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Hassi-Messaoud, 11 Sep 2014

CT TC + Mud Acid Treatment
(Zone 13 – Centrale)

Le CDD Techniques Puits Le Directeur Eng. & Production



 DEP/Département CP
 DEP/Département OP
 Archives

Program Prepared by: DESC/I Nyoman Sutarsana

1. Back Ground
The well MD119 was drilled on 31/12/1969 and completed as vertical LCP. The well then side
tracked on May 2014. The well is located at zone 13-Centrale; below is the detail map of the well
in relation with other offset wells.

After side tracked the well as LCP then perforated on Jul 14, the well didn’t produce. Some study is
needed to find the causes of no productivity and propose solutions.

2. Treatment objective
The main purpose of the intervention is to perform matrix stimulation to get the well on production.

3. Well Data
Tubing 4-1/2in NV @ 3280.60m TR
OTIS L Nipple “R” 3260m TR, ID 87.78mm
Packer 3281.50m TR
Perforated Interval 06/07/2014
(3395 – 3401)m TR
(3403 – 3411)m TR
TD 3436.00m TR
BHP PFS (01/08/2014)
PG = 208.82kg/cm2
PT = 52.23kg/cm2

4. Geological characteristic

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5. Well Test Data

6. Production Characteristics
Débit (m³/h) Pression (kg/cm²) Temp. Débit Eau (l/h)
Diam. Huile
Date Mesure Duse GOR Press. Press. Press. K Psi Observations
Sépar. Huile Gaz Récupérée Injectée
(mm) Tete Pipe Separ.
18/01/1970 0 - null -- 239 null null -- -- null 0 0 ------
06/07/1970 0 - 58.87 -- 175 54.4 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
21/08/1970 0 - 58.73 -- 270 55.6 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
28/08/1970 0 - null -- 237 null null -- -- null 0 0 ------
08/09/1970 0 - 55.83 -- 270 56.3 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
23/10/1970 20 - 27.74 -- 320 89.5 null 20 -- null 0 0 ------
26/10/1970 20 - 30.46 -- 267 90.5 null 20.1 -- null 0 0 ------
16/02/1971 0 - 54.58 -- 290 56.7 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
18/04/1971 17 - 19.45 -- 444 95.6 null 29.5 -- null 0 0 ------
03/08/1971 0 - 50.12 -- 427 60.4 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
12/09/1971 0 - 49.75 -- 378 59.4 null 28 -- null 0 0 ------
04/12/1973 0 - 15.12 -- 595 80.9 null 30 -- null 0 0 ------
04/04/1977 0 - 23.33 -- 509 59.8 null 30 -- null 0 0 ------
13/10/1978 34 - 34.44 -- 630 58.1 null -- -- null 0 0 ------
02/02/1980 16 - 12.7 -- 508 94 null 13.8 -- null 0 0 ------
08/07/1980 23 - 18.46 -- 678 81 null 26 -- null 0 0 ------
16/07/1983 14 - 9.05 -- 1552 128 null 26.6 -- null 0 0 ------
15/05/1985 13 - 7.62 -- 1290 36.8 null 16.8 -- null 0 0 ------
23/06/1985 15 - 7.08 -- 1321 112.5 null 9.2 -- null 0 0 ------
21/12/1986 23 - 13.64 -- 1004 88.8 null 21.4 -- null 0 0 ------
17/08/1987 13 - 7.39 -- 981 115 null 11.6 -- null 0 0 ------
12/03/1990 13 400 4.84 10348.05 2057 140 34 15 25 2.926 80 0 ------
28/11/1991 13 400 4.64 11322.93 2339 147 33 9.7 14 3.203 250 0 ------
29/11/1991 13 400 4.28 10978.19 2453 146 34 9.5 17 3.451 500 0 ------
18/08/2006 9.5 1440 1.59 6446.52 4051 140 10 8.6 34 5.0609 20 0 ------
20/08/2006 9.5 1440 1.03 6278.15 6087 137 10 8.24 34 7.6417 0 0 ------
28/10/2006 13 655 3.59 5959.97 1660 67.5 10 4.89 18 1.9027 0 0 ------
16/02/2007 13 720 1.8 4078.08 2263 56.7 32.2 3.47 14 3.184 0 0 ------
12/04/2007 13 655 1.59 6443.00 4046 72 35.6 4.28 20 4.5751 0 0 ------
07/09/2007 13 - 1.58 7222.50 4575 82 36.5 6.63 29 5.2554 0 0 ------
07/04/2008 13 655 0.99 7980.05 8050 87.1 36 7.34 24 8.8902 0 0 ------
16/10/2008 13 720 0.99 7615.24 7674 87 38 6.83 23 8.871 0 0 ------
19/03/2009 13 655 1 7746.53 7769 79 35.2 6.02 18 8.0165 0 0 ------

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19/01/2012 12 655 1 8365.89 8358 73 35 6.53 14 6.3887 0 0 ------
25/05/2012 12 655 0.79 7288.62 9214 74 35.8 5.3 27 8.1952 0 0 ------
12/05/2014 9.53 1440 1.01 5802.15 5737 140 12 7.17 33 8.0089 0 0 ------

7. Present Situation
The well is closed due to no production.

8. Well Interventions history

 28/02/14 until 31/05/14, the work-over side tracked the well and completed with 4-1/2in
LCP. The PLT and DST performed with condition open hole showing prod (Qo=1.01m3/h,

 17/06/14, Coiled tubing clean out with foam to displace the work-over fluid in the well,
tagged TD@3429m, filled up the well with treated water.

 06/07/14, perforated the interval (3395 – 3401)m and (3403 – 3411)m. The well didn’t

 19/07/14, Coiled tubing clean out attempted to start the well production followed by kick
off, tagged TD@3431m. The well didn’t flow after the intervention.

 21/08/14, Slickline running gauge size 86mm managed to get down to TD.

9. Discussion and Recommendations

 The well was side tracked on May14 then perforated on Jul 14, the well didn’t flow. The
DST performed on May14 during work-over with condition open hole showing skin of

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+17.4 as an indication near wellbore damage. The type of damage might be oil based mud
lost during killed fluid operation and some fine/clay migrations.
 CT intervention for clean out and kick off performed on Jul14 was not able to get the well to
 The PFS performed on 01/08/14 confirmed that there was communication between reservoir
and the wellbore.
 The well never been treated with acid stimulation after side tracked.

Based on above fact, it’s recommended to perform following intervention:

 Wash the perforated intervals with combination of TubeClean and treated water using
high pressure jetting tool follow by unload the spent acid with nitrogen,
 Perform stimulation with Mud Acid 6:1.5 as main treatment with foam diverter,
 Pump nitrogen at the end of the treatment until all dissolved materials + spent acid
recover back to surface continue with kick off the well,

10. Job Execution

 One Coiled Tubing Unit
 One (01) High pressure pumping unit
 One (01) High pressure N2 convertor
 Three (03) tanks for transporting and mixing products
 One (01) High pressure jetting tool (JetBlaster/RotoJet/Pulsonix)
 One (01) Jetting nozzle


Day 1 (TubeClean)
 31 m3 Treated Water (2%KCl)
 04 m3 Tube Clean HCl 7.5%
 12 m3 Liquid nitrogen.

Day 2 (Mud Acid)

 21 m3 Treated water mixed with 3%NH4Cl
 26 m3 Diesel
 12 m3 Preflush/Overflush HCl 7.5%
 12 m3 Mud Acid 6:1.5
 01 m3 Foam Diversion
 16 m3 Liquid Nitrogen

11. Job Procedure

Day 1 (Tube Clean)
1. Check well head and surface connections plus the flare line.
2. Spot and R/U CT, high pressure pumping unit, N2 unit and tanks for mixing chemicals.
3. Rigging up the surface lines (pumping line, bleed-off line, and kill line).
4. Rig up CT, nitrogen and liquid pump units, flush lines and CT reel with water and test all
surface lines to 5000 psi, as per Schlumberger and Sonatrach standards.

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5. Open the well to the flare line and start RIH CT with high pressure jetting tool
(JetBlaster/PulSonix/RotoJet), while circulating nitrified treated water at low rate
(0.5bpm + 500 scf/bbl)
Note: Perform pull test whenever necessary to confirm CT can be picked up safely.
6. Once the CT reach depth top of perf interval at 3395m, increase the pump rate to (1.5bpm
+ 500scfm) and running the CT at speed (3-4)m/min.
7. Slow down the CT before tagging TD at 3436m TR.
8. Pick up the CT to the bottom of lower perforated interval at 3411m, start the treatment
with follow below sequences to wash the perf interval (3395 – 3411)m, pump rate at
(1.5bpm + 500 scfm) with slow speed (3-4)m/min.
 2.0 m3 Nitrified TubeClean
 2.0 m3 Nitrified Treated Water
 2.0 m3 Nitrified TubeClean
 2.0 m3 Nitrified Treated Water

Note: Adjust the CT speed to get uniform coverage of the perforated intervals.

9. Displace the CT with pumping 1m3 of Nitrogen at high rate.

10. Continue pumping nitrogen while picking up the CT to 2500m to unload the spent acid.

11. Keep circulating nitrogen from depth 2500m to kick off the well. Once all treatment
fluids have been recovered back to the flare line and the well showing a stable flow, pull
the CT to surface.

12. CT on surface. R/D the stack.

Day 2 (Mud Acid Treatment)

1. Perform pressure test CT stack and all lines including the master valve to 5,000 psi for 15

2. Pressure up the annulus between: 4”1/2 x7” to 50bars and 7” x 9”5/8 to 30bars. Confirm
no annulus communication.

3. Open the well to the flare line and start RIH CT with jetting nozzle, while circulating
treated water at low rate 0.5bpm.
 Perform pull test whenever necessary to confirm CT can be picked up safely.
4. Running in hole the CT to TD @ 3436m TR, Start pumping diesel to filling up the
wellbore, wait until clean diesel return on the flare line.

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5. Pick up the CT to desired depth as per below pump schedule. Once the Treated water
with NH4CL exiting the nozzle, Close the well return then follow below sequences to
squeeze to the formation.

o 2 m3 Treated Water with NH4CL

o 3 m3 Preflush HCl (7.5%)
o 6 m3 Mud Acid 6 : 1.5 1st Stage CT@3407m/TR
o 3 m3 Overflush HCl (7.5%)

o 0.5 m3 Spacer (Treated Water)

o 1 m3 Foam Diversion (2000 scf/bbl)
o 0.5 m3 Spacer (Treated Water)

o 3 m3 Preflush HCl (7.5%)

o 6 m3 Mud Acid 6 : 1.5 2nd Stage CT@3398m/TR
o 3 m3 Overflush HCl (7.5%)
o 2 m3 Treated Water with NH4CL

6. Displace the coiled tubing volume with 1m3 of nitrogen at maximum rate. Once all
treatment fluids out of the CT than open the well to the flare line.
7. Reduce nitrogen rate, keep circulating nitrogen while start pulling coiled tubing to 2500m
and observe returns.
8. Continue with the nitrogen kick-off at 2500m; collect samples of return on the flare line
to confirm that all treatment fluids have been recovered back to surface.

9. Pull CT to surface when oil flow is established. Rig down all equipment.

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12.Well Diagram

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13.Job treatment report

Well Name Remarks
Zone Code
Sonatrach Supervisor
Service Company
Completion Slotted Liner  Cemented Liner  Size
Tubing Size CCE : Yes  No  Size
Rig Up Equipment Coiled Tubing Unit Yes  No 
Pump Unit Yes  No 
Nitrogen Unit Yes  No 
Others Yes  No 
Lines Yes  No 
Pressure Tests 9 5/8" Annulus Yes  No 
7" Annulus Yes  No 
TubeClean Date
Stage WHP Before kg/cm2 After kg/cm2
Well Flowing Yes  No  Yes  No 
Treatment Reformat Wash Yes  No 
TubeClean Yes  No 
Treated Water Yes  No 
Nitrified Fluids Yes  No 
Quantities Reformat Wash m3
TubeClean m3
Treated Water m3
Nitrogen m3
Others m3
Flow Back Yes  No 
Matrix Treatment Date
Stage WHP Before kg/cm2 After kg/cm2
Well Flowing Yes  No  Yes  No 
Treatment Preflush 7.5% HCl 
Other 
Main Treatment Mud Acid 
Reformat 
Overflush 7.5% HCl 
Other 
Nitrified Fluids Yes  No 
Diversion Foam Yes  No 
Other No 
Quantities Preflush m3
Main Treatment m3
Overflush m3
Nitrogen m3
Flow Back All Fluids Yes  No 
Partial Flow Back Yes  No 
Kick Off Needed Yes  No 
Samples Taken Yes  No 

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