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The Monstejp^Mies

Hold on to
your hats
(or any other convenient
bit of wearing apparel),
dear readers,
is about to take you jg
^ .o n a Tour of Hell

< ' Maybe so,

but what with my TMT
Handy Home Ban-lt-Yourself
Exorcism Kit
Y \
firmly in hand,
I ain’t scared!
I : : : : : 1 !

The Monster Times

Volume 1 Number 43
The World’s First Newspaper of Horror,
Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Creature credit for our arresting
to Linda Marshal!, latest addition to
TMT's sprawling art staff, who.
under the infinitely patient direction
of publisher Larry Brill, fashioned
this frightening cover practically all
by herself.
Scare scholar Jason Thomas surveys, with crucifix m hand, the diabolical contributions
made by screen demons, from the days of Melies to the present.
! 1

TMT think it’s about time to
re at
with your aliens, monsters and fiends— let’s give
the Devil his diabolical due.” The Horned One is.
say, “To Hell
6 Comics maven Howard
who have been
Phillips delves into the deviiish history of four-coior fiends
giving hell to Comiedom's superheroes for four demonic decades.

after all, one of the world’s most sinister staples

and certainly Western Civilization’s most venerable
villain, so, by Beelzebub’s beard, we feel it’s only
correct, proper, meet and just to devote an entire
9 Another informative edition of our ever-popular Monster Scene feature
with emphasis this time on the doings of the damned.

issue of this fearless publication to his craven im-

age. Lucifer’s lot has never been an easy one, as his
His Satanic Majesty’s long and defeat-filled history
in folklore, films, books and comics more than
10 Horror film
David Bartholomew presents an eerie exegesis of Horrordom's hottest
a controversial tale of Good. Evil and Indifference.

bears out. A tip of the horn to this longtime loser is

surely in order, we feel. Sinister scoop-hunters Roy Frumkes and Donna Killian get some surprising reactions
To do justice to the Prince of Evil, we rounded up
a stellar cast of Mephisto mavens and satanic
11 to THE EXORCIST fro'm such cinematic celebrities as Sam Peckinpah and Max Von Sydow'

scribes to cover as much as Old Nick’s fiery history

as we could. For film fiends, Jason Thomas contri-
TMT editor Joe Kane recalls a rarely seen but truly terrifying demonic classic —
butes an exhausting survey of SATANS IN THE
CINEMA; Tom Rogers protests such celluloid dese-
13 Beniamin Christensen's 922 WITCHCRAFT THROUGH THE AGES.

crations of H.P. Lovecraft’s demonic works as THE

Pioneering fright fictioneer H.P. Lovecraft has been getting the cinematic shaft
Roy Frunkes analyzes Jacques Tourneur’s
masterful classic, CURSE OF THE DEMON; and
15 from shoddy filmmakers tor years now. as Lovecraft lover Tom Rog., ' qpints out

last,(and certainly least) TMT Editor Joe Kane^

recalls with frightful fondness Benjamin Christen- ENTERPRISING EXORCIST!:
sen’s silent satanic study, WITCHCRAFT commander of the USS Enterprise, frequently doubled as
Captain Kirk,

THROUGH THE AGES. For you exorcism enthusi- 19 STAR TREK scholar Doug Murray demonstrates
a futuristic exorcist, as

asts, we have David Bartholomew’s in-depth

critioue of William Friedkin and Peter Blattv’s THE TMT HANDY HOME DO-IT-YOURSELF EXORCISM KIT! ’


THE EXORCIST; Roy Frumkes and Donna NationalLampoon scribe Dean Latimer contributes an eerily invaluable guide to
Killian’sEXORCIST-oriented interviews with such potentanti-demon products and exorcizes guaranteed to drive demons from your door
cinematic celebrities as Sam Peckinpah and Max
Von Sydow; Doug Murray’s profile of CAPTAIN CURSE OF THE DEMON — PART I!

KIRK, EXORCIST; and Dean Latimer’s handy

Ban-It-Yourself Exorcism Kit. Comics Tans are
likewise served— as Howard Phillips traces the Evil
22 Roy Frumkes
delivers a detailed analysis of
from its
Jacques Tourneur's terror classic.
conception rightonuptothetitle credits.

One’s angry em;tnnitefs*^flh four-coldf" siipeT^ TICKS OF THE TRADE!:

heroes, from Mercury to the Silver Surfer. If BillFeret and friends bring weird word of new monstrous media offerings.
that— along with several satanic surprises not including several EXORCIST imitations and capsule critiques of made-for-TV demon films

mentioned here— isn’t enough to slake the evil

thirst of even the most dedicated demon devotee, ROSEMARY'S BABY!
well, may Mephisto have mercy on your soul, man. TMT critic Alan Brandman analyzes the evil ingredients that made ROSEMARY'S BABY —
Before we go to the Devil, however, the TMT Roman Polanski s perverse precursor to THE EXORCIST— so satanically successful.
Dept, of Corrections would like to point out a few of
the more salient errors that marred the otherwise
typically brilliant issue, that preceded this one. We
neglected to^ run JasonvThomas’' byline under his Now for the Good comments. The cover was Thanks for the model. Henry. The Monster
INCREDIBLE SHRINKING lH AN photo story or great, I thought.
Hooray for Six Versions of Frankenstein.
Times Museum has yet to see the light of day
but you might want to check out The Monster
credit TMT Media Editor R. Allen Leider for his Jason Thomas knows a good movie when he Times Store. Located at 167 West 21st Street
Trek Talk interview with STAR TREK mentor sees one. (between 6th and 7th Avenues), The Monster
Even though have never seen John Zacherly
Times Store specializes in all kinds of monster
Gene Roddenberry. Also, there’s a line missing in in action. enjoyed the article on him. and he
goods— books, novelties, masks, just about
Don Hutchison’s SAGA OF OPERATOR 5 certainly seems to know how to liven up a
everything of a macabre bent. The Monster
show. Times Store is open from 12 to 5, Monday
article— in the middle of the third column on page 7, admired John Tibbets’ article on VAMPYR.
through Friday, but potential browsers and
the text should read, “The estimable Crowe, gentle- a film which seldom has received the attention customers are advised to call first at (212)
it deserves. Incidentally, this was the best
man’s gentleman extraordinary, did not dream that installment of his series.

Carleton Victor, photo-portraitist of worldwide SPACE: 1999 looks delicious, but living
Terror Tribute
reputation, was a convenient cover for Jimmy where do. Maine, there is a possibility that

shall never get to see it. It looks a lot better

Christopher. The sharp-nosed, stiff-shouldered

than UFO. which was a pretty good show in

To the Editor...
remember the program STINGRAY, must say ('cause
I it’s true). TMT #41 was
Crowe,” etc. You can rest assured that those itself. I

beautiful! It's sure to become a collector's

Although it was not a great show, thought it i

responsible for these monstrous mistakes have item. It had something for everyone.
was good children's entertainment, which is
been swiftly and severely dealt with. certainly lacking nowadays.
Did my eyes deceive me or was Mark
Anyone remember WILLARD? Well. caught
We’d love to linger a moment more but, what

Carducci's report about the Shepperton auction

it on the tube last night, and you should have
left out of #41 's Monster Scene? Sounds like ft
with our creditors and the Devil to pay, we re afraid seen the butchering job CBS did on it. am I

could be an interesting article

Cl seriously considering a letter to the network.
we must needs be on our way. By the way. whatever happened to all those
Mitchells filmbook of IT! THE TERROR

TELL IT TO rats involved in WILLARD and BEN? Did they

have to exterminate them after all that training?
have a request to make. How about running
FROM BEYOND SPACE was a good article
about an overrated film. wonder how many

feel as strongly about this film as he does. The



articles on BARBARELLA or a few of

Bergman’s horror-inspiring films such as THE
MAGICIAN (starring Max Von Sydow) or HOUR
low budget still does not excuse the cheap
sounding title.
The Frankenstein films article did justice in

BRILL AND LES WALDSTEIN. Editor-in-Chief JOE KANE. Praise and Nays Its coverage, as did the article on YOUNG
OF THE WOLF. Would also appreciate FRANKENSTEIN, although the latter doesn't
Managing Editor: RON BARLOW. Media Editor: R. ALLEN something on Polanski's films, including
LEIDEP. Associate Editors: THOMAS ROGERS, MARK FRANK, To the Editor... seem worthy of much more than a mere ’

JASON THOMAS, MARK EVANIER, STEVE VERTLIEB, JIM I have decided to write to you people Thanks for listening to my ravings, but the
mention that, unfortunately, it was made.
WNOROSKI, BILL FERET. Assistant Art Director: COLETTE (finally), mostly because haven't done so The Zacherly article failed to mention that
Doctor says have to go back to my padded

recently. However, before bestow any ole Zach did several LP's of his horror humor
room now. Keep up the good work.
deserved praise upon TMT, shall first offer a and songs in a similar vein (sorry) as
MONSTER MASH. From what understand,

few opinions to bore you with. Albion. Maine


GARRY BROWN, RON HAYDOCK, GARY SVEHLA, LON TALBOT, have just read issue #41 and here are my the albums are still available.

SPACE: 1999 sounds like it might make it.

GEOFF OLDHAM. JOE ZANNIERI, JOEL VANCE, ROY FRIMKES, derogatory remarks (the compliments come Now that TMT's sprawling staff of creature
think Mark Jacobson went to see Too often tho. the powers that be go by a
DOUG MURRAY. Contributing Artists: TOM ARMSTRONG, later). I
contributors have been chastised and praised,
show's first telecast and fail to allow an
FRANK BRUNNER, TOM SUTTON, NEAL ADAMS, GRAY YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN in the wrong frame of each in his turn, we have some good news for
MORROW, BILL NELSON, JIM JANES, 6ERNI WRIGHTSON, mine— II is not supposed to be a frightening audience buildup. Hopefully the results ol the
you: BARBARELLA will be receiving the royal
JEFF JONES, ERNIE COLON. JOHN BYRNE. MIKE KALUTA. it is not supposed to treat the Creature
article in TMT will provide this series with a
film, TMT filmbook treatment in a near-future issue
Marketing Director: WARREN CHAPMANS. Contributing Photo- seriously. It is a parody of those 1930s horror
of this publication, and we’ll also be running a
significant initial audience, keeping it on the
graphers: BARRY GLUSKY, EMANUEL MARIS. Circulation: movies, Mark, and it is supposed to be “a sea air.
detailed expose of the fright film butchery
DAVID HUTT. Advertising Manager: LARRY BRILL. Creepy of ha-ha’s." On this level the film succeeded How about a filmbook on SON OF BLOB, it
Consultant: THE CREEP. West Coast Representative: LARRY
performed by TV film editors. As a Bergman
admirably, and although you are fully entitled has two of my favorite singers in it. They aren't
WALDSTEIN. fan, you'll also want to take a look at our
to your opinion, it might be nice if somebody pad actors either!
mini-interview with Max Von Sydow on page 1
THE MONSTER TIMES \o 43, September 1975, is published by built you a^NEW frame for your mind. Rusty Pietrzak
of this issue.
The Monster Times Publishing Company, Inc., 11 West 17th Street, Dayton. Ohio
The photos that accompanied the mummy
New York, New York 10011. All rights reserved by The Monster article were... well... YUCH
Times Publishing Company, Inc. Nothing may be reprinted in
whole or pari in any manner without express written permission
Joe Kane — noticed that swipe at Polanski's
Thanks for the warm words, Rusty. The
Shepperton Auction report finally turned up in
VAMPIRE KILLERS. Watch it. Joe— that was Manhat4an Monster Mart
from the publisher. SUBSCRIPTIONS: UiS.A.: $8 for 12 issues, an excellent film. TMT 42.
$15 for 24 issues, $25 for 50 issues. Canada: $11 for 12 issues.
Joel Liman’s film, from his own description, To the Editor...
Foreign: $20 for 12 issues. Please allow six weeks for
deserves the obscurity it is getting. It sounds am sending you something for the Got a gripe? Somethin’ you want to get off your
subscriptions to become effective. SUBSCRIBER CHANGE OF I

hairy chest? Or, perchance, a nice note of

ADDRESS: Allow eight weeks! notice, and please send an address ilke a piece of garbage, and it's obvious why "MonsterTimes Museum." The UFO spaceship
big distributors refused to handle it. Who does praise for your friendly fiends at TMT? Then
imprint from a recent issue or state exactly how label is addressed. from THE INVADERS TV show. am a great fan I

Uman think he is? He turns out a piece of gore,

send them straight to us. Remember: It takes
All subscriptions, inquiries, address changes or undeMverabie of The Monster Times: love every issue. I

all kinds ... and so do we. Address all

copies should be sent to: The Monster Times, Post Office Box 595, and then has the nerve to call it a “horror film.’’ hope you can use the model. Please let me correspondences to: To the Editor, THE
Old Chelsea Station, New York, New York 10011. Printed in No plot, no acting, just a bunch of shootings know when you open up the Museum. MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea
Canada. Distributed by The Kabie News Company, Inc. and stabbings. Henry Hood Station, New York, New York 10011.
The Monster Times page 3

Ian has always had a Demons are

lascination with devils — they our business,
and religions,
exist in all cultures
ouronly business
and were (and still are) even
worshipped at times. Naturally, this special All-
the film industry could not pass Demon, All-Exorcism
up any opportunities to capitalize Issue of TMT
on this durable trend. Since 1896,
at least. And
there have been over 100 motion
pictures containing demons of
what better
one kind or another, and there way to kick off
have been countless others this very spe-
concerning devil worship (THE cial issue than
OWN, CRAZE, etc.). There were
many (mostly short subject) Thomas’ ex-
productions featuring His Satan- haustive (not
ic Majesty during the silent era, to mention ob-
and although the pace slackened sessive) his-
since then, we are currently
undergoing a revival of such tory of prac-
films due to the success of THE tically every
EXORCIST. It seems that demon movie
everybody wants to get into the ever made?
act nowadays, and movies like
That’s a rhetor-
WITH THE DEVIL, and THE ical question,
DEVIL AND MR. JONES will by the way, so
soon be coming our way. A lot of rather than ex-
these productions have been
pend your en-
good in their own way, but the
more recent ones tend to be
ergy arriving at
shoddy and derivative. Let’s an answer,
hope things pick up soon. we’d suggest
you squander
SATAN’S SILENTS it instead on this
George Melies is pretty much
considered to be the Father of
informative, revealing
Animation. He made approxi- survey of cellu-
mately 500 short films between loid Satans.
1896 and 1912, and most of these
contained fantasy elements. He
was really incredible, and many
of his techniques led to the
fantastic special effects that
appear in movies today. His
filmography includes at least a
dozen shorts containing demons,
but we don’t have room to go into
these in detail. (You’ll find the
titles and release dates of these
and numerous other devilish
silent shorts listed at the
conclusion of this satanic survey.
Since 1897, there have been at
least 15 films releasedunder the
The snarl of the sidhe —a new^variation on your
traditional demonic fiend— was one of the
title. FAUST. These all dealt, in highlights of CRY OF THE BANSHEE, a
various ways, with the classic generally weak demon outing that saw ah evil
German legend of an intelligent Vincent Price, among others, done in by this sly
man who lusted after youth and devil. Mephisto maven Jason Thomas spared
greater knowledge, and was neither time nor expense to bring us this terror
willing to sell his immortal soul treatiseabout the cinematic doings of the Lords
to get them. Other adaptations- of.the Damned.
ITE, which was filmed four times

since 1897 were also lensed, and
at least half a dozen of these
titles contained the name
“Faust” in them. DANTE’S
INFERNO was another oft-
filmed favorite, with at least four
versions (1909, 1910, 1924, 1935)
floating around, but the famous,
tour of hell in these versions!
usually turned out to be merely'
dream sequences.
In 1911, an interesting bit of
cinematic deviltry, SATAN — OR
was released in Italy, Dante's
4 OPCgi
former stomping ground. This
was based in part on John 'kerwin Matthews lays violent hands on Torin
Thatcher as Pendragon, an evil figure who could
Milton's Paradise Lost and was
change into a winged demon at the drop of a
composed of four separate
wizard’s hat and had at his command several
In the prelude, the War in would have succeeded if a
episodes. In each, the Devil was surly, unsightly demons, in a scene from JACK
Heaven was briefly shown and, — glowing cross h adn’t one day
depicted in a different time THE GIANT KILLER. naturally, that’s when the Devil
appeared in mid-air and caused
period: the Garden of Eden, and his followers were cast into
him to disappear. Satan was also
during Christ’s life, the Middle hell. Throughout the rest of the
featured as the fiery Doomsday
Ages, and the contemporary film, winged demon-lord
dragon that spewed forth
“underworld.” During the course went around disguised as a FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE
of the film, he invented intoxi- prince, tempting mortals and APOCALYPSE.
being downright rude. At the
cating beverages in order to In 1922, the LEAVES FROM
bring about the fall of humanity finale, he fled when the heroine SATAN’S BOOK revealed four
(temperance, anyone’?). That recited the Lord’s Prayer. stories about the Devil’swork on
same year saw the release of In THE DEVIL’S LOCK Earth. The first one showed how
THE DEVIL AS LAWYER, in SMITH, a silent Austrian entry he had changed his appearance
which Satan— in the role of of 1919, several laborers made a and led Judas to betray Christ.
Justice, strangely enough- pact with old Lucifer. The In the others, he posed as a
managed to get a dishonest man German classic SATANAS (1919) Spanish Inquisitor, a celebrity of
convicted of his crimes. was really three stories in one. In the French Revolution, and a
THE STUDENT OF PRAGUE it, Lucifer traveled through member of the Russian Red
(1913, 1926, 1936) was a ancient Egypt, Borgian Italy, and Guard. During this same year, an
combination of legend and tales Russia (during the Revolution) in imaginary meeting between Lu-
by E.T.A. Hoffman and E.A. Poe. a fruitless attempt to find cifer and the title characters
This time around, Mephistoph- someone who could derive good occurred in DON JUAN AND
eles appeared as a sorcerer. In- from evil. Supposedly, this would FAUST. WITCHCRAFT
terestingly enough, the soul of have saved him from eternal THROUGH THE AGES (1922)
the protagonist was symbolized damnation. was a phantasmagoria of occult
by animated mirror image.
his When the ’20s came along, beings and practices and a
The most recent version of this THE DEVIL (1921) again en- genuinely eerie gem.
story was a musical. tered our world in human form, It seems that there were
Of the two versions of THE this time disguised as a doctor. Italian muscleman movies as far
SORROWS OF SATAN (1917 He spent his time trying to make back as- 1926, as was evidenced
and 1926), the one directed by a pair of lifelong friends distrust by MACISTE IN HELL. Deep in
D.W. Griffith was far superior. each other, and he probably the infernal regions, the power-
page 4

ful hero saw Dante’s Satan: a

giant monster in ice, holding
Judas, Brutus, and Cassius in his
ugly mouth. Other demons
appeared here in abundance, and
some female ones mated with
mortals and begot little mon-
strosities. It wasn’t until some 36
years later that this flick was
remade as THE WITCHES’
CURSE, and the plotline then
was somewhat less involved.
was up to his old tricks in 1926,
when he tried to corrupt an
English nobleman by using a
temptress. When the woman
failed towin his love, she helped
the fellow against the Evil One.
Satan appeared wearing a
tuxedo in THE DEVIL’S PA-
RADE (1930), and there were
three versions of SATAN’S
FIVE WARNINGS (1938, 1945,
1969), in which the Lord of
Darkness made five predictions
that came true. Finally, in 1939, a
war between gods and demons
was filmed as India’s DEVJANI.
this article today.
Oneof the most entertaining of
all devil films was ALL THAT (1957) was a
low-budget American-Interna-
MONEY CAN BUY (1941)-also
tinal release that turned out to
known as THE DEVIL AND be rather good. In it, the mind of
DANIEL WEBSTER. In this a 20th century prostitute was
offering, a poor New Hampshire
sent back in time to share the
farmer was granted wealth and
body of a previous incarnation.
success for seven years; after
this time, he was supposed to
Two witches— a young, beautiful,
world. bad one and an old, ugly, good
relinquish his soul (or his son’s)
to the Devil himself. were We
Amusingly, the Devil (Cedric —
one shared her ensuing adven-
Hardwicke) was shown watching tures, and the Devil popped up
awarded an extra treat here, Hugo Haas' BAIT (1954) in the once in a while to enliven things
because quite a tew zombies and film, and he narrated the movie even more and to barter for
spirits were thrown in, too. At as well. The French entry of this mortal souls. Although the
the conclusion, the famous Daniel year, CLOSED DOORS, present- heroine straightened herself out
Webster (without whom we ed a hell that was a lavishly at the finale, the hero (a
might not have had any decorated hotel room. The contemporary scientist) became
dictionaries) convinced a jury of occupants were stuck there stranded in the past. The Prince
dead American villains that the he sent the guy “upstairs.” forever, tormenting each other of Evil laughed loud and long at
man should not lose his soul. In When a doublecrossed racke- with endless philosophizin, 'le man’s irreversible predic-
revenge, the calm Mr. Scratch teer died and went to hell, he and accusations. ment.
(Walter Houston) prevented made a bargain with Old Nick in
Webster from ever attaining the ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER
political post he wanted so badly.
(1946). He then inhabited the
An artist purchased THE body of a living judge and
DEVIL’S HAND (1942), and the attempted to get revenge and
Horned One told him that he undo all of the man’s good work.
would have to sell it for less than Don’t worry, though; things
he paid within 24 hours, of else worked out fine in the end
he would be transported to hell because the villain was a
for eternity. France continued its somewhat righteous dude, after
long list of demonic entries all.
during this year, also, when a In the 1947 version of THE
medieval Satan sent THE DEV- DEVIL’S HAND — also known as
eliminate the love of a young poor artist made a bargain with
couple. These creatures— who Guess Who. In exchange for his
ance), Milland succeeded in
had been selfish sweethearts soul, the chap received a live trapping his prey. However, a
when they were alive were — hand that brought him wealth priest interfered and used a Holy
empowered to turn people into and corrupted him. Tauntingly, Bible to make the fallen angel
stone. Later on in the film, Satan gave him an opportunity to fail.
Lucifer joined them, but his plan buy back his soul at a very low THE BEAUTY AND THE
failed. The Evil One even tangled price, but the amount doubled DEVIL (1949) was a fine takeoff
with a real “evil one” in THE each day. The guy was so greedy on Christopher Marlowe’s “Tra-
DEVIL WITH HITLER. There that he allowed too many days to gical History of Dr. Faustus,” Carol Speed fell victim to demonic possession in ABBY (1974), a black-oriented
in, Satan tried his worst to get elapse, thereby sealing his doom. with some interesting variations. imitation of THE EXORCIST. William (Blacula) Marshali played the bishop
the infamous Nazi dictator to In it, Satan went around called upon to rescue the heroine from the clutches of an ever-greedy Satan.
perform one good act so that
granting requests— for a price, of
Hitler wouldn’t replace him as
we got an opportunity to see Ray
course; the time-honored themes Another Faustian variation A number of the “Bowery
Milland in one of his first horror was MARGUERITE
Lord of the Lower Depths. of greed and wasted youth OF THE Boys” films contained fantasy
films, as a modern-day demon
In the 1943 comedy, CABIN IN provided the motivation for this NIGHT (1955), set in 1920s Paris. elements, and in UP IN SMOKE
THE SKY, Rex Ingram (who who was out production. At the conclusion, After meeting a drug trafficker (1957), Huntz Hall sold his soul to
to get the who was really Mephistoph-
once played God) was cast as when the “hero” repented, Me- the Devil in order to get the
soul of a Faust made the traditional names of winning race horses,
Lucifer; Jr. He and his four “Idea phistopheles (a “second-class eles,
Men” plagued the main charac- good man. demon”) caused the economic bargain to regain his youth. and the creature appeared daily
ters and tempted them with all
Through collapse of his country in a When the usual ensuing love in the forms of talking monkeys,
sorts of things — unsuccessfully, slow and parting act of revenge. The affair between Faust and Mar- skeletons, and so on, to provide
careful guerite failed, the woman died, him with the information. At the
for the most part. Lucifer people, led by the now-ruined
listened to a man’s life story in planning man, succeeded in routing the — —
and ironically only the demon end, our hero got out of the
(and clairvoy-
HEAVEN CAN WAIT, in ordeq devil and returning to their mourned her. bargain because his horse was
to determine where the fellow’j former existence. One year later, FAUSTINA disqualified. As a result of his
soul belonged. At the conclusio sold her soul to the demon One ended up as
failure, the Evil
THE DEVIL TO PAY Mephisto for her lost youth. A a mortal soda jerk until some
Another Italian demonic entry three-headed flying dragon new victims came along.
(1950), which was also released in AND THE DRAGON (1956), but (1958) was brilliantly directed,
the U.S. as ONE NIGHT OF a tat “wind demon” had a sup- but many complain that
FAME. When lovestruck man
a porting role in the movie. The we should not have been
used an Oriental charm to hero (who was also fat) managed permitted to see the giant
summon the Horned One, he to capture the demon, and he demon; I for one enjoyed viewing
traded his soul for immediate used the thing’s power for his the fearsome beast. (See Roy
fame. After being placed in the own benefit. Frumkes’ detailed analysis of
bodies of a singer, a fighter, and When Lucifer (Vincent Price) this fine fright film elsewhere in
a diplomat, he awoke to find that wanted to destroy Earth, a this issue. Ed.)—
jthe transplants had all been a heavenly trial was convened and suppose it was inevitable that

dream. the Spirit of Man defended us. the Lord of the Underworld
In MEET MR. LUCIFER Throughout the 1957 movie, we would end up in a musical
|1953), an actor portraying the saw a condensed version of THE comedy, and he did; in DAMN
"title character fell through a trap STORY OF MANKIND (the YANKEES (1958). Ray Walston
door and ended up in Hades for a most interesting aspect of which played His Satanic Majesty in
while. This dream comedy ws that an Egyptian pharoah this delightful farce about an old
posited the idea that television is gave Satan one million souls). man who wanted to be young and
This fancifui heli-dweiler tried to sabotage old Saint Nick, of ail the dastardiy a diabolical invention that the Naturally, our defender won out famous, and also help out his
deeds, in the 1959 Mexican fantasy fiim SANTA CLAUS, starring Jose Eiias Devil is using to spread misery against his witty opponent, and favorite baseball team. Satan
Moreno y Cesareo Quezada. and confusion throughout the that’s why you’re able to read granted his request and used an
The Monster Times

irresistible (so some people dragon, among other things. At

thought) woman to corrupt him. one point in the film, the
Everything turned out alright in unsightly devils attacked the
the end, though, except for heroes in a violent sword-and-
Walston’s plans. sorcery sequence. When Pendra-
SANTA CLAUS (19.59) was gon was slain, though, the
rather an unlikely title for a monsters ceased to bother
demon film, but one played a anyone.
very important comical role in Demonic possession was the
this Mexican production. theme of THE DEMON (1963).
Throughout the story, the thing The victim this time was a young
from hell busied itself with woman who became quite upset
attempts to sabotage Saint Nick. over disembodied voices and
“Mr. Ho-Ho-Ho” eventually tri- terrifying nightmares (wouldn’t
umphed, however, and the devil you?). When a priest tried to
ended up upside-down in a exorcise her, she attacked him
chimney, or some such thing. while shouting in an unknown
tongue, and his attempts to save
INGMAR’S EVIL ONE Another demon
her failed.
Ingmar Bergman is a highly visited Earth in THE DEVIL ON
respected director, and there VACATION (1963). To make
have been many books written sure that he enjoyed himself", the
about him, but his DEVIL’S EYE creature made a couple become
(1960) is not too well-known. This younger in exchange for some
humorous social commentary gambling money.
made Satan want to corrupt a
mortal (virgin) woman whose DIFFERENT DEMON
goodness had caused him to A strange, invisible demon-
develop a stye. He sent Don Juan was Bedevilled old duffer gets forced bed-of-nails therapy in a typically vile scene from THE DEVIL’S NIGHTMARE, a 1972
thing called a Horla
quickie that had little to offer beyond a good set of gory stills.
to Earth to seduce her, but this introduced in DIARY OF A
failed and goodness triumphed MADMAN (1963). This beast CAL GAME. demon who wanted to take over very interesting moments that
(sort of). Several other demons was one of many from another the body of a good guy. This dealt with a giant demon, an
According to the Bible, Jesus
appeared at intervals, including dimension, and they were some- Christ was tempted by the Devil moody, well-done effort was outsized spider, an apparition on
one that could hear anything that times able to breach the barrier while they were in the “wilder- supposed to be a pilot film, but no horseback (Death), Chris Lee as
was happening anywhere in the between our domain and theirs. ness.” This was shown in THE series ever came out of it. a good warlock, and the Sabatic
universe, and another that got It was a demon in its o^j|^ way GREATEST STORY EVER Throughout the story, the Goat himself! Despite its many
locked up in a cupboard. Another because it thrived nefarious creature got stronger faults, the film remains a favorite
TODL (1965), but not in the
humor-oriented demon film, the on evil. Vincent as it neared its goal, and on of mine.
silent version of KJING OF several occasions it even con- The most recent Faust movie I
Price was the KINGS (1927): in the latter, the
LAUGH, was released the same second and Evil One made his sales pitch
fronted the heroes while in know of is DOCTOR FAUSTUS
year and saw Satan tempt a trio disguise. At the exciting conclu- (1967), which starred Richard
of hobos. sion, it succeeded in its mission, Burton as the intellectual who
The French-Italian effort, THE but then the resident psychic sold his soul to Satan (who
DEVIL AND THE TEN COM- investigator destroyed it. appeared once in the movie). In
MANDMENTS (1962), present- Peter Cushing and Chirstoher return, he was granted his every
ed the Lord of Darkness as the Lee starred in THE SKULL wish for a number of years. The
movie’s narrator, and later on he (1965), which also featured a somber, sympathetic demon in
appeared in the form of a snake. foreign demon. This invisible human form, Mephistopheles, re-
At about the same time, Satan creature was very attached to mained at his beck and call for
was invoked by THE DEVIL’S the skull in question, and often the allotted period, but he
PARTNER, but I don’t know if used it to commit murder by constantly suggested to Faust
he actually appeared or not. animating the calcium. The skull that he withdraw from the
THE DEVIL’S MESSENGER was able to fly and bite people to bargain and beg forgiveness
(1962) was a foreign-made pilot death, and it did a pretty good from God. When the time ran
for a TV series called 13 Demon job of it. This was one of those out, the fool tried to save himself,
Street, starring Lon Chaney as flicks in which the evil continued but he was pulled into hell
His (baggy-eyed) Satanic Majes- to exist (triumphant) at the anyway.
ty.At the beginning of the tale, a conclusion. One of the all-time classics of
youngs dead woman was given In 1478, Beelzebub sent the the occult is ROSEMARY’S
the option of either suffering in Archdevil Belfagor to the land of BABY (1968). Unlike most
hell or becoming the Devil’s the living for the purpose of adaptations, this was taken
emissary on Earth. She accepted victim to hell-haunted house in another
renewing a war between Rome almost word-for-word from the
Robed coachman transports deserving
the latter, and then went around scene from THE DEVIL’S NIGHTMARE, starring Erika Blanc and Jean Servais. and Florence. The demon substi- original novel. (See Alan Brand-
three times to corrupt mortal tuted himself for the Pope’s son, man’s critique of that classic
men. With the success of these last victim of the fiend, which following the Temple scene. I but he soon got emotional over a further on in this issue.)
missions, Satan gave her the took control of his body and then seem to remember that Satan beautiful woman and ended up as TORTURE GARDEN (1968)
formula for a super-atomic bomb. made him turn to murderous made a brief appearance in the
It was then left up to mankind deeds. At the conclusion, his self- sound version of KING OF
whether to use the weapon or not sacrifice caused the monster to KINGS (1961), but I’m not sure
(we’re still here, though — die in a flaming building. about this because I don’t think
think). Both THE HAUNTED PAL the Devil was shown to the
Quite a number of demons ACE (1963) and THE DUN- audience. In GREATEST, Don-
appeared in the animated spec- WHICH HORROR (1969) were ald Pleasance was cast as the
tacular, JACK THE GIANT cinematic adaptations of H.P. Tempter, and he appeared
KILLER (1962, all under the Lovecraft tales. (See the article several times throughout the
control of the evil sorcerer, on Lovecraft elsewhere in this film.
Pendragon, who had the ability issue). In 1964. the Devil turned The DARK INTRUDER (1965)
to change himself in to a winged up again, in Mexico’s DIABOLI- was none other than a Sumerian

Demons get a head start on theirvictims in yet another appropriately violent vignette from THE DEVIL’S NIGHTMARE.

— —
This scene reminiscent of ROSEMARY’S BABY transpired in the course of
an obscure opus entitied EXORCISM’S DAUGHTER, a wicked work neglected,
doubtless for good reasons, by our otherwise exhaustive demon scholar.

THE DEVIL IN LOVE (1966). treated us to no less than two

A very amusing black cornedy things from hell: Satan himself,
with a modern setting was and a cat-creature that went
BEDAZZLED (1967), in which around hypnotizing people and
Satan (Peter Cook) ran a eating human brains. The feline
legitimate Soul Exchange. He was not stopped during the
made a bargain with a young course of the movie, and the
man (Dudley Moore) who man- Devil naturally continued his
aged to botch seven wishes dastardly deeds at the conclu-
before he made the Devil decide sion. This film was reminiscent of

not to take him after all. At one DR. TERROR’S HOUSE OF-
point, we got to hear the voice of HORRORS, in that it predicted
"God," and at another we saw a the future of several of the
nearly naked Raquel Welch as characters. Aninteresting Czech
Lilian Lust, one of the personi- film of 1969, GENII, saw several
fied Seven Deadly Sins. demons journey from the center
I got turned on to the study of
of the Earth to check up on
witchcraft in 1967, after having humanity.
immature, optimistic romp CONTINUED ON PAGE 27
through warlock land had a few
— — a

page 6
page 7

Exhibiting a “swiftness and ferocity unheard of in earthly creatures," Draaga,

a monster in the employ of a villain called “The Judge,” altempts to put an
abrupt end to the comic book career of THE DEMON, one of Jack Kirby's better
efforts and the industry’s first demonic superhero. This action-packed illus-
tration appeared in the March ’73 issue of THE DEMON. Copyright National
Periodical Publications.
This eternal, many-tentacled hor- elemental that was summoned by “APE” POSTBR

DEMONS V& ror which w'as very reminiscent
of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu (see
larticle elsew-here in this issue)
Iconsumed living flesh and grew
a self-sacrificing black
J udging by the way the tale

ended, this monster will not turn

up again. On the other hand, I

beautiful giant color poster of tfie

cover to TMT #33. $1 .50 plus 60c.

Ifrom it. At story’s end, part of have no doubts that Wulf will "PLANET OF THE APES"
Ithe loathsome thing remained encounter more demons before GOES BANANAS!!!
[alive to threaten the universe. his number comes up.
Seven issues later. Swamp National (DC) has a new’ series
Thing’s body was actually pos- that has a lot of really good
sessed by a winged demon from potential: Beowulf, the Dragon
Hades. The conflict between the Slayer. As of this writing, only
the first issue has been released
to the public, but I anxiously
await the next one (in which he is
supposed to meet up with Satan
himself). The villain of this book BANANAS .. Those adorable apes abound
tw-o creatures was is Grendel, a gruesome (aren’t with this premier issue of a wild new book
Loaded with actual stills from the Ape

Another of TMT’s sprawling staff
souls to the Master of Hades. Her I guess.
fantastic, ending with the
demon’s banishment from
Earth. Easy come, easy go,
of this writing, the April, 1975
marked Mephisto's
last known ap-
they all?) demon from hell intent
on destroying all of mankind for
its master, the Devil. This mass-
ive orange thing was a mere (?)
series accompanied by some of the funniest
ape dialogue you'll ever hear! 75c plus 25c

touch meant instant death to The Golem’sseries ended after pearance in a Marvel comic, though dragon in the original epic poem,
of monster mavens and demon
bad guys, and she was able to only a few issues, but it was odds are that he won’t be out of but comics have a way of
devotees, Howard Phillips, con-
perform certain miracles (per- interesting w'hile it lasted. In action for long. An evil android called
tributed the following compulsive exaggerating things. While
haps she should have been called STRANGE TALES #’s 176 and
Doomsman also added to the sinister
survey of Comicdom’s eeriest Evil "mighty-muscled Beowulf did not
excitement in a book scripted by Roy
the Black Angel). Naturally, I’m 177 (1974), he was attacked by cross the fiend’s path in the
Ones and their rugged encounters Thomas and iilustrated by Rich
sure everyone would like to three air and two fire demons opening tale, he did get to
with four-color superheroes, and Buckler.
a frighteningly fascinating survey
know why Satan would want to that were sent to Kaballa, the combat four winged demons.
put an end to the work of villains. Unclean (who, by any other The Silver Surfer’s most Check this publication out,
it is. Whatever other accusations

you might wish to level at this Don’t ask me, though, because I name, would seem as foul). enemy is undoubtedly
despicable because it’s really something
humble publication, you can’t can’t understand it.either! During two violent struggles Mephisto,who rules a hell else.
accuse us of knowing more than A year later. Madam Satan with these flying fiends, the somewhere on another astral Two months later, DC’s
(also known as Black Satan) came stone hero defeated them before plane. This red-skinned demon- STALKER #1 W'as published.
we tell.
along in PEP #17 (M.L.J.— now they could harm his friends. We lord is much like Satan, but is This variation on an old theme
"Radio”). She was a woman who never learned the outcome of this apparently not as powerful. Ever concerns a young man who sold
had died and gone to purgatory plot— nor whether Kaballa him- since Galactus’ former herald
I ’m back again, this time with a
his soul in return for invincible
survey of demons in comic books. (?); because she had been so self was a demon because the — was stranded on Earth, Mephisto combat skills. The only trouble
As one might suspect, I could not corrupt while on Earth, the Devil series was abruptly discontinued took an intense disliking toward is, his soul was removed from his
chose her for his mate and sent due to apparent lack of interest. him. Every chance the vile bod.y as soon as the bargain was
possibly fit all of comicdom’s den- ^

izens of hell into an article of this

her back to our humble land of Conan has battled many creature gets, he torments the struck! Since then, the protago-
size. Therefore, I’ve decided to
#5 (Marvel. 1972). He was F different monsters, and at least Silver Surfer by either sending nist has gone around with blazing EAT AN APE! ... Collect and eat your favorite
summoned by Johnny Blaze, a one of these (in issue #45, 1974) monsters against him or taunting red eyes and without emotions. apes with these “Planet of the Apes”
cover only those demons who lollipops. Each giant milk chocolate flavored
have crossed the paths of
jdaredevil motorcyclist who was supposed to be a demon. him with the memory of his Because he thinks he got a raw •ollipop has a monstrous picture of an ape
r wanted to sell his soul in order to Whether it was or not, the thing distant (so it is believed) loved deal. Stalker wants to cancel the actually printed on it ... and you can eat them
super-characters who have had T,

The premier issue of save the life of another. The Evil was not an evil thing. Because of one. Despite all of the villain’s whole game. The last we saw of
too! ... If you dare! There's Dr. Zaius,
their own series. If we can get Cornelius, 2 different General Urko, and
DC s BEOWULF, One granted his wish and turned a serious misunderstanding mighty attempts, though, “He him, he was on his way to settle Galen. You get 2 pops for only SI .00
enough favorable response to t I
DRAGON SLAYER pit- him into the (new) Ghost Rider, (jumping to conclusions can be V ho Rides the Airwaves” always things with Dgrth (a.k.a. Wgrth), Including postage.
to this pibce, well probably end
up doing one on other graphic
ted that superhero of ill but for some asinine reason that dangerous), the Cimmerian and manages to remain pure and the Demon Lord of Warriors —
early European folk- was never adequately explained, triumphant. The last time that
demons someday. Until then. I’m
sure that there’s plenty in this
lore against his arch-
enemy Grendel, a min- 'PiZ Satan never collected Johnny’s
the creature’s part-human son
killdd the “Demon of Dark Mephisto appea -ed was in
gigantic, armored horror from
Somewhere Else. Watch out, COLLECTORS
issue to keep all of us busy. ion of Satan and veter-
soul. Instead, in GHOST RIDER Valley.” Afterward, the offspring FANTASTIC FOUR #157 (Mar- hero: whom Dgrth makes, he can SPECIAL!
an of many a mead- #9 (1974), a man who just might committed suicide, but he “has” a vel, 1975), but he will undoubted- also break (ancient proverb)!
Mercury was a Timely hero have been Jesus Christ rein-
hall brawl. In a comic brother somewhere. ly surface again before the year So much for demons and
who first appeared in RED written by Michael carnated (the clues were there) The new Atlas (Seaboard) line is up.
RAVEN #1 (1940). He was the Usian and drawn by declared that G.R. was free of his seems to be doing fairly well, Another newcomer to comics
heroes. Naturally, there have
Stone, as she was known, had probably been other appearances
same Roman god of speed that so Ricardo Villamonte. bargain. Satan hasn’t given up, Atlas’ Wulf the Barbarian. In
some very bad habits, such as despite the distribution problems is of creatures from but
many ot us know and love (and though, and since the Ghost
corruption, murder and monster- they’ve encountered throughout the second issue of his book somebody else will have to dig
worship?), complete with wings

m Mhm
Rider’s intro he’s had to contend the nation. The Grim Ghost is (1975), this poor man’s Conan them up and tell us about them.
on his head and ankles. In what raising. After a brutal reign of
with quite a few other demons. one of their more unusual was confronted by the giant If anybody disagrees with any of
*"was apparently his only episode, terror, the Purple Claw ended
I was never crazy about any of water demon, Bel-Shugthra. This
he was dispatched to Earth by her fun by shooting a zombie
Jack Kirby’s DC characters
characters primarily —
because the carefully considered opinions
.jem with her magic pistol. At that he’s dead. His “bag” is the same green, tentacled malcontent was offered herein. I’ll sic a demon or
his father, Jupiter, in order to
except for one: Etrigan, the as the aforementioned Black vanquished by a towering two on them! Sleep
combat Pluto who —
was in instant, the Queen of the Undead
Demon (1972). Not counting Widow; when he died and his
fire tight, fans.

essence Satan, Lord of Hell. It became just another pretty pile

Kamandi, he outlasted Kirby’s soul went to
(Issue #1,
seems that the villainous Dark of bones.
other series by at least three 1975), the Devil made a deal with
God had disguised himself as DEMONS DRIVEN OUT issues, and if we’re lucky he’ll Atlas Comics’
him. He was returned to the land
Rudolph Hendler (actually Adolf return one day. I’m not going to WULFTHE BAR-
After the prudish Comics Code of the living (in our time period)
'Hitler, but U.S. heroes would not BARIAN, a “poor
Authority was formed in 1954, include anything else on this so that he could go around on a
be officially at war with him until man’s Conan,”
most demons and other monsters character, because Tom Rogers JoKnny Blaze, a.k.a. THE GHOST flying horse, slaughtering evil battled a none-
the following year), and had
were effectively exorcised from covers him in-depth elsewhere in RIDER, speeds into a showdown with people whenever he finds them. too-alert-looking
gotten “his” country to declare
comic books. During the next this issue. Satan on the cover of the December, It’s still a ridiculous premise (as giant water PLANET OF THE APES STUDENT
war on the rest of the world. In a Sometime during the long 1974 issue of THE GHOST RIDER, demon who went COMMENTARY ... Rare provocative
single story. Mercury seemed to mm ten-plus years, a monster would
occasionally sneak into a four- history of the Legion of Super- written by Tony Isabella and drawn by
is Satan’s son turning against
him), just as it was 35 years ago. by the name of guide to The Planet of the Apes
which examines the full impact of
stop the entire conflict and Jim Mooney. Demons take note; Bel-Shugthra
color mag that subscribed to the
Heroes, they too battled a Marvel’s Nameless Ones are the film. Includes many photos of
thwart his horned foe. According to our comics scholar, and bore a
Code, but these W'ere extremely demon. This tale, “The Lad Who (is) a two-headed demon-god the actors as we!! as s.tills from the
Wrecked the Legion,” was
Johnny’s soul is still up forgrabs.
from another plane of existence.
striking, not to first ape movie. A genuine
(Timely, 1941), Hurricane re- tame compared to the beasts of say suspicious, collector's item for any human wtio
ye olden days. On the whole, reprinted in the first issue of the Like most demons, this creature resemblance to has gone “Ape-Nuts.” Supply
placed Mercury. Some people Legion’s own mag (1973). It dealt Satan himself. Our semi-human Limited. Only $1.50 plus 25c.
comics were awfully dull during seeks to invade our planet in Grendel, Beo-
think that the two heroes were hero, also known as the Son of
with a super-powered teenager
one and the same, because they this period —
nobody got killed,
who had been possessed by an Satan (natch!), was introduced in
order to conquer it and kill its wulf’s frighten-
ing foe, in a book
the bad guys always lost, and so supreme enemy. Doctor Strange,
looked exactly alike and pos- evil space demon. Had it not been MARVEL SPOTLIGHT #13 drawn and
on. Fortunately, things changed, Thanks to humanity’s good
sessed the same powers, but this for the timely arrival of Saturn (Marvel, 1973). His origin— written by Larry
and the Children of the Night fortune, however, some super-
new character was the son of i

Girl and Element Lad, the entire along with his sister’s (Satana) Hama. You can
run rampant in today’s graphic hero or other always manages to
Thor (who was one of the Norse I

group would have been taken was told in the following issue. rest assured that
gods). lasted until CAPTAIN
He periodicals. defeat the winged evil one(s). classic confron-
over by other such beings. On Almost all of Daimon’s battles- The last time it appeared was in
•AMERICA #11, but the only DEMONS USHERED IN the final page, gold exorcised the have concerned his sire in some THE DEFENDERS #20 (1975).
tations ’twixt the
forces of Good
issue I have details on is #2. In way. Usually, he combats one or
Whenthe Spectre was revived creature and drove it away. and Evil will con-
this, he battled Pluto (alias the
SHOWCASE One of the most awesome foes more things from the fiery pits, YEAR OF THE DEMON tinue to rage in
Devil), who only appeared in the in #60 (DC, 1966),
that ever challenged Marvel’s and occasionally other super- This certainly is a busy year the comics until
lastpanel on the final page. Ths his firstopponent turned out to
Dr. Strange was the super- heroes pitch in to help him. For for demons! In THE hell freezes over
wasn’t very impressive for the mortals to -do his dirty work. be Azmodus, the same demon IVfcVNY
or mountains fall
did not consent to become his demon, Shuma-Gorath. Their example, he and the Human GHOSTS OF DOCTOR GRAVES
Lord of Darkness, and I wonder From what I can determine, she
who had been responsible for his to the sea,
bride. At the conclusion of this confrontation lasted for a num- Torch defied Dryminextes, a #50 (Charlton), the famed para-
how often he was shown other was always defeated by some- becoming trapped in the body of whichever trans-
in tale, Venus called upon Apollo to
his human host for over 20 years. ber of issues, during which the member of the Devil’s court, who psychologist was tormented by
stories about this god from thing or other (like, primarily, pires first. Copy-
imprison the fiend in a fiery disc sterling sorceror fought several had possessed a bunch of Satan himself. At the conclusion
After a battle royal that started right Atlas
Asgard. the “powers of goodness”) during for eternity. That just goes to out on Earth and ended up at the lesser monsters. Finally, in American Indians in MARVEL of
this tale, the Prince of Comics. BENEATH THE PLANET BATTLE FOB THE
her six-issue career. Where could prove that it’s good to have MARVEL PREMIERE #10 TEAM-UP #32 (1975), The only OFTHEAPES... PLANET OF THE APES
LUCIFER’S LADIES very “end of time,” the Spectre Darkness was about to sacrifice Only 95c plus2Sc. Sl-00 Oiwi J$C
she be now, I wonder. Perhaps friends in high places— especially thing that’s good about this
The origin of Claire Voyant, vanquished his inhuman enemy. (1973), this bout ended with the our hero when the latter
she’ll turn up in one of the they’re gods. series is that, because of his hot
memory serves me right, destruction of the Ancient One’s convinced the other evil crea-
the Black Widow, was given in WHATEVER BECAME OF... I have a copy of an I.W.
ego. Both he and Dr. Strange had heritage, there is a possibility tures present that their leader
MYSTIC #4 (Timely, 1940). This books someday. Azmodus returned to plague us
woman was
Enterprise reprint, ‘
PURPLE poor mortals, but the Ghostly chosen to sacrifice their lives so that Daimon may one day turn on had deceived them. During the
unusual and illogical In VENUS #10 (Atlas, 1950), CLAW which I presume got his allies.
#8j Guardian naturally defeated this that Shuma-Gorath would be ensuing clash between Satan and
murdered she went
in that issue: the son of Satan was granted stories from one or more of One of DC’s best series ever.
nasty creature from another stopped, but neither one of them his former followers. Dr. Graves
to hell, and sometime later Satan permission by his vile father to the first three issues of THE Although we haven’t
astral plane. truly died. Swamp Thing, has already escaped. Moments later, the
turned her into a superheroine, journey to Earth. Soon after he ESCAPE FROM THE CONQUEST OF
PURPLE CLAW (Toby Press, heard from the Dark Demon in a
contained two tales with demons Lord of Hades destroyed his PtANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES

of all things! In each of her five arrived, he declared his love for 1953). The hero of this interest- DAIMON THE DEMON in them. In the eighth issue attackers with hellfire. Satan
51 00 plus 35f SI 00 plus 3Sc

tales in MYSTIC, U.S.A., and the Roman goddess of love and long time, the Spectre has had
ing series went around fighting
own ADVENTURE. As one might immediately (1974), the slimy monster/hero was shown as being inept in this TO ORDER ANY OF THESE ITEMS
ALL SELECT, she returned to threatened to unleash demons of alKsorts of monsters and fiends,
his series in
suspect, Daimon Hellstrom is a came upon a town that had been
our world in order to kill Check it out. episode, and in the end he PLEASE SEEPAGE 31 OF THIS ISSUE
floods, earthquakes, typhoons, and one episode he encoun-
The true Satan returned to
demon. His mother was a mortal, taken over by a grotesque allowed his human adversary to FOR CONVENIENT RUSH ORDER FORM'
evildoers and then deliver their and other catastrophes if she tered a {emale demon. Brima comics in MARVEL SPOTLIGHT but his father is none other than blasphemy called M’Nagalah, escape. Not very likely!
. ' -;

page 8 The Monster Times

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in one book.
they re in FULL COLOR
and scenes
ANCIENT and much more. PLUS
^ Die now. ^
to boot!
man. Fantastic Four, The
Hulk, Thor, and many
There Spider-
0’ xl 2" hardcover edition
Gorgeous EC BOOKS two unpublished
science fiction
; more. Only $5.95 plus featuring the extraordin- $5.00 plus 504
ary worn dt fine-tine artist classic E.C. fanzine
Roy Krenkel. Very limited which includes a color
edition ... so order soon. Williamson cover and
Only. $16.00 plus $1.00 portfolio. Also a frazetta
postage aryt hendl ing piece and article on E.C.
war comics. Only $3.00
ehis 354
Color cover by Feidstein
#3 ...
GOLDEN AGE and Crandall,
interiors by
Krenkel, Wil-
Long out-
of-print and completely

illustrated by Jack Davis. AT LAST!

After 20 years of hoping and praying.
liamson and Wrightson. EC
REPRINTS Articles by Nick Meglin,
64 pages and typically
fantastic Davis. Limited
Is back
years ago.
m fullcolor,
just as they appeared
The best comics Jn the world
all those
George Evans and Roger Supply but you can back
Now, for the first time, Hill. $3.00 plus 35« again!!!
you can enjoy owning obtain them now for
cover price o‘ only $1.50 EC REPRINT #2 is actually WEIRD SCIENCE #15
copies of the rarest SQUA TRONT #4 ... 100 plus 354 and
comicbooks ever pub- It includes four more EC classics m full color as
page blockbuster, issue. they originally appeared. The stories are:
lished. The scarce collec-
tors items that sell for
Color covers by Kurtzman SQUA TRONT No. 5 .
•'Miscalculation'; by Jack Kamen, "Bum
& Ingels. Contains Kurtz- The legendary E.C. fan- Steer", by
hundreds of dollars are at Joe Orlando, "The Martians" by Wally Wood and
man article. Frazetta col- zine adds to its heritage
PROMETEAN ENTER- last available in low
lector, art by Wrightson. with this latest issue. "Captivity" by Al Williamson.
PRISES #5 -- The newest priced reprint editions. Corben. Krenkel, Beautiful never-before EC REPRINT #3 is actually SHOCK SUSPENSE
edition of one of the best All FLASHBACK RE- published full color paint- STORIES #12 and contains the following four
fanjmes. Features an PRINT books feature a ings adorne the covers stories: "The Monkey by Joe Orlando. "Fall
irvdepth interview with FULL COLOR cover along Guy" "

Robert Crumb Loads of

HtRiiAGE mb ^ Fea- .with the complete reprint-
with priceless E.C. lore by Wally Wood. "Deadirne" by Jack Kamen and "The
tures all new Flash inside. A must for an Kidnapper" by Reed Crandall '
Crumb drawiings and Gordon ing, in black and white, of
E.C. fan. Only $3.00 plus
many unknown facts strips by Reed the original stories that EC REPRINT #4 actually HAUNT OF FEAR
Crandaii. Steve Harper. 35c.
is #12
about the secretive appeared in the issue. All and contains "What's Cookin'." by Jack Davis. "Till

w. .o wp i.iongo

Crumb- Plus a new strip Mike Royer.

lOyC The-" WarrioV Death Do We Part" by Joe Orlando. "On A Dead
by Metzger. Crime Com- b^ Neal
p.^^l Adams. Portfolio
are $3.00 plus 35c post- Man's Chest" by Johnny Craig, and "Poetic
ics by Clifford Neal, A f
- art by George Evans.
VENTION MEMBERSHIP An all Jeff Jones under- Justice" by Graham Ingels.
Werewolf Story by Bob Roy Krenkcl. Carlos Gar- EC REPRINT #5 is actually WEIRD FANTASY #13
Inwood. Myron Moose PACKAGE ... A special ground never publically
zon. and Reed Crandall SPECIAL EDITION COM- released by the publish- and contains the following stories' "Home to Stay"
and lots more Only $2.00 Much much more ICS #1 64 pages of value, given at the 1972
for the .

EC Con. Contains a 2’ ers. Fantasy, horror and by Wally Wood, "The Trip" by Jack Kamen. "The
plus 354. Flash Fan Limited Sup- CAPTAIN MARVEL Fea- fantastic science fiction
ply?Only $5.00 plus 504 turing "Captain Marvel colorEC button, conven- with Jones at his zenith.
by Wally Wood, and "Don't Count Your
and tne Haunted House." tion program, ballot for Chick€ns"^y Joe Orlando.
Over 21 only. 754 plus
mi "Captain Marvel and the EC awards, membership 354 E.C. REPRINT. #6 Is actually CRIME SUSPEN-
Gamblers of Death,' ticket and more. Only
"Captain Marvel and Si- ALL SELECT #1 ... $2.00plus354. STORIES #25 and contains "Three For The Money'
vana the Weather Wiz- Features CAPTAIN by Jack Kamen: "Dog Food" by Reed Crqndall:
ard.' This issue origmaHy AMERICAS BUCKY. THE "Key Chain" by Bernie Kriegstein: and "The
appeared in 1940. $3.00 i HUMAN TORCH. JEEP squealer" by George Evans.
WIDOW, and THE SUB- E.C. REPRINT #7 is actually THE VAULT Of
ALL STAR COMICS #2 MARINER This book was HORROR #26 f»d contains "Two of'a Kind" by Craig
Features the adventures originally published m "Gratt in Concrete" by David. "Half-Way Horrible" by
of THE SPECTRE. THE 1943 $3. 00 1.35c. Sid Check and "Hook, Line and Sinker" by Ingels.

E.C. REPRINT #8 is actually SHOCK SUSPEN-
HAWKMAN, JOHNNY Featuring four -'lassie
STORIES #6 and contains 'Dead Right by Kamen
"Undercover" by '

and RED, WHITE. & stones trc'ni theverv first


BLUE, All m one book' issue (.‘f his comic This atr#'- 'SHFS and "Sugar and Spice by Ingels "

PHASE ONE A big well

art magazine including
A fine
This book was originally
published in 1940. S3,00&
book'-^vas ongmallv pub-
'isheo in 1941 $3.00 & WRIGHTSON C. REPRINT #9 IS actually TWO FISTED TALES #34
’etsy' by Davis. "Trial by Arms" by Wood. "En ‘

filled comic magazine

art color covers by Todd and 35c. 35c.
featuring color cover and
Crapaudine" by Severm. and "Guynemer" by Evans.
Kaluta. A Richard ‘Gore” THE HOUSE OF MYSTERY
story by Ken Barr Art by Corben interview and a E.C. REPRINT #10
Neal Adams. Berm THE A.C.B.A. SKETCH- #1 ... adaption of comic is actually HAUNT OF FEAR
color poster by Bern! BOOK ... This rare 1973 #23. Contains "Creep Course
Wnghtson. Jeff Jones. Wrightson. Also Neal
FUNNYWORLO No. 16.. stories in paperback for-
Silver Atoll" by Evans.
by Ingels. "No
Gray Morrow and .stories
by Wein. O Neii and Con-
Adams and WARP.
ner, Williamson
BArI^eUa portfolio of beautiful
drawlngsiiy the members
of The Academy of Comic
Fantastic special CARL
BARKS issue' Including a
mal Text by JacK Oleck.
color cover and illusfra-
"Hansel and Gretal" by
Kamen. and "Country Clubbings" by Davis.
way Only $3-00 plus 354 full color Barks cover, lions by Berm Wrightson
Bode. S3.50 plus 354 Book Artists is a must for tons of never before
Good value! Only $1 .00 plus 354 ac'ua'iy '^e very first issue of
any comic fan. You get 36 published early Carl Barks wtiHU SCIENCE and contains Lost in the
GRAPHIC STORY MAGA- never before pubnshed art.indepfh articles about THE HOUSE OF MYSTERY cosm uy Kurtzman. Dream of Doom by WoodMicro-
ZINE #16 ... Features a drawings by such greats Bark s greatest creations. #2 ... More rales o( the oenment in Deatb" by Kamen. and Things From Outer
great E.C. parody called as Frazetfa. Brunner, Donald Duck and Uncle macabre, written by JacK Space byFeidslein
"The Wishing World" by Neal Adams, Steranko, Scrooge Already out of Oieck Irom the comre book
Eyanierand Pound. "Ber- Morrow. Starlin and 30 ^^t! Only $3.00 plus form And still more illus- These great collators E.C. s are only SI ,25 each—
serk Burk the Hotel Clerk" others! Comes in durable trations by horror ihastpr
[plus 354 postage). How can you miss with the
by Basil Wolverton, "Rou- folio. Only $2.50 plus 504 greatest comics ever made? Send today while our '
Berni Wrightson Only
tine" by George Metzger, postage and handling. supply lasts!
$1.00 plus 354
an interview with Howard'
Nostrand and much more.
Only $1.50 plus 35c
ZINE 15 interviews with
Gahan Wilson (PLAYBOY
The Magic of
"cartoorwst of the absurd ')
Soviet underground corn-
The rare managed to dig up a few
copies of this rare book. ffiTasric FRAZETTA n. DITKO
and Harry Harrison. classic. '.suppressed Here are all of Barbarel-
Wood bar.k_ cover
and impossible to get!
The complete saga' of
la's adventures in their
originalcomic strip form.
Fbur Return
$1.00 plus 35«' Ociobrianawiih hundreds While they last... Only
of actual strips m this $3.50 plus 504 postage
collectors Item. A must and handling.
underground for every Comic collector lOUKTOI'S
i classic -- -

/ Fritz The Cat. by Robert & in very limited supply! i'*'*'*'

WHA..I? By Steve Ditko
Crumb. A rare bargain $5.95 plus 504. j
... In the tradition of "Mr.
HDnly$1.00plus35c. Com’.c A and "Avenging World’’

comes Ditko's new book.

TARZAN Features color covers. 3
new never
super-hero stories, ptus 2
Only 604 plus
sci-fi tales.



We've jusl uncov-

. .
supply of this RARE, long able in a limited supply is
vered a limited supply out-ot-prinl Frazetta folio this sister volume to
of this RARE, out-of- has just been uncovered! 'Magic of Frank Fra-
print Marvel Collector’s This superb collection zetta.' This RARE, out-of-
Item. This paperback contains the classic Fra- print classic presents a
treasure dates back to zetla drawings of Tarzan, cache ol Frazetta's sexy
1967 and features 3 in- Peliucidar. and a host of women, barbarians, war-
TOR ... Six classic comic New 75 Edition gives you the
credible F.F stories
other Burroughs charac- riors. and material not
TARZAN ALIVE new TARZAN DIGEST ...giant stories, including tales value for every comicbool- ever ters. All of the drawings available anywhere else'
paperback version by 148 page text and illustrat- by Basil Wolverton. Joe published! Know what your old with Dr. Doom and printed on one side only & Limited supply so order
Jose Farmer who
Phifiip ed digest of Tarzan. Written Simon, Mac Raboy and comics are worth. Features ever Sub-Manner. All art is
suitable for framing. Only soon Only $2.00 plus featuiing Ditko's aveng-
postulates that Tarzan by Burroughs, adapted by Paul Gusta.vson. Only 300 actual cover repros of old by Jack ‘'King” Kirby. S2.00 plus 35c p&h. 35c p&h. OlTKO ing hero. The other %
did indeed exist. Fascin- $2.00 plus AiJf* comics with thousands of Only a small supply magazines complete with Avenqing World maga-
DuBois and illustrated by Ditko's artwork One zine. Both (or only S1 00
ating reading by s-f giant. Dan Spielgel Only 7Sc plus listings in one tremendous book exists so order 'sobn!' bonk IS Mr A Magazine, plus 504
SI .CO ptus 354 354 Only $6.95 plus 554. Only$2.50S50c p&h. BOTH FOR $3.50 PLUS 50<t p&h.

The Times page 9

Inkeeping with the current revival

of ii'ingsmacabre, all the eerie
ephemera that’s been appearing
latelyin places where madmen
normally tear to tread will be duiy
reported in this irregular column,
brought to you by your friendly
fiendS’jo-the-field at TMT. (...

listen for the sound of applause.)

' C-. ..-O' O'. Ih- Star T. (.gram ActHvr Ad vrdion mcrvfar^ttc tor the right pnee Don t ter a gi 1 you down Ctov^itnd 'h

the world's grooiesl morket ploce tor goods ond yonrirr's

'fly tl^- .ltd ,''it I rrukc. >1 iKrrKjgh lh<> «r>rwcr'’ 0>r* f I hr
bnrt» ry , ho'ged '
Oon i Iri it gi-i yorj down Oreck tkir Cfotsified Snct'on A skilled Ad Visor wilt be hoppy Ic help ynsr wr-iri yr-n piobirw ,nl-iinq
ciossifred Actreei red Tbol s Attars Ads. fr.''"d|l> hr p whm you «-sd d

T't yr., tkwn l.r'd <o.nlor*abi» and rocm.f. I.v.rg if* the B*ol

JS tiw ord qO'Oijr

{ -at.- ..M.oq o'-tv Ckr . l-it* t .u"r.i»r: <jii<

Dial 332-7722
u'-ob'V Sonxronr wil po» yow 9-ad mon*!’ if yOM odvrrt'yr 'ham w.tK
err&rtan Ad

Artion niofor onnoyarxet, too

Adv <on Ivip rov with ot d S<rch
iresomc |ob that beneath yowt copotklitrcs The Oos«ifi«d Section r\

of 10b oppodunitiey for which you iviDy be qi^hfied AD DEPARTMENT

Fort Ubrth Stof -Tetegrom

200,000 circulationevery day.

MOTOWN MONSTER What the world needs now is NOT yet
another ad variation on the classic
KING KONG Empire State Building
tion’s classified ad department.
Oddly enough, in this ad the original
still from KING KONG is used, rather
TMT reader Randy Miller sent us this the layoffs in the auto industry of
scene, but that, apparently, is exactly than an artist’s rendition of same.
“Quadzilla” ad that originally ap- late, it’s nice to see that somebody’s ,

what it’s getting. This time the culprit Thanks go to Shawn Hunter, of Fort
peared in the April 6th edition of the keeping busy.
is the FORT WORTH STAR-TELE- Worth, for bringing this ad to our
DETROIT FREE PRESS. What with a'' GRAM, in a pitch for that publica- eerie attention.

THE MAKING Who says there’s nothing new,

musically speaking, under the full

OFA moon? Certainly not anyone who’s

heard the group on view here. TMT is
proud to welcome to humble
GOTHAM CITY and any other publica-
tion willing to trade plugs with them.
The members of BOJ are all young,
COUNTER pages a brand new and
rhythm’n’blues combo
truly original
called Blind
spirited and look just like Ringo [ex-
cept Jennifer who more closely

CREATURE Orange Julius, seen here taping their

first and (thus far) only TV show
sembles Mick]. Blind Orange Julius
serves up hot heaping helpings of raw
blues flavored with a pinch of soul,
Richard Staehling of Vancouver, Even if you’re a TMT reader who sprinkled with delectable country-
Canada, sends us word of the first isn’t info the “new music,” some of western licks and garnished with
showing of Theodore Roszak’s THE the members of this merry band some of the tastiest lyrics you’ve ever
CRIME OF DR. FRANKENSTEIN, should strike a familiar chord. On the" eaten., heard.
which premiered in Vancouver this far left, in the blue denims, weighing Blind Orange Julius provides
April 9th past. Roszak, author of the
in at a trim 115 pounds, is none other table-tapping musical entertainment
much celebrated THE MAKING OF A than Mean Joe (King Rude) Kane, for people of all ages who can prove
COUNTER-CULTURE, is presently a premier guitarist, famous writer and they’re at least 21. At their recent
visiting professor at the University of
Editor-In-Chief of THE MONSTER opening at C.B.G.B. (a cabaret
British Columbia. Subtitled “A Pop
TIMES. Seated is NATIONAL LAM- located at the junction of Bleecker
Myth And Monster Show,” THE POON scribe and frequent TMT and Bowery), BOJ’s fresh brand of
CRIME OF DR. FRANKENSTEIN is, contributor Mean Dean (Dean the musical fare, peppered with spritely
in .its creator’s words, a “multimedia
Scream) Latimer, the funny Blind tunes like “Twisting Your Life Away”
rhapsody on Frankensteinian themes”
Orange Julius, and next to him is and “I Gotta Scream,” kept audiences
tracing the “antecedents of Mary
Mean Rex (Sexy Rexy) Weiner, the riveted to their seats, though the
Shelley’s myth.” The show focuses
cute one; Rex is also the managing half-chewed bubble gum left on same
on such odd creatures as the
editor of APPLE PIE magazine and the certainly helped. A TMT reporter
homonculus, the Golem, “assorted
founder of the infamous Pie-Kill showed up at a recent performance
automata from the 18th Century,” and Unlimited pie-throwing agency. That
includes historical quotations from
and polled individual audience
covers everyone but the unidentified
the likes of Paracelsus (a 16th BLIND ORANGE JULIUS — Ready to cook, and cookin'. And for dessert, a
members’ reactions to the group. “It
lady who. to this day, retains that pie in the face, courtesy Rex Weiner's Pie-Kill Unlimited. reminded me of something never
Century alchemist), Gershom Scho- I

status and who assures us that she heard before,” one impressed onlook-
lem, Thomas Hobbes, William Har-
and the band are “just good friends.”
vey, J.J.. Rouseau and Julien
LaMettrie, as well as passages taken
directly from the Shelley book.
The gang,
incidentally, would like to
their choreographer. Prince
BLIND ORANGE lUUUS er volunteered. “They serve up a rich,
tasty blend of rock, blues and country
all right,” added another, “only a half
Jeanette, and wish their wardrobe thriving in Fun City— has added two tambourinist Jennifer Stock, who hour later you’ve got indigestion
According to Roszak’s program
manager a speedy recovery. new members since this photo was already got her plug in TMT. Blind again.”
notes, “We will also be tuning in on a
Blind Orange Julius — one of many taken;NATIONAL LAMPOON writer Orange Julius is the official house The talent is (probably) there; the
few contemporary Frankensteinian vi-
unique all-writer bands currently Mad Ted Mann and actress-singer- band not only of THE MONSTER ability will (hopefully) come.
brations, observing in passing how
yesterday’s science, fiction becomes
today's science fact, and how old
horrors become new Nobel Prize
winning breakthroughs. The selec- The AMERICAN PETER CUSHING clubs, and had been corresponding
tions dealing with brain extraction,
computerized intelligence, biological
cloning, electrical brain stimulation,
CLUB held its first annual meeting
Saturday, April 5, at the McAlpin
with Mr. Cushing for several years. “I
thought it might be nice to start an
American club, since he didn’t have
Hotel in New York City. HORROR GALORE AT THE
and the general desacraclization of Twenty-five members of diverse one, but had so many fans over here,” MONSTER STORE!
life are not gags or satirical exaggera-
ages and backgrounds, some of them Debbie explained. “I wrote to him, Another eerie new enterprise, THE
tions; they are (alas!) current coming from as far away as Ontario, and he was delighted with the idea, MONSTER TIMES STORE, recently
research and development quoted opened its creaking doors in New
met to discuss Cushing and to view so decided to go ahead with it.”

York City's famous Chelsea district.

from the work of Dr. Dean two of his films TWINS OF EVIL and The Club publishes THE AMERI-
Located at 167 West 21st Street
Wooldridge, Professor I.J. Good, NIGHT CREATURES. CAN PETER CUSHING CLUB JOUR- (between 6th and 7th Avenues), the
Professor James V. McConnell, The club, which is just over two NAL, a handsome quarterly contain- store specializes in all kinds of
Professor Jose Delgado, and Profes- years old. has a membership of over ing reviews, critiques, and previews monster goods books, novelties.
sor B.F. Skinner.” ni7?ks. and just about any item of a
200. Although called the AMERICAN of films starring Peter Cushing, as
mocabre bent, including much
The admirably ambitious script was PETER CUSHING CLUB, not all of its well as photographs of Cushing in MONSTER TIMES merchandise. THE
read by Rozsak, Betty Roszak and members are from the United States. films and off-camera. (Note; These MONSTER TIMES STORE is open
Gerry Nairn, who
also utilized the According to club president Debbie are not magazine reproductions of from 12 to 5. Monday through Friday,
soundtrack from
the original 1931 but we suggest you call them before
Bennett, there are members “from photographs, but actual glossies,
FRANKENSTEIN showing up since the above hours
film in the course of
the cerebral show. Sounds intriguing,
but unless you live in Vancouver, or
England, France, Australia, and
Japan, so it’s really an international
CUSHING CLUB pasted in.)
Those interested in joining the club
should write to; Miss Debbie
remain tentative at this point. For
further info, or just to let them
you're on your way. call
Roszak takes it on tour, your chances
of catching it seem slim. of
Debbie Bennett had been
British and Canadian
a member
CONVENES Bennett, 153 Plymouth Blvd., Smith-
town, New York 11787. — HC. Parke
691-7782. Tell'em TMT sent you. ^
page 10 The Monster Times

the frightened parent. God’s advocate. the possessed child.

Without a doubt, William Fried- The eyes have li- At the sametime, one has to pay a price
the telltale gaze of for such savage reduction of material. As a
kin’s THE EXORCIST is the most the demonically po-
controversial horror film to appear sessed, that is.
result, THE EXORCIST is all lean
Linda Blair’s intense narrative drive; the development of the
in many a full moon. Not since
portrayal of a young film is nearly totally horizontal, seldom
Alfred Hitchcock’s PSYCHO (1960) girl in the grip of the
vertical. There is potentially interesting
has a horror film aroused so much Evil One charged the
material in the book, although it lies
film with much of its
debate about its artistic and moral undeveloped there, too. In saying this, I
powerand won

merits and THE EXORCIST has Linda an Oscar do not mean to downgrade the film all that
surely surpassed even the Hitch- nomination for her
much, particularly Friedkin’s considerable
cock thriller in the intensity of visual skills, especially at a time when
critics’ and fans’ various reactions. movies seem to have lost the ability to tell
We asked TMT critic and frequent coherent and satisfying stories. It is just
contributor that there is not too much beyond the
clean effective storyline to allow the film
David Bartholomew to detail his
reaction to both film and book, and
to rise above its genre! THE EXORCIST,
therefore, misses the chance to be
his lucid examination of THE pretentious in the clumsy manner of genre
EXORCIST begins herewith... films PLANET OF THE APES to
LIVING DEAD. At the same time, it
In a neat reversal of the notorious misses out on the thoughtful thematic
Hollywood tradition, William Friedkin has
resonances that so strongly sparked
fashioned a vibrant, class movie from a
others, say, Robert Mulligan’s THE
junk novel. William Peter Blatty’s florid
OTHER or Roman Polanski’s ROSE-
book reads like the overkill first work of a
MARY’S BABY (the latter also adapted
recent, aggressive graduate of the
from an airy, pre fab novel).
Famous Writers’ Home Correspondence
School; he writes like a Ray Bradbury
gone berserk. The book is doubly
irritating in that it seems written solely in that Friedkin and Blatty (the latter
visual terms, all breathless dialogue and serving as both screenwriter and
action, like a Golden Book for adults, producer) have taken and vividly
minus the pictures. Its superficiality lays translated into film. Gone are all parts of
bare the obvious underlying intention that the novel that add unnecessary weight to
it was being written with an eventual, the streamlined narrative flow. The
even pre sold (Big $$) screenplay in mind. novel’s plotting is so pared down, in fact,
The novel seems merely a perfunctory and that it makes several essential characters
messy means to a pecuniary end. That it nearly superfluous, like Kinderman, the
could stay on almost everyone’s best-seller movie-nut police detective (Lee J. Cobb),
lists for over a year says something else or Sharon, Chris’ secretary (Kitty Winn),
about American reading habits. or the movie director Burke Dennings (the
The book’s only salient feature was its late Jack MacGowran). Indeed, one
story,which made reading it not only wonders why they appear in the film at
possible but even, at times, compelling except to provide more warm bodies to

and fascinating. As everyone must know scare. In one important sense, however, I

by now, THE EXORCIST concerns the do appreciate this economy, especially

demonic possession of a young girl. It is when one considers the sheer drudgery of Ellen Burstyn wrestles with moral dilemma and bedevilled daughter in a scene from William
orecisely this storv and its inherently a film like Franklin Schaffner’s chaotically Friedkin’s THE EXORCIST, a film our critic hails as a fright genre classic and one that has
crowded PAPILLON. aroused more controversy than any other horror film in recent memory.
harrowing ana Done-cnuung uappings

Rather than rely solely on the ^Sy now, all the cheers and jeers that thought of THE EXORCIST? You see, MAX MAKES POINT
opinions of TMT’s creature crew of greeted that all-time horror spectacle, Peckinpah’s latest, and perhaps best,
Max Von SydpIV played Father Merrin
resident experts, we decided to
’ THE EXORCIST, have been fully film-BRING ME THE HEAD OF in THE EXORCIST. Rumor had it that he
dispatch ace fright reporters Roy registered on audience barometers all ALFREDO GARCIA— is generically an
was so disturbed by William Friedkin’s
over the world. Some poor traumatized American gothjc horror film, a tale in the
Frumkes and Donna Killian to track directorial style that he walked off the set
fools— I think we’ll have to include tradition of Poe. In addition to this,
down various film industry folk in
ourselves in this category— have found
tor a few weeks to restore his spirit. Max’s
Peckinpah is a self-proclaimed biblical STEPPENWOLF, in which
order to record their reactions to their lifestyles profoundly altered by a
latest film is
scholar. Horror and religion. ..surely he
that controversial epic, THE his character, Hesse’s Harry Haller, is
single viewing. In fact, with all the night would be most enlightening if questioned
EXORCIST. And sure enough, in ward pursued by demons of another sort-
lights now blazing in this country to about THE EXORCIST. Or so we personal tears, doubts, and visions of
what seemed like no time at all, off demons of the dark, we think
might it
other realities.
Roy and Donna checked in with an have been more appropriate had Con
Edison, rather than Warner Brothers,
TMT: Mr. Peckinpah, how did you like We were talking about HOUR OF THE
even half dozen riveting responses THE EXORCIST? WOLF, and of one particular scene
from the likes of EXORCIST star funded the film.
Others, the less susceptible amdng us
PECKINPAH (gushing warmly); I wherein a father tells a child that if he
Max Von Sydow, director Sam found the film mildly entertaining. (Long doesn’t behave he will be locked in a dark
(those who believe that darkness is
Peckinpah, writer Jesse Lasky Jr., silence) closet -wherein dwell little demons who
populated by various shades of the color
producer Hal Ashby, and film- TMT: Oh.... Well, how might you have will eat his feet, when the conversation
bla^ rather than by nameless things with
makers Tobe Hooper and Wes teeth), will forever find the name Linda done it? turned to THE EXORCIST.
Craven. Their illuminating opinions Blair to be synonymous with gimmicky PECKINPAH (venturing graciously): TMT; When you mentioned demons
follow... decadence of the sleaziest sort. That would take weeks and hours of biting feet, I instantly remembered...
So much for the audience. What of the discussion. (Long silence) VON SYDOW: I drop the idea!
THE EXORCIST: film industry people themselves? Where TMT: Oh.... Well, what did you find TMT: ...THE EXORCIST!
do their opinions fall inthe furor that has wrong with it? VON SYDOW: We shouldn’t talk
AYES AND NAYS split this country into opposing legions of
PECKINPAH (reiterating, with typical that.
the Fearful and the Fearless? We checked whimsy): I find no fault with it at all. It TMT: It’s another way to treat demons.
with a few, and here, rivulets of ink on was mildy (Long
these hallowed pages, flow their exclusive
just entertaining. VON SYDOW: Yeah. That’s another
silence) way to do it.
TMT: Oh.... Well, thank you very much. TMT: They did it pretty well...
BY ROY FRUMKES SURLY SAM PECKINPAH (always generous to a VON SYDOW: Yes, they did. They did
AND DONNA KILLIAN What do you think Sam Peckinpah fault): Uh-huh. (Long silence) it very well.
page 1
The Monster Times

the faithtui servant. the dissipated director. filmmaker. author and producer.
the silent witness.

itshloody deaths and assaults, verbal and

vusual obscenities and foul spewings of all
I cannot stress too much that THE kinds, THE EXORCIST borders on the
EXORCIST is a horror film, a ijmean and
excessive; the film relentlessly probes and
rude shocker. Friedkin has made almost manifests the nature of evil and its
no concessions to a general mass audience, omnipresence. I cannot recall a film that
which is remarkable (and a point for which has so disturbingly convinced us of the
Warner Brothers should be congratulated) The names of priest among
reality of evil.
since the film's slowly bloating budget all — the actors and technical advisors seems
the way from $5 to over $10 million reassuring, for the film, I feel, only

negative cost has obviously demanded appears to suggest a highly moral tone
that the film be a solid commercial and conclusion. The end particularly
success. What separates THE EXORCIST seems to be strongly influenced by what
from a lavish NIGHT OF THE LIVING one feels to be F riedkin's skepticism.
DEAD for adults are those qualities that
Hollywood can, or at least. in past decades The film presents the doctors and other
did, provide; time and money. (The film's medical and scientific, even psychiatric,
lensing alone took over a year.) Time and specialists as not only helpless and

money and Friedkin was given a surfeit basically valueless in helping the afflicted
of both — allow for top talents to work at Regan, but as stuffy, emptily-reassuring
their careful peak. The results are plainly authority figures, the epitome of
evident on screen. professional incompetence. It is small
wonder that Chris turns to the Church for
I mention NIGHT OF THE LIVING help. Yet, with further reflection, I be- Meanwhile, up in Regan’s room, a terrified Sharon (Kitty Winn) and anxious Father Karras (Jason
DEAD not lightly since I happen to like
lieve the film implies that religion, too, Miller) withstand zero degree climate to wage a war for Regan's ravaged soul.
that film quite a bit. Both films work from
the same impulse: terror arising from the
is equally ineffectual in dealing with or —
even diagnosing— evil. It is just as Church; it requires no sacrificial victim, as tive) form. To gather proof to take before
unexplained and the irrational. But THE Karras becomes. If Karras had been as the Church for permission to perform
powerless, since it operates on the
EXORCIST packs an incredibly more assumption of a basic goodness in strong as Merrin, apd as resourcefully exorcism, Karras exhaustively investi-
powerful punch. Its effect is of even more buckled by faith, the demon might have gates Regan’s behavior and speech, and
humanity. It is in the film’s attitude
unrelieved (and unresolved) tension, been exorcized, but in defeat he would although it runs counter to his eyes and
toward the Church that we come to the
strongly psychological, even pathological,
crux of the film where film and book and — have taken Regan with him. The person ears and instincts, he finds natural
than that of NIGHT. This is partly due to perhaps Friedkin and Blatty— separate. possessed is not, after all, the object evidence to explain Regan’s symptoms.
THE EXORCIST'S extraordinary spiecial (Let’s not forget that Friedkin had Blatty desired by the demon, which is why the The book implies -that all behavior,
effects (created by Marcel Vercoutere victim bears no memory of the experience. including Regan’s extremes, can be
barred from much of the post-production
with makeup designed by Dick Smith) work on the film.) The demon is after bigger game, the explained away, in Karras’ words, by “the
which give the film an awesomely realistic priest who comes forward to exorcise him. limitless abilities of the mind,” powers like
The book posits the Church as ultimate
quality— an acute documentary aura— that salvation for both Regan and Chris; — —
Thus the rite as a rite fails in the film. telepathy, ESP, or telekineses that lie
grants further credence to the film’s color You may couple this, if you wish, with dormant in most people. The book even
Merrin, the old priest (Max von Sydow),
photography (traditionally more artificial)
Chris’ atheism; she consults the Church as leaves open the major question of whether
and Karras, the troubled young priest
than to the (largely TV-learned) grainy a last grasp, as she would another doctor. Regan was actually possessed by a
(Jason Miller), do release the demon from
black-and-white images of NIGHT. Not for Her lack of religion may add to the demon. In the film there is no doubt,
Regan, although the act costs both of them
one second can we believe NIGHT could demon’s strength. Also, the reticence of perhaps because Friedkin and Blatty have
their lives. The film, which up to now has
actually happen. Romero's film convinces the Church, the stand-offish attitude of a not allowed themselves the time to pursue
reproduced in equally fulsome detail the
us of its nightmare fantasy, but in THE prove-it-to-me-beyond-all-shred-of-doubt these ideas. THE EXORCIST, like THE
signs and meaning and evidences of the
EXORCIST we are stone-cold awake. demon’s possession, is subtly different. stance, while perhaps understandable, is OTHER, says that evil is real and
The film is not so much spooky as The Church is not victorious after all; just as strong and forbidding as the staid pervasive, and the idea is made doubly
downright frightening, in the explicit, neither is Merrin or Karras. Exorcism is ineffectiveness of Science and Medicine. clear and terrifying by the film’s refusal to
graphic manner to which the modern an established (and perhaps embarrassing The Church fails in its very unwillingness attempt ah explanation of how or why the
horror film has become accustomed. With to modern leaders) rite of the Catholic to accept evil in a concrete (i.e., nonfigura- demon chose Regan.

EXORCIST starMax dependent oh nature, on the climate and were produced in Hollywood’s golden (and
Von Sydow talks seasons, that nature becomes very censor-ridden) era, think of a
important to us. modern, very uncensored religious fanta-
TMT reporter Roy
Frumkes, but Most Northerners in Scandinavia are sy like THE EXORCIST?
attempts to evade fascinated by the mystic qualities of
EXORCIST-orlented TMT: What did you think?
nature, and if you read, for example, the
queries. As for Roy, LASKY: It held me fascinated from
northern myths or folk tales you can very
dark eye circles and beginning to end. I read the book. I know
glazed expression well understand how these peoples’
offer ample evidence
Blatty. I know the producer— Noel
imaginations have worked. It's a special
of countless
kind of mystique which does not involve

Marshall who was at one time a
sleepless nights representative of mine, a dear friend. I
induced by that the devil.
felt that the picture was riveting. And also
fright film classic. LASKY LIKES MORAL STANCE I felt that, strangely enough, and I’m sure
Jesse Lasky Jr. was in the United thousands will quibble with this, it had a
States briefly to publicize his new book. good moral orientation. I think that films
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HOLLY- need a' kind of orientation, and some of the
WOOD? The Lasky name hails back to most contemporary films that are made
Photo by Dagmar Film’s origins; Lasky Sr. produced THE have it. Whether they meant to have it or
SQUAW MAN, the first feature film, with not, it is there. They are not amoral films.
TMT: I had nightmares. he represents, is exactly the opposite to
Cecil B. DeMille. Soon afterward, he And this film certainly showed the
VON SYDOW: Did you? what Sweden might represent. But the formed Paramount Pictures, under whose triumph of good over evil, with casualties
fact that we live in a country way up —
TMT: I had to play the radio at
night for banner DeMille’s films were produced. along the line terrible casualties. But
north, where we have such different
this I think was good from a film
two months. Is there a strong preoccupa- Jesse Lasky Jr. wrote the screenplays
seasons, so many depressing months of forsome of DeMille’s best films, including standpoint. I think there’s a great danger
tion in the northern countries with
darkness and cold. ..when we feel that the
mysticism and the supernatural? the two great fantasies, SAMSON AND in filmmaking in our time not to somehow
year is turning and the warmth coming
VON SYDOW: No, not in this way. DELILAH and THE TEN COMMAND- have an orientation. Life is confusing
back to us, it can be months away; and enough. I don’t give a damn about censor-
MENTS. Though some took these great
TMT: Have you any belief in-it? when we reach the high point— mid-sum- spectacles as religious dogma, it is clear ship. If you’re dealing with people who are
VON SYDOW: No, I don’t. But I think —
mer eve when we have daylight all that they were written as fantasies, a fact erotic, then let them be erotic. But truth
Swedes are mystics in another way. You through the night, more or less, when we which Mr. Lasky confirmed personally. and consequences, I also believe, are a
know we are Protestants; we are feel that this is ending, now we are going
What would Lasky, a genteel soul reality of life. Whether one is an atheist or
P.uritans. For example, Fellini, and what back to the darkness. We are so .

whose pseudo-religious fantasy scripts religious doesn’t matter. There are .still
page 12 The Monster Times


DEMONIC DUEL Finding Merrin dead on the bed, Karras Burstyn; especially make us believV To of zerodegrees^, to provide the genuine
begins to beat Regan. Although we want apprec^te the craft and skills of ITtb icy aJnnJ^here that accompanies a
In occupying the central role of the plot
in the film, the Karras character unavoid-

to cheer him on partly to release the actoi;^ which redeems what a lot of critics Session. One can read these tales and
incredible tension wrung out of us by the are g^ing to dismiss as justanother horror., majwel that Friedkin (like Hitchcock) did
ably denigrates the Merrin role. This is —
film we have to realize he is only hurting film^/a second iHpwing becopips virteally not allow his $10 million monster tq
one reason the Prologue exists, although the child. He trades his life for Regan’s,

mgindatory. '
,/ overcome him. There is precious litj/e
it seems inexplicable in the film. The book

deals lengthily withd;he duel between the

hut only in defeat, impotently hitting out. here to THE —
subtlety in the film like the flashes of.the
innocent child which re-surface periodical-
demon and Merrin for power, not merely
the possession of Regan’s soul and body.
ly throughout Regan’s possession but —
Friedkin has avoided a dull literalizatioh
Literally, in the Old Testament sense, it is
of the novel’s images that could have been
a battle between Good and Evil. This
artlessly stultifying and more than a trifle
battle is alluded to in the movie and set up
quite brilliantly by Friedkin (the camera
The film, incidentally, is based on an
tracks up the stairs and in to the door; we
actual case study of the last Churcjb-sane-

react even cringe, Saturday-afternoon-
tioned exorcism, performed, in Maryland

kid-style because we have witnessed the
in 1949. Blatty has changed the character
horrors that lie in wait beyond it.
from a little boy to a little girl, presumably
Friedkin’s massive talent is never more
for the greater horrific contrast (some
apparent or more powerfully realized than
little boys seem quite capable of at least
in those instances where we move toward
that door.). But for all the build-up and
some of what goes on in THE EXORCIST
entirely on their own). Blatty also escapes
laying out of paraphernalia, the crucial
to a greater extent the damaging
battle never really occurs. The omission
Freudiaij reading that could be given to
leaves a ragged hole at the end of the film.
the book. THE EXORCIST is a tale of the
The novel’s rite lasts nearly two days,
supernatural which, if Blatty is to be
and, before it is finished, involves every
believed, involved the supernatural.
member of Chris’ household. The film
Friedkin and Blatty (and Warner
unfortunately telescopes this exhausting
Brothers) have let themselves in for a lot;
experience to one lengthy bout. The
considering the moral chaos created by
performance of the rite is interrupted by
the recent Supreme Court decision, their
Karras’ failure; later, as Merrin trudges
film will probably help to define, in one
upstairs to continue, we stay downstairs
Max Von Sydow and Jason Miller, as pressured priestly pair, represent Regan’s last hope, a com- way or another, the word “obscenity.” The
with Karras until the piercing light of modity that’s in scarce supply in Friedkin’s 10 million dollar demon epic. film will many people off; the
religiousmartyrdom strikes his murky
reviewers’ response to it, although
eyes, the camera
and tilts up in Perhaps the most shattering voice the BIRDS in that careless and undiscerning overwhelmingly favorable, allows for little
magnificent awe to watch Karras march
up to the room, knowing, I think, that he
demon throws at him, other than his critics willcharge Friedkin, as they did —
middle ground one either likes it or
mother’s, is the bum’s in the subway: Hitchcock, with creating a monster not loathes it.
will give up his life. This cutting of much
“Couldja help an old altar boy. Father?” unlike those of the formula 50s creature Time Good horror films, unlike
will tell.
''of the battle gives the lie to the exquisite
.Karras gives up, albeit heroically, but movies, or even one of Universal’s old science fiction, have an almost superna-
prologue set in Iraq (with its foreshadow- .with none of the “fiercely shining glint of workhorses, which eventually overpowers tural ability to age very well; the good
ing alien culture strongly conveyed)
triumph” that Father Dyer notes in the both the director and his film. Friedkin ones almost never date. Despite its
where Merrin has discovered the arti-
facts of a demon named Pazuzu (the film
book. The demon’s eyes become Karras’; does an admirable job of illustrating the faults —
and I have probably become too
when he jumps from the window, increasingly horrifying takeover of Regan involved here in that old bugaboo book vs.
changes him from a demon to the demon, however, he has regained his own, — much like the creaking series of film-I think THE EXORCIST is a classic
the Devil, which makes little sense other
perBaps a last act of free will. We really dissolves used to transform Jekyll to of its genre. In time, Friedkin’s film may
than increasing the already grandiose never clearly find out. The important Hyde or Talbot to the Wolf Man. Even transcend even that.
dramatic values; part of the gasping point, one that the film may not wish to more amazing is the transformation of the
quality of the book was in realizing that
make (which, as critic Andrew Sarris demon’s power, adroitly sketched by THE EXORCIST'S imminent arrivai signais that
for all this demon’s power and foulness, he
noted, makes the film not only about evil Friedkin, from the comforting playmate it’s time for us to take ieave of this Satanic
was only an underling and completely subject. Whether or not Friedkin’s (iirn can.
but evil itself) is that the demon has not Captain Howdy (like the imagined withstand the test of time and retain its ‘classic’
puny compared with the Devil). In the been destroyed. Evil has triumphed. At companion of Amy in CURSE OF THE status will be up to future scare scholars to
film, Merrin is called in to help Regan,
because he has performed exorcism -
least over Karras. CAT PEOPLE), a harmless figure who decide.
eases the loneliness of childhood, to the
Before, not, as the book hints, because he POSSESSED PERFORMANCE
full naked terror of the demon. Much of
recognizes the demon and somehow The sequences with Regan are strong, this, as I mentioned before, is due to the
believes that in violating the tomb in Iraq grisly and nearly unbearably horrifying. technicians; the film’s special effects,
he must share in the responsibility for Regan is played by a non-actor, Linda
makeup and art direction may be the best
unleashing him on the world. The Blair, in a role that called less for acting
that I have ever encountered. In this
Prologue ends with a fine spate of cutting ability than pure stamina. It is hard to
context, the hospital sequence, when
by Friedkin between the statue of the believe that this role — experience, really, Regan is given the skull X-rays, is a dire
demon, Merrin, an Arab silently watching or, on another level that the film does not
warning of the explicitness of what is to
(as Kinderman will do throughout the explore, an actor’s possession by his role
come. (It serves, also, to link in our
plot) and two dogs fighting. The cuts —will not follow her through life. Perhaps identical revulsion the horror of an
resolve to a two-shot of Merrin facing the only a non-actor could have done it so well.
everyday, if medical, occurrence with the
statue with the winds howling around Her sequences are so uncommonly unnatural acts that will follow.) The film’s
them and the sun beating down. This is a wrenching that one can easily miss the production stories are all there in the
sharp foreshadowing, a one-to-one face-off, extraordinary quality of acting in the
literature, from the set of Regan’s
of what will later occur in Regan’s sequences that separate them. This, of bedroom built on a gyro device so that the
bedroom. course, adds to the terror of the wilder
entire room could be instantly tilted to
The film lets us down at a crucial point. passages, because Jason Miller and Ellen
any angle, to its refrigerated temperature

boundaries. Unless we hold to -some kind time? HOOPER HYPES TRACK often the case with the creators of the
of orientation, I think we’re in the last AYERS: Well, I’m told it’s a landmark strongest celluloid stomach-turners, in-
In the opinion of the Frumkes half of
days. in American cinema. looking at
I like this column, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW cluding Hitchcock, Hooper and Ken
AYERS AIRS VIEWS landmarks. I stop and see roadside Russell. We reached Wes at the studio
MASSACRE was one of the' best films of
Gerald Ayers, the producer of THE markers, learn about the passage of where he was finishing the trailer to his
1974. Its writer-producer-director, Tobe
LAST DETAIL, is a thoroughly outspo- Cortez across the land, and landmarks in Hooper, is young and low-key, and most of
latest film.
ken, and very glib, gentleman whose next the American film business I’m very his lifehas been immersed in film and TMT: I need your feelings on THE
project, Isaac Asimov’s THE CAVES OF happy to see." EXORCIST.
filmmaking. His attention to technical
STEEL, may be a scie nee fiction TMT: You’re giving me a long detail is everywhere apparent in CRAVEN (laughing): Oh dear.
masterpiece. The film follows the ad- CHAINSAW, and it is not surprising that
euphemism for something. TMT Did you like it?

Trioof EXORCIST his comments on THE EXORCIST CRAVEN: Yeah, I enjoyed it. It made
witnesses offer gravitated in that direction.
the hair on the back of my neck stand up
expert testimonies
for the TMT record:
HOOPER: think that releasing it with
I on end. That’s the only picture I can ever
Jesse Jasky Jr. a magnetic track was really effective. remember doing that to me.
(ieft), Sam Peckin- TMT: That was Friedkin’s whole thing,
pah (center), Tobe
TMT: Is there anything you feel didn’t
looking for top quality in sound. work?
HOOPER: I did same. Buzz
the CRAVEN: Yeah, her make-up. I
Knudson dubbed EXORCIST and CHAIN- thought it looked phony... I don’t have
SAW' too. He was the key mixer at anything profound to say about it. It was a
Todd-AO. In fact, CHAINSAW has a few good, superior horror film.
EXORCIST effects in it. When the guy So there you have it an even half —
ventures ot a cop and his robot partner,
AYERS: No, no. I’m happy. I was told, gets his head sledgehammered and his dozen inside responses to the film that’s
and the poteritial creative roster includes
as a matter of fact, recently, that it was a head flips around, I used the sounds not done more for insomnia than any in recent
actor Jack Nicholson and director Hal pity that my little picture had to come out only that I created with a crunching skull memory. It was well worth the visits, time
Ashby, who earlier teamed up for THE the same season with
in a giant such as and the impact, but also that neck-clicking and dimes to it took to secure said
LAST DETAIL. On THE EXORCIST, that. sound from the little girl. responses, in our eerie estimate at least.
Ayers had some interesting things to say.
To wit:
TMT : That’s bad. .

CRAVEN REMARKS One final word of advice, however: Should

you ever find yourself in need of an
AYERS: I have nothing to say about AYERS: That’s fine, fine. Look, I don’t Wes Craven, writer'director of the gory exorcist, be advised to pay him on
THE EXORCIST. mean to be facetious about it. It’s quite a LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, is a time. ..or you may very well be
TMT: Uh-oh.... What did I hit on this sideshow. So fine. sensitive, quiet individual, and such is

The Mo er Times page 13

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P.O. 8u US. OW CMma StMlon
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ages, from the Dark Ages to the more en- forced to utter several decidedly unen- DRACULA I2|$1 .SOI MONSTER TIMES. New York Stale r— idents MUST add
Benjamin Christensen. Narrated by Wil- DRACULAI-BiU.SOi 7% Sat— Tax.
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EXORCIST, HAXAN was packed with the most part the additions worked. But it
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1 Addren State 7in.
more rightful and eerie images pei square was still Christensen’s lively nightmare
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page 14 The Monster Times


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The Monster Times page 1

Even though the reputation and

popularity of fright fictioneer
H.P. Lovecraft has grown greatly
since his belated rediscovery in
the 60s, filmmakers have adapted
his weird works with a disturbing
lack of either love or craft. Scare
scholar and avowed Lovecraft-
lover Jason Thomas thinks the
late horror author deserves
better, and proffers his less than
flattering views on the butchered
Lovecraft efforts that the screen
has offered thus far...

H.P. Lovecraft was undoubted- BY TOM ROGERS

ly one of the finest horror fiction
authors in' history, yet many
people haven’t the faintest idea
who he was. He often wrote
science-fiction short stories dis- Vincent Price, as
possessed protagonist
guised as terror tales, and his
seeks to protect
entire “Cthulhu Mythos” is really
heroine Debra Paget .

a literary series about powerful from crowd of

(seemingly eternal) alien “gods” harmless genetic
from another dimension. While hu mutants with
his works werfe excellent and W faces hall-
they were unfortu-
great disappointments
erased in THE
whenever they were filmed as X»'. PALACE IM
motion pictures. The tremendous
incompetence with which pro-
ducers, directors and screen
writers “adapted” Lovecraft's
stories was truly appalling, but
^ perhaps a loose adaptation is
better than none at all. Some of
you readers may think that, but I
certainly don’t! If something
can’t be done right in the media,
it shouldn’t be done at all.

bear in mind that it is a Lovecraft rather, it was a suspense-thriller occult elements rather than the
production, and not a Poe. As an by August Derleth. In '
demons themselves, and Sandra
adaptation, it isn’t too bad but — credits, Lovecraft was men- Dee was a real waste of time as
that’s because the novella is one tioned, but he wouldn’t have the lady menaced by the
of H.P.’s weaker works. liked it had he known. mysterious horrors. Like DIE,
Two years later, DIE, MON- MONSTER, DIE, this motion
STER, DIE (1965) came along. picture should also be remade
Infuriatingly enough, there was
LAST LOVECRAFT if ithas a chance of turning out
no. advance notice that this flick It wasn’t until 1969 that the better!
had anything to do with last Lovecraft movie was re- There were a few short
Lovecraft. It starred Boris leased. This was THE DUN- adaptations of Lovecraft’s works
Karloff, Nick Adams, and Freda WICH HORROR, and it starred that appeared on the generally
Jackson, and it was not really a Dean Stockwell as the semi- poor anthology, NIGHT GAL-
bad film in itself. However, as an demon, and none other than LERY, during 1971. “Pickman’s
adaptation of “The Colour Out of Sandra Dee was thrown in as the Model” and “Cool Air” were
Space,” which was one of heroine. Despite the flagrant

done, as well as a comical version
Lovecraft’s most terrifying tales, miscasting, the production was of what might happen if one calls
it was atrocious! Both versions surprisingly good. However, it upon the Old Gods in vain
dealt with a meteorite which fell had no impact whatsoever (entitled “Professor Peabody’s
to Earth and then started compared to the original tale of Last Lecture”). These were
mutating all within its range. In the same name. Worst of all, we better adapations than the
the movie, everything other than never got to see the giant demon, movies had been— which doesn’t
the meteor was drastically except for very brief glimpses at say much for the film industry.
Lon Chaney Jr. and Price make grim discovery in another scene from THE several points in the movie. It Perhaps someday we’ll get to see
different, and it was a tremen-
HAUNTED PALACE, the best of a poor lof of Lovecraft “adaptations.” would have been better if we a faithful adaptation of one of
dous disappointment compared
to the original work. Adams was never got to see it. Needless to H.P. Lovecraft’s magnificent
Many of works
Lovecraft’s except for the reading of Poe’s certainly no Lovecraftian protag- say, the storyline was altered stories; until then, we might be
deal with a demon-god named poem— came loosely from H.P. onist, and Karloff wasn’t too radically to suit the producer’s better off with none. That’s the
Cthulhu. This giant, octopus-like Lovecraft’s longest work. The idea of a hit. It played up the way the celluloid crumbles.
menacing in his-wheelchair; since [
monstrosity currently resides in Case of Charles Dexter Ward Lovecraft hardly ever mentioned
another dimension, to which he (his only novella). In the women in his tales, I need not
had been banished by a band of beautiful credits, one was lucky if mention that the heroine of the Nick Adams,
good (?) gods centuries ago. one saw the real author’s name at filmwas out of place. There were an unlikely
Since then, Cthulhu has been all! The flick was an interesting two monsters, but they didn’t Ldvecraftian hero,
trying to return to our universe one, starring .Vincent Price as compare with the horrors that confronts character
in order to conquer it. He the possessed protagonist and had been created for “The Colour who's almost as thin
occasionally manages to get some featuring Lon Chaney (Jr.) as his Out of Space.” Hopefully, an- as the film itself
poor mortal dupe or fanatic to in a scene from DIE.
dumb assistant. There were other movie version will be done
help him in this task, but so far genetic mutants
in abundance in someday; it’s too eood a tale to H.P.'s fans still pray
someone else has always come this one, and even a demon waste on something like DIE, for the day when
along and spoiled the evil one’s (Cthulhu'?) that
delighted in MONSTER, DIE. filmmakers will do
plans. As you can see, it isn’t
easy being a mean, ugly creature
ravaging the flesh of captive Next came THE SHUT- right by their idol.

from another plane of existence

mortal women. This offering, TERED ROOM which
(1967), I
which was directed by Roger will only mention here because it
(and you thought you had Corman, is worth seeing, but wasn’t really a Lovecraft tale;
problems). Anyway, there are ,

quite a few offshoots of the Freda Jackson played the violent, radiation-afflicted wife of Boris Karloff in
Daniel Haller’s DIE, MONSTER, DIE, an unsuccessful attempt to recreate on
Cthulhu theme, some of which
celluloid H.P.’s “The Colour Out of Space.”
were written by Lovecraft, and
others of which were done by
such distinguished creators as
August Derleth, Robert Bloch,
Robert Howard, and others.
Despite all this coverage and
popularity, there are still many
people who don’t know who H.P. Lovecraft Filmography
Lovecraft was. Fortunately, his MONSTER, DIE
works started appearing in
DIE, (1965) HAUNTED PALACE (1963)
American-International 80 min. American-International 85 min.
paperback collections during the Directed by Daniel Haller. Directed by Roger Corman.
1960s, and a number of them are Screenplay by Jerry Sohl, from Screenplay by Charles Beau-
still available. Try one out; the Lovecraft’s “The Colour Out of mont, from (principally) Love-
reading is not easy, but is Space." Starring Boris Karloff, craft’s “The Case of Charles
certainly worth the effort. His Nick Adams, Suzan Farmer, Dexter Ward.” Starring Vincent
Freda Jackson, Terence De Price, Debra Paget, Lon Chaney
command of the English lang- Marney, Patrick Magee.
uage, along with his fantastic Jr., Leo Gordon, Elisha Cook,
DIINWICH HORROR (1969) John Dierkes, Barboura Morris.
imagination, make for a delight- American-International 90 min.
fully horrific time. Directed by Daniel Haller. SHUTTERED ROOM (1967) 7
Screenplay by Curtis Lee Han- Arts 99 min. Directed by David
PURLOINED PALACE son, Henry Rosenbaum and Greene. Screenplay by D.B.
The first Lovecraft film was Ronald Silkosky, from Love- Ledrov and Nathaniel Tanchuck,
THE HAUNTED PALACE cralt's story. Starring Dean from stories by August Derleth
(1963), which was billed as an Stockwell, Sandra Dee, Sd and Lovecraft. Starring Gig
Edgar Allan Poe number. Actual- Begley, Sam Jaffe, Lloyd Boch- Young, Carol Lynley, Oliver
ner, Barboura Morris. Reed, Flora Robson.
ly, everything that occurred—
. , .

page 18 The Monster Times

Our special premier issue Our first all STAR TREK Filmbook of bug classic. Filmbook of the classic Filmbook and giant color Features a zombie film All E.C. comics, the great- Filmbook and centerfold of
containing part one of "The edition, featuring the "Star THEM, "Bugs the Co- BRIDE OF FRANKEN- poster of THE CREATURE "Zombies in the
in survey, est horror comics of them PLANET OF THE APES,
Men Who Saved Kong," Trek Saga." interview with mics" by Marv Wolfman. STEIN. review of THE FROM THE BLACK LA- Comics." THE ASTRO all. Interview with Bill the first apes movie. Also
NOSFERATU. DER GOLEM William Shatner. profile of The Empire of the Ants" PULPS, article on GREEN GOON. interview with TAR- ZOMBIES. THE OMEGA Gaines and A1 Feldstein. a includes CONAN in the
and BUCK ROGERS. Also Leonard Nimoy and story by H. G. Wells, a Rich Lantern/Green Arrow, a ZAN comic's Joe Kubert. MAN. a Dan Green comic talk with the Ghoul-Luna- comics. THE NAVY VS.
included is a Berni Wright- on Gene Roddenberry. Also Buckler comic strip and a two page Jeff Jones comic Humphrey Bogart's only strip, review of Berni Wri- tics. review of the E.C. THE NIGm MONSTERS.
son Frankenstein color Gray Morrow's Star Trek review of "Stan Lee at Car- strip in color, Roger Gor- moster movie, more ghtson's BADTIME STOR- HORROR LIBRARY OF
Jeff FRITZ THE CAT. .an inter-
poster and Wrightson's color centerfold. STAR nagte Hall". Also a giant man meets Edgar A. Poe, Jones comics and an NIGHT OF THE LIV-
arti- IES. THE 1950 s, review of view with Dracula. cover-
NOSFERATU comic strip. TREK comics and "Space- KONG color poster and "Oracula Goes To Court," cle on ESQUIRE'S hip ING DEAD and a zombie TALES FROM THE CRYPT age of the Graham Gallery's
$4 & 25c
men of the 'SO's.-^^jSc parttwo of "The Men Who and the worst films of 1971 comic stories. Not to men- color centerfold. You'll movie, and introducing, comic exhibit and Hemi-
Saved Kong." $2&25c S2&25C tion "Mushroom Mon- never want to see zombies SEYMOUT the horror host. sphere's Blood movies.
sters.' $28i25c again... ever. $2&25c $S&25c S3 & 254

Filmbook and color center- An interview with Spidey's Features a filmbook and Filmbook and centerfold on Our spectacular issue Filmbook and color center- Filmbook and color center- Filmbook and color center-
fold on GORGO. review of artist and writer. Sprider- color centerfold of WOLF-
Man's most mbnsterous
THE VALLEY OF GWANGI, breaking the story that fold of FORBIDDEN PLA- fold on the classic (?) foldon TARANTULA, arti-
Steranko's HISTORY OF MAN. article on comic's an interview with Alfred Godzilla is running for NET, review of FLASH MONSTER OF PIEDRAS cles on Dr. Death and Dr.
COMICS, more Blood DR. PHIBES. fan-
viilians. chauvinist pig. THE PHAN-
movies, more Seymour, zine reviews, still more
Hitchcock, "Vampires in president, with a color GORDON HERITAGE. THE BLANCAS. Willis O'Brien's Shock, the return of E.C.
TOM. GODZILLA, "Behind the Comics." preview of centerfold to match. Also MYSTERIANS, behind the missing monsters, preview comics, "Hercules in the
"Behind the Scenes at the Blood movies, survey of the Scenes at SILENT RUN-
the comic con phenom-
BLACKULA. THE PLANT included are articles on scenes at the latest apes of DRACULA A.D. 1972. Comics," Late Film round-
PLANET OF THE APES, NING." review of SCIENCE MONSTERS, review of HPL MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, movie. SF TV GUipE, pre- "When Monsters Ruled the up. review of some recent
preview of enon. still more Seymour FICTION FILM, CON- magazine. Godzilla's own COUNT YORGA and still view of ASYLUM, interview Comics." Perry Rhodari of monster movie campaigns,
MOST DANGEROUS and a special Spidey color QUEST OF THE PLANET column, some real mon- more PLANT MONSTERS. with Rod Serling and re- Germany. First Annual and some really repulsive
GAME and a special rat centerfold by Kane and OF THE APES and an inter- sters and CHILDREN An interview with Vincent view of the s-f WORLD- Monster Poll and King comics.
comic strip. Oitko. view with Peter Cushing, 5, j, 254
g., 254 $5 & 25 <^ SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH Price, and "Comics -Go to CON. S1&25tf Kong comics. 5^ & 254
SI & 25^ DEAD THINGS. $1 & 25<

Filmbook on RODAN with a FLY, Leading off MONSTERS!
Our third s-f issue contains Filmbook on 1931's Filmbook ort GREEN A special 40 page magazine free color centerfold of with a double filmbook on Our fabulous DESTROY Our special all-vampire
a 12-page STAR TREK pull- FRANKENSTEIN, a com- SLIME, preview on THE issue of TMT devoted to issue, featuring Forgotten
same. Also Basil Wolverton THE FLY and THE RETURN ALL MONSTERS issue,
out, which includes our al- plete FRANKENSTEIN VAULT OF HORROR, God- GODZILLA and his friends.
comics’ THEATRE OF OF THE FLY and a Fly featuring filmbook and
Vampire Classics of the
ready classic "Keep On filmography, the real Cas- zilla vs. Ghidrah. GENESIS Including a GODZILLA Screen, an article on The
STAR article on New York’s
BLOOD, Review of HIS centerfold. Also articles centerfold. Also included
Trekin' poster,

tleFrankenstein, "The De- II. filmbook, four color GOD- Decline and Fall of Bela
TREK filmography. STAR cline of Franksenstein," in- CREEP, results of the ZILLA posters, the friends
TORY OF COMICS vol. 2, about CAPT. MARVEL'S are exclusive shots on the
the Last of The Planet of creator, C.C. Beck and STAR TREK cartoon,
Lugosi, a Neal Adams
TREK Yellow Pages, review terview with Glen (Franken- Monster Poll, review of the of GODZILLA. Tom Sut- vampire centerfold, review
of the STAR TREK books
The Apes and much more BROOM-HILDA's Russell articles on Superman’s
stein) Strange. "Franken- KLINE PORTFOLIO, and a ton’s super comic strip of DREAM OF DRACULA
and Mr. Spock model. Also in our special BILL OF Myers. Also, Ladies and Metropolis Museum, Wax
stein in the Comics," and a trip to the Amicus studios. RAT! and more on the and the long-awaited Jess
FU MANCHU. Also’ TMT's exclusive Mt.
RIGHTS issue.
^ 25^
their WERE-
monsters and Museum. New York
color centerfold with all the Greatest Beast in the Franco COUNT DRACULA.
WOLVES ON WHEELS. A Comicon, hot stills, horror
World, Godzilla. 51 ^254 fantastic mixed bag issue. in the media and Rondo
Also Esteban Maroto
movies. is believing! article.
51 4 25^ g^254 SI & 254 Hatton. g., 254 SI

& 254


Ail-Worst issue, with film- 20,000 FATHOMS. ISSUE! SI & 254. Super AND SWAMP MEN. Film-
Lon Chaney / H unchback on the Universal Films ISSUE, Our ail Martian GODZILLA. Special issue
issue with centerfold Classic HOUSE OF book on THE HORROR OF plus 25 cents. That Simian Special includes book on THE TIME MA- on Japanese monsters with
PARTY BEACH, 50 Worst issue, including a super roaring rhedosaurus
puppet of the Hunch- FRANKENSTEIN, E.C. complete story of all 5 CHINE, A ghastly look at a heallhv huq for the great-
HorrorFilms Ever Made, the filmbook and centerfold of heads a creature cast the horror ip
back, an article and comics, television cartoon PLANET OF THE APES rise of est of mem Godrilla
illustrations on guide, two Abominable
World's Worst Comics, and
a portrait of low-budget
WAR OF THE WORLDS. that includes MAR- films. Photo-illustrated
underground comix. Star Pan two of the Ladies of
Chaney's make-up tech- Snowman articles, Glenn filmmaker Ray Dennis Also includes an article and VEL’S MIGHTIEST Trek Convention report. Fright is here Learn hoa
Strange memorial. SIN- comic strip on INVADERS Apo Movie Survey— full
nique. Also, PLASTIC Steckler. Also included; MONSTERS, MEXICAN history of celluloid simi-
Interview with William the groat make-up men in
MAN, Willis O'Brien's BAD'S GOLDEN VOYAGE. Teenage Monster Movies of FROM MARS, Martians in MONSTERS and the ans— plus TOP BANAN-
Shatner, The swamp crea- the monster ;\orid v.ork tn
Also FROM HELL IT CAME the 50s, an interview with
AND Death is a Way of Life. schlock filmmaker William
the Comics and many other WEREWOLF OF AS. a complete history of
tures that ooze from within
the comicbook world. Zar-
our Pehind-lhe-scenes re-
Hammer releases and the Grefe, Hugo Headstone Martian features. WASHINGTON. Also Apes m, the Comics. The terrifying history
port on the masters of
WAX MUSEUM. S1 & 254 strip,the Inferior Five and a Gene Rod den berry’s cloz.
make-up Proviev. of Cho-
preview of SCHLOCK, mon- QUESTOR KAMANDI. production of lady monsters in tfie sen Survivors Superna-
& 254 series and a
S1 ster movie satire. $T& i:5C
scenes from KING horror film, Preview of the tural Superhori'es and
profile of the late Kung
Fu star Bruce Si* 25 c
KONG. S1&25C film "madhouse' and
mo're ”'or,' SI & 254
$1 & 25 ^


ISSUE. All those over-
TMT #36, CURSE OF TMT #37. GAMMERA sized titans of terror in one NO. 39. A special Poster- SALUTE. TMT COLLECTORS' ISSUE
THE WEREWOLF. THEINVINCIBLE.Inhis super colossal article, Sized Newspaper with 12 Our special 40 pS^maga- No. 2. “THE PEOPLE OF TMT ff40. PHANTOM BESTOFTHE
Super Filmbook on plus an indepth review of Giant Posters of The zine devoted to STffi TREK OF THE OPERA. Spe- MONSTER TIMES
own words, GAMMERA Marvel's black and white World's Greatest Mon- and the best TV SF. Six
STAR TREK,” Inside cialFilm-Book on "Son FULLCOLOR COVER
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with Leonard Nimoy m
ecstasy of his life. Flesh view about the king of la,The Franksenstein Mon- the 1972 STAR TREK Con. TREK stars and the immor- Wray reminisces about single issue has gather-
Gordon verses Flash ooze— THE BLOB!. Con- ster. 7 more!
51 & 254 The OUTER LIMITS, LOST characters
Spock Speaks!. Robots
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The Monster Times page 19

What, we may well ask, All-

Demon, All-Exorcism issue would
be complete without an article
detailing the exorcistic exploits
of Captain Kirk, commander of
the USS Enterprise? Just about
any, you may well answer, for as
far as we can see there's little
connection between STAR TREK
and Satan. Not so, TWIT scribe
Doug Wlurray may well interject,
and he supports that contention
in the following article dealing
with the ^od captain's demonic
duels with futuristic forces of
unchained evil.

‘Get off my
ship! We
know what
you are!
You can’t
harm us!” Captain Kirk,
Day of the Dove

You may think that exorcisms

are only performed by befrocked
priest and saintly prelates, but
it's just not so. For three years,
James T. Kirk, Captain of the
USS Enterprise, performed the

same function Exorcist with- —
out ever removing the gold
uniform of a starship commander
or donning black robes and white
You say you don't remember
Captain Kirk casting out de-
mons? Sure you have! Think back
to the following

Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Klingon Commander Kang (Michael Ansara) go at it phaser and tong in an eternal struggle engineered by a mysterious
life force, composed of pure evil
evil force in the DAY OF THE DOVE episode. Said demonic force was one of several futuristic fiends defeated by the Enterprise commander in the
energy, has taken control of the course of STAR TREK’S three seasons on the tube.
Enterprise and is forcing Kirk
and crew back to battle it out
with Kang, the Khngon Corn- mander. And that battle will last for eternity, because the alien in with a case of true demonic themselves the lives they wish to
question will not allow anyone to possession. In that episode, Kirk lead.
die. The battle is waged for the and friends come face to face(in a Finally, in THE CHILDREN
sole purpose of giving perverse manner of speaking) with one,of SHALL LEAD THEM, Kirk
pleasure and weird nourishment human history's most infamous comes into contact with a weird
to the demonic creature. Kirk, villains— Jack the Ripper. The group of children. ..children who
finally realizing the awful truth Ripper, it is revealed, is not a play as their parents lie dead
of the situation, forces the alien specific entity after all, but a around them. ..children who seem
off the Enterprise by confronting force, an alien power that incapable of crying.. .children
it with a strong counter-dose of possesses humans and uses them who have an uncanny mastery
good energy, fellowship and to further its own horrid ends. over man’s emotions and an

love driving the alien into space When the Ripper uses the ability to turn those emotions
by means of this greater force. Enterprise’s own Mr. Scott tor against their enemies. As it turns
its nefarious purposes, Kirk and out, the children are under the
WHERE NO MAN HAS Spock soon uncover the truth of influence of a certain Gorgon, the
GONE BEFORE. Kirk is com- the matter. Once exposed, the “friendly” angel. But Gorgon is
pelled to destroy an old and dear
creature escapes into the ship’s actually something less than
friend, Lt. Commander Gary
Mitchell, when the latter is
computer. Kirk feeds the compu- friendly; he plans, in fact, to
ter an insoluble problem to drive conquer the universe, to stamp
turned into a veritable god by a
the demon out, in dead human out goodness and light and make
strange force at the edge of the
universe. Impervious to normal
form, a form which he then all people his slaves. Gorgon,
weapons and deaf to Kirk’s breaks down into its component however, is helpless without his
arguments and pleas, Mitchell is atoms and— with the aid of the agents, the children, and when
finally killed when his only equal.
transporter— scatters through Kirk shows them the true
Dr. Elizabeth Dehner (also space. The terror of Jack the ugliness of the creature they
transformed by that same Ripper is finally over. have befriended, they realize
their mistake, banish the evil
strange force), temporarily BY PEACE POSSESSED “angel” forever and finally cry
drains him of his powers,
enablihg Kirk to overcome him
In THIS SIDE OF PARA- for their lost parents a sign of—
DISE, the demonic danger is of their return to humanity
and inadvertently place him in
quite another sort. This time, So, indeed. Captain James
the path of a falling boulder. The
rather than promoting unhappi- Kirk has encountered more than
reason for Dr. Dehner’s sudden
ness, destruction and death, the his fair share of strange spirits of
switch of loyalties? Kirk’s elo-
quent denunciation of godhood
possessing force wants only evil, —
forces that in less en-
peace and love. Kirk, however, lightened days, before time was
without responsibility, and life
without humanity.
as the only Enterprise crewman measured in stardates might —
free of the force’s hold, decides have been called demons, agents
Though Kirk confronted and that man must be free to choose of Satan, minions of the Dark
conquered odd evil forces in his own way of whether or
life, One. And Kirk defeated them—
episodes like CHARLIE X, not said life is inferior to what through forceful argument, ban-
SQUIRE OF GOTHOS, RE- this force can offer. After ishment and, in several cases,
TURN OF THE ARCHONS, exorcising this well-meaning through luck and the arrival of a
“There’s more than one way to fight a fiend,” says William Shatner, THE CHANGELING, THE UL- demon from Spock, Kirk and the faithful “deus ex machina”
applying karate fist to face of unidentified assailant on the April '74 TIMATE COMPUTER, RE-
Since STAR TREK’S demise,
Vulcan work together to free all supplied by the scriptwriter. As
added martial arts techniques to his considerable exorcism
TURN TO TOMORROW and the Enterprisers from the force’s long as evil continues to exist,
OBSESSION, wasn’t until the
it “curse.” Right or wrong, for good there will be m'en who will
WOLF IN THE FOLD episode or ill, the interplanetary explor- recognize and confront this evil...
that Kirk and crew again met up ers are free again to choose for men like Captain Kirk, Exorcist.

page 20 The Monster Times

Merchants and advertisers have barely yet antiseptic “Perfection of Spirit” are pre- —
begun to plumb the enormous commercial cisely the same drives that keep them buying
possibilities of the Occult. This is puzzling^ deodorant soap and air freshener. Certainly
because the very drives which lead people to the hysterical popularity of THE EXORCIST
turn to the Occult— mainly a deep-rooted should’ve given Madison Avenue a hint, and
horror and revulsion of the Flesh, and a set them to merchandising products like
desire to achieve some super-human, ultra- this:




Use “Be-Gone,” the I

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pire repellent! New “Be-
Gone” contains the exclu- I

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but without that embar- I
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Countless teenagers spend the
best years of their youth“covering I
up” ugly skin blemishes .caused
by visitations from beings from
the Astral Plane. When these
STK-MATA Chaste And Restful Sleep, Sleep, ULA, containing both ACETISALI- I

pesky entities attack and possess

a young person's outer skin layer,
the result is often the appearance
of nasty-looking forehead crosses,
And Sleep.... If your nightly rest is
polluted, evening after evening, by
visitations from foul, nightmarish
wraiths such as INCUBI or
Wake refreshed and untroubled by
uneasy memories of abnormal
enormities committed during the

or mystic letters appearing on

cheeks and body, hideous nail
holes in palms and side, tooth-
long and deep under the DOUBLE

marks on the throat, whip-streaks
across the back, etc., etc., ad
nauseam. Tragically, common
cosmetics are most often power-
less to disguise these unearthly
blemishes. Accordingly, CLEAR-
ASIN contains authentic Kingsevil
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dissolves stigmata and banishes
the spirits responsible for it back
to the Grave. Don't, settle for
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tA- -A- 4-
even the nicest, most well-
kept homes are often offended by little
hideous shrieks of agony and remorse\
If you think your home may be the
Let Us Help You Drive The « things of which the home-owner is subject to these eerie and embarrass-
Werewolves From Your Door! ing phenomena, then act now\ Merely *
J f hardly even aware. Skittering noises
Just two coats of MARTEN ^ in the rafters.... Mysterious creakings burn a pyramid of Hermes Trismegis -
GO-COAT ANTI-SPOOK RE- ^ of stairs and bannisters.... Dim, tus Brand Purification Incense in each
PELLENT PAINT around your 4-
guttural groans echoing from cellar corner of every room in your home,
doorposts leaves a subtle, in- and the spirits will flee in terror and
J and attic.... Ghostly /oofsteps treading
eradicable odor that actually ^t.
through uninhabited rooms.... Flying revulsion. No longer will you worry
LEADS WEREWOLVES jf dinnerplates, smashing mirrors, open- about someone saying of your home,
AWAY when they come J ing shutters, slamming doors, where “It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t
sniffing at your door. Avail- want
J no human agency is visible.... Or, to die there.”
able in a complete range of jf worst of all, clanking chains and
-K decorator colors.
: % 1

The Monster Times page 2




hot sulphur baths, regular

Is Vsur Child flagellations and mortifica-
tions, daily baptisms, prayer
sessions (your choice of
be implored),

Don’t be tortured by fear of demons If

your very special child .is competent non-denomina-
Deities to
hymns, chants, and Inten-
sive drug, hypnosis, and
hydro-electric therapy.
possessing your body the moment you let sometimes given to peculiar tional exorcists, only Camp Don’t you owe it to your
down your guard and catch a few hours’ and inexplicable behavior, Castout can lend your very special child to send
sleep! Strike back at nocturnal soul-burg- then maybe you ought to unique-offspring the individ- him or her to Camp Castout?
lars with Ace Security System’s new Elec- look into the advantages of ual attention which he or she Only $2,000 for our eight-
tronic Bell, Book & Candle set-up. It sending him or her to Camp requires and deserves. week Summer Exorcism
broadcasts the appropriate passages from Castout— a very special sum- Everything at Camp Cast- Program.
the Bible, rings the Bell, and lights and mer camp for very special out is geared toward the
extinguishes the Candle in perfect scien- children. Lodged in Utah’s encouragement and exor- Contact Dr. Adolph
tific succession all night long, keeping secluded and picturesque cism of your special child: Bluebeard,
away the spooks and letting you sleep un- Monument Valley, staffed by holy-fast meals once a day. Bedlam-on-Bridewell, N.H.

TMT HANDY HOME For further
the soulbreak of
ic possession without

cizes excerpted from Dr.
Anton LeFey’s forthcom-
ing $16.95 best-seller, cizes
regimen of said exor-
should be just
A daily

dangerous side effects— DEMONOLOGY AND what the exorcist or-

TMT recommends the PHYSICAL FITNESS dered.
following handy exor- (Charlatan House, Inc.,

Ban It Yqursell

To welcome the advent
of Michaelmas.
To cast a
POSITION 14: To abolish spirits blinding-spell.
descending from the heavens. Repeal thrice over.

To behold what lies
beyond one’s chair.

POSITION 19: To ward off For the dispersion of
approaching demons. accumulated Karma.
POSITION 38: To hide from a water-sprite

To annul the
POSITION 21 To summon the
vengeance of the Furies
assistance of Ba’al-ze-bub.

In adulation of
the Egyptian mage

POSITION 44: To attain temporary Model: Maria Zannieri.

remedy against arthritis. Photos: Steve Krauss
, .

page 22 The Monster Times

Here are two things wrong was adayted, is 22

withTHE CURSE OF THE pa^sia^fing, and alD'the roots of
DEMON; Peggy Cummins and the filn?N(^;^bpv ?ound there:
the Demon. Karswell’s dis'Rkii^^ disapproba-
tion by his anti-peei^Sfi^^« party

Miss Cummins
is so innocuous / The title fiend
she could be a pod from THE r from CURSE OF for the children, only wtHii^qr
THE DEMON more cruelty fas we shall later
INVASION OF THE BODY one of the shiver
SNATCHERSXwho walked out of screen’s most con- see); the library scene; Duning
a closet two years later and troversial creatures ; (the Holden character, more or
many critics maintain
found herself on the DEMON set. that the demon’s too-
less) being helped by a relative of
Discovering Dana Andrews to be vi vidpresence detracts
the deceased critic (not scientist)
nearly as one-dimensional as from an othenwise fine Harrington— only in this, case
herself, she decided to hang him. From a purely helped by a nephew, not a niece;
cosmetic point of view, the growing terror and feeling of
around. though he does make
Unlike Miss Cummins, the

for an effective fiend,

being watched and pursued; the
Demon was forced on director as artist Raymond quote from Coleridge (“...Be-
Jacques Tourneur by studio dolts
Zatarga’s rendition cause he knows a frightful fiend
of the demon demon-
who were' frightened not by the strates.
Doth close behind him tread”);
superior suspense and shock and finally, on the train, the
scenes, but by too few frames passing back of the parchment.
being filled with a gruesome, But the film nobly transforms
drooling monster’s face. Now we the story, retaining all of its
must tolerate the burden of their beauty and horror, and enlarging
' relief, and each close-up is worse and embellishing and cinema-
than the next: the same tizing it every step of the way.
low-angle shot, with a descend- The story is a third person
ing, quivering puppet head that
objective narrative; the film is a
could have been a reject from first person subjective experi-

Sesame Street. Ah, the taste of ence.

the studio bigwigs. To Bennett and Chester I give
In the long shots, the demon is the most loving praise for their
more palatable, and the last finely constructed, articulately
scene is so well-edited and dialogued screenplay. An adapta-
conceived that it hardly bothers tion displaying great fondness
one at all. But I’m sure if and imagination toward the
Tourneur had known well in subject. Old Montague would be
advance that pressures would turning in- his grave now, but
force him to abandon the rules of only to get a better view of the
Lewton, he might have come qp mini-screen on his cryptovision
with something better than a set.

winged gargoyle who probably END OF THE BEGINNING

found post-production employ- Ending the first of a two-part
ment with Kabuki troupe.
a article on the titles of the film in
Everything else about the iilm question leaves a lot to come. I
is good to excellent. Of course, can’t help it; I got carried away.
we must contend with an edited BY ROY FRUMKES And next issue there may be
version of the original NIGHT some surprises in store. Let me
OF THE DEMON, filmed in bring this chapter to a close with
England, which has never been a plaudit for an unsung hero of
shown here. One realizes how Full-time screenwriter and sometime TMT contributor Roy Frumkes considers Jacques many films, the Casting Director.
extensive the editing may have Tourneur’s CURSE OF THE DEMON to be one of the finest fright films ever produced— and In this case it is Robert Lennard,
been wheni in the title crawl, the we agree.Toumeur.who apprenticed under RKO producer Val Lewton and directed such de- a name to reckon with. Yes, it
woman playing Hobart’s wife is was. Tourneur who gave the final
listed (Hobart is the patient in ceptively titled masterworks as THE CAT PEOPLE and WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE in the I
okay to all those marvelous
the chemical-hypnosis therapy 40s, Struggled against severe budgetary limitations and studio interference to craft a mi- characters whose memorable
sequence) but never seen in the nor classic of the genre. First part of Roy’s analysis of Tourneur’s gem begins herewith... faces fill the passing frames of
film. In addition, about 15 minues CURSE OF THE DEMON. But it
into the, film, an East Indian, was Lennard who dug them up,
Doctor Kumar, enters Holden’s it. Next we see several hazy -day proving his particular talents to pear, and we notice that the scavenged through the personali-
(Dana Andrews) hotel room, shots of Stonehengfe— a cluster be up to Lewton’s particular script has been adapted by ty files after studying the script
apologizing to those present for of runic carved boulders that demands— many feel more so Charles Bennett and Hal E. and listening to anything Tour-
being late. He is informed that represents one of man’s greatest than any other director who Chester from the story by neur had to say. Some casting
“It’s okay. We were just about to earthbound mysteries over— worked under Lewton’s super- ' Montague Rhodes James. James, directors will populate a film
begin.” Begin what? What was which is heard the standard B vision. appointed Provost of Eton with hordes of faceless mugs.
he late for? We never find out, film prologue, slightly better What we have, in 1957, is College in 1918, was a student of And with each poor choice,
and nothing is ever begun. than the norm because this is Tourneur doing the closest thing ancient and medieval lore, and another bit of nuance is lost,
Much as I would love to see the chiefly a case of ‘A’ film artistry one can imagine to recreating his his hobby was the writing of another piece of the film falls into
uncut British version of CURSE struggling against ‘B’ film com- earlier aesthetic and generic ghost stories involving satanic the great gray chasm of indefini-
OF THE DEMON, I’m crazy promises and budgetary restric- triumphs with Lewton. But, forces pent-up over the eons in tion where most film goes as far
about the American release copy. tions, like the films of Lewton, or ultimately, Tourneur is. not netherworlds where only practi- as the human mind is concerned.
I think it is exemplary filmmak- Samuel Fuller, or Peter Watkins, Lewton, and so CURSE OF THE tioners of the Black Arts were So let’s hear it for Robert
ing, in which every scene is or Ken Russell’s BBC efforts. DEMON ultimately is derivative foolish enough to tread. Many of Lennard, a fine casting director;
compact and furthers the story, “Ithas been written,” a and imitative, not original. This his tales can be found in a volume THE CURSE OF THE DEMON,
where the story is told equally, narrator intones, “since the is no morO serious than saying entitled GHOST STORIES OF a fine film; and Joe Kane, here’s
well verbally and visually, where beginning of time, even unto Carol Reed’s THIRD MAN
was AN ANTIQUARY, and a few are another fine mess you’ve gotten
all the elements of cinema are these ancient stones, that evil, derivative and imitative of available in the marvelous me into!
put into play— cinematography supernatural creatures exist in a Welles, which it was, or that GREAT
Modern Library volume,
and lighting, music, editing, world of darkness... And it is also Carol Reed’s NIGHT TRAIN TO TALES OF TERROR AND THE CURSE OF THE DEMON (1958) 83
writing, ^direction, art direction, said, man, using the magic power MUNICH was derivative and SUPERNATURAL. His style min. Directed by Jacques Tourneur.
Screenplay by Hal Chester and
special effects, sound, etc. of the ancient runic symbols, can imitative of Hitchcock, which it was dry and academic, and very Charles Bennett, from the story
Consider the introduction of the call forth these powers of was. So what! It may diminish literate, heading in the direction “Casting the Runes" by Montague B.
James. Starring Dana Andrews,
protagonist— Holden. We
aren’t darkness, the demons of Hell!” Reed as a brilliant innovator, but ofyLovecraft, but never making Peggy Cummins, Niall MacGinnis,
dulled by a verbal description; And the music blares out of the he is so skilled that it was our it. He lived from 1862 to 1936.
Maurice Denharn, Athene ^yler
Liam Redmond, Reginald Beckwiih,
we see his picture on a speakers and the fiery titles fill good luck to have a second Casting the Runes, the story Ewan Roberts, Peter Elliott,
newspaper lying over his face as the screen. Welles and Hitchcock around. from which CURSE OF THE
he slumps in his plane seat trying I think here, at the beginning, In addition to style, Reed was
to catch some sleep. His behavior we really can distinguish this going formula, and so is
in these formative moments film as excellent, rather than Tourneur. What I occasionally
clearly establishes him as rude, great. The key is in the formula. wonder is what would have
cynical, and headed for trouble. Lewton more or less created happened if someone as revolu-
It also begins his "ambivalent something new back in the ’40s, tionary as Kubrick had tackled
relationship with the film’s due to budgetary demands and the film. The difference between
heroine. Hitchcock’s pacemaker the fact that Universal had excellence and inspiration would
would have doubtless recharged already copyrighted the names'of have probably been instantly
over all this expository work the famous monsters. Equipped apparent. A gray sky behind
accomplished in purely cinematic with a poetic, literate sensibility, Stonehenge is guaranteed to
terms. It demonstrates the care he created films which ached produce a somber, foreboding
with which the rest of the film is with delicacy, from which horror mood. Kubrick probably would
constructed, scene by scene, and sprang like the worst kind of have given us a cheery, lofty-
sjiot by shot. shock— like when the water clouded day, devoid of any
suddenly goes ice cold in the obvious menace, and inevitably
EERIE OPENING shower. This blend of fragility all the more terrifying. Yet we
The film, to begin a long recap, and horror, mainly implied arid must be very grateful for what
commences with a wonderful highly stylized, plus- a fine beauties we are given. DEMON
shot— the Columbia Pictures command of the medium, en- is only a shade behind Lewtori*s

logo in which a woman holds a nobled all those little Lewton work, and it is one of the finest
torch aloft. What is so nice about works. and most charming films of the
this shot is the ominous music Tourneur was, of course, one supernatural we have.
behind it. Even a venerable insti- ofLewton’s ‘boys,’ as most TMT
tution such as the studio takes on readers already know. He direct- Wry evil conjurer Niall MacGinnis advises biunt American scientist Dana.
a weird aura with an unsettling ed THE CAT PEOPLE and I AUTHORS OF EVIL
Andrews to vacate his terrifying turf in an eariy scene from Jacques Tour-
orchestral strain accompanying WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, Getting back. ..the titles ap- neui’s masterful CURSE OF THE DEMON.

The Monster Times

page 23

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volume. Illus. by Frank
Frazetta.''Spec. Ed. .
the future. Pub.
ed. $8.95 Special Edition. EYE

Science Fiction Book Club 45-SI 40

Dept. HR077, Garden City, New York 11530

Please accept my application for membership in the
Science Fiction Book Club.
Send me, as a beginning, the 4 books whose numbers I
have indicated below, and bill me just 100 (plus shipping
and handling). agree to purchase 4 additional books at
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Send me, in addition, GREAT SCIENCE FICTION FILM
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The Science Fiction Book Club offeYs its own complete hardbound editions sometimes altered in size to fit special
presses and save members even more. Members accepted in U.S.A. and Canada only. Canadian members will be

L serviced from Toronto. Offer slightly different in Canada.

The Monster Times

We’ve just received word that another

demonic horror film is on the
fright film is currently being shot in
and around an actual castle in
Jackson, Michigan (of all places) and
is written, produced and directed by
Donald G. Jackson and Jerry
Younkins. Ted NugenI and the Amboy
Dukes are writing the musical score
and will also appear in the film, set
for an October release under the ban-
ner of Wolf Lore Cinema.
Nicholas Meyer, author of the
Sherlock Holmes’ THE SEVEN PER our way of getting the latest CENT SOLUTION, is writing a
hot-pff-the-weird-wire info to you, teleplayfor ABC-TV. Entitled THE
serving up all the news of what’s
cookin' in every medium, from the
rare to the haif-baked to the weti-
There seems to be a lot of
expectation about the filmization of
deals with the chaos engen-
by Orson Welles’ famous
done: ' reviews, previews, bulletins
and controversial comments on
horror, sci-fi and fantasy happenings
Peter Benchley's JAWS. Robert Shaw
stars in this film about an incredibly
giant and malevolent shark, not one
"panic broadcast” of H.G. Wells”
TV film slated
in 1938. The
is to air
in films, books, comics, TV and even for the weak of stomach. during the Fall season.
real life. We have spared no costs,
Norman Lear, creator of TV’s
time or tender egos in bringing you MAUDE and ALL IN THE FAMILY,
this expanded editiorr of our beloved As much as we hate to Interrupt this
returns to the cinema with a remake
Teletype page, so feet free to sendms special, unique, one-time-only AIL Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
of H.G. Wells' THE MAN WHO
letters full of lavish praise for our Demon, All-Exorcism issue of THE Deserving, in the art-oriented eyes
selfless efforts to keep you “in-the- Young MONSTER TIMES, we think it only fair of our distinguished judges, of
played the title role in
know." Handling Fright Film Fore- and proper, meet and just to honorable mention are the following
Alexander Korda's original master-
casting chores is “Breezy Bill” Feret, announce (finally) the hicky winners Crayola wizards and magic marker
piece, which, recall, had an incred-

who kicks off this feature with his ibly spectacular finale. Lear will have
of the TMT Creature Coloring Contest mavens: Henrv L. Davis of Goviter.
column,- which begins directly be- we ran back in TMT 37. Choosing a Miss.; Barry Griffith, South Portland,
to make lotsa use of Paramount’s
low .. talented trio of creature-colorers from Maine: Mike Epperson, Murray, Utah;
special effects dept, to equal Korda's
the hundreds upon hundreds entries Jessica Wolf, New York City; Laura
received was no easy task, and the Perkins, Houston, Texas; Stan Wong,
SUPERMAN will be coming to the Though he usually plays heavies, highly-qualified contest judges re- Vancouver, Canada; Douglas Bruce,
screen a colossal production from
in Ernie Borgnine finally gets a chance cruited from TMT’s sprawling art staff Richmond, Va.; Donnie Pitchford,
Alexander Salkind, and, surprisingly to play a monster in Bryanston’s THE suffered many a moment of anxious Longview. Texas; Murt Strotbeck,
enough, Brian Clemens, scripter tor DEVIL’S RAIN. I’m looking forward to indecision, to say nothing of sleepless Jackson Heights, N.Y.; Ray Rodecker,
THE AVENGERS and dozens of this one. nights, in the process. But, in a Jamaica, N.Y.; Jon, Tim and Jennifer
ABC's Mystery Movies, is preparing a sparsely attended ceremony in the Stoke, West Sullivan, Maine; Steven
live screen adaptation of none other spacious TMT art room, our Rossi, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mike Mathews,
than Marvel’s SPIDERMAN. beleaguered judges handed to pub- Sedalia, Mo.; Mark Costanza, Bradley,
lishers Brill and Waldstein three sealed HI.; Jack Page, Toronto, Canada;
From the makers of AMERICAN
GRAFITTI issues MESSIAH OF EVIL, envelopes containing the names of the Matthew Crispino, Centereach, N.Y.;
starring Michael Greer, Marianna Hill,
winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes Mike Mahoney, Nashua, N.H.; Martin
of our Creature Coloring Contest: Van Dyke, Apple Valley, Minn.; Sean
Joy Bang, and Elisha Cook. This one,
Film Ventures International has in Isl Prize ($25.00 cash money and a Glover, Watkins Glen, N.Y.; and our
about cannibalistic zombies run
amok, is pretty poor. current release an exorcism epic free one-year subscription to TMT) youngest contestant, Michael Elyea,
Roger Cormaji will be bringing us entitled BEYOND THE DOOR. goes to Brian Wagner. 17, of Joplin, age 2, of San Diego, California.
DEATH RACE Amicus has quite a production Missouri. Congratulations Brian Wagner, Steve
2000, a quickie
capitalizing on Norman Jewison’s
schedule. They seem to be placing a 2nd Prize ($10.00 cash money and Engberg and Steven Schooley— not to
lot of hope in their current Edgar Rice a free one-year subscription) is mention all you honorable mentionees
ROLLERBALL, starring David ^ung Burroughs’ THE LAND THAT TIME hereby awarded to Steve Engberg, 14, —for a fiendish job well done. Of
Fu” Carradine as a racedrir^ who
scores points by runnnin^ down FORGOT, which could possibly have of Builington, Iowa. course, we wish everyone who entered
pedestrians. (Maybe he scor,6s double as many as two sequels. Amicus will 3rd Prize (no cash money and a free could have emerged a winner, but
for little old ladies.) Coi/man also
soon be filming, as had hoped. I one-year subscription) becomes the what good is a contest without losers,
plans TIDAL WAVE, concerning the Burroughs’ classic of inner-world property of Steven W. Schooley, 10, of we ask you.
submersion of Japan. Pellucidar .ATTHE EARTH’S CORE,
Millie Perkins and Vanessa Brown
tiich could feasibly have asmany as
sequels. Everybody better see these
star in Moonstone Films’ production
of THE WITCH WHO CAME OUT OF 3 and 4 times apiece, and maybe,
THE SEA, with
just maybe. Amicus might think
a screenplay by
about bringing ERB’s JOHN CARTER-
Robert Tho^.
MARTIAN TRILOGY to the screen.
Just for kicks, they’ve also got lined
up a 3-0 horror titled CURSE OF THE
CAT PEOPLE (a remake of the Val
NEW YORK^ FIRST ANN^jAL Lenton classic?).
While we’re in the vicinity of Big
Ben, let’s see whatHammer is up to:
Christopher Lee inTO THE DEVIL, A
DAUGHTER, a remake of Hitchcock’s

CONVENTIOI\-1975 version of Dennis Wheatley’s master-

piece THE SATANIST, and one that
even escapes me— H. Rider Hag-
COME TO AND THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY THE PINK PANTHER. Word being so brings us Telly Savalas, Elke Sommer
HOTEL COMMODORE FLOWER. favorable already, he plans another and Robert Alda in HOUSE OF
NEW YORK CITY Speaking of Hitchcock, the old man sequel, CLOUSEAU STRIKES AGAIN. EXORCISM — I needn’t tell you which
AUG. 30, 31, SEPT. 1, 1975 ain’tthrough yet he’s already filming
George Pal’s DOC SAVAGE, MAN OF one this onetrying to cash in on.

SPECIAL GUEST his 53rd film. Entitled DECEIT, it has BRONZE, which am not all that
I I’m having difficulty getting up
a mighty impressive cast, starring excited about, already has a sequel enough courage to report the next
Karen Black, Bruce Dern, Barbara lined up called DOC SAVAGE, ARCH one. ..a comedy, no less. ..entitled
(Star of Tarzan, Flash Gordon,
Harris, Roy Thinnes and Cathleen ENEMY OF EVIL. THE EXORCIST, ITALIAN STYLE. Are
& Buck Rogers) Nesbitt. Seems that Italian filmmakers have you ready for a Sicilian Satan?
Dealers Room, Exhibits, Sequels seem to be an “in thing” been cashing in on recent terror In addition to being treated to a
Movies, Auctions, Trivia currently. With the superb success of trends of late by releasing quickie superspectacular version of SUPER-
Contests & Prizes. Agatha Christie’s MURDER ON THE imitations of monstrous money- MAN and THE LAND THAT TIME
Advance membership $4.50 ORIENT EXPRESS, they have set for makers. Riding right behind MURDER FORGOT, we will also' be presented
At the door $6.00 (all 3 days) lensing her MURDER ON THE NILE; ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, EurojJe- with the ultimate remake of them all'
Dailies sold at the door. Albert Finney will probably play an, Inc. has lensed MURDER ON THE with Paramount’s new version of...
Dealers table space $40 each -
Poirot again. Blake Edwards has LAST NIGHT TRAIN, with Flavio brace yourself. ..KING KONG! Re-
already filmed a sequel, RETURN OF Bucci starring. Leone International member: You heard it first in TMT. fl
Make checks payable to I

Paul Saryian and send to


Nostalgia Convention border on the insane, but the people are friendly and there’s always a

P.O.Box 265
Is., N.Y. 10302
COIVFCALENDAR good chance you’ll pick up some rare item for your collection. And
they’re great places to meet people

famous, infamous and plain

THE CON-CALENDAR is an exclusive feature of TMT. Across the If you’ve never been to a “con,” we highly recommend you try one.
country, comic nuts, sf fans, monsW
freaks and the like are They vary in size, emphasis, and quality, of course, but they’re all tun
constantly gathering .to buy, sell, trade, collect and listen to to attend. We at TMT will do our part by keeping you informed of all
speeches. As with most gath^ngs of fans, the conventions often upcoming cons.


Giant film
festival, movie
A.^1. Gary Berman days in advance
42 St. & Park Ave.
or $4.00 a day at
and TV memorabilial,
197-50F Peck Ave. New York City Dealers’ rooms,
Flushing. N.Y. 11365 the door.
Special Guests

NOSTALGIA comic books,

3rd Sunday Howard Johnson pulps, toys,
4Church Street Motor Lodge 7S4
every month movies, auctions
NEW YORK'S FIRST Waltham, Mass. 02154

ROCK and roll Sunday

June 22nd
Comics, comics,
(every other
10PM to 5PM
34th St.
& Broadway
York City
$1.00 & even more comics!

NOSTALGIA “75” Dealer’s/oom, auctions
August 30—
HOTEL McALRN, NY Sept. 1st 59 Derby Court
New York City
$4.50 in advance
$6.00 at the door
Special guest
of honor

Staten Island, N.Y. 10302

P.O.BOX 616
N.Y. COLONNADES BEACH $8.50 in advance Festival, Art
OR 914 793-4867 August 30 to INTERNATIONAL 1975 HOTEL until July 1 Shoyv, Dealers
P.O. Box 69 Singer Island Room,
Sept. 1 $10.00 at the door Star Trek
W. Palm Bea<^, FI. 33402 Guests, Costume Ball
The Monster Times page 25

Bradford Dillman. Carroll O’Connor. handling of an interesting idea.

The first of video’s occult ventures, Rating
’ ‘

and undoubtedly the finest. Guy

Endore-based concept has full-length
antique mirror possessed by elusive
force of demonic evil. Convincing
(1973) ABC. Starring Roy Thinnes,
Kate Jackson. Thinnes. dean of the
demoniacal mini-movies, is cast as
performances, brilliant scripting:
Satan himself in this predictable
Paul Wendkos directs up a tempest of
supernatural excitement and once
again proves his mastery of lilted and

upward angle shots. Highly recom-
thriller about innocent school girls
combatting unearthly forces. Down-
beat finale surprises no one. Rating:
mended Rating
. :

SOMETHING EVIL (1971) CBS. All in your own home,

Starring! Sandy Dennis. Darren McGa- anytime you want to see them!
en. Johnny Whittaker. Family moves
into new house, encounters a
rampant supernatural power, fren- THE MONSTER TIMES HOME MOVIE DEPARTMENT
For some strange reason, TV zied photography during possession
networks have been cashing in on the sequences substitutes confusion for Imagine the incredible thrill of seeing the greatest of the monster film classics in your
current exorcism craze at a steadier suspense: bedevilled child effect own home! Yes, now any day or night of the week your home can become a “Monster
clip than film studios have. One inly partially effective. SOMETHING Movie Theater.” Invite your friends over and have a giant-monsfer-movie-testival. All of
definiteiy positive point in this TV ' our thrilling monster films come on 200 ft. reels. All titles are available in either regular
EVIL is nothing special! Rating :

trend is that it enabies demon number of films ordered. EACH FILM COSTS
ordering. Also be sure to write both title and
devotees and exorcism enthusiasts to RITUAL OF
engage in their vice without first they Starring LoatS'Jourdan_,Ajme Baxter,
have to sheil out two or three bucks
for the priv'iiige of doing so. And if
you find that any particular TV terror
movie faiis to ensnare you fancy, you
can aiways furn it off, which
constitutes another plus. Here to tell
you which of the tube demons are
worth catching and which should be
returned to you-know-where is TMT
creature critic Gary Gerani...

Back 1968, many a fantasy film

fan predicted a devilish new trend to A meteorite lands on earth and Godzilla and The Thing battle for MONSTER ... Godzilla and Rodan
from It appears Ghidrah. the possession of a monstrous join forces against the monstrous
transpire as the result of ROSE- 3-headed monster It goes on a prehistoric egg Only one of these power of Ghidrah! Non-stop action
MARY’S BABY'S unearthly success. rampage of destruction, destroy- monster creatures can survive! keeps you glued to your seat as
ing everything in its path Godzilla Incredible action with the "BIG these 3 monsters battle it out for
Well, what we ended up with was and Rodan are called to destroy G " Black & White only dominion of the earth. Black &
certainly less than exciting; THE him' Our best selling film ...Black & White only. RUSH your order
White only. Get your copy today soon!
MEPHISTO WALTZ will never make
this horror critic's ten best list. It-
wasn't until a few years later that THE
EXORCIST surfaced to revive rabid
interest in the doings of the damned.
But even if Satan and his hoofed
henchmen are still not quite the
cinematic celebrities we might have
hoped them to be, they do appear to
have transformed the usually tepid
tube into a veritable inferno of
made-for-TV terror of late. The F 4— RODAN the Flying Mohster F 5-TASTE THE BLOOD OF F-6 BATTLE FOR THE
The greatest flying monster of DRACULA Starring Christopher Planet OF THE APES. ..
following is a checklist of some of the ..

time does battle with the earth'

The greatest of all the
ait Lee as the blood-sucking Count
more memorable telepix dealing with Who will win this titanic battle’ Dracula!! In this horror-filled "Ape movies. Super fast-
paced constant action
demonism and the occult. Read this CBS. Starring William Shatner.
(1972) Belinda Montgomery, Wilfred Hyde- This epic battle of the monsters classic the evil Prince of Darkness
from start to finish as the
cannot be missed. Black & White terrifies the people of London.
listing quickly, attentively and only Roy Thinnes. Buddy Ebsen, Tammy White. At firsTglance, this witchcraft- only. Order yours today' Incredible! This film is a must for
blood-thirsty apes battle
the humans. Incredible!!
with a crucifix clenched tightly in Grimes. Lynn Loring. Excellent cast oriented followup to FEAR NO EVIL is all Hammer Fans! Black & White
your palm. Who knows. ..the soul you wasted in forgettable little opus set an inconclusive, character-crammed
save may be your own! aboard commercial liner carrying a melodrama with an only marginally REMEMBER! Please specify 8 or Super 8mm when ordering. Thank you
BLACK NOON (1971) CBS. Starring shipment of haunted ruins. Just interesting supernatural concept. In- TO ORDER ANY OF THESE ITEMS,
Roy Thinnes, Yvette Mimieux, Ray another sub-par role for Shatner since creased attention, however. yieluS a PLEASE SEE PAGE31 OF THIS ISSUE FOR CONVENIENT RUSH ORDER FORM.
Milland, Lynn Loring. A preacher and his STAR TREK success. Rating
" ‘
subliminal, intelligently developed
his young wife encounter some examination of personalities eroding
NORLISS TAPES, THE (1972) NBC. under the stress of a malevolent
curious townfolk in this familiar but
Starring Roy Thinnes. Angie Dickin- occult power. This odd. extremely
occasionally effective horror tale set
in the old west. Thinnes tries hard as son. Feeble attempt to pilot series stylized, and ultimately effective tEneCES
the idealistic priest, while Mimieux is based on adventures of occult combination of psychological charac
appropriately delicious as the evil researcher Thinnes is merely an ter study and supernatural fantasy i

young thing out to destroy his impoverished NIGHT STALKER re- director Robert Day’s most remarl
marriage. Unusual locale helps working with none of the original’s able and underrated work to dat
overcome some of the traditional
suspense, pacing or intelligence. Billy Goldenberg’s score is stagge
Living dead sculptor fashions statue ing and was later heard a
witchcraft-demonism trappings, and
there are several splendidly photo-
in demon’s ima’gey- comes to life background music for ABC’s THE
graphed dream sequences. Rating: during flaming climax. Notably poor SIXTH SENSE. Rating: "•Vs
* *
[C#1 —$2.00 plus 25c 1C#2— $1.00 plus 25c
DEVIL AND MISS SARAH, THE Exclusive interview with R. Interview with Kurtzman,
(1971) ABC. Starring Janice Rule. Crumb, Nea! Adams On C.C. Beck. Steve Ditko
Gene Barry, James Drury. A captured Strike Against National, Speaks, The Crumbling
The Great Comic Art Disney Empire. George &
who may
or may not be the
wreaks domestic strife between

farmer Drury and his bedevilled

spouse. Weak on all counts,
especially the denouement. Barry and
others deserved far better! Rating:


ABC. Starring Belinda Montgomery.
Shelley Winters, Robert Foxworth,
If you’re a fan of those great science fiction and
Joseph Cotten. Montgomery. Satan’s
fantasy movies and television shows we think you’ll
child, is finally paired with eligible
want to know about the TELE-FANTASY convention
demon Foxworth at telefilm’s conclu- this August 1-3 at the Commodore Hotel. 42nd and C#3— $1.00 Plus 25c
sion. A warmed-over ROSEMARY’S
IC#4— $1.00 plus 25c
Park Ave. in Manhattan. The "Dirty Dozen”: 12 top The Comics Code, Fredric
BABY: lack of conviction in produc- What to expect? Exciting’ and informative discus- pros speak out about Wertham, Will Eisner,
tion and performance reduces poten- comics, The Comics Code. Superman in Jail?, Comic
sions on filmmaking, special effects, and specific T.V. Roy Thomas, Jim Warren,
effective framework to ridicu- Report, George & MORE!
tially programs and flicks, magnificent displays and MORE!
‘ *
lous, campy level. Rating : exhibits, and 160 tables of film and television
FEAR NO EVIL (1969) NBC. collectibles, posters, art, horror magazines, comics, INSIDE COMICS
Starring Louis Jourdan. Lynda Day, stills, etc., all on sale or trade! Plus, a fantastic film 11 West 17th Street
T.V. festival stretching almost 20 hours. NewYork, N.Y. 10011
I Tentative guests include: Joe Stefano. creator of
"Outer Limits.” Jim Danforth, special effects master. ( ) Please rush me INSIDE COMICS back
KEEP ON TALKIN’ Zacherley, famed "horror” host, Paul Frees, the voice Issues number for which I

enclose $
New York City area STAR of many monster creations, and many others.

TREK fans are hereby Our panel discussions will include an examination of Please enter a one year subscription
) (4
"Star Trek” through slides; the art of special effects issues) to INSIDE COMICS for which I en<
alerted to a fascinating radio and animation; a look at various directors; and a close $4.00. My subscription will begin
show, STAR TREK RE- close-up on television in the field of interest. with issue No. 5.
VIEW, aired every Tuesday You'll get to see costumes from "Forbidden Planet” (But Couldn’t Begin To Ask...)
morning at 1:30 a.m. on., and "The Day the Earth Stood Still," props from "Star Name.
Trek” and "First Men on the Moon." an exhibit of INSIDE COMICS, the only comprehensive
WHBTFM, 103.9 on your answer to the common query "What’s hap- Address.
science fiction/fantasy artw ork by the finest in the
FM dial. The show is hosted
field, and a fun-filled costume parade.
pening in the comics industry?”’, is now four
issues old! In its brief but glorious past,
by noted sci-fi scholar Allen ^
To register in advance, send $6 to Adam Malin. 16 INSIDE COMICS has featured such unexpur- city
Asherman (an occasional E. 2nd St.. Freeport. N.Y. 1 1520. This $6 covers all 3 gated exclusives as an in-depth interview
contributor to TMT) and his days of the convention. At the door admission is $4 a with R. Crumb (king of the underground State Zip.
cartoonists); a candid conversation with
co-emcee, a STAR TREK I day. or $10 for all 3 days. If you’d like more
former MAD genius Harvey Kurtzman; David
information, please write to the above address. All one year subscirbers are entitled to a free 30
maven known only as Casey. Marlow’s account of working for Mickey
word classified ad (please include name and
Mouse; a h'ard-hitting critique of the Comics
Allen and Casey, occasional- Code and much more! address below and please count it in the word
ly in the company of guests,
discuss any and all topics
related to STAR TREK, the
Weird and the Supernatural. Id A
rJHIS AUGUST 1, 2, 3, 1975
The new issue of INSIDE COMICS includes
articles by Dean
C.C. Beck, an exclusive Interview with the

notorious Dr. Fredric Wertham (author of the

infamous SEDUCTION


Lovers of the late, great

STAR TREK eries won’t i
AT THE COMMODORE HOTEL plus our usual array of
consumer tips, and other vital info for the
news, reviews,

comics fan.
want to miss a single The new issue of INSIDE COMiCS, .the -

installment of this scintilla- IN MANHATTAN, NEW YORK. ongoing bible of the comics fan, is only $1
Jplus 25d postage) or you can reserve a full
ting show. 'year (4 issues) for a paltry $4.
page 26 The Monster Times


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PfipThfl Poster for the famous 1974 INTERNATIONAL

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P.52. KEEP ON TREKIN' '^sca"’ ; 'a ,

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NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE. A Giant credible full-color mask
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tion! Only 754 plus 504
P87. STAR TREK POST- postage & handling.
CARDS ...6 different Full
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The Monster Times page 27

LORDS OF DARKNESS: heroine, and a year later he sent Brothers film, and she was an ocean liner to his domain. The
A History of Celluloid Satans her to murder the hero. You just married. The best thing that this movie ended before we learned
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 can't beat the Devil! film offers is some good makeup, how' they made out.
.Satan himself took some time but other than that it’s really not The most recent TV-made
SATAN IN THE SEVEiNTIES off from his duties in hell to make w’orth seeing, especially if vou’ve demon drama was ABC’s inter-
BEAST OF THE YELLOW a very brief appearance (sort ofl already seen THE EXORCIST. esting NURSE WILL MAKE IT
NIGHT (1970) was one of those in THE MEPHISTO WALTZ It’s debatable whether Paul BET'TER (1975). In this, Lucifer
blood-and-gore thrillers that 119711. This dull but moody VYilliams played a demon or a went around as a homely
hailed from the Philippines. It offering dealt with devil worship- in THE PHANTOM middle-aged woman and collect-
told the story of how a man sold pers and soul transplants, but it THE PARADISE ed souls in return for miracles.
(1974). In
his soul to the Devil, and then was certainly not the first movie event, Satan appeared by He was depicted as being really
became several men in succes- to feature this technique (the ad since he arranged for the despicable in this (as he no doubt
sion. He absorbed the evil from campaign claimed that it was). protagonist to sign over his soul is), and in the end he was
each one, and occasionally Although the primary villain to him. At the conclusion, just defeated in a most unusual way;
became a were-monster. As didn't lose at the conclusion, he about everybody died, including however, the price that the
usual, the villain got just what didn't quite w'in, either. Williams. 'This rock version of heroes paid for winning was very
he deserved in the end. A 19'72 adaptation of Chaucer’s THE PHANTOM OF THE high. As in THE EXORCIST, our
One British entry that was THE CANTERBURY TALES OPERA was rather good at traditional anti-monster weapons
quite excellent was THE BLOOD contained' an times, and worth seeing. were useless against the fiend.
In the recent cheapie, ASY- There have also been a number
eerie production was occasionally LUM OF SATAN a of animated, full-length motion
hard to follow, but it sure was young woman awoke
an in pictures that contained the Devil
worth the struggle. The demon institution for the insane, and and/or his minions. Two of these
Behemoth gathered a group of eventually learned that she was were FANTASIA (1940) and
worshippers in ye olde England, going to be sacrificed to the SLEEPING BEAUTY (1955),
• and they often brought him Archfiend himself. She was both of which were done by Walt
young human sacrifices. For- saved, though, because she Disney. The former flick con-
tunately, the provincial governor wasn’t exactly a virgin (which tained a long sequence that dealt
learned of all this and used the was required); the Devil got with a gigantic demon who
symbols of Christianity to smash really annoyed at this oversight, summoned other supernatural
the coven and its diabolical and in revenge he destroyed his creatures to meet on Bare
leader. worshippers. Now does it make Mountain. However, when bells
A new type of demon was
introduced to theatergoers in
a sidhe. The monster — which had
been summoned to do the
bidding of an outraged head

witch didn’t even know that it
was inhuman, except at certain
nocturnal times. It usually took
the form of a young man, but
whenever it had the opportunity
to attack a member of villainous
Vincent Price’s family, it changed
into a werewolf-like fiend.
A young student was shown Hapless victim of satanic intervention is dogged around by Barbara Parkins in a
scene from MEPHISTO WALTZ, a 1971 offering that made up in dullness what
16th century Madrid by THE it

lacked in interest.
LAME DEVIL (1970); quite a few
other fantasy elements surfaced that took place in hell. There and then went to hell. Since she
in this flick, too. During the same were demons torturing
galore, didn’t really belong there, a
year, a child possessed by Satan their victims (which
included gifted fallen angel taught her
killed her parents and got mixed Church officials). The rest
of the how to be truly wicked, and then
up with a devil cult in SINTHIA, film is fairly good, but doesn’t returned her to the land of the
THE DEVIL’S DOLL. deal with the supernatural. The living. Her eternal fate, from tfie
I started watching BLOOD OF Devil presided ovpr a marriage tale’s conclusion, was to fee
THE MAN DEVIL. (1971) once in DIABOLIC WEDDING during sexually frustrated.
on television, but it was so awful the same year.
that I gave up on it. Judging by Several demons appeared in Sammy Davis, Jr. was cast as
some stills I’ve seen from the the unsuccessful dealer of souls in
the dreadful DEVIL’S NIGHT-
latter part of the thing, it seems MARE (1972). This flick had the
POOR DEVIL (1973), another
as though Lon Chaney played a typical family curse/unknowing-
TV pilot that flopped. This
demon (or the Devil himself). visitors-stop-at-the-haunted-cas-
humorous comedy presented a
There was supposedly a were- tle plot. It also ended as usual-
different image of Hades — it
wolf around, too, but I have no resembled a modern city, with
in flames, as the film should
real evidence to support this. have.
Satan overseeing his diabolical
Was any reader able to stomach affairs from a plush office
The Horned One may have
(similar to the lavish drawing
this production? appeared in Mexico’s SATAN OF room that appeared in THE
EQUINOX (1971) was a pretty ALL HORRORS (1972), in which
awful movie, but the special two brothers offered their sister DEVIL’S EYE). The Lord of
effects in it were incredible! The to him in exchange for immortali- Darkness, by the way", was
plot was presented in flashbacks, ty, but I don’t know. However, played by none other than Chris

This is, we promise, the last shot we’re gonna run from THE DEVIL'S
NIGHTMARE. But even though that forgettable film has come and gone, Hor-
rordom has several other Satanic titles already on the way, including HOUSE
II, though, that’s when we’ll toss in the terror towel.

sense for him to kill his tolled and pilgrims chanted, the
followers? evil ones fled. Interestingly
The Devil was back again in enough, Bela Lugosi was hired to
SATAN’S TRIANGLE (1975). pose (with a cape) for the demon
His base of operations this time sketches. The second film had a
was that famous body of water in lot of funny-looking demons
which so many planes and ships running around, doing the
have mysteriously vanished over bidding of the sorceress who cast
the years. The Evil One went the spell that put the members of
around possessing dead bodies in the castle to sleep. At the
order to kill people and lure conclusion, she transformed her-
whomever he could into his wide self into a fire-breathing dragon
sphere of influence. At the finale, and was slain by the handsome
Satan— after having failed to prince.
corrupt a religious man lured — Hell, I finally finished!

The Devil’s Castle (1896), The Mother-in-Law (1910), The Devil, The
Laboratory of Mephistopheles (1897), Servant, and The Man (1910 and 1916),
Occult investigator Leslie Nielsen is about to be visited by the devilish title character from DARK INTRUDER, a brief but The Temptation of Saint Anthony Bill Bumper’s Bargain, Satan on a
effective 1965 fright film originally shot as a TV pilot. (1898), The Devil in a Convent (1899), Rampage, Satan on a Mischief Bent,
The Devil and the Statue, The Satan’s Rival, Satan Defeated (1911),-
and it showed how four college he did show up at the conclusion Lee, and he did a good job in the Treasures of Satan (1902), Beelze- The Devil’s Grotto, The Devil To Pay
students got mixed up with of THEWITCHES; after a trio of itole. bub’s Daughters, The Condemnation (1912) The Devil and Tom Walker, Don
Azmodeus (a major demon). attractive women killed a man, of Faust, The Enchanted Basket Juan’s Compact, Satan’s Castle
They acquired an occult book the Evil One took time out from
UP-TO-DATE DEMONS (1903), Faust and Marguerite, The* (1913), Satan’s Rhapsody (1914), The
ABBY (1974) was a rip-off of Wandering Jew (1904), The Merry Blabk Crook, The Devil, 'The Devil’s
that he wanted (the Necronomi- his busy schedule to congratulate
Frolics of Satan, Mephisto’s Son Darling, Civilization, The Scorpion’s
con?), and he dispatched three them for a job badly done. THE EXORCIST, except that (1906), The Devil, Mephisto’s Affinity, Sting (1915), The Devil’s Prize, The
giant monsters a squid, — an Several X-rated movies have thistime the cast was black, ancT The Devil and the Gambler, Satan Devil, The Servant, and The Man, The
anthropoid, and a blue ogre— to contained demons, but not many the sexual aspects were played Finds Mischief, The Devil’s Three Devil’s Toy, Devilish Business,
fetch it. Finally, Azmodeus of them reach the local theaters. up. The woman who was Sins (1908), Mephisto and the Devilled Crabs, The Devil’s Assistant
changed himself into a huge THE DEVIL IN MISS JONES possessed this time around was Maiden, Satan’s Smithy (1909), The (1916).
winged demon and attacked the (1973) concerned, itself with a also quite older than the victim in Devil’s Billiard Table, The Devil’s

two survivors. He killed the woman who committed suicide the highly-superior Warner
page 28
rfii.LECTORS»nster Times
. SPECIilL!_i; - -, , .

The Monster Times page 29

Though since overshadowed by the outsized acclaim afforded Discovering her but rarely praiseworthy.
Polanski’s ROSEMARY’S BABY caused paranoia to be all too The final elements that contributed to
THE EXORCIST, Roman Rosemary wields
quite a cinematic stir when it was first released in 1968 and was
rosemary’s critical success were the
lengthy blade in im-
excellent acting and atmosphere.
itself responsible for a spate of satanic imitators, just as the potent effort to fend
Friedkin film is today. There are even those who much prefer off the forces of Gifted with a budget quite large by
ROSEMARY to EXORCIST, citing its sinister subtlety as a co- horror film standards, Polanski was able
gent quality that the latter film largely lacks. Alan Brandman is to have a top-notch, perfectly suited cast
at his disposal. Mia Farrow draws out just
one such ROSEMARY booster and heaps praise upon that
the right amounts of sympathy and
demonic offering herein...
tension as the pale, paranoid heroine. As
the husband torn between love of wife and
lust for fame, the often manic John
Cassavetes is, for a change, the perfect
shade of intensity. We are never quite
sure how we feel about him or how much
we can really trust him. The neighbors
(witches) next door are a marvel of
contrasts. Ruth Gordon as Minnie
Castavet projects a flamboyant, almost
yenta-like quality in her seeming concern
for Rosemary (remember her chocolate
)^nousse?). As her warlock hubbie, Sidney
^ Blackmer emerges as all charm and mild-
mannered suavete. In other key roles,
Ralph Bellamy as an untrustworthy
doctor, and Maurice (Dr. Zaius) Evans as
one of Rosemary’s few are also very
Devil-worshipping doctor appearance (a
effective. Ditto for the brief
; (Ralph Bellamy) and la Hitchcock) of that irrepressible ham,
iyenta witch (Ruth Gordon). William Castle. Still, though obviously
provided with a goldmine of talent, the
devil’s share of the credit must go to
The same must be said of the richly
evocative atmosphere, which also plays a
key role in the film’s success. Though also
achieved largely via the blessings of high
production values, it is still ultimately
Polanski who pieces the puzzle together
through clever manipulation of his people,
props, and sets and imaginative use of his
camera. Note especially Rosemary’s
jarringly surreal nightmare in which she
has been drugged so as to conceive
through Satan an anti-Christ. These
images are truly horrific. It is to
Polanski’s credit that he so teasingly
treats us to only limited doses of such
explicit terror, the better to let it slowly
well up within us until the eerie climax,
itself a gem of horror and emotional
Rosemary assumes shocked mien as she be- ambiguity (when Rosemary is finally
holds bedevilled babe in climactic scene from confronted with her baby).
ROSEMARY’S BABY, a classic tale of male be-
A serious examination of that species
It is such subtle manipulation of the
viewer’s own fears, not the overwrought
of horror film dealing with demons, devils, images of fright any talented hack can
and witches must ultimately lead one to employ, which should be emulated by
ROSEMARY’S BABY. Released in 1968, anyone seriously interested in evoking the
itnot only occupies a respectable niche in truest sense of terror. Films like THE
Horrordom’s hall of fame, but remains a EXORCIST leave less to the imagination
cinematic classic of sinister suspense that Rosemary iMia Farrow) in the increasingly chilling embrace of and more to the gut in deriving their
rivals many of macabre-master Alfred Faustian mate (John Cassavetes) in ROSEMARY’S BABY, one superficial thrills. Sometimes, as with
Hitchcock’s efforts in quality and of schlock-shock auteur William Castle’s few terror triumphs. THE EXORCIST, that is enough, and it
Roman Polanski likewise handled directing chores in fine
does indeed work. More often than not,
intensity. But what in the devil’s name
fright fashion.
were the elements that coalesced so though, it flops, or, even worse, becomes
perfectly to create this masterpiece? ludicrous. Consider the brace of films
To begin with, we have the story itself,
based on the best-seller by Ira Levin. To
refresh some merpories; this is the tale of
Rosemary, a young, chic, attractive
semarys spawned by
the decade’s two
of demonic horror. To varying
degrees, such opuses as THE BROTHER-

newlywed whose joys at the prospect of HOOD OF SATAN, THE MEPHISTO

approaching motherhood steadily become WALTZ, ABBY, etc., have failed to
Rosemary consults trusty ally
replaced by a gnawing fear of demonic Maurice Evans while warlock Sid-
impress because they have ignored the
intervention. At first it is merely her ney Blackmer looks on. blueprint for success provided by
eccentric neighbors who give her the attention given to the formulation of superior with witches than he had with
ROSEMARY’S BABY in favor of a more
spooks. Then it is her husband. Does she exploitive schlock approach. Lamentably,
believably complex characters has been vampires, his British-made FEARLESS
or doesn’t she? Only her obstetrician budget considerations sometimes destrov
matched by only a few other films in the VAMPIRE KILLERS having not only
knows for sure... any possibility for quality before t
genre. The same can be said for the been panned but its original print so
Now, intriguing stories about satanic camera is even loaded. Without adequate
pungency and sophistication of the drastically altered that he requested his
skullduggery have come our way before performers, dialogue, or sets, most
dialogue and the overall coherence that name be removed from the American
and haye been afforded lesser fates. How productions don’t stand a chance. Still,
keeps the narrative so well-paced. release. The artistic control he fought for
many eerie classics have found themselves some inventive filmmakers are proving
The chief credit for the film lies in four and maintained over ROSEMARY’S
betrayed and torn asunder by the schlock that money is not all, concentrating
hands. The first two belong to the man BABY served as a stepping-stone for the
meisters of B moviedom? Only a fortunate instead on the pure, essential elements
responsible for both the screenplay and freedoms sought by such other film
few have escaped unscarred from low that made horror films so horrifying long
direction; Roman Polanski. The second pioneers as Stanley “2001” Kubrick. As
budget-poor quality handling with the before the invention of 3-D or color (wit-
pair are those of that familiar white-haired for Polanski himself, the success he
ease of such a phenomenally unpredictable ness again our friend NIGHT OF THE
wizard of the weird: William Castle, achieved with ROSEMARY has provided
fluke as NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. him with the enviable freedom to LIVING DEAD). But finally it all too often
producer. The success of this film marked
The scars usually show. And they often remains a case of adhering to the “safe”
an odd turning point for both their comfortably pick and choose whatever
prove fatal. film properties he views as worthy (e.g.,
theory— that of attacking the viewer’s
Why ROSEMARY’S BABY works so fears and fantasy from without, not from
well is in no small measure due to the DEMONIC DEBUT For William Castle, ROSEMARY within. It was inabandoning this tried,

respect and care accorded the treatment For Polanski, it marked the triumphant but all too untrue, formula that
signified the successful transition, if not
of the story.Here we find no hack writer debut of his first totally American-made quantum leap, from director to producer.
ROSEMARY’S BABY was a real pioneer
of the horror film.
exploitively milking the tale for sheer production. After crafting such earlier Ironically, ROSEMARY, the first film
shock value, as is so common in other eerie masterworks of suspense as the Czech- which he did not direct, proved to far
ROSEMARY’S BABY (1968 1 34 min. Written and
endeavors. Likewise, the director’s made REPULSION and KNIFE IN THE surpass any of his earlier efforts, which directed by Roman Polanski. Produced by
concern is less with paralyzing the WATER, Roman found his career in a were basically exploitive-type shockers William Castle. From the novel by Ira Levin.
Starring Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes. Maurice
audience with images of horror than with kind of artistic limbo after the ambiguous like GHOSTS, THE TINGLER,
13 Evans, Sidney Blackmer, Ruth Gordon, Ralph
patiently allowing the story to unfold, at reception granted his more recent film HOMICIDAL and MACABRE-films Bellamy, Patsy Kelly,
Cook, Jr.
Dorian, Elisha

its own pace, its own web of suspense. The ventures. Happily, he fared critically which were often financially successful
. . . . . . . .

page 30 The Monster Times

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Apes.’’ I
Conan the Barbarian freak Jon Athens, 508 Shay zine dedicated to fantasy
Hurry. Send today Money back m five days if not satisfied. copy of FOOM Magazine am willing to pay any buying Conan material, Ave.. Santa Rosa. CA films. Issue one.. .Cush-
THifAMILY heat transfer decal
Send $1 .75 plus 25(/ handling.
1 - Will pay reasonable
Dave Mitchell. 1232
receive BIG profits.
and also issues
Conan, also issues #1-3
f/1-38 of 95401 ing. Lee, Schlock. Flesh
Gordon. Lesters’ Three
Belleview Ave., Roanoke.
Va. 24014.
specifically interested in
stills, posters, articles,
of Savage Tales. So by
Crom send your lists and
Musketeers. Also a pos-
never before seen in
GUN BARREL BLACK. BE THE FIRST TO P.O. BOX 434 Dept. SW-| MT For some interesting
books etc Send to"
Scott Young. 1547 Ocala
prices to Jim Herod Jr
Wanted Any
on Big G.

stills or info ter.
America, from Satanic
WEAR THIS TOUGH TRIO PACKING A WESTBURY. NEW YORK 11590 recorded messages, dial Ave. Chula Vista, CA 4753 Zinnia Ct.. Liver-
more. CA 94550. Will pay
Rodan, Send prices
Tim Johnson Rt. 1
etc. Rites of
$2.00 to Children of the
Dracula. Send
212-544-2139 on 6/14/75 9201 to
CHICAGO TYPEWRITER, heater AND A or 7/12/75 at 3-4 P.M.
fair prices. Farmington, Ky. 42040. Night. Box 8187-MT.
Ring 15 times as a signal. Prairie Village. Ks. 66208
SAWED OFF CANNON. CAN BE IRONED Have a pencil ready.
For sale:
Apes proof sheets Cata-
Planet ol the


log: all 5 movies (268)
Newest list of horror film
memorabilia for sale,
Wanted Most issues of
Showcase and Brave and
DEX 3x5 cards. Every
8x10 stills. You see what
I Pressboks. Lobbycards.
Soundtracks- Magazines.
you are buying. $2.00 for including many Hammer
items. Pressbooks, stills,
the Bold Comics. Ail
books must have com-
Fantastic Film since
AGE & HANDLING. BE PARTOF THIS Movie Novelizations.
catalog. 25 cents for
postage. Order now, be- posters, books, slides, plete pages and covers.
1928 Self perpeiuaimg-


Slides. foreall are gone. To Ed-
magazines, more. Send No fair price refused.
correciing Constant revi-
sion updating, expan-
50c for PO Box 35c for list to Randy Send your list. John
DER NOW whileThe supply lasts I newest catalog. Fantasy
ward Bigelow.
192. Belleville. NJ 07109 Palmer, 5720 2nd Street Man-son 26 Essex Circle,
sion Can nevp' pec-'me
i.-i'daled. Full lilm dat^,
Collector’s Shoppe. 5720 i'^outh. Arlington. Va. Lynn. Mass. 01902.
'‘-•ciits. synopsis,
2nd St. So., Arlington. 22204.
To Orin
Marcinko. at the next FM
Shemm and Bill
-lerences. Classiticat,ion
Posters, magazines l)y year, title, content
WHITESTONE.N.Y.11357 I Star Trek Fans: Fora list
convention Iry not to I II
SOUNDTRACKS!: 1. 7th wanted. Send catalog to
area. Set #1 (1930' 1931 /
net lost Signed the third
of items for sale send 50c Voyage of Sinbad; Lee Foust. 66 Alberta 1932) $5.00 now Set #2
N.Y.STATE RESIDENTS ADD TAX for catalog to A Piece of
iiiembei oT the Unholy

I the Action. Anna Manis-

Three. Vertigo; 3.
Twisted Nerve.'Br'de
4. Terr
. Walnut Creek. CA (1933'1934i $4,50
Pre-pubiication rate
calo. 1127 Tremont Dr.. Wore Black (1-4 all $8 75'bom Edward R.
I Glenolden, Pa. 19036.
Come to Cincnmat' firsi
comic convention Sun- Herrmann); 5. Destina- Campbell. 23 Oakland
day Jan 19, 1975 Nether- tion Moon (Stevens). 6. Wanted: Books (in good Ave Westpon. Mass
I FREEI POWERFUL MUSCLES FAST! Wanted Desperately!!!!!! She (Steiner); 7. Jurgle
BE A MABiCFAN AllChristopher Lee Inter- land
mission $1
Hotel ad-
Book (narrated by Satu);
condition) or just infor-
mation on the occult

800 MsKie Tricks you csn dot

doserlbod la Lars*
I Fantastic New Discoveries in the science of national Club Journals
from 1958-1970. Also, any
other Rozsa excerpts.
$7.50 per disc, postpaid.
(witchcraft, devil, de-
mons. etc.) and the super- Wanted Robots & space
llluatrated Ma^e catatoc. bodybuilding. Add inches of powefful mus- old and new horror-film
osters any old casiie of
movie monster
Nostatgiaphon. Box natural (ghost, vampires, lovs from 30s to 60s.
8«Bd 50« for 60
pare eatalor and i«<i
I cles to arms, chest, shoulders and legs. Se- fanzines. It you have
P rankenslein’s magazine. 13205, Whitehall. OH werewolves, etc.). Send Send list, price condi-
crets on trimming the waist with ultra- collections of either of 43213. name of book, informa- tion to" Alex Wald. 1142
celve Free a oc^oTiera
book of over 100
Majrie tricks. Seitd
I modern methods fast! Results Guaran-— these items, please con-
tactme! Movie Memorzk-
Send list and prices to
Mark Hams. 517 Maple
tion about the book, and
selling price. If just
Chicago. Ill

I teed! Send for free

Name. Addreaa. Up brochure! bitiaCollectors: Newest Film Clip Collectors! Star information, send as
and 500 catalog of Hammer/ Trekand sci-fi fans! TCTS much interesting material Star Trek .ives" Write to
HORROR Items for sale. Wanted: pics q/ Godzilla
universal Bodybuilding Box 4 85 Dept.IVIU and other Jap. Monsters. IS a fanzine'adzine with as possible. John Sim- NBC and Paramount for
I Dearborn, Michigan 48121
35c per copy. Randy
Palmer. 57^ 2nd St. So.. Also will sell pics of
you in mind Free classi- mons. 71-21 Fresh Pond

Its return Don t v/ait,

fied ads to subscribers. Rd., Ridgewood, N Y write now said write!
Arlington, Va. 22204 famous monsters cheap Publishes quarterly. 50c 112^7.
! I

l> Other horror novelties J F FosterCity. Call).

each. 4/$2. #2-5stillavail-
The Little Nemo Comic available. Send to Jay
able. Jim Rondeau, 943
Barron. 725 32nd St SW Will write for your zine Wanted Any material
Shop. New comics early, Lorraine Ave.. Los Altos, Iree! Articles, stones,
over 100, OCX) back issues Wyoming, MICH 49509. CA 94022. dealing with Irwin Allen's
poems, etc. Please in- "The Poseidon
and one of the largest clude SASE when wril-
collections of comic art For sale Universal Mon- ture. and The Towering

THE MOVIE GALLERY Cushing 4.00. Frankenstein Created Woman: 20th ster Lobby cards. Crea-
New Fanzine" The Hearse ing Thanks! Jerry Baker.
anywhere. 108-30 Ascan now 319 Rawson Dr.. New Interne Send lists and
2491 Merrick Rd. Bellmore. N.Y. <516)221-1537 Cent. 1967 Duotone Peter Cushing 4.00. Ave. (one block off ture, Mummy, etc. For Delivers #1 available
prices to Jeff Hornsbv.
The Hell Fire Club: Embassy N.D. Keith Mitchell. Robert Brooks lor immediate mailing. Carlisle. 0 45344
Queens Blvd.). Forest $4.50. 205 Pennsvlvania Avenue.
Horror and Science-Fiction Section ues! star Peter Cushing 3.00. House ol Horror: 511 East North St.. Features Avengers pho-
Hills, N.Y (212)263-5296, Britt (" Asylum"’) Ekiund, New Roads. La. 70760
27x41 1-Sheet Posters Unless Indicated Otherwise S niversal N.D. Rondo Hatton 3.50. The Crazies: Mon. -Sat 10-6 Closed Wairensburg, MO 64093. tos. movie reviews, arti- I

Cambrist Films N.D. Lane Carroll 3.50. The


cles. pictures $1 in U S. love you! ^nonymous. ' I

Abbreviations: <R) Re-Issue. (F) Foreign. on Tuesdays- Star

Hunchback of Rome: Dino De Laurentis Free! issue of C.O B R..A S2 outside 48 pages, rek fans. Want
(N.D.)NoDate Star Trek fans! Federa- catalogue of souvenirs
Production Gerard Blain 2.50. The Land Unknown: The official "Planet of the today. Specify this ad offset Give THD a try
now and be honorv member ot tion Enterprises sells sold at the New York Star
Universal N.D. Jock Mahoney 3.00. This Island Apes" Club is Robert Esposito. 1640 N
Star Trek material. Good
Frankenstein; Universal Re-Release Ca. 1957 accepting new members C.O.B R.A organization Trek Convention. Send
Earth: Universal Re-Release N.D. Jeff Morror 3.00. Parkstcle. Chicaqo. HI prices and selection. For
Large figure of the monster Colin Clive, limited Dues are$2.50 yearly with 100 members. C.O.B R.A name, address and 10c
Slaughterhouse Five: Unusual poster made for the 60639 catalog send 25 cents
quantity 5.50. House of Dracula: Universal N.D.
Lon Chaney. Lionel Alwill 5.00. Blood of the Sutton Theatre opening in New York City, limited monthly bulletins and HQ 135 Seventh SI.
and SASE to Federation
stamp to. Telrad Ser-
vices. P O Box 832
many extras. Send dues Perkasie PA 1 8944
Vampire: Univ.-IntI Donald Wolfit, Barbara quantity, 3.50. Teenage Zombies: Governor Films Trade; Mad Special 15. or Enierprises 5498 Blos- Westminster. Md. 21157
.dramatic large depiction of monster carrying girl, or stamped envelope to C.O.F. 24, for {Curtis/ som Wood Dr., San Jose.
Shelley 4.00. Return of Mr. Moto: Lippert Film Apes. Bill Woodruff, 141 W'dHled real human
1965 Henry Silva 3.00. War of the Gargantuas: UFA Don Sullivan 3.50. House of Frankenstein: Urban Ave.. North Provi- skulland Batman caids Marvel) Monsters of the CA 95124.
Movies 7. Monster Mania For sale" horror 'science
N.D. Lots of monsters 3.50. Phantom of the Opera; Universal N.D. Karloff-Chaney-Carradine 5.00. The dence. R.I.02W4. Steve L. Wilson. 50 S.
2 for Planet of the Apes 1 fiction press sheels trom
Devil's Own; Hammer-Seven Arts 1967 Joan Hummels-
Hammer-Universal Re-Release I960’s Herbert Lorn
Fontaine 2.75. Twisted Nerve; Natl. Genl. 1969 Wanted; Material on To-
town PA 17036
St .

& 2. Mint condition a Buy —

Sell Trade at — AiP Columbia. Allied
2.50. The Valley of the Gwangi Warner Bros. More
MUST. Marie Supersnipe Comic Book Artists. Universal (pro-
monsters, James Franciscus 3.00. The Thing from Hayley Mills 2.50. The Bird with the Crystal shiro Mifune stills, — Garrion,
Littleton, N.H. 03561. Art Emporium. 1617 Sec- motion kits. 1931-6(JS ).
Plumage: UMC Pictures N.D. Original poster that magazine articles in any College sludenl. lest fan
ond Ave., NYC 10028 Also stills trom UFO
Another World; RKO Radio Re-Release N.D. 3.00. made Alfred Hitchcock a household word 3.00; language, particularly nlo writing, comix, film,
The 0^ Mars Invaded the Earth: 20th Cent. 1%3 What would happen if (212) 879-9628. New & Night Gallery. Siarlost.
also available 22x28 with 4 11x14 lobby posters Japanese, posters, press- sports, etc. would like to
Kent Taylor 2.50. Tower of London: Universal

Conan came out? Would old comics, original art, Mission Impossible, no
attached— sold as one complete unit 6.00. From books. Also Star Trek meet intelligent, liberal-
he finally understand why lists. Send SASE with
Re-Release N.D. Boris Karloff, Basil Rathbone young lady with simi- big little books, movie
Earth to the Moon: (Jules Verne) RKO Radio N.D. concordance and 3rd 5d
Red Sonja prefers not his memorubiiia, science your wants. Five Planet "

4.00. The Wolfman: Universal Re-Release N.D. Limited quantity 3.00. The Projected Man: Limited season supplement- Must lar interests, esp Orien- fic-
Apes’ press books.
groin? sorcerers weave of
Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney 3.50. Invasion of the quantity 1.50. Blood Beast from Outer Space; be good condition. Nikki tal Box 37. 167 21 St W lavender pages and love
& The Monster
$15 eleven different
Blood Farmers; NMD Films 1972 Lots of Horror, Harris Associates N.D. John Saxson 22x28 with 4 White. Macquarie Private NY. NY10011.
grows summer
like Tate Planet" stills. $15 Al-
Norman Kelley 3.00. Scars of Dracula: Hammer 11x14 posters attached sold as one complete unit Hoetl. Macquarie Street. peaches. —Demian. lred Wemnb. 21 87 Cruoer
N.D. Duotone Christoher Lee 2.50. Invasion of the Barton. A.C.T Australia - Oil paintings, favorite Pin-ups, Portraits. Press Ave. Bronx NY 10462”
4.50. Legacy of Satan; Damiano Films N.D. limited creature or non-creature
Blood Farmers: NMD Films 1972 Duotone Norman quantity 2.00. The Human Monster; (Edgar
2600 '
Wanted: Lost in Space Books. Physique Poses,
Kelley 2.50. Night Creatures: Univ.-Intl. N.D. Peter 1 Sendphotooi photocopy, viewmaster and bubble 50 years of Scenes from
Wallace) Carroll Pictures Release Ca. 1948 Bela Wanted anything on
Cushing, great art work 3.50. The Blood on Satan's Lugosi, unusual artwork 4.50.
For Sale. ’5 different • 16’ x20'’. $8.00: 18"x24’'. um cards. Also The Time motion pictures, west- Godzilla vs. Gigan and
Planet of Apes ’press- $12.00. 24"x30", $17.00. unnei Viewmaster. Write erns.
Claw; Cannon Films N.D. Parivich Nymark 3.50. books. $16; i1 different
I horror, musicals, other Big G movies Also
Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: ) Larger canvas on request Pete Theodorowiez, 44 etc. Movie star news, 2l2 stuff on Ape planet. Tony
stills, $16. Alfred Wein- LToby Walker. 1836 Bus Silver Lake Drive, Aga- Eas! 14 St., NYC. New
Important! Important! Important! All posters sold Silva. 247^0(h Ave
N.D. Universal Re-Issue Boris Karloff 4.00. nb, 2187 Cruger Ave., San
Cauldron of Blood and Crucible of Horror: Double are in very good to excellent condition. Center fHouse Cl, Kalamazoo. wam, Mass. 01001 York, come in person Francisco. CA 94 16.

Bronx, N Y 10462. Mon.-Fri. 1-6, Sat. 1-5,


feature Cannon N.D. Boris Karloff and Michael tears, rips and excessive wear will be noted. Side Mich. 49001.
Gough 3.00. Godzilla’s Revenge and Island of the and corner tears that require minor taping are not
Burning Damned: UPA Productions N.D. Peter noted. All posters with the exception of 11x14’s
Cushing and Christopher Lee 3.a). The Evil of and 14x22’s and some 14x36’s and 22x28’s are
Frankenstein: Hammer-Universal N.D. Peter shipped FOLDED.

Enclosed is $ for my _word (minimum 25) classified ad.




960 8'" AVE 757-3959 I
' '

The Monster Times is a
page 31
The greatest
kits to ever greet

The Mighty Fists of Fury come
alive on
IS now
web-titimg T-shirts' Comes m BOYS

MEDIUM, and LARGE Only $4.00 each

lanciful eyes ol a
tan are at long
MODEL ihis hard-nitting BRUCE LEE T-shirt'
Available m 3 sizes ADULT SMALL.
ly Sr
including postage and handling.
last available
ordinary kits,
Not jusii
KITS. including postage and handling
models need no glue thev
snap together PLUb
each super detailed kit
has moveable head and
arms, comes with movie
set display stands, name-
plate and the complete
tilm history of each
monster is also included'
Whew' These giant mon-
strous kits are going fast
so order NOW' Each kills
S4 00 plus 754 postage
and handling
the way with our super
At last, you can show off the BIG G reat full color shirt comes in 5 sizes:
imagine a monster for every day of the year. wherever vou go This monstrous shirt g OYS SIZE 10 & 14. and ADULT SrZE
Well, thanks to THE MONSTER TIMES, you comes m 5 sizes. BOYS SIZE 10 & 14 SMALL MEDIUM, and LARGE. BE
can nave it Now available is the fabulous. and LARGE Only $4.00 each including WHEN ORDERING. Only $4.00 each
sluoencJous not to mention timely . 1975 postage & handling. including postage and handling.
Each month (you remember them, January
through December) o* 1975 is on Us own 11"
by 17 page, each decorated with a monster U.S.S. ENTERPRISE BRIDGE
scene trom the venerated pages of THE (June release) comes this brilliant new illustrated series of Horror and Sci-Ft classics.
MONSTER TIMES Monsters for January and STAR A must for Star Trek tans' Big
(12" diameter) detailed mode'
Su Of the greatest spine-imghng adventures ot all time have |usf been
published m this illustrated senes Incredible art and electrifying stones make
February and every month you can think of
TREK ot the Starshfo Enterprises these books a must Each book is only 954 plus 354 postage and handling, or
It s a treasure chest of monsters— not to
mention davs and weeks
Get your monster calendar now. Be the envy MODEL A^ nerve center Includes com-
mand module, mam viewing
screen, elevator, figures of
Captain Kirk, Mr Spock and
Helmsman Sulu Only $4.(30
order all 6 lor only $6.75 including postage. ^Save $1.05.) use code
number when ordering'

of all the calendar buffs everywhere. Just fill

out the coupon and send $2.50 ($2 00 for the
KITS plusSOc p&h.

calendar and 504 for postage and handling)

and your monster calendar will be on the v»ay. STAR TREK EXPLORATION
DejaileO scale models ot in-
struments used by Enter-
prisecrew Phaser. Tncora-
er and Communicator am
easv to assemble, big
enough to act out Star Trek
adventures' Only S3. 50 plus

l.:4monster stamps, includes iheBigG and others Comes in
mariy of your fright lavoriles— two giant stamp sheets! Gel
Frankenstein. Kong. Dracula. them today' Only$1.00



YOU can own thosa rare

I MT back issues for onlya

fraction of our regular

"Back Issue” price. Why?
Well, over the^years many
of our back Issues have
otten slightly damaged
g y some of our monster
friends who come in to
visit. Naturally we can't
ship them out to our
feverish farra since they
sometimes get a tear or
two, or even crayon marks
on the covers (Godzilla
just loves crayons). So. to

help out you fans who
•‘every break they can
>6 decided to offer Star Trek s
^..F’sGrab'Bag Bonarv
most popular
z^Fof only $2.-50(includ-
ing postOM) yOu get 5
character! Enter-..:
prise s First J.S.S.
diflerent Tmt back is- r stands ,
ENTEWphISE Ei^''*'- -piece IS a giant 7x17 inches in si?e-.MONSTER MOt^fiN^^mes with 6
sues. The choice of which over SIX inches Flagship of Starfleet different pieces to the packet The MUMMYs mug adorns the SI bill
back issues you will '
tall in exciting Command! Large scale WOLFMAN decorates the $5 bill DRACULA appears on the $10 bill. THE BIG G
receive isupto us, but rest action scenef model includes special decal appears on the $20 bill, and old FRANKENSTtIN comes to life on the $100 bill
assured that they'll all be Only S3 50 plus with names & numbers of alt Starships' 6 pieces of MONSTER MONEY only 75 cents per package plus 25 cents for
super monsterousi 75ep4h. Only $3.50 plus 75c p8h. postage and handling The BIGGES'T bargain m town


Just fiirout this handy MONSTER TIMES RUSH ORDER FORM, and enclose your cash, money order or check, and your items are on the way.
Be sure to indicate first How Many you want, the Item Number, its Name, the Price and the Total Price; of each book, kit, poster, etc.
Mail to; MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N-Y. 10011. Sorry: WecanONLYfulfillordersplaced
from ourmost Current issue. Thank you.
Even if you’re still among the living, you won't want The Mons.e, Times is a member cl THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU J
to be caught without one either. Not only will a
subscription to THE MONSTER TIMES, the world’s
first and only newspaper of Horror, Science Fiction
and Fantasy, immediately improve your social
status but will put you “In the know” about all the
latest horror happenings in film, comics, theater,
and every other area where monsters rush in.
ignorance and
don't leave yourself in the lonely lurch of
fear. Join the ever-growing cult of
satisified MONSTER TIMES subscribers who’ve
found their way by having each and every
fascinating, fantasy-and-fact-filled issue delivered
to their door. Just fill out the coupon below and
join our friend the Frankenstein Monster in making
this world a safer place for monster. ..and do it
today— our friend'isn’t noted for his patience!
With every sub of a year or more, the subscriber
gets a free 25'Word classified ad, to be run on our
Fun-Fair page. You can advertise comics or stills
of pulps, etc., or for anything else, provided it’s in
good taste! Subscribe!... Subscribe!


Old Chelsea Station. New York, New York 1011

I think THE MONSTER TIMES is just what Tve been

looking for! Enclosed is !

$8.00 for 12 issues r $15.00 for 24 issues B

. $25.00 for Special fifty issues.
$11.00 for 12 issues [Canada]

$20.00 for 12 issues [min. Foreign order] B



Stale. .230.^..

As a new subscriber (for a sub of one year or more), i

here is my 25-word ad, to appear FREE of charge In

Fan-Fair as soon as possible. I
Sorry, no C.O.O.'s. Add $2.50 for extra postage All foreign orders must be peid B
and handlino nn orders outside the U.S.A. by a bank check in U.S. currency. MEERCHANDISE B
Old Chelsea Station, ^
New York, N.Y. 10011 EWCLOSED B

Monsler tans, Soper Hero fans, and Ape
fans listen to this! Novv. all of youf greatest
characters hFve been pul on a 45'rpnr
record! There’s Spiderman, The Hulk,
Fantastic Four, Frankenstein, Dracula.
Planet of the Apes and mote! Not only will
you hear you? tavoritp monster or hero, but
youTi also gel a beautiful FULL-COLOR
20-page comicbook to accompany each
record. Play the record as ycu read the
book and be prepared for the tieat of a
lifetime as you fiear Spiderman talk,
Frankenstein yell. c.nd all your friends
come alive. As one fan said. ‘It’s
incredible." Each record ana book set
costs only S1 4^ plus 50^ postage and
handling. The complete list of the super
book and record series appears below.
Please be sure to write book & record
number when you fill out our rush-order





sort— showed up at the TMT office

the other day (as suddenly, we
might add, as it had disappeared),
offering little in the way of
information as to where it had been
or for what purpose it had been
there. We didn't press it on the
subject, however, but extended-
Ihese f3<cfu8lve lifs-sUe MONSTER TIMES' instead an outstretched paw of
Star Trek posters are soul-Stlrring Itemo that welcome, grateful for the prodigal
no Star Ti«k lover wtll want to be without. column’s timely return.
Handsome, life-size [over six foot] photo
portraits ofCAPTAIN KIRK [William Shetner] Anyhow, according to our Next
and MR. SPOCK [Leonard NImoyf, these Issue column, our next issue will be
startling posters will transform any dull, what you call your SPECIAL
ordinary well or door Info an Irrsfant Star GIANT POSTER ALL-DINOSAUR
Trek gallery Gel ’em while they last! Only ISSUE, starring an even dozen of
$2.00 plus SOc for postage and handilng Horrordom’s heaviest monsters,
each, or gel both for only S4.501postage
Included}, a saving of 70 cents [a
including GODZILLA, KING
eonsiderabie one in these petmy-pinched
I Ml « « n «f it HI « a TILICUS, DINOSAURUS and
other time-honored titans of terror,
Make check or FINAL FRONTIER •
n money order in addition to a dozen suitable-for-
11West 17th Street V
<4 payable to: New York City, N.Y. 10011 f framing type posters of these highly
destructive scream screen stars,
I It’s about time someone had the gumption to Z
" e'll have profiles, biographies, cast
1 produce handsome, six-foot, life-size post-
ers ol CAPTAIN KIRK and MR. SPOCK. credit information— everything,
2 Please beam to me the following posters : in short, that you always wanted to
know about dinosaurs but were,
CAPTAIN KIRK understandably, afraid to ask.
$2.00 -k 60c postage and handling
After our breath-stealing Giant
MR. SPOCK Poster Dinosaur issue, well be back
$2.00 + 60c postage and handling to our regular format with such
eerie items as a BARBARELLA

$4.50 [postage Included... iilmbook, an exclusive interview
a saving of 70c I
ith action actor Ron Ely, star of
.^ 1^ >
the forthcoming DOC SAVAGE,
Name .iTj;
MAN OF BRO.NZE, the Late Film
Dne' to popular demand (we’veij Round-Up and other exciting
received well over a half dozen features. So keep those cards,
letters on the subject), TMT is letters, and, most importantly, coins
happy to announce the return of our coming, and we’ll continue to do our
always forward-broking Next Issue perverse part here to put monsters
(Sorry, but no foreign or Canadian orders tor
feature. The feature in question— on the map, where they, by Godziita.
these items can be accepted.]
ever an independent, even elusive belong. -


c/jAUOWef N

Oil Ha,l !o\we'(?.i\_




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