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Capital: Venetonika

Largest City: Voreia Chora

Population: 24,605,000

Name: The Meva and The Thimfis

Based out of: Ancient Greek, Venetian, Some Ancient Egyptian
Religion: Sereneism - A religion founded by the Serenetika, a group of monks who practiced serenity in
the midst of chaos. Their core beliefs focuses on pacifism with retaliation only in defense, they believe
that serenity is found through heavy reflection and wisdom and that by knowing one can unlock the
mystery of the universe.

His/Her Most Serene Doge is the Ruling Head of State and Supreme Ruler of Themphis. He is the head
priest of the Themphis religion as well as the Supreme Naval Commander of the Themphis Navy. Has the
right to enact and enforce laws without the Superiorem Curiam’s consent,
The Superiorem Curiam is the highest legislative council ruled by the ruling families of each city and
region, they are to keep the Doge in check with their decision making and capacity to lead as well as
provide, enact, and enforce laws in the national level.
The Parva Curiam is the lowest legislative council elected by the common people, they are only in charge
of enforcing and enacting local laws but can propose national laws with a 2/3rds majority vote.
The Spiritualia Curiam is the highest religious council ruled by the Papiki Dynasteia. They are in charge of
all religious matters whether excommunication, ecumenical councils, festival dates, and so on.
The Sofis Diskastis is the highest judiciary council ruled by the Doge and the Superiorem Curiam’s choice,
they are to ensure the fairness of the laws and are the interpreters of the law and is in charge for any
impeachment process within the government.

Venetian Capitalism
GDP: ƒ1,008,000,000,000
GDP Per Capita: ƒ40,967.28
Government Budget: 55%
(Up for review by the Superiorem Curiam)
Defense: ??? (Likely 10%)
Education, Science, and Technology: 6%
Health: 6%
Public Works: 6%
Transportation: 6%
Environment and Natural Resources: 6%
Agriculture and Agrarian Reform: 6%
Trade and Industry: 7%
Labor and Employment: 6%
Local Governance: 6%

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