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The 20 Most Creative

Excuses for Getting Out
of a Date


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( 20 Most
 Excuses for
( Getting Out of
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Sometimes we can’t be bothered with
the date, sometimes with the person
20 Email this feature to
themselves, but in each case there is
always an excuse to get out of it.
Out of
There are a number of reasons why you might not
want to go through with a date that has already been
planned. You could have arranged it when you were
under the influence of alcohol, and are seriously
reconsidering a choice that seemed perfectly fine
whilst drunk.

It could be a blind date, or one arranged through a

dating site, and you’re getting cold feet about the
whole thing. It could be someone you’ve already been
on a date with, where you were convinced to go on a
second against your better judgement. In any of these
situations, there is a creative excuse to match.

The following list is predominantly aimed at getting

you out of a date in advance of it happening. However,
with a phone in hand and a friend given strict Email this feature to
instructions to ring you halfway through, many of
these could be adapted to a mid-date break out. One
caveat, though: some of these excuses are designed
to cancel a single date, whereas others are designed
to exit the whole relationship. Just make sure you
choose the right one!
20 foolproof get-out-of-jail free excuses

#1 Auto failure. If, and only if, you are traveling some
distance to the date and there is no other way to see it
through than with your own set of wheels, claiming a
mechanical breakdown is the perfect get-out clause.
Just don’t let the other person see you cruising down
the high street the next morning!

#2 It’s too soon. You could claim that you’ve just

come out of a relationship and you’ve realized you’re
not ready for a new romance yet. Further claiming
that you don’t wish to subject the other person to a
rebound relationship also sounds quite considerate—
brownie points, in addition to the desired objective of
getting out of the date. [Read: 16 signs you’re
definitely not ready for a serious relationship

#3 It’s raining. For women only, claiming you can’t go

out into the rain because your hair will get ruined may
sound lame, but actually works. Men are utterly
bewildered by the female mind and will believe Email this feature to
anything you tell them.

#4 I’m busy at work. The classic “being made to stay

late at work” is a regular winner in the getting out of
a date stakes. The other person may be disappointed,
but they may also be secretly impressed by your
commitment to your career.
#5 I’ve been arrested. There’s not much anyone can
say to this one, and it’s great, in that it can range from
a case of mistaken identity if you do actually want to
see that person again, right through to the most
heinous crime possible if you don’t.

#6 Double booked. You’ve double booked them. It

could be something as innocuous as a dentist
appointment or as serious as a date with another
person. The results, obviously, will be very different!

#7 Where’s grandma? Ladies, if you want to seriously

scare a guy off, then say you have to cancel because
you can’t find a chaperone. You won’t be hearing from
him again!

#8 Too drunk to drive. Once again, with the need to

drive being paramount, claim you’re drunk and it’s not
safe to get behind the wheel. Likely to produce very
different results, depending upon the person you’re
saying this to.

#9 I’ve got a yeast infection. Eeeuuuuggh… enough


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#10 Family emergency. Family emergencies are
always a good option. Little sister needs picking up,
grandma needs taking to the hospital… etc. These are
responsibilities that it would be churlish to disregard
and your date has no choice but to accept it.
#11 Happy holidays. Say you’re a member of a
religion that has a holy day on the eve of the date and
you had forgotten about it. It doesn’t have to be a real
celebration or even a real religion. Time to get truly

#12 Sickness. The first choice of date-shirkers

everywhere, nothing is more likely to guarantee a get-
out clause more effectively than explosive diarrhea or
projectile vomiting. Ebola might be going a step too
far, however!

#13 My wheelchair isn’t working. Great for blind or

first dates, expose the bigot in your potential date by
hitting them with this line. Unfortunately for
humankind, but not for your manipulative self,
chances are they won’t be getting back in touch.
That’s life.

#14 It’s my time of the month. Guaranteed to work on

the guys, ladies. Any mention of the “p” word and
most guys would sooner cut off their arms than enter
into any gory details! [Read: 8 awesome exit
strategies to end a date midway and get out
( Email this feature to

#15 I’m broke. You’ve no money and no way of even

getting to the date—nevermind paying for it. A strong
getting out excuse that has the added bonus of
making you look cheap, desperate, and unlikely to get
a call back.

#16 My phone was lost/stolen. Stop answering your

phone until after the date and then use this excuse, if
at all possible. Works like a charm.

#17 Hi darling, I’m home. Ring up your date and tell

them you can’t make it because your husband/wife
has come home unexpectedly early. It’s cold, but

#18 Ex-tra terrestrials. Ring up your date and tell

them you can’t meet them tonight because your ex is
stalking you. This one is sure to put the brakes on any
budding relationship.

#19 I’m gay. This is one stone cold lie of an excuse,

but what comeback is there? Tell them you’d tried to
convince yourself that you could have a heterosexual
relationship, but you’ve realized that you’ve just been
lying to yourself. Instant result, with minimum fuss.

#20 I’m not really into you. Not an excuse, exactly, but
look: if you’re willing to try some of the excuses
Email this feature to
above, it would be less brutal just to tell them the

[Read: Conversation tips to end a date midway – The

good, bad and ugly way!
Dates don’t have to be written in stone. If you’re
rethinking the whole thing, be assured that there is
always an easy way to get out of it without forcing
the issue. Just get a little bit creative.

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David Cullen is frequently described as erudite,
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20 Most
Excuses for
Getting Out of
31 Cute, Flirty, and
Sexy Ways to Surprise
Your Boyfriend

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NEW Cute, Flirty,

( and Sexy
Ways to
 Surprise Your
( Boyfriend&via=lovepanky)


We all love to feel special and cared
for, and nothing beats a good
surprise! Here are the best cute,
flirty, and sexy ways to surprise
your boyfriend! 
Email this feature to
 Are you looking for the best ways to surprise your
boyfriend? If you’re looking for cute, flirty, or the
sexiest ways to make your man’s day, you don’t
have to look any further than this!

Why do we love surprises?

In theory, relationships are pretty simple. Two

people who love each other, keep loving one
another. Though love can be simple, relationships
take work. It takes time and careful thought to
continue coming up with new ways to show your
partner how much you care about them and just
how special they really are to you.

One of the best ways to show love is by surprise!

As it turns out, the element of surprise activates

the brain. When surprised by a romantic partner,
our brain will tell us to listen carefully, because this
moment is going to be special. The element of
surprise is so special, in fact, that researchers have
been studying the benefits of it for a while now!

[Read: How to be a good girlfriend – 27 ways to Email this feature to

make him feel like the luckiest guy alive!

What makes a good surprise?

A good surprise can be cute, flirty, or sexy! It’s nice
to keep a surprise personal, though. The key is to
really think about what your boyfriend values most,
and surprise him with it.

This is thoughtful, caring, and genuine.

How will a surprise make my boyfriend feel?

Doing something for your boyfriend really reminds

him of the love you share. It can be a romantic and
sweet surprise, or even something a little sexy.
Regardless of what you choose to do, a romantic
gesture tells him that you’ve been thinking of him
all day long.

The 31 best ways to surprise your boyfriend

Putting thought into a surprise can make him feel

loved by letting him know just how much he means
to you. With this in mind, we came up with 31 ways
to surprise your boyfriend.

Some are cute, for the cutie pie in you. Others are
flirty, for when you’re in a playful kind of mood. We Email this feature to
also came up with a few sexy ways to surprise your
boyfriend for when you’re feeling just a little

From the showstoppers that take time to plan, to

the little gestures that you can do tonight, we’ve got
you covered here.
CUTE ways to surprise your boyfriend

Looking for a cute way to surprise your boyfriend?

Want to leave him smiling and thinking of you
fondly? Try these surprises!

1. Wake him up to sunshine

If you know your boyfriend has a busy day coming,

help him wake up with the scent of fresh coffee.
This will ease him into the morning, rather than
being jolted awake suddenly. Alongside the coffee,
you can slowly open the blinds so the sunrise can
just barely peek in. 

The scent of coffee feels comforting and, with the

warm sunshine, he’ll wake up feeling refreshed and
ready to start the day. By helping him wake up,
you’ve also become a duo. It’s no longer just him
getting ready for his busy day. He’s got you by his
side! By giving him coffee and sunshine, you’re
making his morning that much better. [Read: 13
small but very powerful gestures that show love in
the biggest way (
couch/sweet-love/small-gestures-that-show-love)] Email this feature to

2. Change his alarm to something cute

Waking up to a loud alarm clock can put anyone in

a drowsy mood. The interruption in sleep can
shock his body. If your boyfriend needs to get up
early, we’re sure he’d much rather wake up to you.
Try changing his alarm to your voice! It could be a
specially recorded message for a super romantic
morning or something silly and funny for a little
goofy fun.

This cute morning reminder of you will put a smile

on his face that he’ll be wearing for the rest of the
day! [Read: The 80 best cute texts and messages
to make him miss you more

3. Make a romantic breakfast 

Early in the morning, while he’s still asleep, go to

the kitchen and lay out all the ingredients needed
for his favorite breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes
or omelets with chives!

When he comes out of the room, he’ll be so

surprised to see he gets a romantic morning with
you, while enjoying his favorite breakfast. This is
such a sweet surprise because you’re getting to
spend quality time together. While the two of you Email this feature to
make breakfast, you can talk, listen to music,
dance, or just play around!

This is ideal for a lazy Sunday morning in.

4. Give him little ‘I love you’ notes

The next time you’re at home alone, write ‘I love
you’ on cute little sticky notes. These can then be
placed all around your apartment: the kitchen table,
the bedroom door, the picture by his bedside, and
on top of his pillow.

He’ll come home surrounded by love on all sides!

Your love notes will make him feel like he’s at a

welcome home celebration! It’s a reminder to him
that he’s on your mind, that he’s special to you, and
that you love him. For an extra playful gesture, add
a spritz of your perfume to the notes. This will
really make him smile! [Read: 40 gestures that’ll
make your boyfriend feel lucky to date you

5. Bake him a sweet, yummy treat 

If you’re looking for yummy ways to surprise your

boyfriend, bake him a treat to come home to that’s
as sweet as you are. This will pull at his
heartstrings! Email this feature to

The way to a man’s heart is cookies, brownies, and

cupcakes. This surprise lasts a while, as the house
will smell like sugar for hours afterward. Though,
he may find you to be the sweetest treat of all!

6. Buy him tickets to a sports game

By buying your boyfriend tickets to go see
something he enjoys, you’re telling him that you
notice and pay attention to what he likes. The
tickets could be for a band he likes that’s touring in
the area or to a sports game he just has to see.

Bringing him tickets is sure to put a smile on his

face because it’s fun! Having fun is so important in
a relationship. It keeps life playful and exciting!

This is a cute way to show him just how much you

care by giving him the chance to do something he
really loves.

7. Create a cute treasure hunt for him

“It’s the thought that counts.” Surprises don’t need

to cost much money, if any at all! Doing something
for your boyfriend that requires a lot of thought can
make his little heart glow.

A playful way to surprise your boyfriend is to come

up with a cute paper treasure hunt with clues for
him to follow. What he finds at the end could be
anything: his favorite candy, a sweet note, or you Email this feature to
lying in bed waiting for him. Try to personalize this
for your relationship. Make it something you know
he’ll love.

Use your imagination and see what you come up

with! [Read: 25 amazing 6 month anniversary date
ideas and 100+ romantic dates you can plan

8. Make him a playful packed lunch

If he is used to buying his lunch, maybe you could

pack him a sack lunch one day. This is a sweet and
nurturing gesture. You’re putting time into doing
something meaningful for him. You’ll make him feel
taken care of, which he’ll appreciate so much. And,
he’ll get a little of you during the day. 

To make him laugh, you could try making his

favourite lunch as a kid, even with a brownie and
apple juice. You could put a cute note in there, as

9. Help him with a stressful project

If he’s nervous or stressed out about an upcoming

work project, help him in any way you can. Even a
little task that may seem small, like writing up his
notes, could help him immensely. 

This is because, you being there by his side is so Email this feature to
comforting. It’s reassuring to have someone you
love next to you when you’re feeling out of sorts.
You’ll make him feel supported by letting him know
he can lean on you. Helping him out can also help
clear his mind so he can feel calmer. [Read: 14
really quick stress busters to recharge your mind
instantly (

10. Gift him a picture of the two of you

Find a cute photo of the two of you together. It

could be a picture taken recently, or maybe even
one taken when you first met! Then, go out and get
it printed and put it into a frame. You can give this
to him as a surprise gift so he can always see you
smiling into the camera. 

By giving him a picture, you’re letting him display

the two of you, as well. You’re letting him be proud
and you’re letting him always be reminded of what
a sweet couple the two of you are. [Read: Cute
relationship – 30 signs you two make people go
awww… (

11. Let him have a little alone time

Some men really value their quiet time alone. It’s a

time for him to read, watch sports, talk to his Email this feature to
buddies, or even just take a nap. When it comes to
moving in with their significant others, a lot of men
feel nervous to give up their alone time at home. 

Show him that, with you, he’ll still be able to have

his alone time. Surprise your boyfriend by giving it
to him, even when he may not know he needs it.
Tell him you’re going out for a day trip to the beach
or for a long drive. 

The time apart can actually help your relationship!

It keeps a certain kind of mystery, and makes him
miss you even more than he already does. [Read:
The very obvious hints guys give when they need
more space

12. Scent his pillow like you

Next time you’re away for the night, spritz a little of

your perfume on his pillow. You only need a tiny
amount to get a nostalgic, romantic effect. This will
remind him of you at night while he’s sleeping
alone. He’ll think of you and miss you being next to

At the same time, your sweet scent will feel

comforting to him. It’s important to keep him
feeling safe and nurtured, and a gentle reminder of
your love will do just that. Who knows what he’ll Email this feature to
dream about. You’re sure to be in them with this
cute gesture, though!

FLIRTY ways to surprise your boyfriend

Wondering how to surprse your boyfriend with
something naughty, and just a hint of sexy? Here
are all the flirty ways to surprise your boyfriend that
he’ll absolutely love!

13. Give him some a little classic romance

The idea of men not caring for romance in the

same way as women isn’t always true. There are
many guys who find classic, old-fashioned
romance as sweet as we do. It’s whimsical, it’s
romantic, and it can be just the thing to get his
heart pounding in a whole new way.

Think about how nice it feels to be given flowers or

have a warm bath with soothing candles waiting
for us when we come home. Consider showing
these same kind of gestures to your man. Although
this list is about ways to surprise your
boyfriend, you’ll likely find yourself surprised, too,
by how much he loves it! [Read: The 25 sweetest
romantic gestures for everyday life

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14. Send him flirty messages throughout the day

If you’re looking to spice things up a little, send a

flirty text to your man during the day. You can keep
it cute by telling him you’re thinking about him, or
get his mind wandering by telling him what you
want to do to him when he gets back home. This is
all about being playful by keeping the curiosity in
your relationship. It’s exciting knowing someone is
thinking about you.

Whether it’s cute and sweet, or flirty and sexy, a

little message goes a long way. He’ll be thinking
about you all day, so get ready for a wild night in!
[Read: 30 sexy things to text your boyfriend and
leave him craving for you

15. Write a steamy note in the mirror

Sneak into the bathroom while he’s showering and

write something flirty on the steamy mirror. Try an
inside joke, a simple “I love you,” or a silly smily

He may not want to get dressed afterwards!

Speaking of not getting dressed, you could even

write a little note telling him to come to the
bedroom. Maybe he’ll find you cuddled under the Email this feature to
sheets for an added surprise!

16. Plan a cozy date night in 

Is there a new movie he’s dying to see? This is your

chance to give him a cute surprise by planning a
romantic date night at home.
A few days before, ask your boyfriend if there are
any movies he’d been wanting to see lately and
when he’s gone, set up an at-home movie theater
with comfy blankets and soft pillows on the couch.
You can also make some popcorn for the two of
you to share, and maybe his favorite candy and
drinks to go with it, as well.

He’ll feel cared for with the thought you put into
this sweet gesture and he’ll feel even more
surprised when he asks what movie you’ll be

17. Watch sports games with him

One thing to know about men is just how different

they really are from us. And, for some guys, the
simple act of getting to sit back, relax, and watch
sports can be a real treat.

As a girlfriend, it’s sweet when the little things your

boyfriend enjoys get taken into consideration. By
watching sports with him, you’re really ‘spending
time with him.’ If sports are meaningful to him, this
will make him so happy. You’re showing him he can Email this feature to
be himself around you, which is an important
building block in a healthy relationship.

18. Bring him a flirty breakfast in bed

Make his favourite morning breakfast, then bring it
to him in bed for the two of you to enjoy. By
bringing him breakfast while still getting to snuggle
up in bed, you’re letting him stay in and relax a little
while longer. This will lead to a calm and relaxing
day, perfect for long naps and naked cuddles.

Your boyfriend will love how you went out of your

way to start the morning with a sweet surprise.
[Read: 15 reasons to have a fun, dirty sex marathon
all weekend (

19. Give him a special compliment 

For a flirty surprise, give your boyfriend an

unexpected compliment! There’s something so
heartwarming about really feeling noticed by
someone you love.

Think of something small and special that you just

love about him. Is there a cute dance move he does
every now and then that makes you giggle each
time? Or, do you love that cute laugh he does when
he finds something just too funny? Email this feature to

Tell him! You’ll get him blushing and wanting to

kiss you all day long! [Read: 25 unique
compliments for guys they’ll never ever forget
20. Make him feel loved with encouragement 

Encouragement and support are such important

aspects of relationships. To having someone there
to hold your hand, encourage you when you’re
feeling less than you are, and support you when
you need it, is so special.

There are a lot of ways to surprise your boyfriend

with encouragement and support. Is he feeling
nervous about anything? For a cute surprise, you
can leave him a sweet note telling him he’s going to
be great! If you’re feeling a little flirty, encourage
him with playful kisses, all over!

This will get him feeling confident again.

The idea is to let him know how proud you are of

him by showing him that you know he can do it.
Going out of your way to express your support and
encouragement will can him feel seen, loved, and
appreciated. [Read: How to stroke the male ego
and uncover his manly side when he’s down
men/how-to-stroke-the-male-ego)] Email this feature to

21. Ask him to share his secret fantasies with you

By asking a man to share his fantasies with you,

you’re asking him to be vulnerable with you. You’re
telling him that he can trust you with his secrets
and that you’re open and excited to learn more
about him. This is so important in a relationship
because, by sharing secrets and making a true
effort to understand one another, you’re building

And, it’s fun and flirty! You’ll be able to see his mind
wander as he tells you about all his secret
fantasies. Who knows where this conversation may
lead! [Read: The top 50 kinky sex ideas worth trying
at least once in your lifetime

SEXY ways to surprise your boyfriend

And finally, we’re on to the sexiest ways to surprise

your boyfriend! Looking for something naughty and
sexy? Here’s all you need!

22. Dress up for him in bed

While not all ways to surprise your boyfriend need

to be sexy, it can be exciting and sultry to surprise
him in the bedroom from time to time. Email this feature to

There are lots of ways to do this. The trick is to do

something out of the ordinary for you two! For a fun
night, try dressing up in a pretty set in lingerie, one
that makes you feel sexy. Then walk into the dimly
lit room and watch his eyes widen. Along the lines
of dress up, you could also try role playing! Put on
something that helps you get into character and
show him your inner actress! He’ll love seeing you
let loose. [Read: The sexual roleplay guide for
beginners (

Brownie points if you dress up in a flirty costume!

23. Let him act out his fantasies with you

Do you remember how he opened up earlier, when

you asked him to tell you his fantasies? Here’s your
chance to make his dreams come true by letting
him act out his wildest fantasies with you.

Even though this can get wild, it can be quite

intimate, as well. You’re showing him that you trust
him and letting him know that he can trust you, too.
The gentle vulnerability he felt by opening up to you
about his fantasies will be even more precious now
that he knows he can be even his wildest self
around you. [Read: 60 dirty and sexy things to say
to your boyfriend + the art of dirty talk
tease/sizzle/sexy-dirty-things-to-say-to-your- Email this feature to

24. Take control for the night

A lot of men love being in control in the bedroom.

It’s sexy! It can also be fun to change it up from
time to time, though.
If he’s usually the one in control, tell him you’re
going to be in the driver’s seat tonight. All he has to
do is enjoy while you make him, and you, feel
amazing. You can guide his hands to where you like
to be touched and kiss him in all his favorite
places. Just be you and he’ll love watching your
sexy confident self on top of him!

25. Bring a little whipped cream to the bedroom

Sex with someone you love is romantic, sweet and

intimate. It’s vulnerable and endearing, but it can
also be playful, too! If you haven’t tried it before,
consider bringing in some chocolate syrup or
whipped cream to the bedroom.

You’ll love the kisses that follow!

This will let you both embrace your goofy sides by

keeping sex fun. It’ll feel like the first time all over
again and since it’s sexy and silly, it’s guaranteed to
get you both giggling. After all, the way to a man’s
heart is through his stomach!

This surprise will make you sweeter than ever. Email this feature to

26. Gift him with a sexy ‘you’ voucher

This is not just any kind of voucher. This is a ‘you’

voucher! The best kind.
On your ‘you’ voucher, write down anything you’d
like to gift your man! You could list of some of the
cute things we mentioned earlier, like breakfast in
bed or a sweet homemade treat. Or, if you’re
looking to be a little more flirty, you could write
down some of the things we’ve listed here, like a
little whipped cream dream or a fun role play.

If role playing, you could even list roles to play, that

he gets to choose!

A ‘you’ voucher can be especially nice for women

who are a little more shy in the bedroom. Are there
things you’ve been wanting to try lately? Write them
on your ‘you’ voucher. He’ll be the one to suggest it,
and you can play along! [Read: How to make love to
a man – 20 secrets you need to master

27. Give him a sensual massage

There is nothing quite like a sweet, gentle massage

and here’s why. It’s sensual. By giving him a
massage, you’re showing him a certain kind of love Email this feature to
that’s sexy and nurturing. Your boyfriend will feel so
taken care of.

It’s the ultimate romantic surprise.

A massage is sure to delight him and help him

unwind if he feels stressed out or tired. You can
turn the lights down low and light some nice
candles. This will likely lead to another kind of
touch though, so be ready for a lot of ‘I love you’s’
tonight! [Read: 13 sensual massage techniques
that’ll leave anyone wanting more

28. Spend a romantic weekend at a spa

For a romantic adventure, consider planning a

surprise spa weekend or day to surprise your
boyfriend. By going to a new place and making
memories together, you’re keeping things
unpredictable and exciting! This adds a certain kind
of novelty to your relationship, which men love.

You’ll be able to relax and be pampered next to one

another while also getting to change things up in
the bedroom later that night! And, this gift keeps
giving because once you’re back home, sex in your
bed will feel like the first time all over again.

29. Take a sexy bubble bath together

Want to surprise your boyfriend with something Email this feature to

fresh and naughty? Before bed, run a nice warm
bubble bath for the two of you to dip into. This will
help him unwind while getting closer to you.

This is a cute surprise, with the bubble-filled kisses.

It’s flirty with the warm water and constant touch.
He can’t quite see you naked under the water but
he can feel you there! And, it’s sexy, as it builds
connection by bringing closeness to your

A nice, warm bubble bath can also lead to some

sexy foreplay before bed. You can then snuggle in
under the sheets, warm and wet. 

30. Take a steamy shower with him 

For a sensual surprise for your boyfriend, step in

with him next time he’s showering. This will make
him smile right away! The closeness of showering
together builds trust in couples. This increases
intimacy, and the vulnerability also gets you both
on a level to connect and just be with one another.

The cute thing about showering together is that it

helps you both become more comfortable in your
skin. You’ll notice things on each other’s bodies
that you hadn’t before. You’ll see them in a new

For a little foreplay, push him against the wall, kiss

him everywhere, and see what happens next! [Read: Email this feature to
How to have sex in the shower and enjoy every
second of it (

31. Wake him up to kisses 

If you’re looking for a sweet way to surprise your
boyfriend, wake him up with naked kisses! Nestle
under the sheets next to him and begin to kiss him
all over, everywhere. Start at his ear, go down to his
neck, his chest, his hips. This is sure to wake him
up with a smile on his face. 

Then take his hand and let him touch you. You can
even climb on top of him and let him lay back and
watch you in the sleepy early morning hours. [Read:
All the reasons why morning sex is so much easier
than sex at night

 And there you have it! The best ways to

surprise your boyfriend

Whether you’re a cutie pie or a sultry vixen, there is

guaranteed to be the perfect surprise for you and
your boyfriend here.

These ways to surprise your boyfriend are cute,

flirty, and sexy, and sure to make him appreciate Email this feature to
you even more. So, if you’re looking for ways to
show that special man in your life exactly how
much you care, give one of these a try. He’s going
to love it!
So what are you waiting for? Now that you know
how to surprise your boyfriend is all the ways you
possibly can, give a few of these a try and let him
know how loved and lucky he is!

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