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Basic Research—Technology

Dentin Inhibits the Antibacterial Effect of New

and Conventional Endodontic Irrigants
Renata Dornelles Morgental, DDS, MS,*† Aruna Singh, BDS,† Harkeet Sappal, DDS,†
Patrıcia Maria Poli Kopper, DDS, MS, PhD,‡ Fabiana Vieira Vier-Pelisser, DDS, MS, PhD,*
and Ove A. Peters, DMD, MS, PhD†

Introduction: This in vitro study aimed to compare Key Words
the antibacterial effect of a new irrigant, QMiX, with Antibacterial effect, chlorhexidine, EDTA, endodontic irrigation, Enterococcus fae-
that of conventional irrigation solutions in the presence calis, QMiX, sodium hypochlorite
or absence of dentin powder. Methods: Dentin powder
was prepared from bovine incisors and sterilized. The
following irrigants were tested against Enterococcus
faecalis (ATCC 29212): 6% sodium hypochlorite
I t has been accepted for many years that microorganisms are the main etiologic agent
of periapical pathosis (1). For this reason, endodontic treatment is aimed at chemo-
mechanically minimizing the bacteria in the root canal system and optimally sealing the
(NaOCl), 1% NaOCl, QMiX, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate canal space to prevent future recontamination (2). Instrumentation is imperative for the
(CHX), and 17% EDTA. Sterilized saline solution was removal of infected tooth structure, but it can be limited by root canal morphology, ie,
used as negative control. Survival of bacteria exposed lateral and accessory canals, apical deltas, etc. For this reason, it is also necessary to
to the irrigants in the presence or absence of dentin disinfect root canals via chemical means (3).
was monitored under planktonic conditions. Colony- Despite best efforts in decontaminating root canal systems, persistence of intraca-
forming units were counted, and log-transformed nal bacteria and reinfection via coronal leakage are the 2 most common perpetrators of
numbers were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis and endodontic treatment failure (4). Enterococcus faecalis is a facultative anaerobic
Mann-Whitney tests. P values less than .05 were consid- gram-positive coccus that is present in 24%–74% of asymptomatic and persistent
ered significant. Results: In the absence of dentin, after endodontic infections (5). Some of the reasons contributing to the resilience of E. fae-
10 seconds of contact with the bacterial suspension, 6% calis are its ability to survive long periods of nutritional deprivation, its excellent ability
NaOCl showed the lowest bacterial count; the difference to invade dentinal tubules and bind to dentin and collagen, and its ability to maintain pH
to the negative control was significant. After 30 homeostasis (5, 6). In an attempt to improve the success rate of endodontic treatment, it
seconds, 6% NaOCl displayed 0 colony-forming units is important to target the bacteria responsible for root canal failures as part of study
per milliliter, whereas 1% NaOCl and QMiX showed designs. If irrigants can be proven effective against E. faecalis, it is likely they will
reduced number of colonies in comparison with the decrease the persistence of infections after root canal treatment.
negative control. After 1 minute, both concentrations Ideally, chemical irrigants should be antibacterial, lubricating, nontoxic, mini-
of NaOCl presented no bacterial growth and QMiX mally destructive to tooth structure, provide dissolution of organic and inorganic mate-
reduced the number of colonies, but EDTA and CHX rials, and be relatively expedient and easy to use (7). Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is
had bacterial counts similar to the negative control. the most commonly used chemical irrigant in root canal preparation. Regarding its
Dentin had a significant inhibitory effect on 6% NaOCl mechanism of action, chlorine affects a broad range of microbes including viruses
(10 seconds), 1% NaOCl (10 seconds and 1 minute), and fungi, and oxygen kills anaerobic bacteria prevalent in endodontic disease. Because
and QMiX (10 seconds and 1 minute). After 6 hours, of the proteolytic effect of free chlorine, NaOCl is also a powerful solvent of necrotic pulp
both concentrations of NaOCl, QMiX, and CHX killed tissue and organic debris (8).
all bacteria, regardless of the presence of dentin. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) has been suggested as an intracanal irrigant
Conclusions: Six percent NaOCl was the most effective because of its substantivity and antimicrobial effect via prolonged binding to hydroxy-
irrigant against E. faecalis. Saline and EDTA had no apatite (9). As a final step, 17% EDTA is recommended to remove the smear layer and
measurable antibacterial effect. Dentin delayed the anti- open up dentinal tubules to provide a clean surface for root canal obturation (10).
bacterial activity of NaOCl and QMiX but did not Irrigants containing chelating substances have been developed over the years
completely prevent their action. (J Endod (11–14). According to the manufacturer’s brochure, QMiX is a proprietary blend of
2013;39:406–410) 2% CHX, EDTA, and a surfactant that completely removes the smear layer and smear

From the *Department of Endodontics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Dentistry, Porto Alegre, Brazil; †Department of Endodontics,
University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco, California; and ‡Department of Endodontics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, School
of Dentistry, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Renata Dornelles Morgental, Department of Endodontics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Dentistry,
6681 Ipiranga Avenue, Porto Alegre, Brazil. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2013 American Association of Endodontists.

406 Morgental et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 3, March 2013

Basic Research—Technology
plugs, while disinfecting at the same time. It has been designed to be (Mallickrodt Chemical Works, St Louis, MO) for NaOCl. Three droplets
used as a final rinse for 60–90 seconds in place of 17% EDTA, yet it of 20 mL from each dilution tube were cultured on BHI agar plates and
causes less demineralization of intact dentin collagen than EDTA incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. Bacterial colonies were counted, and
(15). This one-step final rinse is supposed to combine the antimicrobial the purity was checked by studying colony morphology and by Gram
and substantivity properties of CHX with smear layer removing proper- stain. The number of cfu/mL was calculated at each period of contact
ties of EDTA. Moreover, QMiX contains a detergent that decreases between the irrigants and the E. faecalis suspension. All the experi-
surface tension and increases wettability in solutions to potentially allow ments were performed in triplicate.
better intracanal delivery (16). The proprietary design of QMiX is
claimed to overcome past findings of precipitate formations caused Inhibition of the Antibacterial Activity by Dentin Powder
by interaction between CHX and EDTA and between NaOCl and CHX, For the second set of experiments, aliquots of 50 mL dentin
which may be carcinogenic (17, 18). powder suspension were thoroughly mixed with 50 mL of the irrigating
In vitro studies have shown that dentin and organic materials solutions and 50 mL of the bacterial suspension, giving a total volume of
within root canals can affect the antibacterial effect of irrigants 150 mL. In the negative control, sterile saline solution instead of the dis-
(19–22). Therefore, the main goal of this study was to evaluate the infecting solutions was added to maintain the total volume. Then, the
in vitro efficacy of a new irrigant, QMiX, against E. faecalis and the procedures were repeated by using 50 mL distilled water (without
potential inhibition by dentin powder. The null hypothesis stated dentin powder) as the positive control for the inhibition experiments,
there is no significant difference between 6% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, as proposed by Portenier et al (21). Incubations were carried out in
QMiX, 2% CHX, 17% EDTA, and sterile saline in killing planktonic sealed Eppendorf test tubes for 10 seconds, 1 minute, and 6 hours.
bacteria in the presence or absence of dentin. Then, 100-mL samples were taken from the experimental and control
suspensions and serially diluted. Again, inactivators were used during
Materials and Methods this procedure. Droplets of 20 mL from the various dilutions were
Dentin Powder Preparation cultured on BHI agar plates as previously described. The plates were
Five bovine incisors were used in this study. The crowns of the inspected for growth, and the colonies were counted after 24 hours.
teeth were removed, and radicular dentin was crushed and ground All experiments were conducted in triplicate.
by using an electrical grinder (model DCG-20; Cuisinart, East Windsor,
NJ). The dentin powder was suspended in distilled water to 28 mg per Statistical Analysis
aliquot of 50 mL, as described by Haapasalo et al (19). Aliquots were Mean values of log10 cfu/mL and standard deviations were calcu-
placed in Eppendorf test tubes, sterilized in autoclave (HA-300 MII; Hir- lated for each irrigant. For the first set of experiments, in the absence of
ayama Manufacturing Co, Saitama, Japan), and stored at 4 C until used. dentin powder, the results were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis test,
followed by Dunn multiple comparisons test in each period of contact.
For the second set of experiments, bacterial counts obtained in the pres-
Irrigating Solutions Tested ence of dentin powder were compared with those obtained in the posi-
The irrigating solutions tested were 6% NaOCl (Clorox, Oakland, tive control (absence of dentin) by Mann-Whitney tests. The level of
CA), 1% NaOCl, QMiX (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Johnson City, significance was set at .05.
TN), 2% CHX (CHX Plus; Vista Dental Products, Racine, WI), and 17%
EDTA (Henry Schein, Melville, NY). Sterilized saline solution (B. Braun
Medical, Irvine, CA) was used as the negative control. One hundred Results
milliliters of 1% NaOCl were freshly prepared before the experiments Figure 1 shows the bacterial counts after exposure to the irrigating
by diluting 16.66 mL 6% solution with 83.33 mL distilled water. solutions. After 10 seconds of contact, 6% NaOCl presented the lowest
counts; this was significantly different from the negative control (saline,
P < .05). After 30 seconds, 6% NaOCl obtained null values. One percent
Bacterial Suspension NaOCl did not kill all bacteria but significantly reduced the number of
E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) was used as the test organism. An over- colonies in comparison with the negative control (P < .05). After
night culture on brain-heart infusion (BHI) agar (Difco Laboratories, 1 minute, solutions in presence of both concentrations of NaOCl showed
Detroit, MI) was checked for purity by Gram stain and catalase reaction no bacterial growth. QMiX significantly reduced the number of colonies
and then suspended in 5 mL sterilized saline solution. The bacterial in comparison with the negative control (P < .05). EDTA and CHX pre-
suspension was adjusted by a spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 1000; sented bacterial counts similar to the negative control (P > .05).
Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE) to a cell density of 1.5  109 Figure 2 presents the comparison between E. faecalis counts ob-
colony-forming units (cfu)/mL. tained in the presence and absence of dentin powder at different periods
of contact. For saline, EDTA, and CHX, bacterial counts with and without
Antibacterial Activity dentin were similar to each other at all periods (P > .05). Dentin had an
For the first set of experiments, 950 mL of each irrigating solution inhibitory effect on 6% NaOCl (10 seconds), 1% NaOCl (10 seconds and
was mixed with 50 mL of the bacterial suspension in an Eppendorf test 1 minute), and QMiX (10 seconds and 1 minute); the counts in the pres-
tube. The suspensions were thoroughly mixed (Vortex Genie 2; Fisher ence of dentin were significantly higher than in its absence (P < .05).
Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). Sterile saline solution instead of the disinfect- After 6 hours, both concentrations of NaOCl, QMiX, and CHX killed all
ing solutions served as the negative control. After incubation for 10 bacteria, regardless of the presence of dentin.
seconds, 30 seconds, or 1 minute, 100-mL samples were obtained
and submitted to serial dilutions up to 10 5. The first 2 tubes in the dilu- Discussion
tion series contained an inactivator to reduce the carryover effect of the This laboratory study aimed at determining the antimicrobial effi-
irrigating solutions, as described by Pappen et al (23). The following cacy of a new irrigant, QMiX, against planktonic E. faecalis, which
inactivators were used: 3% Tween 80 + 0.3% a-lecithin (Sigma-Al- demonstrates a high level of resistance to a variety of antimicrobial
drich, St Louis, MO) for QMiX and CHX and 0.5% sodium thiosulfate agents (5). The ATCC strain was used as it has been used in several

JOE — Volume 39, Number 3, March 2013 Inhibition of Irrigation Solutions 407
Basic Research—Technology

Figure 1. E. faecalis counts (log10 cfu/mL) after exposure to the irrigating solutions for different experimental times: 10 seconds (A), 30 seconds (B), and 1
minute (C). Different uppercase letters indicate statistically significant difference between irrigants.

past studies regarding antimicrobial effects of endodontic irrigating In line with the study by Stojicic et al (30), in the present study QMiX
solutions (24–26). Because QMiX is proposed as a final rinse, we reduced bacterial counts better than 2% CHX. However, in that study
evaluated short periods of contact between the irrigant and the QMiX performed faster and much closer to 1% NaOCl than in our study.
bacterial suspension, ie, up to 1 minute. Also, a 6-hour period was as- The reason for the discrepancy in results may be attributed to multiple
sessed considering the substantivity of CHX and QMiX and the possibility factors to do with differences in methodology and experiment design
of acting for longer periods. Bovine dentin was used as a potential inhib- including different strains of E. faecalis selected as well as concentra-
itor because of the similarity to human dentin (27, 28) and the ethical tion of initial bacterial inoculum used.
issues involved. EDTA alone had no effect on E. faecalis, as previously described
NaOCl is the most widely used root canal irrigant, yet there is no (32). Furthermore, EDTA use has been associated with erosion of
consensus on its optimal concentration (3). Past studies have indicated dentin, whereas QMiX and other smear layer removing irrigants such
that exposure to high concentration hypochlorite is the most predict- as MTAD do not have this side effect (33, 34); however, this was not
able method to both kill intracanal bacteria and remove intracanal bio- tested in the present study. QMiX was designed to be a final rinse
film (13, 29). In our study, 6% NaOCl was the most effective irrigant. It used for 60–90 seconds, and it seems to fulfill its purpose of
presented with the lowest bacterial count at all experimental periods opening dentinal tubules, while concurrently allowing for more
(with or without dentin). This is consistent with previous studies complete disinfection of the root canal system (30). Nonetheless, our
demonstrating that concentrated NaOCl was superior to other results indicate that more than 1 minute of contact time would be pref-
irrigants on the basis of time taken to eliminate all bacteria (24, 25, erable to eliminate all intracanal bacteria and overcome the inhibitory
30), so this result is not surprising. However, its use is controversial effect of dentin.
because it can cause severe irritation when inadvertently extruded The present study showed that 2% CHX was not effective at
into the periapical area (31). In the absence of dentin, 1% NaOCl killed reducing E. faecalis count within 1 minute. This is contrary to the
all bacteria after 1 minute in the first experiment (Fig. 1), but the same results of Gomes et al (24) and Vianna et al (25), who indicated that
was not observed in the control of the second experiment (Fig. 2). This liquid CHX (even as low as 0.2%) eliminated E. faecalis in 30 seconds.
finding may be explained by the fact that in the first set of experiments, These controversial results may be explained by differences in method-
the volume of irrigating solution was higher (950 mL) than in the ology and in the brand of CHX used. Our study used CHX Plus, which
second part of this study (50 mL), as proposed by Portenier et al contains surface modifiers designed to lower viscosity and increase
(21). Thus, the volume of irrigant is an important factor to consider dentinal penetration. However, according to Williamson et al (35),
when NaOCl is used at low concentration. even 5 minutes of contact are not sufficient to eliminate E. faecalis bio-
QMiX significantly reduced the bacterial counts but was not as film by using CHX Plus. The presence of these surface modifiers may add
effective as NaOCl. It greatly reduced the number of colonies after 1 an experimental variable that may account for the lack of antimicrobial
minute, but it seems this irrigant requires more time to kill all bacteria. efficacy in our study during the 1-minute period.

408 Morgental et al. JOE — Volume 39, Number 3, March 2013

Basic Research—Technology

Figure 2. Survival of E. faecalis after exposure for 10 seconds (A), 1 minute (B), and 6 hours (C) to irrigating solutions with and without the inhibitor. Asterisks
indicate statistically significant difference (P < .05) between the presence and absence (control) of dentin.

Although NaOCl and QMiX seem to have the best antibacterial effi- than biofilm conditions to specifically address the question of inhibition
cacy during the first minute, the addition of dentin powder markedly of antibacterial action by dentin substrate. Additional studies in biofilm
reduces or at least delays their apparent antimicrobial effect. Haapasalo models (30, 35) are planned to assess this effect further. The fact
et al (22) explained this irrigant inhibition by dentin to be a result of remains that results from this in vitro study should be confirmed
dentin buffering effect. That study showed dentin had a stabilizing effect clinically.
on pH, which was more pronounced in buffering acids yet also was
present on basic irrigants. The buffering effect may explain why basic
products like Ca(OH)2 or NaOCl are inhibited, but it does not explain Acknowledgments
why nearly neutral QMiX is inhibited by dentin. It is proposed that The authors thank Prof Markus Haapasalo for helpful discus-
organic materials, such as components of dentin or tissue remnants, sions designing the described experiments.
may interact with irrigants, and this substrate interaction competitively The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
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