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The Monst«<^i im 1

Why is this woman scowling?

Well, it could be due to the fact that she’s 50 feet tall
and has to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous
small folk who refuse to tolerate her. Or it could be
because she’s a victim of forces beyond her control it

could, in fact, be any one of a number of things, but we

happen to know it’s because she hasn’t been able to lay
outsized hands on a desperately desired copy of THE
And that’s because THE BEST OF THE MONSTER
TIMES hasn’t been published yet. But take heart, patient
reader, it IS on the way. That’s right, our long-promised
collection of the cream of the TMT creature crop will
finally be delivered in December, featuring the very best
of the monstrous material to appear over the first 24
issues of this wonderful publication. So remember to
keep two or three eyes peeled for THE BEST OF THE
Rather than take up any more of your valuable
time with other eerie advertisements for
ourselves, we leave you now with this
latest (and quite possibly greatest) issue of
THE MONSTER TIMES, In which you’ll
be encountering the likes of
Sinbad, The Mad Ghoul, Captain
Video & crew, Conan the
Barbarian, John Barrymore,
Blob-creator Irwin S. Yeaworth,
makeup maven Roy Aston, a
veritable horde of Film Giants
and other engaging
places and (above
And keep those Coloring
Contest entries coming!
: : : : : : :

page 2 The

X'olumo 3. Number 38
The World’s First Ncwspapcr^lfenOT,
Sci-Fi and Fantasy j a
Thanks go to AlP and TMT an
assistant Diana Pizarro for our
gripping yet tasteful cover portrait
o( the army-off icer-lurned-mad-
mulant from WAR OF THE COLOS-
SAL SEAS’. , seouel to the
kept an eye out for us back in 1 958. SINBAD SAILS AGAIN!:
Sinbad scholar Doug Murray pilots this colorful account of THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF^NBAD,
Ray Harryhausen's Arabian epic and our TMT fiimbook this issue,
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is normally
reserved for our tedious TMT editorial in which it
is our custom to repeat all the information already SAVAGE SUPERHERO!:
stated in our Table of Contents. Since we see no Marvel’snew black-and-white CONAN series receives warm grunts of prai^,

reason to break this tiresome TMT tradition, we from TMT’s very own barbarian-in-residence, Dean Latimer.
decided to do the same thing again this issue. Let
this note serve as a warning then to those readers THE MONSTER SCENE THAT WOULD DIE!
who feel they have scant time to waste and may
wish to skip this column and go on to the bi gg er and
better things that abound in this issue. For more
9 Being the latest edition of our ever-popular round-up of monsters
the news, and other places wise fiends usually fear to tread.
in the media,

masochistic monster fans, the usual dull editorial is BEWARD THE BLOB-MAKER!
Irwin S. Yeaworth. creator of THE BLOB and other cinematic fiends, tells the
printed in its yawn-inducing entirety below:
Well, it's that time again, time for another 10 inside story of the making of that film to TMTers Delbert Winans S Bill Littman.
exciting, action-packed issue of THE MONSTER
TIMES, “The Monster Paper That Is Better.” W'e’ll GIANT STEPS FOR MONSTERKIND!
be launching this issue with Doug Murray’s royal Writer David Stidworthy contributes a sizable survey of Monslerdom’s screen titans,
TMT fiimbook treatment of the soul-stirring saga of 12 from THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN to THE ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN.
Arabian Nights epic of recent vintage, replete with ROY ASHTON, GREASEPAINT GURU!
Makeup master Roy Ashton divulges several sinister tricks of the terror trade
a veritable horde of special effects ace Ray Harry-
hausen's most imaginative monsters. less elabor- A 14 in this exclusive TMT interview conducted by roving monster Mark Carducci.

ate but equally endearing monster, THE BLOB,

has its most intimate secrets bared by its creator, DR. JEKYLL & MAO JACK!
producer-director Iryin S. Yeaworth Jr., in an Movie maven Joe! Vance reminisces about John Barrymore’s memorable forays
exclusive TMT interview conducted by roving 19 into the fright film, when the Great Profile turned his talents to evil affairs.

creature correspondents Delbert W'inans and

William Littman, who had to rove all the way to ATTACK OF THE TV NEANDERTHALS!
Valley Forge, Pa., to obtain this eerie interview.
And speaking of speaking, makeup master Roy
Ashton discusses many of the tricks of the monster
20 TMT tube critic Thomas Rogers spent several spaced-out mornings
watching the current crop of prehistoric kiddie shows and reports on them here.

makeup trade in an interview secured by TMT UNDERGROUND HISTORY!:

reporter Mark Carducci, who cornered Mr. Ashton Being a profusely-illustrated review of Mark J. Estren's A HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND COMICS. -3
on the set of a Walt Disney movie, of all unlikely an elaborate study of R. Crumb, Shelton, Green & the whole gang
places. Also in this gala issue is an almost complete
survey of Monsterdom’s Screen Giants, from the
gigantic genie of the THIEF OF BAGDAD^to the
TMT editor Joe Kane employs his trusty cinematic shovel to exhume another
and friends, as well forgotten fright classic. THE MAD GHOUL, a Universal release of 1943 vintage.
as a profile on the Great Profile (John Barrymore)
and a thrilling chapter-by-chapter recreation of one
of the all-time great science fiction serials,
CAPTAIN VIDEO. As if that weren’t enough, for
comics fans we have Dean Latimer's approving
24 The TMT Teletype, that is, bringing you all kinds news, reviews,
and sinister scoops from every fiendish phase of the media.

analysis of Marvel’s new black-and-white CONAN

series and Joe Kane’s muddled but profusely THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VIDEO!
Will Captain Video’s Rad ionic Directional Beam save him from the rapid approach
illustrated review of Mark J. Estren’s informative
HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND COMICS. of the evil Vultura's Concussion Comet? Of course! Was there ever any doubt? ^
And that’s not even mentioning the many sinister
surprises that are doubtless contained within.
Before we
sign off for this issue, here are a couple disappearance of many a fright film, to our
comic-books, in form if not intent. But the
process of examining it ought to be subject to
of things to look for in the near future. BEST THE collective loss. TMT readers might try writing
a more reliable set of standards and a better
to Paramount if the rtew Hammer double
OF THE MONSTER TIMES, that long-promised doesn't make it to your town. Ed. —
sense Of critical method than Mr. Phillips has
displayed in his essay. It is as simplistic and as
collection of high-quality monster material culled
unreliable as if someone wrote about black
from our first 24 issues, will be on the stands and To the Editor...
super-heroes (even fewer of them, you know)
Speaking of axe-murders, did you see the job
available from TMT
come December. You should CBS did on Count Yorga? Even a genius would
and concluded “I don't think Luke Cage should
work for money, and don’t like the way he

also be on the lookout for the new issue of Argosy have trouble finding a story within the bits and talks, so that proves comic-book writers are
pieces they decided were suitable lor
Magazine, which features an expert essay on television.
J. Wayne Sadler
horror film history by master fantasy scribe Ray By the way. I'd like to commend you for your Jacksonville. Florida
continued coverage of Star Trek. TMT remains
Bradbury and a piece on Horror In Print by none
one of the tew monster publications to
other than TMT editor Joe Kane. In the meantime, constantly feature interesting and informative
you still got this whole heart-pounding issue of material on this fine program, ^ark Wingfield
To the Editor...
THE MONSTER TIMES to read and admire. And Kilgore. Texas
By all means, have Howard Phillips do an
As the preceding letter pointed out, horror film article on the Legion of Super Heroes heroines!
if you feel that urge to re-read it and commit it to
tans are often left with seeing eilher-a brutally Perhaps, however, it could be added to an
memory, why there’s no extra charge at all! If that butchered print on TV or not seeing a film at article on the entire group! They are one of the
all. A revolting situation is what it is and one most interesting mags around and Dave
doesn't attest to our boundless generosity, then
that should be corrected. TMT urges readers to Cockrum’s art would grace your pages with his
we’re at a loss as to know what will. alert us to any examples of TV butchery they magic touch! Please do!
happen to see. Ed. — This letter is more than a plea for the above,
though! It is a hardy thanks to Mr. Phillips for

TELL IT TO his article Why Super-Heroines Leave Home! It

was an excellent, well-researched article and


To the Editor...
speaking for the Comics (Adventure) Heroines
Fan Club, thank you for it! It's high time that

more female characters appeared! The only

groups that feature a reasonable arpount of
Editor-in-Chief :

Thank you for issue 37, possibly your finest t.hem are The Avengers and the LSH! The
Production/Typeselting Director RONALD BOOKSTAFF. Media am indeed thrilled that you have Justice League could stand 2 or 3 more and
to dale.
Editor: R. ALLEN LEIDER. Associate Editors: MARK FRANK,

finally given Gammera the exposure that he Medusa should make It The Fantastic 4 Plus
JASON THOMAS. MARK EVANIER. STEVE VERTLIEB, JIM deserves. Unfortunately, most of his flicks are
TMT extends its eerie appreciation to reader 1 !!!
WNOROSKI, BILL FERET. Assistant Art Director: COLETTE Ralph Carpenter, Jr. of Charlotte, North Carolina disagree on one point, however! think that
CONNOR. Contributing Writers: GODZILLA, JEFF HORNER. DON sold immediately to television by American I I

for sending us his excellent interpretation of the latest Issues of Wonder Woman have really
THOMPSON, JOE THOMASINO. D.A. LATIMER. GARY GERANI, International Television and do not receive
theatrical release. The articles on the two new
Gammera. the world’s foremost flying turtle and given the character a face-lift! At least she
ALAN BRANDMAN, BUDDY WEISS, DON FIOTO, DAVID oneofourfavorite Japanese monsters.
STIDWORTHY. GARRY BROWN, RON HAYDOCK, GARY Hammer offerings, Frankenstein and the doesn't fall in love with every man that btinks at
SVEHLA, LON TALBOT, DAVID BARTHOLOMEW, HOWARD Monster from Hell and Captain Kronos: To the Editor,
her and say such things as "Oooh ... I’m
PHILLIPS, ED SUMMER. GEOFF OLDHAM, JOE ZANNIERI. Vampire Hunter, were finely rendered, but found Why Sujier-Heroines Leave Home s-scared! G-got to g-get away from here..." in

unfortunately (again) there is probably little her other identity! No, think that Diana Prince

TOM SUTTON, NEAL ADAMS. GRAY MORROW. BILL NELSON, more annoying than enlightening. Phillips'
chance that horrordom at large will get to see is far better than the way you make her sound!
valid points are burled almost beneath mostly
JIM JANES, 6ERNI WRIGHTSON, JEFF JONES. ERNIE COLON. these features. Paramount has purchased both Otherwise, you had the best article I’ve seen in
JOHN BYRNE. MIKE KALUTA. Marketing Director: WARREN negative opinions, many not only aboul
of these flicks and are planning to release them ages!
CHAPMANS. Contributing Photographers: BARRY GLUSKY, onadoubiebill sounds like good news, no?
treatment, but concept. Big Barda is "the
Also liked the Late Film Round Up, Teletype,
EMANUEL MARIS. Circulation; DAVID HUTT. Advertising ...
worst,” Black Widow is a "ptastic chick,”
Welt, three (count ’em) three theatres in my and Mutations fiimbook! The rest was okay,
Maaager: LARRY BRILL. Creepy Consultant; THE CREEP. West Mantis "ridiculous,”
is Medusa's hair-control-
Coast Representative: LARRY WALDSTEIN. area had bids on the billing, but refused to get ling power is "ludicrous," Rima is "the ultimate
them because of Paramount’s "ridiculous" and Scott R. Taylor
in ridiculousness," Zatanna is a "dummy,'' and
'impossible” demands: it seems they want an Portland, Texas
THE MONSTER TIMES. No. 38, January 1975, jg published by so on. (Ironically, the heroines are ''put down"
P.S. To join the C.H.F.C. write Al Tanner
inordinate share of the gross from each theatre in the process even more than they allegedly
The Monster Times Publishing Company. Inc., 11 West 17fh Street, (CHFC), Box 901 56. Baltimore, MD21234.
New York. New York 10011. All rights reserved by The Monster showing the films. So, thanks to the moguls at are by comic-book writers.) Of course he is
Times Publishing Company, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted in Paramount, you will probably only get to see entitled to think all this; unfortunately, he uses Mr. Phillips replies: "Thank you! It was indeed
whole or part in any manner without express written permission them on the CBS Late Movie in about three these highly subjective opinions as "evidence” a great article! couldn't agree with you more!"

from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTIONS: U.S.A.: $8 for 12 issues, years, in a butchered version to boot) that male chauvinism is rampant in
SIS for 24 issues, S25 for SO issues. Canada: $11 lor 12 issues. 1 would also like to recommend the new comic-books, and to impugn the motives and
Foreign: $20 for 12 issues. Please allow six weeks tor Columbia film. The Mutations to anyone who altitudes of comic-book writers. "Sexist" ought
Got a gripe? Somethin' you want to gel off your
subscriptions to become effective. SUBSCRIBER CHANGE OF enjoys chills, suspense, scientific plausibility, hairy chest? Or, perchance, a nice note of
to be retained for people who believe women praise for your friendly fiends at TMT? Then
ADDRESS Allow eight weeks' notice, and please send an address
and masterful makeup. Definitely a highlight of
imprint from a recent issue or state exactly how label is addressed. are Inherently Inferior because they are women, send them straight to us. Remember: It lakes
the horror season.
All subscriptions, inquiries, address changes or urtdeliverable not as a meaningless pejorative for comic-book all kir>ds ... and so do we. Address all
R. Watson Shurtz
copies should be sent to; The Monster Times. Post Office Box 595, writers who don't portray women exactly as a correspondences to; To the Editor. THE
Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10011. Printed in
Orlando, Florida
critic would like (however that is). Sexism or — MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea
Canada. Distributed by The Kable News Company, Inc. Shoddy distribution has resulted in the virtual some form of bias— doubtless appears in Station, New Yorit, New YorklOOII.

The Monster Times page 3

It’s thattimeagain ...timetojoin

hideous homunculi, savage cen-
taurs, animated statuesand other
Sinbad the Sailor, faithful 1 st Mate
of Ray Harryhausen’s special
Rachid, the Grand Vizier, Margi-
ana,thebeautifulslavegirl,and effects wonders— here In his royal
the rest of the crew as they set sail
for the strange land of Marabia on
sequel to 1 958’s 7TH VOYAGE OF
BAD. Sinbad scholar Doug Murray problems on the7THE VOYAGE
recounts that perilous journey — read on and seethe
dangers awaiting him on the
journey full of evil wizards.

If Sinbad & Company had gotten a glimpse of Sinbad (John Phillip Law), flanked by Margiana
this hectic panorama of the woes Ray Harry- (Caroline Munro) and the Grand Vizier (Douglas
hausen had in store for them on THE GOLDEN Wllmer), sets foot on dry land, unaware of the
VOYAGE OF SINBAD, they might have been dangers lurking there.
content to stay home.

It is summer, 1958, and you have just at the winged intruder. The arrow skims
emerged from the dark coolness -of the just past the creature, startling it into
local movie theater into the blazing sun. dropping its shiny burden. The golden

The light is blinding, but it doesn’t seem to object plummets to the deck, barely
bother you, your mind is still far away, in missing Sinbad, who turns at once to
ancient Araby with the heroic Sinbad and examine it: “Why it’s an amulet such as
beautiful Parisa. You have been with them men wear on the mainland!”
through many
adventures, have seen “Throw it overboard,” cries Rachid. “It
them safely off on their homeward is a thing of evil. I feel it!”

voyage, and the experience is still very "Nonsense.” says Sinbad, picking it up.
real to you. Of course, it, like everything
else, was only a movie, THE SEVENTH But then a strange thing happens to the
Captain. All movement around him seems
VOYAGE OF SINBAD. but for you it was
an experience, an experience generated to cease. He can
see his men standing as if
frozen to the deck, then in front of him a
by the incredible special effects: the
Cyclops, Roc, and most impressive, the strange mist forms. The mist congeals into
Man vs. Skeleton fight. Yes, the special the form of a beautiful woman, a dancing
girl, her face veiled. On her hand is a
effects made the whole experience real,
the special effects of Ray Harryhausen. crew performing their various tasks or But one of the seamen plans to simplify strange sign, a staring eye. She seems to
Well, Ray Harryhausen is back. Yes, relaxing on deck “amusing themselves” as this indirect identification procedure. beckon Sinbad closer as her voice whis-
he’s done work since 1958, and fine work seamen do. Suddenly, there is something Drawing back his bo\V. he lets fly a shaft pers his name over and over. He steps
that: strange in the sky— an oddly-fashioned
NAUTS, VALLEY OF GWANGI, FIRST figure appears. It is not a bird, and cannot
MEN IN THE MOON. But now he’s be a bat, although its wing structure
returned to that magical time, that certainly suggests that. Seeing the agita-
Arabian atmosphere of his earlier tri- tion of the crew, and then the reason for
umph; now he's gone back to the world of that agitation, Rachid, the first mate, calls
Sinbad the Sailor. for "Captain Sinbad!"
Sinbad emerges, tall, broad-shouldered
SINBAD SETS SAIL with a brown beard and turbaned dome;
GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD is not he peers around to see why his second-in-
an exact sequal to SEVENTH VOYAGE, command has summoned him. Glancing
not really. Sinbad is back, the locale is the up, he sees the reason soon enough. The
same, and there IS a quick reference to creature is now almost directly over the
the earlier version in the course of the ship. It does indeed look like a bat,
film.But this is a different Sinbad, taller, although the body is longer and better
heavier, bearded, with a strange accent, articulated. It holds something large and
and without his princess Parisa. And this glittering in one of its claws.
is a different Arabia, larger, more de-
tailed. And the story is certainly different: AN AYE FOR AN AYE
Where SEVENTH VOYAGE ends with “What is it. Captain?” Rachid asks.
Sinbad's ship sailing into the sunset, “We’re too far asea for gulls.”
GOLDEN VOYAGE opens with it sailing “Aye,” Sinbad replies. “And it’s too
out of the sunrise. We move in on the large for a Jackdaw.” Koura (Tom Baker) confers with his loyal homunculus, a weird, winged
spv who keeps a close and watchful eye on the activities of Sinbad and crew
peaceful scene of a routine sailing day, the “Aye.”
page 4 The Monster Times

The man rides with numerous mounted raised in supplication, begging to be

guardsmen, who immediately move to heard.
capture Koura. But it is too late. With a "You are as good as I have heard, oh
hastily murmured incantation, the evil Captain," he cries. “Please come with me."
Koura brings the gates of the city down in
the faces of his pursuers and rides away
unhindered. Puzzled, Sinbad follows the fat man to a
"I am the grand Vizier of Marabia," the nearby house, and seats himself as the
masked man informs our hero. “And you man calls for coffee and sweet cakes.
have been sent by destiny. This I know by “I am Hakim, a merchant of this city.
that which you wear around your neck." And this,” he says, gesturing at a drunken
Later, seated in a mysterious under- boy sleeping peacefully in the corner, “is
ground room, Sinbad tells the story to the my son, Haroun. I want you to take him to
vizier. sea with you. I will pay two hundred gold
"A strange story, captain," the Vizier coins if you will take him on your next
agrees. “But I believe you. You see, I am voyage.”
the true and proper heir to the sultans of Sinbad shakes his head.
Marabia. When the old sultan died, he told “THREE hundred gold coins!" the fat
me of a secret, a secret that would lead to man offers.
many riches. secret hidden in his room. “No. I couldn’t even use him for ballast,”
So 1 rushed here, to read the secret from laughs Sinbad, getting up to go. Turning,
the paintings on these walls,” he reveals, he almost walks into a young slave girl
indicating the charred surroundings. "But bringing coffee. The girl is beautiful, but
as I arrived, a ball of fire destroyed all, what stops Sinbad in his tracks is her hand
including my face, which is why I wear the ... on your right hand is drawn a large eye!

The siren*shaped figurehead of Sinbad's ship comes to sudden, sinister life through the
monstrous magic of the diabolical Koura and sends the alcoholic Haroun scurrying to safety. A
The hideous homunculus continues his quick-thinking Grand Vizier helps out by forcing the overbearing statue overboard with a deft
covert activities, following the progress of thrust of his trusty torch', but not before it makes off with Sinbad’s invaluable chart.
Sinbad and friends and reporting all to the
demonic Koura, a wicked wizard with many a
terrifying trick up his ample sleeve.

toward her ... Suddenly a sharp pain burns

his cheek, the world takes on life once
again and he can see the flying creature at
very close range now— it looks to be some
sort of miniature gargoyle, the body of a
man with large taloned feet, a catlike face
and bat-wings. The thing swoops down
once more, attempting to kill the Captain
and recover the lost trinket. But Sinbad
drives the creature off with a few swings
of his sword and, seeing the little creature
fly away, turns command of the vessel
over to Rachid while he retires to his
cabin, the strange gold amulet around his
neck, to puzzle out the strange happenings
of the day.
Night.' Captain Sinbad lies sleeping
fitfully in his bed, strange dreams causing
chaos in his head. Again he sees the girl,
dancing gracefully, the strange ocular
mark prominent on her hand. Then a
darkening shadow, the girl’s cries of “Sin-
bad” grow weaker, a strange, black, bat-
lik^ shape engulfs her. and Sinbad finds
himself staring into two ice-blue eyes,
eyes which seem to hold a strange power
over him. He struggles and ... awakes to
find Rachid shaking him.
“Captain, we need help ... a sudden
left is this
storm ... we are unprepared! We will “Ah, the girl finds favor in your eyes?
then, as suddenly as it came, the storm box and the hope that someday, someone She is yours. Take her and my son ...
subsides. The ship floats on a calm sea, in willcome to help. You are that someone, please!”
HIGH WATER HAVOC sight of land. for in the box is the duplicate of the Sinbad hesitates.
Sinbad shakes off the dream as he rises Morning. Sinbad stares at a pastoral amulet you wear.” So saying, he “My son, the girl and FOUR hundred
and runs from his cabin. Stepping outside, shoreline. Then, he sees something. It is a withdraws another, similar golden amulet gold coins. A deal’?”
he is immediately soaked to the skin. Such man, cloaked in black, batlike. Turning to from the box. “A deal.” Sinbad reluctantly accepts.
a storm! The waves are 20 feet high, wind Rachid he orders, “Anchor in the harbor of Sinbad places the two together, Next morning Sinbad’s crew is treated
tears at the still unfurled sails and bolts of Marabia. I will join you there.” With that unsurprised when they interlock into one. to a strange sight--the ship is boarded by
lightning split the heavens! Sinbad rushes he leaps into the sea, swimming swiftly to Studying the integrated pieces. Sinbad their captain, a beautiful girl, a drunken
to the helm. With a superhuman effort, he shore. suddenly exclaims, “Look, Vizier, they boy, and a man with a head seemingly
Wading ashore, Sinbad wipes his sword form a map! There’s the north star, and made of gold.
on his sash and sticks it into the sand to there’s the meridian...” “Allah help us.” Rachid mutters. “This
Beautiful slave girl Marglana offers aid and dry while he empties water from his “And you are a sea captain! We must is certainly a strange voyage."
succor to the troubled Sirtbad, who, probably seaboots. Suddenly he notices a long black follow this map and find the treasure at its
due to an oversight on the part of the screen-
writers, doesn’t realize he’s in love with her till shadow on the sand before him. Leaping end before Koura does. For should Koura UNSMOOTH SAILING
the movie's almost over. back, he looks upward at a pair of icy blue gain this, he will have Marabia, and
The ship sets sail. All aboard, even the
eyes set jewel-like in a smiling face. The freedom will be lost here forever.”
now-sober Haroun, settle down for the
man speaks. “I am Prince Koura, and you “But he cannot know.” Sinbad replies.
long voyage, and no one is aware of the
have my property,” Indicating the amulet, Miles away, Koura smiles. Rushing back
he adds, “I want it back.” To further to his castle, he had dispatched his
ship behind them ... A
ship carrying the
evil Koura and his surly assistant!
underscore his determination, he draws a messenger and spy, the same homunculus
Sinbad had gained the amulet from earlier That night, Haroun, pulling watch, sees
jeweled sword from beneath his robes.
to eavesdrop on Sinbad and the masked
a light astern. The Captain, seeing the
Sinbad, stepping back, reaches for his
man. Koura now knew all. pursuing ship, realizes who it must be and
own sword, but there’s nothing there!
decides to lose the pursuers. Guiding the
Turning, he sees a smiling man holding his “Achmed,” he shouted. “Get us a boat
ship to the East. Sinbad turns her into a
sword menacingly in hand. and a sea captain. We sail in the morning.”
shallow sea filled with rocky reefs and
“It seems I would have no choice,” Sinbad, too, plans to sail in the morning.
treacherous waters.
Sinbad replies, taking the amulet from his After making plans with the Vizier, he
walks back through the city’s marketplace The magician’s ship falls far astern.
neck. Moving towards Koura, he makes as
“Faster,” Koura orders. “We will lose
if to hand the amulet to him, then, with a
on the way to his ship. Stopping for a cup
sudden move, waves it in the face of the of coffee, he confirms something he had
noted before: Two men are following him!
“If we go any faster,” his captain
prince’s horse. The animal bolts, and
replies, “we will lose the ship.”
Sinbad. acting quickly, turns and leaps on Dodging down a side street, Sinbad ducks
behind a corner and wait? for his pursuers
“What do we need to catch up with
the horse of Koura's assistant, spurring
Sinbad?” asks Koura.
the animal towards the city of Marabia. to catch up. As they do so. he leaps from
hiding to trip the larger of his foes and
“He must have a chart...” So hearing,
MAN WITH THE GOLDEN MASK sends him sprawling into a pile of trash.
the magician hurries below deck.
Then, he dislodges the awning above the
On Sinbad’s ship, strange things begin
Reaching the city, the evil prince at his
to happen. Haroun, leaning on the siren-
heels. Sinbad races through the gates to pile and lets it fall, entangling his
shaped figurehead of the foredeck, finds
be confronted by another strange sight: a opponent. Turning to the second man,
himself almost falling overboard. Looking
man in a golden mask! Sinbad sees a stout merchant, his hands
The Monster Times
Special effects ace Ray Harryhausen did these pre-production
sketches of some of the planned highlights of THE GOLDEN
up, he sees the figurehead move. mountable. Morning finds Sinbad, the VOYAGE OF SINBAD before constructing the actual models.
Terrified, not sure if it is really happening Vizier, Margiana (the slave girl), Rachid,
or if it is just a drunken hallucination, Haroun and two other sailors landing on a
Haroun hurries to his cabin. strange beach ... a beach surrounded by
But it IS really happening. The cliffs with curious carvings, the heads of
gods and demons. Reaching shore. Sinbad
turns to the Vizier for instructions.
“We must go to the cave of the Oracle,"
he says. "There we will learn all we must.”
Following faint trails and wraithlike
figures, they finally arrive at a cave near a
ruined temple, unaware that behind them
Koura and Achmed have landed and are
following quickly. They are equally
unaware that Koura’s spy, the winged
homunculus, is watching their every
Sinbad’s party descends to the cave of
the Oracle. There, they hand the joined
amulets to the priestess of the Oracle, a
wizened old crone.
The amulets are placed in a small alcove
on the side of a deep well. A strange
rushing sound begins far below. Suddenly,
on the top of the well, a ball of green fire
appears, and in it is a face ... the face of a
Herculean man, a man with the horns of a
goat: the Oracle himself!
Speaking in rhyme, the Oracle tells
them of good and evil, of the need for them
to win their race with Koura, and finally
instructs them to go north, to find the
third segment of the amulet and the
Fountain of Destiny, the place of the Gods!
But Koura has heard all. Through the
ears of his homunculus spy, Koura has
learned all that Sinbad has, and now
moves to prevent further competition.
Koura convinces hostile natives of the awesome Taking vials from his chest, he places
power of his black magic when he gets their
six-armed goddess to do an impromptu dance
them in the cracks of the cave opening.
and generally behave in a manner most Moving back, he concentrates and soon a
Sirtbad and his small brave party approach the cave of the Oracle.
unbecoming a six-armed goddess. great explosion rocks the earth. The cave
opening collapses: Sinbad is trapped!
figurehead, directed by Koura’s evil
Koura hurries off to the north.
magic, rips itself free and, striding back
In the cave, Sinbad and his friends are
toward the cabins, effortlessly tosses a
understandably despondent. Trapped,
seaman overboard, as though the stout
unable to stop Koura, Sinbad looks for a
were but a mere child.
means of escape. Glancing up, he sees a
Reaching the cabin area, it smashes
hole in the roof. Turning to his men,
down a wall and grabs the chart it has
Sinbad orders them to remove turbans,
been searching for. Sinbad and his men,
sashes, anything that can be tied together
shaking off their amazement, attack it
to form a long strong rope. .Sinbad pulls a
with torches. The thing grabs a metal
metal leg off a smoking brazier and shapes
harpoon and swings wildly at the men.
it into a straight arrow. Fastening the
Finally, backing up, it crashes through the
makeshift rope to the arrow, Sinbad fires
railing and falls into the water, the metal
it through the roof-hole. Pulling on the
harpoon carrying it straight to the
rope, Sinbad finds the arrow caught tight
and gets ready to climb.
The Vizier looks at Sinbad. “It has the
“Let me,” Haroun cries. “I’m the
“Yes,” Sinbad replies. “But I have it too.
“Ah,” Sinbad replies, “but I’m the most
Up here,” he explains, pointing to his pate.
foolhardy.” The fiery face of the Oracle divulges the secret of the amulet.

A horde of highly excitable little green men decide to decapitate Sinbad when he stumbles into
their lair, it was the evil influence of the wicked wizard that made them do it, however.

Meanwhile, Koura, spent and sagging, Carefully, the captain climbs, fearful of
has brought the figurehead aboard ship. dislodging the arrow’s hold. But then,
Grasping a sword, he severes the wooden from out of hiding, comes the homunculus!
hand and hands the chart to the captain. Flying at the captain, it attempts to claw
“Here, captain. Here is your chart.” his face, to weaken his hold on the rope.

AN EERIE EXPEDITION Sinbad, flailing at the malevolent creature

Sinbad and companions encounter the wrath of the mighty Centaur.
But Sinbad’s long lead proves insur-
page 6 The Monster Times

A group of TMT editors were sitting around

the office enjoying a rare respite from their
normally fiendishly busy office routine by
trading amiable nonsequiturs, when who
should swagger into our midst but TMT’s
resident barbarian, Dean Latimer. Striding to
our Editor-In-Chief’s desk with a savage
grace and heavy caveman’s club in hand, he
slapped down a couple CONAN comics
(which, judging by their sorry condition, he
had already enjoyed in the worst way) and

demanded not asked, mind you, but
DEMANDED->that we let him do an article
on Marvel’s new black-and-white CONAN
SERIES. Agreeing to a monster that Dean did
indeed seem the logical choice to handle
comicbook barbarian chores and knowing an
offer that we couldn’t refuse when we heard
one, we turned the next two pages over to his
charge ... and lived not to regret it.


^^ccording to Lin Carter, writing in
Robert E. Howard really wanted to write
straight, realistic historical fiction, but
couldn’t get a foot in the door at Argosy,
the only decent market for it at the time.
Consequently he larded his stories out
with supernatural elements and sold them
to WEIRD TALES. Now, this may have
been demoralizing to poor Howard— he
shot himself in 1936, at the tender age of
30— but for those of us whose hearts soar

The “Pulse-Pounding Premier Issue’' of THE

SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN sported a fine Conan the Barbarian, in all his mean majesty, strikes a savage pose prior to sinking his sword
bloody cover by Boris Vallejo, depicting Conan into a typicalmany-headed, multi-tentacled monster. Esteban Maroto’s rugged rendition of
and distaff sidekick Red Sonja (a.k.a. the Robert E. Howard's hero originally appeared as the inside cover of THE SAVAGE SWORD OF
She-Devil of Hyrkania) engaged in furious battle CONAN and is also available in poster form from THE MONSTER TIMES BOOKSHELF.
with an axe-swinging pack of skeletal warriors

sad for us and for comics, which cannot accidentallyendowed with para-normal
like hawks to the grand Sword & Sorcery
have been selling too well lately, the way powers; whereas Conan is actually kind of
legacy he left us, it may have been all to
all the superhero titles have been folding. heroic demi-god, after the fashion of
the good.
SPIDER-MAN, for instance, formerly the Gilgamesh and Heracles, who for some
Because Howard had, quite apart from
fattest apple in Marvel’s superhero reason is restricted to merely mortal
his bizarre imagination, the makings of a
bushel, sank recently to the last resort of powers.
very good writer indeed by purely
conventional standards: his prose was showcasing a poorly-drawn batch of SliRVIVAL OF THE MEANEST
crisp and clear, his plots flowed as characters from PBS-TV’s ELECTRIC This opens certain new possibilities for
naturally and effortlessly as mountain COMPANY. Clearly the old Sixties character development, among other
creek water, and his characters were at superhero mystique no longer fulfills the things. Whereas Peter Parker freely
least three-dimensional, if none too public need for vicarious thrills, and these exercised unnatural powers in his fight for
complex psychologically. Had he been new Conan titles represent a casting- The Good. Conan, contrariwise, is forever
allowed to write straight fiction, he would about for some more commercially viable being victimized by unnatural powers, and
probably have developed into what they myth.
his fight is primarily for self-survival. He
call an Original Regional Writer; today, If the Conan stories succeed in bailing need not therefore be disfigured by that
with Howard 68 years old, the southwest Marvel out. it will be largely because of simpering self-righteousness that crippled
would be busy with earnest young authors Howard’s imagination, and the differences the erstwhile run of comic heroes, in their
imitating his literary style, and Marvel between Conan as a mythic hero and world of black-and-white morality. Conan,
Comics— pardon me, "Magazine Manage- Peter Parker (or Nick Fury, or Mr. in fact, is allowed to be a meanie some-
ment’’- would never have wrangled a Fantastic, or any of those other deaders), times.
copyright on his early Conan stories, as a contemporary punk. All those former For example, in the story “Black
which he would have long ago discredited. Marvel superheroes, you see, were essen- Collosus” in SAVAGE SWORD
#2. Conan
Now that would have been sad indeed. tially commonplace jerks who were offhandedly remarks at one point that in
The Monster Times page 7

BRACfN(5 ,

S'^BPS visible cheesecake in the black-and-white

F!!C^'> "'‘-'B SPA DC '.'^5, Na^c^yMPt/C^T^LAQuE SAVAGE SW’ORD series than over the

cheaper color BARBARIAN series. In

CLOSB A.eC'JT MEF... WHO AKE yoU7. this town,
f WITH ITS fact, comics genera! seem to be
TAVERAiS celebrating a return to the traditional
CLOSE AT Phantom Lady style of heroine-drawing
MfONHSHTr that looked so great in the centerfold of
THE better INNOCENT. The heroine of the last
THEIR couple issues of CONAN THE BARBAR-
IAN, Red Son-Ya, wore throughout both
episodes a ridiculous scale-mail bikini, for
example, which was outrageously unreal-
istic —
I mean, if she bled on it, it’s rust
closed, Roy, and then where would she be?
No, it's the broadening of the moral
context provided by Conan that would kill
him under the old Comics Code. (Big
black-and-white comics, you see, escape
the Draconian sword of the Comics Code;
a’hd the production costs are what swell
the price to a buck.) The color Conan
scripts are good enough, to be sure, but
they just haven’t got the depth of the $1
scripts, where Conan is allowed to be a
This may prove out to be the basis for a
whole new Golden Age Of Comics. Times
have changed. People may just be ready
for a superhero who is a meanie. B

This suspenseful scene from “Black Colossus" in THE SAVAGE SWO^P^T CONAN #2 was the handiwork of Marvel artists John Buscema and
Alfredo Alcala. Though still Just a bit on the posed side, the action artwork in the Conan black-and-whites is certainly strong enough to give
Warren’s black-and-white lipe a run lor its plunder. Even Roy Thomas displays rare subtlety in his well-wrought adaptations of Howard's tales.

order to protect the princess Yasmeela, Scriptwriter Roy Thomas has exercised some of his expressions are satisfyingly
his current employer, from a popular uncharacteristic good sense in translating bestial.The backgrounds of most panels
uprising, it might help to hang a few Howard’s original “Black Colossus” into a are so real that you can actually walk
citizens at random. Can you imagine any comicbook format: the dialogue and around inside them, except for the night
Marvel hero, or even villain, proposing narrative are taken straight from the scenes. Then, to compensate for the
such a ruthless, bloody— and politically story, with minimal reduction and no absence of color, either Buscema or inker
realistic— tactic? Can you fancy Peter perceptible editorial imposition onto Alfredo Alcala has provided an etchy kind
Parker ever saying anything on the order Howard’s prose. You don’t catch Conan of texturing that works none too well,
of: “When I served with the mercenaries talking Marvel talk, which is a signal boon really. Buscema’s artwork is handled
of Corinthia, we swilled all night and to the script. Best of all, the comic seems better in CONAN THE BARBARIAN, the
fought all day!”? If Conan happens to be to flow with the precise progression of the 25ef Marvel color monthly.
fighting on the “good side" in any conflict, original narrative, jammed and cluttered
it's not because he has decided, after much in the action-violence passages, yet open
asinine self-searching, to wield his powers and panoramic in the descriptive parts. But most delightful is the attention that
for God and Christendom; it’s simply The black-and-white artwork brings the has been lavished on minor details of sets
because the "bad side," being made up of story wonderfully to life, too. John and props in “Black Colossus.’’ The world
wizards and witches and gruesome Buscema’s Conan is not perhaps as craggy that Howard created for Conan was a
abnormal monsters, poses a substantial and Neanderthal as Howard described wildly anachronistic jumble of historical
threat to his well-being. him, but his nose has been broken, and cultures: Aquilonia was Imperial Rome
with overtones of Carolingian Europe;
This panel served as a full-page introduction to the third chapter of the “Black Colossus" tale and
Hyperborea. his homeland, was equal
dwells upon Conan's close and constant association with Death, who appears frequently and in parts Viking Scandinavia and pre-Caesar-
many fanciful forms in THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN series. ean Britain; Turan was Seleucid Persia
Afghanistani frontier; Khitai was China,
Zamoria was Arabia, Shem was Old
Testament Palestine, Stygia was dynastic
Egypt, and so on. This affords the
illustrator opportunities for including in
the artwork a myriad of archaic visual
elements, evoking cultures from the
Bronze Age up to the High Middle
Ages— and to Cecil B. DeMille’s lurid
20th-Century Holly wood-spectacular
The trick to handling this 4,000-year
potpourri of fashion and armament is not
to mix them up any more than Howard
did. The setting for “Black Colossus,” for Conan's old friend Red Sonja, drawn by John
example, is medieval Koraja, a petty Buscema and Pablo Marcos, harks back to the
Phantom Lady style of herine-drawing that,
kingdom "carved out of the Shemite lands according to our comics scholar, “looked so
by Kothic advehiurers.” It’s a Crusader great in the centerfold of Dr. Wertham's
state in Asia Minor, that is, circa 1250, and SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT." He’ll
the domed helmets and chain-mail armor certainly get no argument from us on that score.

of the chivalry are quite in place; Conan,

however, as commander, decked out in

Roman centurion complete with

plumed and visored helmet, and -short
kilt— for a cavalry officer! Ouch. This is
just a little jarring, though. As for the
Princess Yasmeela’s outfit— insubstantial
diaphanous skirt slit to the waist on both
sides, super-cleavage halter bra, and

strategic jewelry it’s what all the women
in Conan comics seem to wear, regardless
of period or culture, and I for one find
absolutely no objection to it.


Which deftly segues us to a concluding
remark on the price of the big Conan spe-
cials— onefat buck— which is the price we
have to pay to get out from under the
censorious Comics Code Authority. You’d
never get away with this stuff under the
Comics Code, even today, when it’s
withering on its long slimy vine.
Not, mind you, that there’s any more
page 8 The Monster Times

can pick up all
the monster times bookshelf
your favorite items in
is the only place where you
the horror, fantasy and comic
HjI n m
We’ve got the best bargains around, put them all under one
and we’re iust waiting for you to pick out your favorites!
The M>^5ter Times page 9


According to an ad appearing in the
August 30th edition of NEWSDAY.
Batmnn and Robin materialized, live
and in person, over the Labor Day
weekend at the Waft Whitman Shop-
In keeping with the current revival ping Center in Huntington, Long
of things macabre, ail the eerie Island. The dynamic duo apparently
ephemera that’s been appearing did three shows a day, though we
lately in places where madmen confess to having no idea what those
normally fear to tread will be duly shows consisted of. In fact, all we
reported in this irregular column, know is that the shopping center is
THE MONSTER SCENE ... named in honor of a great American
brought to you by your friendly pastoral poet who, were he alive
fiends-in-the-field at TMT. (... today, would doubtless have no truck
listen for the sound of applause.) with shopping centers at all.


This ape-woman illustration accom- started a human being in a test tube,
panied a Russell Baker “Sunday and Carradine’s project was surely
Observer” column appearing in the more sensible than this. In a time of
September 22nd edition of THE dwindling planetary resources, Carra-
SUNDAY TIMES. Entitled "Who's the dine’s project — turning apes into
ape?” the piece defends mad doctors people — wisely compensates the
TV Week section of the
like John Carradine who worked in
secret basement labs on projects like
women Such
population increase by caus-
an equal reduction in the ape
The turning into apes. films,
September filh edition of the SUNDAY according to Baker, reflect oiir All in all, “Who's the ape?” is a
NEWS heralded the debut of the new deep-sealed (and often well-founded) witty and revealing piece. As Baker
PLANET OF THE APES TV series by distrust of science and our reluctance sums it up: “Obviously a lot of us fear
running these imaginative sketches of to express that distrust. As Baker and dislike science, but don’t dare
Booth Coiman as Zaius and Mark points out, if the scene had been admit it. The movies know it,
Leonard as Urko. The series, shifted from a basement lab to “a however. They give us the mad
previewed in the last issue of TMT, is busy hospital and Carradine had scientist whom we can fear and
expected to draw new converts to the smiled instead of grimacing, he despise without feeling bigoted and
already overflowing Ape fold inspired would have seemed a perfectly anti-intellectual, even though, truth
YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE, by the films. And don't be too
surprised if a PLANET OF THE
admirable, even heroic, figure. What,
after all,” Baker asks, "is so mad
to tell, his work is often saner than
that of sane scientists.” To which we

NOW TRY THE DRINK sensation that requires the purchase

its way to TV soon about turning an ape into a woman? A
British scientist says he recently
can only add: Amen. |

Yet another reworking of King Kong’s

conquest of Fun City turned up in this of a bottle of Anis Goriia. Despite
ad for Anis Goriia, appearing in the what-the Anis copywriters claim, we
September 19th issue of THE think you should exercise some
VILLAGE VOICE. This time the caution when ordering the drink at
World’s Greatest Ape. uitranely posed your local tavern, especially if that
with drink in paw, is being used to tavern happens to be located on Skull
peddle an alcoholic concoction called Island. You just might end up getting
The “King Kong,” a new taste more than you bargained for. g

Your tiendlyCT^ editors happened to
be passing ifjpr^re spare moments
thumbing thi^gh a book entitled
what should startle our half-closed
Bgg-lovers and insect enthusiasts “Environmental Garden” at the U.S. eyes into a sudden state of
should be alerted to these awesome Pavilion. According to this ad for semi-wakefulness but a photo of
models constructed by the Quality QVC, the models were sculptured in some unidentified satisfied customer
Vinyls Corporation. Measuring some “low-density polyurethane foam and clad in a MONSTER TIMES T-SHIRT!
20 feet in length and weighing in at then coated with resin and painted We don’t know where the publishers
about 500 pounds, these grasshop- using a special additive to obtain a (Lester and Orpen Limited, Toronto)
per, fly and snout beetle models were pearlescent effect, matching th»‘real laid paws on such a picture but we’re
recently exhibited at EXPO-’74 in thing' almost to perfection.” All in all, glad that authors Maurice Farge and
Spokane, Washington, as part of the it's the perfect gift for the bug-lover
Barry Rubin found space to include
U.S. Department of Commerce's who has everything. us in this slim, primarily visual
volume, in fact, it's almost enough to
prompt us to recommend buying the
book. On second thought, you’d put
your money to wiser use if you
purchased one of our T-shirts
instead. B

If yfxir product is electrifying, your letterhead ^Kxild show it.

fcsppenwJ tt-hoT* Di rrankuMMe:;-
it>H viJul ’\<>rT-.e up sMih t;
This scene of determined protest
liis Wusi+iiW oi lu 'f ijtMierau.' a l‘.« of irileipst
uui cf*mp<uiv
appeared on the cover of the Sunday
Ask yntir prtni^ ssmpim <yf Magazine section of THE STATE
lhv'!.v>i>Er Sts prirtssj on iimir'iTn'il t.Vvmi v".Tth snajihing NEWS & DAILY EAGLE, a New Jersey
1T)aiswfsv«>ti maks vw! curiponv paper, and referred to an article about
Harr.nMrtmili Kafwr t^ociparivs
the continuing saga of the Garden
you piml on HanwiwtriH!
State Trekkies’ fight to bring STAR
II B'X'srf '.Pi’niisvivsnis

TREK back to the tube. Though the

PAPER MONSTER piece offered little in the way of new

information, we commend its at-
tempts to keep the Bring Back Star
This fanciful Frankenstein photo was mill paper products. What interested
Trek drive in the public eye and hope
featured in an ad for Hammermill us. however, was the obvious care
that those loyal Trekkies will one day
Bond in the September 9th edition of that went into the ad photo itself. The
get their way. especially if that will
TIME Magazine. The ad underlined scene, certainly more elaborate than
silence them for a while. We’d also
the importance of employing an most monster-oriented ad visuals,
like to thank devoted TMT reader Ron
arresting letterhead when designing was staged and photographed by
Sapp of Dover, Delaware, for bringing
company stationery and further urged Pagano Studios, Inc., a New York
this item to ouraugust attention. g
that said letterhead adorn Hammer- outfit. I
page 10 The Monster Times

Though producer-director-writer in the credits of your first three

Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. has served in films as having either co-
several capacities on a number of produced or “presented” THE
films, he is doubtless best BLOB, 4-D MAN. and DINO-
remembered as the creator of SAURLS. When and how did
THE BLOB, a 1958 fright film that you both come to organize your
represented a giant ooze forward first feature?
for all Blobkind. BlobophMes YEAWORTH: I was preparing
Delbert Winans and William to make a picture with Lou
Liftman recently ventured into the Heilman. He’d just completed
very heart of darkest Pennsyl- THE BURGLAR in Philadelphia,
vania in order to secure the and he wanted us both to work
following interview with Mr. on a feature film. We developed a
Yeaworth. who took them on a screenplay using a Bridie
memorable behind-the-scenes Murphy kind of situation. Lou
tour of the making of came in a couple of days later
with an ashen face and told me
that His distribution man would
ATMT Interview with not agree to it because there
Irvin S. (Shorty) Yeaworth Jr. were ten “Murphy” films already
THEBLOB-MAKER! in the can, and no one wanted to
release them. This was about the
Wonducting an interview with
middle of ’57. Lou then said he
knew a man named Harris with
director Irvin Yeaworth is a very an idea he'd gotten from Irv
easy task indeed. The man is Millgate called “The Molten
outgoing, unpretentious and Meteor." 1 said I didn’t care for
loves to talk about his work, science-fiction and that straight
particularly his science-fiction drama was all I wanted to do; but
and fantasy projects. Yeaworth’s after we started pre-production
films generally depict the plights on the film, I spent a fair amount
of normal, everyday people of time talking with Millgate and
placed in fantastic situations and finally decided it might be a good

their efforts to overcome these market for my first theatrical

problems with a minimum of film. There were such bad S-F

technological aid. His first film, films being done in those days, I
THE BLOB, was one such case felt. I mean stuff was being
and served as the focal point of turned out for thirty-five to forty
our conversation with the fright thousand dollars that was just an High-pressure promo art for Irvin S. Yeaworth's THE BLOB promised an indescribable, indestructible monster that
film director. insult to any audience. You put nothing could stop, and the celluloid Blob succeeded in living up to that claim. The ACTUAL Blob, as you'll discover
Valley Forge Films, the pro- long hair on a couple of dogs, and below, was small enough to hold in two hands, though it stilt mightn't constitute a wise idea to do so.
duction unit under whose aus-
pices Mr. Yeaworth’s three sci-fi/
fantasy films (THE BLOB, 4-D
that guy.” We
did use some of
the actors from the local Hedge-
MAN, DINOSAURUS) were row Theater here, and about fifty
created, has recently disbanded,
extras, most of them from
and Irvin will now be working as
an independent producer-direc-
tor. One of Yeaworth's major TMT: Of course, the best-
beliefs in making films is that the known actor you’ve had in any of
your features is Steve McQueen,
who at the time. I believe, had
completed only two feature films.
What were the circumstances of
BY DEL WINANS your hiring McQueen?
and WILLIAM YEAWORTH: I had met him
LITTMAN at the Valley Forge Studios; he
was dating a girl who had been in
one of my film shorts and was
one-half million dollars.
you’ve got instant “giant shrew" production? down for the day. Before we
— that type of thing. Miligate's YEAWORTH: We spent one TMT: Your own production started shooting THE BLOB, we
idea was to permit the audience hundred and twenty-thousand on outfit, Valley Forge Films, was went to New York for casting,
one fantasy: the invasion of the it. We made a deal with Harris
monster itself. We didn’t want to that he was to put up one third, 1
solve the problem with the was to put up one third, and Mike
From BLOB to BULLITT 10 Easy
in monster in a lab, a situation with Friedman put up the rest. Mike
Years. Who could have predicted Steve which an audience could have was head of Comprehensive Film
McQueen's sudden ascendancy
the highest reaches of screen stardom
into little PERSONAL association. Service, which handled THE
from such humble. horrific
We wanted no tricks, just the BLOB's distribution. CFS was
beginnings? idea that almost anyone could eventually labeled Tonylyn Pro-
solve an extraordinary problem ductions, after Jack's two chil-
audience should be manipulated, with his own hands and brain. dren. The three of us hired Irvin
drawn into the celluloid action as For me, the key to a science-fic- Yeaworth as director.
tion or horror film is that you TMT: Did
much as possible. He will be it lake you long to
trying to achieve this to an even must put the characters into a shoot the film?
greater degree in his next film, given situation where they YEA WORTH W ell, it took
: six
THE BIG BALL OF WAX, by haven’t got the whole universe to weeks in the summer of 1957.
shooting it in 3-D. But what combat the “menace," or what- Paramount turned it down the
concerns us here is the Blob, the ever. first time around even though we
whole Blob, and nothing but the weren't asking much more than The Colonial was just a run-of-the-mill neighborhood movie theater in
LOW BUDGET BLOB what we made the film for. Later downtown Phoenixville, Pa. before Irvin S. Yeaworth immortalized it in THE
TMT: THE BLOB was obvi- they were caught in desperate
BLOB by having the amoeba-like monster ooze all over its run-of-the-mill
ously made on a comparatively neighborhood audience.
BIRTH OF THE BLOB need of a Fall release, so they
low budget. About how much paid twice as much. After two
TMT; Jack H. Harris is listed was eventually put into the
based in Pennsylvania. How and I met Steve again while he
years, the film grossed eight and much location shooting did you was walking his dog in Central
do around that area? Park. I'd just seen him two
BLOB-makerlrvinS. Yeaworth. Jr. pores over YEAWORTH: I really like to nights before on a television
posterfora re-release ot THE BLOB on a double- work more than location,
sets show, U.S. STEEL or something.
billwith DINOSAURUS. Notethat McQueenwent because there is more control of I asked him whether or not he’d
from a mere name on the original poster to take up the elements. Sets have to be be interested in playing the
almosthalfof the later oneaf ter the actor made extremely work. A lot
realistic to teenager in our film. SteVe was
goodhisescape from the horror genre and of people thought some of our about twenty-eight at the time,
stepped up to big pby in more elaborate “A"
sets were locations. For instance, and he said to me: “I can’t play
the woods and shack scene at the young; it looks phony. I’ll just
beginning of THE BLOB was a play myself." He’s still just
set. I love to communicate mood playing himself in most of his
and atmosphere, and enjoy films. What I really wanted from
working with lighting. The Steve was just an honest, natural
locations we did use are all reaction to this weird situation.
within just about a ten-mile
radius of Valley Forge Films. HOW TO MAKE A BLOB
The Coibnial Theater, which the TMT: The Blob itself is a
Blob “attacks" near the end of fascinating looking little mon-
the film, and the doctor’s office strosity. Exactly what is the
are in Phoenixville, Pa. Jerry’s thing made out of?
Supermarket is in Roarsford, and YEAWORTH: It’s just a
the diner is in Downingtown. silicone substance. 1 believe we
TMT: Did you recruit any local got it from Corning in New York.
talent from the Pa. area? TMT: The New York Times
YEAWORTH: We’ve always review of THE BLOB, by
tried to use actors who weren’t Howard Thompson, notes that
big stars; rather the type about “the blob rolls around in at least
who you’d say: “Hey, I know a dozen horrible-looking flavors,
somebody who looks just like including raspberry." The Blob

The Monster Times page 1

does indeed seem to change
shape and color throughout the ISSUES!
film. Exactly how many different
kinds of “Blob" were used?
YEAWORTH: That’s hard to
say. I haven't thought about it
for ft while. For part of the scene
in the garage and in the super-
market, I believe we used a
weather balloon covered with the
silicone substance. For most of
the other sequences we just used
the big silicone mass. We dyed it
deeper shades of red as the film
progressed, naturally. Since the
creature devours some fifty
people by the end of the film, it
was a logical thing to do. We
filmed in places where the The title characterfrom Yeaworth's prehistoric fright film DiNOSAURUS(1960)
contrast between light and shade exhibits traditional monster's penchant for abducting helpless heroines and
was great, so we were able to doing with them whattheywill.TimBarr, one of the special effects men behind
keep the audience guessing as to this rampaging monster, later went on to win an Oscar for his work on Qeorge
the physical make-up of the Pal's THE TIME MACHINE.
TMT: As to the sequence at
with this very exciting, pounding
bolero which was to be played
the doctor's office window and behind the credits. A number of j
the attack upon the projectionist: prints were run off with the
was it a cellophane bag placed bolero music behind the credits.
over the actor's head? Then Paramount said, well,
YEAWORTH: It was basically we've got to this picture
the siliconeover the actor. W e
all somehow, so why
not put a tune
may have put a cellophane bag at the beginning. So they stuck
over his head to keep the sub- this calypso-type song in. This
was Bacharach's first tune for a
feature. When the picture
opened in L..^. the tune seemed
to work, and in some ways it did
help “make” the film. I believe it
was number three on the Hit PLANET OF THE APES
Parade or something. Anyway
The original Blob was handed to out
creature correspondents for their
sinistei scrutiny at the home of its
by that time, the whole affair
was totally out of my hands.
TMT: Are you working on
worn loc irtiported
.. IncteoiCiP
"Planal of

creator. Irvin S.Yeaworth, Jr. Just goes

anything now?
to show that, with proper handling, a
liltlebit of silicone can go a long, long YEAWORTH: I just finished a SupU'v 'SpocisI Price— Only SIS IX plot S1.00posl89e PLANET OF THE APES STUDENT
way. Christmas special with Pat COMMENTARY ... Rare [ rovocative
guide 10 The Planet ot the Apes
Boone and his family which we which examines th“ lull iriTpacl of
did in Israel and which will be 'he film Includes many u’vitos of
I'leackirs as well as stiMs
TMT: I ve seen an original aired later this year. Right now the
>.: ape movie A Ltn-iuine
shooting script of THE BLOB I'm working on a new film which •;oiloctor'silem foi arty hun. ,:; who
entitled "The Molten Meteor." has a plot right in line with our has gone Ape Ntifs." i^upply

Limited. Only SI 50 plus ^-5c

How many titles did you use manipulating the audience theme
during production? and which I'm seriously thinking
YEAWORTH: We had a lot of of doing in 3-D. It's taken from a
names. At one time we used “The novel by the man who wrote
Glob.” Most of our people wanted "How to Succeed in Business
“Night of the Creeping Dread”— Without Really Trying," Shepard
even Harris liked that one. After Mead. The title is THE BIG
about a week we decided on “The BALL OF WAX.
Blob." McQueen suggested it one TMT: Mr. Veaworih, thank
day during shooting. you very much for your time.
TMT: Barton Sloane, your
special effects man. managed to YEAWORTH FILMOGRAPHY
produce a number of interesting
illusions. What types of effects
THE BLOB il»58i 85 min.
Produced by Jack H. Harris.
techniques were used?
Directed by Irvin Shortess
YEAWORTH: Well, we used Yeaworth Jr. Screenplay by
stop-motion photography every Theodore Simonson and Kate
time we had the Blob locomote Phillips, from an Idea by Irvine
and pulse. A lot of the shots were H. Millgate. Special Effects by
done with a miniature set Barton Sloane. With Steve
mounted on the front of the McQueen, Aneta Corseaut, Earl
camera. For instance, the part of Rowe, Olin Howlin, Steven
the film where the Blob flows Chase, John Benson, Vince
through the front doors of the BarbI, Audrey Metcalf, Elinor COLLECT THESE "PLANET OF THE APES"
Theatre— this was done
by holding the miniature set
4-D MAN tl959) 85 min.
photograph attached to the front Produced and directed by Irvin
of the camera, upwards towards S. Yeaworth Jr. Screenplay by
the ceiling of the studio. We then
just allowed the silicone mass to
flow through the openings of the
photograph. A concept we tried
to maintain was the same one
magicians use: when the audi-
ence thinks that you're using
wires, that’s the time when you
use something else. The part of
the film when the Blob has
completely engulfed the diner
Struggle for survival between a hapless
senior citizen and a healthy, growing, was done totally in animation, Robert Lansing played a radioactive
young Blob proves brief and one-sided, with black-and-white photos tint- scientistwho could walk through walls
as the hungry, amorphous menace ed to color. and destroy people with his mere touch
ingests the first of many human in 40 MAN, another Yeaworth shocker,
victims. - BACHARACH AND THE BLOB released in 1959.
TMT: Burt Bacharach men- THE MONSTER TIMES. Ape Division. J
stance out of his mouth. We did tioned on one of his recent Cy Chermak and Theodore Box 595. Old Chelsea Station, New York 10011
cheat a bit in that sequence, specials that he and Hal David
Simonson, from an Original |

Story by Irwin S. Yeaworth Jr. Please send me the great ape merchandise I
because it was a pure “horror” had done the title tune to THE have checked below. Send them soon ... before
We did because we felt Special Effects by Barton Sloane.
shot. it BLOB.Did you work with Bacha- I start seeing pink apes!

we needed at that point in the

it rach, and what did you personal-
With Robert Lansing, Lee Meri-
film. We
tried to work on an weather, James Congdon, Robert
ly think of the song? ENCLOSED IS S
empathy chart, with various Strauss, Edgar Stebli.
YEAWORTH: Well, I’ll tell [N.Y. residents add 8°. sales tax|
highs and lows. We
planned you, 1 just about cried. The main DINOSAURLIS (1960) 85 min.
where we should try and do titles of our show begin with a Produced and directed by Irvin
something to an audience. small red dot upon a black field. S. Yeaworth Jr. Screenplay by
Horror films have to be designed Then various multicolored, pul- Jean Yeaworth and Dan E.
to do things to the audience. sating circles spiral outward Weisburd. Special Effects by
People want those type of jolts. from the dot, and eventually the Tim Barr, Wah Chang, and Gene
Without those jolts, a horror film THE BLOB, comes through
title, Warren. With Ward Ramsey,
will not work. It’s really weird. was animated
in black. All this Kristina Hanson, Gregg Martell,
People will go to a horror film to by Bart Sloane. Ralph Carmi- Paul Lukather, Alan Roberts, '1
get one jolt, if it’s a good one. chael,our composer, came up Fred Engelberg.
page 12 The Monster Times

One of the most on the way to ATLANTIS, THE LOST

Who among us has failed to be thrilled by the impressive of all CONTINENT in 1961.
sight of THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN screen titans was the The original Cyclops first appeared
threatening to demolish Las Vegas, or the SO long-nailed giant in ULYSSES (1955), dressed in stone-
Foot Woman scooping up her errant mate a genie featured in age chic and living In a cave filled
single outsized avenging hand, or a titanic Alexander Korda's with custom-hewn furniture. A
Japanese Frankenstein Monster doing battle BAGDAD voracious man-eater, this Cyclops
look them any way he could get
with a beast from the deep? Well, not (1940), starring
“thrilled” maybe, but surely mHdly interested, Conrad Veidt and —
them boiled, broiled, roasted, toast-
ed. cooked or raw. In Italy, he was
at least. Here to chronicle the lives and times odd couple of
later bested by one of the Hercules
first order. ThS
of Monsterdom’s Screen Giants— from the bunch, Maciste, in a beast-and-beef-
ie, incidentally,
above*cited low-budget titans to Ray Harry- was played by cake saga called MACISTE IN THE
hausen’s truly towering mythological black actor Red LAND OF THE CYCLOPS (1960).
monsters— is TMT scribe David Stidworthy, Ingram and was When THE THREE STOOGES MEET
who refuses to divulge his own stature one of the few HERCULES (1962), there are two
non-racist giants for the price of one— a Siamese
beyond stating that he’s “smaller than a
roles he Cyclops!
Cyclops but bigger than a breadbox.” SPAWN OF MR. BIG
able to get
back then. When he wasn't letting gargantuan
BY DAVID STIDWORTHY grasshoppers Infest Chicago in
super-spiders sublet the Carlsbad
Caverns in THE SPIDER (1958), Bert I.

Gordon (aka MR. BIG) pul human

giants on his payroll, beginning with
THE CYCLOPS played by
Duncan Parkin and grunted by multi-
voiced Paul Frees.
In THE CYCLOPS, Susan Winter
(Gloria Talbott) refuses to believe her
fiance Bruce Barton died when his
plane crashed In a remote Mexican
jungle valley since he was able to
send out radio messages for a»
time. Since the government won’t
help her, Susan organizes her
own expedition with an odd
cast of travelling

Legends and fables encompassing

vast stretches of time and space have
told of tall beings with enormous
appetites and mile-wide footsteps—
creatures who cast long, often
menacing shadows over all thqy
surveyed. And heaven help the
ecology if one of these titans should
stub his toe, for mountains would
topple, small folks quake, and the
giants would leave lasting impres-
sions of themselves wherever they
fell. The mythologies of ail sorts of
cultures, particularly those of Ancient
Greece and Arabia, have abounded
with outsized superbeings, be they
demons, gods or men made mam-
moth by supernatural forces.
But it's a lot easier being a reel
giant than a real one. and in our own could be transformed into a mighty
culture the former have long held screen giant. And those are the kind
sway. With the proper makeup, back- of giants that concern us here.
projected scenery, a few miniatures Giants of every sort have stomped
to molest or destroy and the magic of across the fright screen— gargantu-
cinematic imposition (not so magic ans of every conceivable (and many
when those annoying dark edges inconceivable) species and stripe.
spoil the illusion), just about anyone Since it would take half a book to

Giant menaces puny youth in a scene from EQUINOX, an amateur film that was discuss every
later partially re-shot and picked up for theatrical release by producer Jack H. ever flew or crawled or
Harris. It has since gone on to become something of a cult classic, and is one two, four or more feel across the
screen, we'll content ourselves here male-femaie
of very few films ever ^feature a blue giant.
fright roles by
with reviewing the glories of those
screen giants who arouse the easiest scooping up her errant
identification the— human and spouse in a rare

human-like ones. To further condense female chauvinist moment

oureerie inquiry, we'll only be dealing from Allied Artists'
with those giants of truly massive
stature, and leave the puny 8 or 10 A giant step forward
for female monsterkind.
foot Frankenstein Monsters, cave-
men, and miscellaneous menaces for
some other lime. You've got to be Filmmakers were quick to draw
really big to join this club. upon giant figures of Greek and
Giants first appeared in several Arabian Mythology for inspiration.
films made by that man of many Among the biggies of this type have
firsts, the French magician-turned- been the giant genie from THIEF OF
film-pioneer. George Melies, Human- BAGDAD (1940). the Olympian gods
like. outsized cardboard monsters Zeus (Laurence Naismith) and Hera
and demons played cruel hoaxes in (Honor Blackman) who played chess
many Meiies shorts, the most notable with destiny, determining the fate of companions: biologist Russ Bradford
being the Arctic Giant who surprised JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS (James Craig), con man Marty
a band of explorers In CONQUEST OF (1963). andthe stop-motion
marvels Melville (Lon Chaney) and flyboy Lee
THE NORTH POLE in 1912. Fanciful of Ray Harryhausen, including the Brandt (Tom Drake), none of whom
giants also cropped up in such early creaking rustbucket warrior with share Susan's certainty Bruce is alive.
fantasy efforts as THE ALCHEMIST'S mettle to spare in JASON and the The jungle, they soon discover, is a
HALLUCINATION (1897) and ALAD- sour Cyclops from THE 7TH VOYAGE veritable playground for monstrous
DIN AND HIS WONDERFUL LAMP OF SINBAD (1958). And let's not spiders, battling iguanas and pythons
forget the nightmarish Neptune who. that exceed one hundred feet in
(1906). Most of these early giants
were a good deal more whimsical with seaweed dripping off his trident, length. Marly strikes uranium and
than those who would proliferate in frightened Greek fisherman Anthony tries to talk pilot Lee into helping him
Hall at the edge of his accepted world kill Russ and Susan so they can stake
fright films of the '50s and '60s.
The Monster Timr page 13

Most of the technical trickery in

the Colossal Man pictures ranged
from bad to passable to almost great.
Gordon's preoccupation with size in
his films afforded opportunities—
only occasionally realized— to depict
compassionate science in action.
Paul and Jackie Blaisdell contributed
some unusual props to the films: the
giant hypo, a miniature Bible,
containers (or tiny camels and
elephants (guinea pigs for the needle
serum) and a large thumbprint on a
truck fender.
One of the seven curses St. George
and his trusty MAGIC SWORD (1962)
faced was an inert orange-Afroed ogre
rendered dizzy when George circles
him on horseback. The Medieval
fantasy, featuring a two-headed
dragon and a dandy vampire-witch
played by Vampira, is considered to
be Gordon's best movie. Once he
discovered production values, how-
ever, old habits crept back with
desecration of H.G. Wells' “Food Of
The Gods’* about giant teenagers—
Gordon's version, not Wells!


While the title of GIANT FROM THE
UNKNOWN (1959) was an example of
half-truth in advertising, Buddy Baer
fijled most impressively the armor of
their claim without interference. Former-army-colonal-turned-giant-fiend Glenn As It turns out, the cause of one Vargas, a strapping renegade
Wandering off from camp, Susan Manning (Dean Parkin) provided problems for Glenn's affliction lies in the bone Spanish conquistador freed from his
discovers a wing from Bruce’s plane unwary truckers in AlP’s WAR OF THE COLOS- marrow. His heart cannot compete grave of suspended animation by an
and looks up to see she is a reflection SAL BEAST (1958), sequel to the AMAZING with his other organs and may burst electrical storm. Scientist Wayne
in the eye of the valley’s only human COLOSSAL MAN, released the previous year. unless the stimulus is quickly Brooke (Edward Kemmer), suspected
monster, who promptly kidnaps her. arrested. A blocking agent is adminis- of murdering an old man Vargas
The water, Russ finds upon tered to Glenn in a hypo battering- actually killed, joins Prof. Cleveland
analysis of still-dividing lizard tissue rammed into the back of his foot by a (Morris Ankrum) and daughter Janet
cells, is contaminated by a strange team of well-meaning scientists, (incredibly inept Sally Fraser) in their
growth substance. Thus, the mangled infuriated. Glenn vandalizes Vegas, is search for artifacts near Vargas' burial
and memoryless Bruce grew and grew stung by bullets, and retreats to ground. Vargas kills a girl, Ann Brown
into the monoptical menace, a.k.a. Boulder Dam, where a twin bazooka (Jolene Brand), and an Indian who
THE CYCLOPS, who has abducted Qharge knocks him over the edge, could have provided Wayne with an
his former fiancee. supposedly to his death. alibi. Sheriff Parker takes Wayne in,
A little bit of Bruce is still himself, Manning in WAR OF THE COLOS- while Vargas abducts Janet. Prof.
however. He remembers what a plane SAL BEAST (1958) (with Dean Parkin Cleveland springs Wayne, and the
looks like and saves the group from handling the Colossal horrors) turns posse that chases them pursues
one of the large pythons, as well as up in Mexico disfigured and amnesiac Vargas to a stony pulpit where he
squeezing Marty to death when he like THE CYCLOPS, only with more throws rocks at them. Ann Brown’s
tries to desert the others. Russ, in realistic a normal eye
mutilations, brother Charley (Oliver Blake), a very
turn, kills the behemoth Bruce by and an empty skull socket. The machismoTminded sort, proves no
hurling a makeshift javelin into his picture gets off to a fast start as a match for Vargas, as he engages in
enormous swollen orb. young Mexican truck driver floors the futile battle with the awakened giant.
For THE AMAZING COLOSSAL gas to escape something pursuing Wayne and Vargas struggle on a
MAN (1957), Gordon let the pacing him. Hospitalized for shock, he watermill bridge over a waterfall and
chronicle the entire metamorphosis screams, "Hombronl" “A giant, a big Wayne shoves Vargas into the current
ofColonel Glenn Manning from man sounds, their dances, fellow— like in a story," translates a leading to a bottomless lake. Buddy
to titan.Manning (Glenn Langan) is their love rebellions explode — 30 feet tall! police sergeant to Major Baird (Roger Baer’s “makeup"— nothing more than
scorched i»the blast of a plutonium Pace) and Glenn’s sister Joyce (Sally a matted beard he could have grown
bomb while trying to save a downed Fraser), The truck’s muddy tiremarks himself— was applied by elderly Jack
aviator's life. Undamaged new skin end abruptly, as though the vehicle Pierce, who, for (his simple task,
regenerates, but his metabolism has had been carried off by some received his first and only individual
been thrown out of balance and he unknown force. “It had a radio and a screen credit.
grows at the rate of eight to ten feet a heater," the owner huffs, "but it didn't Half the people who have seen that
day. His tormented sleep sends him have wings!" On their own. Baird and el cheapo "classic” ATTACK OF THE
back to the frontline in Korea and Joyce find a graveyard of trucks 50 FOOT WOMAN (1 958) either hate it
romantic picnics with his girl Carol
(Cathy Downs). Glenn Manning, war
hero, respected career soldier, nice
guy, soon finds himself living in a
circus tent. “What sin can a man do to
deserve this?” he cries and in his “See them burst out of their clothes and bust up a town!" hawked an ad poster
paranoia shouts to one of his for Bert I. Gordon’s VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS, as a gang of unbridled
keepers, “I'm not growing! The rest of teenagers suddenly grow to titanic dimensions in this rather liberal adaptation
you are shrinking!" of H.G. Wells' “Food of the Gods." Sorry, H.G., wherever you are.

In FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD, a young, radioactive Hiroshima victim unwittingly devoured the heart of the
Frankenstein Monster, which fell from a plane bound lor Germany, and became the caged character shown here. A properly
shocked Nick Adams looks on and a desperate screenwriter (not visible here) heads for the unemployment bureau.

Homer's legendary Cyclops had a featured role in the 1955 Italian version of
ULYSSES, with Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn, and kept a watchful eye over
Ulysses and crew.

Glenn emptied for food and see him with a passion or tune in again and
rifling through the contents of yet again to provides laughtrack from the
another vehicle. Baird and Dr. other side of the tube. Horror and
Carmichael. (AlP familiar Russ Bend- sci-fi actress Allison Hayes never
er) lure Glenn out into the open in a looked better, so all the more
delivery van loaded with chloral- regrettable were the unspecial effects
impregnated bread. and a Mark Hanna script knocked out
Chained to the floor of an airport ten minutes after he heard about
hangar, Glenn fails to recognize slide Sputnik. Out of a large satellite
photos from his past projected on the emerges a titanic alien who frightens
ceiling and plans are made to send wealthy alcoholic and former mental
him to an island where he will spend patient Nancy Archer, who runs away
the rest of his days. He escapes and from her car as fast as her unsteady
heads for Griffith Park Observatory, legs can take her. The giant is more
holding above his head a busload of interested indiamond necklace,
screaming youngsters. Joyce talks though, and whooshes off in his
him into putting it dowp. A glimmer satellite after Nancy is found
of recognition penetrates his dam- suffering from odd radiation burns.
aged brain and he moans her name. Behemoth Nancy walks into town to
Producer Gordon ups the budget a find her gigolo mate Harry (William
few dollars as Glenn then grabs high- Hudson) and tavern trollop Honey
tension wires and disintegrates in a Parker (Yvette Vickers), who had
colorful flash. earlier conspired to kill her, tearing
page 14 The Monster Times

the place apart. One of the sheriff's GIANT WARRIORS in 1964. A 1965
riot gun shots explodes a power pylon loser called MONSTER A GO GO had
condenser and the shrapnel fells
Nancy, still clutching her parasitic
The movie is a Sears and Roebuck
catalogue of cinemistakes the
satellite interior— misty and decor-
ated with distortive glass spheres— is
an astronaut ot average size return to
Earth as a 50 foot disfigured fiend.
More memorable was the race
Harryhausen giants featured in THE
I960 adaptation of Jonathan Swift's
savage 18th century satire.
An Exclusive Interview with Roy Ashton
nice, but built down to our scale. In FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS
Roving TMT creature correspond- TMT: How do you come to be
ent Mark Carducci recently roved hired for a picture, freelancing as
classic Hammer
Horrors repre-
his way onto the set of a Wait few ot the you do?
sents but a
Disney film, wherewho should he monstrous makeups fashioned ASHTON: Nowadays I’m
meet but British makeup master by the prolific Roy Ashton. mostly approached. I suppose
Roy Ashton. Roy, the man behind such a reputation as I have
the makeups for CURSE OF THE acquired attracts me to their
WEREWOLF, THE GORGON and notice. I’m rather more inclined
the Chris Lee DRACULA series, to get a call for unusual things.
was trying his ever-steady hand TMT: Could you describe how
at doing non-horror makeup you design a creature, from first
work, work that wasn’t exacting
step to last?
enough to keep him from ASHTON: First I take the
conversing fora few minutes with script and find, as best I can, a
our fiend in the field. The results concept for the creature. 1 do
of that informative conversation
research, then numerous sketch-
begin herewith... es. These I show to the producn*.
BY MARK CARDUCCI If called for, revisions are made
in design. Then I make a full
racula rears his cadaverous scale model in clay, and have it
countenance, baring his fiendish photographed in still photog-
fangs for the kill. The Gorgon, raphy. If the producer gives final
her scalp alive with hissing, approval, and the actor is cast by
slithering serpents, grimaces and then, I reproduce his face, adapt
prepares to stalk another hapless my model to fit him, and go
Lou Costello's last film, THE 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK, had the
victim. The Werewolf .rips civili-
ahead and make him up like that
rotund comic engaged to the female titan of the title. Dorothy Provine played
the bride.
from his hairy chest
zation’s shirt
each day.
and drools in savage bloodlust.
When the giant picks up the sheriff’s THE WORLD’ (1965), a Hiroshima These and many more are the FASHIONING FANGS
car. it's a Plymouth and crashes to orphan finds the still-beating heart of
the ground as an old Chevy, then is the Frankenstein Monster (which fell
creations of makeup maven Roy FOR FRIGHTENING FIENDS
seen as a wrecked Plymouth again! from a plane bound for Germany, no
Ashton, whose Dracula disguises TMT: How are fangs con-
And in most shots of her short less) and' eats it, causing him to and makeup work for films like structed, say for Chris Lee as
rampage. Ms. Hayes— who goes from eventually grow large enough to join THE GORGON and CURSE OF Dracula?
sultry brunette to amazon blonde— is the monster heavyweight class and THE WEREWOLF have earned ASHTON: You take an impres-
transparent! do battle with Baragon. Originally him a solid reputation in the sion of the actor's teeth in clay,
In his last movie, THE 30 FOOT planned as a sequel to that film, fright film industry. For years
BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK Lou Toho’s WAR OF THE GARGANTU- or some other molding substance.
(1959). the head of Hammer Films' When that is set, you pour it with
Costello performed without Bud AS had a screenwriter who got makeup department, Roy spends
Abbott and did alright, considering carried away, inventing a pair of plaster and let that harden.
mammoth human-like brothers— one most of his time freelancing Separate the upper and lower
that this innocuous and largely
forgettable piece of fluff was no green and bad, the other brown and these days, doing an Amicus halves and you have a repjica of
better than the "comeback" full- good— who eventually engage in the thriller here, an occasional
his mouth. With that as a basis,
lengthers The Three Stooges did for conflict. A giant devil appeared in
title Hammer there. But he never
you mold the teeth in dental wax,
the same outfit. Col urn ia. EQUINOX, an exciting though tech- fails to keep his horrific hand in.
amateurish independent film,
and then you cast this in a mold
Costello played Artie Pinsetter, a nically Having branched out beyond
garbage collector who linkers around in 1970. while a giant centaur and reproduce it in whatever
the confines of the horror film,
with outlandish gadgets and creates a in THE GOLDEN VOYAGE
cavorted substance you care to. An acrylic
Roy is apt to turn .up in the
which dentists use is best. It’s
portable computer equipped with OF SINBAD (see page 3). FLESH
credits ofall sorts of films these
built-in backtalk. GORDON featured an impressive ogre the work really of a dental
days, and he'll soon be turning up
mechanic, but we’re jacks-of-all-
inone that’s highly unusual, even trades and have to adapt our-
for —
him as makeup technician selves to whatever the job on
on a Walt Disney comedy! That's hand requires.
right- Walt Disney— and Roy
doesn’t mind it a bit. Granted, TMT: Do you have a personal
favorite out of all your work?
the work is not challenging as
constructing severed limbs or ASHTON: I don’t think I have a
simulating rotting flesh, but you favorite; perhaps a most success-
ful. I would say the werewolf,
can’t have your way all the time.
In fact, it hardly gets as
strenuous as applying a bit of WOLF, with Oliver Reed. That
powder and pencil here and was a very difficult one, but very
there. But it’s a day’s work for
Roy. and not a bad deal for the
satisfying. We used stop-motion
in the transformation scenes to
rest of us either, since it made
him available to discuss his
show his hands getting hairier
makeup methods for a few and hairier.
minutes with your fiendly TMT TMT: My personal favorite of
creature correspondent. your work is THE GORGON.
Sitting in his very own How were the moving snakes in
monogrammed chair. Roy Ash- her hair achieved?
ton prepared to let some of the ASHTON: The snakes were
truth about his work be known. moved about from a distance, by
His wide experience as a horror wire cables acting on cams. The
film makeup artist affords a rare snakes writhed realistically, as
first-hand glimpse into the whys, the cams rotated.
wherefores and how-to’s of the
Jacqueline Pearce as THE
REPTILE (1966).
TMT: What would you say are
Doctors treating radiation-scarred army officer Gienn Manning (Glenn Langan) monster movie makeup biz. the prospects of young peopde
discover a severe case of cellular mutation that will soon transform him into the Of ail 01 Ashton’s many make- trying to break into the field of
AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN and render his present wardrobe virtually useless. ASHTON’S ORIGINS ups, none were makeup?
more impres- film
TMT: What turn of events led sive than those designed for ASHTON: Very bleak indeed.
While running from him after a ot dimensions, and Harry-
titanic you makeup?
to film the CURSE OF THE WERE- You see there is fear that a pool
Artie's (Dorothy hausen may have some further titanic
spat. girl Ellie
Provine) inhales cavern fumes and terrors in store when the recently
ASHTON: Well, I was origin- WOLF and HORROR OF of unemployed people will
ally a and
draftsman, an ORACULA, and the detailed develop. Even though you may
balloons to her title height. Artie and announced sequel to THE GOLDEN
VOYAGE OF SINBAD illustrator, before the war. The disintegration of the Count at
be fairly gifted and have a wish
Ellie marry anyway, but it's hardly the iscompleted.
Gaumont British Studios had the conclusion of the latter
honeymoon they had hoped for, since For the most part, however, giants to do this kind of work, with the
have darkened unemployment lines advertised in various papers for film earned plaudits from fans
alt their troubles turn out to be big state of the film industry today,
ones. When Ellie angrily tosses a more than film studio doors of late, people they thought might be and professionals alike. In
fact, even Roy Ashton thought
you would be ill-advised to press
water-tower roof through the air like a Soaring production costs prohibit suitable for their makeup depart- too hard to get into this field.
army reports a "flying giants from appearing in mini-budget- they weren't too bad.
frisbee. the ment. 1 and others were
saucer" and hunts Ellie down, think- ed films these days, and the cause of interviewed, given tests to
TMT: Do you have any assign-
ing she's a monster. Artie finally their sudden growth In many films—
ascertain our talent and so forth,
thirty or forty pictures. ments coming up you’d care to
corrects her condition via the the atomic bomb— is less of a source
TMT: What was your tell us about?
concern most moviegoers and and I was lucky enough to be first solo
time-travel power of his computer. of for ASHTON: Well, Amicus has
"All our troubles are behind us," he therefore less of a staple in horror accepted. I was an apprentice at effort at Hammer?
the U.F.A. studios for a year and ASHTON: The first one I did another one. 1 don't know really
assures her as they walk away, film plots. Real-life giants like the
on my own was HOUND OF yet what that will entail, but it’s
followed by Artie's suddenly gigantic 7'5" Richard Kiel (who's lent his a half, and there 1 was trained in
lowering strength to horror films like cutting hair and making wigs and THE BASKERVILLES. I was due to start soon. Beyond that
EEGAH, THE HUMAN DUPLICAT- nothing is definite. I rarely look
so on. 1 took courses in anatomy, preceded at Hammer by a man
ORS. and HOUSE OF THE DAMNED) too far into the future, I just wait
OTHER OUTSIZED OGRES and slowly improved, gradually named Phil Leakey. I went down,
and 9’3" Eddie Carmel— the tallest
beginning to work at the studio casually, to help on a couple of and see what comes.
Bela Lugosi and hulking henchman person alive before he died— have
Tor Johnson shot up to giant size to never been seen emulating the paces
here in England. I worked there films, then he left and I took over TMT: A fine philosophy.
for 5 years, after which I went the department. I did of them
all Thank you for your time, Mr.
do battle at the long-awaited conclu- of Amazing Colossal Men. Today a
sion of BRIDE OF THE MONSTER in giant would be wiser to enter pro freelance. After a bit, I did my from THE HOUND to a picture Ashton.
1956. while another Italian bicep basketbatl and leave horror films to first picture for Hammer and in which I made a woman look ASHTON: You’re very wel-
special pitted HERCULES VS. THE lesser men. stayed on with them through like a snake, THE REPTILE. come! M
G —

Th e Monster Times page 15


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The Monster Times page 19

DOCTO ORACULA LIVES, but it'* •nylhing but a vampir*. ‘nataad,

ORACULA is the lilla of 12 new magazines direct from
England. Each issue is in lull color throughout the booh,
lealuring Ihe art of such Spanish greals as Esteban Maroto
:whD does Ihe character WOLFF). Enrich Sle and J.M. Baa.
These 12 boohs contain art lihe you've never seen before in
your life! And Ihe color la superbly done. All on heavy card-
board-like sioch lo insure long readability.
All these 'books are in English text, meant for the British'
Isles, but imported by THE MONSTER TIMES lor TMT
readers. There are 12 issues of these lull color extrava-
ganzas. They can be purchased In lots of six, in lots ol
twelve or individually. A “musi have" addilloq^ your comic
art library, The greatest baibariens end the Allies! ladles
inhabit these magazines.

John Barrymore has earned the
reputation as one of the finest
A bearded John B§rty-?
more turns an evil eye
%% .
including a free color poster),

Thespians ever to grace the on an unseen victim in a

American stage and screen. scene from SVENGALI
f i1931). one of the Great
Though best-known for his portray- |r Profile's few horrorfilm
als of handsome sophisticates roles. Barrymore’s
madmen was
the Baron in GRAND HOTEL),
affinity for
further evidenced by Ihe
the Great Profile was not adverse unhinged characters he
portrayed in films like
to turning to a horror role every
now and then. Writer Joel Vance BILLOF DIVORCEMENT.
remembers “Mad Jack” Barry-
more’s perverse 1906, Lionel visited his brilliant but A SINISTER SVENGALI
lopsided father at the sanitarium. He
DR. JEKYLL In 1931, the same year that Lugosi
mentioned that he had recently returned DRACULA, Barrymore
MR. HYDE and made the original
from San Francisco. His father jerked his appeared one most effective roles
the mad SVEM- eyes sideways at Lionel and snarled,
in of his

GALI and in SVENGALI. As the mastermind

a liar. Everybody knows that San hypnotist who changed a little peasant girl
Barrymore as the monstrous Mr. into a great singer by the power of his
Hyde makes tophatted patron an flashing eyes and dominant will, “mad”
offer he can't refuse in saloon Jack was supreme in the beauty part. The
role gave him a chance to express some of
his own personal fears in the scene where
he describes a recurring nightmare- in
which he is swallowed up by a bubbling DRACULA S.
S1.2S plus2Sc
pit. In SVENGALI, Barrymore used a
SETOFDRACULA1 thru6.$g.50[save50cl
Polish accent and— once again delighting
in the chance to alter his face— gave
himself a goat’s chin beard and popped
painful reflecting glass “eyeballs" into his
head so that camera lights could bounce
off them in the hypnotism scenes. The film
ends with Svengali. slashed and ruined by
heart attacks, dying and freeing the girl
from his spell; as the power fades from his
eyes it is replaced by a look of yearning for
the girl he can possess no more. It is one of
his finest performances.
Barrymore is still admired as an actor, S1.25ptus25c S1.25plus25c
John Barrymore {1882-1942) was Francisco was burned to the ground." and his contributions to horror films only —
considered the finest actor of his time and Maurice said this a few days before the one part of his fantastic and tragic
one of the most handsome men of all time. San h'rancisco earthquake! —
career are fondly remembered. Like
In 1922 his HAMLET thrilled and shocked Lugosi, he took a part and played it to the
theater audiencek and provided the basis DR. JEKYLL AND MAD JACK
for Laurence Olivier’s 1948 movie version His most brilliant and tormented child—
when it came to the Freudian relationship —
John lived for sixty years with an
between the moody prince and his sexy intense dislike for his masculine beauty
mother. As a further adventure into the and a contempt for his great talent.
dark domain of demons that Shakespeare Known as “The Great Profile” (his left
could conjure up, Barrymore’s 1921 side).Jack was always trying to disguise
RICHARD HI presented the deformed it.One of his most successful disguises DRACULA 9, DRACULA 10,
came in 1920 when he made the first film $1.25plus25c Si.25plus2Sc
warrior-prince as a man so in hate with
himself that his only comfort was in version of DR. JEKYLL AND MR.
watching the foolish world let him get as HYDE.
far as he does— King of England— by In the crucial scene where Jekyll first
trickery and assassination. drinks the forbidden potion and goes
John Barrymore came from a distin- through physical torments, Barrymore
guished and troubled family. His father transformed himself into the monster by
was Maurice Blythe (he had copped the contorting his face. He used no make-up,
“Barrymore" stage name from a boxing “dissolves," process shots or camera
poster he saw in London). His mother was tricks.He did it all by himself, twisting his
the beautiful but doomed Georgianna face into a mask of hellish fury and
The Great Profile enjoyed a rare opportunity to
Drew, a lady of great wit and charm. She flashing his wild, haunted eyes. In other distort his handsome lace in the 1920 version of ORACULA12,
once asked a hardhearted manager (and scenesin the film where he used make-up, DR. JEKYLL AND MISTER HYDE. The Iranstor- $1.25plus25c $1.2Splus25c
they were practically all hardhearted in Barrymore presented himself as Mr. Hyde mation scene from that film, executed without
make-up, is one of the most chilling ever
the 1880s) to send her a new costume for a with a pointed head, slimy hair hanging
SETOFORACULA7thru 1 2, $8.50|save50el
captured on celluloid.
role she was playing on tour. The manager down from a bald crown, blackened teeth
sent a one-word telegram: “No." Georgi- and the famous profile-nose sharpened to hilt even when the part (and the movie)
anna wired back: “Oh.” Hardheart sent a razor-slit. Barrymore’s Hyde’ is the basis was unworthy of his talents. But in 1931,
her the costume. from which all other versions— Fredric because of the success of SVENGALI, a
Around the turn of the century it March, Spencer Tracy, Christopher Lee- “sequel" was made called THE MAD
became obvious that Georgianna was leer from the screen, tempting and GENIUS, where Barrymore played a
dying of tuberculosis and that handsome, terrifying. club-footed puppet master, his life
two-fisted Maurice was tilting. Their Always living with the fear that he directed to evil by the influence of his
three children, John, Ethel and Lionel- would go mad like his father before him, warped, brutal father. His father was
later to be hailed as the "royal family" of Barrymore took a perverse delight in played by a distinguished actor who had a
theatre— accepted the fact. But it was playing madmen, dressing in ugly long and rewarding career, a certain Mr.
nineteen-year-old John who had to take disguises and changing his natural, William Henry Platt— better known as
his father by the hand to the asylum. In speaking voice into a rasping cackle. Boris Karloff!
— —

page 20 The Monster Times

OrGrunt And The World Grunts With You — By Thomas Rogers

Each Fall, the Saturday morning LAND OF THE LEAST
segment of the Vast Wasteland sturdy caveman encounters I greatly dislike LAND OF THE LOST,
becomes overcrowded with a new chiefly because it's so ridiculous. A man

batch of shows of a juvenile bent, and his teenaged son and daughter
and this Fall was no exception. To somehow get teleported to another planet,
further contribute to the Saturday where dinosaurs and monkey-men prowl.
The world has three moons, and its
morning over-population problem,
atmosphere is exactly the same as
each of the networks has ushered
Earth's, and it’s probably flat, as our own
in a new show dealing with planet once was (at least that’s the way I
primitive man: ABC’s KORG: heard it). Anyway, these three dummies
70,000 B.C., NBC’s LAND OF THE walk around like there’s no danger any-
LOST, and CBS’s VALLEY OF THE where! They're defenseless, and they
DINOSAURS. Between long gulps know that monsters are all over the plice,
of black coffee and blaring yet they don’t even make any weapons!
breakfast cereal commercials, TMT Instead, the first thing they do is find a
cave on the side of a mountain and make it
creature critic Thomas Rogers .
their home.- They build a fire in the middle
managed to stay awake long
of the abode, and not at the opening (to
enough to catch all three. keep out undesirable callers). 'The worst
thing that happened in the first episode
This season, TV shows about primitive
was that the boy gave a drink to one of the
struggles for survival are definitely "in.”
ape-people right from his canteen! Don't
There are no fewer than three weekly those idiot producers and writers know
series dealing with caveman-types, two of
anything al^ut germs? Of course, the
which include dinosaurs (‘I’ll explain later
jerks didn’t get sick from drinking the
how they can co-exist). One of these same water, but they should have; alien
ABC-TV’s KORG: 70,000 B.C.-is quite an life forms are not to be trifled with! The
intelligent production, while the others
program certainly doesn’t strive to teach
are strictly for kids. Oh, yes there’s — youngsters how to survive on an alien
planet— or anywhere else, for that matter.
A contemporary family As far as the stop-action animation of
f$ forced to struggle LAND goes, it’s rough but good. The
for survival in
creature models were made by Wah
a prehistoric world
on CBS’s animated Chang, one of our country’s best
VALLEY OF THE animation model builders, but they’re
DINOSAURS. somewhat crude. I guess they just didn’t
pay him enough to produce better things.
Stop-actior\ animation, especially when
live actors are spliced in, is very costly,
which is why we don’t see more of the

main complaint with
all of these shows is
that they’re not real-
istic enough. Nobody
flips out enough,
especially not the
adults” from

other group that, would he intere.sted in

NBC’s LAND OF THE LOST much more
than in the others: stop-action animation audience, and the narrator’s monologue is allixes
freaks. CBS’s VALLEY OF THE often not on a child’s level. It’s quite a less than
DINOSAURS, which is on at the same good show, but it could use a little more friendly look
to his face
time as LAND OF THE LOST, is a Hanna- action. as he
Barbera cartoon show that may draw learns of
rnore viewers than any of the others, ANIMATED ANTIQUITY our candid
because children love cartoon animation In my opinion, the better of the two critic's
more than anything else, especially when remaining series is VALLEY OF THE verdict.
it’s in color. DINOSAURS. It deals with a contempo-
rary family of four— plus their dog— that
CRO-MAGNON MAYHEM winds up in a hidden land where English-
KORG: 70,000 B.C. seems to have beeh speaking cavemen (sure!) and hostile
inspired by the PRIMAL MAN series that prehistoric beasts still exist. The
shows up every once in a while on American family joins a primitive unit of
prime-time TV. Both are highly-research- four members and a young stegasaurus,
ed, live-action programs that concentrate and from then on they teach each other
on the trials and tribulations'of Neander- how to survive better. The modern group the live-action movie, WHEN DINO- VALLEY and LAND. Worse yet,'! don’t
thals and Cro-Magnons. There are no often applies scientific principles to SAURS RULED THE EARTH, because it think anybody or anything will ever die on
dinosaurs in KORG, but there are whatever problems arise,, thereby giving would have been too costly and time-con- these shows because they've been made
occasional tigers, elephants, bears, and the television audience elementary science suming to shoot. for children. The main reason for this is
the like. The belief that cavemen and lessons. It’s interesting and fun to watch, Naturally, VALLEY is a juvenile show, that the Almighty Censors feel that
dinosaurs roamed Earth at the same time and because the action is all animated, geared specifically for children. The dog children should not be exposed to too
is erroneous (the misconception probably virtually anything can be done. In a live- and the stegasaurus are often used to much violence. While I don’t entirely
comes entirely from motion pictures and action show, there’s always a budget provide comic relief, and the main agree with their opinion, they have a lot
comic books). Actually, the “thunder problem. However, with a cartoon, a characters never overreact to any more power than I do, so they get their
lizards’’ died out long before primitive man sequence dealing with the end of the situation, regardless of how serious it way. Maybe someday they’ll grow up and
came along. world, or a massive alien invasion, can be may be. The artwork and
voices, stop fearing the little tykes so much.
KORG. which is narrated by Burgess filmed as “cheaply” as one showing a animation are all well done, and the I suggest that you see these shows and

Meredith, deals with a group of six Nean- person sitting around doing nothing. This coloring is very good for a television judge them for yourself. I never let a
derthals who must constantly defend tends to make the stories much more cartoon show. My main complaint is that, reviewer’s opinions influence me, and I
themselves against the forces of a very exciting, because anything can be written like all children’s programs, it has an don't think anybody else should, either.
cruel Nature. Each episode is a story in into the scripts. An example of this is that overabundance of commercials, mostly As far as a summation of the above goes, I
itself, and the creators strive to teach the the second episode of VALLEY OF THE about breakfast cereals. Ads for toys are think that all three shows, particularly the
viewer moral and historical lessons. Live DINOSAURS focused on an invasion of bad enough, but I’m pretty tired of the last two, are enjoyable for children.
actors and a of make-up are used,
lot oversized army ants. The creatures were Trix Rabbit and all the other cartoon KORG, of course, is geared for a some-
though special effects appear to be totally often shown, and each scene was a regulars that haunt these things that I what older audience. Personally, though.
absent. The characters speak good old different one. However, the planned scene have to review in order to make a meager I'd much rather sleep through all these
guttural English for the benefit of the involving giant ants was not filmed for living. programs.


The Monster Times

major drawbacks in the way the strips

are presented. In attempting to follow
what he calls a McLuhanesque "field
approach," Estren plasters text and
illustrations all over the pages in a
haphazard, visually ugly manner
and a terrible layout by any other
name is still a terrible layout. Beyond
of one of the most terrible layouts
this reader has ever laid reluctant
eyes on. The other complaint,
partially a problem of spatial This Crumb character was one of
limitations, is Estren's habit of many appearing in an understandably
reprinting six panels of, say, an eight bitter strip about the exploitation of
panel strip, leaving the uninitiated the artist’s “Keep On Truckin’” riff by
reader at a loss to understand why ruthless capitalists. From XYZ
said strips are considered successful COMICS, copyright 1972 by R.

or important. Sticking to single

panels or complete strips would have
been preferable. should think (on
exhibits an academic tendency to
second thought, maybe shouldn't). I
back up his own observations with
At any rate, this is probably less quotes from other sources even
Estren's fault than the fault of further oulside the field lhan he is.
Straight Arrow’s editors and art Throughout the book, he quotes a
^ODD£>JtV... staffers.
The chief problem with the book's
shrink who wishes to remain anony-
mous (for good reason, might I add)
text is the author’s proclivity for
OUT OF writing repetitious and self-conscious
and who's referred to as The Phantom
Psychiatric. The Phantom Psychia-
prose. Estren often seems confused trist remains basically unimpressed
NowheAE about exactly what audience he's by (and sometimes openly hostile to)
trying to reach and his stance the undergrounds that the author
frequently wavers between straight- presents for his scrutiny, and his
forward earnestness and mild arro- comments on the psychological
gance. His "dear reader" salutation, aspects of said undergrounds are not
for example, ill becomes him, as he’s
particularly interesting or insightful.
often genuinely condescending, as If Estren merely created the anony-
opposed to mock condescending — mous shrink in order to satirize a
more acceptable attitude. He also standard shrinkian view of under-
ground comics, then apologize for

Gilbert Shelton of Fabulous Furry being too dumb to realize il.

Freak Brothers fame drew this Slill, any fairly thorough and
eye-drooping cover lor ZAP COMICS generally enthusiastic history of so
#6. published by Apex Novelties in
rich a medium as the underground
comics would have to work hard to
manage to be totally without interest,
The Frankenstein Monster and his and. fortunately. A HISTORY OF THE
lovely bride were featured on the UNDERGROUND COMICS doesn't
cover of SELF-DESTRUCT. "Bulletin work that hard. It did our evil hearts
of the Suicide Liberation Front,” an good, too, to see TMT contributors
eigh^page, seven-cent comic by Art like Leslie Cabarga and Jim Janes
Spiegelman and Bill Griffith publish- have some of their work represented
ed in 1973. Spiegelman also co-edited in this volume, and D.A. Latimer is in
WHOLE GRAINS, a book of quota- mere too, in a brief snatch of
tions. and Griffith is best known for conversation between Crumb and
his Toad Comics. himself. In addition to giving us an
opportunity to plug a few of our
obtrusive to the point of being down-
contributors. A HISTORY OF THE
right annoying at times (particularly
when drawing kitschy conclusions on worth reading, if only because it’s the
the wall, as he is oft apt to do), the only thorough book on the subject.
book allows the various artists space
What effects, if any, it will have on
the underground comics scene itself
to comment in their own words on the
Slate of their work, the stale of the remains to be seen. And whether or
not It s worth the outrageous price of
This portrait of business, and even the state of the
$9-95 is a matter that must be left to
Spain Rodri slate.A goodly number of strips from
the individual reader and his wallet to
guez'Trashman a wide range of artists constitute
as an angry another plus, although there are two
young man ori-
appeared in This grisiier-than-average panel by Jaxon appeared in SKULL COMIX ffS, a book of horrific satire that also featured
SUBVERT strips by Spain, Gore, Sheridan, Deitch, Dallas and Larry Todd.
(1972) and was
reprinted in
Estren's pro- Bs here to «reet vov, horror
lusety illus- FREAKS, BUT he’s SOMEWHAT.. ER..
trated HIS-
Spain often
displays a
marked fond-
ness for revo-
lutionary violence,
machine guns
\ and motorcycles


COMICS by Mark James Estren. 320
pages. Straight Arrow Books, S9.95.
Are underground comics still
"underground" these days? Should
underground artists publish in over-
ground publications? Does that
constitute reaching a wider cross-
section of people or is it just selling
out? Have the lines betvieen "under-
ground” and "overground" media
been blurred beyond recognition?
Has R. Crumb been driven to an early
artistic grave? Are Rolling Stone and
Straight Arrow Books
overground, or the forerunners of an
uncomfortable amalgam best describ-
ed as an "underground establish-
ment"? Is a Straight Arrow book by a
semi-hip young academic about the This final panel in a Jeff Jones strip
history of the underground comics
appeared in SPASM #1 (19731. In style
compatible with the aims of the and content. Jones is as deeply
majority of underground cartoonists? rooted in traditional fantasy artwork
Isa review of such a book relevant to as he is in underground art.
the concerns of THE MONSTER
TIMES? Will wonders never cease?
These are but a few of the Some things can be said about
questions that Mark James Estren's A Estren s A HISTORY OF THE UNDER-
COMICS raised in what remains of the thing. It does collate a lot of interest-
mind of this TMT reviewer. In truth, it ing information about the back-
IS only the last of the questions listed grounds and efforts of scores of
above that I feel I could even attempt underground artists, from the illustri-
to answer— and that answer would be ous R. Crumb and Bill Griffith to

"probably, if given enough time." As lesser tights like Denis Kitchen and
for the rest, only time will tell, and
Buckwheat Florida Jr. For another,

only if it has a mind to. thouqh the author himself can be

. .

page 22 The Monster Times

Filmbook and color cenier- An interview with Spideys Fiimbook and centerfold on Our spectacular issue Fiimbook and color cenler- Fiimbook and color cenler- Fiimbook and color center-
artist and writer. Sprider- lold ol FORBIDDEN PLA- told on TARANTULA, arti-
lold on GOR60. review ot THE VALLEY OF GWANGI, breaking Ihe slory that
Sleranko's HISTORY OF Man's most monsierous an interview with Alfred Godzilla IS running for NET. review of FLASH MONSTER OF PIEDRAS cles on Dr Death and Dr.
COMICS, more Blood villians. OR PHIBES. fan- Hitchcock. "Vampires in president, with a color GORDON HERITAGE, THE BLANCAS, Willis O’Brien s Shock. Ihe return of E.C.
movies, more Seymour. rine reviews, still more Ihe Comics, preview of
centerfold to match. Also MYSTERIANS. behind the missing monsters, preview comics. "Hercules in the

Behind the Scenes at the Blood movies, survey ol BLACKULA, THE PLANT included are articles on scenes ai the latest apes ol ORACULA A D. 1972, Comics." Late Film round-
When Monsters Ruled the up. review of some recent
preview Ol WILLARD. THE enon. still more Seymour magazine, Godzilla's own COUNT YORGA and still view ol ASYLUM, interview Comics. Perry Hhodan ol
' monster movie Campaigns,
MOST DANGEROUS and a special Spidey color column, some real mon- more PLANT MONSTERS with Rod Serling and re- Germany, First Annual and some really repulsive
GAME and a special ral sters and CHILDREN An interview with Vincent view ol the s-l WORLD- Monster Poll and King comics. S1&25tf
comic strip Ditko SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH Price, and "Comics 'Go to CON SI * 25< Kong comics $1 & 2S4
S1 & 25i S5&25tf DEAD THINGS. $1 & 2S< college'

S-F 21, 22, TMT 25.

Our third s-t issue contains Fiimbook on 1931s Fiimbook on GREEN A special 40 page magazine free color centerfold of with a double fiimbook on Our labuious DE^ROY
a l2-page STAR TREK pull- FRANKENSTEIN, a com- SLIME, preview on THE issue ol TMT devoted lo
same. Also Basil Wolverlon THE FLY and THE RETURN ALL MONSTERS issue,
out which irrcludes our al- plete FRANKENSTEIN VAULT OF HORROR, God- GODZILLA and his Inends.
comics' THEATRE OF OF THE FLY and a Fly leaturing filmbOOK and
ready classic "Keep On filmography, Ihe real Cas- zilla vs Ghidrah. GENESIS Including a GODZILLA BLOOD, Review of HIS centerfold Also articles cenlerlold. Also included
Ttekin ' poster, STAR tle Frankenstein. "The De- lilmbooK. lour color GOD- TORY OF COMICS voi 2, about CAPT. MARVELS
TREK lilmography. STAR cline ol Franksenstein,' in- CREEP, results Of the ZILLA posters, the friends Ihe Last ol The Planet ol creator. C C- Beck and S'TaI^^ '^TREK cartoon,
TREK Yellow Pages, review terview with Glen iFranken- Monster Poll, review ol Ihe ol GODZILLA Sut- Tom The Apes arxt much more BROOM-HILDA's Russell articles on Superman’s
ol Ihe STAR TREK books stem) Strange. "Franken- KLINE PORTFOLIO, and a ton s super comic strip in our special BILL OF Myers. Also. Ladies and Metropolis Museum, Wax
and Ur Spock model Also stein in the Comics,' and a the Amicus studios.
trip to HAT' and more on the RIGHTS issue. their WERE-
monsters and Museum, New York
FUM.NCKU color cenierlDid wiih all the Also. TMTs exclusive Ml. Greatest Beast in the 514,25^ WOLVES ON WHEELS. A Comicon, hot stilts, horror
FRANKENSTEINS ol the MONSTERMORE. Seeing World. Godzilla. 51 g, 25tf fantastic mixed Dag issue. m the media and Rondo
movies Malion. 25#
St & 25i S1 & 25# 51 4,

SPECIAL. ...A special SNOWMAN. r'llmbook
Lon Chaney/Hunchback on the Universal Films All-Worst issue, with film- ISSUE, Our all Martian plus 25 cents. That Simian Special includes

issue with centerfold Classic HOUSE OF PARTY BEACH, 50 Worst issue, including a super roaring rhedosaurus
FRANKENSTEIN. E.C. complete story of ail 5
puppet of the Hunch- HorrorFilmsEverMade, the liimbook and centerfold of heads a creature cast
back. an article and comics, television' cartoon PLANET OF THE APES
Illustrations on guide, two Abominable
World's Worst Comics, and
a portrait of low-budget
WAR OF THE WORLDS. that includes MAR- films. Photo-illustrated
Snowman articles. Glenn filmmaker Ray Dennis Also includes an article and VEL'S MIGHTIEST Ape Movie 'Survey — full
Chaney's make-up tech- on INVADERS
nique. Also, PLASTIC Strange memorial. SIN- comic strip MONSTERS, MEXICAN history of ceiiuioid simi-
MAN, O'Brien's
schlock filmmaker William
the Comics and many other WEREWOLF OF AS, 3 complete history of
Hammer releases artd the AND Death Is a Way ol Life. Hugo Headstone Marlianfeatures. WASHINGTON. Also Apes the Comics,
Grefe. ^ Gene Rodden berry's
WAX MUSEUM. SI & 2Si strip. Ihe Inlerior Five and a KAMANDi, production
• preview ol SCHLOCK, mon- OUESTOR series and a
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SI &254 Stermoviesalire. $ta2Sc profile of the late Kung
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" No. 30 [51 .251
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The Monster Times page 23


Of the thousands of fright and fan-

tasy films released over the
decades, few have found favor with
surly TMT Editor Joe Kane. A
constantly caustic and only occa-
sionally coherent critic of the hor-
ror genre, Kane likes nothing
better than to write about inept
fright films that reinforce his vile
view of the monster medium. Every
so often, however, we force him to
watch a QUALITY horror film, like
THE MAD GHOUL, and chain him MONSTER
to his trusty TMT typewriter until
he has something good to say
about it. After spending three
weeks in office bondage, he finally
came up with the following posi-
tive piece.

McClure (Robert Armstrong) enters the we see Isobel singing on stage,

picture and exclaims, “You mean to say accompanied by Eric’s fancy fingerwork,
that your gal and my ghoul are workin’ the while the detectives eye him from the
same circuit!?” At the next town the odd audience, followed by shots of the ghoulish
entourage of musicians, ghouls and Ted approaching the theater, himself
reporters visit. McCluie pays a call on the pursued by the mad Dr. Morris, now
local mortician, a civic-minded sort who under the deadly influence of his own
agrees to let the reporter take the place of poison gas. When Ted puts in an
a fresh corpse in order to catch the ghouls unexpected cameo appearance on the
in the act. stage, he’s felled by police bullets before
Dr. Morris and his entranced charge do he can do innocent Eric in. Dr. Morris
indeed arrive on schedule. And when decides to head for the cemetery for a
McClure, suddenly bolts up in his coffin quick change of heart, where, dying, he
and pulls a gun on the doctor, Morris tries to claw his way into a fresh grave,
remains unruffled, responding only with while Ted’s disembodied, echo-chambered
George Zucco as the demented Or/Morris bites the graveyard dust in this climactic scene from the old Mark Twain line: “Reports of your voice intones, “It’s no use. Dr. Morris. I’m
Universal’s THE MAO GHOUL, a message monster movie that proved that bad karma always death have been greatly exaggerated.”
boomerangs back sending the evil back to you now. There’s
to its source, in this case thedemented Dr. Morris.
Few ’40s fright films could have gotten nothing left now but you ... and me ... and
away with a line like that, but Zucco’s Death!”
deadpan delivery makes it work, adding THE MADGHOUL was an innovative
It is the TMT staffs sincere belief that another arch touch of black humor to the horror film for several reasons. Its blend
droll soul: Ted’s lady-friend, Isobel
horrific proceedings. of straight, even cliched, horror with
merit can be found anywhere, even in a (perennial Universal horror heroine
Grade B assembly line horror film, if Evelyn Ankers).
you’re willing to look for it hard enough. —
But not only is Isobel a professional
And in the case of Universal’s THE MAD concert singer— indifferent to the doctor’s
GHOUL. you don’t have to look hard at oblique amatory overtures, but she's
all; it’s right there in the wry script, per- rapidly losing interest in Ted as well on
fectly controlled performances, tight account of because of a crush she’s
direction and subtle displays of great developed on her pianist, Eric (played by a
perversity that lift it well above tho suave and swarthy Turhan Bey). When an
swamp of monstrous mediocrity that so unsuspecting Isobel informs Dr. Morris of
many horror efforts wallow in. her growing loss of interest in the hapless
The strange thing is that THE MAD Ted — over which she feels intensely
GHOUL (1943) was produced at the very guilty— he begins to think she might be
height of Universal's decline. While still interested in him and works to steer her

the uncontested capital of the American further in that direction. "You need

fright film industry (largely by default).

someone who knows the book of life." he
Universal’s products had grown increas- assures her, "and can teach you how to
ingly predictable and aggressively unex-
read it." While Dr. Morris thinks he’s the
citing, degenerating from such excellent
man for Isobel, and Isobel has her mind on
Eric. Ted is coming down with some
severe and unforeseen troubles of his own.
STEIN (1935) lo technically competent "Reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated,” deadpans the droll doctor as he and
but dull and derivative outings like
Not only is he no longer the All-American med-student-turned-mad-ghoul (David Bruce) are caught in the unnatural act by a quick-thinking
apple of Isobel’s starry eye, but he’s being
FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF- reporter (Robert Armstrong). Though well-planned, the reporter's gruesome ruse tailed to deter
turned into the mad ghoul of the title and these mad miscreants, demonstrating once again that quick thinking is no match tor
led by Dr. Morris on nocturnal graveyard determination.
Chaney’s bland INNER SANCTUM
junkets where he practices his surgical
series. But they somehow managed to GRAVEYARD SHIFT humor makes for 65 minutes
subtle black
techniques by removing the hearts from
come up with a rare weird winner in THE of surprise entertainment, and Ted
recently buried cadavers in order to The show goes on and Ted kills
MAD GHOUL. sustain his own increasingly worthless McClure. By this time even the police are
emerges as the most unfairly abused
innocent to appear since novelist
life! aware of the remarkable “coincidences”
GHOUL NEXT DOOR Nathaniel West put his mock Horatio
Of course, Ted aware of any of this.
isn’t and send several of their number to guard
Alger hero Lem Pitkin through some
THE MAD GHOUL concerns itself with All he knows is that he’s been plagued by the local cemetery in the next town the
incredibly sadistic paces in his satiric A
the adventures of one Doctor Morris grisly "nightmares” of a sort that are not tour hits. As one of the lawmen solemnly
supposed To plague the nights of well- vows, "Anyone who gets into this
COOL MILLION. George Zucco chips in
(George Zucco) who, assisted by medical
with the best performance of his fright
student and all-around cleancut American meaning young men like himself, and that cemetery tonight won’t get out aliye!”
film career, and THE MAD GHOUL’s
Boy, Ted (David Bruce), is working at a he feels generally weak and confused even Meanwhile, two detectives (played by an
minor characters are interestingly etched
college on a series of seemingly harmless when not so plagued. Insisting on seeing ironic Milburn Stone and a surly Charles
and ably enacted. In fact, THE MAD
experiments. Isobel— whose loss of interest in him McGraw) tail the group, thinking that Eric

Little does the ever-innocent Ted happens quite apart from his ghoulish is the probable culprit, despite evidence
GHOUL is well worth staying up till 3 or 4
in the morning for, which is more than you
realize, however, that things are rarely as activities, of which she suspects not a jot— showing that the “mad ghoul” has to be a
can say for the majority of fright films.
simple and clean as they seem, that in Ted and Dr. Morris decide to accompany man well-acquainted with sophisticated
fact the good doctor is actually in the her and Eric on a concert tour. And along surgical techniques. As one of the pair
midst of perfecting a gas designed to that tour an odd series of coincidences puts however,
it, “You never can tell
THE MAO GHOUL (1943) 65 min. Directed by
induce a zombie-like trance in anyone who arise: at every small city they visit, about these musicians —
a lot of them are James P. Hogan. Screenplay by Paul Gangelin
inhales it, the better that people might another grave is de.secrated, another pretty queer ducks." and Brenda Weisberg, from a story by Hans
Kraly. Starring George Zucco, David Bruce.
carry out the ruthless professor’s self- heart carted off. Alerted to that coinci- To make a short story shorter. Dr. Evelyn Ankers. Robert Armstrong, Turhan Bey,
centered bidding. In addition to his dence by a music critic who happens to be Morris orders Ted to kill Eric, but then Milburn Stone. Rose Hobart. Addison Richards,
reviewing Isobel’s concerts for the same Charles McGraw. Andrew Tombes.
potentially vile experiments. Dr. Morris becomes contaminated by the gas himself.
harbors yet another obsession in his dark, paper he works for, wiseacre reporter In a series of blackly humorous crosscuts.

page 7A The Monster Times

Star of WESTWORLD. Yul Brynner.

take upon his bald head the rote of

ODYSSEY. The new

in the

penned by Erich Segal, author ol LOVE

STORY. Albert Marre, the man most
responsible lor the success of THE
MAN OF LA MANCHA, will direct and.
planned musical
classic THE
version is to be

fundamentals of slop-motion anima-
tion. About that time saw THE
met the Cyclops."
John didn't just see the movie and
gape in awe as the rest of us did,
however. No, he found he had 'a
burning urge to duplicate, or even
lop, what he saw on the screen.

SF&F is TMT's general, all-purpose,
miracle science fiction column,
bringing you a variety of reports from
the world of sci-fi by a crack team of
When it came time (as it always experts. Books, films, comics,
although unofficial, Michel LeGrand "Any actor behind makeup can
does) to work out our Comics magazines, television, radio and even
may pen the music and lyrics. Do you convey emotion," John reasons, "but
think the Cyclops will get a Coiumn feature for this issue, we to see it come from a totally alien
real life will be amply covered by the
decided that we had stuffed this likes of R. Allen Leider, Ed Summer
song-and-dance number ... “I only creature, 15 inches ol foam and metal
haveeyeforyou”? edition of TMT with comic news and a whole host of guest typewriter
. there is art in that!”
. .

titans whose sole aim in this or any

and reviews enough without run- John set out to learn that art. First
other world is to get the latest sci-fi
ning more here. And since TMT with papier-mache, then using a our way of getting the latest special mixture of papier-mache and
news to you.
hot-off'the-weird-wire info to you,
scribe Doug Murray recently
turned us on to this interesting plastic, finally with foam and metal NEW TV SEASON
serving up all the news ol what’s
cookin’ in every medium, from the MfllulitHiili profile of a young animator who
rare to the half-baked to the well- has conquered physical disabili-
done: reviews, previews, bulletins ties to successfully pursue his Eager sci-fi and horror buffs got
and controversial comments on craft, we decided to relegate this their thrills this season with a host of
horror, sci-fi and fantasy happenings space Doug and John
to new shows on all the networks. True,
in films, books, comics, TV and even
Fischner, A.K.A. “The Mad STAR TREK isn’t back yet and
real life. We have spared no costs,
Sculptor of Canterberry.” QUESTOR and PLANET EARTH are
time or lender egos in bringing you future dreams, but we did see some
this expanded edition of our beloved
promising TV fare and it doesn't look
Teletype page, so feel free to send us
THE MADSCULPTOR as grim as we had feared.
letters full of lavish praise for our
selfless efforts to keep you
handled and not as poorly written as I

know.’’ Handling Fright Film Fore- Everyone has have a hobby of

to had thought might be. The plot of
casting chores is “Breezy Bill" Ferely some sort. A hobby keeps the mind the thing is a bit confusing because
who kicks off this feature with his balanced by offering a break from the of the change of most of the charac-
column, which begins directly be- daily grind that wears it down. ters' names and the awkward
low... Fred Mustard Stewart, author of Hobbies vary from individual to indi- attempts to integrate the TV plotline
bookandfilmTHE MEPHISTO WALTZ, vidual. ranging from sedate, armchair with that of the five films. But the
has a forthcoming filmization of his types (like stamp collecting) to active, acting is acceptable ... at least it’s
"I sell my models to make money
latest best-selling literary effort ...THE even manic activities (like reading above the LASSIE brand of soap
Pinewood Studios in London is for other projects," John told us. "I'm
a-bustling with the activities of Peter
METHUSELAH ENZYME. When read I THE MONSTER TIMES). In that pooling my money to be able to afford opera dramatics and the ape actors
. . .

the book. realized it was a natural fora certain subculture of the human race DO lake themselves seriously. Ap-
Cushing, Hugh Ron (Fagan I
Griffith, in professional equipment for model
screen adaptation. Triangle Produc- that loves the bizarre and mysterious, parently there will be some form .of
the film version of OLIVER) Moody, and and movie work."
tions will take charge of the that dotes on fantasy films and books search by the astronauts for pockets
Roy Castle as they've entered It's gratifying to see someone
production on the Tyburn Film
"rejuvenation" project. about fantasy films, there are approach their goal. John’s models of civilization still resisting the Apes’
LEGEND OFTHE WEREWOLF. Another disaster epic. THE HIN- numerous hobbies to occupy one's rule. It may be not so much unlike
are extremely detailed and show that
DENBURG, started shooting at time and mind. Some collect movies PLANET EARTH in this respect.
French star Jean Louis Trinlignant fine eye for expression that marks the
Universal on the same day as THE or movie stills, some write about such “NOTE: want to take a few lines
turns avenging murderer in DARK truly talented animator. Furthermore, I

EIGER SANCTION starring Clint things and publish their own writings to admonish the TV Guide critic who
VACATION. Gerard Pires is the John has finally moved into the movie
Eastwood, another Universal thriller. in fanzines, and some do even more wrote' in the Fall-Preview issue that
director. field, his debut venture having won
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ THE LAND Now for the Horror of Rock, that is first place In the HouslonCon's PLANET OF THE APES was "outland-
the Rock-Horror film, which seems to ish monkey business." The same
THAT TIME FORGOT is being readied
bethe up-and-coming thing.
annual fan-movie competition.
for a winter release with a score by "That was the high point for me, writer went on later in the issue to say
The latest version of THE PHANTOM John proudly admits. "Al Williamson that KOLCHAK’S plots had to be
Douglas Gamley. American-Interna-
tional will handle distribution.
OF THE OPERA is directed by Brian and Jock Mahoney were the judges "taken with a grain of salt” as if the
(StSTERS)DePalmaand will be issuing and after the contest they took me to audience was comprised of morons
forth under the 20th Century-Fox who actually believed
lunch and Jock Mahoney gave me a this stuff.
banner. Originally titled PHANTOM, it
fine behind-the-scenes insight into Again we see TV types debunking
then becameTHE PHANTOM OF THE movie-making in Hollywood." solid imagination-stirring programs
Al Williamson has commented that and lauding such cliche-ridden shows
OFTHE PARADISE. The last-mention-
"John’s animation effects were as PETROCELLI and other brainless
ed title seems a bit "iffy" with all the
among the finest I’ve ever seen. toothpaste-sellers.
legal infringements that seem to have Certainly as good as anything KOLCHAK, THE NIGHT STALKER.
been cropping up from Universal, Harryhausen has done.” A real suspense series with Darren
owner of the original PHANTOM, and McGavin repeating his role as reporter
And so John Fischner takes that
King Syndicates, owner of the first big step, and it is a big step; it’s Carl Kolchak, tracking down super-
character "The Phantom. "As it stands natural events about the country. Lots
difficult to let other people into your
now. though, the film is set for an private world. There is always a fear of action, good dialogue and room to
Octoberrelease. think. Let’s hope the people at ABC
of ridicule, but John has made it
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW. have more sense in handling this than
smash hit in London and San Francisco creative work, like making their own NBC did In handling STAR TREK.
as a theatrical rock-musical-horror- films. Some people even attempt to
is to become a film. With a
film-spoof. emulate those professionals who MOVIES, MOVIES, MOVIES
bodkand score by Richard O’Brien, the bring their beloved fantasies to the Aside from the Apes films, which
film adaptation is just getting screen. This is the story of one such CBS will re-run this season, there is
underway at 20th Century-Fox. person. an impressive line-up of upcoming
caught the original production in
"As a sickly child, I spent much films, Including such things as
London last month and it was really time in the hospital, able to do little POSEIDON ADVENTURE, Vincent
fabulous. The "Rocky Horror" of the more than move my hands. My Price’s THEATRE OF BLOOD, and
Branston Pictures has THE TEXAS title is the handsome, bemuscled mother gave me some modeling clay more. The local stations have
CHAINSAW MASSACRE set for an creation of Dr. Frank-n-furter, a trans- and a copy of THE WORLD WE LIVE obtained a new package of Toho
Octoberrelease. If yourstomach lasted vestite from the planet Transylvania in IN. a book on natural history, and that monster flicks, lots of GODZILLA
through Warhol’s FRANKENSTEIN, the galaxy of Transexual. The opening started it." offshoots, MOTHRA sequels, etc.
thisought tobeyour‘'cupof tea." number is "Science-Fiction. Double Those are the words of John That should keep you busy in the cold
Ira (ROSEMARY'S BABY) Levin's Feature," with such sample lyrics as Fischner. a young fantasy-film fan hibernating months ahead.
latestbook before the cameras, THE “Leo G. Carroll was over a barrel when who lives in Canterberry, Texas, not
STEPFORDWIVES, is nearing comple- TARANTULA took to the hills, and I
far from Houston. Some might have
tion after shooting
location in really got hot when saw Janette Scott I been discouraged had they under- SPECIALS— We're saving the sali-

Connecticut and New York City. fight aTRIFFID that poisons and kills," gone a childhood like John’s— always safely. He'sbeen given the ultimate ent points for a special feature, but
Starring are Patrick O’Neal (menace in It was a gas, but what worked so in the hospital, unable to play with reward of knowing that his work has the networks have lots of those late
THE CHAMBER OF HORRORS). brilliantlyas theatrical camp may not other kids— but John not only took it not been in vain, that professionals in night dramatic specials in the offing.
Katharine Ross (menaced in GAMES), workaswellonfilm. wish them a great I
in stride but brought something the field think it admirable. Certainly Remember DRACULA and JEKYLL
and Pauia Prentiss, late of THE deal of luck, for what a treat it would be special out of it, a talent, an ability to there can be no higher compliment. AND HYDE (with Jack Palance) and
And certainly there can be no the DORIAN GRAY remake? Well,
PARALLAX VIEW. if they couldpullitoff create.
"I got interested in dinosaurs and higher tribute to a small crippled boy more’s coming, so hand on!
never outgrew it," John is quick to than that he should gain new skills
THE MARIA GALLEON confess. "My favorite film was KING
KONG, and In school a friend gave me
from that painful childhood, skills
that allow him to be all that he can be. MAGAZINE
For those who haven’t read TIME
recently and are serious
a book that taught me the Thai's ail anyone can ask. | about astronomy and such, it’s

CON-CALENDAR border on the Insane, but the people are friendly and there's always a
good chance you’ll pick up some rare Item for your collection. And
they’re great places to meet people— famous, infamous and plain
THE CON-CALENDAR is an exclusive feature of TMT. Across the If you've never been to a “con,” we highly recommend you try one.

country, comic nuts, sf fans, monster freaks and the like are They vary in size, emphasis, and quality, of course, but they’re all fun
constantly gathering to buy, sell, trade, collect and listen to to attend. We at TMT will do our part by keeping you informed of all
speeches. As with most gatherings of tans, the conventions often upcoming cons.


ALSCHUSTER’S Films, Dealer’s room, CoslumeCall,
January STARTREK CONVENTION advanceby mall Guests William Shatner,

10-12 NewYorkCity Dec. T, 1974. DeForesi Kelly, George

I.S.T.C. Box 3127 until
Take!, others.
SergioLieman, he Carlo Pont of the
t i release his THE GHOST GALLEON
Spanish "B” horror film, has ready for with Maria Perschy and Jack Taylor. NOSTALGIA comic books,
3rd Sunday Howard Johnson pulps, toys,
4 Church Street Motor Lodge 75<
every month movies, suctions
Waltham. Mass. 02154
And last, but definitely not least: qualities as OLIVER ... That same
While on my
theater-going London ribald Music Hall gaiety, amidst the STARTREK CONVENTION Dealer's Room, Art Show,
spree, happened to catch, in preview, blood-spattered victims in Whitechap- G.P.O.Box9S1 SlO.OOin advance
February HOTEL COMMODORE Special Guests:
a new musical production of. el. One song was "The Ripper’s Gonna 14-17 Brooklyn. N.Y. 11201 New York City bymail. Limit
Isaac Asimov, Gene Roddenbeiry,
Getcha." (Makechecks payable to to 8000 members.
incredible as it may seem JACK THE :
GeorgeTakei, William Shatner.
The frivolity comes to an end when, The Star Trek Associates)
RIPPER! Itwas stupendous.
In the tiny Ambassador Theatre that m the closing scene. Jack the Ripper CREATION CONVENTION S3.00 1 day Dealers room
had hosted Agatha Christie's classic beckons one outstretched hand to his January Gary Berman
COMMODORE HOTEL 55.00 2days Films Panels
42nd St. & Park Ave.
mysteryTHEMOUSETRAPfor 22 years lovely intended victim, as she follows 2 to 5 197-50F Peck Ave. 56.00 3 days Stan Lee
New York City 57.00 4 days
(ithas since moved next door and him into the shadows, immediately Queens. N.Y. 11365 Guest ol Honor
continues to fill the house), JACK THE after which there is a giant projection
RIPPER sings his way through Merry flashed across a screen of dripping HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD feature films,
Olde England. With brilliant book and blood, then a blackout. Hope it runs as 1stSunday COMIC CON S1. cartoons
635 N. Citrus Ave.
WOMAN’S CLUB 504 under 12 & lots of
score by Ron Pember and Denis longasJackhas! every month Hollywood, Calif.
Hollywood. Calif. 90036 tradings and guests
DeMarne. it has some of the same
, A . —

The Monster Times page 25

and perfected by four Loyola
recently been discovered that the rating from TMT tor their high quality University students and Mr. Douglas
surface and substance of Jupiter is production and painstaking detail. Trumbull, who gave us the fantastic
mostly boiling liquid Hydrogen. Get Each of these volumes is sure to be a special effects in Stanley Kubrick's
the September 10th issue for full welcome and prized possession of 2001 and directed the ecologicai
details.wonder what this does to all
I both film buffs and serious film space SILENT RUNNING
those sci-fi books with Jovians students. Magicam is considered by ail who
marching about on the surface? NOTE: In keeping as faithful to the have worked on it to be the most
film as possible, editor Anobile has important technologicai advancement
left in superimposed frames to
the movie industry since the
NEW BOOKS indic^e where lap dissolves and Trek Talk will be a regular feature of
talkies. It provides the ultimate tool STAR TREK CONVENTION
THE AVON FILM CLASSICS fades occur. Occasionally, you will the TMT Teletype page, bringing you
for creating illusions ranging from
LIBRARY (Edited by Richard J. notice a fuzzy frame, which is due to the latest news from the world of 3000 FANS ATTENDED
total realism to bizarre fantasy.
Anoblle)S4.95. the fact that every picture in the book STAR TREK and current events in the Magicam provides the total mecha- FEB. 1973— INTERNATIONAL
The ultimate in film books has is taken from actual blow-ups of lives of the people who brought you STAR TREK CONVENTION
nism necessary for placing actors and II

arrived at last. The Avon Film frames from a print of the film, not that undying sci-fi series. Aiding and
objects into lavish or strangely 6000 FANS ATTENDED
still photographs. abetting us in this quest for contrived environments through the FEB. 1974— INTERNATIONAL
intergalactic info will be (among
others) Bjo Trimble and Margaret A.
use of miniature sets, yet maintains STAR TREK CONVENTION III

CHILLING TRIO— Gold Key Publi- all the ease of normal production. 1 1 .000 FANS ATTENDED
Basta. both of whom publish Star
cations’ famous series of
pocket- This is achieved by electronically
Trek newsletters for the education JANUARY 1975— FOURTH
sized mystery-adventure books look combining the images of two
and edification of Trekkies 'round the separate cameras, one camera view- ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL
like good reading on short trips.
They're small and the stories are brief ing the actors and the other viewing
The TMT presses are being held just enough to read in 15 or 20 minutes the miniature sets. The two.images The Americana Hotel on 52nd &
long enough to bring you an important each. A really good deal at 754 a copy The real secret behind the proposed are combined instantaneously, thus 7fh in NYC has set aside TWO
bulletin from ABC-TV. In February, 254 revival of STAR TREK was revealed allowing the director, cameraman and entire floors for the convention
(plus each for postage &
1975 that network will be showing a TV month in New York City. As you actors to view the scene as it occurs. this year.
version of SUPERMAN, the musical
handling). BORIS KARLOFF TALES last

based on the exploits of the Man of OF MYSTERY offers eleven eerie tales probably know, one of the barriers to Magicam means tremendously Isaac Asimov, Hal Clement,
Steel that enjoyeda long Broadway run of terror by top writers, with full-page the revival of the all-time great TV increased production values for the DeForest Kelley, Walter Koenig,
a few years back. The offering will be illustrations. Edgar Rice Burroughs' science fiction program television and motion picture indus- and William Shatner have so far
part of ABC's Wide World of Entertain- TARZAN OF THE APES contains $750,000 tab for t tries. Sets formerly Impossible or
indicated they will attend.
ment series and will star Jack Cassidy, twelve adapted tales from the original rebuilding of nstruct are
Burgess (the Penguin) Meredith, The Andromeda Light Show will
major works of Burroughs about his
Loretta (M*A*S*H) Swit and Leslie be back. Heash— popular comic
Ann Warren The actor chosen to por- famous character, plus full page
. who has appeared on the Joe
tray the Man of Steel has yet to be illustrations. DARK SHADOWS MAG- Franklin Show and has partici-
revealed. We can say no more, beyond AZINE derives its chills from the TV
pated in the costume call each
"Stay tuned!" show and feature film of the same
year at the ISTC will be the MC
name. In 24 chapters, you follow an
for the entire convention!
adventure called "The Interrupted
Classics Library series on great Voyage," with vampire Barnabas A fantastic lineup of films is in
movies presents the most accurate Collins. the offing. STAR TREK EPI-
and complete reconstruction of great The series is on special order from SODES— all your favorites and
movies ever printed in book form. TMT for a limited time. Get all three other sci-fi films such as— 2001,
Each of these oversized, soft-cover chillers for only $2,50 and save fifty ALL 5 PLANET OF THE APES,
editions contains not only the scripts cents. g FORBIDDEN PLANET and others
of great films, but over 1 ,000 frame by from FILMS, INC. A fantabuLous
frame, blow-up photos, shown in dealer's room, a futuristic art
sequence with the dialogue, as it was show, a costume call with
in the original sound track. This unbelievable prizes.
allows you to recapture the mood,
Tickets are $5.00 'till December
form, and enjoyment of each film
1 after December 15— $7.00.
classic in its entirety. The film

classics series may be the next step

after the comic book.
To date, the series is only four many detailed sets, primarily those now available to a producer through
books old. The first is James Whale's used for interior shots of theUSS the use of miniature sets and the
Tickets may be purchased at the
classic horror film FRANKENSTEIN Enterprise. Now that $750,000 may be Magicam system. The fascinating
with Boris Karloff, Colin Clive and trimmed to a measly $250,000 by a worlds of outer space and fantasy or door— $10.00 for all 3 days.
Mae Clarke, complete with every remarkable new process called of magic, adventure and previously Non-attending membership in
scene and every word of dialogue. It's Magicam. unexplored areas are thus brought the convention which will bring
the next best thing to having your After three years of research and within the realm of creative feasibility you the registration package (by
own personal print of the film. development, Magicam, which is and the producer's budget. mail) after the convention Is
Other books in the series include owned by Paramount Pictures (the What this means for STAR TREK is $3.00 at all times. None sold
Robert Bloch's classic PSYCHO as same outfit that owns 50%*of STAR that the sets would cost a few after January 10!
produced for the screen by Alfred GHIDALIA’SGOOSEFLESH TREK), was unveiled at a special thousand dollars apiece and would 3 FULL DAYS OF ROUND THE
Hitchcock (with Tony Perkins and Anthologist Vic Ghidalla has a new press luncheon. Paramount Pictures make possible action involving alien CLOCK CONVENTION ACTIVITY
Janet Leigh) brilliantly illustrated with collection of terror tales due out in President Frank Yablons states that landscapes, more areas of the Enter-
November. Entitled GOOSEFLESH!,
JANUARY10, 11,12, 1975
over 1300 frame blow-ups, THE "Magicam is the first significant prise and special effects sequences PLAN TO ATTEND NOW!
thevolume features sinister stories by
MALTESE FALCON with Humphrey Ray Bradbury, August Derleth, Alger-
development derived from space which were previously too costly to
Bogart and CASABLANCA, another technology that has been applied on a even consider. The prospects seem INTERNATIONAL
non Blackwood and Robert E. Howard, STAR TREK CONVENTION
Bogey classic. Currently in prepara- among other gruesome greats, and is lasting basis to the entertainment limitless, so hang on to your space
tion are film classics editions of published byBerkley Books. industry." This space age develop- helmets, Trekkies. STAR TREK BOX 3127, NEW YORK 10006
NINOTCHKA and John Ford's classic ment, incidentally, was developed LIVES! •
These books receive a Triple-A


Bruce Lee fans should be on the

alert for a film entitled THE
recreating his much-beloved
. “Kato"rolein an adventure filmed
before the great Kung Fu star's
untimely death. The film co-stars
Van Williams and is being
released by Lawrence-Robert
Enterprises. Inc.


The Motor City served as the site of '.leiial evetiis Include
the famed Detroit Triple Fan Fair, tribute to EC comic
held at the Detroit Hilton this October books (the finest, ever
10th to the 13th past. The con, which t'roduced) Or; T'rid'iy, a
its organizers claim is the oldest one bargain day (.a member-
around (it began in 1965)., concerned ahip is only $l)on the
itselfwith comics, science fiction and 'nd.(0ri1y the dealer's
films, and also featured an impressive room i.s oneri t.lieii) and
I look at the ten most
lineup of celebrity guests, including
National publisher Carmine Infantino,
hriportant neople in-
Marvel publisher Stan Lee. publisher
volved In comic books.
Our film show I'e'itures
Jim Warren, Mediascene publisher
the best iii comedy, 3F
Jim SteranKo, filmmaker-makeup horror, and 'inimrition.
man Allen Ormsby (auteur of MEMRERSHIPS-All events
CHILDREN SHOULDNT PLAY WITH open to members only
DEAD THINGS and DERANGED), at (loor-$3 per day, $“5
artists Rich (THOR) Buckler, Keith for ’ days, $7 for l+.ln
(KUNG FU) Pollard, Arvell (IRON •idv'ince, by mail-$4. -2'
FIST) Jones, and many others of day3,$'I-3 day3,$^ fop
stature and note. Among the con's ill 4. Advance members
highlights were a Masquerade Con- recqlve ticket.s mailed HOTEL so save $1, and a wait
test and an Amateur 'Film Contest
and Park Ave on line, and vrrite now
(both awarding cash prizes to to ilARY BERMAN, 197-50
winners), and a gala film festival that
$20 3in.-:le,$T6 double, $30- PECK AVE.PLUSHINO,NY'
included screenings of ISLAND OF t you at Creation. trlple,$36 quad.RESER'/E THRU 1 1 365. Dealer member-
LOST SOULS. JACK THE GIANT cost’one parade is -Iso US NOW TO QUALITY THESE FOR ships include a table,
KILLER. NIGHT OF THE LIVING on the agenda.... SPECIAL CONVENTION RATES.... and 2 tickets, at $60.
DEAD and DERANGED, among many,
many others. INPiNITY-th© conic, fantasy artwork collection of Neil Adam.'? drawlnft.s in the f ield-.^'razetta and Wrightsor
The Detroit Triple Fan Fair boasts magazine, NUMBER PIVE-full color on report, with photos, on Creation, and Artwork by Krenkel, Kline, Brunner,
the largest attendance of any con in the covers by Mike Kaluta and Larry artwork by .Willi ams on, Krenkel, 'Weiss '.Vrightson, Morrow, Berg, Steranko.D
the Midwest, and the dealer’s room Todd, an in-depth interview with Mr Corben, Buckler, and more. And a PftEE Adkins .Hickman jPrazett a, Kaluta, etc
contains over 1 50 dealers' tables. For Rich Corbsn of comix fame, portfolio color print by Wrightson,all of the All art is unpublished in INPINITY.
info about next year’s con, write bollections by Maroto, and Todd. Two above, and more. Price is $3*?0 Price of #2 is $2. Order from ADAM
Detroit Triple Fan Fair, 1485 Anne strips by Bode i Brunner. A look at INPINITY TWO-cover oils by Brunner, MALIN, 16 E. 2nd St .Freeport, N.Y.
Street, Allen Park, Michigan 48101 or "Warp" the SF Broadway show with a and Jones , Interviews with the best 11520. Order soon. #2 & #5-$5,00
call (313) 382-3847.
page 26 The Monster Times

Bn 1951. Columbia released CAPTAIN VIDEO, one whereabouts of the Captain via a diabolical
mind-reading device. The try to capture
of the last movie serials ever made. It also marked the

only lime that a chapter-play was based on a television Video, but he escapes from them and tries to rescue
series. Ordinarily, their subject matter was taken his partner. When he arrives at the lab, Vultura hurls

from comic books or strips, or radio programs. a mass of concentrated cosmic waste at the place. The
Columbia went all-out on this production. They had heroes vanish in the resulting explosion!
more scientific thingamajigs in this story than any
other serial ever had. In total, there were over 50
cosmic whats-its. The only other chapter-play that
even came close to having this number of futuristic
whatchamacallits was THE LOST PLANET (Colum-
bia. 1953). In addition to the numerous gadgets,
CAPTAIN VIDEO was filmed partly in cinecolor. The

episodes that took place on the planet Theros were

tinted green, and the ones that occurred on Atoma
were a shocking pink. Despite its elaborate efforts,
this space adventure did not do too well. But that's the
way the comet crumbles.
Video just happens to have a Radionic Directional
Beam on him. He sends out an electronic distress
Chapter 3. CAPTAIN VIDEO’S PERIL! signal,which is picked up on Gallagher’s Radionic
Guide. The helpful agent reaches them just in time
But a hawk-eyed, quick-witted Captain Video saves
(there’s a lot of that in these cliffhangers, isn’t there?)
himself and the Ranger by ramming a metal bar into
and he melts the ice by using a highly capable
the control board, diverting the lethal energy. The two
Thermoid Transmitter. Not too much later, a Vultur-
space soldiers next take Tobor (has anybody realized
ian space station is located. Video and the Ranger
yet that this is “robot” spelled backwards?) back to
board it and quickly gain control, using it to return to
Atoma. Vultura. that ever-vigilant Scanner-watcher,
sees their approach. Since he is apparently out of
rocket ships, he has a handy Polarized Furnace
ignited. Moments later, the heroes receive a fiery

CAPIWN welcome. They are

emerging from below them!
literally engulfed by flames


At the serial’s beginning, violent cosmic
disturbances are rocking This Island Earth. Captain
Video (JUDD HOLDREN), stout-hearted protector of
the downtrodden, ventures forth
from his hidden
to the unusual
source to Dr.
an eccentric
claims to be innocent of any cosmic wrongdoing. Once
Video has left, however, the two-faced Tobor contacts
scientist who
... or Drop That Cosmic Vibrator.
There's A Man Behind You With A BiggerOne
the master villain, Vultura (GENE ROTH), ruler of
When television was still in its chronological
the planet Atoma and would-be dictator of the infancy (in its artistic infancy it largely yet
universe. Vultura. a fat man in tights, leather cape and remains), spellbound tots would sguat in
helmet, orders his spy to join him on Atoma. Tobor front of the mini-screened tube to thrill to the
bUists off in his handy spaceship shortly before Video adventures of CAPTAIN VIDEO. Armed only
and one of the Orbit Patrol Rangers (LARRY with a Vapo-projector. Cosmic Vibrator.
STEWART) return to his laboratory. Using a Scanner Radionic Directional Beam. Anti-Detonator
to locate Tobor's rocket, the good guys follow in their and a portable warehouse of other exotic Chapter 6. ASTRAY IN THE STRATOSPHERE!
own ship. Vultura, however, has been observing his devices, the good Captain and his Ranger The bright flames do not harm the two men. Video
enemies on his own Scanner, and he activates the sidekick went about righting cosmic wrongs tests the “fire” with his pocket Thermograph, and
remote-controlled Concussion Comet. Soon afterward, and eradicating villains with admirable confirms that it is cold! Then why did dummy Vultura
the huge comet speeds toward Video's spacecraft and aplomb. Here to recount the movie serial use it? While exploring a tunnel, the good guys
based on the CAPTAIN VIDEO teleseries is discover— ta dum!— a communications room. Video
TMT serial scholar and member in good radios Earth and instructs Gallagher to prepare all
standing of the long-defunct Captain Video
-available Orbit Patrol personnel for combat.
Fan Club. Jason Thomas.
Immmediately afterward, however, Vultura manages
to seal both men inside a rocket. The projectile takes
Earth. After the cosmic cad is placed under guard, off.headed toward the Ranger assembly point. As it
Gallagher (DON C. HARVEY), one of Video’s
soars toward Earth (either it was a super-fast rocket,
scientists, rushes in with a strange report. Ridiculous- or Atoma was no further than the moon), a deadly
looking Robot Monsters (wearing metal hats, yet!) Vapor Bomb explodes. The two passengers are
have appeared in the general vicinity, and the knocked out as the missile hurtles toward its target!
up the locals! Video and
electronic heavies are ripping
the Ranger immediately over to where the Robots
are. And one walking tin cans just as
of the
immediately grabs the Ranger and deposits him in a
burning chemical plant!


Video arrives just in time to extinguish the inferno
with his amazing Vapo-projector. He and the revived
Ranger then employ a Cosmic Vibrator to disable one
Chapter 2. MENACE OF ATOMA! of the Robots. After the heroes return to their secret

The dynamic duo escape from the doomed craft in base, Tobor escapes and informs Vultura that Video
the special safety compartment, which floats down to plans to analyze the captured mechanical brain. The
Theros. a planet that Vultura is trying to conquer. power-mad dictator is not at ail pleased to learn this,

Suddenly, the screen turns green, but our heroes pay and states that he will handle the matter. Back at

no heed to the pretty color. Instead they form an headquarters. Professors Dean (BILL BAILEY) and
alliance with Alpha (WILLIAM FAWCETT), leader of Markham (OLIVER CROSS) are helping Video
the Therosians. In the ensuing battle between the examine the Robot. Suddenly, both scientists

good and bad armies. Video and his assistant capture disappear, and a hateful Paralysis Gas Bomb knocks
out Video and the Ranger. When all four men revive,
Tobor. Vultura, secretly contacted by the evil Chapter 7. BLASTED BY THE ATOMIC EYE!
sends troops to turn the tables on Video. The
scientist, they discover that they are in a cave. In addition, they
Since the rocket has to pass Theros on the way to
Ranger is taken prisoner by the villains, who learn the are being frozen into flesh-flavored pppsicles!
The Monster Times page 27

Earth, Alpha manages to gain control of it as soon as it trap Tobor when he arrives to demolish the device.
enters his planet’s atmosphere. Tobor, however, However, they have apparently forgotten about the
learns this. He sets up an insidious Electronic Inter- wondrous devices that their enemies have access to. In
ference Screen, which causes the projectile to burst the apartment. Tobor unexpectedly appears before
into flames (not cold ones this time). Even though \'ideo and his sidekick. Before the two can react, the
Video and companion are supposed to be locked in,
his villain .sets off an electrical explosion!
they leap to safety before their conveyance explodes.
Because of all his recent failures, the monomaniacat
Vultura develops a mild case of paranoia. He starts
mistrusting everybody, particularly Tobor. To test the
renegade scientist’s- loyalty, he has two of his men
disguise themselves as Video and the Ranger. They
are then sent to Tobor’s hideout, but apparently so are
the real good guys. Tobor detects their approach, and
he sets up his Atomic Eye— an honest-to-Buck-Rogers
disintegrator. When Video and the Ranger enter the
room, the weapon goes zap, and the pair go poof!


Video saw the missile coming and fires his
Electronic Gun at it. As a result, the bomb exploded
harmlessly in the air. Returning to Tobor's lab. Video
overhears the villain conversing with his leader. The
hero decides to reveal his presence and demand a
signed confession from Tobor. Unbeknownst to the
Chapter 10. MENACE OF THE MYSTERY METAL! Captain, his opponent sends acall for help to Station
Predictably enough. Video whips out his indispen- X. Gallagher has been watching the activities of the
sable Anti-Detonator and smothers the blast. (It’s a villains, and he makes preparations to destroy the
good thing he had an accurate filing system for all the mobile outpost. Tobor’s men soon arrive at the lab,
junk he carried!) He and the Ranger then take the and Video is captured. As they are driving away in the
stupefied Tubor to his own lab. The evil one manages transport, Gallagher, not knowing that Video is inside,
to escape, and Video and his companion follow an directs the full force of the Static Beam at it. Station X
empty, remote-controlled car to Station X, Tobor's is blasted to bits!
mobile unit. Here, they discover that Vultura wants
Tobor to test a new metal, Platinite, a substance
capable of dealing a quick death to anyone who
happens to be within range of its radiation. The two
Chapter 8. INVISIBLE MENACE! heroes learn the location of the metal and (of course)
Have no fear! The real Video and his sidekick ride over to the place. In the- ensuing battle with the

apparently changed their plans. The imposters were guards, the Ranger is knocked out. And, what’s worse,

disintegrated (much to their regret, of course), not the he just happens to fall near an overturned can of the
lethal Platinite!
heroes. Vultura, satisfied that Tobor is loyal, orders
him to find and destroy the mysterious Mu Ray
Camera. This device can photograph the "after-image"
of anyone who has recently left an area. In an attempt
to carry out the command, Tobor dons a Cloak of Invisi-
bility (heavens to THIEF OF BAGDAD!). He then
makes his way to the warehouse where the gadget has
been stored. Finally realizing that Tobor is a villain.
Video does some “checking and learns about the
fellow’s current mission. The Captain hurries to foil
the unspeakable plans of the mad scientist (I think I’m Chapter 14. VENGEANCE OF VULTURA!
getting carried away). Video rushes in. but Tobor
Just before the explosion. Video made a break from
knocks him out and carries him away in a rocketship. the vehicle. He is picked up by the Ranger, and they
Soon afterward, with the ship. sailing through the who
drive off in pursuit of Tobor. is getting away in his
silken stratosphere (?), Tobor ejects Video into space!
Jetmobile. After a struggle, Tobor manages to subdue
both of his foes. He then radios Vultura for a
spacecraft to transport the prisoners to Atoma. Tobor
and the others take off in a plane that will rendezvous
with the approaching rocket in mid-air. Unfortunately
for Tobor, Vultura has decided that the renegade
scientist has outlived his usefulness. When the plane
Chapter 11. WEAPON OF DESTRUCTION! reaches a certain spot, the evil dictator first a Flying
After beating the guards. Video carries the Ranger Disc-bomb at it. A moment later, Tobor’s ship is blown
out of the deathtrap. He then arranges for demolition up!
teams to destroy the cave. Afterward, the Captain
requests permission from the government to use the Chapter 15. VIDEO VS. VULTURA!
wonderful Whitney Eye. a seeing device that is Before the plane, along with Tobor, was destroyed.
capable of penetrating any object. Tobor, whom the Video and the Ranger bailed out— without parachutes!
heroes had hoped to spy on. beats them to it and fakes They employ the Gravitational Decelerator and the
an order for the Eye. He manages to snatch it just Sonic Air Cushion to ease them to the ground.
before Video arrives. The scientist speeds away in a Traveling to the enemy’s secret lair. Video and the
truck, and Video -follows in hot pursuit. Tobor. Ranger disguise themselves as Vulturian officers (if
realizing that he is being chased, causes his enemy’s they’re from Atoma, how come they’re called Vultur-
car to veer off the road and explode! ians?). They stealthily make their way to Vultura, who
sees through their ruse. Proving that he cannot take a
Chapter 12. ROBOT ROCKET! joke, the evil monarch trains his Disintegrator Ray
The usual escape routine is utilized here. Just Cannon on the heroes. However — ta-ta-ta-dum — good
before the car went off the road. Video jumped out of old Alpha, leader of the Therosians, is aware of what is
itand roiled to safety. Later, he is able to trail the going on. He activates a device that makes Vultura’s
truck with Gallagher’s scientific aid. He and the ray backfire. The evil madman is no more ... the uni-
Chapter 9. VIDEO SPRINGS A TRAP! Ranger retrieve the Eye. and Tobor gets so annoyed verse is secure ... and the serial is ended (finally).
that he starts bombing them from the air. Faithful
Gallagher spots Video and eases him to the ground
Gallagher uses an Inactivator Frequency to CAPTAIN VIDEO (1951) Columbia. Produced by Sam Kalzman.
by using a Sonic Air Cushion. Later. Video and the
immobilize the plane. The aircraft is forced dowm, but Directed by Spencer G. Bennet, Wallace A. Grissell. Screenplay
Ranger go looking for the Cloak of Invisibility. The by Royal Cole, Sherman L. Lowe, Joseph Poland, George H.
Tobor escapes. A short while later. Video and his aides Plympton. From the TV series. CAPTAIN VIDEO AND HtS VIDEO
search proves unsuccessful, so the heroes decide to try begin assembling the Eye. Vultura, aware of their RANGERS. Special effects by Jack Erickson. Starring Judd
something else. Information is “leaked out” that the Holdren, Larry Stewart, George Eldredge. Gene Roth, Don C.
efforts, launches a powerful bomb toward the good
Mu Ray Camera is being transferred to another Harvey. William Fawcett, Jack Ingram, I. Stanford JoMey, Skelton
guys. The projectile zooms straight for its target and Knaggs.
location — Video’s apartment. The good guys hope to
blows up!
page 28 ffyii grrORSmster Times
"p SPECIMJ, ~ '



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The Monster Times
page 29

A strange native horn blows a menacing note, summoning forth

the Cyclopean Centaur, half-horse, half-man, all-hostile.

with his free hand, feels the arrow begin “You followed me?” the girls asks in
to slip.But then another arrow speeds by, s
fired by Haroun. The homunculus falls, ^ s
* “Of course,” Sinbad answers, finally
the arrow piercing its body, and Sinbad * jF realizing he loves her.
climbs to safety, pulling the rest of the
party behind.
^ <
Standing, the two make their way
forward, looking for the end of the tunnel.
Miles away, Koura cries with pain. His Finally they break into a huge cavern, a
mind recoils from the death of his cavern whose center is filled with a
creation. His face looks like that of a much fountain, the Fountain of Destiny.
older man. “I must get there,” he thinks. Crouched before that fountain, his youth
“I must not lose.” returned and the remaining two segments
of the amulet in his hand, is the wicked

LITTLE GREEN MEN wizard Koura!

Sinbad moves stealthily to the wizard
Suddenly, the jungle is filled with wild
and, before Koura can grasp what is
yelling. Koura and Achmed find them-
happening, snatches the two remnants of
selves surrounded by scores of little gjeen
the amulet from his hands.
natives. Natives with razor-sharp wea-
“You are too late, Sinbad,” Koura cries.
pons. Natives who motion the wizard
“I have regained the energy of youth.”
his assistant into a ruined temple.
“Perhaps,” Sinbad rejoinders, “but I’ll
Koura tells his assistant not to
deny you the other two boons with my
that they are bringing them before sword.”
goddess Caro and that he can control the Koura’s face darkens, as he kneels
situation. Achmed swallows the bile of
chanting incantations to his evil gods,
fear but retains his composure.
begging for the death of Sinbad, the last
Standing before the six-armed goddess,
obstacle to his success.
Koura is unimpressed. Taking a vial from
his robes, he throws it at the goddess and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
orders the statue to dance for him!
Before the amazed eyes of the natives,
the goddess leaves her pedestal, the metal
of her body creaking, and does a ceremo-
nial dance before this black-clad stranger.
As the dance ends, they hurl themselves
to the floor before Koura in a frenzy of
Koura orders them away and tells his a combative bellow,
servant to meet him at the ship, then .
the monster
proceeds to ransack the temple in search his way in the matter. Sinbad, carried by a closes in

of the missing third of the amulet. dozen of the natives, finds himself on a on the
sacrificial altar, about to be beheaded by a overmatched human.
But instead of finding, he is found. Sin-
bad and his little band enter, having native blade. It looks like the end. But,
followed Koura’s path. Sinbad confronts then. Margiana pleads with the natives to
thp nnw-flnr-ipnt magician anH. drawing hie stop, raising her hands in supplication.
sword, announces it is time to kill the The tattooed eye comes into view for the
wizard. “A fair fight.” first time. The natives are amazed. They
“Aye,” Koura replies, “a fair fight.” So chatter among themselves, then carry the
saying, he tosses his sword to the statue. screaming girl into a nearby cave, forcing
The goddess’ hand snatches the blade her companions to follow. In the cave, the
from the air and five identical ones sprout natives stop before a gaping crevice,
from her other hands. Sinbad, astounded, lowering Margiana in a huge basket. The
finds himself facing an incredible foe. Vizier and Binbad realize they plan to
But Sinbad fights, and fights expertly. sacrifice the girl to their one-eyed god!
Swords swing and clash. Sinbad's men The girl is left sobbing at the bottom of
rush to the aid of their captain. The statue the pit as the natives blow on a strangely-
fights with deadly skill; one of Sinbad’s shaped horn. An answering bellow comes
men is killed. Rachid is wounded, but the from a tunnel. Then the noise of hooves,
statue is forced up the stairs to a ledge. giant hooves. Suddenly, from the tunnel
There, engaging Sinbad to the front, it mouth steps a strange creature. A
misses the approach of Haroun who centaur. Half-horse, half-man. Cyclopean,
pushes it off the side. with clawed hands and a heavy, furred
The goddess drops some twenty feet body.
and shatters on the stone below. Sinbad. Margiana screams at the sight, and the
gazing on the defeated terror, sees centaur, seeing the girl for the first time,
something of interest— the missing third reacts in the manner of monsters
of the amulet! But before he can reach it. everywhere, reaching for her, picking her
Koura returns, accompanied by scores of up and carrying her back to his lair.
the gnreen natives! Sinbad and his men, Sinbad. meanwhile, struggling furious-
helpless against such numbers, are ly with the natives, finally manages to

quickly taken captive. break free and, with his companions,

Koura, chuckling, takes the three pieces forces the little men back. Sinbad’s men
of the amulet and informs the captives lower themselves to the cave floor and
that the natives are enraged at their hurriedly follow the centaur’s trail.
sacrilege and are sure to kill the intruders. Reaching a branching of the centaur’s
Certain of his triumph, the wizard walks tunnel, Sinbad breaks up his group and all
off to his final destination. plunge forward, trying to find Margiana
before it's too late. Sinbad soon finds the
SINBAD EVADES BLADE centaur’s lair. Human bones, skulls, and
WITH AID OF SAVING SLAVE filthline the place, and in its midst,

And it looks like the wizard does have sobbing but alive, is Margiana.
, 9

page 30 The Monster Times

THE MONSTER TIMES FAN FAIR is another reader service of MT.

Care to buy, sell or trade movie stills, old comics or tapes of old
radio programs? Or maybe buy or advertise a fan-produced maga-
zine? An ad costs only 10 cents per word (minimum, 25 words).
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THE MONSTER TIMES is Wanted: any Information Movie Posters Press- — WANTED - WANTED!!!
looking for the following over Godzilla. Rodan. books —
Stills. Actual Old radio and comix
comics in perfect mint Ghidrah. Baragon. Kelley posters used by movie premiums, to expand our
condition: FANTASTIC Barber, 1617 N. Pacific, theatres. Thousands of museum of relics, trivia
FOUR #1, AMAZING Conroe, TX7730>. titles available. Horror and the lore of 20th
FANTASY #15, SPIDER- and science-fiction spe- Century pop-art. Things
#1. #1, Wanted: soundtrack al- cialists.Also souvenir like the BUCK ROGERS
and THE HULK #1. bums from these 4 James programs, star portraits PISTOL, or a CAPTAIN
THESE MUST BE IN Bond movies: Or. No, ana monster magazines. MIDNIGHT DECODER
PERFECT MINT CONDI- From Russia with Love. Fantastic selection ol old ^WNG and all the rest
TION-NOTHING ELSE Thunderball, You only pressbooks back to early of the stuff. These things
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West 17 Street. NYC 11355. Philadelphia, PA 19101. description and condi-
10011, Attn: Larry. tion of items, plus the
For Sale; first collectors Non-prolit Star Trek Club
Wanted: items about copy of Marvels new receive I.D. card, charter,
Star Trek, Bruce Lee, and monsters ol the movies. certificate, pen-pal ad- MUSEUM, P.O. Box 595,
The Loro of the Rings. Send sell addressedenve- dress(es). Send Name, Old Chelsea Station.
Send list and prices. Tom lope 10 C. Billingsley, address, complete auto- New York, N.Y. 10011.
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biography to: Trekkies
Tucson, AZ85710. -
71052. United (West ol Mo.)1824
Sergeant. Joplin. MO Wanted: any material
Wanted: All Star Trek Wanted; fanzines, comic 64801. (East ol Mo.) 820
(stills, paperbacks, etc)
phaser Ml. Prospect Ave., New-
on TV series The Aven-
material, pistol books, movie stills,
zrs, with P. Macnee and
and communicator, same 16mm films. Sam Park, ark, NJ 07104. Send $1-00
Stana Rigg only. Also
size as on TV, Teresa 406 Oak St., Malden, MO for materials. No one wanted any material on
Blackwell. Rt. 1. Box 63863. under 12 please.
S27-H1. West Columbia, any or all or the following
For photos films: Barbarella. Cap-
SC 29169- Interested in books, sale: of
lain Kronos Vampire
stills,articles from TV U.S.S. Enterprise of Star
Wanted: Any mags like series Get Smart, also Trek fame. Enclose 10c Hunter, a/id Golden Voy-
Famous Monsters, Mon- Sherlock Holmes movies tor price list of all photos. age of Sinbad. Write:
ster Times. Will pay 75« articles. Lynde. 411 E. Fast delivery, efficient Chris Garcia, 300 S. Dave
each. And anything to do Hacienda Dr,. Corona. CA order processing. Write: Dr., San Pedro. CA 90732.
with the Creature from 91720. D-R Enterprises, 322 Wanted: anything on
the Lagoon. David Han- Soulhbrook, Jackson.
son. 1332 Winfield. Wanted: Fury comics in MS 39211. & the Japanese
Swartz Creek, Ml 48473. either comic strip or monsters. Stills, maga-
comic book editions. Wanted at reasonable zines especially TMT #7,
Wanted: Horror movie Interested in obtaining prices & in good condi- posters, etc. Send des-
posters used by theaters entire series II possible. tion. World Famous cription orpicture & price
pay fair price. Brian G: Moore, 93 Bristol Rd.. Creatures. Monster Pa- to Eric Gipson, 1209
Fortunately, a quick call for help goes out to the gods and they respond by sending the
Johnson. R.D #1, Lake- Wellesley, MA 02181. rade. Mad Monsters. Lincoln. Pacilic Grove,
grotesque Griffin to Sinbad’s rescue. A vicious battle ensues, and though the Griffin loses. view Ave.. Conneaul Horror Monster^ Fantas- CA93950.
Sinbad’s men manage to dispatch the wounded Centaur. Uke, PA 16316. Movie collection, old/ tic Monsters of Filmland,
Wanted any Kong mate-
new. Photos, film. mags, For Monsters Only. Mon-
Wanted: Planet of Apes posters, books. Selling/ rial. stills, articles, etc.
ster Mania. Bizarre 1962,
cards and other ape buying. Plus list of other Monsters Unlimited. Alsowanted. issuest-3of
material. alsoTMT S7, it9, collectors. $1.00 (refund- Modern Monsters, Mon- FXRH magazine. Write
Ani3 the gods are quick to answer that thisis Sinbad as a sultan, and a sultan Steve Tabeft, 4087 W. 220
& #13. Eric Burza, Rte. 3, able) brings large list and sters & Things, Orpheus,
Koura’s prayers. From the tunnel mouth cannot love a slave, girl. But Sinbad Paw Paw. Ml 49079. future mailings. Lewis. Journal & Castle ol St. .Cleveland, OH 44126.
1425 Tully Rd. #7. Frankenstein & Shriek.
steps the centaur, a huge club in hand. It motions her to stillness. Wanted: Anything on Modesto. CA 95350. Wanted Star Trek stuff,
Correspond with Alfred bubble gum cards, post-
Planet of the Apes.
charges Sinbad with murder in mind. “Vizier,” he calls, lifting the crown from Willing to pay top prices. For sale: EC paperback
Nazario, 1320 Sheridan
ers, pictures, comics,
Ave., Bronx, NY 10456.
info on where to get
the waters. “Are you not the true heir to Send now great profits. The Autumn People by
Margiana screams. She falls to the floor, Specifically stills, photos Bradbury. $3.50. Wanted Wanted; TheOuterLimits replicas of phaser, com-
the sultans of.Marabia?” comic books, home made good condition Frazetta. bubble gum cards. New or municator, tricorder.
pleading witH Allah to send aid to Sinbad. Please send price list.
Items. Larry Breitfelder, Ingles, Davis. R. Jones, in good condition. Also
The Vizier steps forward, puzzled by 1695-57 Mendocino Dr.. Box5.King,NC27021. stills or film If possible Robert B- Hess, 2949 S.
BATTLE OF THE BEASTS Sinbad’s words. Sinbad turns to the man, Chula Visfa, CA 92011. from The Outer Limits. Quince. Olympia, WA
Star Trek info, memora- Write: J. Michael Burns. 98501.
And her supplications are answered places the crown on top of his golden ForSale: Defective pulps
bilia. fanzines. Anything Sherbrooke Drive, Hyde
and everything. Star Trek Park. Wilmington, OE
just ^s speedily. From another branching mask. “This, then, is your crown.” my choice 1940s S3. 00 wanted, welcomed and .. Philp,
each or 2 for $5.0OrLate 19808.
desired. Write; Lori 692a Yonge. Toronto,
of the cavern, a roar is heard, and into the As the crown settles on his head, a 50s early 60s $1 .00 each. Chapek. 31 7 Yakeley Hall Send a 10c stamp for our Canada.
thing happens. The golden 25i postage per mag. Bill Micnlgan Slate Univer-
cavern stalks a griffin. Half-eagle, half- miraculous Otto, 15141st St., Havre.
comicselling list. Marvel,
Comics digests wanted.
sity, East Lansing, Ml DC, etc. You'll like our
lion. the beast is a natural enemy of the mask seems to melt away, revealing the MT59501. 48824. prices! Hurry! Norm Par-
Archie #1, #2; Dennis the
Menace) Little Lulu. Also
tridge. 119 Seville St..
centaur. And trumpeting its call, it unscarred and handsomely restored face Anyone interested In Wanted :_paper backs Vallejo. CA 94590. want Pogo books, comics
bringing Star Trek back from the TV series The and material. Send Info.
attacks. of the Vizier. In wonder, Sinbad and his rices to: Harvey Abel,
should write a letter of Avengers #2-#7. Send to I'm a serious collector of
Griffin and Centaur lock in mortal men walk from the chamber. persuasion to Mort Wern- Spencer Morris. 3139 James Bond. will pay any
S33 Colborne St., Lon-
er, NBC-TV, 30 Rocke- Hudson Dr., Cuyahoga price. If you have wnal don. Ontario. Canada.
combat. And the Griffin is the stronger! Later, on board ship returning to

feilerPlaza, New York, NY Falls. OH 44221. want. Iwill pay for

Marabia, Margiana, standing by Sinbad, 10029. Information as to where
The centaur is forced back, its struggles Star Trek fans. Pictures, may be able to buy James
I Wanted; Monster posters
willpay fair price. Tom
weakening, blood flowing from numerous asks, "You saw the vision, that crown was Wanted: anything on slides, pens, bumper Bond items. I'm only Reinarts, 3941 W. 6lh St..
Godzilla. pay best
Will andolher unique
stickers, Interested in the first Winona. MNS5967.
wounds. yoiirs. Why did you give it away'?” price! Also Eerie, Creepy, souvenir items from the seven James Bond
andVampi, mags for sale show. Send 50c for
But Koura steps in! Seeing his last “I value my freedom," Sinbad answers, cheap. Joey Buchanan, catalogue to Star Trek
movies, anything having
Wanted: Star Trek pic-
to do with ’'Live and Let
chance fading, the evil magician’s sword "and a sultan cannot even marry whom he POBox 555, Pfoctorville, Productions, PO Box 1 27, Die,” or newer I'm not tures. posters, anything
OH45669- Holmes. PA19043. Interested, your ^nd to do with Star Trek. Send
flashes and the griffin falls, the tendons in will.” James Bond selling list.
Wanted: posters of the Wanted: Perry Rhodan
its rear leg severed. Now crippled, the Then, grasping the girl in his hands. David 460 NE 74th
live Planet of the Apes issues No. 1 thru 20 and -St.. Miami. FL3313e.
lilms as appeared No. 24. Must be in good or
is no match for the centaur, who
griffin Sinbad looks forward as his ship ventures theaters. Write to John lair condition. Tlurry. Wanted: Male penpal
Wanted makeup info.
quickly finishes it off. Now the centaur once more back to the world of reality. who likes monsters,

Hill. 92B E- 49th SI.. Immediate reply. David And Planet of Apes stills, 1 0-1 4
Indianapolis, IN4620S. Allen Prekup, 2l4 Second also info on nature. Star Trek. Will
turns back to Sinbad. posters,
St.,Vestaburg,PA15368. Wolfman makeup. Write pfay chess through let-
ters. Mark Slurmer, 1209
But the battle has brought the rest of Wanted Blazing West
Wolfgang von Klein-
83rd Ave., No. Minneapo-
schmidt, i808 Wisconsin
Sinbad’s party, and, as one, they attack' likes monsters. Chaiies and Western Crime Bust- lis. MN 55444.
Charles Schneer and Ray Claysburg, PA Ave., Racine, Wt 53403.
Produced by H. Miller, ers comic books. Send
the beast. All are unsuccessful, but in the Harryhausen. by Gorden Messier,
Directed 16825. once. James McCann.
Breckenridge. Lex- Wanted Anything that
melee Sinbad jumps onto the back of the Special effects by Ray Harryhausen, Starring correspond
has to do with Star Trek
Wanted: to ington, KY40508. ies and the occult. Girls,
John Phillip Law (Sinbad). Caroline Munro {Mar- with older serious SF and back issues of DC
creature and, stabbing it repeatedly in the only over 24. D.L. Wil-
giana), Tom Baker (Koura). Douglas Wilmer fans. Write: Ms. Judith Wanted: Star Trek items. comics. Send price list.
liams. 2921 N, Gresham.
neck, finally succeeds in destroying it. (Grand Vizier), Martin Shaw (Rachid), Kurt Chris- Martin. 5870 Gen. Diaz List price & Name to :Jeff Tom Stiilabower, 199 N. Chicago.lL60618.
tian (Haroun), Takis Emmanuel (Achmed). and St.. New Orleans, LA Raleigh, 838 E. 237th.- Home Ave.. Franklin. IN
Sinbad drops to the floor, exhausted, John 0. Garfield (Abdul).
70124. Euclid, OH 441 23- 46131. Buy —
Sell Trade af —
Supersnipe Comic Book
the two remaining pieces of the amulet Wanted: any monster Movie items; Photos, Art Emporium. 1617 Sec-
falling unnoticed to the floor as Margianna mgas, stills, and toys. Wanted: anylhinghaving film, psolers. books. ond Ave., NYC 10028
Send list, prices and to do with StarTrek or Buy/Sell. Plus list of 50 (212) 879-9628. New &
rushes to the aid of her hero. Koura, in a With the wicked Koura dead and gone. Sinbad condition to: Phillip Godzilla, Richard Swol. other collectors of movie old comics, original art,
places the coveted crown of gold and pearls Briggs, 14 Spring Street, Taylors Falls. MN 55084. memories. $1 .00 (refund- big little books, movie
final attempt to wrest the treasure from Hoorton.ME04730. brings large bro-
atop the pate of the Grand Vizier, rightful heir to Original art for sale by
chure ancT future mail-
memorabilia, science
& The Monster
Sinbad’s grasp, plucks the fallen pieces, the sultans of Marabia. All Sinbad gels for
Werewolf by Clockwork Alex! No real-
For sale: ings. Lewis, 1425 Tully
rushes to the fountain and throws one in. considerable troubles is four hundred gold night 1 and Tomb of istic type cfud! Marlon Rd. #7, Modesto, CA
Dracula 6 In reasonable Slater, 629 E. 31st St.,
"I have you, Sinbad!” he cries. coins and the undying love of a beautiful slave condition. Mark Carroll, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
95350- Pin-ups, Portraits. Press
girl, which, in those days, wasn’t a bad
deal at 15 Estates Lane, Shore-
Books, Physique Poses,
Sinbad looks on, stunned, as the ham, NY11786. Sale: Ellison paperbacks. Warned: Dead of Night 50 years of Scenes (rom
all. material: Posters, stills, motion pictures, west-
magician's body disappears, made invis- Starnp lor listings. Want-
Wanted: old Daredevil ed; Doctor Who. Lost in pressbook. esp. lobby erns. horror, musicals,
ible by magic. But Sinbad does not give comics. Send selling list Space, Irwin Allen mate- cards. Will buy or trade etc. Movie star news, 2l2
to Russell Williams, 1909 rial! Ron Sapp. 589 North lor: Write Mark Walker, East 14 St., NYC. New
up. Able to see only Koura's sword, Amsterdam Ave., Apt. Dupont Highway, Dover, 525 N. Kenwood Ave., York, come in person,
6H, New York. NY 10032. DEI 9901. Baltimore, MD21 205. Mon.-Fri. 1-6, Sal. 1-6.
Sinbad fights valiantly and finally, with a
deft move, disarms the villain.
“You have done me a favor, Sinbad,"
Koura cries. “Now you can’t see me at all.”
Sinbad flails wildly at air, knowing it is Enclosed is $ for my word (minimum 25) classified ad. _
“Sinbad,” Margiana cries, "behind you!”
Sinbad turns and, outlined in the waters
of the fountain, is the figure of Koura,
dagger in hand. Sinbad quickly throws his
sword, and the wizard dies, victory
snatched from his hands and all breath
from his body. «

The waters of the fountain run red with
blood, as the magician, along with the
third amulet, fall into them. Sinbad and
Margiana, standing together, see a
strange sight in the waters ... a vision of NAME _ ADDRESS,
Sinbad, wearing a crown of pearls and
gold. Margiana trembles; she knows now CITY_ .STATE .ZIP.
' ! :

The Monster Times page 31




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