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Ken P.

Escobido AB-Philosophy

Spoliarium by Juan Luna

The genre of art that can be categorized in this kind of artwork is
Representationalism because it is not artwork that supposed to be reflect literally on the
reality but in a symbolic sense. The formal elements that are shown in the painting are
lines, light, shape and time. ... The principles of design present in the painting
are proportion and unity. Proportion is evident because we can see that artists has
painted the people in the painting with normal body parts and that it was not altered in
any way. The color used in the painting is warm color so the audience observing this
painting may not feel chill but seriousness and alertness of what strong message this
work of art convey. This artwork won a first-class prize in Spain and yet ironically it is a
silent depiction in an allegorical sense because it symbolizes the tyranny and cruelty of
the Spanish colonization in the country and this art in nature is a patriotic one. It
illustrates two dead gladiators being dragged by Romans at the center. On the left,
scavengers eye the dead men’s possessions while a Roman beside them raises a fist in
protest. A woman mourns a loved one on the right side while an old man searches for a
body amid the smoky haze. (Philippine Daily Inquirer / 02:47 PM December 02, 2020)
The painting depicts the injustices and racism that was proliferating in the Spanish
period in the Philippines. This painting can be also categorized as an emotionalist
painting because the target audience of this painting are the Filipinos that will serve
to ignite their feelings to create a national revolution to expel the foreign abusive powers
as the painting reflects the poor situation of the filipino nation and it is a call and
realization to reflect to continue tolerating the abuses done by the Spanish and just be
silent in their inhumane act?

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