Bahan Ajar Kelas 9 Semester 2-English Translation

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Faith in Qadha and Qadar Brings Peace of Mind........................................................
Honing Excellent Personal with Manners, courtesy and shame...............................
Loving animals in the Slaughter Syariát.........................................................................
Akikah and Sacrifice Cultivate The Society Care
The Historical Development of Islamic Tradition in Nusantara...............................
CHAPTER X11I Cultivating Togetherness With Tolerance and Respect

1. Definition of Qahda, Qadhar and Destiny

Qadha according to language is a decision, a decision according to the term qadha is a

provision from Allah to each of His creatures which is eternal. Meanwhile, qadhar is a
manifestation of Allah's decrees that have existed since the eternal era. So faith in qadha and
qadar means trusting and believing wholeheartedly that everything that has happened or will
happen is the provision of Allah Almighty.
Faith in qada and qadar in everyday expressions is better known as faith in destiny. Faith in
destiny means believing that everything that happens in this universe, such as health and illness,
life and death, one's fortune and soul mate are the will and provisions of Allah SWT.

2. Naqli's Dalil About Qadha and Qadar

So everything that happens in this mortal realm has been determined by Allah Almighty. Allah
says in the Qur'an surah al Hadid verse 22:

Meaning: Nothing befell the earth and (not even) yourself but it was written in the book (Lauhul
Mahfuzh) before We created it. Verily this is easy for Allah. (Surah Al Hadid: 22)

Meaning: "And everything has its measure with Him." (Surah Ar-Ra'du / 13: 8)

3. Examples of Qadha and Qadhar

A person named Elya is currently studying at the Modern Islamic Boarding School. Before
Elya was born into the world, even since ancient times, Allah Almighty has determined that a
child named Elya will study at PondoK Modern Islamic Boarding School. This decree of Allah
Almighty since ancient times is called qadha, then the reality that is currently happening is
called qadhar.

3. Kinds of destiny
a. Destiny mubram
Mubram literally means everything that is inevitable or certain. The destiny of mubram is
a provision of Allah which is certain to apply to human beings, such as age, birth and death.
The Word of Allah swt in QS. Al-A'raf / 7: 34.

Meaning: "Every community has a time limit; So when the time has come they cannot
postpone it for a moment and cannot (also) promote it (QS. Al-A'raf / 7: 34).
Examples of mubram destiny include human gender, death, long / short life, fire has hot
properties, the earth is round, gravity, doomsday events and so on.

b. Mu'alaq destiny
Muallaq literally means something that is hung. Muallaq's destiny is a provision
Allah who may be changed by humans through his efforts if Allah allows.
The Word of Allah in the Qur'an surah Ar Ra'du verse: 11

Meaning: Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people so that they change
circumstances that exist in themselves(QS. Ar Ra'du / 13 verse: 11)
Examples of muallaq taqdir:
1) Cleverness
2) Health
3) Prosperity

4. Benefits of faith in Qadha and Qadar

The functions of believing in qadha and qadar are:
a. Soothes the soul
b. Always be patient and grateful
c. Humans are always trying and endeavoring
d. Abstain from arrogant / or arrogant behavior.
e. Be patient with trials
f. Cultivate an optimistic attitude
g. Cultivate a tawakal spirit


1. Understanding the Nature of Courtesy

Polite is to say gently and to behave in a subtle and kind manner. Someone's politeness will
be seen from their words and behavior. He speaks softly, his behavior is smooth and takes
care of other people's feelings. From this it can be concluded that polite includes two things,
namely polite in speech and courteous in deeds.
2. Naqli's Dalil About the Nature of Courtesy
Allah SWT. love manners as stated in the following hadith.

Meaning: "From Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet. said to

Al Asyaj Al'Ashri: Verily in you there are two attitudes which are loved by
Allah; namely politeness and shame. " (Narrated by Ibn Majah)

Allah SWT. ordered to speak good words to fellow humans, as? rman Allah SWT. QS al-
Baqarah / 2: 83.

 Meaning: “And (remember) when We took the promise from the Bani
Israel, "Do not worship other than Allah, and do good deeds to parents,
relatives, orphans, and the poor. And say good to humans, pray and pay
zakat. " But then you turned away (denied), except for a small part of you,
and you were (still) dissidents. " (Surah al-Baqarah / 2: 83)
3. Examples of the Nature of Courtesy
Intercourse with fellow students at school will be harmonious and beautiful if decorated
with courtesy. For example, greeting friends with the words "assalamu'alaikum" with a
smile, respecting seniors and cherishing the juniors by caring for them, obeying school
rules, respecting teachers and administrative staff, speaking soft words to everyone and
keeping feelings citizens of the school by not hurting him.
4. There are many benefits that can be obtained from politeness, including:
a. Easily accepted by others. Polite attitude will make someone liked by others, so that they
are easily accepted by others.
b. Supports success. Many successful entrepreneurs are supported by the polite attitude they
show. Buyers, customers, employees and colleagues will love to associate with him. There
are more relationships, so that will increase his success.
c. Loved by Allah SWT. and His Messenger. Allah SWT. love His servants who have good
manners. Rasulullah saw. likewise, even he also has an extraordinary gentle and polite

5. Understanding Shame
Shame is refraining from doing ugly, dirty, despicable, and despicable. Shyness is sometimes
innate and can also be a result of practice. However, to cultivate shame requires effort,
intention, knowledge and habituation. Shame is part of faith because it can encourage
someone to do good and prevent him from immorality.

6. Understanding Naqli's Theorem About Shame

Let us consider the following hadith

 Meaning: From Abu Hurairah from the Prophet, he said: "Faith is the main thing,
there are more than seventy branches, and shame is including the branch of faith."
(Reported by Muslim)
7. Examples of Shyness
An official who has shame will carry out his duties responsibly and free from corruption. A
student will be confident in doing test questions without cheating because it is based on
shame. A trader will be ashamed to cheat because he feels that Allah SWT sees him. A
policeman will be ashamed of accepting a bribe from a traffic sign offender. Law
enforcement officers such as judges and prosecutors will be ashamed of accepting bribes
from suspects because they fear punishment from Allah. A man and woman will dress to
cover their genitals because they maintain their dignity and honor. They all avoid sinning
and immorality because of the shame in them.

8. Benefits of Shame
There are several benefits to being shy, including:
a. Prevent from despicable actions. A person who has a shy nature will try his best to
avoid disgraceful actions, because he is afraid of Allah SWT.
b. Encourage doing good. Shame on Allah SWT. Will encourage someone to do good.
Because he knows that every human act will be rewarded by Allah SWT. in the
c. Take someone to a path that is pleasing to Allah SWT. People who have shame will
always carry out the orders of Allah SWT. and stay away from His prohibitions.

1. Legal Basis of Animal Slaughtering

The argument related to animal slaughter is the Word of Allah QS al-Maidah verse 5:

Meaning: "The food (slaughter) of those whom the Bible gives is hala for you,
and your food is halal (also) for them". (Qs. Al-Maidah verse 5)
a. The slaughtering provision will take place
a. There are people who slaughter
b. There are animals being slaughtered
c. There are tools used for slaughter
b. Slaughter provisions
a)Being Muslim, it is not legal if an infidel or someone who cranks does slaughter
(slaughtering an infidel is haram)
b)Slaughter intentionally, A slaughterer must be conscious and slaughter intentionally
c)Baligh and Sensible, people who are crazy or drunk, people who are baliq and
illegitimate if they are slaughtered by people who have not yet come to life and people
whose minds are not sane, for example crazy
d) Reading Basmallah slaughter, apart from reading Basmallah slaughtering, it is also
practiced to read Salawat and Takbir 3 times, pay attention to the words of the
Prophet. Meaning: "Narrated from Anas, he said: The Prophet. had sacrificed two
blackish white kibas and horns. You slaughtered both of them with your own hands
while chanting the name of Allah, taking takbir, and placing your feet on their
shoulders. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
c. Slaughter Animal Provisions
a) An animal that is going to be slaughtered alive, it is illegal to slaughter a dead animal,
there is an animal that is injured, suffocated, hit, fell, gored by another animal or
attacked by a wild animal if we get it not yet dead then we are slaughtered, then the
law is lawful to eat

It is forbidden for you to (eat) carcasses, blood, pork, (animal meat) that were
slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, those who were strangled, those who
were beaten, who fell, who were gored, and were killed by wild animals, except those
you had time to slaughter them, and (it is forbidden for you ) who were slaughtered
for idols. and (it is also forbidden) to draw fate with arrows, (to draw fate with
arrows) is wickedness. on this day the disbelievers have given up (overcoming) your
religion, so do not fear them and fear me. on this day I have perfected your religion
for you, and I have filled you with My favors, and I have pleased Islam to be your
religion. So whoever is forced due to hunger accidentally commits sins, Verily Allah is
Forgiving, Most Merciful.

b) Animal which is slaughtered is the type of animal that is lawful, animals that are
slaughtered, such as rats, frogs, pigs, dogs, are not legally slaughtered in other words,
d. Slaughter Tool Terms

a) Sharp and can injure.

b) Not made of bones, nails and teeth.

2. Procedure for Slaughter

Animal slaughter can be done in two ways;
1. - Traditionally, namely slaughter which is carried out using simple tools such as knives,
machetes and the like, the methods are:
a. Prepare a blood storage hole
b. Prepare the equipment that will be used for slaughtering
c. Lay the animal facing the Qibla with the left side down
d. Place the neck of the animal over the opening to collect the blood
e. Tie the animal's legs tightly so that they don't struggle
f. Say basmalah and prayer of the Prophet, then rub a knife firmly on the neck to decide
the way to eat, breath and veins so that the animal dies quickly.

2. - Mechanically, namely slaughtering which is done using modern slaughter tools (using
machines), the methods are:
a. Prepare equipment in advance
b. Position the animal to be slaughtered according to the tools used
c. Say basmalah and prayer the Prophet, then slaughter the animal according to the
d. Read salawat of the prophet and takbir 3 times.
e. do animal slaughter by starting a cutting machine.

An animal that can be slaughtered by the neck, its veins for food and for its vessels
out of his breath, these two veins must be cut off.

An animal that cannot be slaughtered by its neck, because it is wild or falls into a hole, so
that it cannot be slaughtered by its neck, is slaughtered anywhere from its body, as long as it
dies from the wound.

Meaning: "From Rafi" he said: We along with Rasulullah SAW on the way we met a camel
belonging to someone's people (the camel was running) while they were not riding a horse to chase
it so a man had thrown his arrow and died the camel, then the Prophet SAW said: In fact, these
animals have the character of wild animals, with animals like this do you like this. "(Narrated by

A. Aqiqah
1. Understanding aqiqah

What is meant by Aqiqah is the slaughter of a goat or sheep as a form of gratitude for the
birth of a child. The law of Aqiqah is the sunnah mu'akad, which is the recommended sunnah.
This event is intended as gratitude to Allah for the birth of a child. The main Aqiqah is carried
out on the 7th day after the birth of a child, on that day the slaughter, hair cutting and naming
are carried out. The words of the Prophet:

Meaning: From Samurah said, Rasulullah said, "a newborn child becomes a plant or
guarantee until it is slaughtered for him aqiqah on the seventh day of birth, and on
that day the head should be shaved and given a name. (HR Ahmad and Tirmizai)
2. The law of aqiqah

According to Jumhur scholars, aqiqah is sunnah. For people who are obliged to bear the
shopping for the child. 2 goats for boys and one goat for girls. And let it be slaughtered
aqiqah on the seventh day of the birth of the child, but if it is not allowed on the next day
from that, as long as the child has not reached the age of maturity (maturity).
3. Animal provisions for aqiqah
a. Aqiqah animals are goats or sheep that are old enough, not disabled and sick
b. For a boy, two goats and one for a girl
c. The meat is cooked first and then distributed to the poor
d. People who do aqiqah may eat the meat of their aqiqah, unless the aqiqah is done
because of vows.

4. Aqiqah teaching lesson

a. Carry out Islamic religious orders, because aqiqah is the sunnah of the Prophet
b. As an expression of gratitude to Allah for His gift (given offspring)
c. Educating us to care for the poor
d. Both parents will get intercession if the diaqiqahi child dies before puberty.
e. Mfree ason dari kpawnshop.
d. Worship akikah mconceived uelement pprotection dari sethane yang can mannoying ason
yang tbe born itu. Dith dso akid who talready dthat would do it dnot happy dan phelp
e. Allah SWT. aright lmore tprotect dari gnod sethane yang soften annoying ason-ason.
f. With pleasure dan phelp Aoh my Swt., amarried dapathetic ason dari mbother,
kbad moral, dan suffering.
g. Mforget it bshape taqarrub (pattachment denvy) kepada Allah Swt. sat once sas wintent
taste sthank God abag karunia ywhich is awarded Aoh my Swt. dith lfinally sang child.
h. Amarried sas sarana mreveal rhope gembira dnature carries out syariat Islam.
i. Mstrong tali silaturahim di aintermediate amembers mcommunity.
5. Distribution of aqiqah
As for the meat, he (the child's parent) can eat it, give some of the meat, and donate some of
it. Shaykh Uthaymeen said: "... and it was okay that he donated from him and gathered relatives
and neighbors to eat the food of a ripe akikah goat. Shaykh Jibrin said: It is his Sunnah that he
ate a third of it, gave a third of it to his friends, and gave a third of it. again to the Muslims, and
may invite friends and relatives to eat it, or he may also give everything. Shaykh Ibn Bazz said:
"... and you are free to choose between giving all or part of it and cooking it then inviting people
who you see fit. invited from among relatives, neighbors,

6. Wisdom teachings aqiqah

a. Carry out the commands of Islamic teachings, because aqiqah is the sunnah of the
b. As an expression of gratitude to Allah for His grace (given offspring)
c. Educating us to care for the poor
d. Both parents will receive intercession if the child who is aqiqahi dies before puberty

1. Definition of qurban
Sacrifice in language is to get closer to oneself, while in terms it means to slaughter
animals in order to get closer to Allah which is carried out on Eid al-Adha 10 Dzulhijah and
on Tasyrik day (11,12,13 Dzulhijjah)

The slaughter of sacrificial animals is a symbol of a servant's obedience to his Lord in

carrying out his Lord's commands. This worship began when the prophet Ibrahim (as) was
ordered by Allah to slaughter his son Prophet Ismail as. This obligation is not only reserved
for the prophet Ibrahim, but Muslims today are encouraged to slaughter sacrificial animals.
As for the law of sacrifice, this is the sunnah of mu'akkad as the law of Aqiqah, but if he is
able but does not practice, then the law is makruh. The proof of the word of Allah QS al-
Kautsar verses 1-3:
1. Indeed, we have given you many favors.
2. So establish prayers for your Lord; and sacrifice
3. Indeed it is he who hates you who is cut off

The meaning: "It was narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah ra he said: We once slaughtered
sacrificial animals with the Prophet. in the year Hudaibiah with a camel to seven and an
ox to seven. " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

2. The Law of Sacrifice

Some scholars argue that the qurban law is mandatory and some others argue that it is
sunnah. The reason that argues that it is obligatory is in the word of Allah SWT QS. al
Kautsar: 1-2:

Meaning: Indeed we have given you (ya Muhammad) a lot of goodness, therefore pray for you
on the feast of the hajj for Allah and slaughter your sacrifice. (Al Kautsar: 2)
The words of the Prophet Muhammad:

From Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: whoever has the ability but he does
not sacrifice then he should not go to our prayer place (narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah)
The reasons that argue the sunnah:

The great prophet said: I was asked to slaughter the sacrifice and it is sunnah for you. (HR.

3. The requirements that must be considered in implementing qurban include:

a. People who carry out qurban must be able to provide sacrificial animals without risk.
b. People who carry out qurban should be Muslims who are mature and have a sound mind.
c. The animal to be sacrificed must meet the following conditions:
- Not disabled and sick
- Are of age;
1. Sheep; after one year or more
2. Goat; after being two years or more
3. Cow and Buffalo; after being two years or more
4. Camel; after five years of age or more
Note: goats and sheep for qurban for one person, while cows, buffaloes and camels for qurban for 7 people.
d. The slaughter of sacrificial animals must be carried out at the time stipulated by Islamic
4. Types of Qurban
a. Voting qurban, which is when someone has a vow to do qurban. Therefore, performing
qurban vows is obligatory for him, he is obliged to donate all the qurban meat, not to eat
and not to sell even the skin.
b. Circumcision sacrifice, which is when a person performs qurban without associating it
with anything, but solely because of Allah. People who perform circumcision qurban may
eat the meat of the qurban but it cannot be sold even if the skin is.

5. Division of sacrificial meat

The sacrificial meat is distributed to the poor, raw or uncooked. If the person making the
sacrifice wants him to be allowed to take the sacrificial meat a maximum of one third.

6. The lessons of qurban teachings:

1. As a sign of gratitude for the blessings of Allah SWT.
2. Increase faith in Allah SWT.
3. Seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.
4. Get closer to Allah SWT.
5. Sharing pleasure with neighbors, especially the poor.


1. History of Islamic art and culture
Long before Islam entered and developed in the archipelago, society already had a variety of
cultures and traditions. Even before Hindu-Buddhism entered Indonesia, people had their beliefs
in natural objects and ancestral spirits. Belief in natural objects and ancestral spirits has an effect
on the pattern of people's lives. Many ritual ceremonies are performed before carrying out
certain activities. For example, rituals before carrying out a celebration, birth, marriage, death
and so on. They do this tradition from one generation to the next. They obey this tradition
because they think that if there is a violation, they will get a curse from the spirits of their
ancestors, which as a result will bring disaster in the midst of society.

The entry of Hindu-Buddhist religion to Indonesia did not cause these traditions to disappear,
but instead grew and developed. This is because the influence of Hindu-Buddhist religion adapts
to the traditions in society. The form of adjustment is to change the ritualistic methods so that
they conform to the values of Hindu-Buddhist teachings.

The entry of Hindu-Buddhist culture from India to the archipelago through a process of
adjustment to the living conditions of the people. Of course, this adjustment without eliminating
the original elements of culture in the archipelago. Among the influences of Hindu-Buddhist
culture in Indonesian culture, for example, can be seen in fine art and carving. In the field of fine
arts and carving, it can be seen in the reliefs or carvings on the walls of the temple. For example,
in the reliefs of Borobudur Temple, there are boats that represent sailors, the ancestors of the
Indonesian nation. There are also reliefs depicting the history of the Buddha as well as depicting
Indonesia's natural environment.

The influence of Hindu-Buddhist culture can also be seen in the field of building art, for
example in the form of temple buildings. In India, a temple is a shrine to worship the gods in the
form of a stupa. Meanwhile in Indonesia, apart from being a place of worship, the temple also
functions as a king's tomb or a place to store the ashes of a deceased king. This temple is a sign
of public respect for the king.

On top of the king's grave, there is usually a statue of the king who looks like the god he
worships. This is a combination of the function of temples in India and the traditions of burial
and worship of ancestral spirits in Indonesia. Thus, the form of temple buildings in Indonesia in
general is punden berundak, which is a building for the worship of ancestral spirits. An example
of this can be seen in the Borobudur temple building.

2. Acculturation of Islamic Culture

Acculturation is a process of mixing one cultural element with another so that a new
culture is formed without completely eliminating the distinctive features of each old culture.
The arrival of Islamic teachings in the archipelago also experienced a process of
acculturation with the Nusantara culture at that time.

The form of culture as a result of the acculturation process is not only material or
material but also concerns the behavior of the Indonesian people. This culture became
known as Islamic culture. Islamic culture is all kinds of forms of creativity, taste, and
intention that originate and develop in society and have been influenced by Islam. Culture in
the view of Islam is a value system and tradition that develops from Islamic teachings. These
values are the result of the translation of the main teachings of the Qur'an and hadith in real
life. Meanwhile, what is meant by Islamic tradition is a habit or custom that is carried out
from generation to generation by the community, and it contains Islamic teachings.

Islam actually opens itself up to cultures from outside Islam. Islam invites anyone to
argue, put forward ideas and ideas, or create a certain culture, as long as it conforms to the
following principles.
a. Does not violate the provisions of the law of halal-haram.
b. Bring mashlahat (goodness) and do not cause mafsadat (damage).
c. In accordance with the principles of al-Wala` (love only to Allah SWT. And whatever is
loved by Allah SWT.) And al-Bara` (detach from and hate from whatever is hated by
Allah SWT.)
The three principles above become standard guidelines for Muslims in interacting with
other cultures outside of Islam. Based on these three principles, an Islamic culture will be
born which has a special characteristic, namely a culture based on tauhid to Allah SWT.
We are welcome to interact with and take advantage of the cultures of other nations, as
long as the three principles above are not violated.
The following are the cultural arts of the archipelago that have been influenced by Islamic

a. Javanese Moon Names

b. Mosque Building Art

The form of acculturation can be seen in the ancient mosque building, which is seen
from the shape of the building, the minaret and the location of the mosque. Most of the
mosque buildings in Indonesia, especially in Java, are shaped like a square pavilion. In
addition, the roof of the mosque is in the form of overlapping. The roof is arranged
upward and smaller and the top level is called the pyramid. The number of hitchhikers
is usually odd. The shape of the mosque like this is called a meru. This form of
overlapping is an acculturation with Hinduism, in which Hindu temples are in the form
of overlapping. The shape of this roof is very different from the mosques in the Middle
The tower serves as a place to call the call to prayer. The form of acculturation can
be seen in the minarets of the Holy Mosque which are made of terracotta which are
arranged like temples, while in Banten the shape of the minarets resembles a
lighthouse in Europe.
Apart from the shape of the mosque and the minaret, the location of the mosque also
has special characteristics. Most mosques in Indonesia are located to the west of the
palace square or palace. In addition, the mosque is also located close to tombs,
especially the tombs of kings.

c. Carving and Calligraphy

The art of carving is the art of decorative carving for the decoration of mosques,
building tombs in the jirat, headstone, cupola and cupola poles. These decorative carvings
include leaves, floral (lotus) motifs, coral-proof hills, natural panomara, and calligraphy
carvings. Calligraphy is the art of writing beautifully by combining Arabic letters or the
holy verses of the Qur'an, hadith, the name of Allah SWT., Prayers and wisdom words in
accordance with
the desired shape. Islamic calligraphy is often referred to as khat. Calligraphy as a
decorative motif can be found in ancient mosques, such as carvings found in mosques
in Jepara and its surroundings. Even mosques are now also found in calligraphy
writing, such as on the inside and outside of mosques, walls, pulpits and even on the

d. Dance
In several regions in Indonesia, there are dance forms related to prayer recitation.
For example, the senirebana is followed by Zipin dances, prayer reading using certain
songs. Zipin dance is a dance that accompanies qasidah and lute music. Zipin dance is
performed with beautiful and agile gestures. Music that accompanies the rhythm of the
desert or the Middle East. Zipin dance is usually performed at certain ceremonies or
celebrations, for example: circumcisions, weddings and other Islamic holidays. Besides
the Zipin Dance, there is the Seudati Dance from Aceh. This dance is often called the
Saman dance. Seudati comes from the word Syaidati which means the game of big
people. It is called the Saman Dance because at first this game was played by eight
people. Saman comes from Arabic which means eight. In the Seudati dance the dancers
sing certain songs in the form of prayers.
e. Music Art
Our Islamic culture also recognizes music in the form of tambourine, hadrah,
qasidah, nasyid and lute which sing songs with Islamic poetry.
Hadrah is a type of musical instrument that breathes Islam. Sound art accompanied
by tambourine (percussion made of animal skin) as a musical instrument. While the
songs performed were songs with Islamic nuances, namely about praise to Allah SWT.
And praise to our Master Muhammad (s). Nowadays the art of hadrah is usually
present at weddings, wedding ceremonies or circumcisions.
Qasidah means a type of sound art that displays Islamic advice. His songs and
poems contain a lot of Islamic da'wah in the form of advice, prayers to the Prophet and
prayers. Usually qasidah is accompanied by tambourine music. History of the first use
of tambourine music was when the Prophet Muhammad. Migration from Mecca to
Medina. Arriving at Medina Rasulullah saw. greeted with great fanfare in Medina with
tambourine music.

f. Performing Arts

Wayang kulit performance art is a combination of Javanese culture with Islamic

elements. For Javanese people, wayang is not only a spectacle, but also a discourse
(advice) because it is full of moral messages which are the philosophy of life of the
Javanese. The puppet show is accompanied by a set of gamelan instruments.
Wayang was originally made from buffalo skin, this started in the era of Raden
Patah. Previously, the painting was like a human form, then the saints changed its
shape. From the original face painting facing straight then tilted slightly. The source of
the story in the wayang performance is inspired from the Ramayana and Mahabharata
Books. Of course the Guardians turned them into Islamic stories, so that there was no
element of polytheism in them. One of the famous plays in this puppet is Jimas
Kalimasada which in Islam is translated as Jimad Kalimat Shahada.

g. Literary Arts

Literary arts that developed during the Islamic era generally developed in the area
around the Malacca Strait (Malay area) and in Java. In terms of its style and content,
Islamic literature in the Islamic era is divided into several types. Although the division
cannot be done explicitly because it often happens that a text can be put into two
groups at once. The types of literary works in accordance with Islamic teachings
include the following.
1) Babad

Babad is a fairy tale that is deliberately changed as a historical story. In

chronicles, figures, places, and events almost all exist in history, however
the depiction is over done. Babad is a mixture of historical facts, myths and beliefs.
For example Babad Tanah Jawi, Babad Cirebon, Babad Mataram, Babad Surakarta,
Babad Giyanti, and Babad Pakepung.
In the Malay area, babad is known as the historical name sarasilah (silsilah) or
tambo, which is also given the title saga. For example Tambo Minangkabau,
Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai, and Hikayat Sarasilah Perak.

2) Saga

Hikayat is a story or fairy tale that is usually full of magic and weirdness. Not
infrequently the saga stems from historical figures or events that actually happened.
Among the famous saga are the saga of Kings of Pasai, Hikayat 1001 nights,
Hikayat Bayan Budiman and others.
3) Suluk

a) Suluk are books that describe Sufism. The suluk book is very interesting because
of its pantheistic nature, which describes the union of man and God
(manunggaling kawulo lan Gusti).

h. Debus art
Debus art functioned as a tool to raise the spirit of the fighters against the invaders.
Debus is a martial art to cultivate self-confidence in facing enemies. This art demonstrates
the immune action against sharp objects. The philosophy of this art is submission to Allah
SWT. which gave them the strength to face danger.

3. Preserving the Islamic traditions of the archipelago

Traditions are habits or customs passed down from generation to generation by the
community. As it is known, before Islam came, the people of the archipelago were familiar with
various beliefs and had various local traditions. Through the presence of Islam, the beliefs and
traditions in the archipelago are mixed and influenced by Islamic values. Therefore, the
Nusantara Islamic tradition emerged as a form of acculturation between Islamic teachings and
the local traditions of the archipelago. The Islamic tradition in the archipelago was used as a
method of preaching the scholars of that era. The scholars did not completely destroy the
existing traditions in society. They incorporate Islamic teachings into this tradition, with the
hope that the community does not feel that they have lost their Islamic customs and teachings.

Cultural arts, customs and traditions that breathe Islam grow and develop in the archipelago.
This tradition is very beneficial for the spread of Islam in the archipelago. For this reason, we as
the younger generation of Muslims must be able to care for, preserve, develop and appreciate the
work of previous scholars. Given the modern times, there are some groups that are forbidding
and some who justify it. Those who forbid reasoned at the time of the Prophet. there never was.
Those who allow it on the basis that this tradition is used as a means of da'wah and does not
conflict with Islamic law. As the next generation of Islam, we must be wise in dealing with this
tradition. It must be admitted that there are local traditions that are incompatible with Islam.
Traditions like this we must reject,

The scholars and guardians in ancient times must have considered these traditions very
carefully both in terms of their madharatmafsadat and halal-haram. They really understand
religious law, so it is impossible for them to create a tradition without these considerations.
There are so many Islamic traditions or cultures that have developed until now. All of them
reflect the uniqueness of each region or place. The following are some of the Islamic traditions
or culture in question.

1. Gathering to ask for forgiveness

2. Tabot and tabuik
3. Kupatan (Bakdo Kupat)
5. Kerobok Maulid in Kutai and Torch Parade in Manado
6. The Kasan Wednesday tradition in Bangka



1. Definition of Tolerance

Tolerance is the nature and attitude of tolerating or tolerating or appreciating the views of
others. Tolerance is an attitude of respecting other people to exercise their rights. We must not
look down on different ethnicities, religions, languages and customs.

Tolerance in Arabic is known as tasamuh. In the language tolerance means tolerance. In

terms, tolerance is an attitude of respecting and respecting differences between fellow humans.
Allah SWT. Making humans different from each other. This difference can be a strength if
viewed in a positive light. Conversely, differences can lead to conflict if viewed negatively.

Humans cannot live alone without the help and cooperation of others. Human nature as a
creature of God has two dimensions, namely as an individual creature and a social creature. As
an individual human being has a vertical relationship, namely a relationship based on the rights
and obligations of the creator as regulated in sharia. Whereas humans as social beings are called
horizontal relationships, namely relationships that help each other among humans for the benefit
of all.

If we look at one element of a building, for example a wall, then the wall consists of several
parts: brick, iron, cement, and sand. If each part stands alone without any unity and connection,
it will have no power. After the parts are joined together, mixed with water, and neatly arranged,
it becomes one solid structure. These all illustrate that differences are a source of strength when
united and working together. Therefore Islam teaches to respect and respect differences.

If Muslims are not united, the power of Islam will be weak and easily shaken. This will get
worse if Muslims are intolerant, hostile to each other, and fight with each other. Tolerance in
Islam includes two things, namely tolerance among Muslims and tolerance towards non-
Muslims. Tolerance among Muslims means respecting and respecting the differences of opinion
that exist in the teachings of Islam. For example, differences of opinion regarding the number of
rakats for tarawih prayers. Some Muslims perform tarawih eight rakats plus three cycles of witir
prayers, while others perform twenty cycles plus three witir prayers. Both of these opinions must
be respected and respected because each has its own basis.
Differences in the body of Islam can still be tolerated if they occur in matters of furu'iyah
(branches), such as the number of rak'ah tarawih, kunut prayers and others. However, we must not
tolerate ushul (main) issues in Islam, for example the holy book the Koran, the Qibla and the
Prophet. There are people claiming to be Islam but the Qibla prayer is not in the Ka'bah, the holy
book is not the Koran, the prophet is not Muhammad. So we must strongly reject opinions like this,
but not act anarchist or judge ourselves with acts of violence.

As for what is meant by tolerance to non-Muslims, namely respecting and respecting

adherents of other religions to worship according to their respective religions and beliefs.
Rasulullah Saw. has exemplified tolerance between religious communities, both when he was in
Mecca and in Medina.

2. Naqli's Theorem on Tolerance

Among the naqli arguments regarding tolerance are as follows:
a. Al Qur'an surah al Hujarat verse 13

Meaning: "O people! Really. We created you from a man and a woman, then We made you
nations and tribes so that

you know each other. Indeed, the most noble among you in Allah is the most pious
person. Truly, Allah knows best, most conscientious."(Surah Al Hujarat: 13)

b. Al quran surah Al Kafirun 1- 6

The meaning 1. Say: "O infidels,
2. I will not worship what you worship.
3. and you are not a worshiper of God whom I worship.
4. and I have never been a worshiper of what you worship,
5. and you have never (also) become a worshiper of God that I worship.
6. for your religion, and for me, my religion. "

c. The hadith of the prophet Muhammad SAW

Meaning: "Do not believe one of you until he loves his brother as he loves himself."
(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

3. Limitations and Functions of Tolerance

a. The limitations of tasamuh in Islamic teachings include:
1) Tolerance is not in terms of worship.
2) Tolerance applies only in humanitarian terms.
b. The function of tolerance in community life is as follows:
1) Growing ukhuwah or brotherhood.
2) Can manifest honest attitude in society
3) Creating a safe and peaceful atmosphere
4) Developing an attitude of respect and consideration for others.
5) Avoid violence and chaos.
6) Compassionate about all the differences that exist in the surrounding environment.

4. Get used to an attitude of tolerance in everyday life

As Muslims we have to get used to behaving in tolerance in our daily lives because our area
in Indonesia consists of thousands of islands with their respective cultural and religious

All religions teach peace and live in harmony with fellow citizens. There is no religion that
encourages its adherents to be hostile to one another and to humiliate people of other religions.
Likewise with Islam, Islamic teachings are full of messages of peace and respect for
differences. Attitudes to manifest tolerance in life:
a. Do not impose your will on others, especially in terms of choosing a religion.
b. Keep hanging out and being good with non-Islamic people in worldly matters, such as trade
and society.

c. Be generous in accepting any differences.

d. Should not criticize or curse other people's worship.

e. Participate in community service in the community in the neighborhood where he lives.

f. Helping the activities of residents who have been hit by a disaster even if they leave their
duties or jobs temporarily.

g. Providing a sense of security to other people who are worshiping.

h. Hold friendship with neighbors of different religions.
i. Hang out with all friends regardless of religion.
j. Appreciate and honor the celebration of the religious holidays of other people.
k. Do not insult and vilify the teachings of other religions.

l. Provide opportunities for non-Muslim friends to pray according to their respective


m. Provide opportunities to carry out worship for non-Muslims.

n. Helping neighbors of different religions who are in trouble.

We are encouraged to respect and appreciate differences in religions and beliefs among fellow

5. Tolerance and peace of the country

Islam has never taught to persecute and do damage. Islamic da'wah should not be carried out
by force or coercion, but must be carried out politely, attractively and wisely. This kind of
da'wah has been exemplified by Rasulullah Saw. the key to the success of his preaching is to
have a noble character to everyone.

Da'wah to people who are not Muslims must also be peaceful. It is told in a story that one of
the Ansar's friends had two Christian children. This friend came to the Prophet Muhammad. ask
whether it is permissible to force her two children to convert to Islam? Rasulullah Saw. answer
by quoting a verse of the Koran that there is no compulsion in religion, there is a clear difference
between the haq and the vanity.

All religions teach peace and live in harmony with fellow citizens. There is no religion that
teaches its adherents to be hostile to each other, to humiliate people of other religions. Likewise
with Islam, Islam is full of messages of peace and respect for differences. We are taught to
respect and appreciate the differences of religions and beliefs among fellow citizens.

Islamic da'wah should not be carried out by force and coercion but must be carried out

Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world has positioned itself
as an example for other nations on the implementation of religious tolerance. The 1945
Constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to perform worship according to their
respective religions and beliefs.


1. Tolerance is defined as an attitude of mutual respect for differences between humans.

2. Tolerance in Islam includes two things, namely tolerance between religious communities and
tolerance between religious believers.

3. Inter-religious tolerance is respecting and respecting adherents of other religions to worship

according to their respective religions and beliefs.

4. Differences are a source of strength when united and working together.

5. Tolerance towards non-Muslim groups is only limited to the problems of life, there should be no
tolerance in the field of aqidah and worship.

6. Islamic teachings are full of messages of peace and respect for differences.

7. By upholding an attitude of respect for differences, people's lives will be peaceful and

8. An attitude of tolerance must be applied in relation to fellow Muslims and non-Muslims so as to

create peace and harmony in life.

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