Chapter 15 Summary

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To: Nancy Meyers

From: Blake Wells

Date: January 20, 2022

Subject: Chapter 15 Summary


Why Write Instructions?

- Instructions need to be written so that the audience knows how to carry out a specific task.

Criteria for Writing Instructions

 Audience Recognition: Don’t assume your audience are all high-tech readers. Even though the
instructions are clear to some, it may not be to others.
 Ethical Instructions: Instructions need to be ethical. The instructions need to warn the consumer
of certain harms and dangers in the product, the instructions also need to be updated
corresponding with the upgrades to the product to help the consumer better understand the
 Components of Instructions: There are nine key components that need to be included in
instructions to avoid future issues.

 Title Page (With Topic, List of Required Tools

graphics, and purpose) Glossary of Terms
 Hazards Steps of instructions
 Table of Contents Additional Components
 Introduction Corporate Contact Information

 Title Page: The title should consist of the topic of your instructions, the purpose of your
instructions, and a graphic that fits your product.
 Safety Requirements: Hazards are a very important part of the instructions. The hazards are the
possible dangers of the product that the consumer needs to be aware of. There are methods used
to effectively get the consumer to easily read these.

 Make hazards obvious  Add further clarification of dangers

 Add definitions to hazard  Add icons
 Add colors
 Table of Contents: Includes all the information found in the instructions and which page to find
it to help save time for the consumer.
 Introductions: The introduction is used to help the companies reach the consumer. The
introduction is normally personalized and helps add audience involvement.
 Glossary: This is where abbreviations and terminology that the consumer might not know are
defined and explained.
 Required Tools or Equipment: A description of the types of tools and equipment that will or
might be needed while in the consumers possession.
 Instructional Steps: The main part of your manual and the most important, there are many
requirements that need to be met to have user friendly list of steps.

 Steps are in Chronological  Keep steps short and simple

order Steps are straight to the point
 Steps are numbered Verb at the beginning of each step
 Highlight special concerns Use articles (A, An, The)

 Additional Components: There are additional components that include information that the
consumer may need the include.

Technical Description Accessories for the product

 Warrantied that might be FAQ’s
included Companies contact information

 Graphics: Graphics make the instructions more appealing while making instructions easier for
the consumer to comprehend.

Collaboration to Create User Manuals

- Collaboration with others is crucial for ensuring that the instructions/manuals are accurate,
user-friendly, and includes all the necessary information.

Instructional Videos
- Instructional videos are great for easily showing the consumer example instructions for the
product. Videos tend to help the consumer more than written instructions.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

 Reasons for Writing an SOP: They ensure the quality and performance of the product, as well as
ensuring that government regulations are being followed.
 Components of SOP’s: The components of SOP’s are very similar to the components of
instructions with added steps. These steps help explain in detail the reasoning and procedure of
the SOP, as well as information on the people involved.
Test for Usability
- To test the SOP instructions, they are given to a test group who is asked to test the instructions.
The audience is monitored and timed. Using the results and feedback from the group gives you
an idea of what needs to be adjusted.

The Writing Process at Work

 Prewriting: Flow charts help organize instructions and steps.
 Writing: Use the flow chart to write your instructions.
 Rewriting: Revise the instructions.

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