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Free and Open Source Software (FOSS): It’s Significance

or Otherwise to the E-Governance Process in Ghana

Charles Amega-Selorm and Johanna Awotwi
Centre for e-Governance
P.O Box MP 270
Mamprobi, Accra
+233243787694, +233243408047
{c.amega-selorm, jeawotwi}

ABSTRACT the levels of development through ICTs because they are

Software plays a very important role in our aspiration as a country expensive. The fact however remains that software and for that
to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as matter ICTs are becoming increasingly crucial to socio-economic
enablers for development. Licensing cost for Proprietary Software development [2].
(PS) is however expensive and does not offer the freedom to The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (Geneva,
manipulate the source code. Free and Open Source Software 2003 and Tunis 2005) recognized the importance of the issue of
(FOSS) emerged as an alternative to Proprietary Software and has the use of software, mostly in relation to the crucial role that
since its introduction made inroads onto desktops and servers software plays in access to information and knowledge. The WSIS
alike. With FOSS emerged the freedom to run the programs for adopted the following positions on the issue, focusing on the need
any purpose, freedom to study and modify the software, freedom to ensure diversity of choice.
to copy the software and share with neighbors and freedom to
improve the program and release your improvements to the a) The Declaration of Principles adopted in Geneva, in 2003,
public, so that the whole community benefits. This paper makes a stresses the possibilities offered by different software
case for these freedoms. The paper first compares PS and FOSS models, including proprietary and free and open software, in
use in Ghana and proposes a way for government to adopt FOSS. order to increase competition, access by users, diversity of
Findings of this case study are a result of field research conducted choice, and to enable all users to develop solutions which
by the authors, personal interviews and through desk research. best meet their requirements.
b) The Plan of Action also adopted in Geneva, in 2003, calls for
Categories and Subject descriptors action to ensure an optimal choice of appropriate software
K.6.3 [Software management]: Software Development, Software that will best contribute to achieving development goals.
Maintenance, Software Process, Software Selection
c) The Tunis Agenda for the Information Society also adopted
in Tunis, in 2005, reiterates the support to the “development
General Terms of software that renders itself easily to localization, and
Management, Economics, Experimentation, Reliability, Security enables users to choose appropriate solutions from different
software models including open-source, free and proprietary
Keywords software [14].”
E-Governance, Free and Open Source Software, Procurement These positions are not really what pertain on the ground in
Policy Ghana. There is widespread use of proprietary software in
government departments and institutions, private firms and by
1. INTRODUCTION individuals. These are mostly pirated. This paper makes a case for
With the advent of Information and Communications Technology FOSS because of its low total cost of ownership and suggests
(ICT), it is becoming increasingly apparent that we cannot do possible ways in which government can adopt and use FOSS for
without software. Our lives are becoming more and more better e-Governance.
complicated and/or simpler each day with the introduction of one
software or the other or one technology or the other. For many 2. BACKGROUND
developing countries, software is simply a deterrent to achieving 2.1 Ghana
Ghana is currently, a multi-party constitutional democracy
founded on elections by open and free universal adult suffrage. All
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Ghanaians above 18 years of age are eligible to vote into office an
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are Executive President for a maximum of two four-year terms. A
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
230-member Parliament is also elected for four-year terms. The
to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior main arms of Government are the Executive, Legislature and
specific permission and/or a fee. Judiciary each of which is independent of the other. Ghana is a
nation governed by the rule of law.
ICEGOV2010, October 25-28, 2010, Beijing, China
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0058-2/10/10… $10.00 Well endowed with natural resources, Ghana has roughly twice

the per capita output of the poorest countries in West Africa. Even This has assisted in the networking of offices and institutions and
so, Ghana remains heavily dependent on international financial their branches across the country and beyond. Private Internet
and technical assistance. Gold and cocoa production and Cafes are now prevalent in most suburbs and towns. The average
individual remittances are major sources of foreign exchange. Oil Internet access fee for an hour at a Café is 60Gp or $0.4USD [6].
production is expected to expand in late 2010 or early 2011. The
domestic economy continues to revolve around agriculture, which 2.3 Investment
accounts for about 37.3% of GDP and employs about 55% of the The National Communications Authority in its first quarter report
work force, mainly small landholders. Ghana signed a Millennium for 2009 approximated the value of investment into the country as
Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact in 2006, which aims to GHC 44,546,001,710.07. Table below gives more details;
assist in transforming Ghana's agricultural sector. Ghana opted for
debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC)
Table 2: Value of telecommunications equipment in Ghana
program in 2002, and is also benefiting from the Multilateral Debt
Relief Initiative that took effect in 2006. Thematic priorities under S/No. Value of Telecom GHC Equivalent
its current Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy, which also Equipment (1Q09)
provides the framework for development partner assistance, are: 1 $2,297,837,401.99 3,171,015,614.75
macroeconomic stability; private sector competitiveness; human 2 £37,023.21 73,305.96
resource development; and good governance and civic 3 €22,486,066,460.83 41,374,362,287.83
responsibility. Sound macro-economic management along with 4 R ZAR3,235,426.64 465,901.44
high prices for gold and cocoa helped sustain GDP growth in 2008 5 Y 6,000,000 84,600.00
and 2009 [3]. Total in Ghana Cedis 44546001710.07

Table 1: Some Economic Indicators 2.4 Free and Open Source Software
The concept of “free” software is not new. In the 1960s and
Indicators 1970s, mainframe computers in university computer science
Population growth 23million (2007 estimates) departments and in corporate facilities were principally tools for
GDP per capita US $1,500 (2008 estimates) research. However, the idea of free access to the source code for
GDP real growth rate 6.3% (2008 estimates) the installed software was seen as natural and was often taken for
GDP composition by sector granted. As a result, many companies began to ship new
Agriculture 37.3%, mainframes with operating systems that did not distribute source
Industry 25.3% code. In reaction to these developments, Massachusetts Institute
Services 37.5% (2006 estimates) of Technology researcher Richard Stallman founded a project to
revive FOSS activities by creating a complete set of FOSS utilities
and programming tools in 1984. This initiative led to the
2.2 Overview of the ICT Industry establishment of the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The FSF
The existing ICT infrastructure services in Ghana include exclusively uses the term “free software” to denote software that
international connectivity via SAT-3 Submarine Optical Fiber allows the user to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve
Cable, 800 km National Fiber Optic Backbone which is being it through access to the source code. The FSF sees copyright as a
extended to 4000km and connecting 23 sites nationwide. There means of imprisoning information and creating unequal access,
are 4 International Gateways via satellite, 35 operational Internet usually along the lines of wealth and poverty. To replace
Service Providers, 130 installed VSAT nationwide, 128 FM traditional copyright, the FSF has developed a standard copyright
Broadcasting stations, 12 Television stations (6 are free on air), 2 agreement, the GNU General Public License (GPL), that is often
fixed line telecoms operators and 6 cellular telecoms operators called “copyleft”. GPL is designed to deter programmers from
[9]. “closing” the source code of an FOSS computer programme and
stop anyone from bringing it into a proprietary commercial
Statistics from the National Communication Authority (NCA) development environment [13]. Stallman and his Foundation then
indicates an impressive 11,962,224 active mobile phone built a free operating system called the GNU.
subscriptions in Ghana as at January 2009, representing 98 per
In 1991, a Finnish university student called Linus Tovalds wanted
cent market penetration of the telecom industry, compared with
to learn more about his computer and started writing a free
fixed line subscriptions which stood at 140,676 representing 0.6%
operating system kernel. This kernel called Linux later served as
penetration. The percentage of land area covered by mobile
the final piece in the GNU operating system, which at the time
cellular signal is about 33% with 77% mobile cellular signal
was only lacking the kernel. What distinguished Linus Torvalds’
coverage of the population. The telecom sector employs about
approach from that of the GNU project was the development
6,916 people of which 14% are females [9].
model? Linus Torvalds allowed anyone to see the code and send
Internet services have improved significantly with 35 operational contributions back to him. The need for a new term which
ISPs. Estimates from the NCA indicate that Internet users are appealed to businesses was necessary as large enterprises had
about 1,000,000 (2008 estimates). The average installation fee for started noticing this software development method. In 1998, the
internet service is about $93USD and a monthly average access term open source software was coined for software developed
charge is $80USD. A number of companies have also been using Linus’ method. Free software refers to software which gives
authorized to establish data networks using VSAT and/or the user freedom from ownership of software without mentioning
frequencies to provide fixed and wireless broadband services to the development method. One can even sell free software but the
their clients some of which are the banks and mining companies. user must have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change

and improve. Open source software refers to software developed 3.1 PS versus FOSS use in Ghana: Desktops
by publicly giving away the source code and being open for The Internet Research FOSS versus PS expenditure analysis
contributions from everyone. This development method has shows that the Windows Operating System dominates in desktop
proved itself useful regarding the quality of the software but still environments showing an 84.7% of organizations using Windows
many software companies are afraid of turning to this OS as against 11.9% for Linux. Unix OS accounts for only 3.4%.
methodology as it means a new business model for them since This shows clearly that more organizations still prepare to buy
they won’t be able to sell the software like before and must turn to proprietary OS than its free equivalents.
selling support or other services. Free software is an idealistic
approach while open source software is a pragmatic one. Free There are several reasons for the choices (of OS type)
software developed using open source software development organizations and individuals make for their desktops. For
methods is simply called free and open source software and has instance, the most dominant reasons for the choice of Windows is
become known under its abbreviation, FOSS [5]. that the software came pre-installed on the computers, ease of use,
availability of applications and availability of technical support. A
This distinction between free software and open source software very interesting finding has dispelled the misconception about
is important when considering their use in governmental agencies. FOSS being difficult to use. All 59 respondents to the reason for
When governments buy custom-made software, they should not Linux use attributed it to ease of use. Therefore, we can safely say
be able to force software companies to use a special development that FOSS are easy to use on desktop computers. Availability of
method, but they should be able to require that the software be applications for desktop linux is also attributed to reasons for use.
free. However, when considering commercial software,
governments should be able to consider open source software Table 3: PS versus FOSS desktops
solutions as well as proprietary ones. This task is a difficult one as
it must assess whether the commercial open source software Responses
solutions are mature enough to be usable by a governmental body
[5]. N Percent
Desktop_OS Windows 50 84.7%
3. FOSS’s SIGNIFICANCE TO THE E- Linux 7 11.9%
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Total 59 100.0%
are fast becoming widespread in Ghana and software is at the
centre of this increasing growth of ICTs. Both Proprietary and
Free and Open Source Software are being used in Ghana but 3.2 PS versus FOSS use in Ghana: Servers
Proprietary Software products are much more widespread. Free The same situation applies to server environments, except that in
and Open Source Software are increasingly being used as servers this case the use of Linux for servers is increasingly impressive,
but Proprietary alternatives still have more of the server market. accounting for about 25.4% of responses against 66.7% for
Most of these Proprietary Software products come bundled into Windows, 3.2% for Unix and 4.8% for Solaris. Out of 25.4% that
the computers whiles those specialized software like accounting use Linux OS for their servers, about 96% of these organizations
and payroll, anti-virus and cyber café software are purchased for however deploy some Windows servers as well in their setup.
use. A rather worrying trend is that many users are using pirated Table 4: PS versus FOSS servers
software, especially the Microsoft Windows software unaware of
its illegality. In actual fact some users think that all software can Responses
be downloaded and shared. N Percent
The e-Governance process in Ghana is hampered by limited Server_OS Windows 42 66.7%
access; and coordination of the nation’s information flow, and Linux 16 25.4%
limited capacity in information searching, reporting and Unix 2 3.2%
presentation at public institutions required to provide information. Solaris 3 4.8%
Other factors include limited exchange of information among Total 63 100.0%
institutions; no cross linkages between information systems;
awareness of the existence of electronic information is either low 3.3 Total Cost of Ownership
or inadequate; bottleneck to effective, transparent policy The "Total Cost of Ownership" (TCO) framework is used to
formulation and implementation; these hamper access and combine the many factors of cost that apply to the operation of
exchange of information required by government, private computer equipment including; hardware, training, and support
business, NGOs and the general public [4]. and measure them over the equipment's expected lifetime. Studies
The Ghana ICT for Accelerated Development policy was have shown that the initial capital investment in projects
formulated in 2003 to deal with some of these bottlenecks but constitute a fraction of the products’ lifetime cost as the costs of
implementation has not been forthcoming. Even though there is an support and maintenance often outweigh set-up costs for hardware
e-Ghana project, it has not taken off yet. If government ever starts and software. In Ghana, the harsh environment many
implementing the e-Ghana project, would the government organizations operate in causes hardware to fail more frequently;
recommend the use of FOSS in the process? As it is now, there e.g. frequent power outages that do not leave time to properly turn
will be little or no use of FOSS because there is no policy on the computers off increase the number of hard disk failures [1].
FOSS. During the field research, respondents were asked to rate several

key set-up cost factors (software licenses, hardware, technical Centre said that for any Microsoft upgrade, it is important to
support, and training for staff) in terms of how much they upgrade hardware. In the case of Ghana, the research team is of
contribute to the total cost of set-up, on a scale from 1 (least) to 5 the view that migration will not present any adverse costs to the
(most). Hardware constitutes a significant setup cost overall: the potential adopters of FOSS. Most firms and especially the
labs ranked hardware costs at average values of 2.9 (FOSS), 3.7 government institutions have not deployed ICT systems yet. The
(PS) and 3.5 (multi-platform), even though training and support low adoption rates of ICT present Ghana a unique opportunity to
costs both outweigh hardware in FOSS. The PS labs ranked procure ICT systems with FOSS already installed on them.
software licenses just as hardware cost (average value of 3.7).
Software licenses were the least significant set-up cost for multi- 3.3.5 Opportunity Costs
platform labs (2.4) and FOSS labs (3.2). Technical support Choosing any software solution may foreclose on other software.
perhaps constitutes the most significant set-up cost. In FOSS and This so-called opportunity cost may not be apparent for years,
multi-platform labs technical support was ranked first (3.1 for when the need for the other software emerges. In many cases,
FOSS labs and 3.8 for multi-platform labs). Training contribution open source is still the minority solution. The number of Linux
to total cost is substantial in all three instances of software (3.0 for desktops is meager compared to Microsoft Windows from our
FOSS, 3.0 for PS and 3.4 for Multi-platforms). analysis. By choosing a Linux desktop, a user forecloses on some
software because it may never be created for or ported to Linux.
3.3.1 Hardware Cost It has been found that opportunity cost is unique for each user or
Hardware cost is among the highest costs in deploying systems organization, based on their needs and goals [1]. For instance, a
when compared with software license, training and technical school does not have to migrate exclusively to open source and
support costs. This can be explained by the high cost associated may find incremental advantages by phasing out proprietary
with computer hardware in Ghana. Also, hardware cost associated software. Opportunity cost is highest when a specific, critical
with procuring FOSS solutions as compared with PS and Multi- program is unavailable or incompatible and that was cited by
platforms is least as can be seen from the analysis above. many to our research as the reason for not adopting FOSS.
Organizations may want specific, mission-critical software that is
3.3.2 Software Licenses unavailable or incompatible with open source solutions.
Software license is understandably the minimal contributor of Incompatibility was mentioned as one of the challenges of using
total cost when it is compared with hardware, training and FOSS solutions. Clearly, such high opportunity costs should be
technical support when you deploy FOSS systems. It is however balanced against any advantages of open source. If more schools
not the case for PS but it is important to also make the point that adopt open source solutions, the marketplace and community will
organizations considered hardware and technical support as shift, and new or existing solutions will become available. Finally,
contributing equally to total cost as software license. as more applications become Web services the need for specific
operating systems or applications will be less important, since
In spite of the fact that the questionnaire did not include a
access will be browser-based.
question on piracy, our research team (especially the field
researchers) gathered that software piracy is rampant especially
among individual users. There were cases in which some 3.3.6 Technical Support
computer labs technicians indicated the use of pirated software. One of the most important issues to consider when deploying a
network/system is how sustainable it will be and what costs are
In the area of e-governance, the government spending on software associated with it. Support for software deployed in such a
development can be made more efficient if it adopts the open system/network is paramount to its sustainability. The research
source model that promotes the sharing of source code. grouped support into internal, external, online support, support
Government departments across different regions have the same cluster and lab users helping each other. Support cluster is defined
requirements and instead of each of government department as support provided by similar labs that share information with
developing separate programmes for the same task, they could your lab. The research also shows that in all except online support,
share the same source code base and make minor changes to suit proprietary software requires more support. This may not be a
the needs of each region or local administration. scientific way of telling whether one software requires more
support or not but may be an indication. It is important to state
3.3.3 Training however that FOSS requires more internal capacity since not
It is evident from the total cost of ownership analysis that training many IT professionals are trained in it here in Ghana. It makes
is considered a very important component of total cost of more sense however that, organizations intending on deploying
ownership of software. Training cost compares with hardware any such software are careful the professionals in the
costs as highest contributions to total cost. With adequate training, establishment are comfortable working on FOSS systems.
engineers can localize software for use. Localization plays a major
role in adoption, as governments can use technology to 4. CHALLENGES TO FOSS ADOPTION
communicate to citizens in their own language. Opportunities The most important challenge to FOSS adoption in Ghana is the
abound in local content development. absence of any FOSS policy or procurement policy which must
clearly stipulates terms of procuring software. From the user point
3.3.4 Migration Costs of view, it is perceived that FOSS solutions are complex to use.
The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT has FOSS solutions also require support just like other software
migrated all its systems to Free and Open Source Software but solutions but expensive support for systems or lack of support was
never incurred adverse costs. Indeed, Frederick Yeboah of the cited as another dominant challenge using FOSS solutions.

5. CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS used as a barrier to the use of open source. But the cost of
Windows Operating System dominates in the desktop migration is often caused by being locked in by an existing
environments showing an 84.7% of organizations using it as vendor. If migration costs are cited, so must exit costs [11].
against 11.9% for Linux. Unix OS accounts for only 3.4%. This Don't focus on cost savings alone: Any vendor with a decent
shows clearly that more organizations still buy proprietary OS sales function can cut one-time costs to get you locked in. If you
than its free and open source equivalents. The same trend goes for have freedom to use/study/modify/distribute the software you use,
server operating systems except in this case, Linux is more you can drive down the costs - freedom can lead to cost savings
prominent in server environments than on desktops. but cost savings rarely lead to freedom. Making this the rule is a
Hardware is one of the most important cost components of the policy decision that governments legislature needs to make [8].
overall cost of software deployment. Training cost is another
important factor that is also highly rated. Of course, if an 6. REFERENCES
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implemented, then reasons must be provided to justify the UN Conference on Trade and Development.
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[13] UNESCO. (2008). UNESCO’s position on Proprietary and
Procurement Policy: Evidently, Ghana needs a FOSS policy but Free and Open Source Software As endorsed by the
we also a procurement policy to clearly state that FOSS be used, Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All
otherwise the policy will have no effect. “The best open source Programme. ITU.
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Demand the freedom to leave: Often, the cost of migration is


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