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Name: _____________________________________________Section: ______________

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______ 1. What does the Greek word “mamma” mean?
a. breast c. milk
b. hair d. mother
______ 2. Which of the following animals is an amphibian?
a. chicken b. dog c. frog d. goose
______3. Which of the following are the characteristics of mammal?
a. They have a scaly skin.
b. They have mammary glands.
c. They have feathers and can fly
d. They live in water and can swim freely.
______4. Which of the following birds have strong, sharp claws and beak for catching other
a. Birds of prey c. Perching bird
b. Flightless birds d. water birds
______ 5. Which of the following animal is NOT reptile?
a. lizard c. snake
b. salamander d. gecko
______ 6. Which statement is NOT true about cartilaginous fishes?
a. They are mostly found in warm, tropical seas.
b. They have a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone.
c. Some examples are sharks and rays.
d. This is the largest group of fishes.
______7. What are monotremes?
a. They are mammals that lay eggs.
b. They are mammals with high levels of intelligence.
c. They are mammals which young develops inside the uterus.
d. They are mammals which young develops inside a pouch.
______8. The largest group of invertebrates is the arthropod group. What do all arthropods have in common?
a. They live on land and have an exoskeleton.
b. They can fly and have jointed legs.
c. They have segmented bodies and jointed legs.
d. They have skeleton and segmented bodies.
______9. Why do some mollusks have shells?
a. So they can live both on land and water.
b. To make it easier to find food.
c. For defense to their enemies.
d. To protect their soft bodies.
______10. All of the following are hollow-bodied animals except
a. corals b. oyster c. jellyfish d. sea anemones
______11. All invertebrates are animals that
a. have hard shells c. have hollow bodies
b. have no backbone d. live in the ocean
______12. Which of these groups of animals belong to echinoderms?
a. bees, butterfly and mantis c. earthworm, leeches and tapeworm
b. sand dollar, starfish and sea urchins d. spider, ticks and scorpion
______13. To what subgroup of arthropods do invertebrates with four pairs of legs belong?
a. echinoderms c. arachnids
b. crustaceans d. insect
______14. They are characterized as marine animals with spiny endoskeleton. They have water vascular
system, tube feet and radial symmetry as adult. Which group of invertebrates is being described?
a. mollusks c. cnidarians
b. echinoderms d. annelids
______15. They have no tissue, no organ, and most have no symmetry.
a. sponges c. cnidarians
b. echinoderms d. annelids
______16. Which group of invertebrates is divided into segments with a ringed appearance?
a. sponges c. cnidarians
b. echinoderms d. annelids
______1 7. Animals such as vertebrates and invertebrates have economic importance. They are sources of food,
medicine and scientific investigations. How will you show that you care and protect these animals in their environment?
a. We don’t need to strictly implement wildlife regulations.
b. We must have them lived in our houses.
c. We have to establish reserve wildlife refuge areas where birds and animals may breed
without being killed by man.
d. Hunting activities must be practiced
______18. Presence of backbone
a. insect b, mammal c. sponge d. worm
______19. Insect
a. house spider b. grasshopper c. mites d. ticks
______20. Parasite
a. earthworm b. house fly c. caterpillar d. hookworm
______21. Single piece shell
a. clam b. mussels c. oyster d. snail
______22. Have jointed legs
a. spider b. earthworms c. jellyfish d. centipede
______23. Have radially symmetrical body
a. sand dollar b. starfish c. snail d. sea urchin
______24. Lay eggs in water
a. butterfly b. frog c. snake d. turtle
______25. Have developed digestive system
a. cat b. ascaris c. pinworm d. earthworm
______26. With beak and feathers
a. shrimp b. sea urchin c. crab d. bird
______27. Means “double life”
a. reptile b. mammal c. fish d. amphibian
_______28. Have mammary glands
a. frog b. rabbit d. fish d . insect

_________29. Why is a butterfly, an insect?

a. Its body is composed of three segments.
b. it has eight jointed legs.
c. it has antennae
d. it has compound eyes
__________ 30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about vertebrates?
a. Their backbones support and houses the spinal cord.
b. They have enlarged brain,
c. They are subdivided into five groups.
d. They all lay eggs.

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