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Title​:​ ​Top 10​ movies where the world ends

It’s the end of the world as we know it. জানামেত পৃিথবীর শষ ঘিনেয় এেসেছ।

Judgment day. The day the human race was জাজেম ড। যিদন মানবজািত িনেজেদরেক র া করেত
nearly destroyed by the weapons they’d built to সৃি করা অ িদেয় িনেজরাই ায় ংস হেয় িগেয়িছল।
protect themselves.

Welcome to, and today we’re ওয়াচেমােজা ডট কেম াগতম, আর আজেক আমরা শীষ দশ
counting down our picks for the top 10 movies িসেনমা স েক জানেবা, যখােন পৃিথবীর অি ম পিরণিত
where the world ends. দখােনা হয়।

Wouldn’t you know, rising toxic levels have made তামােদর তা জানার কথা, িবষা তার কারেণ পৃিথবী
life unsustainable on Earth. বসবােসর অেযাগ হেয় গেছ।

For this list, we’re taking a look at movies where এই িলে র জন আমরা এমন িকছু িসেনমা স েক জানেত
the world is either on the brink or in the midst of চেলিছ, যখােন পৃিথবী ংস হেয় যাে বা ংেসর পেথ
destruction. And by the end of the film, life on এেগাে । আর িসেনমা েলার শেষ যমনটা হয় আরিক,
Earth as we know it must come to an end. পৃিথবীর সব াণ-ই িনঃেশষ হেয় যায়।

Yeah, stay with me. I know how this sounds. হ াঁ, আমার সােথ থােকা, আিম জািন কমন লােগ।

Movies that exist in post-apocalyptic world like যসব িসেনমায় পৃিথবী অলেরিড ংস হেয় গেছ, যমন ধ ন
“The Road” or “Mad Max: Fury Road” were not "দ রাড" িকংবা "ম াড ম া : িফউির রাড", এই
considered, as that’s a list for another day. িসেনমা েলা আজেকর িলে থাকেছনা। ও েলা িনেয়
আেরকিদন কথা হেব।
It is by my hand that you will rise from the ashes of
this world! আমার হাত ধেরই তামরা েগ পৗঁেছ যােব।

Because we will be discussing plot details of these

films, a SPOILER ALERT is in order. আমরা যেহতু িসেনমার কািহনী িনেয় িডেটইলেস কথা বলব
সেহতু আেগই য়লার এলাট িদেয় রাখিছ।
This is ridiculous.
এইটা হেত পাের না।
#10: “Interstellar” (2014)
#১০ঃ ই ারে লার (২০১৪)
-Nelson’s torching his whole crop.
-Blight? - নলসন ওর সব ফসল পাড়ায় িদে ।
-They’re saying it’s the last harvest for okra. Ever. - ফা াস ধরেছ?
- ওরা বলেতেছ ওকরা চােষর এইটাই এেকবাের শষবার।
The Earth in this Christopher Nolan sci-fi epic is
no longer a lush planet where flora is plentiful; ি ে াফার নালােনর এই সাইফাই এিপেক পৃিথবীটা আর সবুজ
food growth has become nearly impossible and নই, খাদ উৎপাদন ায় অস ব হেয় পেড়েছ, সােথ
the future of humanity is in jeopardy. মানবজািতর ভিবষ ৎও মিকর মুেখ।

The last people to starve will be the first to

suffocate. খেয় বঁেচ থাকেত চাইেল অি েজেনর অভােব মরেত হেব।

Primarily following the crew aboard a spaceship

as they desperately search for a new inhabitable আমরা এখােন দিখ সিশপ ভিত ু -রা এক নতু ন
planet, the shadow of death looms large over বাসেযাগ েহর খাঁেজ হেন হেয় লেগ িগেয়েছ। যিদও িত
every scene, but there’s a distinct feeling of hope দৃেশ ই মৃতু হাতছািন িদেয় যায়, তবুও এক ু আশার
that permeates the story. আেলাই যন গ েক একটু একটু কের এিগেয় িনেয় যেত

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Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Rage, rage,

against the dying of the light.
এই আঁধাের হািরেয় যওনা, যত ণ আেলা আেছ লড়াইটা
A visual masterpiece that keeps you guessing as চািলেয় যাও।
to its next move and hits you at an instinctual
level, “Interstellar” is a worthy addition as এটা এমন একটা িভজুয়াল মা ারিপস যটা আপনার িচ ায়
humankind is forced off its home permanently. আঘাত করার পাশাপািশ আপনােক ভাবেত বাধ কের, 'এরপর
িক হেব!' মানবজািতর িনজ বাস ান ছাড়েত বাধ হওয়ার এক
There’s somethings that aren’t meant to be চমৎকার গ বেল “ই ারে লার” িসেনমা ।
িকছু ব াপার অজানা থেক যাওয়াই বাধহয় ভােলা।
#9: “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”

Once again, if you are just tuning in, the space

shuttle Deliverance has been destroyed. The final
mission to save mankind has failed. The 70 mile
wide asteroid, known commonly as Matilda, is set
to collide with the Earth in exactly 3 weeks time.

If a mission failed to stop an asteroid from

impacting Earth and the end of the world were
upon us, we could do a lot worse than Keira
Knightley or Steve Carell by our side.

But instead, I am on the scenic route to the

guillotine with you and you.

After humanity finds out they have three weeks left

to live, Carell’s Dodge and Knightley’s Penny
befriend each other and try to make each other’s
final weeks happier, in Dodge’s case by finding
the one that got away

Well, they all got away, but she was the first.

and in Penny’s case by returning to her family in


If you drive me where I need to go, I can get you

to your family.

But instead, they find that they are the missing

ingredients in each other’s lives. Sure, their story
may have a grim ending, but at least these two
didn’t go out alone.

-What do we do now?
-I’m just going to lie here with you.

#8: “Miracle Mile” (1988)

I mean, for me, to find a girl my age who actually

knows who Dicky Wells and Verna Brown were.
There has to be a cosmic plan of some sort.

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Just when a man finds the woman of his dreams,

a phone rings and he finds out that nuclear war is
imminent. We mean real imminent.

This isn’t a drill, dad, this is for real! We shoot our

wad in 50 minutes!

At times Harry’s uncertain that the end is, in fact,

near and that the information he received was
accurate, becoming increasingly worried that he
alone sparked the panic gripping LA.

-What is the truth, Harry? Where did you hear that

we’d started a war? Those people at the helicopter
said Landa told them, and you told Landa?
-Oh, god, what have I done.

Even so, Harry tries to find a way to escape his

impending doom, and finds himself going to great
lengths to do so. We wouldn’t be surprised if
you’ve never heard of this cult film, but by
maintaining the feel of an ‘80s comedy while
tackling a horrific situation, “Miracle Mile” stands
out as exceptional.

Look at the baby go! It’s going all the way to


#7: “These Final Hours” (2013)

As I speak to you right now, it’s making it’s way

towards our fair nation.

When a meteor strikes the opposite side of the

world sparking a global firestorm, Australian
James leaves his lover to travel across a city
where anarchy rules in an attempt to reunite a girl
with her family and join his girlfriend to enjoy the
“party to end all parties.”

Where’ve you been? I’ve been going crazy out of

my mind.

An Australian film that is largely unknown in some

parts of the world, “These Final Hours” deserves a
great deal more acclaim and notice.

You ever think you might end up in hell instead of

heaven? That’d be awful.

With characters that are far from innocent and a

goal that seems fruitless, the performances, story
and situation have you rooting for them despite
the odds.

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I love you so much. I’m sorry. I’m here.

#6: “The Day After” (1983)

Undoubtedly one of the better television films ever

made, and still the highest-rated, “The Day After”
is a product of its time.

Will the Russians advance, straight for the Rhine,

and defy NATOs declared policy and behest by all
deeds, including the use of tactical nuclear

Taking place during the Cold War and showing a

worst-case scenario outcome of nuclear war, it’s
an uncompromising film that juxtaposes life
before, during and after the destruction wrought by
such a conflict.

Either we fired first, and they’re going to try to hit

what’s left, or they fired first and we just got our
missiles out of the ground in time.

We’re introduced to a world we know well and a

wholly unfamiliar one at the same time, one where
failing to find food and shelter means your very

-That’s it, no more.

-What do you mean, no more?

Ending with a single stark voice calling over the

radio in vain, “The Day After” feels entirely

Hello? Is anybody there? Anybody at all?

#5: “This Is the End” (2013)

When a group of self-obsessed, hedonistic

celebrities gathers for a housewarming party on
the same night of the Apocalypse, the results are
absolutely hilarious.

-It’s not bullshit.

-You want to know something else, Jay? If this is
the end of the world, and all the good people died,
what you’re saying is Seth, Me, Jonah, Craig, and
Danny are a bunch of assholes.
-I’m straight-up loveable, son.

Featuring a who’s who of this generation’s

comedic actors – as well as a few other random
cameos –

-That’s not cool.

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-Don’t touch my phone.

-Jeeze, we’re playing game, man.

perhaps the most impressive part is not the

comedy that ensues, but the fact that the
filmmakers didn’t use the impressive cast as an
excuse to cut corners on the effects. Whether it
was the standout appearance by the intentionally
obnoxious Michael Cera or the performances of
the six leads, this is a film unlike any other on this

-Wait, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!
.-What’s happening to me?

#4: “On the Beach” (1959)

We’re all doomed, you know. The whole, silly,

pathetic, drunken lot of us. Doomed by the air
we’re about to breath.

The battle is not over even after the world has

been decimated by World War III, for the nuclear
fallout is on its way.

The war started when people accepted the idiotic

principle that peace could be maintained by
arranging to defend themselves with weapons
they couldn’t possibly use … without committing

“On the Beach” follows humanity as it anticipates

ultimate destruction due to the impending radiation
sickness that is moving south to Australia. We’re
left with a world in which people are deciding
either to succumb to the sickness or to end their
lives themselves.

God. God forgive us.

A grisly window into the despair of near certain

doom, this film is a harrowing look at the outcome
of nuclear war, the shadow of which loomed large
when the film was released in 1959 and remains
relevant today.

There isn’t time. No time to love. And nothing to

remember. Nothing worth remembering.

#3: “Last Night” (1998)

A tiny Canadian film made on a relatively low

budget, “Last Night” revolves around a society that

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knows their world will end at midnight – and packs

in plenty of style and substance.

All this great stuff.

It details how an assortment of folks spend their

last night on Earth, with one duo of strangers
agreeing to take each other’s lives,

At 12 o’clock I’m asking you to shoot me.

one family feigning a Christmas party,

My, uh, mother just threw this big Christmas

dinner. She wanted us to relive our happiest
moments as a family.

and one man trying to experience as many new

types of sex as possible before the end.

I just don’t want to risk having bad sex today. Just

don’t want that to be the last thing on my mind.

It may never be made evident what deadly force

will take them, but what is clear is that the film’s
strong direction, script and cast make it a must
see for film buffs.

#2: “Melancholia” (2011)

The Earth is evil. We don’t need to grieve for it.

Arguably the artsiest film about the end of the

world, this visceral Lars von Trier joint is populated
with character archetypes and metaphors too
numerous to count, but the general theme
involves the peace with which depressed people
can face calamitous events.

Listen to me, we agreed that you weren’t going to

make any scenes tonight.

A newfound planet is set to collide with Earth – a

somewhat obvious metaphor for the inevitability of
depression. This unflinching portrayal of
doomsday is a majestic vision, told through the
eyes of various different types of characters – all
of which are relatable.

-I’m scared.
-We all are, sweetie. Just forget it.

And while that may sound depressing in itself and

does hit you at a guttural level, “Melancholia” ends
on an oddly hopeful note.

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Hold my hand. Close your eyes.

Before we reveal our top pick, here are some

honorable mentions:
“Knowing” (2009)

I’ve matched these numbers to the dates of every

major global disaster for the last fifty years, in
perfect sequence. Except for three. And these
events haven’t occurred yet, starting with this one.

“Titan A.E.” (2000)

“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (2005)

“The Cabin in the Woods” (2012)

-The son is coming up in eight minutes. If you live

to see it, the world will end.
-Maybe that’s the way it should be, if you’ve got to
kill all my friends to survive. Maybe it’s time for a

#1: “Dr. Strangelove” (1964)

-Look, Captain, I’m afraid this is not an exercise.

-Not an exercise, eh?

In fairness to the other films considered for this

list, it is pretty difficult to beat Stanley Kubrick.

The whole point of the Doomsday machine is lost

if you keep it a secret, right?! Why don’t you tell
the world, eh?

When an Air Force general orders a nuclear attack

on the Soviet Union, the joint chiefs of staff, an Air
Force officer and the President come together to
attempt to prevent an apocalypse.

-General Turgidson and I find this very difficult to

understand. I was under the impression that I was
the only one in authority to order the use of
nuclear weapons.
-Uh, that’s right sir. You are the only person
authorized to do so.

Unfortunately for humanity’s sake the War Room

proves to be full of fools as these men are not
exactly cool headed in the face of such impending

You can’t fight in here, this is the War Room.

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In the end, based on the theme of this list, you can

imagine what goes down. Cold war fears and
detonating nukes have never been so hilarious.

Hey, what about Major Kong?

Do you agree with our list?

I thought I could, but I can’t.

What’s your favorite movie where the world ends?

For more catastrophic Top 10s published every
day, be sure to subscribe to

That’s why y’all number one.




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