Final Production Advanced English II

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Advanced English II
Final Production
Melvin Paulino Santos
Ramón de Jesús Arno Contreras
Registration Number:
Education, Major in Foreign Languages Didactics
English is only the third most-spoken language by native speakers. However,
when you count all the people who speak English as a second, third or fourth
language, then English is definitely the most-spoken language around the world!
English is really in everywhere, so you will be able to communicate with native
speakers all around this huge planet.
The English language has been the common language of the world for decades.
It is now impossible to find a country where learning English has not become a
norm. It is the language of science, computers, aviation, diplomacy, and
tourism. Studying a foreign language will give you the unique opportunity of
stepping outside the boundary of your everyday life.
Learning English as a second language allows you to fully appreciate the culture
and its context of a country. By understanding a person’s culture, for example,
you can avoid situations, which could cause misunderstandings. Being able to
understand other cultures and through learning a foreign language you can
bridge the gap between cultures, which would be a powerful tool in today’s
modern world. It also increases your understanding of your own culture. If you
study English and its culture, you will be able to see your own culture from
another perspective.
If you master English, you will enjoy travelling more. You will also be able to
travel around the entire world! Even if you’re not going to an English speaking
country, it’s very likely that locals will understand you if you speak in English.
Whenever you wish to travel somewhere, you have to communicate. If you
don’t know the language of the country where you intend to go, just try
speaking English and you will be understood right away.
Now imagine yourself traveling to a country, and you don’t know to speak in
English. The encounter with a foreigner would be a disaster if you don’t know
how to explain or ask questions in English. In effect, if you already learned
English, talking to a foreigner would prove to be an easy time. Having studied
English, you will feel comfortable in ordering food, understanding directions,
being able to fully travel on public transport and save considerable money.
Research has shown that having an understanding of English as a foreign
language also helps your native language development. It has been found that
students can develop better vocabularies and an improved level of literacy all
through studying a foreign language.
Here’s a list of reasons why learning English is the best decisions you can make:
1. You can find more job opportunities
Many large companies around the world require that their employees speak
English. In some cases, these companies are requiring their workers to only use
As the world become more global, it is only natural that big businesses will want
and need to communicate more. Right now, everyone is trying to learn and
communicate with English. English is becoming the common language that
people from different countries and cultures can use to communicate with one
2. You can become better educated
Not only does knowing a foreign language expand your brain power, but also
you can use your knowledge of English to learn more and more things about the
3. You can easily travel anywhere in the world
In many places where you will travel, people find English important for their
businesses. They need to know English in order to communicate with potential
clients and customers. In most hotels, at least one employee speak English. This
make it easier for customers to get what they need and spend their money.
4. You will know the global language
It is a historical fact that the economic power wielded by Great Britain and
America over the last few centuries has resulted in English being so widespread
This has taken a long time, and many good things and bad things have
happened in the process. English spread through war, trade, slavery and
religious missionaries. History is complicated and it is not always pleasant, but
today we can recognize that English is being spoken everywhere in the world.
5. You will learn about culture
Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is culture, and culture is
language. Simply said, knowing English will give you a better understanding of
people who live in English-speaking countries. Knowing the English language
gives you more insight into how people think, live and work.
6. You can improve your understanding of science
If you want to learn, publish or speak with authority in the sciences, you must
learn English. Pharmacists, engineers and doctors around the world must always
learn English along with their other subjects in university. In most cases, their
other class subjects are taught in English or come with an English textbook.
Personal opinion
In my opinion, learning English is the best decision we can make to improve our
everyday life. Several factors make the English language essential to
communication in our current time. First of all, it is the most common foreign
language. This means that two people who come from different countries (for
example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common language to
communicate. That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get
in touch on an international level. Speaking it will help you communicate with
people from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones.

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