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scented | artax urét Frer4/ DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION i ave afrarea faurt/ Secretariat Department 5-— 2158 Saw craei/ DVE Towers orate a = jong as, wrerorar/ VIP Road, Kolkata -7000 54 once ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM NO: PF(NPS/GPF)/2021/1261 Date: 3" January 2022 Sub: Fixation of modality regarding transfer from NPS to GPF for entitled existing NPS subscribers vide office order no. no.PL-IR(NPS/GPF)/2021/1022 dt.28.10.2021 of ED(HR) 1, Application to join in DVC GPF scheme is to be submitted along with nomination form in duplicate by individual at their office which will be forwarded by concerned Accounts office and it will finally reach to HQ fund section for allotment of GPF account No. The forms will be uploaded in the DVC portal for easy access of the same. The application should reach this office by one month from the date of publication of this office order. 2. On receipt of the applications, HQ fund section after scrutiny of the same will allocate GPF account no. which will be intimated to the controlling officer and concerned accounts office. 3. On receipt of GPF Account no. corresponding DDO will stop the NPS account and start the new GPF account as intimated by the HQ fund section, 4. The transfer of NPS account to GPF scheme will be considered by NPS authority only after stop of the NPS account and start of the new GPF account. DDO/PAO will process to transfer accumulated fund with NPS authority. 5. The modalities of accounting of the NPS accumulation had been fixed by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ welfare, GOI vide OM no. 28/30/2004-P&PW/(B) GOI dt. 11.06.2020. ‘As per modality fixed above the NPS accumulation has been divided in three parts and will be treated as follows. Part I: Employee's subscription deposited in NPS before stop. need to be recast permitting update interest as per GPF scheme and credited to subscriber's account. DDO will calculate and intimate the balance to HQ Fund. Part II: Employer's contribution deposited in NPS during the period will be credited to DVC "Pension & Gratuity Fund Account” by HQ Finance. Part III: The increased value of subscription in NPS on account of appreciation of investment will be credited to DVC "Pension & Gratuity Fund Account" by HQ Finance. ry Mt a: uw (Ds jidhyak Datta ‘Additional Secretary Distribution: As per lit "C” DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION OVCICRE Application for Admission of the General Provident Fund Revised) (To be submitted in duplicate} +. Name of appticant in full Designation of applicant = 3. Date of joining in D.VC. ea “4. Rate of pay dearness pay and special pay (if any) per month Rs, Date of joining the Fund 6. Rate of monthly subscription Ris, tin whole rupees not less than one twelth af pay and special pay plus dearness pay} 7. whether tha applicant has * farny amily means in the case of a malefemale subscriber the wife or wvesthusband and chidren ofthe subseriber and the widow or widows and chikren of a deceased son of the subscriber 4. Whether the applicant fs 8 casual employee ‘9 Whether the applicant is a member of work charged establisgment 40. wether the applicant is paid from contingencies, 11 Whether tha applicant is a Govt. Servant +2. Whether the applicant is subscriber to any other Provident Fund _ Oe 43, Whether the applicant is a Govt. pensioner 44 Account number (To be alloted by Accounts Officer) Signature of Applicant Station_____ Cr to Signature of the Head of the office Tho Chief Accounts Otficer (CPF) arsodar Valley Corporation Designation oo ee (For use by Accounts Office) Date ft + Returned with account number alicted. This aumber should be quoted in all correspondence Lonnested nomination therewith 2. A nominee in prescribed form, duly filed in, may be sent a8 soon as possibe. 3 Artears of subseription from Sri should be recovered with interest in not more than. monthly instaiment along vith the current subscription Schedules in support of the arrear recoveries should be furnished with showing full detals of empluments period involved, etc Assistant Accounts Office Damodar Valley Corportion a8. Prot. fit — 1 at aarnat Dvc/crpF—Ic Depositor No... arate arét Pert Damodar Valley Corporation awerdt wfaer fat CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND aia at saa FORM OF NOMINATION (4 afar wr ofeare 8 att sat we B fem acer st aifea ear sTeTT e) 4 ( eratece wrt Frere ) ater afer ffir rare ener 3 eT afina Prostate satis SOT RE sfeare a &, WYRE Palle gr fee A Gey MA ae area a fmee A aE ew er BY are car wr rare ae fra war 8, ates TAR fore eae, grat arte weaT yA (When a the subscriber has afamily and wishes to nominate more than one member thereof’) Uhereby nominate the persons mentioned below who are members of my family as defined in rule 2 of the Contributory Provident Funt Rules (Damodar Valley Corporation) to receive the amount.that may stand to my credit in the Fund in the event of my deat! befere that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid atte rate, aa | | ga daa, afe ate a Tear Fr faeat ariel ar a i " mites re evar | See arefennarg fast) afeeresrfrerar a arecanaagan| setsaet Ty a) Name and address of ay nominees Relationship Be | areear # sara gh th eubscrber | Contingencies on | “Names address snd relat inship of the person if'any to whom ion shall become. | theright of the nomine Tnvalid shall passin the event of hisfher perdeceasine the subser ‘ 3 fret ag 9 Dated this _ _ day of 19 qyat ~ — a rangi & gear afwerer wr geavare ‘Two witnesses to Signature Signeture of Subscriber am ... Name— sama @ (Ia block letters ) ‘A.G—CP/SA/HQ/128/97-98/559178 Dt. 27.10.98—200 Pkis.

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