow's Star Trek review of "Stan Lee at Car- strip in color.
NIGHT OF THE dark domain by Gray
poster and Wrightson's color centerfold. STAR riage Hall". Also a giant man meets Edgar A. Poe. IES, LIV-
Morrow and more
NOSFERATU comic strip. TREK comics and "Space- KONG color poster and "Dracula Goes To Court," ING DEAD and a zombie
men of the "50's." parttwo of "The Men Who and the worst films of 1971. color centerfold. You'll
Saved Kong." never want to see zombies

Filmbook and centerfold of An interview with Spidey's Features a filmbook and Filmbook and centerfold on Our spectacular issue
PLANET OF THE APES, artist and writer. Sprider- color centerfold of WOLF- THE VALLEY OF GWANGI. breaking the story that
the first apes movie. Also Man's most monsterous MAN. article on comic's an interview with Alfred Godzilla is running for
includes CONAN in the DR. PHIBES, fan-
villians. chauvinist pig,THE PHAN- Hitchcock. "Vampires in president, with a color
comics. THE NAVY VS. zine reviews, still more TOM. GODZILLA. "Behind the Comics," preview of centerfold to match. Also
THE NIGHT MONSTERS. Blood movies, survey of the Scenes at SILENT RUN- BLACKULA, THE PLANT included are articles on
FRITZ THE CAT. an inter- the comic con phenom- NING." review of SCIENCE MONSTERS, review of HPL MIGHTY JOE YOUNG,
view with Dracula. cover- enon. still more Seymour FICTION FILM, CON- magazine. Godzilla's own COUNT YORGA and still
age of the Graham Gallery's and a special Spidey color QUEST OF THE PLANET column, some real mon- more PLANT MONSTERS.
comic exhibit and Hemi- centerfold by Kane and OF THE APES and an inter- sters and CHILDREN An interview with Vincent
sphere's Blood movies. Ditko. view with Peter Cushing. SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH Price, and "Comics -Go to
DEAD Tl IINGS. Colleoe."

Filmbook on RODAN with a FLY, SI .00. Leading off
Filmbook and color center- Our third s-f issue contains Filmbook on 1931s Filmbook on GREEN A special 40 page magazine color centerfold Our fabulous DESTROY
foldon TARANTULA, arti- a 12-page STAR TREK pull- FRANKENSTEIN, a com- preview on THE TMT free of with a double filmbook ,on
SLIME, issue of devoted to
same. Also Basil Wolverton THE FLY and THE RETURN ALL MONSTERS Issue,
cles on Dr. Death and Dr. out, which includes our al- plete FRANKENSTEIN VAULT OF HORROR, God- GODZILLA and his friends. featuring filmbook and
ready classic "Keep On comics' THEATRE OF OF THE FLY and a Fly
Shock, the return of E.C. filmography, the real Cas- Ghidrah, GENESIS
zilla vs. Including a GODZILLA BLOOD, Review of HIS centerfold. Also included
comics. "Hercules in the Trekin' " poster, STAR tle Frankenstein, "The De- article on New York's filmbook. four color GOD- centerfold. Also articles
TORY OF COMICS vol. 2, CAPT. MARVEL'S are exclusive shots on the
Comics," Late Film round- TREK filmography, STAR cline of Franksenstein," in- CREEP, results of the ZILLA posters, the friends about
the Last of The Planet of C.C. Beck and STAR TREK cartoon,
up. review ol some recent TREK Yellow Pages, review terview with Glen (Franken- Monster Poll, review of the of GODZILLA, Tom Sut- creator,
articles on Superman's
monster movie campaigns, of the STAR TREK books stein) Strange, "Franken-
The Apes and much more BROOM-HILDA's Russell
KLINE PORTFOLIO, and a ton's super comic strip Metropolis Museum, Wax
and some really repulsive and Mr. Spock model. Also in our special BILL OF Myers. Also, Ladies and
stein in the Comics," and a the Amicus studios.
trip to RAT! and more on the Museum, New York
FU MANCHU. RIGHTS issue. their monsters and WERE-
color centerfold with all the TMTs exclusive Ml.
Also. Greatest Beast in the Comicon, hot stills, horror
in the media and Rondo
—mOSTes. is believing!
fantastic mixed bag issue.


Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011
Please send me these super collector's items as soon as
possible ... if not sooner! (Note: If you want your back
issues sent via 1st Class Mail, please enclose an additional
35 cents per issue ordered.)
TMT COLLECTORS' ISSUE No. 1 ($2.00] No. 161*1.00) No. 25 [*1 .00)
No. 2. “THE PEOPLE OF No. 2 [S2.00] No. 17[*1.00 No. 26 1*1.001
STAR TREK,” SI. Inside No. 3 [SI .00] No. 18i*1.00 No. 27 1*1 .00]
stories on all the STAR No. 41*1.00) No. 19(51.00 No. 28 [SI .00]
TREK starsand the immor- No. 5|S1.00| No. 20 1*1 .00 No. 29 ($1.00)
tal characters they por- No. 61*1.00) No.21JJ1.00 No. 30(*1.00)
trayed: William Shatner, No. 11 1*1.001 No. 22 1*1 .00 TV Salute (*1.50)
No. 12[*1.00] No. 23[*1.00 Collector No. 2 (SI .00)
Leonard Nimoy, DeForest No. 131*2.001 No. 24 (SI .00
Kelley. Nichelle Nichols.
SPECIAL, SI ... A special SNOWMAN. SI. Filmbook SI. 151*1.001
Our special all-vampire All-Worst issue, with film- of the ST crew, plus added
Lon Chaney/ Hunchback on Ihe Universal Films
issue, featuring Forgotten issue with centerfold Classic HOUSE OF book on THE HORROR OF info on ST creator Gene
Vampire Classics of the PARTY BEACH, 50 Worsl
puppet of the Hunch- FRANKENSTEIN, E.C. HorrorFilmsEver Made, the Roddenberry and the U.S.S.
Screen, an-article on The back, an article and comics, television cartoon World's Worst Comics, and Enterprise itself. Many
Decline and Fall of Bela guide, two Abominable a portrait of low-budget exciting illustrations & ADDRESS...
Lugosi, a Neal Adams Chaney's make-up tech- Snowman articles. Glenn filmmaker Ray Dennis
vampire centerfold, review nique. Also, PLASTIC Strange memorial, SIN- Sleekier. Also included:
of DREAM OF DRACULA BAD'S GOLDEN VOYAGE. Teenage Monster Movies of
MAN. Willis O'Brien's the 50s. an interview with
and the long-awaited Jess BLACK SCORPION, new AlsoFROM HELL IT CAME schlock filmmaker William
Franco COUNT DRACULA. Hammer releases and the AND Death is a Way ol Life. Grefe. Hugo Headstone
Also Esteban Maroto WAX MUSEUM. strip, the Interior Five and a
preview of SCHLOCK, mon-
ster movie satire.
The Monster Times page 25


While we’ve allotted more precious
space to the epic WAR OF THE
WORLDS and the paranoid IN-
only two of well over 30 Martian
movies, serials and shorts— both
sound and silent— produced over
the last half-century. There have
been Martian musicals, Martian
comedies, Martian allegories...
Martians from France, Italy,
Canada and Russia. ..massive Mar-
tians, mini-Martians, friendly Mar-
tians, and mad Martians. ..Mar-
tians, in fact, of every stripe. And
This-gathering of Martian
here to report on the myriad
movies includes'scenes from
Martians of the movies is J FLASH GORDON'S TFJJP TO MARS.
Martian maven Jim Wnoroski. ABBOTT & COSTEILp GO TO MARS.
SPACE MONSTER. In thrlWa Flash
Gordon serial. Mars bore an uncanny
he red planet, Mars, has always resemblance to the plane! Mongo; in the
been held as an object of awe and Abbott & Costello flick, the comedy
fascination by us Earthlings. The team lands on Venus, not Mars: and
question of whether or not life exists in FRANKENSTEIN MEETS
there has long been raised by inquisi- THE SPACE MONSTER.
tive people, and no scientist can state ’
• '/ Martians invade Puerto
conclusively that creatures don’t Rico but there's no real
Jf .
actually crawl across the hot jjr- "Frankenstein Monster."
colored Martian landscape. But while Just goes to show you
we have only argued the question, can't judge a film by look-
Hollywood has put its own hyper- ing at its title
active imagination to work to bring us
a distinctly varied group of Martian
monsters. Herewith are some of the
cinema's most famous, if not always
noteworthy, contributions to the
Martian legend.
A trivia question: What was the
firstscience fiction musical? Some
BEACH (see TMT 30) but they, of
course, would be wrong. For the real
answer, it is necessary to search
through the listings of lost film
classics under "J" for JUST IMAGINE. RED PLANET PAL
Released by Fox Movietone in 1930, it
demonstrated to the people of the Probably producer George Pal's
time what the year 1 980 would have in most notable science-fiction under-
store for them. The cast and crew, taking, WAR
with the exception of Maureen one of the fifties’ most lavish and
For intents and purposes Mars
O'Sullivan of Tarzan fame, was made spectacular adventure outings— and
is just Mongo West, with all the same
up of people since lost to obscurity. stands today, along with such
adventures, gimmicks, and gals that
The and the musical numbers winners as KING KONG, FORBIDDEN
plot made the others in the series so
are ludicrous, but the hero, John successful. A gleeful outing to be
PLANET, and 2001, as a milestone in
and his partner, Frank special effects extravaganzas.
Garrick, sure, but Mars it is not!
Albertson, do make it to Mars in the were still living the same lives and campy pleasure, no other films serve H.G. Wells’ original story and
film. But it is Mars, Mongo-style. singing the same songs as you’d as well as a Universal, Republic, or ROCKETSHIP X-M was one of locations were drastically revised for
Even though JUST IMAGINE preceded expect to find on Earth circa 1930. Columbia serial; and no doubt some those three-week Hollywood quickies the cinema, but all the action and
them by six years, the sets had many This lack of believability and an of the best were Buster Crabbe’s rushed into production by Grade B mystery of the original novel were
characteristics in common with those extremely weak story line were Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers director Kurt Neumann to beat retained in a combination of old and
on the Flash Gordon serials at probably the biggest factors contrib- portrayals in the late thirties. But George Pal's color epic, DESTINA- new that provided for a slick story-
Universal. • uting to JUST IMAGINE's lack of since this is a survey of Martian films, TION MOON, to the screen by several telling achievement from the word

Aside from a few fantastic scenes public acceptance. ..then and now. it must be said here that although the months. The cheap black and white GO.”
and sets, viewed but briefly on the serial is enjoyable. FLASH GOR- affair seems as they if wrote the script Byron Haskin, who directed many
screen, the bulk of JUST IMAGINE FLASH GORDON’S TRIP TO DON'S TRIP TO MARS bears no rela- on a day-to-day basis with the other Pal films as well as later
was pretty unimaginative. With all the MARS. Serials are great fun, there's tion whatsoever to the red planet intrepid space travelers improvising working on THE OUTER LIMITS, kept
fabulous Martian gadgetry, the actors no denying it. For pure all-around outside of its intriguing title. their way from Earth to Moon and the pace of WAR OF THE WORLDS
finally to Mars. moving along from the scientifically
X-M star Hugh O'Brian definitely intriguing opening narrated by Paul
must have gotten some of his early Frees until the final Martian warship
Wyatt Earp training on the Arizona crashes. Story notwithstanding, how-
deserts they tried to pass off as the ever, the movie would have been a hit
baked surface of Mars, although his just on its special effects alone;
co-star, Lloyd Bridges, must have felt showing sights which overpowered
like a fish water plodding
out of audiences everywhere with views of
across the cactus spotted "Martian" destructo rays, force shields, bug-
landscape— with not a drop of water eyed monsters, and the entire gamut
in sight. of science-fiction gadgetry carried to
To add insult to injury, this the highest melodramatic extreme.
basically bad film tried to redeem A winner in almost every fan's eyes,
itself momentarily with some poorly WAR OF THE WORLDS will surely be
produced matte shots of ancient playing fo enthusiastic viewers even
Martian ruins, and even brought in after the red planet is eventually
some extras for an hour or so to conquered and colonized.
portray some ridiculous-looking mu-
tants— although questions like where RED PLANET MARS. Peter Graves,
they came from, how they survived till not satisfied with a starring role in
that time with no food, and who one of the fifties' worst sci-fi films,
zig-zag stitched their loin cloths are KILLERS FROM SPACE, went on
never really fully explained in ahead to film the almost unbearable
complete detail. RED PLANET MARS for United
In case you're wondering about the Artists in 1952.
outcome of our weary journeymen— No doubt shot over a spare
they died; but not before the film weekend, this film had the distinction
itself succumbed to a multitude of of being one of the slowest, most
ridiculous situations and cliches. boring fantasy melodramas ever put
Luckily, the only time this flick gets on celluloid. Specifically dealing with
shown anymore is during baseball a scientist who has made contact
rainouts. So all we can do is hope for with Mars through a special radio, the
The DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS, who came here to recruit men for breeding purposes, brought this inane
movie revolves around the idiocy.
automated escort with her in a 1954~British film that ranks among the lesser celluloid excursions to the Angry Red Planet. another long, hot, and dry summer.
page 26 The Monster Times

A British army officer is pretty burned up when learns that Earth was visited by Martians over 5 million years
ago in Hammer Films’ FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH, one of the very best of the Martian movie outings.

and red tape of the

political hysteria, and distinctly unfunny comedies bomb, as unappetizing as it was
McCarthy period that rendered the during the fifties— which no doubt tasteless.
messages almost meaningless in a greatly contributed to the team’s final
fear, distrust, and
world torn apart by decline.
hate. This film was one of their last, and FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH
This allegedly accurate account of outside of the title, has very little to (1968), produced by Hammer Studios
the McCarthyism that ran rampant in do with the red planet. In fact, when after the acclaimed teleplay by Nigel
the Eisenhower era was nothing more the team accidently blasts off in an Kneale, was perhaps the most
than a low budget soap opera without experimental spaceship and land in stimulating adventure into Martian
the commercials. The feature even New Orleans during the Mardi Gras, history ever attempted in the entire
boasted an Eisenhower look-alike the funny costumes and make-up science-fiction genre.
who had the same acting style of the make them think they have reached Although made many years apart
original— in one work “nebbish." the planet Mars when in reality they from its two earlier counterparts, THE
So all in all. Graves had a pretty never left Earth. CREEPING UNKNOWN and ENEMY
hard time for hin^self tripping around Bud and Lou do manage to make it FROM SPACE, FIVE MILLION YEARS
through cardboam sets and incredu- to Venus, however, when they take off TO EARTH was the third and last film
lous dialogue. One of the last bulle- again with two escaped criminals made in the famous “Quatermass”
tins received in the film is “Beware." aboard. Once on the fog-shrouded series— a trio of superb English
Unfortunately for most audiences, the planet, which just as well could have productions that first saw light of day
message came way too late. been Mars, they are greeted by bevies as television specials in the land of
of beautiful Amazon women. And the B.B.C.
MARTIAN MEDIOCRITIES through it all everything remains Professor Quatermass, whose role
THE ANGRY RED PLANET. This stilted, stifled, and stale. Gone even was first essayed by the late Brian
film was undoubtedly Gerald Mohr’s are any of the famous A&C routines Donievy in the two earlier films, is
best film, but since he never did like "Who's On First" which were played here by tenacious Andrew
anything really memorable on screen,
all you’re left with is another
mundane sci-fi effort from American
Supposedly filmed in color, the
only hued scenes were the shots on
Earth and inside the Aurora model
spaceship. Where most of the film
takes place, on the surface of Mars,
the sequences were just shot in black
and white to save money— with a
blurry orange tint being added later
on in the developing lab. But even
that would have been acceptable if
the acting and effects had been up to
par, but, as you might expect, the
audiences might just as well have
stayed home and waited for the
premiere of LOST IN SPACE.
The only thing that made it all
bearable was watching the screen
carefully for the numerous appear-
ances of sound cables and prop men
behind the paper mache monsters ...
otherwise a complete waste of time
and effort.


MARS was a big disappointment, not
only for science-fiction aficionados
but for the diehard fans of the comedy
duo as well.
Universal Pictures, who had
Messrs. Bud and Lou under contract
since 1940, had the notion that A&C
were no longer appealing to the adult
audiences and so had writers and
directors put an almost helpless
Abbott & Costello in childish, inane,

by Adam (Batman) West.

clearly their stock and trade during Kier, who’s out to find the meaning
the forties when they were extremely behind a mysterious and ancient
popular with every age group. spaceship unearthed during a subway
What remains here is only a excavation.

shadow a remnant of the greatness As it turns out, the vessel was
they left behind And even though the originally from Mars, sent out
pre-teens of the time probably millions of years ago with seeds
couldn't have cared less what they destined for planting on Earth— seeds
saw on Saturday afternoons. Abbott that eventually grew into us! Beneath
& Costello continually tried, albeit its upper crust of adventure, it is
somewhat in vain, to make the people perhaps the most subtly blasphe-
laugh, whelher on Mars or wherever mous motion picture ever produced.
—and for that they receive my highest It refutes the Bible, God, and many

regard other basic religious concepts— yet

when shown on TV recently the only
THE DAY MARS INVADED EARTH. scene cut was a close-up shot of a
Recipe Take the invasion ingredients man’s burnt face. Obviously the CBS
from INVADERS FROM MARS and censors rely on their eyes rather than
INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCH- intellect in editing a film for public
ERS. then mix in the shoddy looks of consumption, which has sort of been
such films as PLAN 9 FROM OUTER the suspicion all along.
FROM VENUS, add an extra pinch of FROM MARS TO OBSCURITY
carelessness and another dash of In addition to the above-mentioned
ineptitude, then take Kent Taylor and films, there are also a select few
shake well! Pul into melting pot until others in the Martian category that
half-baked, remove at once, call it bear listing. For example, the years
THE DAY MARS INVADED EARTH — 1 91 3 and 1 921 both were release dates

then try to serve up to unsuspecting for two different features entitled A

public at cheap theatres and drive-ins MESSAGE FROM MARS, both based
across the nation. on the same play by one Richard
That's what 20th Century Fox did Ganthony, in which a messenger from
back in 1963, but it just went to prove Mars points out the suffering of the
that too many kooks spoil the poor. More of a moral-political
stew— a stew which most critics and allegory than a sci-fi film, according
ckie that borrowed heavily from earlier and better films. viewers alike found an atrocious to the little info available.
The Monster Times page 27

statured. large-domed, bug-eyed Mar-

lians are repelled by Earthly teen-


SPACE (1958) Edward L. Cahn. Space
crew voyaging earthwards finds
murderous Martian stowaway on

MISSION MARS (1968) Nicholas

Webster. Darren McGavin and Nick
Adams are astronauts who discover a DON'T MISS THE
city and several monsters
on the
angry red planet. NATIONAL
PAJAMA PARTY (1964) Don Weis. SHOW
Originally titled MARCH 8-9-10
MARTIAN, mindless AIP "youth
picture” featured Tommy Kirk as a NEW YORK
telepathic Martian enamored of 440 W. 57th St.

Annette Funicello.
& SAVE 504 OFF
(1945) Spencer G. Bennett. A A Promotion of Slater-Pollack Shows,
Republic serial about an attempted 645 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. 10025
Martian invasion of earth. Later Phone (21 2) 724-591 9 (evenings)
red planet re-edited and released as a feature
MARS was one of several M film called D-DAY ON MARS.
films rile with '50s paranoia but had the
distinction ol featuring some of the most ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS
confused and outlandish plot machinations (1964) Byron Haskin. Slow-moving
ever to put an audience to sleep. A religious but often effective film about lone
revival in Russia and a mad renegade Nazi scientist who astronaut's struggle to survive on
decides to play God were two of the film’s odder elements. Mars after crash-landing there. Good
special effects and fine performance
Inthe forties the US army produced by Paul Mantee as title character.
feature about a friendly Martian who Robert Gaffney. One the worst
a semi-fictional short on the possibil- lands in Quebec. horror films ever made. Designed as a THREE STOOGES
ities of life on the. red planet simply IN ORBIT (1962)
satire, the film failed even on that
called MARS. And through the next Edward Bernds. The usual disaster.
CONQUEST OF SPACE (1955) level in this tale of an attempted on page 19 of this issue.
two decades we were treated to such Byron Haskin. Eric Fleming leads Martian takeover of Earth.
diversified fare as DEVIL GIRL FROM space station crew on Man's first trek
MARS (1954), starring Hazel Court, Good production values
to Mars. HEAVEN SHIP (1917) Holger (1951) Fred C. Brannon. The
who went on to become one of failed to make this bland, monster- Madsen. Early Danish silent film
Hammer’s greatest heroines, and "Supreme Dfctator of Mars" seeks
elsewhere in this issue) by the great
director William Cameron Menzies. A
less film interesting.


about a rocket trip to Mars.


unsuccessfully to annex Earth in this
Republic serial. A re-edited version
was released as a feature in 1958 and
MARTIAN IN PARIS was a political ATTACKS PUERTO RICO) (1965) (1957) Edward L. Cahn. Small- retitled

satire produced in France in 1960, but

which has never been viewed in the
states. Also unseen here were 1964's
frdfn Italian studios.
Wrapping up our “Martian Chron-
icles” are three of the most recent, as
well as the worst, Martian movie
outings. One,
involves a Martian plot to kidnap the
bearded^ benefactor and is still a
staple at kiddie matinees. WIZARD
OF MARS was a low-budget indepen-
dent film produced in 1964, starring
John Carradine and a cast of
unknowns who, to this day, retain
that status. Probably the worst of all
was MARS NEEDS WOMEN (1964),
directed by monster movie drudge
Larry Buchanan and released directly
to television by AIP. The film starred
Walt Disney reject Tommy Kirk of
Mouseketeer fame and ranks as one
most boring pseudo-
of the slowest,
sci-fi epics ever filmed.
Rounding out our survey we should
mention a 1967 French opus called
film that came to us from the deep
South where it played a small series
of limited engagements DUVOLO,
ALIEN FROM MARS! With titles like
that what more can you say about
Martian films? Our ouess is not too
much! .

Mary Moore and Roy Barcroft played

a pair of appropriately tacky Martians
and would-be world conquerors in the
1945 Republic serial, THE PURPLE


AELITA (1929) Yakov Protazanov.
Russian silent film based on Alexei
Tolstoy's play about a robot civiliza-
tion on Mars.

CHRISTMAS MARTIAN (1971) Ber- From Mongo to Mars, Flash Gordon (Buster Crabbe) battled interplanetary evil in some of the thirties'
nard Gosselin. A French Canadian best-loved serials. So what if Mars and Mongo looked exactly alike?
poge 28 The Monster Times


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The Mortste Times I page 29

the ceiling caved After a moment or

in. followed her through. In another moment
two, he realized what had happened. A they were running wildly through the
multiple meteor had fallen and skidded open field. Behind them the Martian war
into the farmhouse. Two other cylinders machines were closing in on the
had fallen nearby. But a plank descended farmhouse, burning it with their heat
on his head and in another moment he was rays. The building collapsed and the
unconscious. When he awoke, he found sounds of terrible explosions
filled the air,
Sylvia mopping his brow- but they never looked back.
“How long was I out?" he asked.
“Hours. I’ve been so scared. They’re EARTH BATTLES BACK!
right outside!" The Secretary of Defense had met with
Forrester walked to the window. General Mann and representatives from
“There’s a machine standing right over the other services in order to get a better
us,” he told her, and they started toward idea of how best to combat the invader.
the living room. They had held back on a decision to use
Outside the Martians appeared to be nuclear weapons because of the danger of
conducting a search. Sylvia looked around radiation to civilians, but now there was
the darkened room. Her gaze caught little choice left them.

something moving in the shed and she They gathered for what they prayed
gasped. would be a final confrontation between the
“Something moved outside,” she whis- Martians and mankind. Contingents from
was one of them.”
pered. “It all the armed services were dispatched to

"What was it like?” view the attack. Also present were

Forrester began pulling planks away
from the shattered wall. “We’re right in a
nest of ’em,” he said. “I’ve got to get a look
at them.”
They heard a sound on the other side of
the hall. Through the debris there
appeared a long, silver-throated tentacle,
not unlike the neck of the war machines,
slinking along the floor. Attached to the
throat and leading it forward was a three-
colored sensing device in the form of a
photographic lens. Forrester and Sylvia
huddled together in the darkness,
watching the movements of the visitor
with fear and fascination. Picking up a
pebble from the floor, he hurled it against
the far living room wall. The lens reacted
instantly, rearing and straining its long
neck in order to place the origin of the
Three metallic blinds closed over the
eyes of the lens, and the coil withdrew
slowly from the room. Maybe they were
satisfied that the house was empty, he
thought. He edged forward and moved
into the corridor. Sylvia thought that she
heard a noise and turned her head toward
the ceiling. Only there was no ceiling any
longer, and Sylvia saw a bright, grinning
ghoul staring down at her.
"LOOK OUT!” she screamed. It was one
with its crew. The Martians then turned circled the foot of the hill. Shortly, there of the Martian detection devices!
their fire on a line of bazookas, and the came the sound of a violent explosion. Forrester grabbed an axe and swung
result was the same. For every attack They didn’t have to look to know what had wildly at its throat until it came crashing
repelled by the invaders, a worse one was happened. down on them. When the lens had been
launched against the earthlings. The The rigors of fright and exhaustion had severed from the neck, the mother ship
humans could never hope to stand up to finally taken their toll on Sylvia. She was quickly retracted the coil and pulled it
such punishment. Resistance, it seemed, fast asleep by nightfall with her head into the trunk. The scientist wrapped the
was futile. cradled gently in Forrester’s arms. He lens in Sylvia’s scarf and returned to his
General Mann tried to make himself touched her shoulder and wakened her. diggings at the wall. They would have to
heard above the commotion. “That “You alright?” he asked softly. make their escape quickly now. Their
skeleton beam may be what they used to “Where are we?” presence in the house had been exposed
The ubiquitous Martian ships strike cities all
wipe out the French city ... a ray of “Southwest of Corona, somewhere. and there was no telling, how quickly the over the world. After Earth’s atomic retaliation
undetermined nature.” There must have been another cylinder Martians would act. fails to halt the Martians horrible progress,

“It neutralizes mesons, somehow,” down here. They’ve been through this Sylvia helped him discard the planks he scientists predict that it will take the invaders
had ripped out. Standing there, she began only six days to complete their diabolical
Forrester yelled back. “They’re the whole area and cleared everybody out. work— the destruction of Earth!
atomic glue holding matter together. Cut There’s a farmhouse. Let’s see if we can to have the uneasy feeling that they were
across their lines of magnetic force and findsomething to eat.” not alone. A huge, malformed spider
any object will simply cease to exist. Clayton helped Sylvia up and they crept reached out at her from somewhere in the
General, I’m telling you, this kind of across the field to the abandoned home. darkness and came to rest upon her scientists from Pacific Tech, a first-aid
defense is useless against them." The refrigerator was well stocked; it had shoulder. She tried to scream but the unit and a special observer from The
Colonel Heffner ordered all command been a long time since either one of them sound froze in her throat. Clayton pulled Atomic Energy Commission. Clayton and
posts to pull back. “They’re going to roll had even thought about food. They sat in her from its grasp. It must have been a Sylvia had found their way back to civili-
right through here,” he yelled. “Sheriff, the kitchen and tried to reassure spider. It was too ghastly to be ... A zation, and now they too were waiting in
get into Linda Rosa and tell Civil Defense themselves by talking of other things. It HAND. But it was a hand, long and the hills for what could soon prove to be
to evacuate everybody." As Heffner was must have been around midnight when crooked with fingers that pulsated like mankind's salvation, or its doom.
tiny, expanding bubbles and three elastic
in the midst of giving another order, he the avalanche struck. Dr. Gratzman told the others that
stopped suddenly and just stood there for At least it. sounded like an avalanche. suckers on the tips of the fingers. Bilderbeck had calculated how long it
a moment, looking more surprised than The crash was overpowering. Clayton Clayton turned his flashlight on the would take for the Martians to conquer
anything else, and then he began to glow. pulled Sylviaaway from the table as part of He was amazed by what he saw. A
visitor. the entire earch, if the A-bomb failed.
His body turned greenish-white and then being so alien as to defy sane description. “If it should fail," Bilderbeck said, “the
simply evaporated. Colonel Heffner had The thing was short. Its head was Martians can conquer the earth in six
gotten caught in the path of a Martian ray. completely devoid of hair and covered, days.”
Formerly flesh & blood soldiers appear as mere
like the rest of its body, with massive
Forrester grabbed Sylvia’s hand and shadows of their former selves before disinte- Sylvia reflected upon her friend’s
raced toward a Piper Cub observation grating completely after being caught in the protruding veins that pulsated like an prediction and then remarked, quietly,
plane sitting near the encampment.
withering path of the lethal Martian rays. exposed wound. It had two arms and two “The same number of days it took to
legs, or what would pass for legs, its face create it.”
MARTIANS MOVE was dominated by a single, multi-lensed The scientists stared at each other and
TO MASH EARTH eye that reacted severely to light. It their eyes lowered, the loudspeaker
Aloft, Forrester looked out the window threw its arms in front of its face to ward announced that there was one minute to
of his plane and saw a group of jet fighters off the brightness, which was obviously detonation, and everyone retired to the
overhead, peeling off to dive, he banked was a Martian.
painful. This, at last, comparative safety of the shelter.
his plane sharply and flew over a low hill. They were trapped. The thing was High in the clouds a single airplane
Directly in their path was another of the blocking their path. They had nowhere to circled the hills, while an amplified voice
go unless ... Forrester picked up the axe
invading ships. Desperately, he banked yelled: “Nine-Eight-Seven-Six-Five-Four-
again and crashlanded in the field below. from the floor and heaved it at the Three-Two-One-Zero.” Then it came. The
The doors of the plane opened and two creature. It made a sickening cry of blast was blinding. The fires of hell could
lone human beings raced away from the anguish and raced from the room with not have been more terrifying than the
stricken airplane, jumping into an incredible speed. Forrester pushed Sylvia sight of that white furnace, blazing its
irrigation ditch as a second Martian ship up through the cavity in the ceiling and image into the pale horizon!
page 30 The Monster Times

rested on Sylvia’s shoulder in the

farmhouse fell, limply, out of the hatch
and came to rest on the outer hull of the
ship. The once thick veins of the Martian
hand seemed pale and sickly. Pulsation
was barely apparent, and soon it stopped.
Forrester approached the being and felt,
carefully, for its pulse. There was none.
He turned to the crowd, not daring to
accept the meaning of what had happened.
“It’s dead,” he told them.
Had hope returned to humanity? Was
this the miracle that they had been
praying for? The church bell started to
It seems only a matter of time now—
ring and soon it was joined by other bells
and not much time at that— from neighboring houses of prayer. Bells
for the aggressive aliens to completely level our planet. rang in unison all over the world, creating
People, driven mad by the invasion, riot in the streets as
the greatest symphony man had ever
buildings burn and topple all around them.
Earth looks doomed indeed! heard. For this was a symphony of peace
... and of a second chance for all mankind.

WAR OF THE WORLDS (1953) Paramount 85

minutes. Directed by Byron Haskin. Screenplay
by Barre Lyndon, from the novel by H.G. Wells.
Special effects by Gordon Jennings, Wallace
Kelley, Paul Lerpae, Ivyl Burts, Jan Donela, Irmin
Roberts. Starring Gene Barry, Ann Robinson,
Henry Brandon, Les Tremayne, Robert Corn-
thwaite, Jack Kruschen, William Phipps, Lewis

Suddenly, several Martian warships begin to veer out ol control and crash helplessly into buildings.

As the dust cleared an observer was painfully anemic. If they only had time to
gradually able to make out a figure in the work on that weakness through intensive and side streets to avoid them but they
distance. Grand and shining in the laboratory study, they might discover a seemed to be everywhere. The Martian
sunlight, its antenna waving from side to weapon with which to fight them. heat rays seared through concrete walls
side, there was a Martian war machine “We know now that we can’t beat their and toppled towering structures through-
floating triumphantly in the residue of a machines,” Forrester said. “We’ve got to out the city. Flames leaped into the air
prayer that had turned to dust. The voice beat them.” from every roof. Clayton was frantic. She
cried helplessly into the phone. “They The city ofLos Angeles had been fully could be anywhere.
haven’t even been touched.” evacuated. Cars flooded the highways. A Deacon caught his arm as he ran past
General Mann was badly shaken. “It Thousands and
of people lined the streets a church.
didn’t stop them,” he yelled. “Guns ...
set out on foot for neighboring “I’m looking for someone,” Clayton told
tanks ... bombs ... they’re like toys against communities in hopes of escaping the him. "She’ll be in a church, near the door."
them!” impending Martian holocaust. He continued running down the street
“It will end only one way,” Bilderbeck Clayton sent Sylvia and the others on until he thought that his heart would give
reflected. “We’re beaten.” ahead while he loaded the final crates onto out. He’d been to more churches than he
“No,” said Mann, “not yet. We’ll the back of a small truck. When he reached could remember when he discovered
establish a line and fight them all the way the downtown area he felt a chill go Bilderbeck, at last, lying across a pew in a
back to the mountains. Our best hope lies through him. The bus that had carried his small tabernacle. He was evidently hurt,
and clutching a bandage against his side.
“Where are the others?" Forrester
“A mob swarmed all over us,” replied
the injured man. “I don’t know what
happened to the rest.”
There was nothing more that he could
do for his friend. He ran out into the street
again and continued his search for Sylvia.
He found her moments later. At least they
would be together when the end came.
The sounds of explosions drew nearer to
the church. A Martian ray shattered the
large window on the side of the building, Forrester and the crowd move in for a closer
inspection of the limp Martian arm, only to
and a woman began to sob. There was discover that, impossible though it seems, the
silenceall at once and the congregation
Martian is ... dead!
stood up, moving toward the door and
leaving their sanctuary to investigate. i

Outside, a Martian machine was rounding

a corner. As it reached the rubble of a

fallen building it appeared somehow

Clayton Forrester leads an astonished crowd to investigate a downed warship awkward and out of control. The machine
as a thin Martian arm falls limply into view.
crashed numbly into a telephone pole and
hovered, faintly, in the air. The power
in what you people can develop to help friends had been overturned. A mob of seemed to be shutting down. In a moment
us.” Turning to the other officers, he said, angry looters was breaking windows and the supporting beams that had conquered
“Washington issued orders. In event the stopping stray traffic. Two men ran earth's gravity died away and the machine
A-bomb failed, evacuate all cities in toward him and dragged him out of the came crashing down to the street. There
danger of attack.” The General turned and truck, knocking him to the ground and
was a stunned silence in the crowd.
looked toward his home in the city. throwing boxes filled with delicate Up the block a second machine was in
“They’ll be moving on Los Angeles now.” equipment into the street. trouble. It struggled to remain in the air
“Stop, you fools,” he cried. “We’ve got “The Martians had no resistance to
but the battle was obviously lost before it
to have these instruments for...” It wasn’t bacteria in our atmosphere, to which we
SCIENCE STRUGGLES had begun. The mechanism looked worn,
any good. They weren’t interested in and seemed to whimper as it fell, but once had long since become immune. Once they
TO SAVE PLANET! listening any longer. Madness had
it had come down not a sound was heard had breathed our air, germs which no
Back at Tech, Forrester had
Pacific overtaken the world. They kicked him in longer affect us began to kill them. The
from inside.
organized the crating of tons of scientific the head and left him lying in the street. end came swiftly. All over the world their
instrumentation and was supervising Forrester got up and started walking. MARTIANS MEET THEIR DOOM machines began to stop and fall. After all
their removal to a base laboratory in the He was dazed, but there was one thing he From somewhereunder the first that men could do had failed, the Martians
Rocky Mountains. They had discovered a knew, one thing that he felt more clearly machine a door opened, haltingly, as were destroyed and humanity was saved
trace of Martian blood on the scarf that than anything else ... He had to find though the last sparks of electricity were ... by the littlest things which God, in his
Forrester had used to cover the severed Sylvia. With nightfall the Martians had being used up by that movement. wisdom, had put upon this earth.”
lens with. Analysis lad shown it to be taken over the city. He darted down alleys Something resembling the spider that had — H.G. Wells
. . . 2

The Monster Times page 31

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safer place for monster ... and do it today— Rd., Baldwin, N.Y. 11510 wanted issues 8, 9, 10 of back number Marvel
T.M.T. Send descriptions Comics. Lowest prices—
our friend isn't noted for his patience! Wanted: a pen pal my
own age (9), very inter- Wanted Cassette Pal & prices to Tim Streeter, Finest condition No
ested in monsters- Write interested in Monster, Rt. 4. Box 886, Hood mailing charges. No sub-
With every sub David Hurd, Box 1431, River. Ore. 97031 stitutions. P.P. Delivery.
of a year or more, the advertise comics
or stills or pulps, etc. or for James Bond, and Martial
subscriber gets a free 25-word classified ad, anything else, provided it's in good taste! Cochrane, Ontario, Arts Films. Contact
Signature required. En-
Canada. close self addressed
to be run on our Fan-Fair page. You can Subscribe! ... Subscribe! Michael Bertram, 202 Wanted: back issues of stamped envelope for
Spring Valley Road, Ora- TMT. Will trade with free catalogue. Write
Savage Tales #1 wanted. dell, N.J. 07649. other magazines. Dan Tom Molnas. P.O. Box
P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10011 Also wanted Marvel- — Adams, 1471 S. Elms 331. Edison, N.J. 08817.

mania Magazine 1-3 and I have Mad Eerie Vampi- Rd.. Flint. Mich 48504.
I think THE MONSTER TIMES is just what I've been looking for! Enclosed is $ any FREE Marvel price- rella Creepy and some Wanted Any items : deal-
lists. Send prices to: Monster Magazines for Shuriken (throwing stars) ing with "Marilyn Mon-
Li $6.00 for 12 issues. $11.00 for 24 issues, u $20.00 for 52 issues.
Joseph Fiacco, Box 248, sale. Charles Gary Bent- two models to choose roe" books, magazines,
D $12.00 for 24 issues (min. Canadian order) $20.00 for 24 issues (min. Foreign order) pressbooks, posters,
Bedford Hills, N.Y. 10507 ley, 203 W. Moler Ave., from. Both are eight
stills, pictures, etc. Gary
Martinsburg, W. Va. pointed and constructed Ungehever, 101-15 118
As a new subscriber (for a sub of one year or more), of finesteel. Send for free St.. N.Y.. N.Y. 11419.
To that kid in Tulsa who 25401
here is my 25-word ad, to appear FREE of charge in catalog. Sorry no sales
offered a measly $2.50 for
Fan-Fair as soon as possible. Name on premises Mail Order The Star Trek Scene is an
TMT #7: Forget it! it’s Oregon’s Department of
worth a lot more to me to only. Martial Arts Enter- excellent fanzine devoted
Justice is looking into
prise. 142 W. 19th to Star Trek. Each issue
keep it. Box 411, NYC Gothic Castle (CoF). If St.,
contains fabulous arti-
10008. you've been burned, write Dept. 15, New York. N.Y.
cles art, etc. Send
D-of-J, Portland, Oregon 254 to: Kevin Cook, 29
Wanted : James Bond 97201. (Incidentally, my Low St., McDonough,
novels, paperback edi- last ad was misprinted. Comic books 1945-1973 GA 3025
tions. Good condition GC burned me in 9-71, for sale. Dan Krocker, Do
State Zip preferred. Rodney Davis, not 9-73). David Clark, for sale. Dan Krocker, I am
looking specifically
Burgess Hall, U-of-O, Dobie Center, 2021 Guad- for news clippings on
3137 N. Tripp Ave., Hammer Films or Chris-
Please allow a few weeks for your subscription to
Chicago. IL 60641. Eugene, Oregon 97403. alupe, Austin, Texas topher Lee, be it movie
be processed. 78705. Also buy and trade reviews, general informa-
Wanted: Beatle material. comic books, and many tion, or whatever. Inter-
Wanted: EC Comics, S.F. magazines. ested in items from any
pulps (especially Doc Write Bobby Serrato,
Gen. Del., Burban, Okla. source: local papers,
Savage, Weird tales) old magazines, etc. Also
Supermans, Whiz Films for sale in 8mm, interested in posters,
Comics, TV Guide 1953- Joachim is a weird Super-8, 16mm, sound, lobbies, etc. from Ham-
monstrous second best color silent, along with mer Films. Contact me
67, Mad Comics 1,2,3.
pressbook, stills, & post-

you have any of the

Send list to Joel Levy, 850 ers. Bruce Lee, Japanese above for safe. Randy
East 31st Street, Brook- Monster films. Send Palmer, 5720 2nd Street
lyn.N.Y. 11210. Movie ads for sale from & size to: Elston
request South, Arlington, Va.
all types of old & current Ransom, 3119 Moncrief 22204.
films. Serials, horror. Rd.. Jax, Fla. 32209.
Our 100 page illustrated For Sale: Famous Mon-
Bund, many others. 104 The Good
Days. Old
catalogue can turn an sters of Filmland, Unique
Star Trek soundtrack Chaplin? W.C. Fields?
Mint Condition, Two Sets for list. Szidik, Box 186,
ordinary collection recordings; horror, SF; The Great Bogart? You
Issues 1,2,3,6,9,11 Dolton, 111.60419. Name It— We Got It—!
into a Super Col- of comedy movie record-
$250 each set. Call (212) ings. All on cassette Books & records. Send
lection. Or give you catolog 254. The
441-0599, JoeGlanternik, Wanted: Anything con- tapes. Send SSAE for for
new collectors a lists. Please specify cat- Good Old Days, 488
super headstart.
83-10 118 St., Kew cerning Godzilla, Dark
egory desired. Send to Henley Ave., New Mil-
Shadows, Star Trek, and
It lists thou-
Gardens, N.Y. 11415.
the program U.F.O. Jim
Soundtrack Recordings, ford, N.J. 07646. gn
sands of comics P.O. Box 444, Novato,
For sale: Karloff and Annis, E. 1702 38th Ave., CA 94947. Space and Time, fan-
from the Golden Lugosi together on a Spokane, Wash. 99203. dom’s longest running
age to the Present. colored T-shirt. Only Motion Picture Memora- fiction zine, featuring
Plus: Monster $2.50 plus 254 handling, Wanted: Recordings of bilia,Comics For Sale horror / fantasy / science
magazines. Mad shows also and Trade. Many Pre- fiction art and stories.

magazines, Science
indicate address and
S-M-Land send to Lugosi
old radio
comics. Send list
Herman Sutter, 2029
1950 Golden Age Items.
$1.00 brings you — 504 each, 6/ $2.50, from
Gordon Linzner, 83-10
Fiction pulps, paper- Enterprises, P.O. Box year monthly listin 118th St., Apt. 4-M, Kew
backs. Arkam House, 125, New Hyde Park. N.Y. Marnel, Houston, Texas Nostalgia Collector, I Gardens, N.Y. 11415.
11040. 77055. 186, Dolton. IL 60419.
Mirage, Advent and
other hard covers deal-
ing with science fiction Magaiog! Unique cata- I will buy Super Hero The Three Investigators Buy Sell — Trade at —
comics. Pay 104 each Steven Merzon, 9 yrs old, Supersnipe Comic Book
and the comics. log. 100's movie posters, 1625 E. 13 St., Brooklyn, Art Emporium, 1617 Sec-
16mm, 8mm movies, comic dated after 1961.
This world of super NY. Eric Sikowitz, ond Ave., NYC 10028
books, much more. Sepa- 204 to $15 before 1961. Joseph Fprraro. We in- (212) 879-9628. New &
fantasy awaits you. Write. Jason, 2307
SEND $1.00 TO: » rate list comics. Send
stamp or dime each list. Roosevelt, Middletown,
vestigate anything.
Cases handled confiden-
old comics, original art,
big little books, movie
PASSAIC BOOK CENTER Box 5403, Austin, Texas Ohio 45042. tially. memorabilia, science fic-
594MAIN AVE. Dept. M-T tion, & The Monster
PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 Sale! Get your very own For Sale: Star Trek and
Karloff and Lugosi in
Dark Shadows Materials.
Comic Books! Big list!
Also original Japanese Pin-ups, Portraits, Press
Don’t buy until you see "Son of Frankenstein" Science/ Fixtion materi- Books, Physique Poses,
our wide selection. Also Send size(S-M-L)
T-shirt. als. SAE for descriptions 50 years of Scenes from
Horror Magazines. Send and $2.50 plus 25 4 rices. Complete set, 33 motion pictures, west-
stamp or dime. Talking handling to Celluloid Bark Shadows paper- erns horror, musicals,
Lights, Box 5403, Austin, Heroes, P.O. Box 125, backs, mint condition, etc. Movie star news, 21
New Hyde Park, N.Y. Best Offers. Alfred Wein- East 14 St., NYC, New
Texas 78703. rib.2187 Cruger Avenue, York, come in person,


Bronx, N.Y. 10462. Mon.-Fri. 1-6, Sat. 1-5.

Enclosed is $ for my word (minimum 25) classified ad.

Now available by popular demand—

MONSTER MONEY Exclusively from r
this monster money is a sure fire item I NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10011
for any monster fan. Each piece of • Dear Monsters: Please send me:
money is a giant 7x17 inches in size. sets of Monster I
MONSTER MONEY available by is
Money at $1.00 each for
the packet, with six pieces of money which I enclose $

to the set. The MUMMY'S mug adorns |

the $1 bill. WOLFMAN
decorates the Name
$5 bill. DRACULA appears on the $10 |
bill, THE BIG G. appears on the $20
bill, and old FRANKENSTEIN comes |
to life on the $100 bill. City
Money only
75 cents per package

plus 25 cents for postage and State Zip
mailing. The biggest bargain in town!
ge 32 The Monster Times


Star Tr»k haa been oil the air lor a bunch ol yeara now, but
Next time we'll be leaving the Angry
*£• oull of Trekklea grows and crows. The latest addition to
Red Planet to Its own devices

the STAR TREK memorabilia boom are six photographic

(which, If you've read this Issue, you posters In black and while ol your lavorlte STAR TREK
characters. All are a sharp 17" by 22" black and white. Each
know are many and varied) and be are only $1 .00 each and 45c postage and handling.
landing back on Earth again .. a
Chaotic Green Planet that has many
monsters of its own to offer. And our
next Issue will be literally crawling
with them.
But we won't be sticking solely to
the Earth's surface. We’ll be
journeying undersea to meet the
us Mill m i 1

P.63. CAPTAIN KIRK. SI .00 & 45c

P.64. MR. SPOCK. S1.00& 45c. ImLDI Ik If

P.65. OR. McCOY

P.66. t.T. SULU . $1.00 & 45c, P.67. GROUP SHOT, $1 .00& 45c. P.68. U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. 51.00 &4SC.

Enter the marvelous world of STAR TREK with these collector’s Items,
Now RMdyl A now Ml ot STAR TREK pouters the! will knock your, eyes out. The lentous
atomically awakened dinosaur and Slor Trek chereotere illustrated by world famous artists. Qel them alf right here— exclusively oi ah . TREK UVESI
the star of our fllmbook next Issue,
and we've also managed to dig up
some startling Information on
GRAVE, a new multi-story horror
tale from the people who brought
avoid disappointing our outer space
fans, we’ll also be bringing you a
factual report on the recent rash of
strange UFO sightings around this
country. Kung Fu fans will be
anxious to see our action-illustrated
tribute to the late, great Bruce Lee. ., .. mm , . . . usjju., ,* ,.,„ v
originally appeared in THE MONSTER TIMES
Also on paw will be a report on MR. SPOCK BY
P.80. #20. Now wo'vo turned it into a postor. It's a
Mexican Movie Monsters, a survey VIRGIL FINLAY. The late, logend in its own time. Tho pda tor is 17" by 2T
great Virgil Finlay draw thia
of Marvel's Mightiest Monsters, poeitively beautiful Mr.
P,61 and is in color or heavy Stock. KEEP ON
Spock drawing, and now
MORROW Famed scMI TREKIN Only $2. 00 plus 50 cents.
another updated edition of our Late we've turned It Into a large,
and comic illustrator Gray
ir Morrow turned In this
Film Round-Up feature, and a by 22* poster. Hang beautiful rendition of the
this giant Spock portrait on
cauldronful of other eerie surprises your wall~end get a Finlay
famed STAR TREK cast,
The poster la a giant 22" by
that must, under pain of vile, dire
penalties, remain undisclosed at
masterpiece to boot. In
black and white. Only II .80
plus 60 cents.
34", In black and white on
heavy stock
us 60 cents
this point in time.
our next issue is shaping
All in all,
up as another colorful, Insightful, The Monster Times Bookshelf, P.O. Box 595, HOW POSTED wub'e .

Information-infested fiendfest, the Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10011 POSTAGE
kind designed to keep you alert and P.63. $1.48
wide-eyed for hours on end, whir is i
Please send the following items. enclose I No p.e 4. $1.45

{ always a nice change of pace ir this C.O.D., please. New York State residents must add 7% p.85. $1.45
P.66. $1.45
day and age, no? And there will also sales tax or order will be returned.
P.67. $1.45
be enough irritating comments in P.68. $1 .45

the next TMT to keep your blood Name. P.50. $2.00

P.51. $2.00
boiling and help keep you warm
Address., P.52. $2,50
through the weird winter months ... ...T
. .

another thoughtful service provided

by the makers of THE MONSTER sales tax
State.. TOTAL

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