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United Nations De colonisation [Arms Control Human rights International Law and regimes Economic and social upit Curbing aggression Cultural Protection Eradication of Deadly diseases ‘Gender Equality Protection of environment From jst $1 countries in 1945, the UN today has 193 members. ‘Non Proliferation Treaty NPT 1968, Outer Space Treaty 1967 United Nations Declaration of Human rights 1948, Law of the Sea UNCLOS 1982, Vienna Convention 1961 1969, International Law ECOSOC, FAO program in FATA for restoration of livelihoods (2018-2020), UNICEF has saved 90 milion children since 1990, “Antimalarial bed nets, vaccines, therapeutic food, and other basic, affordable interventions have saved tens of millions of children’s lives, Pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria remain the leading causes of child deaths Kuwait 1991, Article 24) of UN LUNSESCO World Heritage Sites, Pyramids of Eeypt Eradication of Smallpox by WHO in 1980 after 13 years effor LUN conferences on women 1975, 1980, 1985, 1995, CEDAW ‘Montreal Protocol in 1987 to reduce chloroflorocarbons. Kygto Protgcol,997, Pars Climgte gareement 2015 Globalization Connecting the worl Reduction of risk of war due to global trade International Organizations fo cooperation Reducing poverty Expanding global awareness Spreading democracy Global isues of environment Eradication of Deadly dseases/ Science and technology Gender Equality The Comminaton Revolution: Ships, Aeroplanes, Reduced travel times Global trade from $2 blion in 1920 to $18 tlio In 2018.8 US T-shirt brand ‘manufacturing: cotton in Pakistan, manufactured in China wile being sold in Europe. LUN running peacekeeping missions in 4 countries: IMF and World Bank: Tarbela ‘Dam financed by World Bank. More than 0,000 international associations Including MNCS, INGOs, NGOs (via Union Of international Associations) Geneva conventions 1949 and Mongols in 12% century, UN Charter and ‘aggression, protection of smal states, Example of Alexander the Great in 4" century BC China since 1979 Reforms and opening’ 850 milion people lited out of poverty Indian 1990 TT revolution: Google Internet, 56% 2.2 ill in world have intemet, News Channels BBC, CNN, Aljazeera LUberalizaton of globe. From around 35 democracies in 1950s to 120 In 2018, ‘Montreal Protocol 1987, Pais Climate agreement 2016 radeation of Smallpox by WHO in 1980 after 13 years effort (elfoloF-lirzlulela) ‘Nationalism and Ethnocentrism Rance National Front in France. Victor Orban in Hungary, Donal Trump in USA, Alternative for Germany in Germany asa reaction to 7 lac refugees of Syria 2015 Xenophobia and racism ‘Christchurch massacre in New Zealand 2019 killed 51 people, Globalization of terrorism Alqaeda, 115 Global economic inequality ‘The richest 1% controls more than 51% of the world's resources. Global Economic Crisis 2008 Globalization of deadly viruses ‘Coronavirus in Wuhan China has killed around 800 people and has spread to USA, Britain and Europe, Information Technology Hook: The legendary library of Alexane : ce Ser ere) Political awarenest Arab Spring 2011, CA protests in india 2019, masse protests n Tn, Syl, bya, Morocco, and eyo. Enhanced Accountabty A Ghar prion sand Kashi Awarenesson environment Greta Thunber cmalen on internet scence nd research serttal anny Benet Youth is becoming liberal Increasing awareness Proliferation of media channels Role of judiciary ‘Mass mobilizations in Elections Increased participation ender Rise of capitalism ‘40 milion out of 207 millon ae internet users (Global Digital Yearbook 64% populations youth 429kin 1908 to 58% in 2038 3 channels in 2002 jumped to 90 in 2012 Lawyers movement 2008, 2013, 2018 Midale lass participation Increased role of women in polities Post 2000 Artificial Intelligence Making the world safer “racking climate change Brenroa te aeed rmantring C02 levels montoring (ner) Artificial sshiaiieal { iV. spying and inteligence Poltial control of pubic Automated weapons “Threat of nucle disaster ‘Threat to democracy ‘Tne of Al based terrorism Loss of human independence Rationalation and computerization of secity hin rogram with more than 20 millon cameras and artifical rays of facial patterns ATMs, Truck drivers nd pts wl le obs due to automation US commissioned Sea Hunter an automated submarine with no cew atin 2016, Al powered robotic weapons ‘inet vin 2010 whch infected the bans Natanz nuclear faces ‘ambrige Analytica scandal 2018 Laws Lethal Autonomous Weapons are blag employed. In 20165 conduct Is st rone based attack in Humane wil become dependent on machines and eventually lose thelr ndependence rospact of Sel conscious ‘machines leacing to complete subjugation. fflcting Max Weber analyse that humans are becoming increasingly rationales they wl lose tel ably to feelin an er of obtsson with productivity and uty. [OV elea lace Treat of maces aster [Manipulation of data for political purposes Destruction of economic infrastructure acktvsm: Or using activism using Hacking Fighting war against abuse of authority Ransomware Attack for terror financing Disinformation and Propaganda Hybrid Warfare Sen PSM rogram in US exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013 ambrge Anahi scandal 2018 fusion Cyber atak on Uiraine Power Gi 016 ‘Anonymous Group: a iternet hacking group declare thei campoign agaist IS post 2015 Pais Willeaks by an Assange leave 2017 Cyber aacks Fake News, Hate Speech, Pst ruth Ea to deleptimize the socal and political system, empower al factions Combination of mle conventional and unconventona tools of warfarel Speci forces regular forces Suppor of acl uretsnfrmation warfare propaganda» plomacy + Cyber tacks Social Media ‘Accountability Iceland Prime Minster resign inthe wake of Panama Papers in 2016 Political awareness 2011 Arab Spring Human rights abuses Xashmir, Abu Gharib prison, Wiki Leaks Crowd sourcing constitution —celandic constitution Protecting democracy Turkish coup in 2016 saved by Erdogan appealing on Facetime Manipulation of Elections Russian intervention in 2016 US elections through Fake news and dlsinformation campaigns Compromise of peoples right Cambridge Analytica scandal 2018 to privacy Promates tolerance Promotes democratic culture Inclusive decision making ‘Accountability Eradiating socal evs fecal novation and discovery ‘Suppression leads to revolutions Violation lends ofhaman rights abuse Education and freedom of Speech Sena Mato Le (anaes under Tradenu Formulation of US constitution in 1789 French evolution 1789, "Nelson Mandel ging against Apartel( 2948-199) ald fr 27 years Copernicus and Galo, Renalsance, Socrates ‘An unexamined fe ot worth Ig ‘yran Cul war after 3 aren tortured after Graft in 2021 Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989, Kashmir people ‘South Sudan has the lowes tracy rate inthe world at 27% and Afghanistan at 28% Both aaa World population explosion Word economic inequality Nuclear threat ‘Abuse of Teeholony am, Chin’ Sete, eta Autonomous Weapon Rise of nationalism in France, Alternate fr Germany in Germany, Vitor Orban a Hungary, Madan Pi Xenophobia and itamophobia Threat of World Wa Human hs abuses Xi ng Un in North Kore, Sasha a esd in Sy, nda in Kashi, Chna in Uyghurs proving of Xin ang Maes starvation and Famines Aumont sk of taraton according to UN n Yemen Gender and Women Empowerment ‘women fae sensal harassment. ‘#Metoo movement in 2017, Harvey Weinstein case the works Women fae healthcare cre InPoistan every Hour 3 worn de due to pregnancy related compilations (WHO) Women fae economic hardships ‘some sO milion women form a mobi aber force working in other counties or ivenoods (UN) ‘emul division oflabor Pubic priate divide, women confined to homes or eminine jos Gender Stereotypes confine women CutofDomestcy Women face BV Mukttare Mal case 2002, Gander Mtltion In Ac, 2012 Deh rape case Intellecuaishave demonized women Aristotle sais 'Women ae deformed me, Thoms eferson believed that women ought to be confined to throughout history the house. UN conferences ‘CEDAW 1979 (Convention onthe Elimination of Al erms of lzcrimination against Women) Mexico City Beate eae Gender and Women Empowerment Positive Role of Women Arguments Evidences Roe in limate change Fight against hate and racism Suppor for marginalized and atectod Supporting Eduction and tracy Fight against tence based crimes Support ia National rss Lacing the way in Science Promoting Chil Rights Workin alleviating human sutfering Leading the way in sports and fess Brena tener (Greta Thunberg 3 Swesehtenageresding the way ‘Angela Mera the German Chancellor took around 0.7 millon Syrian refugees in 2015, Malaa Yousuf shot in 2012, leasing way for is education trough Malla Fund ‘ukitar Mal Women's Welfare Organization (MMWWO} ‘APWA founded by Begum Lnqut Alin 1949 to dea with efugee css after partion Mari Cure found the sienceofRasoncivty and wae the fst women to recive the Nobel Prien 1913 because she dcovered Radium Boycott Florence Nightingale Nicknarnd the Lady with he Lamp! forthe night rounds she made tending tothe wounded and sick, during the Crimean War fought between Britain and Russia (2853-1856) She founded the Inetution of modern nursing, Mother Teres'ole foe by Lady Oana She became wellnownintenationaly for her chart work osc dren, the bain oflandmines an for alsin arenes about thse affected by cancer, HIV/AIDS nd mental ines. ‘amina sig cimbed mount Everest in 2013 Shes alo the youngest Musim woman tomb Mount ones aetheage of? ‘Women populatonin Pakistan “otal Urban Rural Population in Pakistan ‘Urban Rural women in Pakistan Women poor ofthe Word Mobile women Labor global force Ai art Video Women: 101 min (4%) Total Urban: 75 milion otal Rural: 132 millon 700% of the world oor woman ‘Some 60 milion women from por nations, abe in earch of velo. Econom Survey of Pakistan Economie Survey of Pakistan Economic Survey of Pakistan LUN Development Report Gender and Women Empowerment eee on ean Assembly [jo Reserved Seat for Women Senate ‘omen in Pakistan Parliament Pakistani budget on Education Pakistani budget on health Pregnancies delivered at home ‘Annual deaths duet poor pregnancy heatheare High morality ate Child ariges Honor Kings Witt Sates Global Gender party index Curent serving: 20 20%of total reeesetation, Total 88 out of 32 58= National assem 2.6% of GOP 20% by unskied urses ‘Hout of 1000 lve births 21% maria before the age of 18 15M ofhonrktings of the word happen ia Pakistan, the highest inthe wold 30% of al marigosin Rural Areas BS elaiiale | ao (ola ocon wHo uncer Honor Based Voence Awareness Network Human Rights Commision of Faison Global Gender ap index Report 2020, Wold Economic orn (WEF) Climate Change anger of water searcty Devastating eatreme weather conditions Drought and wires Food ineecurty Loss of precious species of animals Benoa Pot Himalayan cers have meted puting at Rk people of South Aa, Pain Ia to become water scars 2050, ances and respratry dats incested sk of waterborne dass cased by pathogen sich a Poarbears an articanimal face imminent treat (WWF Climate Change “ing technology UN framework Research in alternate sources of energy ‘Awareness campaigns Tracking climate change Paris Climate Agreement 2015 to keep temperature levels a 15 degrees above pre industrial levels, Developed countries would also glve $100 illo dollars to developing countries for climate change action (The climate fund) Green energy, windpower, Social Media, te Foreign Aid [Makes the foreign policy slave of other countries Negative impact on women Dependency ‘As aform of neocolonalsm Negative impact of military aid Vicious eycle of debt servicing No independent fiscal policies ‘Asa tool of proxy war Economic development and stability Cultura exchange Bene eaeed Pakistan not joining the Malaysia summit 2019 after taking $6 billion from Saudi Arabia Gender Analysis of Structural adjustment Programs Core Periphery debate and World Systems theory Asa tool to control other countries, Neo Imperial debate Does not fuel economic growth. SEATO, CENTO, authoritarian regimes Pakistan's 8456 debt to GDP ratio. Pakistan's 22nd program in 2019 LUberalization in SAPs, privatization of public rms, high taxes China's Bet and Road initiative vs USAID ‘Marshal Plan 1948, USAID programs

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